• Published 30th Jan 2019
  • 1,660 Views, 257 Comments

Kamen Rider: What's Your Desire? - The Bricklayer

Adagio Dazzle, marine biologist. ...And apparently the next Kamen Rider OOO and someone who tried to take over the world a few years back?

  • ...

22: Fanfic Generations: Crossing Worlds Part 2

The door to the restaurant slowly opened, both Phoenix and Ocean stepping into the strange place. The sense of familiarity they had expected quickly was washed away when they gazed at the actual interior.

Instead of the rustic, warm restaurant they were used to, this was far more modern and really nothing like they remembered with the biggest difference being the strange neon bar between the eating room and the kitchen. Still, the smell, the crowdedness, and general air were just as welcoming and homely.

“Huh,” was all Phoenix said on the topic, staring blankly at the unfamiliar restaurant.

“What are you doing here?! Did you forget anything? Because if you did, I swear I will rip you a new one! The pizzas are getting cold!” A very angry and familiar voice hissed next to Phoenix.

Turning around he stares directly into two very angry eyes, eyes he knew all too well. His expression turning from sunrise to a far more nervous one as he stared at her, dressed in an apron of all things, arms crossed in front of her.

“Uh… Hey Ocean?” Phoenix stammered back, adding an awkward laugh to it, all while she just continued to stare at him with an angry glare.

“Don’t just ‘Hey Ocean’ me! You have a job to do, so why aren’t you doing that?” She returned. “Is it because of that girl ther…” She continued as her voice suddenly frizzled out, leaving her standing there with her mouth wide open. “Wha… What?”

His Ocean just waved her hand awkwardly in return. “Hey, sis?” She returned as convincingly as she could as this moment.

“Star Catcher is in Los Angeles at a race right now! You aren’t her,” she returned a bit more composed, still, there was an underlying confusion in her voice. “Who… Who are you?”

Phoenix had meanwhile turned back to his Ocean when she whispered back at him: “I knew this was a dumb idea! We should have never gone here!”

“Excuse me, but you didn’t have any better ideas either!” He returned as silently as possible. “So what now? You are the smart one here!”

“But you got us into this!”

“You know I can hear you, right?” The other Ocean asked, having stepped between them, much to their embarrassment as they immediately shut up and started to turn red. “So, what in God’s name is going on here?!” She asked again, eyeing them with an intense look.

“Would you mind doing this somewhere… less crowded?” Ocean asked, rubbing the back of her head and pointed her head at the tables around them. All eyes were square on them, a few people sneakily filming the entire situation with their phones.

The waitress just sighed and signaled them to follow her, the two quickly trotting after her and through to the kitchen door and into the half-open kitchen.

“Ocean? Is anything the matter? I didn’t expect you to come back in here so fa…” A cook with black hair said, currently in the process of preparing another pizza for his guests before looking up to them, just as he threw the dough. He could only stare in confusion at the two Ocean’s and Phoenix who entered the kitchen at this moment, only snapped out of it when his dough fell right onto a bottle of marinara sauce, knocking it over. “What the fuck?”

“Hey Thunder, how’s it going?” Phoenix returned the most uncomfortable smile ever on his lips.

“I have no idea, but I want answers and I want them fast,” she muttered in return, walking over to Thunder.

“Soooo… Should we just go clean?” Phoenix leaned over to Ocean and whispered, one eye still on the two.

“Are you sure? This is already extremely awkward. If you tell them where we are from they might think we are crazy!” She hissed, back, also eyeing the two familiar yet unfamiliar faces.

“I mean, why not? Not like they will believe anything else and I don’t want them to think we are Changelings or something like that! So, yeah, at worst they won’t believe us, and if they do, all the better.”

Ocean was about to say something in return when she just sighed and let her head hang low. “Fine, but I’ll do the talking, ok?”

“Sure, go ahead,” he shrugged, a sigh of relief escaping his lips.

“Oh, you sly…” She huffed before being interrupted by a cough of her other-self. “Oh, right, you want answers. Can’t really blame you for that, I would probably act the same. But where to start,” she crossed her arms and started to tap her foot on the ground before finally saying: “Yeah how about names. Names are good. I’m Agent Ocean Skies and this Phoenix Feather, but I assume you already know that.”

The two just stared at them with open mouths. It took them a few seconds to respond: “What? Ocean Skies? Bu… But I’m Ocean Skies! A… Are you some sort of monster or something like that?” She asked, her eyes starting to narrow.

“No, I’m no monster. We two are just not from around here one could say. If I’m honest we are really far from home. We think we are from another universe,” she continued, a nervous look in her eyes.

“You’re what now? Another universe? And we should just believe you about this?” That’s ludicrous! Ludicrous I say! You are just playing a prank on us Phoenix! “ Thunder returned, a confident smirk on his lips while pressing his hands against his hips.

“Sorry bro, but that ain’t it. You can just call me if you want, but it ain’t gonna ring here,” Phoenix waved around his phone.

“We’ll see about that!” Thunder grumbled, pulling out the phone and picking out the number. After a few seconds, the ringing stopped and someone picked up on the other end, but Phoenix’s phone remained silent. “Hello, who is there? Wait, what, but how? You are standing right here! No, you are not! But… Forget it,” and with that, he ended the call and just stared at the two-dimension travelers with open eyes. “Ok, at this point I don’t even know what to believe anymore, but sure, why not? Not like it would be so strange in a world like this,” he muttered.

“Puh and I were afraid this wouldn’t have worked for some dimension traveling bullshit,” he chuckled putting his own phone away. “So, hey Thunder and Ocean of this world.”

“Well, that takes care of that I guess,” his Ocean just shook his head and continued. “I know this is hard to take in all at once, but we wanted to ask for your help if that would be possible. We have to get back home, do you two know a way to do that? I know it’s not likely, but still. We are kinda on unknown territory here.”

Thunder looked at the two before shaking his head and weakly returning: “Sorry, but I’m just a simple chef, I can’t help you with getting back home, but I could offer you my hospitality. I just don’t have any free beds at the moment so you would have to sleep on the couch if that would be ok.”

“Wait, what? You are offering us to stay at your place? You don’t even know us! We could be totally different from your Phoenix and that completely ignoring the dimension travel stuff. That you accepted that was already really unexpected, but this? Why?” Phoenix stammered, staring at Thunder in confusion.

“I… I don’t know, but I just get that feeling I can trust you. You kinda give me the same feeling as my brother… Well, you are my brother… I think… I just get that feeling of sincerity from you that I get from him. I… I can’t describe it. I… I know it’s a bit naive, but I can’t help myself…” He muttered, his expression twisted into a grimace of confusion.

“Aww, come here you big softy! I knew I could always count on you, no matter the world,” Phoenix burst out and quickly walked over to his “brother” and give him a tight hug.

“Ey! Ey! You’re crushing me! Let me go!” It quickly came from the poor man as he struggled to free himself from his grasp. Phoenix quickly released him with a slight chuckle. “What is with you? You’re far stronger than usual? Did you work out in that world?”

“Something like that,” he returned with a sly smile. “Hey, I know you already have done so much for us, but can I ask you something else? We stumbled across a newspaper outside, about one Kamen Rider OOO’s. You wouldn’t know how to meet that Rider, would you?”

“Why do you ask Phoenix?” Ocean said before Thunder could answer.

“I mean, until now whenever something happened with multiverse stuff it always resolved itself when we meet the involved Rider. And we are in a city with a Rider again, so I mean, that can’t be a coincidence, right? I mean, it’s worth a shot at least,” he shrugged before turning back to Thunder.

“Oh, you mean Adagio? She is a regular here, but I haven’t seen here for a couple of weeks, but I heard she works at the aquarium, so that would be a good place to try,” he returned. “But why do you want to meet her?”

“Oh, the aquarium, I see. So that is where Adag-” Phoenix nodded before stopping mid-sentence, his eyes widening in shock, Ocean following his example and both screamed out in unison:

“Wait, what?! Adagio?!”

“Well, this is interesting enough, isn’t it?” Starlight commented leaning back in her chair, one of her arms resting on the red velvet. On the TV screen in front of her, the newscaster went on about a new Kamen Rider appearing out of nowhere, assisting OOOs against Uva. Where’s her face was the newscaster again, making remarks about OOOs being the one on offense or some such rot. Starlight made a noise of disgust at this. Anyone with just half of a brain could see OOOs was a pun on Ozu, meaning triple king. “Seems the game just got changed, as a new player has entered the field…”

Her other hand went to her tablet, and she sighed to herself. So, the buyout of Hiden Technologies was a wash. Bit of a shame really, it may have been a tiny company now but she could see that one going places, especially in robotics. Oh well, she could just approach it at another time, try again. After all, Starlight mused to herself, she always got what she wanted.

It was all to make the world equal, after all. Foundation X, despite its many dealings over the years just wanted to improve the quality of life, make everyone strive to create a better world where all were welcomed under the sun.

Yes, it may have put them into conflict with the Kamen Riders, but that was a minor trifle really. They were a nuisance anyways, considering they were hardly equal to anyone else. They had their belts and abilities that placed them above the average human, and Starlight despised them for it. Hell, taking up the abilities of her driver was only so she could match them on equal footing if you were. She had to teach them that they were a glitch in the matrix, a fly in Starlight’s ointment of her grand design.

“Tch!” she muttered in disgust. “They need to be taught a lesson, and so that’s what I’ll do.”

So what if she had to make herself out to be the villain? The Riders were a problem that needed to be dealt with, and Starlight was anything but if not tenacious in her goals. Foundation X always got what it wanted. Always.

Okay, yes, there were some setbacks like that incident with the Lem Kannagi and those Core Medals somehow coming from the future, but any great plan had its challenges. Obstacles to be overcome, and every time Foundation X emerged from them ever more stronger and with just a little more knowledge about what was lurking out there in the universe. Soon, Starlight mused, she would be at the tipping point. OOOs, she meant. Not everyone could continue the fight forever without cracking. Now, Starlight had to wonder what exactly were Adagio’s limits.

That was the other half of the reason why Starlight had first put on that belt. To test Adagio, to see just if she was worthy of being in the grand new world Foundation X envisioned.

She looked at her Equalizer Driver, sighing to herself as she placed it on her waist, the belt wrapping itself around her. People were scared of her, that was fine. “It's hard to blame them, I even scare myself. Built to kill, seems to be detrimental to my health.” Starlight mused.

That was the real reason why she only had a max transformation time of about fifteen minutes, and that was if she was lucky. The alien technology behind the Driver itself did not interact well with the human condition. She needed a patch. Of course, that was what the research was for. But for now, she needed to train herself, maybe force her body to adapt itself to this new power.

She waved her hand, and all the screens around her retracted before her chair sunk into the floor as she stood up inside a stark white room. Snapping her fingers, she whispered: “Training Program, Level Two. Henshin.”

Starlight transformed ignoring her driver’s announcements as she found herself fighting a holographic copy of the late Mitsuaki Gamou in his Sagittarius Nova form. Jumping skywards as the world around her changed into a forest of sakura blossoms, she landed atop a branch before firing an energy blast. The Gamou copy deflected it with his arm, before firing a hoard of arrows at her.

Starlight flipped off the tree and landed behind Gamou, performing a roundhouse kick. Gamou leaped over the attack before nailing Starlight in the stomach. Starlight pressed a button on her belt, sending him backwards with an x-shaped energy blast. Gamou recovered, and regained his footing.

More arrows were fired, and Starlight did a series of cartwheels and handstands to avoid them.

She waved her arm to launch an energy wave, and Gamou leaped over it before kicking her over the side of a cliff. Starlight crash-landed in a small lake below, before blinding the Gamou look-alike by throwing water in his face. Starlight used the distraction to deal a series of lightning fast punches to his chest, the final throwing him into a cliff face by sheer force alone. Starlight snapped her fingers, and Kamen Riders Tiger and Dark Kiva appeared as Gamou went up in an explosion.

The Aquarius Zodiarts appeared behind Starlight, spinning her watery whips around as Starlight blocked Tiger and Dark Kiva’s blades with her armored wrists. Forcing them back with palm strikes, the woman readied herself for what came next. In what seemed like micro-seconds Starlight then spun around and Rider Kicked the Aquarius Zodiart.

By now, warning lights were appearing all over Starlight’s heads up display inside her helmet, but she paid them no mind.

“I… I have to keep pushing myself,” she thought as she continued to fight the three projections. “I… I have to break the barrier, find out just what this suit can do! My body must not give in, it mustn’t!”

Red energy crackled all over Starlight’s armor, and she gasped out in pain.

“No, not now! I was so close!” Starlight shouted. The transformation canceled itself out forcibly, the belt clattering to the floor as the world faded.

“You’re pushing yourself again,” Mogami noted as he stepped into the room, a strange sort of gun strapped to his waist alongside the Night of Safari gashat along with a sort of bottle. “That’s the third time this week,” he remarked.

“Is there supposed to be a point to this?” Starlight asked. “Or are you going to just make some snippy comments along with a shout of “Funky!” thrown in for good measure? Because if so? Can it.” she snapped holding up a finger to Mogami’s gaping mouth.

Mogami frowned, Starlight was pushing herself way behind the limits of what a mere human could take. This little personal experiment of hers could kill her. That was why he had that back up plan. If Starlight wanted a Rider, then he’d give it to her.

“As long as…” Adagio whispered, her eyes glowing briefly as she sliced into Gamel with her spear. “As long as there is a hand whom I need to reach out to help, I shall extend my hand!”

“Sai, Gorilla, Zou: Sagohzo, Sa-Goh-Zo!” Adagio’s driver proclaimed with a snarl. She let out an animalistic scream as she beat her chest like one of the great apes and performed a scanning charge on Gamel. Elias could only watch in a mix of awe and fear as Adagio manipulated the very gravity of the earth itself to bring Gamel within reach and punch him. HARD.

Eilas’s expression turned into one of sheer terror as he watched Adagio brutally beat on Gamel and then turned her attention towards the spectral Rider who came to stop her.

He heard the proclamation of: “Kaigan: Benkei! Intimidating Sworn Brother! Tougher Than Any Other!” as he desperately sprinted down another sewer passageway, the water splashing at his feet.

“You… you said you’d help me!” Elias whispered in fear as he ran faster and faster, unknowingly being followed by a midnight blue condor. “Not turn into a monster yourself!”

Cube Condor always followed Adagio, always. He felt a sense of loyalty to the woman, given she’d taken him in and given the Zyuoh Cube a nest of sorts. Yes, she didn’t always have the best sense of judgement -Ankh alone was proof of this- but she was a nice enough woman at heart. He had been… concerned when Adagio went off into those sewers alone, and had secretly followed after her. He was glad he did, considering what he had seen thus far and was seeing now. Now his task was to follow this Elias and make sure he didn’t run into any trouble.

It wasn’t Adagio’s fault she turned into a monster periodically, it was those damned medals, Cube Condor mused to himself. They were the real issue. He got it, he really did. Adagio’s nestmate needed saving, but were these things really worth the trouble? Probably not.

He hated to play the dithering mother hen, if you will, to a fully grown woman.

He perched himself atop some bricks, out of sight as he watched Elias run smack dab into a strangely dressed man. The man wore a white robe, and had eyeliner of all things! He was what Rarity would have called quite the fashion disaster.

“Now, where are you going in such a-” the man started before he was tossed backwards by an unknown force. Cube Condor observed Elias’ outstretched hand, the teenager’s eyes wide in terror.

“...what? Did I…” Elias whispered observing his own two hands and holding them up to his face. Cube Condor noted he suffered a nosebleed. “Did I do that?”

“Oh, ho ho! Funky!” Mogami laughed. “A Quark, we haven’t had one of those since the Eternal incident! Well now, guess it means taking you back to the labs is as much of a priority as Starlight said it was! But little old me facing you as I am now? It’d be funky stupidity! Suicidal, even! Lubricate.”

He placed a bottle into his gun, and fired.

“Gear Engine! Funky! Engine Running Gear!” the weapon proclaimed as Mogami was half covered in red gear-like armor. He placed a knife into his weapon, transforming it into a rifle.

Mogami fired as Eilas fled down another corridor and out into the sunlight, throwing out his hand on pure instinct bringing rocks down atop Mogami. Again, Cube Condor observed all of this.

Mogami let out a roar as he threw the rubble off of himself. “You’re all funked up now…” he uttered.

He dodged the blastwave Elias threw at him, and his weapon crackled with electricity. Cube Condor reacted, and he shot into Elias hands transforming into a sword. Elias blinked but blocked every slice of Mogami’s weapon, now separated into its knife and gun mode once more. He rolled to the left, and then blocked a shot from Mogami’s gun.

“Now who is…” Mogami wondered before he laughed slapping his knee in joy. “Oh, I should have known, the Rider! I’ve seen that bird before, it’s her friend! So, she supports you even from the shadows huh? ...you know, actually I’ve had a good idea. I won’t kill you. No, I’ll just have to see what happens when she… well, I won’t spoil the surprise. Let’s see how long you can keep this up, hmm?”

He slashed out with several more electricity-laced strikes, before changing to ice-based attacks.

While Elias tried to defend against these, he was kicked in the chest by Mogami. Cube Condor in blade mode clattered to the ground, and reverted back to his normal form lapsing into consciousness. He was kicked away, collapsing into cube from. “...See,” Mogami uttered. “I want to learn as much as I can, like all Foundation X members. We’re visionaries, you see. World’s changing, even if we have to force those changes. You’re just along for the… uh, Ride if you get what I mean.”

One final kick to the head, and Elias was unconscious.

“So, this is what I’ve been up to,” Mogami continued to ramble, Starlight rubbing her forehead to prevent the oncoming headache as she was led into a darkened room. “Way I see it, you’re risking yourself far too much to even be out in the field. That Driver, until we find a patch -if one can be found that is- will kill you. So…”

“...will you get to the point?” Starlight asked. Mogami nodded as he went over to the center of the room, and pulled a tarp off what looked to be a partially frozen tube. Inside was Elias, almost completely nude and a machine hooked up to his brain.

Mogami went over to the Nobunaga Eyecon, resting atop a plinth in what looked to be a small shrine. He clutched it in his hand, tossing it upwards and then catching it in his other.

“Yes, yes, I know you only wanted this for study, but I had far grander plans,” Mogami continued. “Decided to take the initiative, if you will.”

“...Mogami, what did you do?” Starlight asked feeling as if she wouldn’t like the answer.

“See this man?” Mogami asked gesturing to Elias inside his casket. “He’s a Quark, and I found that very interesting. I thought Doctor Prospect murdered them all, each and every last one.”

“I know this already,” Starlight sighed. “I was the one who found him wandering the streets of Moscow that one winter. No idea how he got there, but… Just get to the point.” she grumbled waving her hand for Kaisei to move along.

“Oh, oh, you’ll really like this one!” Mogami babbled. “It’ll really funk up those Riders’ days~!”

He set the Nobunaga Eyecon atop the casket, and to Starlight’s surprise and horror a crude copy of the Ghost Driver appeared appeared around Elias’ waist. Starlight whirled on Mogami, grabbed him by the throat and shoved him up against a wall.

“So, you decided to create another Rider to fight for me?” Starlight hissed. “I don’t require that, I hate Riders. I only became one to equalize the score!”

She then remembered a report from one of her agents in the city. Of a strange white Rider-like being attacking OOOs, then Ankh and Uva. “...You didn’t. You already let him out didn’t you?”

“Only… Only to test his abilities, and to see if the Driver even worked!” Mogami wheezed. “They worked swell~! OOOs was on the backfoot throughout the entire fight!”

Starlight slowly but surely released Mogami from her grasp as she mulled this over in her head. She didn’t like Foundation X being directly responsible for the creation of yet another one of those Riders, but she would be a fool to deny this one had his users. And Starlight Glimmer was no fool. The only question was, where did he get the other Eyecons?

That could be shelved for another time. It was entirely possible Mogami, he created them from reverse engineering the Nobunaga Eyecon. It wasn’t exactly that particularly implausible of a theory.

“Continue your work,” Starlight finally decided. “Refine him, but only bring him out when necessary. Quarks are dangerous, and Riders even more so. Takeru’s probably already talked to his friends as it is, so that means that new Rider? She’s probably in the city because of it. They could find us soon. Pack up your things and go, we’re relocating to the secondary laboratory.”

“Already?” Mogami asked. “...well, I suppose I’d be a fool if I didn’t see this coming. We haven’t stayed hidden this long by being foolish. Very well then, but what about that other project?”

“We’re advancing the time table,” Starlight said. “Grab the Time Memory and get going, we need to leave nothing behind.”

“Torch and burn then?” Mogami asked. “Very well.”

He gestured to two more members dressed in white coats, and gestured for them to grab Elia’s casket.

Later that night, both Eiji and Takeru would pull up on their bikes to see a burning building, the firefighters already hard at work putting it out.

“...well, this is interesting,” Takeru observed. “X isn’t usually this sloppy, are they?”

“We don’t even know it is X,” Eiji replied.

“Could it be anyone else?” Takeru pointed out. Eiji was forced to concede his point.

“No, they’re not…” Eiji murmured as he picked up a fallen twisted piece of metal, scorched and burned. It looked like a slot for an overtly large USB drive. No, that wasn’t correct. It was a slot for a Gaia Memory of some sort. “They obviously had to pack up and go in a hurry. I wonder what scared them?”

“Not much, but I’ll wager that-”

“I didn’t know monks could wager,” Eiji remarked. “Thought it was unholy or something.”

“It’s a figure of speech,” Takeru deadpanned. “As I was saying. I’ll wager that the new Rider, Scarab, her appearance here had something to do with it. They probably think I called her in, or you did. One of the two.”

“Speaking of X, you okay?” Eiji asked. “I heard your Nobunaga Eyecon got grabbed by Starlight. You’re not worried, are you?”

“...well, I don’t need fifteen to revive myself for some wish anymore, now do I?” Takeru joked in an attempt to lighten the mood. He noted his friend’s expression. “...Of course I’m worried. It’s X, who knows what they could do with it.”

“Well, we’ll get it back,” Eiji said placing a firm hand on his shoulder. “In any case, you can still transform, right? Even if your Tenkatoitsu Damashii is gone, you’ve still got plenty of power.”

“Yeah, but is it enough?” Takeru murmured. “Tenkatoitsu Damashii was my most powerful form, even more than Mugen, and your Starlight sent it flying like it was nothing…”

“Well, we’ll get our act together. In the meantime, don’t you have a date?” Eiji teased.

“Oh… Uh, yes… Uh, that…” Takeru stammered out, flushing a bright Toucon Boost shade of red as Eiji laughed.

“I don’t believe it,” Sonata babbled excitedly over the phone, sounding like she was going to jump over the moon any moment. “My sister’s actually decided to go on a date for the first time in foreeeeeeevvvvveerrrr!”

“It hasn’t been that long since I’ve been on a date…” Adagio mumbled. “You make me sound like some sort of stoic prude who couldn’t be bothered to remove herself from her home.”

“Um, well, you sorta are,” Sonata pointed out. “Seriously, it HAS been that long since you’ve been on a date of any sort. Me and Aria would have started taking bets on if you were Ace if it weren’t for the obvvvvvvvvvioooooouuusss attraction you had for Ankhy!”

“Me and him weren’t…” Adagio sputtered before sighing knowing it was futile to argue with Sonata on this subject.

“Speaking of which, you don’t think your little moments as OOOs alongside Ankh counted as dates do you?” Sonata pondered. “Nah, they probably didn’t. There’s a difference between fighting and f… the other thing! Yeah, the other thing!”

Adagio blushed. “Honestly Sonata,” she mumbled. “If you weren’t such a ditz I’d wonder about you at times…”

“Oh, you know I just want what’s best for you, ‘Dagi…” Sonata replied. “Goodness knows, successful as you are -sorta jealous really- you do sorta neglect your social life. I just don’t want you to end up dying alone…”

“Sonata…” Adagio replied, trying not to cry a little at her sister’s love for her. “You don’t have to…”

“But I WANT to, end of story. No argument,” Sonata replied. “None. You hear? N. O. N. E!”

“Okay okay!” Adagio laughed. “I’m not arguing with you. Not even going to try!”

“Good, now that we’ve got that settled…” Sonata said. “Let’s talk about your boy toy, okay? Okay, maybe he’s a little young for you, but I’m not complaining. He’s cute, and goodness knows if he gets you out of the house and actually going out to dinner with him, well… there’s probably something there for you! Which dress you wearing? The little black one I got for you last Christmas, or the blue one?”

“The black one, it’s practical,” Adagio said before she heard Sonata sigh. “...is there something wrong with my choice?”

“No, none at all! Leave it up to you to choose the practical choice,” Sonata replied. “I was just hoping you’d choose the blue one, as A, it’s sooooooooo your color, and B, I could make Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels jokes!”

Adagio nearly facefaulted then and there, but managed to keep her composure. “Okay, A, if you thought it was so my color, you should have told me ahead of time. Not like I can go back and change now. And B, ...how do you even know of that band?”

“Blame Ri-Ri,” Sonata chirped. “She lent me some of her old records, said I needed some better taste in music beyond pop music. ...I don’t understand her at times. What’s wrong with the Smashing Pumpkins and Muse?”

Adagio laughed as she heard the sound of a car pulling up. “You do you, okay? Anyways, I gotta go, Takeru just arrived.”

“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do~!” Sonata sing-songed as she hung up.

Adagio chuckled as she put away her phone inside her purse and smiled as Takeru walked in, dressed in a nice red suit. “...and here I was expecting the unicorn bike,” Adagio teased poking him in the chest. “And no roses for the lady? My my, we need to educate you on proper etiquette!”

“Well… I… Um…” Takeru stammered out. “I… I didn’t know what flowers you liked, and I figured the bike would be a bit of a tip off as to who I am so…”

“Relax,” Adagio said as she wrapped an arm around his shoulder. “I was just teasing you. And yes, before you say anything, yes, I do have a sense of humor.”

“I wasn’t going to,” Takeru replied politely. “You clean up nicely, by the way.”

“...are you trying to imply that I…?” Adagio started.

“No no no!” Takeru said quickly backpedaling.

“Relax,” Adagio giggled. “I was just teasing you, again. I swear, you’re far too easy to mess with. Shall we?” she asked, as she linked her arm with his.

Adagio smiled to herself, a lady was allowed some of her secrets. Said secrets may have involved Rarity and one of her friends, true, but they were still secrets as long as they remained that way.

“...Er,” Adagio stammered out as she was fussed over by both Rarity, and a friend of hers from this school called Crystal Prep. “I’m not sure all of this is really needed… I think I can prepare for a date by myself…”

“Nonsense!” Rarity chided while she did up Adagio’s golden locks. “Me and Sugarcoat here? We’re just here to make sure you’re at the top of your game tonight. That’s all. Isn’t that right Sugar?” she asked, turning to the white haired woman.

“Quite correct,” Sugarcoat nodded adjusting her glasses. “In any case, we shall help you prepare to meet your friend. Proper posture, the correct clothing, and some rapid yet effective hygiene will perfectly optimise you for whatever tasks you have planned with your hopeful boyfriend to be.” she continued placing a black dress on Adagio’s bed.

“...I feel like my personal space is being invaded,” Adagio mumbled to herself the comment going unheard. “Really you two, I’m not completely helpless!”

Even if she did admit the little black dress never went out of style and was quite practical.

“You want to be at your best, yes…?” Rarity said gesturing for Adagio to sit with her hairbrush. “Now, SIT!”

“I’m not a dog,” Adagio muttered. “Look, I appreciate the thought but…”

“This is just us helping you along,” Sugarcoat replied. “Quite honestly, I think you need the help. This little dress has barely been used, judging by the fact that it’s in the back of the closet indicating you really don’t care for it. Neither do you really care for your personal appearance that much given that there are some tangles in your hair. Quite shameful really!”

“I’ve honestly cared more about my job than my own personal appearance, really,” Adagio replied. “Is that so wrong?”

“No, not at all dearie!” Rarity tittered. “But be that as it may, I did notice whenever you were with Ankh, you at least gave that little extra effort to your appearance. I just want your friend and teacher to notice the best in you! We just want that, now is that so wrong?”

“No… No, I suppose not…” Adagio admitted. “...You’re not going to make any student-teacher relationship jokes are you?”

“...No…” Rarity whispered though her tone said otherwise.

“She’d better not, they are quite crude,” Sugarcoat replied handing Adagio a bra. “Now, while we don’t expect this on the first date, if you do bring your friend back to your home for a little something extra…”

“S-Sugarcoat!” Adagio stammered out. “Don’t you think we’re getting ahead of ourselves just a little here?”

“Perhaps, perhaps not,” Sugarcoat admitted. “But it doesn’t hurt to be prepared for anything.”

“I don’t even know if this date will turn out well…” Adagio replied. “He could end up being just a friend anyway!”

“The blush in your cheeks says otherwise, dearie…” Rarity smiled. Or was that a knowing smirk? It was hard to tell with her really.

“Here,” Sugarcoat said shoving a little purse towards Adagio. “Purse. Never leave home without it!”

Adagio groaned.

“...why do I feel there’s a story there?” Takeru noted seeing the expression on Adagio’s face.

“...I’m being conspired against,” Adagio muttered hanging her head in defeat and already hearing Sugarcoat’s voice inside her head telling her to correct her posture. “...I am seriously being conspired against.”

Takeru patted her on the shoulder as they took their seats. “You can tell me all about it. Did it involve your friends?”

“How did you…?” Adagio asked as she went over the menu.

“...Ah, Onari may have elected to place himself as my personal date planner or something.”

“No, no!” Onari chided. “You cannot just go out in public, on a date, no less in your usual attire! That may be good for casual fun, yes, but not on an actual date Takeru-Dono! It’s shameful!”

“Onari…” Takeru whined. “Don’t you think you’re just overthinking this just a little? This may go nowhere!”

“That may be true, but you must always look your best!” Onari shouted. “You are representing your family, the Daitenku Temple and Mysterious Phenomenon Institute! Appearances must be kept up with the proper apparel!”

Here, he shoved a pile of clothing in front of Takeru. “And don’t come back to me till you have changed!”

Takeru hang his head in defeat and walked back, and soon returned clad in a very nice suit and tie. Onari pulled a string from… somewhere, and confetti rained down all over the room.

“The powers of 15 great stitchers and sewers have gathered! This is Ghost’s Grateful Suit!” Onari proclaimed. “Your date will surely be shining... no, burning bright!”

Crickets chirped outside as silence reigned before Takeru finally regained the power of speech.

“...Onari, don’t get yourself as a job as my hereld,” he mumbled. “It doesn’t suit you… or anybody.”

Far away in time and space, a man in a gray robe sneezed, dropping his calendar of calamities. He felt a slight against both his person and his overlord. This must be investigated! He held up a watch and pressed down on it.

“GINGA! Finally Time! Shakunetsu Burning! Gekiatsu Fighting! Hey, yo Taiyo! GingaTaiyo!"

Takeru’s ability to sense danger suddenly kicked in for some reason. “...why do I have a feeling I just ticked somebody off?”

He shrugged it off. It was probably nothing in the end. In any case, he knew Onari meant well, he just had a… odd way of going about things. He also had a sneaking suspicion Onari, if he could help it, would arrange a marriage for him if he felt things were really going to go that well for his friend.

“...Those aren’t papers are they?” Takeru asked eyeing the monk with a trace of suspicion.

Onari quickly hid something behind his back. “No, Takeru-Dono, they are nothing of the kind. None at all!”

Takeru quickly grabbed the papers and sliced them in half with the Sunglasseslasher. “And now they don’t exist at all,” he said rubbing his forehead. “...Honestly, Onari…”

Onari sighed as he sat down. “Look, Takeru. I saw you die… and it scared me. And now, you’ve just barely escaped death several times, the most recent being just only a short while ago with that Genomes thing, that Michihiko Zaizen man. I… I just want to see you live a proper life for once. Fall in love, have kids, and not have to deal with anything Rider related for once.”

“I’ll always be a Rider, Onari,” Takeru said. “As soon as I put on the belt, as soon as anyone puts on a belt, they have a responsibility.”

“I know that, and I can’t keep you from it,” Onari said. “But I just want to help you live, and I mean truly live for yourself when you’re not engaged in battle with whatever the latest world-ending threat might be, you understand?”

“I… I do,” Takeru nodded. “Thank you… Onari.”

He knew Onari was right, half of the time he was so concerned about saving the world he neglected his own life. Even now, helping out Adagio with her… issues and training her to be a Rider in her own right was consuming some of his life. He wouldn’t leave Denver, not until she could handle herself properly whilst in the middle of a Full Medal Combo and not until Foundation X’s latest plot was put to a stand still.

“It’s what I’m here for,” Onari answered. “Takeru-Dono. Now… go have fun okay?”

Takeru smiled and gave him a thumbs up even as he was practically shoved out the door. Huh, Godai was right. That did work.

“...You too huh?” Adagio asked in a sympathetic tone. “...Seems our friends really do want what’s best for us, I suppose. Even if they can be…”

“Overbearing?” Takeru laughed before taking a glance at the menu. “What do you think, the Butternut Squash Bisque or the Hasselback Potatoes?”

“Why…” Adagio said before mentally kicking herself. “Oh, right. Monk. You’re a vegan. ...Forgot about that. Your choice, though I think this here? The Sweet Onion Tarts with Cream Cheese and Thyme? Sounds tasty.”

“Eh, I’ll go with your recommendation,” Takeru said. “You chose the venue, so you probably know what’s good here.”

Adagio smiled. “Good, you’re learning.” she teased.

“...Also, Ruby Rose?” Takeru said taking note of her phone casing. “...Really? I thought it would be something like seals or dolphins!”

“I-I’m… I’m a fan okay?” Adagio stammered out trying very hard to not blurt out the fact she wished her sword could be something like Crescent Rose instead. “Is that so wrong? I blame Aria. Yep, definitely blame her…” she muttered.

“...I was expecting Weiss, actually,” Takeru commented. “She fits you.”

“...Weiss, really?” Adagio answered. “...I’m not that stoic am I? ...am I?” she asked herself. Takeru laughed.

“No, no, you’re fine. She’s just beautiful, like you,” Takeru replied before clapping a hand over his mouth. “I didn’t overstep my bounds did I?”

“Honestly, Firefly,” Adagio said. “You really need some more confidence. You’re a sweetheart, you are, but you need a bit more confidence!”

“...If you say so,” Takeru mumbled. “Speaking of insects, how is your little purple friend?”

“Little purple…” Adagio started before she smacked her forehead in realization. “Oh! OH! You… you mean Sea? Aria and Fluttershy offered to take her in, so did Sonata. I decided Sonata was the better choice, given well… between you and me?”

Here she leaned in and whispered. “I personally think Aria and Fluttershy have this ‘thing’ going on. I have no confirmation about that, but I really do think so!”

“You’re a nice woman, you know that right?” Takeru said. “I can see why you got the powers of OOO…”

“I try,” Adagio answered. “It’s about all I can do really…”

“By the way,” Takeru said. “You declaring you’d save the Greeed from themselves? Quite brave of you… and so kind of you.”

“Well, I… I just don’t think anyone should live like that,” Adagio replied. “Living just for themselves? I just don’t think it’s right. Maybe I’m overstepping myself, but I should at least try. I’d never live with myself if I didn’t extend out a hand to help.”

“Eiji’s definitely rubbed off on you,” Takeru smiled approvingly. “Good on him.”

“Well, I do just wonder if I’m not… well, into deep. As the old song goes, I probably should know when to hold 'em and know when to fold 'em. Or just walk away and run. The Greeed have been like this for 700 years, expecting them to change is… well, maybe I need a miracle.”

“But if you didn’t try,” Takeru replied. “You’d be betraying your own values, correct?”

“...Yeah, I suppose,” Adagio muttered. “Sometimes I wonder if that dream didn’t push me into this.”

“What dream?” Takeru asked. “Go on, you can tell me. Your secret’s safe with me…”

“I had this dream, a few days before I got the OOO Driver,” Adagio said. “I didn’t think anything of it at the time, but… well, I saw HIM. The first OOOs, backstabbing the Greeed, even Ankh. I just want to make up for the actions of my predecessor, I suppose…”

“A noble goal, indeed...” Takeru said getting another feeling as to why the Cores affected Adagio so badly, and how easily they drove her so berserk. He did have to wonder, were Adagio and this King related in some distant fashion? It was worth a thought at least. Plus, he couldn’t think of any other reason why the King’s memories would reach across time and into Adagio’s head as a dream. He’d have to ask Eiji, the Kougami knew more about this King than he did.

In the cover of some false ferns, both Sugarcoat and Rarity peeked their heads out ever so carefully.

“...We’re really doing this?” Sugarcoat drawled. “Spying?”

“Such an ugly word!” Rarity tittered. “We’re just making sure Adagio’s date goes well, yes? Isn’t that what we want?”

“It still feels like an invasion of privacy,” Sugarcoat said in her usual blunt fashion. “If I were on a date, I’d rather not be bothered by my friends.”

“Oh, hush hush darling!” Rarity said clamping her hand over Sugarcoat’s mouth. “This is all for a good cause, really! Think of it this way, if anything goes wrong we can fix it on the fly!”

“Well, when you put it that way…” Sugarcoat muttered. “I suppose I can sorta get behind the idea.”

Adagio blinked at the table, and looked at Takeru. “...you ever think you’re feeling watched?”

“All the time, why?” Takeru asked.

“No reason…” Adagio trailed off casting a glance towards the ferns where Rarity and Sugarcoat dived back in to avoid being seen. They wiped the beads of sweat off their faces and sighed in collective relief. What a narrow escape!

Rarity was then beaned on the head by a hairbrush thrown at her via Adagio. Sugarcoat gaped, before she too got the beaning atop the head. The woman smirked. That should teach the both of them to spy on her.

“...Isn’t that overdoing it?” Takeru asked glancing at the twosome wondering where exactly Adagio had pulled those two hairbrushes from.

“No, and besides, wouldn’t you be annoyed if you had Onari peeking in on our date like this?” Adagio questioned.

“Fair point,” Takeru admitted conceding his date’s point. “Fair point…”

Adagio smiled before she saw the waiter returning with their drinks. “Oh look, here’s those onions and thyme that you ordered!”

Kougami Foundation, Denver Branch:

“How the hay am I supposed to walk with these things…” Sea muttered as she was lead into the Kougami Foundation building. She was still getting used to this odd body with its two legs and the different center of gravity, and it wasn’t easy. “How do human mares walk like this…”

“Just put one foot in front of the other,” Adagio instructed, checking her watch for the time. Her boss would kill her if she was late for work again. “Simple as that.”

“You say that like it’s so simple,” Sea groaned as she stumbled a little. “I feel like I’m trying to roller skate with a sombrero on my head.”

“...sounds like the one time I tried doing work at a fast food joint…” Sonata muttered behind her, ready to catch Sea if she fell. “Regretted it at once. Looked like an idiot, and my god, the fashion… Still, the free tacos were totes worth it!”

“Ignore her,” Adagio said. “My sister as you’ve probably figured out, she’s sweet but she’s a bit of an oddball.”

“A sister who totally supported you on your date last night…” Sonata chirped. “How’d that go, by the way? You were smiling. Like, an actual smile when I saw you last. Not that smile you put on just to please people.”

She leaned over to Sea and whispered: “My sister cannot smile for the life of her, not unless she’s around A, Arthur and Morgana, or B, Takeru apparently.”

“I see, I have no idea who either of those are,” Sea said with a shrug. “I mean I’ve been on my hind legs before, but the armor compensates for it. This just feels… weird.”

“How is it being a pony, anyways?” Sonata asked. “Just curious. Like, how do your herd animal instincts work? Do you really eat grass? Or is that just an Earth horse thing?”

“You’re babbling again, ‘Nata,” Adagio drawled. “Stop freaking the poor woman out okay? She’s still new around here, you want to spook her any more than she probably is?”

Adagio rubbed her forehead and muttered: “Rely it upon me to be the sane one in the family again…”

“Admit it, ‘Dagi!” Sonata said. “If you found out Sea was say… something like a hippocampi or whatever, you’d be digging her for info!”

Adagio said nothing except a grumble of: “...don’t you have cakes to bake?”

“Awwwww, but I want to be with my new best friend,” Sonata said slinging an arm around Sea. “...Plus, I totally want to grill you for info on your date.”

Adagio facepalmed before muttering: “I think I’ve had quite enough of seaponies after my doppelganger and her sisters.”

Sonata turned to Sea and said: “Sorry, her pony world counterpart came to town -did I mention?- and turned out to be a real bitch. Fun times!”

“Uh, I see… well I’ve never met another me,” Sea shrugged. “And to answer your question, I haven’t exactly ever had a frame of reference for being anything other than a pony… though that’s going to change soon I guess, if I ever make it back home at least.”

Sonata and Adagio shared a look. “...Dare I ask what you mean by that?” Adagio inquired.

Sea flinched a little and sighed. “It’s a long story, and I don’t even know all the details. I’m not exactly a full pony, one of my parents was a Changeling.”

“What’s a changeling?” Sonata asked. “And why should it matter? I mean, so what if you’re half and half? You’re still you aren’t you? You’re still a Rider for Great Justice and all that right?”

Here she punched the air on reflex. Adagio had to suppress a smile at her sister’s antics and kindness.

“It’s, kinda like a pony only more insect-like and can shapeshift, they also feed on love instead of food,” Sea answered. “And yeah, I’m still me, trust me I’ve been through this already. But still, I’d be lying if I said it was easy. Changelings are…”

“So, pony bug succubi?” Sonata asked. “Sounds more cool than… scary. I mean, tell me, what part of that doesn’t sound cool? Now, if you were Uva, we might have a little talk, but I don’t see why this is such a bad thing. Sounds like you got the best of both sides if you ask me.”

“What’s a succubi?” Sea asked with a confused look. “But, not really. I mean I always thought I was a pony so I never had any Changeling traits. It’s only coming up now because the Driver and Khepri activated my Changeling blood.”

“Ahhhhhh, so this is that Cross of Fire thing?” Sonata asked and both Sea and Adagio stared at her. Sonata blinked. “...Wait, do neither of you know what this is? Adagio, I’m surprised at you! You should do your reading. It’s a known fact that Riders always get their powers from the same source as the villains!” she chided with a little finger wag.

“...Ahhhh, I forgot to mention,” Adagio said as she leaned over to Sea. “Sonata? Huge Rider Nerd. Don’t get her started on Kamen Rider X really…”

“It’s Otaku, learn the difference!” Sonata shouted, hugging a plushie of the WizarDragon to her chest.

“Exactly how many Kamen Riders have you had in this universe?” Sea asked with a tone of surprise in her voice.

“32, so far,” Sonata said holding up her phone, it being on the web page of a blog titled ‘The Kamen Rider Club’, The editor was one Yuki Jojima, whoever that was. “...and this is just the main ones. I think the count is close to 100 these days. Odd though, 2002 had none…”

“Geez… we only have four currently where I come from, though there was more a long time ago,” Sea commented. “During the Sengallop era of ancient Neighpon. It’s where we actually got the name and stuff from.”

“Well, we need to fix the ‘Rider’ part of your title, Sea,” Adagio said. “Plus, get you hooked up with Eiji here. He’s kinda a big deal here in Denver, and really a guy you’d want on your side. Trust me, the Kougami Foundation’s little RideVendors and Candroids? Useful in a pinch.”

“Yeah, Tinker and Vira are the experts on that kind of thing back home,” Sea said with a shrug. “Now that you mention it, it’s kind of odd that I don’t have something like that.”

“So what did the Sengallop Riders ride?” Sonata asked before cracking up. “Each other? Cause… you know, you’re all horses and all that… I’ll shut up now.”

“You know… I honestly have no idea,” she admitted. “I’m not really the expert on that kind of thing. I’m just a musician who stole a Driver and Shifter from a Changeling Princess. Maybe magical constructs or something? This is all magic based technology, magitech I guess. It’s pretty normal back home.”

“Well, I don’t know about magitech, but I do know a few things about regular technology,” came a male voice Adagio knew all too well. Eiji had entered the room, rolling up a silver and black bike that looked like it had pinchers on the front cowling. The word ZECT was on it, along with a strange beetle. “I called in a few favors, really. Arata was all too happy to lend me a spare. Just in case.”

“...And I don’t even get that sort of express shipping to my house with Amazon…” Adagio mumbled to herself before smiling. “Eiji, so glad you could help.”

“Eiji Kougami,” Sonata whispered to Sea. “He’s been providing Adagio with all sorts of stuff, including a really nice sword.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” Sea said with a polite smile as she looked the bike over for a moment. “What’s a ZECT?”

“ZECT, they were… still are a paramilitary organization formed back in the seventies dedicated to fighting shapeshifting creatures called Worms with their Masked Rider program,” Eiji explained showing a bit of distaste at the word ‘paramilitary’. Adagio didn’t have to guess why remembering his history. “You’d be surprised at what they still have lying around in surplus. Eiji Kougami. Pleased to meet you, Sea-Chan.” he said with a bow.

“Likewise, uh… sorry, I don’t know how honorifics work here,” Sea said as she returned the bow politely.

“Well, will just Sea be fine?” Eiji asked.

“Yeah, that would be fine,” Sea replied with a smile as she took a deep breath. “This world is really different than mine, not just in terms of species. This might take some getting used to.”

“Trust me, we’ll be there to help you for as long as you need,” Eiji said putting a hand on her shoulder. “Riders help other Riders out.”

“Tell that to the Changelings…” Sea muttered but smiled a little. “Thank you, that helps a lot really.”

“Anything to help. Now, the Machine Zectron. Pretty basic, really. But it does have a few features of note,” Eiji said holding up an owner’s manual. “Like this, apparently it fires a ball of molecular shock forwards, destroying anything in its path.”

“Mental note, get a bike. Fix the Rider part in my name as well. I mean, my car’s cool and all but… It’s against the spirit of things.” Adagio muttered bringing up her phone and looking through the bikes on offer. “Oooh, this looks interesting. A Honda VTR1000F Firestorm…”

“She just got her paycheck,” Sonata said turning to Eiji. “Can’t you tell?”

“Look, uh, there’s one other thing,” Sea said as she reached into her pocket and took out the dormant Khepri. “Khepri here feeds on ambient magic and your universe is lacking in it apparently. Is there anything we can do to power him?”

“I think I might be able to help with that…” Adagio said flipping the Kuwagata Medal towards her. “Not a scarab, but I think it’ll do in a pinch.”

“And a pinch is a chance after all~!” Sonata singsonged before pressing a button on the Machine Zectron making it fire a blast of energy. Something clattered in the background, sounding rather large. “...Oops?”

“Please… don’t do that.” Eiji asked rubbing his forehead. “...well, at least we know it… works.”

“Yeah… uh… I think I’ll be careful with that button…” Sea commented as she held the medal in her hand. “How is this…”

Khepri suddenly sprung to life as his insectoid wings stirred and he flew around. “Whoa… that was a rush, I haven’t felt anything like that before.”

“Like a Kivat…” Eiji murmured. “Interesting.”

“You know Ankh’s going to kill you for that, right?” Sonata asked her sister.

“Eh, the birdbrain complains about anything. Medals this, medals that. Ice Pops this, Ice Pops,” Adagio waved her off. “You know how much of a bill he racked up?”

“Yeah… wait, can you hear him?” Sea asked as she looked at Eiji. “Because normally only I can hear him.”

“Must be the core medals’ own magic interacting with your Khepri’s own…” Eiji murmured. “Interesting.”

“Tch, I could’ve told you that,” Khepri commented. “I’ve never felt any magic like this before. It’s so invigorating!”

“Oh great, now there’s two of them!” Adagio grumbled already feeling a headache coming on. “And just when you think Ankh was bad enough…”

Sonata patted her sister on the back sympathetically. “If he starts asking for Ice Pops,” she added. “Just say no! Trust me, it’ll be better for your budget in the long run!”

“Tch, I was perfectly designed by Princess Dusk Shadow,” Khepri retorted. “I don’t need food, let alone ice pops.”

“It’s true, I’ve never actually seen him eat,” Sea shrugged.

“Oh… Okay, good…” Sonata said. “Let’s hope the two of them never meet…”

“Yeah, let’s hope…” Sea said as she took a deep breath. “Look, uh, I wanted to thank all of you really. You’ve been a great help in getting me used to being here. I do want to get back home at some point though, this universe is kinda weird to me. No offense.”

“Well, we’re working on that,” Eiji said. “A few nights ago, had a satellite detect some odd… blip, I’d guess you’d call it somewhere in or near the city. Then another. I’m guessing it’s related to you showing up. It’s probably no coincidence at the very least.”

“Hmm, I wonder…” Adagio murmured. “Starlight maybe?”

She remembered the woman well, after all it was hard to forget a Rider who took down Takeru without even breaking a sweat. “Her and her… Foundation, I think it was?”

“Mhmm, yes…” Eiji muttered. “No doubt.”

“Am… Am I missing something here?” Sea asked.

“Foundation X,” Eiji explained. “They’ve got their hands in just about everything, from drug laundering to weapons development. I’ve had a run in with a few of their operatives, and so has Adagio.”

“Yeah,” Adagio muttered flashing back to the footage Cube Condor had shown her. “They’ve got a friend of mine. Sea? Word to the wise? If you ever see one of their operatives -and trust me, they are hard to miss- run. Just run.”

In the back of Adagio’s mind, her suspicions ran rampant. She had a sickening feeling as to what was going on, she just didn’t dare voice it aloud. But this would explain a lot of what was happening lately. From the new Rider, to the appearance of Sea, and from the sounds of it someone else as well.

“Kaisei Mogami,” Eiji said holding up a picture of the man Eilas had encountered and Cube Condor had seen. “Don’t know much about him, which is par for the course for X operatives but we do know he’s in possession of a Rider like system. It wouldn’t be much of a leap to assume with the appearance of Starlight, he’s working on perfecting those systems and giving X a solid Rider of their own.”

“...and he may have already succeeded, what with that new White Rider around,” Adagio muttered rubbing her arm unconsciously, wincing. “He mentioned Masamune. I have a feeling I know exactly what happened to Takeru’s eyecon…”

Then as if to make matters worse, her phone rang. “...Oh Jesus,” Adagio said with an audible groan. “Looks like someone’s asking for me. I need to get to the Aquarium.”

“Adagio!” Eiji started. “Be careful, don’t rush into anything. Too many things are happening right now for me to feel safe just letting you go alone into an unknown situation.”

“Well, I’m not exactly alone, am I?” Adagio asked looking towards Sea.

“So, you had someone for me?” Adagio asked as she pulled up to the Aquarium, walking inside and towards the front desk, where Star Hunter was rapidly trying to explain to Phoenix a few things. Sea was soon to follow on her new bike, catching a bit of attention from passersby due to the Machine Zectron’s appearance. It was a very eye-catching bike after all.

“Yeah, yeah,” Star Hunter said. “This guy, okay? Never seen him before in my life, but he asked for you directly -getting a bit famous ‘Dagi!- like he knew you. Like he knew you personally.”

“Okay, A, don’t call me Dagi. Only my sisters get that privilege. B, you can tell him to talk to me after I get some work done. I’ve got a full schedule today. One, feed the belugas and narwhals, two, check the Small Life tanks, and three… Oh, yeah, there’s that tour group from Belleview Elementary School.”

“You’re at risk of overworking yourself Adagio, you do know that right?” Star Hunter said. “Let me handle the feeding, you take the tour group okay? You’re not the only employee around here, you know that right?”

“And what about him?” Adagio asked, gesturing behind her to Phoenix. “I still have him to take care. ...No, actually, let him join us on the tour group. He might learn something.”

“Mhmmm, frugal,” Star Hunter noted as he watched Adagio give the newcomer her best ‘winning’ smile, the one she reserved for making business associates and reassuring idiots she was not that other Adagio. “Making friends as always eh?”

“You know, joining you on that tour doesn’t sound so bad, we don’t want to take up too much of your time,” Ocean returned from behind her with a polite, but somewhat phony smile. “But I have to disappoint you in a way, he won’t learn anything from this,” she added with a light chuckle.

“...Oh, so he’s an idiot then?” Star Hunter snarked. “And here I was thinking he was President of Third World Shithole #32.”

“You know I can hear you, right?” Phoenix muttered in return, giving him an exhausted stare.

“When did you become so…”

“Snarky?” Star Hunter asked, finishing Adagio’s unanswered question. “I work with you don’t I?”

“...I was going to go with rude.” Adagio drawled feeling that headache return. “...well, it could be worse. Better an idiot than a Foundation X employee.”

Although that didn’t stop her from fingering the Same medal hanging around her neck via a small chain.

“Yeah, idiot pretty much covers it,” Ocean chuckled, Phoenix giving her an overplayed frown. “But that isn’t always a bad thing. And he is my idiot and I like him just how he is,” she added with a sly smile. “But it’s nice to meet you, Adagio Dazzle. I’m Ocean Skies.”

“You two married yet, or are you just eye-fucking?” Adagio asked before sticking out her hand. “Pleasure’s all mine.”

“...My point has been proven…” Star Hunter muttered in the background going ignored.

“No, not married yet, but we are past the eye-fucking,” Phoenix added with a grin on his lips before stretching out his hand as well. “Phoenix Feather.”

“Pleasure. Adagio Dazzle. So… Uh,” Adagio started. “I hate to ask, but Star Hunter mentioned you seemed to know me personally? Did we date in the past and I just forget about it, or is there something else going on here?”

“It’s complicated…” Ocean started to say, nervously rubbing the back of her neck.

“”Lemme guess, my pony world double?” Adagio asked knowing that look a bit too well.

“Well, knowing is a strong word. I beat you up once… Well, not you-you, but also not pony you-you from here… Oh, my head hurts…” Phoenix groaned, holding his head like he had a splitting headache. “Look, short version is, I beat a you up and we kinda wanted to ask you for help.” Ocean just stared at him and let her head sink into her hand with a loud sigh.

“Welp, guess we’ve found that other… blip.” Adagio thought taking Phoenix aside. “Lemme guess, you’re from another dimension?”

He just looked at her funny for a moment before sheepishly nodding: “Yeah, pretty much. We kinda wanted to ask if you knew a way to get back since you are the Rider of this world, city or whatever.”

“...Who do I look like, Shinobu Katsuragi?” Adagio asked with a ‘look’.. “...Uh, yeeeeeeeahh, sorry to break it to you, but I’m just a simple biologist.”

She rubbed her head again. “I apologize, it’s not even 10 in the morning yet and already I’ve had a really long day…”

“Oh, hell…” he hissed. “Look, until now whenever something weird happened with dimension traveling and such it usually resolved itself when we meet the involved Rider and you fit right in there. Any ideas or leads for us?”

“Well, I think I have a few, but… Uh, we’re kinda risking it as is speaking so openly. My office.” Adagio gestured. “Ocean too, just so she doesn’t get any ideas about what we’re discussing. Wouldn’t want to ruin what you’ve got going here. STAR!” she bellowed making the man look up. “You’ve got the tour group!”

“...How did I get myself wrangled into this?” Star Hunter asked. “Note to self, keep my mouth shut more often.”

Phoenix eyed her with a bit of suspicion but ultimately sighed: “Ok, if you say so and if he is ok with it,” he pointed over at Star. “Then fine, we can do that. Ocean?”

Adagio gestured for Sea to follow, knowing she’d be able to probably help correlate Adagio’s explanation.

Adagio’s office was neat and organized, a testament to her laser focus on the job at hand. It was a bit impersonal, but then again that was Adagio for you. When she was on the job, she didn’t like distractions. That wasn’t to say there weren’t a few odds and ends that stood out, such as a newspaper clipping reporting her first outing as a Rider, and of course, a plush leopard seal that could have easily doubled as a pillow. It wouldn’t have surprised anyone if Adagio fell asleep at her desk once or twice. A figurine of Holo from Spice and Wolf of all things was being used as a paperweight.

“Aww, isn’t he a cute one?” Phoenix chuckled as he looked down at the plush.

“A bit simple,” Sea commented as she looked around curiously. “But, hey it’s nice.”

“Now, here’s what I know, and what I can only speculate,” Adagio said sitting down at her desk getting right down to business. “One. You two are both from alternate dimensions. One of the pony world, and one of… well, my world I can only presume. Two. A few nights ago, the Kougami Foundation detected two odd blips. I’d say it’s obvious the blips were the two dimensional gates from which you came opening. Now, here comes the speculatory. I’m only guessing here but… well Phoenix, Ocean, does the name Foundation X ring any bells?”

“No. I have never heard of that name, what is this ‘Foundation’?” Ocean answered.

“Imagine the worst organization you can think of, like James Bond levels but actually… well, effective and real,” Adagio said searching for a comparison. “I’ve only heard bits and pieces, but they’re… well, to say they’re not good news would be a bit of an understatement. They’ve dabbled in a little bit of everything, Gaia Memories, Astroswitches, you name it. Eiji’s told me that they’ve kept an eye on just about every Rider in the world right now, and are likely researching them as we speak. Calling them merchants of death wouldn’t be inaccurate.”

“While over half of these words mean nothing to us, they sound awfully familiar to an organization in our world, ‘The Circle’. They support people who can create weapons or other advanced tech. They supported those who were using Corrupted like Gold Shadow or Tartarus and they were involved in the Orphenoch situation. And if I’m sure they are somehow connected to the Changelings as well,” Ocean said, crossing her arms in front of her with a somber frown on her lips.

“Wouldn’t be surprised if this Circle group is part of X. It sounds like them.” Adagio thought to herself.

“Yeah, in my world we’re…” Sea started to say before what Ocean said clicked in her mind. “Wait, your world has Changelings too?”

“Awkward…” Adagio murmured.

“Wait, didn’t you say she was from a pony world as well? Are you from Equestria?” Phoenix interrupted both of them a look of realization on his face.

“Yeah… I mean, the nation pretty much exists only on paper these days… but, yeah I’m from Equestria, technically,” Sea replied as she rubbed the back of her head a little. “I wound up here by accident too obviously. This world is a bit awkward for me.”

“What do you mean the nation only exists on paper now? Last time I heard from Sunset how Equestria was doing she said great,” Phoenix muttered, the worry clearly written on his face.

“Oh… I must be from a different Equestria then…” Sea said as she scratched her head a little. “I’m not really an expert on this kind of thing, but this, uh, Sunset? Well, if there’s different versions of your world, then there has to be different versions of Equestria, so I’m not really from that Equestria. I’m from a different Equestria.”

“Yeah… Yeah, that has to be it, still… Doesn’t sound good,” Phoenix returned in a surprisingly somber tone. “Kinda surprised that this means anything to me though… Never really cared where my ancestors were from.”

“If a coin comes down heads, that means that the possibility of its coming down tails has collapsed. Until that moment the two possibilities were equal. But on another world, it does come down tails. And when that happens, the two worlds split apart...” Adagio murmured reciting a book she’d read once. “Look, I won’t ask what happened on your world, Sea, but as long as it has Riders… it has hope.”

“Now, that’s something I can get behind,” Phoenix smirked. “As long as someone is still fighting there is always a chance to fix the mistakes of the past and move forward towards a bright future!”

“Leap past the end to the sky at the beginning
Your destiny is infinite
The one who does not give up
Will recall the shine to a wilting flower
And can become hope.” Adagio said before fighting back a sniffle. “...sorry, something my father liked to say. He was a poet.”

Recomposing herself as she looked at a portrait on her desk, Adagio turned back to Phoenix and Ocean. “So then, you never did tell me exactly who you were. Like, you really are. I know for a fact that kicking my pony counterpart’s ass isn’t easy. Trust me, I still have the bruises from when I borrowed the G4 Armor to prove it.”

Phoenix just smirked: “Yeah, easy isn’t the right word to describe it. Especially when you have to fight yourself through a festival that slowly is turning into a monster mash, as well as her two sisters, all three Corrupted, you have yourself one Tartarus of a day I tell you. And then there was…” he was about to say when his expression turned sour and he stopped.

“I think my world should be glad it took this long to get Kamen Riders again…” Sea said as she raised an eyebrow at Phoenix. “Your worlds are very... strange.”

“Says the pony.” Adagio drawled figuring it best to leave out the other part of Sea’s heritage for right now at least. She noted Phoenix’s sudden change in demeanor, but figured it best not to comment on it. He was deserved some privacy.

“So, who are you again?” she then repeated to Phoenix and Ocean.

Both of them looked at each other and shared a sly grin before standing up and taking a few steps back. “I think we are just gonna show you two,” he said with a light chuckle as he pulled a strange oval metal device out of his pocket, all while Ocean pressed the large red gem on her belt-buckle. Phoenix slapped the device on his waist while Ocean’s belt-buckle morphed into a strange device with a large red gem on it and a cylinder.

Before the two others could ask anything Phoenix pulled out a red disc with rigid golden edges and pressed it into the belt. Ocean meanwhile pushed a silver and blue battery like thing into the side of her own belt, right where the cylinder was.



Simultaneously both Phoenix and Ocean moved their hands, he spinning the disc while she spun the cylinder of the belt. “Henshin!


\ 50, 80, 100! THUNDER CHARGE! /

Phoenix was enveloped in a fiery whirlwind while Ocean was covered in an electric blue orb of light, small little bolts of electricity arcing across it. It only took a few seconds before both of these things disappeared, revealing two armored figures. One was clad in crimson armor with golden ornaments, with green eyes and golden flame-shaped horns. The other one wore a blue undersuit overlayed by silver armor plates with black lines, two glaring red eyes and long silver antenna on her helmet.

“Alchemy, and Charge at your service.”

Adagio looked around her office and her eyebrow twitched at the destruction the transformations had brought. “...you’re footing the bills for this, you know that right?”

Author's Note:

Medals collected: Same, Kujira, Ookamiuo, Gorilla, Sai, Zou, Unagi, Tako, Kugawata, Kamakiri.

Hoo boy, so a bit of a long one here. ...okay, maybe that's a bit of an understatement really. But yeah... I did want to further the main story here, as well as continue with the crossover so that's why it turned out so long. So, Starlight's personality is given a bit more insight and the equalize statement in her transformation call is explained. Your mileage may vary if she truly wants what's best for the world or is just delusional.

Also, the origins of Kamen Rider Wraith, as we shall call him.

Punching Power: 40 t.
Kicking Power: 60 t.
Maximum Jump Height: 30 m

Punching Power: 10 t.

Kicking Power: 5 t.

Maximum Jump Height: 60 m

Stats for Starlight's Rider form, and Wraith respectively. Now, I had a bit of an argument with Layton on Alchemy's description. Now, if it takes me a minute and a half to read a description, chances are it's probably too long. Now, he says a bit of leeway is allowed for OC Riders. So, to compromise here's some artwork of Alchemy and Charge.