• Published 28th Dec 2018
  • 481 Views, 26 Comments

Crystal Note - Where life leads us - TalkingToMyself

After years of travelling all over Equestira, Crystal Note returns to live in the Crystal Empire, her old home. When a tragic event throws the life of three fillies out of balance, Crystal Note is there to help.

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Hearth's Warming - Part II

Waking up in a different bed always felt weird. That was the first thought that came to Velvet Heart when the first rays of sunlight reached her room in Princess Twilight's castle. She didn't take long to remember how Crystal Note had tucked her in last night and that her sisters and her adoptive mother were just a door away. So when she jumped out of her bed, she wasn't scared at all, but excited instead. Today, she would get to see Ponyville and meet some of her new Mom's friends.

She took a moment to make her bed, Crystal Note had told her that this would be polite when staying at another pony's home, and checked on Cotton Ball. The kitten was curled up on a pillow on the bed and still slumbering. Velvet Heart gently petted her, but the small feline just purred in her sleep, so Velvet decided to let her sleep for now. She slipped out of the room and carefully closed the door, so Cotton Ball wouldn't get out. Even though she was the nicest kitten in all of Equestria, the castle was big enough for her to get lost by accident and Velvet Heart didn't want that.

Just as she left her room, she saw another door open and Crystal Note entered the hallway as well. Velvet Heart returned the smile from her mom and brightened up when she saw that Crystal Note had her violin case with her

“Are you going to play, Mommy?”

“Yes Darling. I have a little tradition, on the first morning in Ponyville, there's a song I always play. Do you want to come along?”

Velvet Heart nodded and glittered in the morning light as she walked next to Crystal Note through the castle. She was a little surprised that her mother made her way to the front doors but followed anyways. If this was something Crystal Note did on every visit, she wanted to see.

Crystal Note spent a moment at the door to bundle up Velvet Heart with her favourite scarf and a warm woollen hat before they walked out into the crisp morning air.

The sun was just rising and the castle was very quiet still, nopony but them was awake yet. Velvet Heart grinned to her mom and scampered ahead a little to enjoy the crunch of fresh snow under her hooves, while Crystal Note stayed on the main path and watched the filly with a smile.

They quickly reached their destination, the town centre of Ponyville. Everything was covered in snow, but Velvet Heart decided she liked this place. She followed her mom to a bench near the fountain and watched as the mare brushed away the snow with a flick of her tail before she sat down. There was a familiar glow of magic and the violin floated from its case into her hooves.

Velvet Heart watched with glee as Crystal Note closed her eyes and started to play. She recognized the song instantly, in fact it was one of her favourites.

As the song filled the quiet morning air, it almost seemed like the town woke up around them. Velvet Heart noticed doors and windows from the nearby houses opening and she heard other ponies on the streets. To her surprise, or maybe not, some of them headed to the bench with Crystal Note to watch with her. All the ponies smiled very friendly to Velvet Heart, but nopony talked as they all wanted to enjoy the morning song. A few ponies even started to hum along, which made Crystal Note smile even though her eyes were closed.

When Crystal Note repeated some of the song, Velvet Heart suddenly heard a loud call from behind her, so she turned around like most of the ponies

“Wait! Don't start without me!”

Some ponies laughed gently and cleared the path for the mare who had been calling. As soon as Velvet Heart got to see her, she squealed out excited

“Auntie Lyra!”

The unicorn musician grinned as she skidded to halt next to the crystal filly

“Hey squirt!”

Lyra wrapped one hoof around Velvet Heart in a hug and the filly returned the gesture. Lyra Heartstrings had visited Crystal Note in the Crystal Empire, shortly after the mare and her three fillies had moved into their new home. She had introduced herself as 'Auntie' right away and by the end of the day, she had won over the three sisters with her light-hearted and happy attitude. The large bag of candies she had brought along might have helped as well.

Lyra winked to Velvet Heart before she hopped on the bench next to Crystal Note. Velvet Heart now realized that Lyra had brought an instrument as well, and that she was sitting in that very odd way

“Yeesh, you have to be up at sunrise, don't you Crissy? Can't you just once wait for a decent time, like noonish?”

A wave of laughter and giggles ran through the crowd while Lyra adjusted her namesake lyre on her lap. Without further ado, she joined in with Crystal Note.

Velvet Heart liked the song a lot already, but Lyra and Crystal Note playing together made it sound so much more pretty that she couldn't stop smiling. The two mares instantly fell in tune with another. Velvet Heart noticed that at some point, the first song had ended but Lyra simply kept playing into the next one with Crystal Note following her lead. The small crowd of ponies now got into motion, some of them leaving in various directions, a few others joined instead. They started singing along to the next song, apparently every pony in town knew it. Velvet just listened and watched as everypony started their day and sang about how ‘Morning in Ponyville shimmers’.

The small filly smiled and looked at the shops that opened up around them while Lyra and her mom kept playing. A mare from the little audience caught her gaze and walked straight up to her with the friendliest and happiest smile Velvet Heart had ever seen. She didn’t have a horn or wings, but she wasn’t a crystal pony either, so Velvet knew she was an earth pony. She had a cream coloured coat and in her mane were happy swirls of blue and pink.

With a wink to Velvet Heart, she sat down right next to the filly and put her hoof around her. Velvet Heart didn’t know what to think of this and wiggled uneasily, but then she saw that Crystal Note sent a reassuring smile to her. Since her mother seemed okay with it, Velvet smiled shyly to the mare. The earth pony just chuckled kindly and leaned down to whisper

“Hello dearie, I’m Bon Bon. You must be Velvet Heart. It’s good to finally meet you.”

Velvet Heart smiled brightly and squealed out excited

“Auntie Lyra told us about you! You’re her wife and you make the best sweets in all of Equestria!”

Crystal Note must have heard her because she suddenly laughed her wind chime laughter while Lyra Heartstrings turned bright red. Velvet Heart looked back at Bon Bon who giggled as well

“Did she, now? Well, Miss Heartstrings, what do you have to say for yourself?”

“What? You really make the best sweets in all of Equestria!”

Bon Bon just glared at her, just like Crystal Note sometimes glared at Glass Slipper when she tried to avoid her chores, with no real force but enough to make Lyra squirm on the bench

“I said we lived together for years now! I never said we were married.”

“You didn’t deny it either, though.”

Crystal Note chimed in with a wink to Velvet Heart, now that the song was finished and Lyra just deadpanned at her

“Really? First, you make me get up at sunrise and now this? I have to say, some kind of friend you are, Crystal Note.”

Velvet Heart smiled when the three mares all laughed together and finally met in a long hug, in which Bon Bon pulled the filly as well. Velvet Heart giggled and slipped in between her mommy and Bon Bon. Even though she just met the mare, she really liked her a lot already. Just like Lyra Heartstrings, Bon Bon was warm and open and she smiled a lot. Velvet Heart stayed close to her as they walked back towards the castle.

They all walked in together and Crystal Note took them all to the same dining room they had used the last night. Princess Twilight was already there and setting the table with her magic. When she saw Bon Bon and Lyra, she welcomed them with a smile and added two more sets.

Sweetie Tooth and Glass Slipper were there as well, but they still looked a little drowsy so Velvet guessed they had just gotten up. Velvet Heart’s smile grew wider when she saw who else was finally up

“Cotton Ball!”

At her call, the kitten jumped from Glass Slipper’s back and into Velvet’s hooves. Velvet cuddled her kitten for a moment and then held her up towards Bon Bon who stood next to her

“Say hi to Auntie Bon Bon, Cotton Ball!”

Both the mare and the kitten looked confused at each other for a moment, Bon Bon mostly about her sudden inclusion into the family. Bon Bon smiled softly and picked up the kitten with her hoof, at which Cotton Ball started to purr. Sweetie Tooth and Glass Slipper made their way to Bon Bon now as well and introduced themselves.

Princess Twilight watched silently from the other side of the room. She knew better than to interrupt the moment of bonding between the fillies and their newest aunt. She smiled when Bon Bon embraced each filly in a warm hug. It was wonderful to see the girls accept this affection without hesitating and to see them smile. For the princess, it felt very rewarding to see how the deep friendship between Lyra, Crystal Note and Bon Bon had grown and now helped three lonely fillies find happiness and family again.

She giggled along with the others when the twins immediately bombarded Bon Bon with questions in their typical way, at least until Starlight Glimmer and Spike returned from the kitchen with a large assembly of breakfast treats. Once everypony found a seat, they dug in.

For the rest of the morning and the early afternoon, Princess Twilight took Crystal Note and the fillies for her mandatory tour through Ponyville. Starlight opted out, but Bon Bon had closed her shop for the day so she and Lyra could spend time with their friend and the fillies. Whenever Princess Twilight’s lectures on Ponyville’s many landmarks went too long, they could also provide some distraction for the fillies.

They didn’t make as much progress at first, since many ponies approached them to greet Crystal Note and stayed to chat a little, but Twilight just took it with a smile. She couldn’t be angry at ponies who wanted to have a few words with an old friend after all.

In the end, the group spread up with Crystal Note lingering behind to talk with her friends and acquaintances, Twilight up front in full lecture mood and Lyra and Bon Bon hovering in between. The three fillies would switch seemingly random between the groups, though Bon Bon noticed that Velvet Heart would spend most of the time with Crystal Note. Glass Slipper on the other hoof hung on Princess Twilight’s lips and Sweetie Tooth had fun goofing around with Lyra.

The other ponies in town smiled whenever they saw the three crystal fillies. There were some surprised whispers here and there, but everypony was very friendly. The town was busy, only a few days left until Hearth’s Warming Eve meant that everypony was on the hunt for some last presents or decorations. For the fillies and colts, it meant no school, so young ponies of all ages enjoyed the first snow of the year today.

When they were discussing on where to go for lunch, Glass Slipper noticed two fillies about her age were watching her and whispering to each other. She turned towards them with some wariness, but they just smiled and walked over to her now that they had been spotted

“Hey, that’s a really pretty necklace you have. We were wondering, where did you get it?”

Glass Slipper smiled and touched her necklace with her hoof

“My friend made it for me, it’s her cutie mark. She’s got the same one with mine. They’re friendship necklaces.”

“That’s neat!”

The second filly with glasses glanced to where Crystal Note and the twins were standing and back to Glass Slipper

“You’re from the Crystal Empire, right? I’ve heard you came with Crystal Note.”

“Uh-huh. I’m Glass Slipper by the way.”

“Nice to meet you! I’m Silver Spoon, this is Diamond Tiara.”

The three started a lively discussion about jewels and accessories. When the others finally decided to visit Sugarcube Corner for lunch, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon tagged along. The three teenage fillies claimed one of the smaller tables for themselves and kept chatting.

Meanwhile, Crystal Note was busy to greet and introduce everypony, especially the Cake family. Sweetie Tooth and Velvet Heart stared in awe when they met the Cake twins who didn’t look much alike, but were twins like them nonetheless. Crystal Note didn’t need much persuasion to let them follow Pound and Pumpkin Cake to their room upstairs, especially when Mrs. Cake promised she’d have an eye on them.

Once everyone had settled down, Crystal Note finally found some time to catch up with Lyra and Bon Bon. Sugarcube Corner was surprisingly quiet today, since Pinkie Pie had one of her rare days off.

As expected, nearly all they talked about was Crystal Note and her fillies

“So, how are they holding up?”

“Everything is good. We still have some rough patches, but the girls know they can always come to me.”

“They trust you very much. I can see clearly how much they mean to you and you to them.”

Princess Twilight had a tone in her voice that made the other three stop and look up at her. Crystal Note looked back as the princess found her eyes and smiled. She noticed something she had seen with Princess Luna before and Princess Cadance from time to time as well. It was like Twilight saw something they all couldn’t see, like she had a deeper understanding of the world around them then they could ever have.

Then, the moment passed and Twilight went on with her usual levity

“They even started calling you ‘Mom’. I’ve been doing some reading recently and according to my books, that marks a major step in development for foals who are adopted.”

Lyra snickered when the bookworm nerd she knew from her school-time glanced through from behind the crown, but she nodded nonetheless

“And even if it wasn’t written down, it’s still great to see. And it’s good to see that you’re doing great as well. I don’t need a book to see that you’re happy.”

While Twilight chided Lyra gently for dismissing well-founded book knowledge like that, Bon Bon focused back on Crystal Note

“What I’m curious about, how did it happen? Did they just start calling you ‘Mom’ one day?”

“Oh no, not like that. With Glass Slipper, it started as a joke between her and me, but by now, I think half the time she doesn’t even realize how she’s calling me at all. But with Sweetie Tooth and Velvet Heart… well, it was more of an event.”

All three picked up the severity behind Crystal Note’s hesitation and Twilight asked concerned

“Nothing bad happened, I hope?”

“Yes and no. Sweetie Tooth had a bad case of the flu, nothing dangerous, but she had high fever and bad dreams. Very bad dreams.”

Lyra put her hoof on Crystal Note’s shoulder

“You must have been so worried.”

“Very. You can’t imagine how much, I practically didn’t leave the side of her bed for a few days. She would only fall asleep when I held her. She called for her mommy in her sleep, and she meant me.”

There was a moment of silence before Bon Bon asked again

“And Velvet Heart?”

“Velvet Heart didn’t like that. At first, she felt excluded, so I tried my best to make sure I spend a lot of time with her. From time to time, when she had a nightmare, she would sneak in bed with me even. But at the same time, she also felt very guilty and I didn’t notice that until it was already too late.”

Lyra and Bon Bon exchanged a troubled glance, but Twilight’s ears flopped down as she understood first

“She thought she was replacing her late parents and felt like betraying them.”

Twilight had gone through something similar as a filly, during the time she had idolized Princess Celestia to the point that she downright neglected her own parents. Crystal Note could only nod.

From her seat a little away, Glass Slipper noticed the sad frown from Crystal Note. She didn't like it. She also completely missed Diamond Tiara's last question

"I'm sorry, what?"

"I asked how you like Ponyville so far?”

“Oh, it’s very nice. Everypony is so friendly all the time and Princess Twilight even lets us stay in her castle.”

“That’s cool. She also hosts the big Hearth’s Warming Eve party in her castle, all of town will be there.”


Glass Slipper heard some laughter from the nearby table and saw that the adults were all smiling again, which lured out a smile from her as well

“Hey, we’re having a slumber party tonight at my place. Some of our friends will be there too. You wanna come?”

Glass Slipper stared back as Diamond Tiara smiled at her

“But, you just met me. Do you really want to invite me to your home?”

“Sure, why not? Unless you don’t want to come?”

Glass Slipper smiled and nodded quickly

“I do. I just have to ask my mom for permission first.”

“Oh. Sure. Did she come to Ponyville as well?”

Glass Slipper just tilted her head and pointed at Crystal Note at the other table. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon seemed shocked

“Wait, what? But, you’re as old as we are and I know Crystal Note is even a little younger than Pinkie Pie. How could she be your mother?”

Glass Slipper bit her lips and didn’t want to answer, but Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were staring at her now, so she had to say something. Eventually, she whispered

“She took us in when our parents died.”

Glass Slipper closed her eyes tightly to fight back some sudden tears. From one moment to another, she felt cold all over and started to shiver as the colours faded from her coat into a greyish hue. She heard gasps from Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon but all she could do was try really hard not to start crying. It didn’t work.

Then she felt the touch of a hoof on her shoulder. She threw her head around and saw that Crystal Note now stood beside her. Even through the tears, she could see her worried expression. Glass Slipper sniffled and leaned against her mom, just as hooves wrapped around her and held her close.

Silver Spoon looked away, ashamed that they made Glass Slipper cry. There had been a time when she would have enjoyed this, but now she just felt awful. From one moment to the next, Glass Slipper had lost her smile and all the brightness of her coat, just because they had been so tactless.

Diamond Tiara looked at Crystal Note, trying to catch her eyes, but all her attention was with her daughter. So instead, Diamond Tiara gathered all her courage and addressed the mare

“I’m sorry. I just asked about… I didn’t think about it! I didn’t mean to make her cry, I swear!”

Crystal Note looked up and met the teenage filly’s eyes with an understanding nod, before she leaned down to whisper something to Glass Slipper. The filly in her hooves nodded and slowly stopped crying, rubbing her hoof over her eyes.

Crystal Note just held her until Glass Slipper nodded again and pulled away. Glass Slipper smiled to her mom, but when she noticed how many ponies were watching her, she blushed and looked away shyly. Crystal Note nuzzled the ticklish spot between her ears to lure out a giggle and Glass Slipper batted her hoof towards her

“Mom! You’re embarrassing me!”

“Good. That means I’m doing my job right.”

Everypony laughed at that, even Glass Slipper. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon noticed with some relief that her coat turned back to its normal lilac colour, even if her mane still wasn’t as sparkly as before.

Diamond Tiara looked at Crystal Note again

“Crystal Note, we’re having a slumber party tonight, can Glass Slipper come too?”

Crystal Note glanced to Glass Slipper who nodded eagerly, before she smiled

“Of course, Diamond Tiara. If your parents are okay with that, of course!”

“Sure! The more, the merrier, right?”

Glass Slipper blushed

“Um, do I need to bring anything?”

“Nah, you’re fine.”

Crystal Note smiled and left the three teenagers at their table again. Bon Bon leaned towards her and whispered

“Everything okay?”

“Yes, just a little hiccup. I guess I should have expected this.”

Princess Twilight nodded and glanced towards the three fillies

“It must be so hard for Glass Slipper. She was already on her way to become an independent mare but suddenly her world broke apart.”

“It’s not quite like this, Princess.”

Crystal Note smiled fondly as she remembered the last night

“Glass Slipper has been a wonderful big sister for a while now, and she was already very responsible and mature when we met. But that also meant that she often puts her own needs behind the twins, instead of enjoying being a kid. If anything, I’m glad she acts a little more like a normal teenager again.”

“Ugh, I hated being a teenager. I argued with my parents every day.”

Lyra nudged Bon Bon with her muzzle and grinned

“You couldn’t hate anything even if you tried, Bonnie.”

“You’ve never seen me as a teenager.”

Twilight giggled a little and turned back to Crystal Note

“Do you argue with Glass Slipper, Crystal Note?”

The crystal mare giggled and nodded

“Of course. She wouldn’t be a teenager without a little teenage rebellion. Just wait until Spike reaches that phase.”

Princess Twilight blushed and blinked at that

“Why? I’m not his mother. I’m more like a big-sister-type I’d say.”

“If you say so.”

They laughed together and moments later, Sweetie Tooth and Velvet Heart stormed in from upstairs. They immediately bombarded their aunts and their mother with all the new things they had seen. After the twins had calmed down and Glass Slipper had said goodbye to her new friends, the group finally continued their tour through Ponyville.

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