• Published 30th Jan 2019
  • 1,661 Views, 257 Comments

Kamen Rider: What's Your Desire? - The Bricklayer

Adagio Dazzle, marine biologist. ...And apparently the next Kamen Rider OOO and someone who tried to take over the world a few years back?

  • ...

11: Rest, Recuperation, Humilation

Adagio groaned as she sank down into the folds of her couch later that night. Even with Rainbow’s newfound help, that Bull Yummy did not go down easily and for all their troubles they’d only gotten one measly little cell medal for it. Adagio hadn’t managed to land any blows on Gamel, so sadly she didn’t have any Cores to show for it either.

“Ankh’s going to kill me for this one, I just know it… Especially after I lost so many Medals during the fight with Uva.” she thought to herself looking towards the ‘nest’ Ankh had made out of various materials he’d found lying about. Like any bird, he’d taken whatever he could find and used it to create his nest. That included some of Adagio’s clothing. Narrowing her eyes as she spotted some of her underthings in the nest, she quickly grabbed them and tossed them in the wash to wipe away Ankh’s taint. She and him would have words, rest assured.

And perhaps she would limit his ice pop intake for the rest of the month. Served him right, anyways.

Personally, she didn’t actually care about being in Ankh’s good books. She honestly wanted him gone as soon as possible really. The man (bird?) was a nuisance and frankly a real pain in Adagio’s ass even if he was helpful from time to time. His arrogance, for one thing. He actually put that old boyfriend of hers -one Vladimir Blueblood- to shame. And believe you me, that was quite a feat considering Blueblood considered himself God's gift to women at least in his mind. Even if he -Ankh- was jaw-droppingly gorgeous in a pretty boy way -didn’t the Japanese have a term for that?- his negative qualities not to mention being partially dead were a real turn off.

She hoped that when springtime came about, Ankh didn’t exhibit any other annoying traits, like performing mating dances. Knowing him, he’d go all out just to impress her, Adagio thought with a shudder. Chances were, and Adagio thought this with an amused smirk he’d just do that “Hello my baby, hello my honey’ thing complete with top hat, and cane! Adagio would more likely fall over laughing at that then being swept off her feet, swooned and then being taken towards her bedroom for a nice long night of-

Adagio nearly gagged at the direction her train of thoughts were heading.

“God,” Adagio muttered to herself aloud as she went towards the fridge for some leftover pizza. Comfort food. Didn’t really matter about how many calories she got, being OOOs would burn them up quickly anyways. “What the hell is wrong with me…?” she muttered to herself as her thoughts once more turned towards the wicked and potentially disgusting. Namely, with Adagio lying on her bed, before allowing herself to be taken by Ankh. Gentle thrusts, in and out. That’s how it went in her mind. Adagio then nearly gagged at the thought. Her, and Ankh having sex? Okay, yeah… She needed to get her head checked. Handsome as he was, he was still dead! And Adagio Dazzle did not fancy herself a necrophiliac!

“...Woof, okay wow…” Adagio muttered. “I really do have to get back into the dating scene if I’m seriously considering Ankh as a potential choice in boyfriend material… God, how long has it been since I’ve been on a date…?” she wondered aloud to herself. “Well, probably too long if my current thought train is any indicator…”

She once more fought back a gag. Really, Ankh of all people as a potential… -Adagio fought back another shudder at the idea- mate.

Adagio wanted to scream about then. She had to choose that word, right then and there! Mate, mate! Oh god, she thought to herself. He’s beginning to corrupt me with his… Ankhness!

Adagio fell back into the couch wondering who she pissed off in a past life for everything to go in this direction with her. Greeeds, her becoming a Kamen Rider, and her thinking about a spirit of desire with the world’s largest ego known to man as a potential boyfriend. What the Hell was wrong with her? Seriously, someone up there had to be sitting on their cloud and laughing their ass off at her. “Note to self,” Adagio thought. “When I die, punch the guy who wrote how my life was going to go in the face.”

Looking through the DVDs she had stashed under her TV, Adagio sighed. “Oh well, suppose there could be worse people in the world to show mild -and I must stress mild- interest in. At least Ankh’s handsome, and is somewhat sane. I could be thinking about a complete loon like Kazari.”

Adagio sighed. Yeah, that was it. She’d been out of the dating scene for far too long if she was seriously considering Ankh as a potential ma-No, partner she swiftly corrected herself. Beastility and Necrophilia aside, there were so many reasons she would never -and she meant never- date that ass.

Now… Eiji on the other hand… Hmm, now he was a catch Adagio thought with a small lick of her lips. If she noticed she had done this, Adagio probably would have been mortified given she was trying to be as far away from her siren counterpart as possible. And that included personality quirks. But anyways, back to Eiji. Probably way above her station though Adagio thought with a sigh, and he would have to be called away on business trips more times than Adagio would have liked. As much as she hated to admit it, Adagio aside from loving her job loved romance as well. Not to the extent of Sonata mind you, but she did at times get visions of welcoming an unknown male back to her home, being cooked a nice dinner and then taking him back to her bedroom for a nice night of soft, sensual sex with every part of her body being kissed and caressed.

Adagio realized a little too late she was drooling a bit. “Goddamnit Rarity… Why’d you have to send me those romance novels as an apology for accidentally being a yummy parent and outing me as OOOs…?”

She appreciated the sentiment, she really did, but lately, they had been distracting her more than she actually would have cared to admit. She preferred to get lost in marine life encyclopedias, not the folds of a trashy book with a likely digitally retouched man on the front.

(The only reason Aria hadn’t died of hysterical laughter upon learning this little facet was that Adagio still had enough movies to win her some ‘cool big sis’ points. Well, that and Adagio had caught Aria drooling at some of the covers.)

Finally managing to pop in a DVD without being distracted in some way, Adagio smiled and took a bit of her pizza even as the movie began. An old film really, from the seventies. About a guy on a desert planet suddenly discovering his long-hidden destiny. Adagio didn’t know why honestly, but she could relate. Maybe it was the whole given secret powers to become OOOs thing. Maybe.

“I swear, if I turn out to be related to that ‘King’ I’ve heard Ankh ranting about from time to time I will scream.” Adagio thought. She didn’t ask for this, becoming a superhero. She just wanted a normal life. Marry a nice guy, work in the Aquarium with the animals she adored and at the end of the day just go on with an ordinary life. Instead, here she was working day in and day out braving all sorts of dangers just to deal with what in the end, were monsters made out of coins! Adagio laughed bitterly. Life had an odd sense of humor it seemed.

“Mumbling to yourself again, Dazzle?” Ankh’s grating voice commented after the sound of wing flaps came from her window, and Adagio looked to see the bird-man perched on her balcony.

“Getting yourself into trouble again Ankh?” Adagio returned with an amused smirk even as the sound of blaster fire came from the TV. Ankh’s face was awash with bruises and it looked as if something had beaned him in the forehead. It took all of Adagio’s strength not to laugh. So much for the mighty king of birds.

Ankh ignored her and sat down on the couch. Adagio noticed a red medal he flipped up in the air briefly before catching in his hand. “...The man should have shot first…” Ankh grumbled at the TV. “More practical. It’s what I’d do…”

Adagio rolled her eyes. Of course, Ankh would like the more roguish types really. It suited him. She mentally made a note that if starships were ever invented in the recent future Ankh should never get his hands on one.

“So, what happened to you?” Adagio asked. “And what’s with the new… Wait, is that a peacock?” she asked, barely able to contain her laughter. Of course, Ankh would have a fucking peacock as one of his core medals. He was such a flamboyant bastard, it made so much sense!

“It was a gift for helping Eiji with a Yummy,” Ankh started before Adagio cut him off.

“The same yummy who I assumed beaned you in the head with… something?” she mocked. “So much for the mighty king of birds eh…?”

“Shaddup,” Ankh grumbled. “At least I got two cores out of the whole ordeal. Kazari showed up before you ask. Eiji and I managed to send that cat fleeing for his life.”

“Sure you did,” Adagio said not entirely believing him. She more than likely suspected Ankh just hid like a coward -no, a chicken- and let Eiji do all the work before striking when the time was just right. It suited Ankh really. “And I own Brooklyn Bridge.”

“...Fine, don’t believe in our superior teamwork!” Ankh huffed crossing his arms. “We made a better team than you or I ever did.”

“Yeah, because you rarely lend a hand to me anyways,” Adagio sniped before swatting Ankh’s hand away from her pizza. “So that I can believe.”

“Hey, let me have some of that…” Ankh whined. It was almost cute in a way really.

“After finding some of my underwear in your ‘nest’, -which by the way we need to talk about as by god the space it takes up- I think not!” Adagio sniffed.

“Hey, don’t get all snooty with me Ms. I Like Sea Cucumbers!” Ankh huffed and Adagio raised an eyebrow. Not one of his better insults, usually they managed to sting a bit more or were at least a bit more creative.

“...You must have been beaten up bad if you can’t think up any good and really biting insults. Maybe a few punches rattled your brain or something?” she returned, briefly thinking what little of a brain Ankh actually had. “I happen to like sea cucumbers actually. Did you know scientists recently discovered one that looks like Cthulhu? Sorta awesome, in a creepy way really…” Adagio commented and smirked as she watched Ankh’s face fall realizing how badly that insult had backfired.

“Yes… Well…” Ankh sputtered out. “That still doesn’t mean you get to dictate how I make my nest. This is my house too as you very well know!” Ankh sputtered out. “That is of course, unless you want to throw me out to the street and leave me the mercy of my fellow greeed…?” he said looking a little like a kitten who had been thrown out in the rain. At least probably in his eyes anyways. In Adagio’s eyes he just looked pathetically sad.

“Don’t tempt me…” Adagio mumbled even as Ankh went rummaging about in her DVD selection and found one of the things Rarity had loaned her.

“Oooh… My my Adagio, I didn’t know you had it in you. Fifty Sha-”

It was then Adagio finally lost it and launched herself at Ankh with a battle cry. Needless to say, Ankh found it better not to comment on Adagio’s tastes after this.

“You know, one of these days I am so going to tie a bell around your neck,” Adagio commented to Ankh later that next day, car engine roaring as they drove out of Denver and into the large area known as the Green Valley Ranch. Both Fluttershy -and by that extent Aria as well- and Sonata called this general area home and after day after day of Yummy fighting Adagio actually relished a day or so off from work to enjoy herself and spend some time with her sisters. Sadly, Ankh had to come along as Adagio didn’t trust him alone for a minute.

“Ooh, a bell…?” Ankh teased. “Kinky. I can see a certain movie has been rubbi-”

“Don’t… Just don’t even go there,” Adagio threatened her face quite flustered. “If you do, there will be news at eleven about a murdered bird-man.”

“Go ahead and try. I’d be impressed if you killed me,” Ankh stated. “Well, dead but still impressed.”

“One of these days…” Adagio muttered to herself. “One of these days…”

Ignoring her, Ankh continued on. “You know, is it just me or do the ordinary people seem to create the most prolific yummies? Word to the wise, just a tip, the most evil people have the most commonplace names. Least that’s my experience. Beware anyone named Keith. Or Tom. They always turn out to be lords of darkness and evil. Or kings.”

“...Pretty sure names like Rainbow Dash and Rarity are hardly ordinary,” Adagio commented feeling a phantom pain from how hard the Batta Yummy had managed to hit.

“Says the woman named Adagio Dazzle,” Ankh snarked. “Yep, you’re a paragon of ordinary names, you are! You and your sisters!”

“...Point taken,” Adagio commented. “But wait, was this infamous King really named Tom or Keith?” she asked eyebrow raised in an utterly fascinating manner.

“What makes you think I was talking about that King?” Ankh returned. “You assume my entire life revolves around past troubles…”

Adagio gave him a flat look. Ankh didn’t seem to catch the message and just licked on an ice lolly before he gained a lecherous grin. “...Oh, and if you’re wondering I can do that with your bre-”

Adagio’s withering glare and a slipper slap to the head promptly shut Ankh up. She then took away the lolly and tossed it into the wind.

“Okay, A, that’s littering, and B, have you seen how hot it is lately?” Ankh whined.

“When you stop acting like such an egotist, maybe I’ll start being nice,” she remarked feeling a rather nasty headache coming on. “Of course, that’ll come when hell freezes over but…” Adagio grumbled as an afterthought.

“Fine fine, next battle I’ll offer you both the Taka and the Kujaku medals, will that make us nice?” Ankh asked.

“Medals, Medals, Medals. Don't you have anything else?” Adagio asked pulling to a halt once they were past the ranch gate. It took Ankh a very long time to formulate an answer.

“...Well, I have my looks. If ever comes the time you need the help of a very beautiful man…” Ankh trailed off.

“Pretty sure your attitude is a major turn off, not to mention just about everything else about you. Must we get started on your hair…?” Adagio grumbled as she got out of the car.

“Oh, so you don’t need my help then?” Ankh teased. “You think you can use your own beauty to sway a woman to your side? ...Granted, I suppose that’s not that particularly difficult for you. You can ‘dazzle’ them with your…”

It was a bit too late for Ankh before he realized what exactly he’d said.

“Oh, so you think I’m beautiful do you…?” Adagio commented turning back to look at him. She’d taken off her denim jacket, allowing some of her figure to be visible.

“Beautiful, for a human. For a human.” Ankh stated trying very hard not to observe Adagio’s rear end as she walked forwards. He could have sworn she was putting on a show of it, just for him. Amusingly enough, Ankh wasn’t being a narcissist for once. Adagio actually was putting a bit more sway into her step if only to screw with him.

“Ugh, I’m going to need a shower after this…” Adagio thought to herself. It wasn’t her just acting like her Equestria counterpart that made her disgusted, it was because of who she was doing it for.

“So why are we out here anyways?” Ankh asked in exasperation. “Seriously, this is like… the middle of nowhere!”

“The head of the Aquarium decided I needed a few days off from my job, just because of what you’ve been putting me through after you gave me this,” Adagio gestured to the driver in her pocket. “So here we are, going to visit my sisters. You’re just along for the ride, as I trust you to be alone about as far as I can throw you.”

“Want to correct you on a teeny, tiny thing really…” Ankh replied holding up a finger. “I didn’t just decide to slap the driver on you and that was that. You did it yourself remember, just to protect your sister. And me, I might add.”

“...Yeah, don’t remind me. I’m starting to regret the protect you part of the decision,” Adagio mumbled. “Do me a favor and go get yourself stung okay?”

“Wait, stung?” Ankh asked sputtering out the words. “What’s that got to do with this?”

“Oh, Sonata helps keep bees,” Adagio smiled gesturing to a woman out near some hives dressed in an all-white outfit. “Did I forget to mention that?”

“...Oh, joy.” Ankh muttered somehow getting the feeling Adagio may have partially brought him along just so she could enjoy his misery. “...You’re not going to put me to work are you…?”

“Let’s see… Hmm, yes. Yes, I am. Might help knock you down a few pegs, and in the process finally pay back the bill of ice pops you’ve been racking up. 280 dollars just this week alone! So yes, it’s time for you to finally earn your keep.” Adagio stated in a tone leaving no room for argument.

“...Can’t decide whether to admire you or just hate you right now…” the bird greeed grumbled. Ankh’s mind would soon be made up when he returned from the hives covered in stings muttering: “Bees… My god.”

Sonata, of course, given her chosen profession -well, temporary chosen profession anyways given she knew she wanted to be a top-notch chef someday- was no stranger to getting stung. And even if Ankh was everything Adagio had told her about… Well, he looked exceedingly pathetic covered in stings.

Even as Sonata applied a paste made of baking soda and water to the affected areas -which there were many, I tell you- Ankh continued to yelp and whimper all the while.

“Oh, be quiet you big baby. Your own fault you decided to anger the queen bee and get the whole hive after you.” Adagio commented absolutely awash with sympathy.

“So, is it true Ankh decided to make himself a nest in your apartment?” Sonata asked still tending to the very humiliated king of birds.

“Sadly,” Adagio muttered. “Believe me, he and I will have words.”

“...Aww, you’re just like an old married couple!” Sonata squeed. Did I forget to mention Sonata was an utter romantic?

“You’re kidding me. Me marry him?” Adagio shouted while Ankh said something pretty much to the same effect that -mind you- was far ruder and led to Sonata smacking the bird greeed upside the head. Adagio huffed and crossed her arms and looked away from the man-child. “...Not if he was the last male on earth.”

“Just sayin’ Dagi… You’re not getting any younger really and let’s be honest, when was the last time you were on a date?” Sonata remarked. “Oh god, how I’d love to be a flower girl at your wedding…”

“There is no wedding!” Adagio replied. “There never will be a wedding!”

“Oh, so you’ll just elope then?” Sonata asked innocently and Adagio just sighed. Somehow she knew the ditz act her youngest sibling put up was a front. Somehow she just knew it, and Sonata was just laughing on the inside at Adagio’s reactions.

She decided not to argue the point any further and attempt to tell Sonata that eloping was very much out of the question as well.

“Just sayin’ Dagi…” Sonata continued. “Those fields of yours, very very dry and I think they do need plowing. You’ve got quite a few hallways that have cobwebs…”

“Dear God Sonata!” Adagio muttered to herself, face flushing a very, very bright red. “I swear sometimes…” she murmured shaking her head while Ankh cackled in the background sorta like a crow or a kookaburra. This led to yet another slipper slap.

“She’s totally tsundere…” Sonata said towards Ankh in a conspiratorial whisper complete with a wink. “She’s into you, she just doesn’t want to admit it. Adagio’s always been a very proud woman…”

“...Heard that Sonata…” Adagio half groaned, half sighed.

“So, what do you do in your spare time?” Ankh asked the youngest Dazzling. “Besides keeping those little… Uvas in the making.”

Sonata blinked at Ankh’s particular choice in phrasing before answering: “Just... chill on the couch and watch Masterchef.”

Ankh facepalmed. “You hear this Adagio?” he shouted looking towards the woman in question. “This is the fantasy life of a post-menopausal housewife! I swear, I never thought I’d meet someone more boring than you, but congrats in some amazing way your sister managed to succeed you on that front!”

For the third time that day, Ankh found himself slapped upside the head by Adagio’s patented slipper. She really had to thank Fluttershy for teaching her that one day, she mused.

“I want to be a chef, so I think watching TV shows related to that is a requirement!” Sonata said smacking Ankh upside the head. Needless to say, for once Adagio wasn’t the one nursing a headache.

“...I’d really hate to be in his head,” Sonata remarked. “You really sure about dating him Dagi?”

Adagio didn’t bother to dignify her sister with an answer to that one.

“...Oh, so prove to me you can cook!” Ankh challenged in his usual biting tone.

“Don’t accept it…” Adagio mentally pleaded hoping her sister would somehow in some way hear her. “Don’t accept it… For the love of all that is holy… Do not accept it!”

“You know what? Fine, I will show you just how well I can cook!” Sonata declared striking a sort of pose while Adagio just banged her head up against the nearest wall.

Just a half-hour later Sonata returned with cooked chicken. Apparently, she didn’t remember what Ankh embodied or she just didn’t care and was basically saying: “This is my revenge for your comments, so you’ll eat this and I don’t care if you don’t like it!”

Adagio hoped, and I mean severely hoped it was the latter thing.

Ankh meanwhile looked horrified, and at a loss for words. Eventually, he shrugged and began tearing into the chicken. But of course he would, given that a lot of birds ate other birds and he was the king of them. It was more likely he was horrified he was expected to eat it cooked considering to him it should have been raw meat.

Obviously, Ankh liked the meat though both Adagio and Sonata knew very well that he would never admit it -aloud anyways- due to that ever abundant pride of his. As Ankh continued to ravenously tear into the chicken making anyone with table manners within 100 miles probably die a little inside, Sonata and Adagio turned to some sisterly talk.

“So, you really are a superhero huh ‘Dagi?” Sonata asked eating some honey-filled cookies. “Man, and I thought me and Aria were ambitious…”

“Not by choice, I should point out,” Adagio replied. “It was either become OOOs, or let Aria die via giant cat monster.”

Yeah, guess that does sorta put things in perspective…” Sonata sighed knowing anyone in that sort of situation would probably have done the same thing. “But still, you’re a Kamen Rider now. You can be like Kamen Rider X, aka your senpai! You just need the guy in the mecha suit!”

“...Not my senpai.” Adagio sighed trying very hard not to let her embarrassed flush show. Especially when Ankh was nearby. God, she hated even talking about this when he was around. The last thing she needed to give him was more blackmail material. Sadly, Sonata had other ideas and was all too happy to embarrass her older sibling.

Honestly, Sonata thought to herself. Adagio needed to loosen up and be less all business. Maybe then she’d attract someone and finally be able start dating again. ...Why she hadn’t started dating that Star Hunter guy at work was beyond her, given he did seem to be the closest thing Adagio had to a best friend.

“Right, and you totally didn’t have drawings of the guy hung up all over your room when you were younger, nor did you not use to own a body pillow styled after the guy…” Sonata deadpanned. “Must be remembering a few things differently than you, that’s all!” she chirped.

“...Okay, okay. I’m a fangirl. But he’s cool. Marine diver and hero, what more could you ask for?” Adagio sighed wistfully. “...God, I’d love to get my hands on Kamen Rider Chronicle and play as him…”

“Hey, I’ve noticed you’ve had a lance in some of your Rider forms. You haven’t tried performing his X kick have you…?” Sonata inquired with another raised eyebrow.

“I… I may have?” Adagio admitted nervously with a little giggle. “But once. Just once! I’m not an acrobat you know…”

“Eh, knowing you and your fangirling towards him… You’ll find a way. In the meantime, you mentioned over a text once there was this marine-themed greeed? Mezūru or something like that?”

“Yes, I did,” Adagio said before correcting Sonata. “And it’s Mezool. She’s… She’s sorta an odd case really. Apparently, all she wants to do is experience motherly love but because of the way the greeed are she can’t do that…”

“That’s… That’s kinda sad really,” Sonata whispered. “For a villain, I can’t help but want to give her a hug if all she wants to do in the end is be a mom… She doesn’t sound all that evil really, even if she did nearly flood the city with piranhas…”

“...I still have the memories, and bites to prove it.” Adagio muttered rubbing one of her shoulders upon reflex.

“You think you can reform her? I mean, motherly love isn’t that hard of a desire to achieve really…” Sonata murmured to herself. Ankh begged to differ. Big surprise there.

“HAH!” Ankh scoffed wiping the grease off his face fearing another slipper slap for lack of manners. “You, reform a greeed? That’s a laugh! It’d be… It’d be like pigs flying!”

“She works with you doesn’t she?” Sonata asked standing her ground.

“And yet I’m a model person,” Ankh deadpanned. “Make no mistake, as soon as your sister stops being of use to me, I’m leaving her. Get that through your thick skull m’kay? Trying to reform Mezool? That would be an impossibility. It’s because of how we’re made. We cannot experience any sensations as you can.”

“Then why do you eat so much? Seems to me you like human food well enough doesn’t it?” Sonata asked with an eyebrow raise. Ankh didn’t answer. Sonata chuckled. Only way to a man’s heart, namely through his stomach.

“I… I suppose I could try really…” Adagio murmured. “Would be an uphill battle, but I really don’t feel right not trying at the very least. ...God, this kindness will be the death of me probably.”

“No, it’s a sign you’re well suited to being a Kamen Rider,” Sonata replied with a smile before she noticed Adagio’s expression.

“...Yeah, about that…” her older sister sighed to herself before pulling Sonata out of Ankh’s range of hearing. “See uh… Not too long ago, there was an attack on a military base, targeting one of my friends. It wasn’t a explosive, and what it was is hardly important right now but…”

Sonata’s eyes widened. “You… You thought it was a bomb or something like that, wasn’t it? Did… did you see it? Like, did you see it again?” she asked in a concerned tone.

“Yeah… Y-Yeah, I saw it. A building collapsing, and I… I heard the screams and the roar of the flames. I heard it, just like I did 15 years ago.” Adagio shuddered to herself. “What… What if a similar situation arises? What if we get a yummy born from a madman? What… What if he tries what happened all those years ago? Sonata, you know perfectly well as I do I won’t be able to handle it, I’ll… I’ll freeze up!”

“Oh ‘Dagi…” Sonata whispered pulling her sister into a hug and letting her cry. “You’re not alone in this remember? It’s not just those other Riders in the city. You’ve got us, your family to help you through it. Your ‘ohana.”

“Yes… But…” Adagio whispered. “This is proof alone I’m not cut out to be a Rider. I… I simply wouldn’t be able to handle this all over again…”

“No, it’s proof that you’re only human,” Sonata reprimanded her sister in a soft tone of voice. “You don’t have to be the perfect one of the family, you never had to be. If that time comes, we -and that means me and Aria- will help you through this. And don’t try and stop us, Adagio,” Sonata continued. “That’s what family is for. To help each other out.”

Wiping away her tears, Adagio smiled. “You… You know Sonata, sometimes I think you’re the real superhero here… Not me.” she whispered and hugged her sibling tightly.

Author's Note:

Okay, so no action unlike last time, and that was entirely the point. The last chapter, balls to the wall action and very little chances for you all to breathe. Here, I wanted to devote more time to the characters themselves. While yes, the last chapter did further the story in some aspects, in others, it did not.

Here, it was all about Adagio and how she's been changed by her new-found job.