• Published 27th Nov 2018
  • 1,621 Views, 7 Comments

Crimson Contract - StatiZkyZ

Starlight Glimmer is a powerful vampire pony... and you owe her your life

  • ...

Love and Blood

Putting the last of the cherry filled pie into your mouth, you muffle a moan as the delicacy shower your sense of taste with sweetness of perfect balance and a soft texture to boot. This dessert is just too delicious, you wish she'll serve a second plate, but you have to be satisfied with what you have. After you have finished your meal, you take it upon yourself to return the plate to the kitchen to wash it for her. Well, if she's the one who'll wash it, a cleaning spell, or simply teleporting the remaining smudge on the plate to who knows where, will do the job. But you got to earn your keep somehow. This is her home, after all.

As you enter the kitchen to put your plate into the sink, you notice that there's no sign of the mare you're thinking. Huh, she should be here as far as you know. You simply left the tableware you're carrying on the sink, and wanders around the kitchen, trying to look for her. The kitchen isn't too big, but a pony can be hidden in it. You made it to the back of the kitchen, and there's still no sign of her. However, there's a window nearby, and one look at the night sky made you realize why she isn't here.

Tonight, there's a full moon.

A shiver ran throughout your entire body as the sight of it reminds you of your... obliged duty in this mansion. Almost your entire right side of your body tense up when the memories of your previous encounter with her in her room floods your mind. Memories of red... and something sharp...

Don't worry, this won't hurt much...

The sound of her whisper made a sudden jolt brings you back to reality as a flash of white briefly blind your eyes. You may have done it before, but you still feel... scared, but strangely a bit excited at the same time. Your conscience tells you it's only fair considering what she have done to you, even though it doesn't make it any easier. Gulping, you slowly leave the kitchen, and made your way to where you're supposed to meet her.

The hallway that leads to her room seems to have stretched multiple kilometers away as your hooves walk you across the red carpet on the floor. During your long walk, you think if you'll ever get rid of this unnerving feeling when going to meet her at a full moon. Maybe you'll get used to this if you continue to live with her for years to come, but that's a big maybe. Living with her alone is already out of this world, quite literally too since she's an... otherworldly creature. Sure, she mostly looked like a pony, but other then that, she's way too powerful to be one.

On the other hand, she's not a bloodthirsty monster, at least most of the time, that carves for your meat. When you first came across her mansion, you were running for your life from the town you're raised in. Multiple Bugbears ransacked the town, forcing everypony to run for your lives. Unfortunately, you got separated from your parents and siblings, and got lost wandering in the woods nearby. With the option of going back to town would be hazardous to your safety, you can only go deeper.

It takes two days going all around the forest with little to no food or water, before you stumble on this mysterious mansion in a clearing on one of the hills. Without thinking, you enter the building to take refuge. One of the first thing you notice in the foyer is the big picture of a pink unicorn mare with purple and cyan mane. However, she also have visible fangs, and bat-like wings. Her very image sends a chill down your spine.

Out of the blue, a blast of pitch black magic bursts from the middle of the room. The force of the arcane explosion pins you to the wall as an ominous flurry of magic that almost looked like bats fly everywhere. Your vision forced to see streaks of black flying by made you weak in the knees and you fell to the floor. Saying you're scared is an understatement.

After a few seconds, which felt like several minutes, the nightmarish spectacle is over, but what took it's place almost made you wet yourself. It's the very pink mare you saw in the painting, glaring at you with her purple eyes and baring her fangs. Something about her made her look really hostile, and your brain reached a conclusion on your fate in the very near future.

You're screwed.

No, really, what can you do? You cannot fight, no way you'll stand a chance in your state, yet, you cannot flight either from how weak you are from starvation and lack of sleep. You can't even stand up straight, your legs felt like jelly, and your stomach felt like it's consuming itself from hunger. A few tears roll to your cheek as you slowly take in the fact that you're soon going to be an ex pony, who will cease to exist. All you can do is to push yourself to the wall in a feeble attempt to stay away from her, somehow hoping beyond hope it'll save you.

You jam your eyes shut and waited... and waited... and waited..... yet, nothing. Something's wrong, why she hasn't mauled you yet? As you hear her hoofsteps closing in, you dared to take a peek, and was greeted with a sight that you hope will happen, but at the same time, you felt that hope is beyond ridiculous. The fanged mare is looking at you with... worry?

"Are you... alright?" The mare lit up her horn, slightly startling you, and lifts you onto your hooves, only for you to wobble and fall again. She tried again, this time with her hooves, and slowly cradles you in her forelimbs. Curiously, the mare gently rubs her hoof down your chest and stomach, which responds with another grumble.

"Oh my, you poor thing. Did you got lost in the woods?" She asked, to which you nodded, albeit with fear. She seems to catch up on this, and gives you a reassuring look. "Hush, I may look like a monster, but I'm not really a monster. I can tell you're genuinely need help, and I can do that for you."

This is it, this double door leads into her private room. You only enter this section of the mansion when she told you to, like at every full moon. You take a shaky breath, still feeling nervous, which is rather ironic. Logically, you're going to meet a mare that you've lived with for more then twelve months, a mare that saved your life, and a mare that gives you a lot of good things in life, a mare that you find... very enchanting. All that does come with a cost, though, and you're expected to pay for it right now. After taking a deep breath, you open the door and enter her room.

The big, red carpeted room is decorated with golden ornaments, except the throne, which is made from obsidian black material. Pictures of unknown ponies of the past hangs on the wall, and there's a small window perfectly capturing the sight of the full moon just above the throne. The frame of the triangular shaped window is currently glowing red, courtesy to the pony in front of the throne.

The pink unicorn's horn is glowing the same red color as currents of magic flows into her, crackling in the air like small bolts of lightning. It took a while, but eventually she notices your presence. She's wearing a deep violet cloak that slightly flutters along with her movement as she turns around and shows her fanged smile at you.

"I honestly thought you're going to forget, or even run away." She noted. Deep inside, you know that even if you forget or try to run away, you won't get away with it. This mare, Starlight Glimmer, is like a double edged sword. She never did anything oppressive towards you, but you know she can do that if she want to. She's the most powerful pony you've ever met, physically and magically. What's stopping her from capturing you in case you forgot or if you try to run away? Even though all she did to you is nothing but good things, you can't help but be wary of her simply because of the immense power she had.

You voice your thoughts, saying there's no way she'll let you do either of that anyway. Hearing this, she smirks and made her way closer to you.

"Well, that's true in a way." Starlight touches your neck with her snout, making your body tense up. "But, you know, I feel like I have no right to do that to you. You're a pretty nice pony."

When you ask her to elaborate, she gladly obliges what that same cheerful tone. "Every time I needed help you would offer to assist me, do you not remember those words of our contract after I saved you? Plus, normally I would have to do the chores myself and it can be a really tedious endeavor. With you here however, it saves my hooves some extra work. I appreciate that, I truly do. Most would and have run or refuse to uphold their end of the bargain. You however, aren't most ponies."

As she slowly circle around you, she also continues to gently caress you neck with her snout. She's so close to you that you can smell her, her scent reminds you of a field of roses. You have always been nervous to admit it, even to yourself, but you feel like you have a crush on Starlight. You don't know if she cast a spell on you or something, but her presence alone mesmerize you enough that you wish that you never have to leave, even though the other side of your brain is telling you to be quick and get it over with.

Gulping, you ask something that has been weighing in your mind for a while. If she needs to... do what she's about to do to you after some period of time, how does she do it before you came and meet her? Did other ponies stay with her in the past? She looks you in the eyes and answers your question. Her tone is cheerful, but you can make out some anger and malice behind her words. "Well, yes, but all of them were... disappointments, as I call them. They're all gone now."

Gone? What does she mean by that? Your head conjures some horrifying images of what she can do to a pony before she clarifies the matter. "Let's put it this way... Since you're such an honorable pony, I let you keep your most... precious life stream just enough so that no harm will happen to you. Other ponies that lived here before were thieves, ungrateful horses, and one even tried to take this place away from me. You think... they deserve more then being sustenance?"

Your heart let out an extra THUMP hearing her words, and her seemingly sadistic fanged smile as she's stares at you made you feel the temperature of the air around you drop drastically. Those purple eyes make it clear that she's the one with complete control around here. But at the same time it's so... mesmerizing.

Suddenly, her voice returned to her cheery tone."So far, you're the pony to live with me the longest, and for good reason. I hope you continue to help and be a dear. I'll genuinely feel bad if you turn out to be another disappointment."

Your entire body shudders, from both that subtle warning, and her pressing her nuzzle to your neck. Once again, your head and heart is conflicted, one telling you to save yourself, while the other was singing choirs for the mare next to you. Suddenly, she whispers to your ear in an almost seductive way. "You have such a delicious aroma, I can almost taste the sweetness within your soul."

As she licks your neck, you can feel her cold fangs rub against your coat. Involuntarily, you let out a moan, not sure if it's from helplessness, or she had completely smitten you with her charm. You can't move, but you don't care. Your brain had given up on you trying to warn you from the danger mere centimeters from your neck. All you can think of at this time is her, you want to stay with her, you want to help her, and you're willing to sacrifice part of you to her. You can feel it, it's going to happen soon.

Starlight embraces your body with her hooves, and slowly pushes you down to a sitting position. You ask what she's doing, but she doesn't answer. This isn't how you do it last time. Hugging you close, she places her mouth on your neck again, resting her fangs on your coat. Your heart beats extra fast, and your breaths comes in short and noisy as you let her have your way with you. She even asks for your confirmation, something she didn't do before. "Ready?"

You take a deep breath to calm yourself down, just slightly, and nodded. You shiver as her wet tongue coats your neck with her saliva, something she needs to do. All you smell is her sweet scent filling your nostrils with bliss as you close your eyes, waiting for the inevitable. But, unexpectedly, you feel her pull away from your neck. You take a peek, and sees her big purple orbs that are her eyes, smiling as her fangs glint in the moonlight.

"Be mine... Forever."

As your brain try to comprehend what she just said, she latches onto your neck with her fangs, piercing your skin. Your eyes stretches open forcefully as the initial pain shakes your body like an earthquake coming from two epicenters on your neck. You almost scream if your voice didn't get caught on your throat. Her first slurp starts to drain your blood from your system, and you can hear her swallowing your very life essence down her throat. In almost a symbolic manner, her left wing stretches open to cover your right side as she keeps on feeding on you.

You feel your body vibrate as the sudden loss of blood made you weaker, yet, you moan from the sensation despite the obvious danger to your very life. Slowly, you fall back, supported by her hooves, into a laying down position. You didn't count how many slurps she took, but she's still going. The pain is slowly becoming numb, replaced by an oddly relaxing feeling in her hooves's embrace. Even though they just got stretched open almost painfully, your eyelids now feels heavy, and slowly closes your eyes.

Before you can do that, Starlight pulls away, taking a big breath of air, panting heavily. You notice her eyes have turned a crimson red, an almost feral expression plastered on her face as she licks some blood from her fangs, your blood. "Soooo delicious..."

In a quick motion, Starlight returns to your neck, and gives it one longer and stronger suck. You reflexively arches your back, as if her suck is pulling you, and moaned loudly, completely filled with bliss for some reason. Starlight stops drinking with another gasp. Her eyes are still red, before she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. When she opens them, it returns to it's normal purple. You slump back on the floor, your tongue resting at the side of your lips, and you find yourself panting. Drowsiness clouded your senses, your head feeling a bit lightheaded from the ordeal, yet, you're not complaining. You're happy to give this mare what she wants.

Speaking of her, she's slowly laying down on top of you, showing you a genuine smile. "Thank you, as always."

In your state, you simply say you would do anything for her, giggling a bit. Unexpectedly, she blushes a bit hearing your words. You have never seen her do that, but she does look really cute like that. She whispers into your ear. "I know, I kinda got carried away there, but I really hope you'll stay with me."

You chuckle, why would you leave? You're much safer living here, you got the best house in Equestria, and you got to be with the most beautiful mare... Oh, you said that out loud, didn't you? But, judging from her reaction, looks like Starlight finds it sweet as her blush gets more prominent. "Y-You think I'm beautiful? Even when I'm... a vampire pony?"

To be honest, you'd never expect yourself to be falling for her, remembering how scared you were of her. But now, you feel that fear is almost gone entirely. She had shown you the pony side of her, reminding you that she's just like every other mare, except the fact that she has immense powers. It's just like what she said when you first met, she may look like a monster, but she not really a monster. You don't care if this is just a spell by her, you love her, you adore her, and you finally admits it to her.

Her face radiates happiness at your words. "For not betraying me after so many ponies did to me... And now you pledge your love to me..."

She stopped mid sentence, instead, choosing to hug you, gently because of your weakened state. You feel her hoof carcass the back of your mane softly. "I think tomorrow will be the start of a new relationship between us... But now, you must rest."

She's right, you can barely open your eyes anymore. In a flash of her horn, you suddenly moved from the floor into the comfy bed you're given in your room. As you get ready to sleep, you notice Starlight didn't move from your side, still hugging you as it seems she's also trying to get some sleep. You've never slept with her, but it feels really nice like this. Hopefully, she won't leave you anytime soon.

Because you won't leave her.

Especially not after that love bite she gave you.

Comments ( 7 )

Great story well done

Very nice. I would love to see more of this.

Very nice very nice

There is a chance that this is my fetish to a T. Like 100%. Will report back after reading.

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