• Published 28th Dec 2018
  • 480 Views, 26 Comments

Crystal Note - Where life leads us - TalkingToMyself

After years of travelling all over Equestira, Crystal Note returns to live in the Crystal Empire, her old home. When a tragic event throws the life of three fillies out of balance, Crystal Note is there to help.

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Cutie Mark - Final Part

“Cutie mark, cutie mark, cutie mark!”
Crystal Note giggled and watched Velvet Heart and Sweetie Tooth prance through their bedroom
“Alright girls, I know it’s exciting but it’s already way past your bedtime. You need to get some sleep now!”
Both fillies pouted a little but smiled as they climbed into their beds. As expected, as soon as the slowed down their energy seemed to run out fast and Sweetie Tooth was already yawning when Crystal Note pulled the blanket over her to tuck her in
“Goodnight Mommy.”
Velvet Heart was in her own bed just a little away, with Cotton Ball's basket at the foot of her bed. The kitten was already sleeping for a while now. Velvet watched as Crystal Note sat down next to her sister as always for a hug.
“Goodnight Munchkin. Sweet dreams.”
She leaned down to kiss Sweetie Tooth on her forehead and whispered
“I’m so very proud of you!”

Velvet Heart frowned when she suddenly felt a twinge in her tummy. Where did that come from? She watched as Sweetie Tooth nuzzled Mommy one last time, then her eyes closed down as soon as she touched the pillow. Velvet grinned at that, her sister had been prancing and running all over the place since she got her cutie mark, no wonder she was exhausted. Another twinge, worse than before, made Velvet Heart’s smile fade away.
Crystal Note stepped to her bed now and tucked her in as well. Velvet could smile at her mommy.
“Goodnight Velvet Heart.”
She leaned into her bedtime hug eagerly and felt a kiss on her forehead
“I love you very much, my little gem.”
She frowned, even though she didn’t want to. Why did Mommy tell Sweetie Tooth she was proud of her, but all she got was that? Did she even mean it? Maybe Crystal Note just couldn’t think of anything better to say.
One glance up was all it took to snuff that thought out of her mind. She saw that wonderful smile from her mommy and there was nothing but appreciation and affection in her eyes. Mommy wouldn’t never just say something like that, she only said it because she truly meant every word of it.

Velvet Heart closed her eyes, but she didn't fall asleep. Crystal Note stayed next to her bed a little longer. Probably to watch Sweetie Tooth as she slept, and her new cutie mark. Velvet Heart could barely hold back a frown as she imagined that, but she also felt bad for thinking something like this. She didn't dare to open her eyes and check what her mother was really doing.
After a few minutes, she heard soft hoofsteps and the door closing as her mother turned off the lights and left. Velvet Heart stirred in her bed and now opened her eyes. She needed a minute to see in the nearly dark room. Sweetie Tooth hadn't moved at all and Velvet Heart heard her slow breaths that meant her sister was already asleep.

Usually, the twins talked a little even after Crystal Note tucked them in, how their day had been. Sometimes, they had things they couldn't tell anypony else, like when something reminded them of their parents and made them sad. Sweetie Tooth always tried to push away those thoughts, even if she knew they would come back at her. Velvet Heart usually kept them for herself even though it hurt. Glass Slipper and Crystal Note didn't need to know about that. The twins never kept a secret from another though, and they would always listen when their sister had something on her heart. Being twins meant more to them then just looking the same, they knew they were closer than other ponies like this.

Velvet Heart had hoped her sister would talk to her, but she could see how exhausted Sweetie Tooth was today. She still felt disappointed. All because of that stupid cutie mark.
Velvet froze and shook her head. Why would she think something like that? Sweetie Tooth had earned her cutie mark and that was a good thing! She deserved to be happy and Velvet Heart was happy for her, happy that her sister got all this attention from everypony, from all of her friends and even from Princess Cadance, everypony in the whole Empire just because of a candy heart of her flanks.
Velvet Heart forcefully stopped her train of thoughts, but they had already turned sour. That twinge in her tummy was a churning grumble by now. What's wrong with me? Why am I not happy for her? She has her cutie mark now and I... don't...

Velvet Heart curled up into a tiny ball under her blanket as the realization hit her hard. They were no longer the same. Sweetie Tooth had left her behind. Everypony was so happy for her. Everypony was proud of her. Everypony, even Crystal Note.
When was the last time Mommy told me she was proud of me?
The answer came quickly to her memory. She had come home with a perfect score on a test from school, she was the best in her class once more. Crystal Note had smiled and hugged her. That wasn't even a full week ago.
Velvet pressed her hoof against her tummy as she could almost hear the growl this time. Velvet Heart had always been better at school that Sweetie Tooth, she always helped her sister with her homework. But still, Sweetie Tooth had her cutie mark, and she didn't. Maybe that meant Sweetie Tooth didn't need her anymore. Maybe that's why she didn't want to talk. Now that she had her cutie mark and everypony treated her like she was so special. She probably didn't want to share her secrets anymore. Sweetie Tooth now was ahead of her sister. Now that she had her cutie mark and Velvet didn't, Sweetie Tooth suddenly though she was so much better, so amazing, all just because of that dumb cutie mark.

Velvet Heart glared angrily at Sweetie Tooth who didn't even notice her sister's inner turmoil. She was sleeping peacefully as if nothing had even happened. Velvet Heart gritted her teeth together or else she would have probably yelled at her sister and...
Velvet flinched and recoiled in the bed. What was she even thinking? Sweetie Tooth was asleep and they hadn't even talked about it. Why was she so angry? A few minutes ago, she was just as happy as Sweetie Tooth, just like Glass Slipper or Crystal Note were happy for the filly and her cutie mark.

Velvet Heart swallowed down the new anger she felt when she even thought that word and her tummy grumbled. She felt like she was getting sick. She wanted to shake Sweetie Tooth awake and yell at her, but at the same time that was the last thing she ever wanted to do. Sweetie Tooth was her sister and she loved her, so why?
Why am I so angry at her? Why can't I let it go? Why does she have her cutie mark and I didn't get mine?

Velvet Heart pressed her muzzle into her pillow. She didn't want to be angry at her sister. She couldn't keep this all for herself, it would only make things worse. She had learned that lesson earlier, when she had started taking care of Cotton Ball.
She also remembered who had helped her back than. As quietly as she could, she climbed out of her bed and slowly made it to the door.

Crystal Note sat on her bed with a candle on her nightstand and a book in front of her when the door suddenly opened. She turned her head towards the door with a smile. It wasn’t the first time one of her fillies would come to her late at night. The twins sometimes still had nightmares and Glass Slipper sometimes needed to talk about things she couldn’t in front of her sisters. So Crystal Note always kept her bedroom door unlocked, just in case.

Her smile broke apart though when she saw Velvet Heart sneaking into the room. She didn’t need much light to see the anger on Velvet’s face and the tears in her eyes. The filly had her lips pressed together to a hard line, probably because she would be yelling otherwise.
Crystal Note pushed her book away and sat up. She didn’t need to say anything, she just reached out for her daughter.

Velvet Heart didn’t hesitate. She jumped on the bed and buried her muzzle against her mother as Crystal Note held her. It only took a few moments before she could hear the sobbing. It was nowhere as bad as she heard before, but it still hurt the mare to see her daughter in such distress. She knew Velvet Heart well enough to recognize her frustration and the anger that lingered behind that. She also knew Velvet Heart would need a little prodding before she would open up.

Crystal Note whispered very gently to her filly
“Shh, Darling. It’s okay. You know you can tell me anything.”
She waited for a moment longer before she added
“I won’t get angry or upset, I promise.”
Finally, Velvet Heart shivered and pressed out a few words
“It’s really dumb…”
Crystal Note didn’t let her finish and tightened her embrace instead
“No it’s not. It’s clearly very important to you, so it’s anything but dumb. And it’s hurting you, so it’s very important to me, too.”
The filly in her hooves took a shaky breath as she struggled to find the words she needed

“I don’t want to be angry at her, but it’s just…”
She stopped again, but Crystal Note kept prodding
“Just what, dear?”
“It’s her cutie mark!”
Velvet Heart yowled out in frustration and now that the dam was broken, more words tumbled out
“I know I should be happy for Sweetie Tooth, and I am. But when I just think about it, I get so angry I want to yell, but I don’t want to yell at her, but… ugh! It doesn’t make any sense.”
Crystal Note just held her close and let her go on, even as Velvet’s voice grew louder and angrier
“She just got hers and I didn’t! We promised we’d get it together! I know that’s silly, but I just thought… and now she got hers but what about me? Why didn’t I get mine? I know Sweetie Tooth is special, but I hoped I was too. I want to be happy for her but… but… and then you said you’re proud of her, and I wondered… why not me? I… I just… I just want my cutie mark!”

The last two words were more of a long sob and Velvet Heart cried into her mother’s coat. Crystal Note didn’t get angry or upset, just like she promised. Instead, Velvet felt the hooves that held her gently pull her closer, so she was sitting on the bed next to her mother. She felt the soft nuzzle on her head, like Mommy always did when she wanted to make her feel better
“You are very special, Velvet Heart, cutie mark or not. And Sweetie Tooth is still your sister, she’s still the same pony she was yesterday. A cutie mark can’t change that.”

Velvet Heart calmed down visibly. Now that she had said it, she didn’t feel angry anymore. Instead, she felt ashamed and new tears leaked out
“I’m sorry, Mommy.”
“Don’t be, my little gem. You did nothing wrong.”
Her head tilted up to look at her mommy and not matter how much she couldn’t believe it, Crystal Note was really smiling at her, that same smile she always had
“But I said mean things about Sweetie Tooth and I got angry and I don’t even understand why.”
“Could it be, Velvet Heart, that you’re jealous of your sister?”
She felt that grumble in her tummy again and her eyes opened wide. She was jealous at Sweetie Tooth. That’s why she was so angry, even though she loved her sister so much. She looked away, ashamed and hurt
“I am. I’m a terrible sister.”
“No you’re not, Velvet Heart.”

Velvet Heart didn’t get to follow that train of thought as Crystal Note just nuzzled her softly again
“Yes, you’re jealous. And while that isn’t a nice thing, the way you dealt with it makes me proud of you.”
Purple eyes met turquoise ones again and Crystal Note explained, now that she knew Velvet Heart would listen
“You could have thrown a huge tantrum in front of everypony, but you didn’t. You were happy for your sister without a second thought.”
A tiny nod was all Velvet Heart was capable of. She really didn’t think about it until much later. Crystal Note just smiled and went on
“You could have gone angry at your sister just now, but you didn’t. You stopped yourself before you accidentally hurt her, because you noticed something wasn’t right.”
This time, Crystal Note gently kissed her forehead
“And what’s the most important, you didn’t try to hide it so it would eat you up from inside and hurt you even more. You reached out for somepony, and you weren’t too scared or proud to do so.”

Velvet Heart smiled hesitantly and her tears stopped at least
“Velvet, everypony gets jealous sometimes. Everypony gets angry. Nopony is above those feelings. It’s how we deal with those feelings that makes the difference. And that’s why I’m very proud of you, even if you’re jealous. That’s why I love you, no matter if you get angry or not.”
Velvet Heart took a deep breath and let out a huge sigh as the knot in her tummy untangled. Her smile grew wide again and it felt like tons of weight had lifted off her. She leaned in for another hug and her mommy happily wrapped her hooves around her.

Crystal Note chuckled softly when she heard a yawn from Velvet Heart
“It’s been a very long day for you, little gem. Do you want to stay with me tonight?”
Velvet Heart nodded and curled up against her mother as she pulled the blanket around both of them. Her eyes were already closed when she mumbled sleepily
“Hey Mommy… did you see… Sweetie Tooth’s cutie mark?”
Crystal Note smiled and curled around her daughter
“I did. It’s beautiful and amazing.”
Velvet nuzzled closer and nodded with a smile
“Are we doing a party for her? Flurry Heart said… said… there’s always a party when somepony gets her cutie mark…”
She yawned and barely heard her mother’s answer
“We will, Velvet Heart. But now it’s time to sleep, darling. Sweet dreams, my little filly. I love you very much.”
Velvet Heart smiled and mumbled
“Love you too, Mommy.”
She fell asleep seconds after, but her smiled stayed all night.

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