• Published 28th Dec 2018
  • 482 Views, 26 Comments

Crystal Note - Where life leads us - TalkingToMyself

After years of travelling all over Equestira, Crystal Note returns to live in the Crystal Empire, her old home. When a tragic event throws the life of three fillies out of balance, Crystal Note is there to help.

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Hearth's Warming - Part VII

As the sun started to set down, most of the impromptu party in town had settled down and everypony returned to their homes. The extended Apple family was no exception to that.

At some point, Rarity, Twilight and Rainbow Dash had joined Applejack and the three sisters from the Crystal Empire and brought with them the last two of their friends the fillies had yet to meet. Pinkie Pie was energetic as ever and had Glass Slipper and the twins laughing without stop. Fluttershy on the other hoof remained mostly quiet for now, but whenever the fillies looked at her, she had a wonderful smile for them. Velvet Heart mentioned her kitten Cotton Ball at some point, and from that moment on, Fluttershy and the crystal filly were almost inseparable.

Crystal Note walked behind everypony else down the road to Sweet Apple Acres, where Granny Smith, Big Mac and Sugar Belle waited for them with dinner. It would be an Apple family gathering, extended by the four crystal ponies.

Crystal Note smiled when she remembered the many times she had walked down this road, on her own or with Applejack and Apple Bloom at her side, and later with Lyra and Bon Bon. Sadly, the two couldn’t join in today, Bon Bon still had a shop to take care of after all.

Apple Bloom noticed that Crystal Note seemed lost in thought and slowed down so she’d walk next to her. Apple Bloom had grown a lot during her last sprout and was now as tall as the mare she had started to see as family some years back

“Brings back memories, huh?”

Crystal Note giggled and bumped her flank back

“Sure does. Always feels good coming home, doesn’t it?”


In front of them, Sweetie Tooth and Velvet Heart laughed with Applejack at one of her stories and Crystal Note smiled the same smile Apple Bloom had seen from Granny Smith before

“You know, Sweet Apple Acres will always be home, but it’s good things still can change, don’t you think? Like, how our family keeps growing.”

Crystal Note giggled and nodded

“Who would have ever thought that someday I would have three wonderful fillies in my life?”

“I would. Always thought you’d make a great Mama, even if it’s a might different than I imagined it.”

“Oh? What would you want to change?”

Apple Bloom just shook her head with another giggle

“Nothin’. It’s just, when I thought I’d be an aunt, my nieces or nephews wouldn’t be almost as old as I am.”

Crystal Note joined in and winked

“Well, you can still have some cute baby nieces. There’s still Big Mac and Applejack.”

At that, Apple Bloom just rolled her eyes

“Applejack won’t get foals unless they find a way she can mate with an apple tree.”

Both of them laughed so loud that Applejack looked back at them, just a tad suspicious.

“All hopes on Big Mac then.”

“Knock on wood. Sugar Belle’s really nice.”

Apple Bloom grinned at Crystal Note

"Though you're not out of business either, you know? It's not like you're too old or anything."

Before a flustered Crystal Note could answer, Glass Slipper joined them and called out

"That's what I keep telling her! But it's like she won't even think about it. Maybe you can convince her Auntie Apple Bloom."

Crystal Note leaned towards Glass Slipper for a soft nuzzle

“Can you blame me? I have three wonderful fillies to take care of now, and I want to make sure I’m the best mother I can be for you before I try anything else.”

Glass Slipper returned the nuzzle gratefully, but she couldn’t agree with everything her mom said. She remembered their last trip together

“Remember Vanhoover, when you sung in that club? You looked so happy back then and you clearly enjoyed it a lot. It was a different sort of happy than when you’re with us, but if it makes you happy, why don’t you sing more often like that?”

Crystal Note took a deep breath, but Apple Bloom was faster

“Wait, you sung on a stage again? That’s great! Does that mean your break from performing is over?”

Crystal Note sighed

“No it’s not, Apple Bloom. Yes, I love performing and making ponies smile, Glass Slipper. But I love you and your sisters so much more. Going back on stage would mean spending a lot of time with practice every day. I’d need to prepare for concerts, write new songs and travel a lot. Most likely, without you and longer than last time. That wouldn’t make you happy at all, wouldn’t it Angel?”

Glass Slipper remembered the first three-day-trip to Canterlot Crystal Note had to take after they moved to their new home. She had missed Crystal Note a lot back then, and so had the twins. Still, she shook her head

“But it would make you happy. Music is your passion and your special talent.”

“Yes Darling. But I can still sing for you at home. You three are more important than any concert could ever be, Little Angel.”

Glass Slipper pouted at that and tried to think of a way to convince her mom otherwise. Apple Bloom came to her help

“Ya know, I’m not always happy seeing ma sis go on all those dangerous missions with Twilight and the others. But when she tells me about them, how important they were and how much fun just being with her friends and all, it makes me happy that she’s happy. Don’t ya think the twins would be happy seeing you happy as well, even if it meant you had to take a trip to town sometimes?”

Glass Slipper nodded vehemently, but Crystal Note just sighed again

“It’s more than just a trip now and then. Angel, you and your sisters went through so much and so many changes, I don’t want to put this on you on top of everything else.”

“But Mom! We’re not babies. I can take care of the twins for a couple of days on my own. Don’t you trust me?”

Crystal Note quickly pulled the teenage filly in a hug and Glass Slipper pressed back in. She whispered in a very soft voice

“Of course I do, Glass Slipper. But I think you need more time to heal still. Remember your talk with Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara? Talking about how you lost them still hurts you a lot. You’ve barely been able to talk about how you feel, even with me. I’d never want to do anything that could hurt the three of you, even indirectly. It would make me so sad to see you cry and even more if I learned you had been crying and I wasn’t there to make it better.”

Glass Slipper shook her head

"You can't always be there. You know that. And we're not alone when you take a trip. There's Opal Waves and Auntie Rose Quartz or Uncle Sour Berry as well."

Apple Bloom picked up on the last name and winked to Crystal Note

"Heh, 'Uncle Sour Berry', huh? Sounds like your old friend an' you finally got closer. Maybe Big Mac won't be the first one with a baby after all."

Crystal Note blushed and glared at both of them, but the teenage fillies just tittered

"Sour Berry is just a good friend. A really good friend, but nothing more."

Glass Slipper and Apple Bloom looked at each other and winked

"Sure Mom."

"If you say so."

The two teenage fillies laughed even more when Crystal Note's head turned red as a beet

"Teaming up on me isn't fair, you know."

"Don't you know, big sis? Everything's fair in love and war."

They laughed again, so loud that the others turned around, just in time to see Crystal Note poke out her tongue at Apple Bloom

"Who said you could go all smarty-pants at me? Go find your own crush first!"

"Oh, so he's a crush now, is he?"

Everypony laughed when Crystal Note dumped a load of snow on Apple Bloom at that.

When they reached the farmhouse, Velvet Heart felt a strange twinge in her tummy and just one look at Sweetie Tooth told her that she felt the same. They had heard some stories from Crystal Note and even from Applejack and Apple Bloom just today, but Velvet Heart still felt very nervous. They would meet more new ponies now, including Granny Smith. Velvet wasn't really worried about meeting her uncle Big Mac, not after meeting so many new aunties since she came to Ponyville, and Sugar Belle sounded like she was a nice mare.

Granny Smith however, Velvet didn't know how to feel about her. She had never ever had a Granny, there had only been her Mommy and Daddy before. With Crystal Note, she had gotten Auntie Rose Quartz along, but no grandparents either. This was something utterly new for her, and she wasn't sure what she was supposed to do or what to expect.

Granny Smith had a big and warm smile for them and immediately pulled Sweetie Tooth and Velvet Heart in for a big hug. Granny Smith anticipated that moment of tension that came with the first contact and waited. When it passed and the two young fillies finally looked up at her, they saw that she was still smiling and now she tightened her hug for a little squeeze. For a moment, Sweetie Tooth looked just like Big Mac when he had been younger. After the death of his parents, the young colt had been so lost as well, just like the little filly who now clung on her side. And even though Applejack's eyes back then hadn’t been shaped like a gemstone, young Applejack had had that same almost defiant stare as Velvet Heart right now.

Granny Smith knew very well what she was doing and the fillies felt it immediately. Other than with Bon Bon or Starlight Glimmer, they didn’t just feel sympathy from the elderly mare. Something in the way Granny Smith looked at them sunk in, and it felt like family. Velvet Heart felt all her worries disappear in a wink and suddenly, she had a granny who cared about her.

Granny Smith just smiled and her voice was just as kind as her eyes

“Welcome home, little saplings.”

The other ponies left the room and gave them the space they needed right now, and Granny Smith took a good long look at the twins

“Well, aren’t you two just precious little bundles of joy.”

The twins smiled and stepped aside when Granny Smith now looked at Glass Slipper the same way

“And you look like a fine young mare. Welcome at Sweet Apple Acres, dearie.”

Glass Slipper just smiled and leaned into the hug when Granny Smith put a hoof on her shoulder. She held her great-granddaughter like she had the others, but when she released her she fixed the teenage filly with an appraising look

“You’re a little on the skinny side, just like your Mama was when she first arrived here at the farm. Well, that ain’t nothin’ a good ol’ Apple family dinner can’t fix. Now come on y’all, you can tell me all about you while we get some chow into your tummies.”

All three fillies giggled and followed the mare to a big dining table that was overloaded with food. Introductions with Big Mac and Sugar Belle were quick but heartfelt, and before soon everypony found a seat around the table.

When Sweetie Tooth finally pushed her plate away from her, she did so with a little groan. She felt like she had eaten at least twice her weight, but she just couldn’t pass up on trying everything, and Granny Smith would make sure she always got an extra big serving of everything. Sweetie Tooth didn’t even know that there were so many apple dishes as she had eaten tonight. From apple-carrot soup over roasted parsnips and apples over different salads and even mashed potatoes with little pieces of apples to not less than five different apple pies, all while sipping on warm spiced apple juice.

Big Mac and Sweetie Tooth were in fact the last ones eating, everypony else had given up already, much to Granny Smith’s dismay

“You’re not a good role model for the fillies when you barely eat anything, Crystal Note. Just look at Glass Slipper, why she’s barely more than skin and bones! And a growing filly like Velvet Heart needs a good diet with plenty o’ apples!”

Crystal Note laughed her melodious laugher and of course agreed with the matron. When she mentioned that Sweetie Tooth had more of a talent in baking that her, Sugar Belle immediately perked up and smiled at the filly

“You know, I’m a baker too. If you want, we can take over the kitchen for a little bake-out, how about that?”

Sweetie Tooth returned the smile, but with another little groan

“Maybe tomorrow, I don’t think I can move anymore today.”

This had everypony laughing together, especially when Big Mac threw in one of his “Eeyup”s as well.

When Granny Smith got up and started gathering all the dishes, Crystal Note and Sugar Belle immediately intervened

“You’ve been on your hooves cooking all day, Granny. You get to rest tonight.”

“We’ll have everything taken care of in a jiffy.”

The two unicorns smiled and picked up everything with their magic as they made the trip to the kitchen. A big family dinner always meant a messy kitchen and tons of dishes, so Sugar Belle and Crystal Note put their horns together and made short work of it.

Sugar Belle giggled when she noticed that Crystal Note was singing while juggling a few levitation spells at once, so she joined right in and they had most the work done only minutes later. As the finished up, Crystal Note addressed the fellow unicorn

“We didn’t really have a chance to talk in a while now.”

Sugar Belle just giggled and nodded

“I guess not. With you living in the Crystal Empire now and us being busy at the farm, I feel like I only know what’s up with you from what Apple Bloom told me.”

“Same, all I’ve heard of you, I know from her letters. How are things for you and Big Mac?”

Sugar Belle glanced through the door into the living room where she spotted Big Mac’s tall form on the family couch

“We’re doing great, really. There’s still days I can’t believe it. I cut all ties to my past when I moved to Starlight’s town and now, I’m part of a huge family, it’s amazing.”

Crystal Note understood very well and smiled as she watched Velvet Heart playing with Winona

“It’s a great feeling, isn’t it?”

“It’s the best!”

They giggled and Sugar Belle floated the last few things into the cupboards

“So, I hear you and your fillyhood friend got closer recently?”

With anypony else, Crystal Note would deny it right away, but with Sugar Belle she only blushed and nodded

“I guess so. But, not like Apple Bloom and Glass Slipper might think.”

This time, Sugar Belle understood and had a knowing smile

“Is he coltfriend material, you’d say?”

“I don’t know. I really don’t. I’ve thought I had special someponies before, but it never turned out right, and with him, I feel like it’s different. It just feels right as it is, you know?”

Sugar Belle nodded and still smiled

“That sounds very familiar, in fact.”

Crystal Note sighed deeply

“It’s not just about me, though. I need to keep the girls in mind as well.”

“Velvet Heart and Sweetie Tooth like him, they told me during dinner.”

“They like him as a friend and maybe as an honorary ‘uncle’. But anything more? I can’t say.”

Crystal Note looked up at Sugar Belle, without her smile this time

“How did you know that Big Mac was the one? And that you would move to Ponyville to be with him?”

Sugar Belle hid a little giggle behind her hoof and held Crystal Note’s gaze right on

“How did you know you’d be a mother for Glass Slipper, Sweetie Tooth and Velvet Heart?”

Crystal Note could only blink surprised

“I didn’t, at first. I always knew I wanted to help them, but I wasn’t sure if I’d be a good mother for a long time. It just happened gradually.”


Sugar Belle giggled more as Crystal Note got more confused

“I didn’t know for sure Big Mac and I would work out the way we did. It took a while for me to find out. And I know we’re ready for the next step, but there’s no need to rush it. Maybe you should give yourself a little time as well. How does that sound?”

Crystal Note just sighed and nodded after a minute

“That sounds really good, actually. Better than anything I had in mind.”

Sugar Belle laughed a little and put her hoof around her almost-sister-in-law

“You don’t have to figure this all out tonight. You’re on vacation and Hearth’s Warming is around the corner, so just enjoy the days as they happen would be my advice. Right now, your girls are happy and you’re with your family, so let’s leave all those heavy thoughts for someday else!”


They laughed together as they returned to the others in the living room. Sugar Belle joined Big Mac on the couch and Crystal Note took her usual spot in the armchair next to Applejack’s seat. The two mares smiled and watched Granny Smith in her rocking chair by the fireplace. Apple Bloom, Glass Slipper had gathered around her and the twins sat in her lap as the elderly matron showed them pages from a family album and told them the stories behind them. Apple Bloom, who already knew all of them, helped whenever Granny Smith had trouble remembering some detail, but Glass Slippper and the twins were utterly focused on their granny, even though Velvet Heart still had Winona at her side and absent-mindedly petted the dog.

With a fully tummy, a warm flickering fire and Granny Smith’s calm voice, accompanied by excited whispers from the fillies every now and then, Crystal Note took Sugar Belle’s advice and stopped worrying for a while. She soon dozed off on the armchair with a soft smile on her face.

Crystal Note woke up again when Applejack gently shook her shoulder

“Come on, Sugarcube. That ol' chair is no right place to sleep.”

She yawned and blinked a couple of times, only to see the room was empty except for Applejack and her. The fire was almost burnt down and it was already dark night outside

“What time is it? Where are the fillies?”

Applejack just grinned

“Don't you worry, Sugarcube. We tucked the twins in your room and Granny Smith told them bedtime stories, they're sleeping like little angels.”

They both giggled and Crystal Note smiled at the image

“And Glass Slipper?”

“Apple Bloom's sharing her room with her tonight. Those two went out like a light, figures since they've been up al' last night for their slumber party.”

Applejack smiled along as Crystal Note laughed in her wind-chime melody

“Seems like it’s only you an’ me left now, Sugarcube.”

Crystal Note nodded in agreement and sat down more comfortably on the chair

“So, how has life been for you?”

“I feel like I’m supposed to ask that question, Crissy.”

Crystal Note sighed and leaned a little forward. She had heard the accusing tone in Applejack’s voice and now saw that she was watching her with some tension. As usual, Applejack lost no time to cut to the point

“You could have come home sooner.”

“AJ, we’ve been through this. I’ll always be a part of this family, but my home is the Crystal Empire. Now more so than ever.”

“You should have told us what’s happening at least.”

Applejack still had that edge of disdain as she talked, so Crystal Note had to ask

“What do you mean? I’ve written once a week at least. You know what’s going on in my life.”

Applejack couldn’t hold her expression neutral any longer and started to frown

“Yeah, and what a letter that was. ‘Dear Apple Bloom, the weather is nice and last week I adopted three fillies.’ That explains everything now, doesn’t it?”

“AJ, it wasn’t as simple as that and you know it. I had to step in after the accident. It is my decision and I don’t regret it one bit.”

“Ah know. And I don’t blame you one bit, either. But it’s an Apple family matter now and your girls didn’t even know they were Apples until today.”

Crystal Note sighed and shook her head

“It’s not that simple. They need to make that decision on their own. I won’t force them, and neither will you.”

Applejack’s face lit up in a smile

“I won’t have to. They already love Granny Smith like a grandma and I know your little saplings will fit right in. It’s not the girls I’m worried about.”

Applejack narrowed her eyes again and fixed Crystal Note with a glare

“It’s you. All I hear from your letters is Glass Slipper here and Velvet Heart there, but I can’t say I know how you’re dealing with being a Mama all of a sudden.”

Crystal Note sighed deeply and sank back into her chair

“It wasn’t all that sudden. It took me some time and some change as well.”

Applejack watched her honorary sister for a minute as her expression softened up

“You could have come here sooner. We could have helped.”

“It’s not that easy. I couldn’t just rip them out of the only home they knew.”

“You think I don’t know? Big Mac, Apple Bloom and me, I think we understand better than anypony else.”

Crystal Note closed her eyes as she nodded

“I know you do. And you’re helping them so much, just by talking to them. I can’t thank you enough.”

“We could have helped you too, if you’d let us, Crissy. I’ve made the trip to the Crystal Empire before, you know.”
“I know.”

“I could have helped you settle in and figure things out with the girls. Could have patched up that new home of yours too.”

“I know.”

Applejack rolled her eyes

“You keep saying. But you never ask for help when you need it, Crissy. You’re worse than me when it comes to that.”

Crystal Note just giggled

“Said the most stubborn mare this side of the orchard.”

They both laughed and Applejack put a hoof on Crystal Note’s shoulder

“Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad you and the girls are doing well. And I know you can handle yourself. You gave the girls a new Mama, a dozen of aunts and family to fall back on when they need it. Just don’t forget that same family is here for you as well.”

Crystal Note smiled and leaned forward to hug her big sister

“I’ll try to remember from now on.”

“Sure you will, Sugarcube. Sure you will.”

They laughed together, still holding each other in their hug

“Applejack? Thank you. For everything.”

“Aw shucks, Sugarcube. You don’t have to thank me, family sticks together and Apples more than any other family in Equestria.”

They laughed as they separated again and Applejack pulled Crystal Note on her hooves

“Now let’s get you in a bed as well, or else you won’t be able to keep up with your little rascals tomorrow.”

Crystal Note giggled and winked

“I’m sure their new favourite auntie will help me out?”

“You can bet you’re tailside on it!”

They kept laughing as they finally made it to their beds.

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