• Published 30th Jan 2019
  • 1,660 Views, 257 Comments

Kamen Rider: What's Your Desire? - The Bricklayer

Adagio Dazzle, marine biologist. ...And apparently the next Kamen Rider OOO and someone who tried to take over the world a few years back?

  • ...

9: 3 Riders 1 Heart

Another day, another Yummy. Mantis themed, this time, as Eiji had found out while dodging slices of energy thrown his way from the Mantis Yummy’s scythe-like arms. Rolling to the left as the creature cleaved a car in half, Eiji fired the Birth Buster several times into the Yummy before activating the crane arm feature and swinging it at the yummy flooring it.

Born from one greedy as all hell jewel thief, which explained why he’d found the creature ripping apart a Kay Jewelers’ store. Basically, this one was depraved on account of its parent being deprived.

Reloading the Birth Buster Eiji let the yummy have it. Of course, while this was going on he just happened to get a call.

“Um, sir... Not to bother you while you’re in the middle of anything of course, but there’s something you should be aware of,” Erika remarked after Eiji took the call, her call actually being filtered in Eiji’s helmet and displayed on his heads-up display. “Might be nothing, but still I-”

Eiji suddenly let out a cry of pain as the Mantis Yummy struck him in the arm with one of his blades.

“Sir, are you alright?” Erika asked as Eiji let out a grunt of pain before punching the Yummy square in the face. “We can save this for later if you want. I’ll be down there in a bit.”

“Firstly, Erika-Chan,” Eiji said ignoring Erika’s groan of exasperation hating to be called that name. “I’m fine. Secondly, I thought you didn’t work overtime.”

“Well, if you die, I’m not going to get paid you baka,” Erika replied. “Kami, Mr. Kougami would probably fire me if I let you get yourself killed. I’m not completely emotionless, contrary to popular thought.”

“...Never said or even implied you were, Erika-Chan,” Eiji teased once more ignoring Erika’s groan. “But I can handle this on my own. It’s just one Yummy. I beat two yesterday, remember? Two.”

“That you did sir,” Erika complimented. “That you did. So, can I talk while you fight? This is something you probably want to hear anyhow…”

Eiji kicked the Yummy in the face before firing off the Birth Buster several more times. Whether it being on a lower setting or this yummy being particularly powerful on account of gobbling up gems was unknown. Either way, it was going to take some more power to beat this one.

Eiji groaned softly to himself. “I've been here and there but... having to save people's lives... is practically difficult everywhere!” he muttered, using the crane arm to slam the yummy into the side of a building. “Time to end this,” he figured to himself going for a cell medal and readying the breast cannon. However, before he could do so, a loud roar of rage cut through the air and Eiji soon found himself punched to the ground by one very angry Uva.

Whether that anger was to Eiji foiling his previous plan or just anger for Eiji currently trying to take out another yummy was another unknown factor.

“Rider…” Uva chittered, his arm blades gleaming in the sunlight.

“Yeah, Erika?” Eiji asked. “Might want to save that conversation for later. Something’s come up.”

“...That something meaning something I have to save your ass from?” Erika deadpanned before sighing. Eiji didn’t even get a chance to protest before she hung up.

Suddenly the sound of a roaring engine was heard, and tires squealing before rounding a corner was Adagio in her BMW Z8. Ramming the Mantis Yummy sending it flying backwards, she groaned.

“Yeah, there’s going to be a dent I’m going to have to work out in the future…” Adagio muttered. Eiji noticed a gorilla candroid sat on the dashboard. The same type of candroid Eiji used whenever a yummy appeared. Evidently, once again Adagio and Ankh were having a little spat. Either way, Eiji didn’t care for the two’s interpersonal relationship at the moment.

Slamming the driver's side door as she got out of the car, Adagio threw on her driver and slammed several medals into it. Where she’d got them, Kami only knew. Probably stole them from out under Ankh’s nose.

“Same, Kujira, Ookamiuo: Sa-Ra-Mi-Uo! Sa! Ra! Mi-Uo!”

“Eiji, nice to see you again,” Adagio said as she gripped the spear in her hands sending a whirlpool flying towards Uva. “Wish I could say the same for you, really…” she murmured looking at Uva who leaped over the whirling waters sent his way. “Double team them?” she asked Eiji who nodded.

“Keep him busy, Buy me time, and I’ll deal with the yummy.”

“Gotcha,” Adagio nodded striking at Uva with the spear/trident/whatever the hell it was, drawing out cell medals. She also threw the Condor Cube Animal at Uva and it struck with blinding speeds leaving Uva no chance to counter as he tried to fend off Adagio’s strikes. Finally, he stumbled backwards a Core Medal falling to the ground that the Condor was swift to grab in its beak.

“Let’s change things up a little, shall we?” Adagio asked as Uva created a hoard of waste yummies. “Same packaging, definitely same product. Loser.”

“Kugawata, Kujira, Ookamiuo!” the driver said as Adagio leaped backwards firing off both blasts of green lightning from her horns and a whirlpool from her weapon to clear out the waste yummy hoard. Uva fired off a blast of green lightning of his own and Adagio countered. The two bolts meet in midair, and Adagio leaped off the hood of her car before changing combos once more.

If one were to look closely, one would notice Adagio’s hands trembling as she pulled out medals to change combos. Truth be told, she was more than a little nervous about doing this given what Ankh had told her had happened last time she went into a full-on medal combo. Granted, these were anything but. Still, all the same, she couldn’t help but be a little nervous changing out medals.

“Kugawata, Unagi, Ookamiuo!”

Even as she changed into this combo, she was definitely holding back. Fear gripped her like a vice, that much was noticeable as she wasn’t using any of the combo powers to their full extent. Instead, she was just punching and kicking her way through the yummy hoard.

“Cell Burst!” Eiji’s driver declared as a rapid stream of red energy fired through the yummy hoard scything through it.

“Adagio… Adagio, you alright?” Eiji asked, panting. “If… If this is about what happened a few days ago then…”

“It’s none of your business,” Adagio rebuffed. “Worry about the Yummy, and Uva,” she stated clashing weapons with Uva as Eiji whirled around to shoot the mantis yummy with the Birth Buster.

“Adagio…” Eiji thought to himself. “You’re afraid, I get that. But you shouldn’t close yourself off, and deny any other help from others. Especially when you need it. We’re all on the same side here, working for the same goal!” he thought scoring a right cross across the yummy’s face.

Lashing out with her unagi whips, Adagio drove Uva back before being soundly kicked in the stomach by the monster.

“What’s wrong OOOs?” Uva taunted. “That’s not fear is it?” he asked blocking a blow from Adagio’s fist. “Come on, don’t tell me one little berserker incident is going to keep you down?” he taunted.

Adagio flinched and staggered backwards a bit and Uva knew he’d hit the nail on the head.

“Ah, so you are afraid…” Uva said as he swung at her knocking the Wolffish spear from her hands. “Fear is such a hindrance really… But then again, can’t say I blame you really. You could kill someone, or everyone with your abilities!” he cackled striking her in the stomach repeatedly with lightning blasts.

Adagio, clutching her chest panted out in exhaustion, the pain of using the combos even in such a short time period beginning to catch up with her. Uva smirked as the Tora and Batta medals came rolling his way, and he grabbed them before pocketing them. Wasn’t every medal Ankh had, but they’d do.

“And have to say, you’re such an idiot for taking these medals to the battlefield with you. Really should work out your marital spats with Ankh, then let him take care of the medals.”

“We’re not married!” Adagio shouted. “Me, married to him? Don’t make me laugh…”

“Your arguments coulda fooled me…” Uva remarked. “My, you work fast. Marrying a yummy within just a few days of meeting him!” he taunted striking Adagio again. “Just like your counterpart, really… You’re such a-”

That did it really, something snapped inside Adagio and she scored a powerful right cross across Uva’s face. “Don’t you… Don’t you ever compare me to her, okay?” Adagio whispered out. Eiji swore. This wasn’t good. Not good at all. Adagio was letting her temper get the better of her, and she was starting to make stupid mistakes. For one, challenging Uva head-on with no real plan and no obvious way to beat him.

Kicking Uva in the stomach, Adagio brought out Cube Leopard. “Meant to give this back to Dash, but I suppose she won’t mind if I use it for a while… Especially on this guy…” she muttered unfolding it and it changed into a massive axe that scraped along the ground. Adagio could barely lift it, much less use it to deal any damage to Uva. And Uva was taking every advantage of this opportunity to strike Adagio across the chest and ripping into her armor.

Soon, the cheetah, shachi and tako medals were his as well.

“Look at you, losing medals by the truckload. Can’t even form a full combo now… such a shame,” Uva mocked. “Then again, I suppose it’s for the better really considering how dangerous they are…”

“Adagio, don’t lose your focus!” Eiji shouted momentarily tearing his attentions away from the mantis yummy and firing the Birth Buster at Uva. “Deep breaths, deep breaths!” he barked.

Eiji was right, she needed to calm down. Her reputation, or rather her desire to keep her reputation as a good woman and not a monster like her counterpart was getting the better of her. And look where it had gotten her. Now, she was down to only five medals compared to having as up to twelve and two full medal combos at her disposal. Putting Cube Leopard away, she swapped combos once again.

“Kugawata, Kamakiri, Ookamiuo!” the driver rang out and Adagio deployed blades from under her shoulders, almost like scythes. Using them, she quickly cut up the remaining waste yummies, and even sliced into both the mantis yummy and Uva as well drawing out more cells.

Cells which Eiji rapidly took use of, and deployed the Breast Cannon charging it up. Of course, he needed quite a bit of time for a really powerful blast. But time was something Adagio was only too happy to give really.

“Same, Kujira, Ookamiuo: Sa-Ra-Mi-Uo! Sa! Ra! Mi-Uo!” the driver once again sang out before Adagio leaped upwards and spun in a circle creating a small cyclone to knock Uva away before she threw her spear into a nearby lamppost and grabbed ahold of it using it as momentum to do her own version of Kamen Rider X’s kick. Of course, this version involved quite a few more kicks to Uva’s stomach than X’s ever did. Not that Adagio minded. She was all too happy to homage/pay tribute to her favorite Rider.

“X Kick, my version!” Adagio smirked before performing a scanning charge right alongside Eiji’s cell burst and the two attacks did two things. One, they destroyed the Mantis Yummy sending down a rain of cell medals and secondly, they sent Uva flying backwards into a dumpster.

“Another day, Riders…” he hissed, but not before showing a few of the medals he’d collected in the battle as a taunt and then leaping off. It was then Erika finally decided to show up, in a red checkered dress and pompadour style haircut of all things with her own Birth Buster in hand. She groaned.

“...Eiji, you are so paying me overtime fees for this,” Erika muttered having been deprived of any actual work. “Now, about that little thing I told you about…”

Buckley Air Force Base:

Later that afternoon, all three arrived at to Adagio’s surprise, the base. Erika was riding shotgun in Adagio’s car, while Eiji had opted for one of the company bikes.

“...So, you and Ankh huh? Having a little lover’s spat?” Erika teased, running her hands through her wallet now stuffed with overtime pay.

“Nothing like that. That would imply we love each other to begin with,” Adagio remarked. “Soon as he’s out of my life, the better!” she muttered before grumbling: “Oh, he’s going to be pissed when he finds out I lost half the medals to Uva.”

As she got out of the car, having pulled into the base housing, Eiji patted her on the shoulder. “Your temper and your desires got the better of you. Nothing to be ashamed of.”

“I suppose…” Adagio murmured to herself not entirely believing him given the fact that Uva had managed to hit her where it hurt the worst. Her pride. As much as she hated to admit it, she was probably like her counterpart from ponyland in some ways more than she would have cared to admit. Both of them, they had a certain sort of pride in themselves and hated that particular bit being wounded. Sure, in Equestrian Adagio it was much easier to do so given how full of herself she seemed to be, but for the human world counterpart, it could still happen. Just comparing her to Equestrian Adagio was a surefire way to get under her skin, and Uva had managed to just do that in all of the right ways. And so losing her temper due to that, well suffice to say Adagio was more than a bit ashamed. “Can I just ask, what are we doing here anyways?”

“Well, there was an… incident involving your friend Rainbow Dash.” Erika explained.

“Well, I don’t know if we could be called friends just yet…” Adagio stated. “More like acquaintances really…”

Her eyes then widened in shock as she saw a hole right in the side of Rainbow’s house. “Jesus Christ!” she whispered at the sight of it. “...You have a gift for understatement, you know that right Erika?” she commented looking towards the woman. Immediately Adagio’s mind set to wondering what the Hell could have possibly happened here. She at first thought of a terrorist bomb, but if that were the case she’d have heard about this on the news and she suspected the tone would be much more somber besides. Taking a few deep calming breaths, she reminded herself everything was okay, everything was fine.

“It’s okay Adagio, it’s okay…” Adagio whispered, for a brief moment instead of seeing Rainbow’s trashed house, she saw the ruins of a city building and heard fire engines wailing in the background. “That was then… This is now.”

Even if that was the case, it didn’t stop her from hugging Rainbow Dash tightly as soon as she appeared.

“Adagio… Can’t… Breathe.” Rainbow gasped out with a small cough and as soon as Adagio realized this she let Rainbow go. In the background, Erika and Eiji shared an unnoticed look of concern.

“Well… Well, it’s sorta something, not sure what the hell to call it,” Rainbow whispered looking beyond tired. If she had any sleep at all last night, it probably would have been a miracle. “I’m fine Adagio, I really am,” Rainbow said, though if anyone believed her it was hard to tell. “I’m just more worried about the kid…” she whispered to herself.

Adagio quirked an eyebrow even as Rainbow continued to ramble on about something, muttering something along the lines of “Given what the last thing she saw was… Well, that!”

“Rainbow!” this teenager with cropped purple hair shouted running up to the woman shouted before hugging her tightly. Rainbow winced out in pain but returned the hug anyways.

“Ribs…” she breathed out. “Glad to see you’re alright Squirt. Did Soarin’ take good care of you?”

“Y-Yeah…” Scootaloo whispered. What had happened right after Rainbow/Odin had driven Ryuga back was this. Apparently, Soarin had heard the commotion from a few doors down and had grabbed a gun before rushing towards the house thinking someone had broken in. He’d also seen in the process this armored warrior fighting another armored warrior sword to sword, the second barely visible in the dark of the night. All he could see were faint glimpses of silver and two blood red eyes. Eventually, the darker warrior had retreated -although Soarin’ wasn’t quite sure how- and the first had shed her armor to reveal Rainbow bleeding heavily, looking like she’d been bitten by this massive creature. An ambulance had been called, while Soarin’ returned to the home to calm Scootaloo and see if she was alright. Figuring it best to take her back to his home for the night just in case that whoever it was returned -and so Scootaloo wouldn’t get in anyone’s way at the hospital- he did just that. Needless to say, it was a very restless night for Scootaloo, and Soarin’ had stayed at her bedside till she finally fell asleep.

Somehow though, Soarin’ suspected she’d be having nightmares for a while yet considering whatever she saw -something involving a dragon- scared her half to death. Soarin’ had deemed it prudent for him to go and call ahead and explain to her teachers that Scootaloo might be missing a few days of school. He also figured, with Rainbow’s consent anyways, an appointment with a psychologist would be needed. While Scootaloo wasn’t his kid, he did care for her. He wasn’t sure why yet, but yet Soarin’ did. Reminded him of himself when he was her age, maybe. Had that certain spunk about her.

He also meant to talk to Rainbow about her armor. If he didn’t know better, he could have sworn that looked like the armor of a Kamen Rider.

But looking at Rainbow hugging Scootaloo and reassuring her she was alright and that everything was fine, he figured it could wait for another time.

As he walked off -not noticing Adagio discreetly handing Cube Leopard back to Rainbow- he was pulled aside by Eiji.

“Okay, so what happened here?” Eiji inquired. “Can’t be a terrorist bombing, the news would be all over it, and yet something big happened here and yet judging by how hard it was for me to get in -I had to show my credentials just for the guards to let me past- it’s clearly something big. Something you want to keep quiet. Maybe something… strange? Unbelievable even?”

“You’re a curious one aren’t you, quite shrewd as well,” Soarin said before letting out a sigh. He knew Eiji’s type. They wouldn’t give up till they got the answer they wanted. “Okay, I’ll tell you what I know, and… well, what I’m allowed to see anyways. But you have to keep this quiet, the last thing anyone wants is those idiots from Way Above Top Secret poking about.”

Eiji nodded. “Understandable.”

He’d heard of the name, he’d poked around the website when Adagio had first become a Kamen Rider just on a hunch. He vaguely remembered reports of Riders in Gramercy Heights a few years back, and curiosity getting the better of him and wanting to study up on these American Riders he ventured on to the site. Most of the information was scarce at best, and there were only a few vague pictures of this magenta Rider themed after a stingray it seemed. It was like someone was trying very hard for the information to be kept quiet.

In any case, Eiji was led to a room on the base that kept track of all of the security feeds and cameras. “...For once, I’m glad Big Brother’s watching…” Eiji murmured before his eyes widened as he saw the wall of Rainbow’s house ripped open by this massive black dragon, Asian styled. In its mouth was a figure that looked distinctly like Rainbow.

The camera feed recordings switched from outside her house to the vehicle depot where Eiji saw a blinding flash of light briefly light up the camera. Before this, a shout of “Hen... Shin!’ was heard. The flash cleared before an armored warrior seemingly themed after a gold bird of some sort became visible.

Eiji eyed the darker Kamen Rider that seemed to be in control of the dragon take a few steps back in shock before the two Riders went head to head. They each seemed to dive into nearby reflective surfaces before emerging each ready to kick the other. Eiji didn’t have a name for the gold rider, but he would call the black one Ryuga, meaning Dragon Fang in his native tongue.

“Damn you…” ‘Ryuga’ growled.

“Nice to see you’re not so much of a tough guy after all,” Rainbow stated pointing her sword towards him with what sounded to be understandably a protective edge in her tone. “Now, if you know what’s good for you… I’d suggest you leave. Like, right now.”

“Very well, but be warned… This battle is far from over,” ‘Ryuga’ stated. “I am the strongest Rider, and I will prove it to you. So be warned Odin, new face or not, you will see from me again!”

“...Bit pretentious, isn’t it? Kamen Rider Odin…” Soarin’ questioned with a small shrug of his shoulders. “Naming yourself after the chief Norse God? ...And I thought the air force had taken some of that arrogance out of her…” he muttered. He did remember in Rainbow’s wilder, younger high-school years she had sorta loved to show herself off -even forming a band which really didn’t go anywhere- and had sorta become a local superhero. Rainbow confessed to him the truth about Equestria, and at one point her life actually gone looking for any form of Equestrian Magic that may have been liable to cause trouble. Her heart was in the right place, as she did want to protect others she admitted but what she didn’t factor in was the toll it’d take on her social life. She’d nearly ruined her friendships with her ego and bravado more than once, so Rainbow was all too happy to join the Air Force. Well, either that or the Navy as a certain crime drama made it look good. Plus, Semper Fi and all that. At least that way she could help people in a productive manner and maybe get that ego of hers whipped into shape.

“Who says she gave herself that title?” Eiji remarked. “For all we know, Odin may be a legacy name. Plus, I can’t honestly see a woman naming herself after a male god. If anything, Kamen Rider Horus or Morrigan might be more appropriate.”

“Morrigan?” Soarin’ blinked out. “Like Morgan Le Fay? But didn’t she… you know, you know kill Arthur?”

“...In later tellings yes, but Morgan Le Fay in early versions was actually a protector of the Kingdom. Hell, her name means Morgan the Fairy,” Eiji explained. “Anyways, getting off track here. We need to find out who this guy is, and if he’ll be back. Kami-Sama knows we have enough trouble as it is with the Greeed,” Eiji muttered to himself. “Last thing we want is an Evil Rider dancing about the city causing trouble. ...Even if we seem to get those every year anyways.” he sighed.

“Trust me, if he comes back we’ll deal with him as needed,” Soarin’ said. “Hell, looks like Rainbow herself can handle him pretty fuckin’ well really. Kamen Rider indeed!” he laughed.

“Can’t be too careful,” Eiji replied. “Besides, just looking out for her. If Rainbow really is a Rider now, she’s in for a hell of a lot of trouble, and she just might find herself in over her head…”

“Yeah, she’s got a good head on her shoulders, but ludicrously rash at times,” Soarin’ admitted. “I do love her drive and all, but still…”

“You care for her, don’t you?” Eiji remarked seeing the small blush on Soarin’s face.

“As a friend, as a friend,” Soarin’ clarified. “As a friend and as a squadmate.”

“Sure…” Eiji trailed off not believing him for a moment. “Just sayin’ though, keep an eye on her and keep her close. World’s a dangerous place nowadays.”

“I get what you mean, but keeping Rainbow too close? She’s liable to punch me. Does not like to be treated like a delicate flower, that one…” Soarin’ shuddered.

Eiji only laughed. And Soarin’ said he only thought of Rainbow as a squadmate. Unaware of the conversations the boys were having between themselves, Adagio meanwhile was talking to Rainbow, while some construction workers set to work on patching up the massive hole in the wall of her house.

“So, Kamen Rider ‘Odin’ is it?” Adagio asked with a teasing grin raising an eyebrow. “Weren’t aware you were interested in changing gender.”

“It’s not… It’s nothing like that!” Rainbow sputtered with a beet-red flush on her face. “It’s just what that creep called me! It’s pretentious, even by my standards! I’m not like that ‎Souji Tendou guy, who thinks himself a god!”

“Sure, keep telling yourself that,” Adagio teased and after her laughter at Rainbow’s expression had subsided she continued. “Didn’t know you kept yourself up to date with Kamen Riders, Dash…”

“Eh, well after you became a Rider, I figured it was best to start learning about your predecessors really, and there’s definitely some characters in there. Personally, I find myself drawn to Kamen Rider Double and his two in one Rider thing, but… Agh, never mind. What I find interesting is there’s no mention of anyone like Ryuga anywhere.”

“Maybe he’s a new guy,” Adagio commented. “You know, some nutjob who somehow got his hands on the powers of a Rider. It was bound to happen someday…”

“Yeah, but he seemed a pretty damned experienced Rider, like he’d been fighting for years. So by that logic, you’d think someone would have heard of him right? I mean, someone… anyone right?”

“...That’s the thing, how do we know anyone has. With the powers you claim he has and what you described to me, he could easily eliminate you or anyone who knows about him and nobody would be the wiser…” Adagio trailed off.

“Gee, thanks for putting that thought in my head. Kamen Rider Kira!” Rainbow shuddered. “...Just give him a notebook and he’d be all set.”

“Hey, you’re a Rider now right, and you can counter his powers with your own eh?” Adagio smiled.

“True… But there is a little… uh, hitch,” Rainbow said nervously rubbing the back of her head. “See, uh, the powers involved rely on me feeding a monster I’m contracted to. Otherwise, he eats me instead.”

“...So, you’re like Beast and Wizard then. Only instead of mage powers, you’re like a knight and her winged steed,” Adagio remarked. “Just don’t start preaching on how mayonnaise is the world’s greatest food okay? ‘Cause trust me, it’s not.”

“Why are you so nonchalant about this?” Rainbow demanded grabbing Adagio by her sweater. “I’ve got a giant gold bird in my gut threatening to burn me to a crisp if I don’t… feed… him... Oh.” she realized, her speech becoming slower as she figured out what Adagio meant.

“Exactly, city full of monsters ready to be taken out by one grumpy gold phoenix and one hell of a Rider,” Adagio stated. “You interested?”

“Sure, as long as it stops golden boy’s bitching. He’s like Audrey in that regard. Feed me, feed me! Oh, he’ll get fed alright.”

In her mind, Goldphoenix harrumphed and muttered: “Impudent brat.”

“See, even now he’s grumbling. He acts half his age,” Rainbow remarked and Adagio sniggered. “Anyways, yeah. Glad to help. May be from different worlds in a sense, but both of our hearts lie in protecting this city.” Rainbow said taking Adagio’s hand and shaking it.

“You mean three Riders,” Eiji said walking up behind Rainbow making her let out a small yelp. “Here, take this,” he said handing her the Gorilla Candroid. “Trust me, it’ll be able to alert you to any Yummies whenever they appear. Annoying at times, but…”

“Yeah, I gotcha,” Rainbow nodded. “Now, it’s only a matter of time…”

Rainbow was right, as across town Gamel was paying witness to another prime candidate to creating a Yummy. An artist, chopping up and carving wood to create something beautiful. The thing was with Gamel, his simple mind could only comprehend certain things and hope to imitate them with his yummies.

And on his yummies, which he created just by plopping a cell medal in his head, they weren’t exactly wealthy when defeated simply because of this method of creation. But being that they were built like tanks thanks to Gamel being the heavy animal Greeed, they took a hell of a lot of punishment meaning it might have been a very good thing there were now three Kamen Riders to protect the city…

The Bull Yummy, beating his chest ran off smashing things up as Gamel transformed into his true form and plodded after him chuckling to himself.

“Art…” Gamel whispered. “How do I create it?”

Well, he supposed, there was only one way to find out. And that was to watch this guy work. And watching Gamel, of course, was Ankh, perched high atop a roof.

“So, the idiot’s decided to go out and terrorize everyone, just in hopes of understanding something… Tch. Oh, this is not going to be a good haul at all.” Ankh moaned to himself. Why, oh why did he get the bad luck of having to follow Gamel of all creatures? Oh well, maybe he’d get a few cores to replace the ones that idiot human lost to Uva...

Author's Note:

Yep, just as the title says, three Riders now...