• Published 28th Dec 2018
  • 481 Views, 26 Comments

Crystal Note - Where life leads us - TalkingToMyself

After years of travelling all over Equestira, Crystal Note returns to live in the Crystal Empire, her old home. When a tragic event throws the life of three fillies out of balance, Crystal Note is there to help.

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Nightmares - Final Part

A few days after Crystal Note’s nightmare, Flurry Heart invited her Cutie Mark Crusader friends to the palace. This wasn’t out of the ordinary, the young princess and her friends met for playdates very often. Velvet Heart and Sweetie Tooth came as well, even though Sweetie Tooth already had her cutie mark, she would never miss out on a day with her friends and her sister.

Something unusual happened later that day, though. As the colts and fillies were playing, Rose Quartz entered the room. Most of the foals didn’t even notice her at first, but Sweetie Tooth spotted her and ran towards her with her sister
“Auntie Rose Quartz!”

The mare laughed and shared a quick hug with her nieces
“Hello Sweetie and Velvet. And greetings to you as well, Cutie Mark Crusaders!”

Rose Quartz chuckled again when the foals greeted her with waves and loud cheers. She bowed her head respectfully when Flurry Heart crossed the room with a few flaps of her wings and alighted in front of her
“Did you come to play with us, Rose Quartz?”

The mare laughed heartily again and shook her head
"Maybe next time, but today I’m here to get Velvet Heart. Princess Cadance has asked for her.”

Rose Quartz smiled to her niece who was as surprised as the young princess was
“Mom wants to see Velvet Heart?”
“Yes she does, Princess Flurry. In fact, she’s waiting for her in the throne room right now. Shall we go to her, dear?”

Velvet Heart nodded slowly as she was a tad nervous, but she walked next to her aunt as they turned towards the door. Sweetie Tooth was about to follow, but Rose Quartz stopped her
“Princess Cadance wants to see Velvet Heart today, Sweetie Tooth. Could you please wait here with the others?”

Sweetie Tooth didn’t look like she liked that idea, but Flurry Heart stood next to her and spread her wing over her friend
“Don’t worry, I’m sure Mom just wants to talk with her. She’ll be back soon and then she can tell you all about it.”

Both of the twins nodded, and Sweetie Tooth managed a smile
“See you soon, sis!”
Velvet Heart just nodded again and followed her aunt down the hallway.

Rose Quartz didn’t hurry as she led her niece towards the throne room, mostly so she had the chance to calm down the nervous filly
“Don’t worry, Darling. Princess Cadance just wants to speak with you.”

Velvet Heart looked up at her aunt, a little less worried already
“Do you know why she wants to talk to me?”
“No, Darling. She didn’t tell me, but I know she’s not upset or anything. You’re not in trouble, Velvet.”

The filly nodded and walked next to her aunt until they reached the big double doors to the throne room
“You’ve been here before and met the princess, right Velvet Heart?”
The filly nodded again and bit her lip nervously
“Yeah, but only together with Mommy.”

Rose Quartz had an encouraging smile for her niece
“Just be polite and when Princess Cadance asks you any questions, answer them honestly, okay Velvet? Now, go right in. The princess is waiting for you and I’ll be right here until you come back.”
Velvet Heart nodded and pushed the door a tad open, just enough so she could slip inside.

The throne room was empty this time of the day and not even the guards who sometimes stood by the door were there. The throne was empty as well, but Velvet Heart could see the tall form of Princess Cadance by the windows, looking out on the city. Velvet approached her carefully, but her hoofsteps echoed through the empty hall. Princess Cadance turned her head and as soon as she saw Velvet Heart, there was a warm and caring smile on her face
“Ah, hello Velvet Heart. Thank you for coming.”

Velvet Heart bowed her head like she had seen her mom and her big sister do, but Princess Cadance only chuckled softly
“There’s no need for that, my dear. Come, sit with me.”

Princess Cadance smiled to the filly and met her gaze with warm, open eyes while her mane waved softly behind her. As soon as Velvet Heart saw this, she smiled as well and gingerly walked up to the window. She sat down in what she thought would be a respectful distance, only to have a soft wing wrap around her and gently pull her a little closer. Princess Cadance chuckled softly and waited for Velvet Heart to settle in next to her.

They both watched the city through the giant windows silently for a minute, before Princess Cadance talked again, her voice just as warm and open as her eyes
“I’ve heard you helped your mother with a nasty dream recently. Would you like to tell me about it?”

Velvet Heart’s ears twitched, as this was the last thing she imagined that the princess would ask of her, but of course she answered truthfully
“Yes Princess Cadance. Sweetie Tooth and I heard Mommy crying in her sleep, so we went to check on her. She was really, really scared of something.”

The princess nodded patiently and watched Velvet as she spoke
“Can you tell me what happened?”
Velvet nodded and explained
“I could see it right away. It wasn’t like when she’s worried or when Sweetie Tooth was sick, she was even more scared. Even her coat was all grey. She was terrified and she was so scared, she didn’t even recognize Sweetie Tooth. I think she didn’t even see me. Her heart was beating so fast and she looked like she was about to run away, so I hugged her. She didn’t run then, but she was still so afraid and now she was also sad because she scared Sweetie Tooth. It felt like a prick of ice in her when Sweetie Tooth backed away from her at first.”

Princess Cadance listened as Velvet Heart explained and turned her head to watch the filly. Her ears perked up when Velvet Heart told her things she couldn’t have possibly just seen with her eyes
“How do you know your mother was so scared like this? Did she tell you afterwards?”
Velvet shook her head this time
“She didn’t. I could see it. I mean, she was crying and all, but it was like really, really obvious. I could tell and I knew I was right because, it was, like, like I was feeling the same things, only I knew it wasn’t me, I knew it was Mommy, but I could feel it too.”

Cadance nodded as Velvet struggled to explain exactly what she had sensed, and her smile changed in quality
“Go on, my dear. What else did you see?”

Velvet bit her lip, she didn’t know if she should tell about this, but really felt that she could trust Princess Cadance and she followed her instinct
“Mommy said that she didn’t remember her dream and I knew right away that she was lying. But I wasn’t angry because, I felt that she was only saying it to make us feel better, but it hurt her so much to do it, and I was so worried that she would hurt herself like this just so we wouldn’t cry. I couldn’t see it in her face and it was too dark to see her eyes, but I knew she was hurting so much, I just knew it and I knew I was right, so I called her out on it. She admitted she had that bad dream before. She felt so sad and so scared at the same time and her chest was tight, so much that it hurt her. I knew it was true, I just knew. And then I realized I knew what would help her, so I told her. I knew it worked and it helped her even if it hurt a little at first. Sweetie Tooth and I, we held her, and we told her we love her, and we even sung a lullaby for her, because, because I knew it was right. I knew she needed right that and nothing else would help. And even though Mommy was crying, she was feeling better. I could feel it. I don’t know how, but I could, and it all made sense and I knew I was right.”

Cadance listened attentively as the young filly talked herself into some kind of fury, as she struggled to put in words what exactly had happened to her that night. Once Velvet’s words had run out, she answered in a soft voice, even though Velvet could clearly hear the severity behind her words
“You could feel her heart and sense her innermost feelings. As clear as the colour of her coat, you could see them, not with your eyes, but with your heart instead. You felt what she felt, but the emotions didn’t take hold of you and so you could also feel what you needed to do to help.”

Velvet Heart looked up at the princess, surprised how easily Princess Cadance could understand how she had felt and that she could explain it so well. She gasped when she realized how this could be possible
“You can feel it too! You have to! Otherwise, you couldn’t know it so well.”

Princess Cadance smiled softly and nodded
“Yes, Velvet Heart. I am the Princess of Love and I can see the hearts of the ponies if I look closely enough, just like you could that night.”

“It wasn’t just that night.”
Velvet stared up at the Princess
“It was all so clear then, but ever since it didn’t stop, I can still see but only like glimpses or traces. Not like I could with Mommy.”

Princess Cadance nodded again and looked the filly in the eyes
“And that is why I called you here today, Velvet Heart. I expected as much, and I wanted to make sure. This is a very rare talent you have, my little pony."
Velvet's ears immediately perked up and lured out a chuckle from the princess
"You mean it could be my special talent?"

Princcess Cadance chuckled and spread her wing over the filly for a little squeeze
"It might be, Velvet Heart. However, it might depend on how you wish to use this talent."
Velvet tilted her head to the side even as she kept staring up to the tall alicorn
"How I want to use it?"

Princess Cadance nodded and Velvet could tell from her eyes that the next things she said would be very important
"You see, Velvet Heart, knowing what ponies around you feel, seeing what's inside their hearts, gives you a great deal of power and knowledge over them. It gave you the power to help your mother heal a pain she had for a long time. And you did just that, because you love your mommy."

Velvet Heart nodded and smiled a little, but she still listened attentively as the princess carried on
"But imagine what somepony who didn't love your mother could have done with this knowledge. They could use it to manipulate her, or even hurt her more. If you saw the heart of a pony you didn't like, you might be tempted to use that knowledge in such a way. And even if not, knowing things that a pony doesn't even know herself might accidentally hurt them if you're not very careful. Do you understand what I mean, Velvet Heart?"

The filly nodded immediately, and her ears sunk down in shame so that they almost vanished in her mane
"Sometimes when I argue with Glass Slipper, I say something that hurts her even if I don't mean it. I made her cry once and I felt so bad I cried too."

Velvet Heart half expected the princess to be mad at her now, but instead the wing around her flexed to cover her completely in a very comforting hug and Princess Cadance' voice was still warm
"And that's why you need to ask yourself how you want to use such a talent, Velvet Heart."

Princess Cadance watched the young filly and kept her wing gently wrapped around her. Velvet's expression changed to very concentrated and serious, it almost reminded her a little of a young Twilight Sparkle when the young unicorn had found a particularly hard book to read.

Velvet Heart took a while before she answered, just like Princess Cadance had expected, even if the answer surprised her
"I want to be a nurse!"
Velvet looked up at the princess again in an almost-glare that meant determination, and Cadance inclined her head
"Oh? And can you tell me why, my little pony?"

Velvet nodded and did her best to explain
"When Nurse Ruby Rose talked with Mommy, she knew what to say so Mommy wouldn't worry so much anymore. That's what I want to do too! I want to help ponies when they need it most, like when they're hurt or sick."
Princess Cadance had another proud smile for the filly
"That is a very noble ambition, Velvet Heart. But you might be able to do even more."

Velvet Heart stared up at her expectantly, so she explained
"There are more illnesses that fever or broken limbs, my dear. Sometimes, ponies are completely fine on the outside, but they can be very hurt on the inside. It's like not their bodies, but their hearts and their minds carry the wounds instead."

Princess Cadance blinked and instinctively pulled her wing a little tighter around Velvet Heart when she felt the shiver running through the filly
"So many ponies in the city are healthy, but they are still afraid because of what happened before you freed us, Princess Cadance. They are so afraid that it hurts them, and they can't let go if it."

Velvet's gaze dropped to the floor and the princess leaned her head down to be closer to the filly when she heard soft sniffling
"Mommy says she plays her music for everypony so they can feel better, but what if a song isn't enough?"

The princess nodded and whispered softly
"Those ponies could use a little more help. They can go to Doctor Caring Hoof when they hurt their hooves, but not when they hurt inside their hearts."
Velvet Heart nodded vehemently and looked up at Princess Cadance again
"That's what I want to be! I want to help ponies, so they don't have to feel sad or angry anymore. Or at least that they can feel it without hurting."

Princess Cadance could only smile proudly to Velvet Heart
"Being a doctor needs a lot of dedication, my little pony. Caring Hoof had to study a lot before she could heal her first patient."
Velvet Heart just smirked
"I'm the best in my class at school! I don't mind studying!"

Just as quickly, her smirk turned back into a thoughtful expression
"But I have to learn how to properly see other ponies' hearts too, so I don't hurt anypony by accident."
A new series of chuckles from Princess Cadance had her lose that frown quickly
"You really are a very clever little filly, Velvet Heart. Just like your aunt told me."

Princess Cadance looked deeply into Velvet Heart's eyes and the filly knew that the next questions would be very, very important
"Is that really what you want, Velvet Heart? Do you want to be a healer of the hearts and minds for ponies?"
Velvet Heart nodded first, but this was so important, so she had to say it too
"Yes Princess Cadance! I really want to help other ponies like that!"

Velvet knew she had said the right thing because Princess Cadance smiled more and even her eyes shined with pride. Velvet Heart smiled back and felt it like a warm glow that ran through her body and tingled on her coat.

"If that is the case, Velvet Heart, then I will be happy to help. I can teach you how to use your talent and how to understand emotions around you."
Velvet Heart's eyes grew wide
"You want to teach me, Princess Cadance?"
"Yes, Velvet Heart. If that is what you want, of course."

Princess Cadance chuckled when Velvet got even more excited
"You mean I'd be your personal student? Like Princess Twilight was with Princess Celestia? Or Starlight Glimmer with Princess Twilight?"

Cadance managed to stop her chuckling and squeezed the filly with her wing
"Maybe not exactly like that, Velvet Heart. How about we meet up once a week first and then see how things turn out?"

Velvet Heart squealed excited and threw herself against the princess, who held her with her hoof for a moment
"Thank you thank you thank you Princess!"
"You are very welcome, my dear. And I think I also need to congratulate you, Velvet Heart."

The pink wing that had been covering her slipped away and so Velvet Heart could now see what the princess meant. She stared in awe at her flank. What had been a blank spot minutes earlier was now replaced with a cutie mark like she had never seen before. On her flank, Velvet now had a big red heart and inside that heart, there was a strange symbol she didn't recognize. It looked like a staff that ended with two wings at the top and there were two swirly lines wrapped around the staff. Velvet stared at it in wonder
"What's that?"

Princess Cadance leaned down to take a closer look and she could still Velvet's curiosity
"It's called a caduceus, Velvet Heart. It's an old symbol that healers sometimes used, in the times long before Equestria was even founded by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna."

Velvet immediately smiled and happy sparkles started to dance over her coat
"Does that mean my special talent has something to do with healing?"
Princess Cadance nodded and smiled along
"I think that's a fair conclusion, Velvet Heart. Congratulations, my little pony. You really have a very special cutie mark."

Velvet Heart couldn't seem to pull her eyes away from it for a minute, but then her eyes opened wide and she let out a huge gasp
"I got my cutie mark! I need to tell Sweetie Tooth!"
Princess Cadance laughed gently and nodded
"You better not let her wait too long."

Velvet Heart jumped to her hooves and ran towards the door, but after only a couple of steps she turned around again. Princess Cadance blinked surprised when the filly clung on her forehoof for an enormous squeeze and a big loud "Thank you!", but of course she returned the hug with her free hoof and a warm smile. Velvet smiled back but then raced towards the double doors again, which were pulled open for her with a pink magic glow from Princess Cadance' horn. The filly rushed past a baffled Rose Quartz and was gone out of sight before her aunt even had the chance to call after her.

Instead, Rose Quartz joined Princess Cadance in giggling and on the spot by the windows
"I wonder how Sweetie Tooth will react when she finds out."
Princess Cadance was about to reply, but then a high-pitched squeal echoed through the palace, followed by a chorus of young, happy voices who chanted "Cutie Mark!" over and over. The two mares just giggled more.

"I supposed we will be having another party soon."
"I very much hope so. You must be very proud of your niece, Rose Quartz."

The crystal mare smiled and nodded
"I am, Princess. And I am very proud that you see so much potential in her that you would pick her as your student. Thank you so much, Princess Cadance."

Cadance rolled her eyes as her advisor and friend bowed down before her, but she did so with a little smirk
"And how would you know this, Rose Quartz? Have you been eavesdropping again, Councillor?"
Cadance giggled and Rose Quartz had the dignity to blush a touch
"This time, I had a very good reason, Princess. I have to look out for my niece, after all."
This had the princess smile again
"Velvet Heart and her sisters are very lucky to have such a caring aunt."

Rose Quartz blushed a little more, but it didn't stay long when another series of squeals sounded out through the palace
"Speaking of which, I better step in before something gets broken in their enthusiasm."
"Alright, Rose Quartz. Please give my best to Crystal Note and Glass Slipper as well when you see them."
"Will do, Princess!"

With that, Rose Quartz hurried out of the throne room and after the voices of the fillies. Princess Cadance stayed by herself, watching the city and her subjects from the big windows a little while longer. Eventually, the young voices grew silent again and soon after, Flurry Heart joined her mother who welcomed her with a hug of her wings. Together, they watched as Velvet Heart, Sweetie Tooth and Rose Quartz left the palace and made their way home.
