• Published 28th Dec 2018
  • 481 Views, 26 Comments

Crystal Note - Where life leads us - TalkingToMyself

After years of travelling all over Equestira, Crystal Note returns to live in the Crystal Empire, her old home. When a tragic event throws the life of three fillies out of balance, Crystal Note is there to help.

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Family - Part I

Many things need to be done before anypony could officially become a guardian for a foal. Even more so, if a single mare wants to adopt a trio of sisters who had just become orphans.

Over the course of a week, Crystal Note had to visit the palace multiple times to sign all sorts of papers and documents. Luckily, Princess Cadance had gone out of her way to put in a personal recommendation for her. It also helped that her sister was the head of the Crystal Council.

The three fillies accompanied her to many of those trips. They went to the market place together. They met other ponies like Opal Waves and her family. Crystal Note took Sweetie Tooth and Velvet Heart to meet up with the new Cutie Mark Crusaders a couple of times. Every day, the three sisters smiled a little more.

Sweetie Tooth had already opened her heart to the new mare in their home, she spent a lot of time with Crystal Note. Glass Slipper lost a lot of her tension when Crystal Note took care of all the responsibilities her parents had handled before. The two of them still hadn’t had a bonding moment like Sweetie Tooth, but each day they learned to trust and rely on each other more. Soon, Glass Slipper went back to visit the friends of her own age again, knowing that Sweetie Tooth and Velvet Heart were safe in Crystal Note’s care.

Velvet Heart still struggled, but Crystal Note could see she tried her hardest. She didn’t yell anymore and reached out for Sweetie Tooth and Glass Slipper for support instead. The three sisters and especially the twins never had been closer and very slowly Crystal Note was included into Velvet Heart’s circle of trust.

Crystal Note had been with her when she visited Amber Waves to apologize, her calming presence helped her find the words to save her friendship with the colt.

Crystal Note’s life changed quite a bit and she had a few stumbles of her own to deal with. She had never lived in any form of clear schedule, she had spent nights away composing or writing songs when inspiration hit her and slumbered through the days after. Whenever she had felt the urge, she had picked up her bags and jumped into the next train to another city, where she stayed for days if she felt like it.

Having three fillies under her care meant she had to give up many of those things. The girls needed breakfast in the mornings, there was a house to take care of and a hundred little things to do until it was time for dinner again. Soon, school needed to be included into their daily schedule again as well.

What surprised her most was the fact how little this lack of freedom actually bothered her. She still had plenty of time for her music and the three fillies made her days exciting even without the need to travel. Every time she saw them smile, she knew it was worth it.

The things she really struggled with were those she least expected. Her limited talent in the kitchen was one of those things. Luckily, Sweetie Tooth was eager to take over on that depart. The first time she had tried herself with baking, the unfortunate cake didn’t even survive the first night. None of the four ponies could resist the tasty treat from Sweetie Tooth for long.

Crystal Note was not too proud to ask for help. Opal Waves and Ruby Rose, both mothers of their own, happily assisted the crystal unicorn in learning the finer arts of parental guidance. Princess Cadance and her sister Rose Quartz also offered advice and help when they could. There were some rough days in their way, like the day of the burial. However, those days happened less and less, and Crystal Note took it as a good sign.

Mornings remained her biggest challenge so far. In the morning, after a night of dreams and, sadly, nightmares as well, the fillies were at their most vulnerable to sadness. During the day, they found other things to do to distract themselves and tire themselves out for the night. School, homework, friends and chores took a big portion of their days. Lullabies and bedtime stories, Crystal Note could handle and she always managed to send the fillies to sleep with a smile. Mornings were what caused sleepless hours to the mare.

After another sleepless night, she decided to put her energy into something more productive than worrying. Determined to improve her cooking, she tried her luck in making pancakes. The sun wasn’t up yet and the fillies were still asleep, so she’d have enough time to succeed. Hopefully.

By the time the sun peeked over the horizon, the kitchen was a mess that would have made Pinkie Pie proud. A few failed attempts of flipping the pancakes by throwing them up into the air like she’d seen from Applejack or Mrs Cake back in Ponyville left the humbled mare to carefully use a spatula instead.

All in all, it wasn’t too bad. With a smile on her face, Crystal Note filled the pan with another portion of batter, in the oven she already had a decent stack of pancakes ready to be served.

When the sun shone into the home, her mood only increased. She started to hum softly as she worked. When Velvet Heart, early as ever, climbed down the stairs, she was greeted by a nice scent and an upbeat song, both coming from the kitchen

Let the sunshine~,
Let the sunshine~,
The sunshine in~
Let the sunshine~
Let the sunshine~
The sun~ shine in~

Velvet Heart smiled and quickly picked up the happy tune. Crystal Note turned her head when a young voice joined her own and greeted her with a beaming smile. The filly sat down next to Crystal Note and leaned against her leg as they sung together. She received a gentle nuzzle from the mare which made her smile grow. It was still rare for Velvet Heart to initiate contact, so Crystal Note made sure to show how much she appreciated each of those occasions.

Before long, Glass Slipper and Sweetie Tooth climbed downstairs for breakfast as well. Sweetie Tooth looked at her stack of pancakes with some suspicion, but took a big bite anyways. Crystal Note couldn’t hold back a smirk as she watched, but it turned into a worried expression when the filly’s smile turned into a frown

“Did you mix up sugar and salt, again?”

Crystal Note groaned and her hoof flew to her forehead with an audible thud. A piece of pancake floated up to her mouth in a spark of magic as she tried some of her newest culinary catastrophe. She chewed carefully, then tilted her head in confusion. The pancake tasted just normal to her.

Unable to hold back any longer, the three sisters fell into giggling fits. Glass Slipper had to hold her sides and Velvet Heart nearly fell out of her seat. Crystal Note blinked a couple of times before she finally understood. She narrowed her eyes into a playful glare at Sweetie Tooth, but the filly just smiled innocently. She was already halfway through her stack of pancakes.

Crystal Note rolled her eyes before she joined in the giggling herself. It was a good prank after all.

Once all pancakes had been devoured, Crystal Note sent the fillies off to school with a hug and a nuzzle. Glass Slipper would make sure the twins reached their class safely before she headed to her own.

Crystal Note watched them until they reached the end of the street before she returned to the kitchen. She sighed when she took in the leftover dishes as well as the mess she created earlier. She bound back her mane with her trusted bandana and went to work.

It was early afternoon when Crystal Note finally finished her work. The kitchen really had been in desperate need of a deep cleaning, so had the bathroom. The bedrooms only needed dusting, but the living room always needed some time to reach the mare’s expectations of orderly.

She had just put the last things back to their places when the front door opened and the three sisters walked in, taking the mare by surprise

“You’re home already?”

Glass Slipper nodded with a grin

“They’re having some teacher conference today, so they sent us all home early. No homework either.”

That last one made Crystal Note narrow her eyes in suspicion, but affirmative nods from the twins were enough to get her back to smiling.

“Let’s do something fun today, then. How about we go for a little hike out of town?”

Spring was turning into summer and the heat of the sun was enough to even melt the icy tundra for a few weeks this time of the year, even enough for some stubborn flowers and herbs to sprout out between the sparse shrubbery.

The fillies nodded eagerly and soon they were on their way.

It didn’t take them long to reach the end of town and pass through a large field of small bushes. Crystal Note was pleased the see them all covered with lots and lots of berries, even if they were still green and therefore not ripe yet. In a few weeks, all the mares of the Crystal Empire would be here to pick all the crystal berries and take them to the city. It was a long-lived tradition of the crystal ponies and a good harvest was always a reason for celebration.

The mare and the three fillies passed the berry fields and took a hoofpath to the south. The warm temperatures not only brought out plant life but also lured critters out of their hiding. Arctic bunnies crawled out of their homes deep in the ground where the cold wouldn’t reach them and hopped between the patches of green in search of food.

Velvet Heart cooed and squealed every time she spotted one of the white fluffy beings and soon, she and Sweetie Tooth ran after them, trying to catch and pet one of them. They never even got close, but they still laughed happily anyways.

Lucky for them, Glass Slipper had an idea. She picked a few of the crystal berries that looked almost ripe and used them to lure the bunnies closer. Crystal Note and the twins watched silently and after some time, a very young and very brave bunny took the risk.

The white critter hopped closer and closer, then plucked one of the berries and started nibbling on it. Velvet Heart used its temporary distraction to sneak closer until she was almost in reach.

When the bunny noticed her, its ears stood up and it looked ready to run, but there was another berry in the filly's hoof and the hunger for the sweet treat won out. Once sure the filly was no threat, the bunny accepted Velvet Heart’s gentle touch. Apparently, Velvet Heart knew how to pet just the way the bunny enjoyed, because the small critter hopped even closer. Velvet Heart carefully picked up the small bunny and cuddled it gently in her hooves.

Crystal Note watched from some distance and took in the heart-meltingly cute sight. The genuine smile from Velvet Heart, the adorable coo when she nuzzled the fluffy bunny, the happy giggles when Glass Slipper and Sweetie Tooth sat next to her and fed another berry to the bunny. All of it made Crystal Note feel very light and warm, and she knew it was not the summer sun shining down on her.

“Can I keep it?”

Crystal Note tilted her head and wavered for a moment when Velvet Heart stared at her with a perfect execution of pleading puppy eyes

“I know you’d take good care of it, Velvet honey. But don’t you think it would miss its friends and family?”

As if on cue, the bunny started wiggling and Velvet Heart released it, but not without a longing sigh. It hopped away towards the other bunnies and the girls waved their goodbyes, then followed Crystal Note back to town.

The walk back home turned out longer than expected. The sudden windfall of a free afternoon lured many families outside to enjoy the nice weather, which meant almost all of Velvet Heart and Sweetie Tooth's classmates and friends were out too. Under the watchful eyes of their parents and elders, the young ponies started a large game of hide and seek that spread out over the entire market place. In the end, it turned into a rather excessive game of tag. Including celebratory snacks for everypony.

The sun was beginning to set when Crystal Note walked into the small home with her three charges. The three fillies wore beaming smiles and giggled as they fooled around in the sitting room. Her heart opened up as wide as her smile as she watched the sisters enjoying a day of carefree happiness come to an end. It was everything they needed after all they had been going through during the last weeks.

Well, almost everything. After such a lively day, all the fillies’ manes were dishevelled and especially the twins had flecks of dirt and sweat sprinkled over their coats.

“What are we gonna do now?”

Crystal Note smiled to Velvet Heart who was hopping up and down on the couch with her sister

“Well, now that you ask, I know two little fillies who are in desperate need of a bath and…”


Crystal Note was cut off by a high-pitched scream. Velvet Heart bounced off the couch and dashed straight towards the door. Glass Slipper jumped in the way to stop her.

Crystal Note just stared at the scene in front of her, utterly confused. Velvet Heart had never had any problems with washing up before, definitely nothing that would lead to a panic attack. Did she say something wrong? Did she overstep any boundaries she should have been aware of?

The pang of worry that coursed through her head immediately vanished when she took a closer look. Sweetie Tooth was still sitting on the couch and watching with a wide grin. Glass Slipper giggled as she danced from side to side and blocked Velvet’s path. Velvet Heart moved along and gave a few half-hearted attempts to push through.

A wave of relief and laughter rippled through her mind. The girls were playing an old game it seemed, maybe one they had been playing with their parents. And if the grin from Sweetie Tooth was anything to go by, she was expected to join in.

Velvet Heart finally managed to slip between Glass Slipper’s legs and charged straight for the door with a confident smile. Eyes on the target she ran on, nopony could stop her now. The sudden rush of victory made her feel a little light-headed, until she realized that was not all of it.

She felt very light all over, almost weightless. It took her a moment to notice she couldn’t even feel the ground under her hooves anymore. She glanced down and saw the floor, with a good two feet of air in between.


She stopped running and finally noticed the light blue glow around her hoof. A quick glance showed her the glow surrounded her all over and now that she was aware of it, it made her coat feel warm and a little tingly. It felt kind of nice.

As she looked over herself, she saw the same light blue glow around Crystal Note’s horn as well and she understood. She had spent enough time around Princess Flurry Heart to recognize this as the magic the alicorn filly sometimes used to pick things up. She also knew this sort of magic was completely harmless, Flurry had explained that many times.

While she was wondering, she suddenly noticed that she floated backwards, towards the stairs. Her eyes went wide when she realized what that meant

“NO! No bath!”

She closed her eyes and started running again, her legs kicking the air in a furious canter.

It didn’t work, obviously, and when she floated past Glass Slipper, her older sister went from staring with her mouth open into giggles. The sight of Velvet Heart running in the air like that was just too cute. At some point, Velvet Heart just slumped in the magic hold and threw a playful glare at Crystal Note, one part frustrated and three parts pouty

“No fair! That’s cheating!”

Crystal Note laughed at this and when the melodious sound reached her ears, Velvet could have sworn that the magic hold around her tightened up just a tiny bit, like a hug

“With three little rascals like you, I need any advantage I can get.”

With a gentle nudge, Crystal Note ushered Sweetie Tooth off the couch and the filly eagerly climbed up the stairs. Crystal Note followed with Velvet Heart floating next to her, she’d settled into enjoying that floaty feeling. She didn’t even wiggle as she was carried in Crystal Note’s magic.

Velvet was gently set on the floor next to her sister while Crystal Note filled the bathtub. The fillies giggled and whispered to each other as Crystal Note started humming a soft tune, making sure the temperature was all right. When she was reaching out for some bubble bath, Velvet Heart took the opening and dashed towards the door, only to be picked up by the turquoise glow again.

Unconcerned, Crystal Note kept humming as she helped Sweetie Tooth climb into the tub and lowered a pouting Velvet Heart towards the foamy water. With a little grin, she let go of her magic when the filly was just above the surface. There was a little shriek, a large splash and three soaked ponies giggling and laughing.

After some more splashing and playing around, and after setting half the bathroom under water, the fillies finally settled down long enough for Crystal Note to get them cleaned up properly with the help of a brush. Just in time as Glass Slipper arrived with a stack of large fluffy towels. The fillies found themselves wrapped up in one each and the mare refilled the tub for the oldest sister

“Thanks dear. You go ahead and enjoy a nice bath now, don’t worry about the mess. I’ll take care of it later. Just one more thing.”

The fillies watched curiously, as Crystal Note lowered her head to the mostly full bathtub. There was a soft glow of her horn when she reached for her magic and the water bubbled up for just a second

“There, much better.”

Glass Slipper carefully dipped her hoof into the bath and smiled. The water had just the perfect temperature and with no further hesitation, she slipped into the nice hot bath after Crystal Note took the fillies back out.

Glass Slipper enjoyed just soaking in the tub until the water had cooled down again. Using the leftover towels to dry up and one to wrap around her mane, she left the bathroom and followed the sound of giggling. To her surprise, it didn’t come out of the bedroom she shared with the twins, but the one just the other side. The one that belonged to her parents.

She carefully pushed the door open and looked inside.

In front of the big vanity mirror, she saw her sister Velvet Heart. Her mane was still fluffed up as she’d just been rubbed dry with a towel and the filly smiled at her reflection. Crystal Note stood beside her with Mom’s hairbrush in her mouth and worked through the filly’s coat in long and slow strokes. Velvet Heart closed her eyes and leaned into the gentle brushing from the crystal mare.

Sweetie Tooth had settled down comfortable on their parent’s bed and watched. Her coat and her mane shined and sparkled in the fading sunlight from outside. Obviously, she’d already received a brushing of her own and enjoyed it just as much as Velvet Heart.

Crystal Note worked slowly as she managed to turn Velvet’s unruly mane into smooth strands of silk, the shades of auburn and hazel soon shimmered like gold and amber. Velvet Heart sparkled positively and her smile was wide and happy.

Glass Slipper realized that Crystal Note was watching her through the mirror and she blushed when the crystal unicorn winked. She opened the door fully and walked inside, returning the smile she got from Sweetie Tooth.

Crystal Note giggled softly and helped Velvet to climb on the bed once finished, where the filly settled down next to her twin sister. She smiled and beckoned the oldest sister to the spot in front of the mirror

“Come on dear, your turn now.”

Glass Slipper sat down shyly and noticed a strange glow in the reflection. The towel around her mane began to move on its own and the startled teenager gave out a high-pitched squeak in her surprise.

A trio of giggles calmed her down before surprise could turn into fear and the filly held still as the towel rubbed the last traces of dampness out of her mane. Although the towel was moved by the glow, Glass Slipper clearly felt the same care and gentleness she associated so easily with Crystal Note by now.

Far too soon for her liking, the soft towel pulled away, only to be replaced by the feel of the brush on her coat. Glass Slipper smiled and like her sister before she craned into the nice sensation. She could she Crystal Note’s serene smile in the reflection as she slowly worked through her coat. Her mom had done this every day when Glass Slipper had been younger and remembering this lured out a hum of approval from the teenage filly.

Glass Slipper wiggled a little when she felt the brush on her cutie mark, a pair of ballet slippers. Crystal Note gently worked through her tail next, the brush untangled all the little knots even the bath hadn't taken care of yet. Finally, the brush ran through her mane in slow strokes. Glass Slipper giggled as Crystal Note tried to tame the curly ends of her mane but had to give up soon as they always bounced back into position.

When Crystal Note put away the brush and stood up, she found herself in a soft hug from the oldest filly, one she was more than happy to return. Glass Slipper gently tucked her head under the mare's chin and enjoyed just being held for a little while. When Crystal Note released her charge with a little nuzzle, they joined the twins on the bed one at each of their sides.

To Crystal Note it felt strange to sit on the bed their mother had been sleeping in, but the fillies smiled with such a wonderful and carefree happiness, so she didn't say anything.

The rays of sunlight from the window were replaced by the soft shine of the summer moon, but none of the three fillies seemed to be tired. Since there was no school the next day, Velvet Heart decided it would be worth to try to stall bedtime for a little longer. With an innocent smile and twinkling eyes, she turned to the mare on her right

"Can you tell us a story, Crystal Note?"

Sweetie Tooth nodded eagerly and even Glass Slipper showed she liked the idea.

With a soft smile of her own, Crystal Note tilted her head towards the filly

"Oh, but I tell you girls stories every night. Why don't you tell me a story this time?"

Velvet Heart seemed surprised by this suggestion, but Sweetie Tooth chimed in

"Sure! What kind of story you want to hear?"

Crystal Note let her eyes wander through the room in thought. Her smile grew wider when she saw the reflection in the vanity mirror, the three fillies genuinely happy and pleasantly worn out by a day of fun and games. Then her gaze fell onto a framed photograph on the vanity. It showed a small family, two parents and three fillies, in the middle of the crystal faire, all of them with bright smiles. It couldn't have been too old, only a year at most.

A small sigh rose out of Crystal Note as she looked at the two ponies she only barely knew of, but by now missed so much, just like the fillies. A thought came to her mind, and after a moment's hesitation, she just went with it.

The frame was surrounded by the turquoise glow of her magic and floated through the room. It came to a rest on the bed in front of the fillies where they could all see it.

"Maybe you could tell me a story about your parents?"

Their reactions couldn’t have been more different. Sweetie Tooth, who was sitting next to Crystal Note, immediately reached out and clung on the mare’s hoof. Glass Slipper stared at the picture for a couple of beats, but then jerked her eyes off and turned her head towards the window. Her eyes didn’t focus though and kept roaming restlessly as she tried to look anywhere but at the picture. Velvet Heart glared at the framed photograph, just like she had glared at Crystal Note during the first days.

Crystal Note remained silent but an insistent voice inside her head started chastising right away. She had no right to steal their happiness away with such questions. Of course they would be sad once they were reminded that their parents were gone. How could she be so insensitive and inconsiderate after all the three had to go through?

Because I have to, she replied to herself.

Because if they only think about their parents in sadness, that pain will never stop. They need to remember the happy things just as much.

The sisters were happier today than they had been in weeks. Now was the right time for them to take this hurdle, together. Crystal Note knew they could do it, she hoped with all her heart. All she could do was open that door and walk through beside them, but they had to make that first step.

Sweetie Tooth’s grip on her leg stayed tight, so she curled her hoof to return the squeeze. She flicked her curly tail so it would fall over the twins’ backs for comfort, and as she did Velvet’s glare softened. Glass Slipper’s head turned back to her and the nervous roaming of her eyes stopped as soon as she found Crystal Note’s caring eyes.

Velvet Heart was the one who finally broke the silence, with her eyes firmly locked on the picture in front of her

“Daddy was always smiling, especially in the morning. It was like he opened his eyes and started smiling until it was time for bed again.”

Glass Slipper managed a soft smile and finally let her eyes fall on the picture again. Her head leaned down a little so she was closer to Velvet Heart. When she spoke her voice was only a little above a whisper

“He was always so turned on, even when he came home from the mine at night. He was tired, but not drop-dead-tired. He was still smiling, it’s like he wanted to say ‘I had a hard day of work, but I’m happy with what I did today.’”

Sweetie Tooth sniffled against Crystal Note’s leg and her voice wavered a little when she joined in

“Mommy was different. She needed an hour or so in the morning to wake up. Daddy and Velvet always teased her about it.”

A soft smile curled her lips when her sisters giggled at that.

“But once she was awake, nopony could keep up with her! Not even Daddy!”

Another round of giggles and Velvet chimed in again

“Daddy always tried to get a quick nap before dinner, but all it took was a glare from Mommy and he was helping with chores.”

Glass Slipper chuckled and gently nudged her sister

“Remember that one time Dad managed to sneak in and stretch out on the couch when he was still covered in dirt from the coal?”

Sweetie Tooth giggled and nodded

“And then Mommy found him and scolded him.”

“He had to clean the whole living room and take a bath before he would get any dinner.”

Velvet’s wide grin gave her another nudge from Glass Slipper

“And you couldn’t resist teasing Dad, so he caught you and dragged you into the bath with him.”

Velvet Heart blushed and glared playfully at her older sister, but Sweetie Tooth now giggled even more. She let go of Crystal Note’s hoof and gently poked her sister’s flank

“And then both of you had to clean the bathroom right after dinner!”

Velvet Heart huffed and rolled her eyes but in the end just joined into the laughter that followed.

Crystal Note watched the three fillies as their eyes went back to the picture. There was still pain in their eyes, and she knew it would probably be there for a long time still. But now, there were also loving smiles on their faces as they started another round of ‘Remember when?’ that ended in more giggles and laughter.

The mare who had become their guardian and caretaker watched and listened silently. If she would have taken a glance at the mirror, she would have seen the same loving smile on herself, but all her attention was on the three fillies and their stories.

They talked for hours into the night. At some point, Sweetie Tooth snuggled against Crystal Note’s flank and rested her head on her hooves, but like her twin sister, her eyes shined brightly when Glass Slipper spoke of events that had happened before they were born or had been very young, stories they’d never heard of before.

Eventually, Glass Slipper ran out of things to say and just stared at the picture in silent reminiscence. Velvet Heart yawned and rested her head against her older sister. That’s when Crystal Note noticed how quiet Sweetie Tooth had become. She glanced down and found the filly’s eyes closed in slumber.

Quietly and slowly so she wouldn’t wake her, Crystal Note climbed off the bed and gently picked up Sweetie Tooth. After an encouraging nod, Velvet Heart hopped on the mare’s back and hugged her neck as she was carried to the bedroom. Glass Slipper, always the responsible big sister, took a moment to fix the bedsheets again before she followed.

In the girls’ bedroom, Crystal Note tucked them right in bed. Just like the first night and every night after since she had done this, the three sisters shared their bed, even if it seemed a little cramped for three growing fillies. Velvet Heart closed her eyes as soon as her head touched the pillows, both of the twins smiled when Crystal Note covered them with the warm blankets.

As always, Crystal Note quietly asked Glass Slipper if she needed anything, but the teenage filly just shook her head and closed her eyes as well. Only a minute later, the only sounds in the room came from the soft breaths of the sleeping fillies.

Crystal Note watched them sleep for a while, with the same loving smile still engraved on her face. She felt proud of her charges, on how well they had taken this little trip into the past. Their smiles was all she needed to know that this day had been a good one for all of them and deep inside her heart she felt the desire to give her girls many more of such days, as many as she could.

She slipped out of the bedroom as quietly as a breeze and let the door stay open a crack like she always did. She fought back a small yawn of her own, but on the way to the stairs, she passed the bathroom. The still very messy and half-flooded bathroom.

With a soft sigh, she stepped in and nodded to herself. Usually, she’d rely on her hooves to do the housework, but tonight she felt too lazy, so she closed her eyes in concentration.

A mop came to life as she reached for her magic and took care of the mess, quickly and efficiently.

With a satisfied nod, Crystal Note continued her journey to the couch that served her as a bed. She didn’t get too far as another sound reached her, the soft mumbles of a small filly. It didn’t sound sad or scared, so she poked her head into the bedroom as quietly as she could, doing her best to not wake the three fillies.

The light from the hallway reached Sweetie Tooth and her left eye cracked open as she revealed herself as the source of the mumbling. Crystal Note stepped to the bed and leaned down to the filly who seemed far more asleep than aware, despite her eyes blinking open. With hushed whispers, Crystal Note eased the filly back to slumber

“Shh, it’s okay, you’re in bed. You can go back to sleep, Sweetie.”

As soon as she heard the soothing voice, Sweetie Tooth’s eyes closed down again. She nuzzled into the pillow with a peaceful smile on her lips, one that was mirrored by the mare watching over her.

Crystal Note was just about to leave when she heard another soft mumble

“Goodnight Mommy.”

Her mind was too baffled to think, so her body just reacted on instinct. She leaned down and planted a soft kiss on Sweetie Tooth’s forehead and whispered in a voice brimmed with love

“Goodnight, Sweetie Tooth. Sweet dreams.”

The smile grew a little brighter still and within moments, Sweetie Tooth’s breathing matched the slow breaths of her sleeping sisters.

While her mind still struggled to get back on track, Crystal Note finally made it down the stairs and onto the couch. As soon as she sat down, she realized what just had happened and the thought echoed through her head

Sweetie Tooth just called me mommy.

There was a reasonable part in her mind. It told her it was only logical that happened. Sweetie Tooth wasn’t really awake and they’d been talking about their parents for hours, until she fell asleep even. Of course Sweetie Tooth would mistake her for her mother in this situation.

That part, however, was too small and too quiet to stand a chance against the huge emotional turmoil that those words set off. Pride, worry, confusion, affection and concern started a tug-of-war inside her, all blurred with the maternal instinct that had taken over in the bedroom and now refused to leave.

Maybe Sweetie Tooth intentionally called her mommy. Maybe she wanted to tell her she was ready. But am I even ready to be a mommy for any of them?

A huge sigh broke out of Crystal Note, there was no way she could sleep with all of this on her mind.

Remembering an old lesson, she started to take long and slow breaths for a start. It helped her tune down the turmoil long enough to reach out for her violin, music always helped her sort out her feelings. Her gaze turned to the stairs and the fillies sleeping upstairs. She didn’t want to wake them up, but she couldn’t leave them alone for the night either.

Too tired and distracted to think of anything else, she reached for another spell and started to play her trusted violin.

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