• Published 30th Jan 2019
  • 1,660 Views, 257 Comments

Kamen Rider: What's Your Desire? - The Bricklayer

Adagio Dazzle, marine biologist. ...And apparently the next Kamen Rider OOO and someone who tried to take over the world a few years back?

  • ...

17: 'Ohana

Author's Note:

I apologize for the long wait, I really do. But you know, purple dragons and giant moths were a bit of a distraction. But here you go, two Adagios bitching at each other, one Showa style bike sequence and a partridge in a pear tree!

Also, give Layton13 a shout eh? Huge help.

Saint Joseph Hospital: Denver

“Ugh…” Adagio groaned as she found herself awakening in a white room, a soft beeping of a heart monitor coming from somewhere nearby. “...Another unfamiliar ceiling? No, wait… I think I’ve been here before, seen these rooms and walked these… floors.”

She laid her head back on the pillow grumbling something to herself about how the lights were far too damn bright. A window was open, and car horns beeped and honked as the sounds traveled up from the streets below. A breeze rushed in, making Adagio shiver and she pulled the covers around her body tightly. She laughed, no giggled a bit at the whole scenario. She wasn’t sure why it was funny, but here she was sitting in a hospital bed after beating up her double in Iron Man ripoff armor.

“So… so this is my life now isn’t it?” Adagio thought to herself. “Getting smacked around by my own stupidity or animal coin monster… things and being sent directly into hospitals. My my, you really are a complete and utter moron. A good kind of moron, but a moron all the same. Also, was I quoting Hallelujah just then? Half expecting some massive angel thing to rape my mind now… Oh dear god, why am I giggling to myself? That shouldn’t even be remotely funny and yet it is!”

“Are you this much of a giggling girl normally?” another voice, almost exactly like hers if slightly younger asked in this sorta snide way. “...Or is that just the hospital meds? Oh, by and by? I can see your ass hanging out of the gown. It’s a nice one, yes, but not sure you want to freeze to death.”

Adagio’s head whipped around to face her doppelganger and let out a little ‘eep’ as she realized she was right. Quickly covering herself, she glared at her double. “Do you get off on flirting with me, or technically yourself?”

“...Well, now that you mention it…” the Equestrian Adagio trailed off.

“You are such a complete narcissist you know that right?” her human world self deadpanned. “Like, do you every morning get up, go to the mirror, and then have a rummage around in the bush?” she asked and when her counterpart began to open her mouth Adagio wisely decided she was better off not knowing. “Wait! Stop, don’t answer that! Forget I asked.”

“You are such a fucking prude, you know that right?” the Equestria Adagio commented. “Go on, live a little!”

“And you just love fucking,” Human Adagio sighed to herself in resignation. She’d later either chalk all this up to the medication or to just being plain irritated and fed up with her counterpart. “And as for living a little? I prefer not to have any diseases transmitted thank you very much.”

“Tch,” the Equestrian Adagio deadpanned. “I can see it now, you never getting married and living out your life with 900 or so cats and then dying alone and miserable.”

Adagio then decided to turn the table. “I’m not a crazy cat lady, I just prefer eccentric feline enthusiast. I own the title, I live the title.”

“Not something to be proud of, ya know…” her equestrian half deadpanned. “But I can tell. I mean, you were hugging that sea lion plushie in your sleep quite tightly. It was almost cute in a way.”

“You were just doing that to stare at my ass, weren’t you? Watching me, I mean,” Adagio said blushing tightly and quickly hiding away said sea lion plushie. “...Wait, you opened that window didn’t you? Just for the hell of it.”

“Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t…” the equestrian Adagio trailed off with a lecherous grin.

Her human counterpart’s heart sunk, she knew the answer already. So that begged the question, why did she even bother? “You know, I could call the cops with that grin of yours, probably get a restraining order. Makes me feel as if I need an adult.”

“Oh?” the Equestrian Adagio asked as she placed a hand on her chest. “But I thought I am an adult.”

“Only in body…” her human half muttered to herself. “...And it’s not even a good body at that. You look like a whore half the time, you know that right?”

“Oh, are you flirting with me?” the Equestrian Adagio asked. “And I thought you said to me that I was a classic… oh, what was it? A complete narcissist? YES! That’s how you put it! Or am I mistaken?” she asked in this sickeningly sweet way.

If looks could kill, Equestria Adagio would have ignited right then and there.

“But seriously, credit where it’s due… You gave me quite a good fight. I mean, I’ve been around since the Argonauts -who let me tell you, Odysseus was quite the looker!- and I haven’t had that much fun in ages! Ages, honey, I tell you!” the siren continued breaking out into a cackle.

“Why am I not surprised you knew Homer? Hell, you probably seduced him…” the human Adagio muttered. Her counterpart’s shameless grin said it all. “...And don’t call me honey.”

“Sure… Honey.”

The Human Adagio used her pillow to suppress a scream.

“Oh, now there’s a scream I’d love to hear again…” the Equestrian Adagio sneered. “Under completely different circumstances of course. And by that, I mean you under-”

“Yes, yes I kinda get the picture, thank you very much,” the human Adagio said with a growl, her face flushed a bright red. “You are this close woman, I swear…”

“Oh, so you don’t want to jump my bones? I’m hurt… Then again, seeing those puppy eyes you were giving birdbrain -it was really pathetic by the way- I’m not really that surprised,” the Equestrian Adagio remarked. “Oh, I cannot believe it. You are so in love with a coin comprised bird! And I thought I’d seen it all!” she cackled.

“Trust me,” the human Adagio growled out. “After this, my affection for him is… fading.”

“Awwww… Does ickle Adagio want a bucket of ice cream to sob into? Well, I supposed I triumphed over you in one regard, I stole your heart’s desire!” a certain Siren sneered.

“You want me to throttle you?” her human half asked. “Because I am quite willing to do that…”

Her Equestrian half smirked. “And then I can call for the orderlies with just a simple press of the button. Really, this hostility will get us nowhere! For the next few days, we are stuck together!”

“And ain’t that a joy?” the human Adagio deadpanned. “...I could be doing so many things right now, and needless to say having a bitch fest with my sea serpent counterpart isn’t particularly high on that list.”

“Oh, don’t you worry,” the Equestrian Adagio said with a small little dismissive wave of her hand. “Your boy toy -totes see why you like him, my my he is cute!- is out there defending the city in your absence. Along with the walking pride parade and her pet overstuffed parrot...”

Adagio felt a sense of relief wash over her. This was good news, very good news indeed. At least the city wasn’t completely undefended. All the while, her completely infuriating counterpart continued. “In any case,” she said. “You really must thank Kougami when all is said and done. He was the one who found you in that mess of armor and rushed you here. Rushed us both here actually. He didn’t have to, but he did…” the Equestrian Adagio said sounding almost… was that remorse she heard in her voice? No, it couldn’t possibly have been. This woman regretted absolutely nothing.

“...I swear…” her human counterpart muttered. “Whoever thought it was a good idea to put us both in the same room is going to get a good smack to the head. Jeez, who do I prefer right now? Bitch bird or this woman? No, strike that… That’s like asking which is worse, a Morris Marina or an Austin Allegro. Or which leg I’d like amputated!”

“Your morphine’s kicking up again!” her siren counterpart sing-songed. Adagio, of course, ignored her.

“They should have shoved morphine into you, made you high as a kite!” Human Adagio snapped at her. “Maybe that would have made you actually bearable if you were completely and utterly stoned!”

“Awwww… so you do care. I’m touched,” Equestrian Adagio said putting a hand to her chest. “And here I thought you didn’t have it in you to even give a shit after all I did to you. I’m amazed really, fucking amazed. Like… really… amazed…” she whispered and if Adagio didn’t know any better again she could have sworn her doppelganger sounded almost remorseful. Almost. “You really are some kind of woman, you know that right?”

“So are you,” Human Adagio sneered. “I mean, what was the point of all this? To be recognized as a complete and utter psychopath? Because in my mind, that’s what you’re you’re well on your way to being in my mind.”

“SHUT UP!” her Equestrian counterpart snapped. “You just shut up, okay? You don’t know a damn thing about me…”

“I’d think I would, given that you’re… well, me,” her human half remarked. “I mean, despite our major differences in… personality, there’s got to be something we share…”

“You’re this close woman…” her equestrian counterpart growled out. “You are really asking for it.”

“Just trying to strike up a conversation, that’s all. You said it yourself, we’re stuck here for the next couple of days…”

Another growl was her only answer.

Adagio realized she had touched a nerve. She remembered what her counterpart had said, during the battle. “You’re so idealistic,” the other Adagio said with a trace of respect in her tone before fighting back a cough. She stood on the tips of her feet and darted towards her doppelganger, sword ready for another strike. “Still… Still, you’re a very impressive woman.”

“Look at you…” the human Adagio whispered feeling the force behind her opponent's kicks get weaker and weaker. Her strikes with the Medajaribur became slower and easier to dodge as well. “You’re sick, and you’re only getting sicker. Let me help you!”

“What hospital would take me, or my sisters?” the Equestrian Adagio asked her eyes flashing a dark purple color. The human Adagio’s own widened. The medals. No, she couldn’t allow this to happen. Everyone deserved to be saved, even this woman.

She remembered her counterpart’s breakdown. At the time, it had been an advantage to her, allowing her to close that gap and beat her. But now? She wasn’t so sure.

“Think about it, I’m a wanted woman now. I’m more likely to get chucked in a jail cell before anything else! Humankind couldn’t give a damn about me or my sisters! They never have! To them, we’re just those freaks who always turn up at catastrophes and cause chaos no matter where we go. It was the same in Equestria and it’s the same here!” the Siren shouted her voice breaking before it turned into a roar of rage as the power of the medals took hold.

Adagio, back in the present day, swore quietly to herself. Common sense told her she should have just let her Equestrian counterpart rot and left her to her own misery. And yet for whatever reason, she had yet to figure out, she had… elected not to do just that and decided to help her. What was it? Was it because she was, in an odd way, technically ohana? Oh, that was just ridiculous. Her equestrian half was as bitchy as they came and pretty close to being labeled a sociopath. Or psychopath, or… whatever. So again, she had to ask herself why she even extended a helping hand to her.

Was it because it was what Eiji would have done? Oh, surely not! Adagio sighed to herself as she felt sleep beginning to overcome her. It was going to be a very long night.

Kougami Foundation: Denver Branch

“I see, it’s a welcome piece of news,” Eiji said over the phone. “Thank you for coming when you did, and on such short notice as well. Arigato, and goodnight.”

“So, what was that about?” Erika asked as her boss put down the phone. “Friend of yours?”

“In a way, yes. We met when I was on a business trip back home,” the man said adjusting his tie. “Owed me a favor actually, he’s coming to help Adagio… curb her desires if you will.”

“Oh, it’s a him is it?” Erika teased. “Are you sure you’re not just calling him to help get Adagio a date? Goodness knows she needs one.”

“...Erika…” Eiji muttered rubbing his forehead. “It’s hardly anything but! I don’t think dating is exactly high on Adagio’s list of priorities at the moment.”

“Well, after Ankh went out and broke her heart…” Erika chuckled. “She does need to be on the rebound, get back out in the world. I told you Eiji, dating a Greeed would not turn out well for her! Did I not say this?”

“That you did, yes…” Eiji grumbled. “Though I hardly think the two were actually dating as such. Whenever I talked to Adagio, she seemed to have nothing but thinly veiled disgust for the man…. Er, bird.”

“Well, all the girls do want bad boys, isn’t that the saying here in America?” Erika teased.

“Erika…” Eiji grumbled. “Please stop.”

“What, don’t tell me you’re jealous…?” Erika teased once more not really having any intention of letting up. By this point, she was on a roll. “Well, if you are good on you for being the better man and calling in this friend of yours!”

“This is not a way to set up Adagio for a date!” Eiji replied perhaps a little more snippishly than he actually intended. It certainly didn’t help his case at any rate. “This is just a way to help her.”

“And if that way helps her get over her heartbreak…?” Erika said tossing a mint in her mouth. “Well, that’s what we’d call a bonus is it not?”

Eiji headdesked. “This is why I shouldn’t have gifted you those romance novels last Christmas…” he muttered largely to himself.

Erika chuckled. “Oh, trust me Eiji, I was a… what the Americans call a ‘shipper’ long before you gave me any romance novella. Did I tell you I met up with Rarity once or twice? Nice woman. Hey, if your relationship with Adagio doesn’t work out, there’s always her eh?”

Eiji facepalmed. “You are shameless aren’t you?”

“Generous woman, loving woman…” Erika tittered. “You and her? Like two peas in a pod!”

Eiji looked skywards, as if to wonder what god he’d pissed off in a prior life to deserve any of this. “In any case, Adagio having trouble controlling her combos is the least of our worries as it is.”

Erika frowned knowing exactly who her boss was talking about. Vignette Valencia. That bitch of a woman. Erika never thought it possible, but she had finally found a woman she detested more than a certain con artist named Miho Kirishima. The ‘Woman in White’ as she was called had tried to seduce and marry Eiji just to get her hands on the now… shall we say considerable wealth the Kougami family had possessed. There had been a few attempts, all ending with Erika escorting Miho off the premises. Miho had even tried the deadly baby trap, faking a pregnancy. It had taken a lot of legal wrangling from a family friend of Erika’s but in the end, he and Erika had proved the pregnancy false. After this, a restraining order had been given. And yet somehow, in some astounding way Vignette had managed to eclipse the hatred Erika had felt for Miho.

That devil woman.

It really was true it seemed, reporters were like vultures flocking to carrion. In this case, that carrion was one Adagio Diana Dazzle, who seemed to quite frankly wanted to be left alone. Erika did have to wonder though if Adagio never picked up the King’s Belt then who would Vignette have gone after? Eiji? Probably. Vignette flocked to whoever happened to be the most famous at the moment, and if it suited her desires then she would gladly tear them apart.

That devil woman.

Eiji by this point had taken a few steps back from his assistant who by now was grumbling quite a few curses under her breath and had developed an uncontrollable eyebrow twitch. It didn’t look healthy really. Understandably, Eiji wondered about calling a doctor. Then decided, wisely, it was best not to incur Erika’s wraith. So he went for the old tried and true approach, rubbing his hands on her shoulders in a nice relaxing massage. “...Relax, I have plans to deal with Vignette as we speak,” Eiji said softly. “I’ve already contacted a lawyer and I’m planning to sue her for libel. I’m going to tell Adagio about the lawsuit, so she can join in if she so desires.”

“...That’s a stupid question, asking if she desires to do so,” Erika muttered. “You know she desires to do so after all the bullshit that witch of a woman put her through.”

Eiji elected not to tell his assistant Adagio had promised the woman a personal interview a while back. It was probably better for her sanity that way.

“But you’re right,” Erika continued. “Let’s not get hung up on semantics. If Vignette wants to commit career suicide, let her. I’ll just be watching from the sidelines with a case of instant ramen as I watch her burn.”

“Anyone tell you that you may have issues, Ms. Satonaka?” Eiji asked.

“It has occurred to me on several occasions, yes,” Erika replied. “But then I dismiss said concerns out of hand. Anyways… Now tell me about this friend of yours… Please tell me at the very least he’s cute?”


Saint Joseph Hospital: Denver

Unaware of impending Erika Satonaka explosions or whatever Eiji had in store for her, Adagio had other worries to worry about. She had been told by a nurse that Aria was coming up, and couple that with one very already irritating counterpart she could not see this ending well. Goodness knows whenever Aria’s counterpart was brought up something -or someone- generally ended up getting punched. Perfectly understandable really, given Adagio’s counterpart was such a pain in the neck. One could only wonder what the Equestrian Aria was like.

All three sirens, as of so far, seemed to have inherited the worst of their traits and almost none of the good ones. The fact of it was, if Adagio hadn’t witnessed her counterpart’s obvious love for her sisters then she would have written her off as completely insane.

Actually, that still wasn’t out of the question just yet really, now that Adagio gave it some thought.

“You keep mumbling to yourself like that,” the siren snarked at her human world counterpart. “And people will think you’re crazy.”

Ah yes, that could very well be a possibility, the equestrian driving Adagio around the bend she mused to herself. She wondered if that was the plan, Adagio driving her human counterpart crazy as revenge for her previous defeat and subsequent humiliation. She wouldn’t put it past her.

“Do you even have an off switch?” Adagio asked her counterpart. “Like, is there a button I have to press to shut you up, without shoving your bed out the window and committing murder?”

“Oh, am I irritating you…?” the Equestrian Adagio asked with a small laugh. “Well, so the Princess does have a limit to how much she can take. Nice to know!”

“You are severely testing me, woman…” Adagio muttered under her breath. “Like seriously, attempting to commit murder is beginning to become such a tempting prospect!”

“Now now, would your boy toy be approving of that?” the Equestrian Adagio sneered. “My my, and here I thought you were striving to impress him!”

“...I’m sure he’d make an exception in your case…”

“Oh please, you ever heard of ignoring someone?” the Equestrian Adagio said in this sickeningly sweet, and yet condescending manner of speaking she had somehow mastered. “The only reason I’m driving you up the wall really is… well, you keep on providing me no end of material! Seriously though, legit talk. Me and my sisters... made the mistake of using our power to manipulate Canterlot High School, and we've paid the price for it... with our magic. Now I don’t know if you actually care about any of this or not, but we got a good do-over. It’s called living life, or attempting to anyways,” she continued. “We made the most of our situation, and yet as far as I can see? You’ve just been stuck in the same rut with Ankh and the Greeed ever since this all started. Think on that. While you sat around and bitched about your problems, we at least tried to find solutions to whatever issues faced us, even if it meant living in a grubby apartment. Now, have you tried to find a way to stop the Greeed? Or have you just been meeting the threats as they come?”

Adagio’s silence said it all really.

“...Yeah, I thought so,” her Equestrian counterpart remarked. “Granted, I admit I really haven’t been much help to you in some regards.”

The human world’s Adagio fought back a bitter laugh. “...No shit. You sure this isn’t the morphine talking?”

“Hell if I know, probably is really…” the siren admitted. “Just don’t say I wasn’t trying to be at the very least helpful in some regards. Goddess knows why I am, but here you go. Just a tip for the road.”

“...This is just because I beat your sorry ass isn’t it?” the human Adagio asked. “That’s the only reason you’re like this. Not the morphine, but because I beat you.”

“Maybe, or maybe not. Might be me showing you respect because you trounced my ass, or maybe it’s just because we’re technically the same person and I don’t want to see myself get killed,” the Equestrian Adagio remarked before shrugging and going back to her book. “Who’s to say, really?”

“...God, you are such a conundrum, you know that right?” the human world Adagio asked with a raise of her eyebrows. “Like, you are an honest to god conundrum. One minute you’re being an absolute bitch, and the very next you’re being helpful. In your own way of course.”

“But of course!” the siren cackled. “What kind of person would I be if I didn’t give myself a helping fin… er, hand every now and again?”

Adagio’s expression grew softer and she tossed the plush over to her roommate.

“...Okay…?” the siren asked looking quite befuddled. “Is this supposed to mean something? I’m sorta in the dark here…”

“You miss Equestria don’t you?” her human half asked in a soft tone. “Don’t think I missed out on your little slip-up. And that whole speech you gave, crude as it was. You just miss home, don’t you?”

“...So now you’re just mocking me, aren’t you?” the siren asked gently hugging the plushie for whatever reason. “Suppose I deserve as much.”

“No mockery,” the human Adagio said. “Just honest to god concern. Try all you like, you can’t really hide it. You’re homesick, plain and simple.”

“You expect me to fall over sobbing at this?” the equestrian snapped. “Fine, I admit it. I miss home. But I don’t expect them to welcome me or my sisters back with open arms. I’m a wanted criminal back there, probably. All thanks to that geezer with the beard. Greatest mage of his time? Maybe. But he really has a tendency to jump to conclusions, the stallion needs a good smack to the head if you ask me.”

“Tell me about him,” the human Adagio said. “It never really hurt anyone to start… well, venting. Goodness knows I’ve felt better after a talk with my ‘ohana. My family. And in a way, I guess that’s what you are as well. Like you said, you’re me.”

“Sweet thought, really it is but I doubt your actual family will take kindly to that…”

“You got that right, bitch,” a very distinctive voice remarked and Adagio -both of them- turned to see Aria leaning in the doorway. “Give me one good reason I shouldn’t take my sister and haul her ass out of here.”

“Aria…” Sonata’s voice said. “You know perfectly well why she’s here, ‘Dagi needs to heal and to rest up!”

“Yeah, yeah… you’re right…” Aria muttered to herself sitting herself down beside her sibling. “But it honestly boggles the mind why the two of them had to be put in the same room together…”

“I apologize for her, I really do,” Sonata said plopping herself right beside the Equestrian Adagio. “But you understand, she’s just looking out for our Adagio.”

“Yeah,” Adagio muttered. “Pretty sure my Aria would be doing the exact same in my…” she whispered. “Oh, by the goddesses… ARIA! The medicine…” she whispered her breathing beginning to speed up and become more frantic.

“Relax, Eiji said he would send the proper medication to your sisters. After he heard about your predicament he told me to tell you that everything would be taken care of okay?” Sonata said as she laid a hand on her sorta sibling. “You just relax, okay? Everything’s completely under control. Now, you worry about yourself okay? Need anything? Tacos? There’s a vending machine down the hall, I can go raid it if you..”

“Firstly, no thank you. They give me indigestion,” the Equestrian Adagio said with a shudder. “Secondly… what kind of vending machine sells tacos?”

“The one down the hall, apparently,” Aria deadpanned. “Sonata just about had a fiesta upon learning that. Ay caramba…”

“You just haven’t discovered the joy of tacos Ri-Ri!” Sonata chimed in. “They’re like heaven’s gift to earth!”

“...Don’t call me that name…” Aria muttered to herself even as her oldest sibling laughed for probably the first time that entire evening. “Like, please don’t.”

The Equestrian Adagio meanwhile, had thoughts running in a completely different direction. Family, huh? Yeah, that was something she admitted she had been taking for granted as of late. Yeah, she cared for her siblings well enough, given this whole crusade of hers had some root in just looking out for them but looking at this group she was almost envious. They seemed to have, at the very least, a healthier relationship than she did with her own siblings. ‘Ohana huh? Yeah, she supposed that sorta fit. Definitely made sense for her counterpart to be Hawaiian. Fighting back a sob, Adagio chuckled. So this was what her life had led up to huh? Sitting in a hospital bed thanks to her own stupidity while watching doppelgangers of her siblings argue over something as simple as tacos?

“...I’m a such a fool,” the Equestrian Adagio muttered to herself, finally letting the tears come. “So this is your punishment, is it Starswirl?”

Somewhere outside the hospital, Rainbow was walking back to the base with Soarin’ and Scootaloo after a visit to a local theatre when all three bore witness to what looked like sharks cutting through the concrete. “...That can’t be normal,” Rainbow muttered and her eyes widened when she saw the exact direction the sharks were heading. Tossing a phone to Soarin’, she yelled out: “Call Eiji, tell him exactly what’s going on! I’ll explain later!”

Pressing a button on a nearby vending machine, she watched it transform into the RideVendor. Hopping on, she went for her deck and slotted it into the buckle using the motorcycle’s rearview mirror for the buckle to manifest itself. “Hen… Shin!”

Gunning the engine as the gold armor wrapped itself around her she tore off down the nighttime streets. Meanwhile, unaware of what was coming Aria and Sonata rushed over to their ‘sibling’ with the human Adagio looking on with an expression of concern. “...Are you okay Other ‘Dagi?” Sonata asked. “Go on, you can tell me…”

“Nothing, I just realized what a complete and utter fool I’ve been,” the Equestrian Adagio muttered wiping a tear from her eye. “That’s all.”

Aria wanted to make a snarky comment, but upon seeing her older sister’s glare quickly shut up. Swallowing her pride, she sighed to herself before speaking. “Oh, I’m sure you meant well enough. I mean, nobody’s just born evil. Well, except Hitler. Pretty sure Hitler was definitely born evil.”

“Yeah, he was,” the Equestrian Adagio laughed through her tears. “I’m pretty sure he was.”

“In any case, as I was saying…” Aria went on. “You started off well enough, right? Your intentions just got… twisted along the way. Like Nobunaga, right? He wanted to unite Japan and-”

“Yes yes, I did my history courses,” the Equestrian Adagio deadpanned. “Hell, I lived through the Sengoku period. Not fun. Made for some good lunch, the violent emotions running high at that period, but… Did give me and my Aria some indigestion. Pretty sure Sonata was more interested in having sex with Hideyoshi.” she laughed bitterly.

Aria and the human Adagio turned to look at Sonata, who asked: “What? You can’t blame me for whatever my counterpart wanted. ...Not that I can blame her, this Hideyoshi person must have been handsome…”

“But yeah, I started off with good enough intentions, all of us did,” the Equestrian Adagio continued. “Wanted to help save my race from extinction, these creatures called the Fangires were… Never mind. We gathered an army, and for all our troubles we got chucked into this world filled with you human trash. And so we reveled or maybe we just wanted to party to hide our pain from being exiled from our home. Aria… my Aria, she used to be such a kind woman. But with how many negative emotions she ate over the years… It twisted her. It twisted all of us. Soon, we’d become the very same monsters Starswirl believed us to be. In a way, I suppose…”

“In a way what?” the Human Adagio pressed her counterpart. “In a way what?”

“In a way, I suppose… I’m sorta grateful to Sunset. After she shattered our gems, it sorta expelled, I’d guess you’d say, everything we’d eaten over the years. Gave us a do over all along, just never realized it until now… Adagio? I’m… I’m sorry. For all the trouble I caused you. I wanted revenge, and yet… well, I guess I never realized what I had in front of me this whole time…”

“If you’re going to confess your love to my sister, please… Don’t. That’s all kinds of wrong.” Aria said and the Equestrian Adagio cackled at this.

“No, I’m not interested. She’s too… nice for my tastes. What I was going to say was this. I’ve been taking my own family, my own ‘ohana for granted. Time I stopped.”

Before the Human Adagio could give her an answer, Aria’s phone rang.

“You need to get out of that hospital, like right now!” Rainbow said over the phone Aria having put her on speaker. “Vignette’s desires seem to have created a whole bunch of yummies. Like, friggin’ great white sharks! I’m on my way now, but as it is? You need to get your sister out of there. Like, right now!”

“No,” the human Adagio said as she went for the King’s Belt and her medals. “That’s not happening. I’m not running, the people need-ARGH!” she suddenly screamed as she clutched her chest.

“No, you’re not helping anyone, not like this,” Aria said as she slammed a fist into the fire alarm. As alarms blared, Aria looked towards her sister. “Those yummies are after you, right? Well, we certainly can’t have them in this hospital. Sonata, grab a stretcher. No, two! We’re getting them both out of here.”

And soon the two Adagios were loaded up into the back of a ‘borrowed’ ambulance even in the midst of all this chaos. Aria floored it, sirens blaring as she took to the streets. An engine roared and beside her, Aria saw Rainbow in full Rider armor driving up alongside her with a hoard of shark yummies in her rearview.

“...Well, that’s a welcoming sight…” Aria deadpanned as she spun the wheel taking off down a street with half of the school breaking off in pursuit. The other half followed after Rainbow who swerved down another street and into the industrial district.

Some of the yummies leaped out of the concrete and Rainbow, using one hand to grip the handlebars kicked two of them in the stomach. “...Okay, you know what?” she muttered to herself looking back to see the yummies swimming through the concrete as if it were water. “I’m not even going to question this shit anymore… But I am going to be punching Vignette in the face when this is all over…”

Gunning the engine she tore off down the streets, with the yummies still in hot pursuit. Grabbing the gold visor, she spun it like a staff knocking away one yummy. Several others were coming at her, and Rainbow slammed the visor into the ground somehow launching herself and the bike up over them as if the visor were a pole. Grabbing the bike with her feet, she held on for dear life even as it touched back down.

“Geez, never realized just how strong these powers made me. Applejack, eat your heart out! I’m totally winning our next competition!” Rainbow laughed in a sort of giddy high. She then heard a roar from behind her and was reminded that could wait. Right now she had more important things to worry about.

“Shield Vent.” the visor stated as part of Goldphoenix landed in her hand like a shield. Bashing another yummy away, she then gripped onto the gold visor and basically clotheslined two more yummies.

“Sword Vent.”

A rigid sword appeared in her hand, halfway gold while the other half was a brown shade. With the new weapon in hand, the yummies switched up their tactic, overtaking her as they zoomed past the Ridevendor. It didn’t take them long to be way ahead of her and suddenly turn around, now a deadly wave of fins and teeth hurdling her way. “..Aw come on…” Rainbow muttered to herself before smirking. “...Hmm, wonder if Scootaloo likes diced shark steaks?”

Against any better judgment, she jumped off the seat of the bike, now standing on it almost like on a surfboard, sword and visor in each hand. “Cowabunga…” Rainbow muttered to herself in a nervous fashion.

Taking one last deep breath she once again rammed the long end of the visor into the asphalt in front of her. She used the speed of the bike to launch herself forward and off the seat of the Ridevendor.

For a moment the hectic and stress of the battle had melted away, letting her feel like she was flying. That short moment of peace was rather short-lived however as she saw the yummies jump out of the ground and straight towards her, mouths open and hungry for her flesh. Gripping the handles of both her weapons tightly she unleashed the first strike, cutting in half three of the ravenous beasts, complete with several medals hitting her helmet in the aftermath. Landing back on the bike, she revved the engine and continued the chase.

There was however no time for any collecting, nor any time to stop and take a breath. The yummies had no intent on letting up. Rainbow had to wonder the condition of Vignette’s psyche if this was the type of yummy she birthed. In any case, reaching out with her visor, she hooked onto a lamppost and made a sharp 90-degree turn. Panting and sweating, Rainbow looked behind her to see no yummies before her eyes widened to see the last of the school in front of her.

She felt a poke and a prodding at her side and saw Cube Leopard nipping at her armor. Her eyes widened when she saw the small creature change into an ax. “Err... I appreciate the sentiment bud, but… Uh, you’re a bit… small?”

She quickly changed her mind about this as Cube Leopard glowed with a soft warmth before changing size. Gripping the handle of her new weapon, she waited and then slashed forwards as the last of the yummies leaped out at her. Medals covered the ground even as Rainbow tore down the streets.

Sirens blaring and lights flashing, Aria sped down the streets even as cars swerved out of the way. If it was due to the ambulance going full throttle down the streets, or the yummies in hot pursuit, well… that was something that could be decided at a later date.

Swerving down a side street, Aria kept her foot squarely on the gas pedal smashing through several garbage cans and then serving onto another street, sideswiping a yummy in the process. Aria looked back and saw it tossed through a shop window and exploding into cell medals.

“...Goddess, I never knew your sister was such a madmare behind the wheel!” the Equestrian Adagio shouted in fear, the rear doors swinging open thanks to this. Tires squealed out in protest as Aria rounded another corner. Down in the concrete below, shark jaws snapped and bit at their heels.

“...It’s a musician thing,” her human counterpart muttered. “Gotta get to those gigs somehow…”

Aria slammed into a yummy, pressing it up against a brick wall sparks flying as metal ground up against brick the yummy finally exploded into a pile of cell medals. Adagio meanwhile quickly changed into her Rider form.

“Same, Kujira, Ookamiuo: Sa-Ra-Mi-Uo! Sa! Ra! Mi-Uo!”

Knocking a gas cylinder out of the back of the ambulance, she slashed it with the Medajaribur. A fireball went up and yummies were sent flying backward. “See ya…” Adagio muttered. Another sharp turn came and then another, Adagio feeling as if she was going to be sick thanks to her sister’s mad driving skills.

“How the hell did she even pass her driver’s test?” Adagio mentally screamed in fear. “I mean, this is like the Fast and the Furious back here! No, strike that, it’s like Grand Theft Auto! ...I knew I shouldn’t have gifted her that game for her birthday…”

In any case, she knew that there were still yummies to be dealt with.

“Triple Scanning Charge!” the Medajaribur yelled out as Adagio slashed again at several more yummies who leaped out at her. Reality was ripped though, warped even. Then it repaired itself even as the yummies exploded into piles of cell medals. One yummy leaped up and over and began clawing at the hood, opening to rip into the engine beneath.

“Hold on!” Aria shouted spinning the wheel and going into another sharp turn in an attempt to throw the yummy off.

“What do you think we’ve been doing?” the Equestrian Adagio shouted even as tires squealed in protest. A sharp crunching sound as the back of the ambulance nicked a light post. The shark yummy held on, if only barely. Another sharp turn and it was thrown off only to be run over by the emergency vehicle. “...You deserve to have your license stripped from you! You do know that right?” the siren shouted.

Another yummy tried leaping up into the back of the ambulance, but the human Adagio grabbed the IV pole and thrust it into the yummy’s chest knocking it back. “Do you do anything besides complain?” she snapped at her twin. “For God’s sake!”

“WILL YOU BOTH SHUT UP!?!” Aria shouted. “You’re both like backseat drivers, so can you can it?” she snapped quite fed up with tonight. Her eyes widened, she had been so focused on the two squabbling she failed to see what was coming up ahead. Smashing into the lobby of the Aquarium, glass shattered as the ambulance plowed into the building right through the front doors. Blood dripping from cuts where the glass had slashed into her face, Aria staggered out of the side door and groaned as she looked at the ambulance. Needless to say, her abuse of it had killed it.

“...And they’re still coming, and we’re not going anywhere fast…” Aria swallowed nervously before giving a solid right hook to one of the yummies.

“Is she even human?” the Equestrian Adagio shouted, Aria all the while continuing to knock several yummies flat. But her strength alone would not be enough against the hoard.

While everyone was busy with the ravenous yummies a loud sound echoed through the entrance hall, overshadowing the screaming, growling and everything else.

“Eye! Batchiriminā! Batchir-”


“Kaigan: Ore! Let's Go! Kakugo! Gho-Gho-Gho-Ghost!”

Even the yummies were surprised by the sound, diverting their attention to it and dashing towards its origin. In the middle of the room stood a man clad in a strange grey suit, the yummies dashing straight for him. The first to reach him however quickly exploded into Cell Medals as something dashed past them, something orange and black. On a second look, one could make out something that looked like a black jacket with hoodie and orange accents that quickly flew over to the man and threw itself over him. A glowing orange helmet, sorta like a jack-o-lantern was now visible in the darkened room.

“...A-A ghost?” Adagio whispered, Aria taking a step back in fear. The yummies overcame their own and charged at the new Rider. It was all too easy to dodge their strikes, the Rider seemingly not even caring or putting in much effort as he did so, seemingly flowing like water as he dodged the attacks. Floating in midair, the Rider was living up to his name as he seemed to channel some sort of supernatural power. A palm strike and one shark yummy was sent flying back before exploding.

“Kaigan: Robin Hood! Hello Arrow! Into the woods we go!”

The black and orange hoodie disappeared and a new one flew from the massive white Driver that was attached to his waist. Green and yellow in tone, it wrapped itself around the Rider. A bird flew in, and transformed and combined with the Rider’s sword into a bow. Pulling the bowstring back it started to spark with what looked like green electricity, dancing across the darkroom like a violent firefly. Then he pulled back the handle on his Driver.

“Dai Kaigan: Robin Hood Omega Drive! Omega Shooting!”

Then he let the arrows fly, several clones of him appearing all around forming a circle, dispatching the remaining yummies as a shower of coins rained down. Canceling out the transformation, the Rider pulled back his hood even as his armor faded away. Underneath it, was an auburn-haired man wearing a monk’s robes.

“Hello Adagio.” he smiled.