• Published 30th Jan 2019
  • 1,660 Views, 257 Comments

Kamen Rider: What's Your Desire? - The Bricklayer

Adagio Dazzle, marine biologist. ...And apparently the next Kamen Rider OOO and someone who tried to take over the world a few years back?

  • ...

Prologue: A Well Respected Woman About Town

Adagio didn’t honestly know when she started dreaming of that time, that place. But every now and then, it happened. She saw a kingdom, glorious in prospect and a being… possibly indescribable in beauty but the ruler of the skies. Medals, ten of them in various shades. No, that was incorrect, each medal shade had a set of ten. And this ‘King of Birds’ possessed ten red ones.

“So, is it ready?” this king asked. Outside this grand castle, green valleys stretched as far as the eye can see, flowing rivers and babbling brooks winding down through forests into one massive lake that this castle overlooked. Europe, Adagio knew that much of the location. Somewhere in Europe, 800 years ago.

The King’s face, she couldn’t see it. Not that she entirely wanted to, something about this man along with his attendants set her on edge. All she could see of the man, shrouded in shadow were two purple like eyes gleaming back at her. “Can these… Core Medals give life?” he asked one of his attendants. No, alchemists. Gara was the lead one’s name.

“Once we do one simple thing,” the lead alchemist answered, reaching out and removing one of the red medals from the set. “Life is about desire. Watch what the desire to be whole can create.”

The King, he watched in awe as his alchemists created life from nothingness, the King of Birds looking on perched from a window watching curiously.

“Hello, Ankh,” Gara greeted, pride filling him as he gazed at his work. “Welcome to the world.”

Other entities based on various animals were soon to follow.

“Thank you,” the King stated. “Now, you are no longer needed.”

With that, he raised his arms up high and blasted the alchemists out of existence, small silver coins tinkling to the floor. “As for you?” he asked, turning to the newly created race of beings before smiling evilly. “Happy Birthday.”

The beings, Greeed as Adagio would know them as screamed out in pain as their very cores were taken from them, and added to the King’s own power as a strange belt buckle with three slots on it appeared across his waist.

“Taka, Tora, Batta: Ta-To-Ba! Tatoba, Ta-To-Ba!” the belt practically growled out as the King ran a scanning device across it and changed into this… monstrous beast. Large tiger claws stretched out in front of him, , with more claws atop those. His legs were a horrific fusion of a man’s and an insect of some sort. A grasshopper if the symbol at the center of his chest was anything to go by. His mouth was made up of interlocking fangs, giving his visage a permanent sneer.

Snarling, he marched forwards and stepped out of his throne room looking at the world ahead. Time went by in a blur in this dream(?) or memory, and Adagio saw the King put his new powers to the test. Anyone who came, they were subsequently laid low.

Europe was soon to fall in his wake. In Slovakia, all green grasshopper-like clones of him marched in lockstep with him, cutting through armies with brutal efficiency and scything down entire legions. Other countries, like Poland and the Czech Republic, were soon to follow. In the Ukraine, fire rained down as this bird took to the skies and fired flaming blasts into enemy encampments, and contained survivors and refugees into small hideaways, with those that escaped this terror hoping and praying to their gods for survival.

The King had gone mad, and worse was still to come. In the deserts of Kazakhstan and Afghanistan, entire armies were laid low due to one single blinding golden figure of intense heat and speed, who also seemed to channel the powers of reptiles and arthropods as well. Where there had been cities and sands there was now swathes of glass. Nothing seemed to be a challenge for the King.

Finally, the world’s greatest empire, the Spanish themselves had enough. Sending their Armada, they met up with the forces of England and pressed on towards Germany, where the King met them head-on.

“You fools. You poor pathetic fools,” the King said as he looked towards the armada of approaching battleships filled with hundreds of men, flags of their native countries bore proudly. “You cannot possibly defeat me. Do you know why? Because I was born to be king.”

Adagio honestly wanted to say something different, in that the world’s mightiest Armada would stand a chance against this madman, or just simply make this night terror come to an end, but she knew chances of both things happening was fruitless. She’d had this night terror before, and she knew she would have it again. And she knew how it always -Always- turned out.

With that, the King ran his ‘scanner’ across his belt.

“Shika, Gazelle, Ushi: Shiga-Ze-Shi! Shi-Gazeshi, Shiga-Ze-Shi!”

Turning into this goldenrod and white figure, he ran across the waters smashing through ships with powerful kicks before changing forms once more as he used a powerful wave to propel himself upwards.

“Same, Kujira, Ookamiuo: Sa-Ra-Mi-Uo! Sa! Ra! Mi-Uo!”

Gripping a red staff, he spun it over his head and sent powerful whirlpools scything through the air and then the masts of the ships, bringing them down atop the unlucky soldiers. The battle did not last long. Any ship that did manage to launch an attack was merely shrugged off by the armored form of the mad king. His form changed once more, becoming blue before he turned to water and sank into the waves below. The seas lurched, the entire armada being swept up in an unnaturally large tsunami.

The earth shuddered as the waters churned and King vanished into the raging waves before another form change followed, and he emerged in silver armor with blood-red eyes. He pounded his chest, letting the thrill of his power fill him as he jumped into the air. Every time he landed, the very earth trembled beneath him. Any unlucky soldiers who had somehow made it to shore were swallowed up by the ground beneath them, or in the case when King took a polar animal-based form frozen and then shattered. When all was said and done, Eurasia was nothing but smoldering wreckage, and King was the ruler of the ashes.

Somehow, the Greeed he had created managed to regain their Cores and rose up against him in his own castle, the battle raging for hours on end, these creatures of desire actually managing to hold their own against the tyrant.

“Cobra, Kame, Wani: Bura-Ka~~Wani!” King slid along the ground, weaving between his opponents. His gaze settled on the lone female of the group, figuring she would be the weakest. He jumped up, large jaws forming on his leg and readying themselves to clamp down on her head. She kicked him away, only for a large snake to set itself upon her before the largest of the group grabbed this snake -and King- and tossed it away.

“Mezool!” the silver Greeed bellowed, moving in to check on his ally. Suddenly, a blast of fire hit the silver one in the chest before the former King of the Birds stepped out of the shadows.

“A-Ankh?” Uva whispered in horror. “W-Why?”

“I know when to pick my winners.” Ankh smirked. However, even he didn’t see what would happen next when the King, for some reason attempted to scan every Core Medal at once, his desires getting the best of him. He even quite literally backstabbed Ankh and ripped out his own Core Medals.

“Now… Now I shall be one of the Gods!” King screamed out before descending into mad laughter. But that was not what fate desired, for even King’s body had its limits. The entire castle buckled and then exploded, and all that was left were a set of ruins and one large coffin with the belt buckle forming the seal.

Adagio woke up in a sweat, panting and breathing hard as she threw the covers off herself even as the sunlight filtered in through her apartment window. “That… that dream again. Why? Why do I keep.seeing it…?”

Groaning as she wiped some of the sweat off her face, she sighed as she looked at the nearby clock on her nightstand. Smiling, she chuckled. “Just another day on the daily grind I suppose…”

Meanwhile, far and away in a country simply called “A” somewhere in Europe something much more bewildering was occurring than Adagio Dazzle having a day job and not enthralling humans.

“Go on, dig it up!” a creature resembling a cross between a turtle and a bazooka shouted as men clad in lucha libre type suits set to work on recovering something from the ruins of a once great castle.

Standing atop hills with AK-47 rifles in hand was more of these foot soldiers.

Suddenly, a bottle containing mayonnaise of all things clocked one of the troops in the head sending him sprawling to the ground even as a coffin was revealed. Chains had been wrapped around this coffin, with some sort of belt buckle serving as the seal.

“What the…?” the turtle man trailed off before he was suddenly sent sprawling by a flying side kick to the head. Groaning, a man dressed in a thick jacket picked up the now shattered bottle of mayonnaise and inspected it.

“Aw mou… You seriously made me waste a perfectly good bottle!” the man groaned out as the turtle man picked himself up off.

“Do you have any idea who you’re dealing with?” the turtle man asked as henchmen clad in ninja robes and wielding katanas leaped out of the treeline. “You could die here!”

“Yeah? Well, you could get eaten. And besides, I view every pinch as a chance!” the jacket-clad man retorted before slipping a ring onto one of his fingers and striking a pose. “Hen… SHIN!

“Set, open! L, I, O, N!” his Belt cried out as it opened up and the man was covered in gold leonine armor.

Cracking his knuckles, he brought out a sword. “Well, you’re no Phantom, but everyone has Mana. Kamen Rider Beast, at your service. So you’re Shocker huh? Pleasure, and arigato in advance for the meal!”

Clashing blades with the dustards, and leaping backwards to avoid a bazooka blast from the turtle man, Beast donned one of his mantles.

“Chameleo, Go: Cha-Cha-Cha-Cha-Chameleo!”

Using the mantle’s whip, he knocked some of the Combatmen back before leaping from tree to tree like some sort of spider and then used his sword to send six little energy chameleons towards the dustards taking some of them out of the fight. He then used his Kick Strike to take out some of the combat men.

“Let’s spice things up a bit!” Beast cried, donning another of his mantles.

“Falco, Go: Fa-Fa-Fa-Falco!”

This time however, when he used his dice saber he only managed to send one puny little falcon towards a Combatman, who looked befuddled before kicking the falcon away.

“Aw mou… This again?” Beast muttered and his eyes widened as he saw some of the combatmen lifting the coffin out of the ground and starting to carry it off. “Crap, this is not happening!”

Running alongside a stone wall, he then tried to catch up to the combatmen before a jaguar-themed monster knocked Beast to the ground.

Said monster was then hit in the stomach by a series of bullets fired from a sword hilt as a white samurai-themed Rider leaped out of the treeline alongside Kamen Rider X, both using their respective weapons to take out the dustards. Zangetsu, as that was the Samurai rider’s name then brought out a lock of some sort and slammed it into his belt before slicing it open with a small cutting blade.

“Soiya! Watermelon Arms! Midare-dama, Ba-Ba-Ba-Bang!”

His shield was changed into this massive gatling gun which he used to swiftly cut down legions of Shocker’s troops before he switched back to his default arms and began cutting down whoever was left.

X meanwhile drew a red X of energy in midair with his staff before using said staff like an acrobat’s pole and swinging from it.

“X Kick!” X shouted, and with that, he delivered a powerful strike to the turtle man’s stomach destroying him in a fireball.

“You and your fancy new Riders with your form changes…” X muttered in slight annoyance as Beast and Zangetsu assumed new forms to chase after the combatmen carrying the coffin.

“Oh no you don’t!” X shouted as he chased after the combatmen.

“Soiya! Mix! Melon Arms! By Heaven’s Decree! Jimber Melon!”

“Hyper, Go: Hy-Hy-Hy-Hyper!”

Trouble was, Shocker was having none of that, as Beast, X and Zangetsu were all stopped in their tracks by revived versions of Mukadetiger and Hitodanger and several more dustards.

“They’re bringing them all out of the woodworks aren’t they?” Beast deadpanned as he fired upon Mukadetiger with his magnum. “Haven’t these guys learned anything yet? They’re jokes by now! And they’re not even good ones!” he sighed as Zangetsu finished Hitodanger off with a sonic arrow blast. Beast was soon to follow with a hyper magnum strike, swallowing up Muka’s mana. X in the meantime had dealt with the grunts.

“So, you’re all that’s left…” X commented pointing his staff at the combatmen who looked understandably and positively terrified by this point, dropping the coffin with a loud thud.

Suddenly, a loud eagle’s screech cut through the air and Beast was knocked to the ground as this massive eagle monster wearing a gas mask landed in front of them. At some point before the unearthing of the coffin, a cell medal had been found and using science, Shocker had managed to create their own Greeed. During this, they had wondered where more of these medals could be found and so they tracked the cell medal to its origin point here in Country A.

“YEE! YEE!” the combatmen cried out and made off with the coffin as the Shocker Greeed charged towards the three Riders. Swearing under his breath, X readied himself for battle alongside Zangetsu and Beast.

Striking the Shocker Greeed multiple times across the chest with his staff, X moved out of the way for Beast to deliver a hyper magnum strike and Zangetsu a sonic arrow blast. Nothing seemed to faze this monster, and in any case, it’s job was done. It had slowed the Riders, and taking to the skies it cackled in glee as it flew off.

Canceling their transformations, the Riders all shared a significant look.

“So, they really are back.” X sighed as Beast tossed him an old flip phone he always kept on him in case of emergencies -like this for instance- which X used to dial a number.

“Come on Kohtaro… Pick up,” X thought to himself as he looked towards the sky and the Shocker Greeed’s retreating form. “What’s that old saying? Oh yes… Cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war. And our war, the Riders’ War against Shocker has just reignited.”

Shocker wasted no time in escaping to their temporary base, set deep underground and wasted no time in prying the lid off the coffin.

“Now, as we all know,” the current Great Leader of Shocker, an old member known as Ganikomol lectured to his troops. “We’re being outshone and pushed to the shadows by that Foundation Z or whatever they call themselves. They’re just the new kids on the block, dogs needing to be shown their place.”

At his side was the Shocker Greeed, standing at rapt attention. Ganikomol patted the lid of the coffin. “Our newest Kaijin, this ‘Greeed’ as he calls himself was devised from this! A simple medal!” Ganikomol cried out holding up a cell medal. “Who knows what lies within this coffin! Perhaps more of these grand little offerings from Kami-Sama!”

He turned to his men. “Rip it open!”

Using buzzsaws and chain cutters, the coffin was quickly opened up, the seal being tossed aside with Shocker paying no mind to it. This proved, however, to be a grandiose mistake of the highest order. From within, howling spirits erupted from the broken lid and took shape as they began reclaiming what was rightfully theirs.

A grasshopper themed monster was the first to form, and the irony wasn’t exactly lost on Ganikomol even as the grasshopper greeed began cutting down the combatmen and dustards who tried to stop him. For the record, Shocker had gotten their hands on some cosmic energy and managed to manipulate it for their own ends to create some dustards for themselves. Not that it really helped.

“And so history repeats…” he thought before shouting out an order to his own greeed who leaped down from the rafters to began fighting his cohort of sorts. During this chaos, a floating arm slipped out of the area and took off with several core medals as the rest of the greeed went to town on Shocker. Mezool, the aquatic animal-themed greeed turned into liquid and flooded the caverns washing away most of the troops before Uva cut down any that remained.

Soon, all that was left was the Shocker Greeed and Ganikomol.

“So, you’re one of us aren’t you?” Mezool commented. “Artificially created or no, you’re still one of us. Now why, why I ask, would you side with these fools when it’s clearly obvious you have greater power at your fingertips?”

The Shocker Greeed considered this, and it didn’t take long before he made up his mind and with one swift movement cut down Ganikomol who only started at him with a look that asked: “Why?”

Chuckling, Mezool put a hand on the Shocker Greeed’s shoulders. “Come now, there’s much better things to do than hang out with these… artifacts.”

At this, the Shocker Greed smirked and walked off with his fellows. What they didn’t see however, was this little camera shaped like a bug watching this entire exchange. The buzzcam as we’ll call it flew off and into the hands of one white-suited man.

“Perfect. Once again, Shocker’s provided us with an opportunity,” the man said before turning to some dustards of his own. “Sweep the area! Anything of use, take it!”

“And so the game begins… Now then, what will you do next?” the man thought towards the Greeeds.

Back in the USA, Adagio continued life unaware of just how much exactly things were to change for her. However, this wasn’t the same Adagio Dazzle that ravaged Canterlot High. Hell, she wasn’t even from Equestria. No, this was Adagio’s human counterpart, working as a marine biologist at Denver's local aquarium. The Colorado-borne woman was happy with life, and here at her home state’s aquarium, she felt at home and what’s more, she was respected and working with the animals she loved.

“Now, that’s it… Come to mommy…” Adagio whispered, currently coaxing over a leopard seal over to her with some fish. “Relax, I’m not going to hurt you… You, hurt me, maybe. But me hurting you? No… No.”

This seal had been recovered from the Antarctic, with his right flipper damaged and so it was unable to hunt and fend for itself. Adagio, while on a trip there to find some new animals for the aquarium via her boss’ request, found the seal and brought it back home in order to nurse it back to health. Honestly, she would have liked to have put it back in the wild where it belonged, but that wasn’t exactly feasible. Just getting it here was a job by itself! So in the aquarium it went, once it was back in shape that was.

She knew what she was doing, coaxing it to come closer would probably be considered crazy, and indeed her colleagues were standing as far away from her as possible. Just doing this was probably as close to suicide as you could probably get, as the leopard seal was one of the top predators in its home environment outmatched only by the orca and the elephant seal but Adagio had a saying. If there was an animal who needed help, she would always reach out her hand to help that animal. Never mind the fact that this particular animal had massive jaws capable of easily killing her.

However, this particular seal didn’t really seem interested in her, it was more interested in the fish she was tossing towards it. Wincing as the seal gulped the fish down, Adagio knew she really didn’t want to be that fish.

“There… There, that’s a good boy,” Adagio whispered softly, trying not to show any fear as she stroked the seal’s head, with the seal rolling over onto its belly and yawning. “So proud of you, you’ll be back to fighting shape in no time. It’ll take a while, but you’ll be swimming eventually. ...Just wish it was in the Arctic waters instead of a tank.”

“Adagio, you can back off now,” her colleague Star Hunter said through a handheld radio. “I love your care for sea creatures and all, but that thing is dangerous! It’s a freakin’ leopard seal, have you not noticed this?”

“I know what he is, thank you very much,” Adagio deadpanned. “And in case you haven’t noticed, his flipper isn’t exactly in best of shape right now. I could run faster than he could waddle.”

“Fine fine… I’ll send flowers if he bites your arm off and you bleed out,” Star Hunter sighed. “But anyways, we need you at the Mediterranean monk seal exhibit. Seems our alpha male has come down with something, not sure what. He’s not exactly feeling up to snuff.”

“First off, can we not call them exhibits? It doesn’t sound exactly pleasing to the tongue if you ask me, sounds like we’re keeping these animals just for the public to gawk at,” Adagio retorted as she stepped out into the hallway leaving the leopard seal or Arthur as she called him to his dinner. “But I’m on my way.”

“Uh, yeah, we sorta are keeping these animals for the public to gawk at as you put it,” Star Hunter remarked. “I mean, the leopard seal alone, you know how costly it is to send it back to the Antarctic, so he has to stay here. And our Mediterranean monk seals? They have to stay here, get us a good breeding population. Only about 700 at most in the wild after all…”

“You don’t have to guilt trip me Star, I know the situation behind the monk seals,” Adagio replied and sighed sadly to herself. The reason the Mediterranean monk seal population was so low was because of various reasons. One reason was to revenge attacks on fishermen’s nets and offshore fish farms. The other was due to as always, poaching. Adagio fought back a sniffle, such rare and beautiful creatures hunted to near extinction simply due to the fact that people couldn’t pull their heads out of their asses and respect the planet and figure out they weren't the only creatures on it in their arrogance.

She knew how it sounded. It was like she was some sort of eco-terrorist and just trying to justify her hatred towards some idiots probably sounded awfully eco-terroristic of herself as well but she couldn’t help how she felt. She loved the sea, as her father did. He’d raised her with a deep respect for aquatic life, and all of the sea’s creatures. Playing Endless Ocean 2 on the Wii when she was a teenager probably hadn’t helped matters either.

Making to the monk seal exhibit, she quickly found the Alpha Male of the group, which was an easy enough task to do really. It was the largest of the bunch after all. Star Hunter was already near his pool, checking the seal’s temperature.

“I… I just don’t get it, everything seems normal… But it’s like this seal just doesn’t want to do anything.” Star Hunter muttered to himself, the dark blue-jacketed man running a hand through his hair in frustration and confusion.

“Sure he’s not just bored?” Adagio questioned, shining a light inside the seal’s jaws. “Or maybe he’s just tired. Doesn’t seem to be in any pain… We all have our good days and bad days, you know the kind, where we just don’t want to get up and do anything.”

“Fair enough I suppose,” Star Hunter sighed. “Been there, done that. It’s just with population numbers as low as they are, I was getting worried. We paid a huge amount of money to the Greek government just to have this seal and his friends here, the last thing we want is one of our favorites dying off on us.”

At this, the monk seal let out a swift barking sound in annoyance, as if to say: “Don’t count me out yet you idiot!”

“See, he’s just restless, that’s all!” Adagio added in a cheerful tone as the monk seal dived into his pool and began swimming about. Adagio smiled. This seal, along with Arthur and the Weddell seals were some of her personal favorite inhabitants of the aquarium. She didn’t know why, but she always felt a kinship with them, creatures trapped between land and water, never knowing which was their natural home. Like real life mermaids, really.

Adagio smiling as she thought of just getting in the main tank and swimming with the hammerheads was suddenly interrupted from her thoughts by a chirping sound as this small violet bird sorta resembling a cube flew up to her. Perching itself on her shoulder, Adagio smiled as she looked at the little creature.

“Right… Forgot you were flying about…” she thought, letting the condor-like mecha nibble on her finger, letting out a giggle as it did so. “So, what mischief have you been up to today fine sir?”

A few explanations were owed really. A few months back, this team of Super Sentai calling themselves Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger -Yes, it was a mouthful- fought this group known as the Deathgaliens who were intending on using Earth as their latest setting in a long line of sick blood games. In the end, Earth, and another world, ZyuEarth were merged and now both Zyumans -anthropomorphic animals- were living peacefully. Sure, there were still some issues from time to time, teething troubles but that was to be expected.

After the Deathgaliens were defeated, some of the Zyuohger’s cube animal partners scattered to the winds intend on exploring Earth and its wonders. Cube Conder had found himself in America, and in Adagio’s hands sorta becoming a best friend of sorts to her. A few eyebrows were raised yes, but for the most part, everyone just lived and let be. Sure, the condor did cause his fair share of mischief but it was all in good fun and everybody knew it.

Adagio found herself wandering into the small sea life section of the aquarium, eying some leafy seadragons in their tanks. This particular part of the aquarium, as the name implied housed the creatures too small to be put in larger tanks, like little garden eels and triggerfish.

Smiling as she watched an Orange Sea Slug crawl next to a Luminescent Sea Slug, which as its name implied could give off bioluminescence she then pulled out her phone. A news headline caught her attention, commenting on a mysterious altercation in Country A. Apparently, if it was to be believed, those Japanese heroes from the shadows, the Kamen Riders were involved. A few years back, Adagio wouldn’t have put much stock into heroes like them. Super Sentai yes, but Kamen Riders were a bit less believable due to the lack of evidence supporting them.

But then incidents like the eclipse in Japan in 2013 and the Inves invasion a few months later changed her mind, along with about everyone else’s in the world really. She even heard rumors of a game called Kamen Rider Chronicle being developed, allowing you to play as your favorite Kamen Rider. Sounded interesting enough, she supposed. Her sister Aria thought it a game for weebs, but both Adagio and Sonata found it interesting enough. Who didn’t want to be a superhero after all? ...Oh, she did hope X was in the game, given the fact that apparently his gear was originally designed for deep sea exploration.

Cube Condor then let out a small chirping sound, and Adagio blinked in confusion before smacking herself on the forehead.

“Oh right, it is time to check on the orcas isn’t it?” she muttered, and walked towards the changing room to find a wetsuit and diving gear. Groaning as she tried to straighten out her curly golden locks, she eventually just gave up. Eventually, with a little bit of effort, she was ready and walked towards the orca tank.

Unknown to her, nearby a certain rainbow haired woman was getting a lecture on marine life alongside her friend Fluttershy from Star Hunter. Rainbow’s eyes widened as she saw the distinctive form of Adagio Dazzle walk towards the orca tank.

Blinking, she whispered: “No, it can’t be…” before she rushed over pulling Fluttershy along with her making her friend -poor girl, really- let out a sharp yelp. “Hey, what the hell do you think you’re doing here?” Rainbow shouted at Adagio.

“Uh… My job?” Adagio asked slowly, quite confused by why this young woman was so angry with her.

“How’d you even fucking get a job in the first place?” the rainbow-haired woman shouted at Adagio, making quite a few people stare at her. Adagio studied the hair. Probably dyed, nobody had hair like that naturally. The small perverted part of her mind did idly wonder if it was like that down there before she quickly told it to shut up.

“First off, yes I’m me, think that’s fairly easy to establish,” Adagio deadpanned, with Cube Condor flying up to the rafters to observe the whole scenario as it unfolded. “And secondly, mind your language, please. Family institution and all that. You’re really making a scene, don’t force me to call security.”

“Oh, har har, that’s funny,” the rainbow-haired woman deadpanned. “You speaking about family-friendly policies, you being who you are and all! ...Damn succubus…” she muttered as an afterthought.

“Oh, while I’m flattered you’re actually comparing me to a literal sex demon,” Adagio remarked. “I’m honest to god confused here. Seriously, why are you thinking me as someone I’m not, AKA a real bitch from the sounds of things.”

“Uh, because you are?” the woman replied, Adagio reading off her guest pass as Rainbow Dash. Her friend’s pass read Fluttershy.”Now listen, I’ve got an orca to feed, so if you don’t mind Rainbow Dash, can you please wait till after I feed Neptune to register any personal complaints about me? Cause seriously, Neptune? He doesn’t like it when he’s kept waiting on his food.” she said, gesturing behind her with a finger to the aforementioned orca swimming about in his tank impatiently.

“Uh, Rainbow, can we talk for a minute?” Fluttershy asked nervously, tugging on her friend’s shoulder.

“Yes, please do talk amongst yourselves. I’ve got an aquarium to help run,” Adagio stated, quite fed up with being accosted by this woman who didn’t exactly sound like she knew what she was talking about. “So please do.”

With that, she marched off and headed towards Neptune’s tank.

“Um, Rainbow, you do realize that Twilight has a human counterpart as well right?” Fluttershy whispered. “So it’s entirely possible that…”

“Yeah, I know. It’s just the two are so alike in so many ways that…” Rainbow grumbled. “Well, she really burns me up!”

“Well, to be fair you did accost her and treat her like dirt, so I can’t entirely blame her for being… peeved,” Fluttershy said delicately. “Now come on, there’s still a few more exhibits I want to see before this place closes.” she said, dragging Rainbow along much to her protests.

A few hours later, one very exhausted Adagio Dazzle fell into her apartment bed before hugging a little killer whale plushie close to her chest. Cube Condor was out on the balcony, watching the stars. The sound of Denver’s foot traffic came up from below, and cars honked and beeped in the night.

“Okay, seriously… what was that about?” Adagio mumbled to herself before she eyed her laptop sitting on her desk. “When in doubt… Search the internet!” she said with a snap of her fingers at her lightbulb moment.

Adagio pulled up a chair, and opened up her laptop searching for anything that might help. Typing in her own name into the search bar, her eyes widened when she saw something labeled “The Battle of the Bands” on YouTube. Her eyes widened even more when she saw almost an exact duplicate of herself, maybe slightly younger along with duplicates of her sisters change into monstrous sea serpent-like creatures and face off against these girls -Rainbow and Fluttershy included- who summoned up this rainbow horse thing.

“Well, that answers a lot of questions… Including why Rainbow sees me as such a complete and utter bitch. To her, I am a complete and utter bitch!” Adagio muttered to herself, hardly impressed with her doppelganger and her behavior. “Still, last I checked me and my sisters didn’t have evil twins running about. That’s only in science fiction… right?” she asked herself.

For a moment, Adagio wondered if her sisters knew about this. Then she realized Sonata and Aria probably wouldn’t really care. Aria was just concerned with her music, and Sonata was almost always at their uncle’s farm helping beekeep so she was sorta isolated from the world.

She then considered the matter of Fluttershy. Talking to Rainbow herself was a definite no, at least for the time being hostile as she was. However, talking to her friend, who seemed definitely more reasonable at least might provide some answers.

“Yeah, in the morning, that’s what I’ll do. Fluttershy seems nice enough, but I really don’t think she’d love me calling her up this late at night. Never mind that fact that I don’t have her number anyhow.” Adagio mused taking a sip of her coffee.

“Damn though if Rainbow isn’t attractive as all hell, hotheadedness aside,” Adagio remarked aloud, and Cube Condor let out a squawk even as he stared at her in shock. “What, I’m not allowed to admire women my own age? Besides, the only reason she hates me is that some excuse for a doppelganger tried to kill her and enslave Earth’s population. Or at least Denver’s anyhow. Makes one wonder what my evil twin wanted to accomplish anyhow… I mean, an army of teenagers? That’s just… well, that’s just too stupid for words.”

Come to think of it, she remembered Denver, or more specifically Canterlot High played host to a lot of weird incidents that could easily be thought of as magic lately. Like a demoness trashing the school, and then another demoness two years later opening up portals to some other dimensions. There were a few other incidents, but those were the highlights really. Denver, Adagio had figured out, was one Hell of a weird place to live.

Granted, Earth was pretty much the same way, seeing as how various villains attacked it every other year, and world ending incidents seemed to happen on a regular basis. She really pitied the people in Japan. There was a reason she decided never to visit Tokyo or Japan in general. Bit of a shame really, fun country. Just had a real problem with monsters. The only years where nothing seemed to happen were 2002, 2003, 2007, 2009, and finally 2010.

Sighing, Adagio closed up her computer and turned on the TV, hoping maybe there was something good on.

Far away, in a morgue somewhere on the other side of town, a hand found itself gravitating to one of the recently deceased. Auburn haired man, Japanese. Foreign transfer student. As soon as the hand attached itself to the man, he sat up eyes wide open.

“Okay… well, this is going to take some getting used to I think…” Ankh murmured, checking over his new host. “Oh for God’s sake, a human body… So frail and so fragile. This… this is just ludicrous! Me, the former King of Birds having to take up residence in a human’s body!” he grumbled, before hopping off the table. Apparently, the coroner hadn’t exactly gotten around to this body yet. He read the name tag on the foot.

“Shingo Izumi huh?” Ankh thought. “So that’s the meatbag I’ll be borrowing.”

He then heard a loud clatter and saw the coroner staring at him in shock, his tools laying on the floor.

“What? You’ve never seen a dead guy rise from the autopsy table before?” Ankh asked with a small shrug. “And cutting me open! Rude!”

With that, the coroner fainted dead away. Ankh sighed to himself. Humans, they couldn’t take a joke. This was going to be fun. Just fun, Ankh thought with a sardonic tone. “Wonder where I can find some Ice Pops…?”

Author's Note:

Yep, it's time to start counting up some medals now. Consider this, alongside "That Long Wandering Road" my other big project debuting this year. Now, you'll have to excuse me for certain errors here and there, as I'm still just starting on OOO, and on that I really must thank Thunderclap for helping me write the scene with King.

Now, a few explanations are in order. First off, the OOO series as we know it? It never happened. So Eiji, while he will be appearing in this story rest assured and he will be close to his canon personality won't be OOO. I have a different role in mind for him. And yeah, the ZyuEarth thing. I sorta realized I had to take that into account, given it's sorta hard to ignore really. So who knows, maybe Yamato or another one of his teammates will appear. As a side note, Cube Condor and company? They'll be substituting for the CanDroids if you haven't guessed.

Anyways, as ever, comments, feedback and thoughts are welcomed.