• Published 3rd Aug 2012
  • 964 Views, 19 Comments

The Black Colt - Finite

Mystery Black Colt walks starts to live near Ponyville…

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Ch: 8

Celestia exits from the chariot, once hey touch down in front of the castle double doors, with Luna right behind him. “Sister, what do you make of that?” Luna probes. “I don’t know, but I do know one thing, that little young colt is gifted in the art of magic, and contain a large supply of it.” Celestia spoke as she passes the double doors, which was being held open by two guards on each side. “Yes he does sister… And he feel oddly familiar.” Luna muses to Celestia. “I know what you mean sister, not the face, but his presence; I don’t know, it’s hard to put my hoof on it, he does stir up something in my head.” Celestia ponders back to Luna. “What must be done with this sister?” Luna asks. “He must be brought here, that kind of potential is dangerous if not watch. It’s important to know his goal too.” Celestia spoke in a stern voice. “How will we do that sister?” Luna asks. “I don’t know; maybe earn his trust first, my dear sweet Luna.” Celestia answers. “You mean were going to deceive him?!” Luna says in shock. “Of course not, I would not dream of such an act Luna, especially to a foal, I’m shock you to think I’ll take such a route.” Celestia spoke still walking looking straight ahead. “I-I’m sorry sister, I miss understood.” Luna stays with her head lower. “It’s okay Luna, I should not have response like that, lift your head dear sister. I’ll see you at dinner, for right now I will return to my quarter.” Celestia spoke, stopping before her double doors. “Yes sister.”

Luna walks away, as Celestia inter her room. ‘Of course I want deceive him… But such a colt, with what magic and skills, he could be a very… ‘constructive’ unicorn to Equestria. I must, no I will get him to come to Canterlot, why it’s in the good of ponykind.’ “Guard!” Celestia shouts. A guard opens the door and stand fort “yes princess Celestia?” “I want a report on a colt name Nightfall; his descriptions are of a black coat red mane, and a cutie mark of a red skull unicorn. His belongings are that of a saddlebag, did you acquire all that I said?” “Yes princess Celetsia.” “Good, then you can go.” “Yes princess Celestia.” The guard turns a left closing the door behind. ‘I do say that colt interest me but nag at memory.”

Next day after school, the cute mark crusader looking for any pony that may need their help still bent on getting their helper cutie mark. They spot Nightfall walking over the stone bridge toward the Everfree Forest entrance. They follow, making sure to stay out of sight. Once they enter into the forest, still will behind Nightfall, they walks deep within the forest, reaching an old look castle. Nightfall crosses a bridge; the looks of it could collapse any monument, he made it across and enters the castle. The cute mark crusader was skeptic now. “Maybe we should just turn back.” Suggest Sweetie Belle. “Aw, it’s not that dangerous come on!” Scoot starts to cross. “Be careful scoot.” whisper Apple Bloom. One by one, they made it across.

They enter into the castle entrance from the double broken doors; the old cobble webs, broking stone ground, plants veins growing alone the wall. In the distance they see a light, getting close to it, they glance form behind the wall. The light they saw earlier is of candles. What they see next confuse them; it was Nightfall, to them it seen as if he were drawing something on the ground with red paint on his hoof. “What’s he doing?” question Scoot. “He is hoof painting on the ground.” Sweetie Belle answers. “I can see that, but what?" asks Scoot. “I’m not sure that’s paint.” states Apple Bloom. “What you mean, of course that paint.” Scoot insures. “Yeah what else can it be?” Sweetie Belle asks. “Blood.” The two fellies shuck. “B-Blood?” Stammer Sweetie Belle. “Blood.” Stills Apple Bloom. “How do you know?” Question Scootaloo. “Will~ you don’t see any red paint around him, And he’s still writing with that same hoof.” Apple Bloom explains. “Why would he be painting with blood?” Scootaloo asks in a confuse expression. “I don’t know, I just know that’s blood.” “Shush, he’s doing something.”

Finish with his task he back up, and lit up his horn; the blood on the floor soon follow, it move to a perfect circle and the letter and symbol sharpen to the three filly, after his horn die down. He grabs out a journal willing it open with magic, he looks at the circle and back at the journal, after he put the journal back. Nightfall walks to the middle of the circle; once there his horn let up again, the already glowing circle glow brighter, as he spoke in a language not know to the fillies. Then he starts to screech, screech out of agony with his eyes clinch shut. It frightens the fellies, scream was also foreign to them, because of the fact they never saw someone in so much pain, and they wince from the woe cry. What they saw next will plague there mind for meaning nightmares to come; Nightfall body start to change, even beyond the holler of the colt voices, the fillies still hear a disguising noise coming from it. His fur starts to fall out as he hasty scratching away at it, while still cry out of pain. His teethes fall out randomly dropping to the floor. His eyes, noise, and ears starts to bleeds out, joining his mouth, as the blood raindrop to the stone ground. His bones dislocate and move, his skin stretching alone with it. His hoofs start to break apart. His skin grew scales, face feature change, everything deform; sharp teethes start to appear in his mouth, his ears pointer, his muzzle change. His fore hoofs turn into claws. His manes grow spike from his head down to his tail, and on his back bones and skin push out to form wings. And his horn disappears. His falls to the stone cool floor out of exhausting, breathing heavy, until he caught the scent of three ponies; His eyes open as he wipe his head up toward their direction, his pupil became split with in the sea of blood red. Nightfall have turn into a dragon, the age of it one being as his, possible younger then spike in dragon eye.

The fillies are petrified, his crimson glowing stare holding them into place, with a slit black abyss clawing or biting at their soul. Nightfall growl as flames seep out his mouth and nostrils, this broke the fellies out of there trances, they turn ran. Once they left, Nightfall sniff the air a few time to make sure he was alone, then went back to rest his tire throbbing morphed body.

The fillies ran across the bridge, as soon as they clear it it gave out, falling leaving no way to get back. They ran the hold way to Apple Bloom tree house, they did not stop for one minute, even when other pony try to talk to them. Once they reach their destination which their body gave out, breathing fast, muscle achene, they stay still for a while. The first to break the silent under then the still heavy breathing was scoot. “He’s a dragon…” “No, that can’t be.” Sweetie Belle yells. “What you mean, he turn right before us.” Scootaloo scream back. “He saw us.” The two look at Apple Bloom. “What do we do now?” Sweetie cry, tears running down her face. “I don’t know.” Apple Bloom confesses. They stay silent for a little while, on the occasional sniff of Sweetie Belle. “We must tell the other.” Apple Bloom directs. “Who do we tell?” Scootaloo asks. “Let go tell Twilight, she the strongest smartest magic pony there is!” Apple Bloom exclaimed. “Yeah,” “Okay” Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle agree. They rush out the tree house.

At the Library Rarity, Twilight, and Fluttershy sit at a table on pillow pad with tea in front of them. “Will yesterday was something huh?” Rarity said, not sure what to feel, or think about it. “Yes…it was…” same goes for Twilight. “I-I’m sorry, I don’t know what gotten i-i-into me, how could I speak that way to the princesses.” Fluttershy put her face in to her hoof. “Now, now dear, it’s alright.” Rarity gave an ensuring smile. “Yes, the princesses said she understands, and we all… kinda of understand, you see him as your own, which he is in some kind of way. I’m more surprise of how he spoke to the princess Celestia then anything.” “W-what you mean?” Fluttershy lift her face from her hoof. “Will first of all he turns down an invite to one of the most top rate school in all of Equestria?” Rarity explains. “Then told for the reasons which all fearful make sense, but even then those schools hold the best books on magic, and the best teacher to learn from.” Twilight adds. “And to degrade them as such, as if it would be a hinder to his development, I say he is quit intelligent, now that I think of it.” Rarity confesses. “Yes he is. It made me curious to what he is reaching for, what his goal is.” Twilight muses out loud. “W-well maybe he just like to self-learn, study by himself, he did said it would hold him back to learn from a teacher, t-then read the knowledge for himself.” Fluttershy enlighten. “Yes your right, if it such as that, then he is more gifted then we thought.” Rarity included. “Huh” Fluttershy said confuse. “Nightfall have a collective knowledge of magic and power, he can levitate, teleport, use healing spell-” “B-But you can do all that too Twilight.” Fluttershy cut Twilight off. “Yes and you know how long it tuck me to learn them, and to be able to perform them perfectly. His advance has never been heard of, and besides that, he also know how to manifests his magic; only the Princesses is known to do such a thing, and he did it with ease.” Twilight Explains. “Yes, he passes just being seen as gifted. Rarity added. “And on top of that, he’s able to understands and create new spells, do you know what it take to do such a thing, one can only image what he coming up with, or what he came up with so far.” Twilight excite. “I hate to say this, but Rainbow was right on him being a mystery; we don’t know much about him, where he came from, how he survives until now.” Rarity exclaim. “W-what are you saying?” Fluttershy asks. “I’m saying dear, is that it wouldn’t hurt, and may even do some good to learn more about him.” Rarity explains. “Rarity right, it’ll better for him and better for you if he can learn to open up, then maybe you can help him with issues that he’s suppressing.” Twilight explains. “I-I don’t want to pressure him into talking.” Fluttershy confess. “We would never asks that Fluttershy, just talk to him sometime, he seem to taking to you than any other in Ponyville so far.” Rarity stated. “Yes, from what I can tell, he seen to trust you most of all out of all of us.” Agree Twilight. “B-But-”

The front door slam open; three fillies came rushing in, and slam it shut. “Girls!” Rarity yells out. “Rarity!” Sweetie Belle yells back. “Twilight!” Apple Bloom calls out. “What’s wrong!?” Twilight inquire, a worry expression plaster her face. “It’s about Nightfall!” Apple Bloom shouts out. “He’s, he’s, he’s a-” “A dragon!” Scootaloo cut Sweetie Belle off. “What?!” Twilight question dumfounded. “Girls! You shouldn’t say such rude things, just because he didn’t want your help.” Rarity scolded. “It’s not about that, we saw him change into one!” Scootaloo yells. “Yeah, we follow him into the Everfree Forest, in to this old castle, wher-” “You want into the Everfree Forest?!” Twilight cut off Apple Bloom. “You girls no it dangerous and not allow to go in there! Why would you do such a thing?” Rarity asksn. “Listen!” Apple Bloom pleaded. “We just saw him in there, he transform into a dragon!” Scootaloo yell. “That’s impossible.” Rarity rejects. “And how would you know?” Scootaloo Demand. “Because Nightfall is right here.” Twilight points to Fulttershy left wing budging out. “Y-Yes, he had been napping here by my side ever since I arrive.” Fluttershy lifts her left wing, and sure enough Nightfall rest beneath it, sleeping, the three fillies gasp, as she over him back up. “Yes, the poor dear must’ve had an eventfully day, as soon as Fluttershy arrive; no sooner than him, he snuggles underneath her wing and dose off.” The three fillies was dumfounded, “Butt, but-” “No, but.” Rarity cut off Apple Bloom. “Your sister would be hearing about this Apple Bloom, and will your parent Scootaloo, you girls know how dangerous it is to go into the Everfree Forest.” Twilight scolds. “Yes, same for you Sweetie Belle, you’ll get a good talking, from me and our parents, you better hope that is all too.” The three winces at ideal of what Rarity meant. “Now go alone, you’ll see about the consequence of your action later.” The three girls exit the library, with their head down.

Rarity and Twilight looks toward Fluttershy. “I’m sorry about that Fluttershy.” “Yeah.” “I-It’s okay. No you don’t have to apologies Rarity, Twilight, nothing bad happen.” “I just don’t know where they get off telling such lies.” Rarity scolds. “I really hate to say this, but a certain pony could behind this.” “What are you saying Twilight?” Rarity asks with a concern look. “I’m saying Rainbow could have something to do with that.” Twilight voice hers suspicious. “W-Why would she do such a thing?” Fluttershy asks. “She does not to trust the poor dear.” Rarity claims. “And it’s all base on the fact that she don’t know anything about him, and he’s living with one of her friends.” Twilight explains. “It’s understandable to be a little worry, but he’s just a colt, to go this far, and tp involve other, no less foals.” “Something must be done!” Twilight propose. “L-Like what, I mean, it’s doesn’t bother us.” “Not that you know of, we don’t know what she could be doing to him, she could have chase him all around, that probable why he so tire.” “O no, S-She wouldn’t hurt us like that, n-not Rainbow Dash.” Fluttershy hug her little colt, who still resting. “Fluttershy I’m sure it’s not really the cases here.” Twilight gave Rarity a stern stare. “It’s just that, the way she been acting toward him, that’s all.” Twilight explain. “Yes dear, I’m sure even Rainbow wouldn’t do such a thing.” Rarity gave a thoughtful expression. “Still thou, talk to him, he could be holding a lot end.” Rarity suggests. “And that’s never good for any pony to do; it would do be better for him to talk.” Twilight explains. “O-Okay, I-I’ll try.” she set the tire colt back down; close to her side, and fold her wing against him.”

“I can’t believe it!” Scootaloo shout, throwing her fore hooves in the air. “How did he get here before we did?” Apple Bloom muses. “That what I’ll like to know!” Scootaloo yells. “He could have use that teleportation spell I seen Twilight do?” Suggest Apple Bloom. “No, that impossible, that’s a very advance powerful spell, I don’t think even my sister knows how to use it.” “Uh, news flash Sweetie, he’s a dragon, who knows what he can do.” Retort Scootaloo. “That’s not important, what’s important is how’re we going to handle this?” Apple Bloom states while walking away. “Where’re you going?” Scootaloo yells. “Home. I might as will tell Apple Jack before they do, she’ll go easy on me, might not even tell Granny Smith.” “I’m with Apple Bloom on this one Scoot; my parents always go easy on me when I tell them.” Sweetie Belle began to walk away too. “I guess I’ll do the same.”

Applejack is out bucking trees when Rainbow swop in looking annoy. “Hay AJ, I got to talk to you.” Applejack caught this immediately. “What is it now?” “Why are you siding with him!?” Rainbow aks, putting both hoof in the air. “What?! If this is about Nightfall, then I don’t want to hear about it.” Turning back to her farm duties, Dash continues to talk. “It’s not about him, but it’s related to him. So answer me why are you siding with him?” Rainbow asks again. “Why wouldn’t I?” “Because that not like you.” “What?” “Your about honesty, and all that, you hate when people lie, all this colt have been doing is lie and keeping secret.” “What are you own about?” “He want tell us nothing about his pass, he want tell us nothing about what he doing with that big research he’s working on, he even denied the princess invite and refuse to give any information about himself to them. All of that should have you in a riot!” Rainbow explains in a frustration tone of voice. “Rainbow Dash!” Applejack yells. “First of all, that his privacy, his life, he have right to hold that information as long as he is not hurting anyone by doing so. His pass is his pass, and if he don’t want to share it right now, then that his full right not to.” Applejack explains. “But he’s keeping secret.” “His not keeping secret, what he do with his free time is his business, same for you, me, and our other friends; they have their own business they do without telling us, that’s their privacy and there business.” Applejack scolds. “But then, why did he not accept Princess Celestia offer, huh, as if he want to stay here, he was living close to the Everfee forest when we found out about him, maybe he’s doing something there and that why he did not want to go.” Rainbow Dash spoke her guess suspicious. “You can’t be this lose Rainbow, it obvious that he don’t want to be separated from Fluttershy; the lucky colt realize that he found someone who truly love him, that would even stand up against the princess for him.” Applejack finishes. “But-” “But nothing.” Applejack cut of Dash. “If you can’t accept this, then fine, but don’t you dare bother Fluttershy about your paranormal with Nightfall, she’s more happy then we ever seen her, and if I hear you been bother her, or Nightfall, were going to have a talk, and I’m not talking about with our month here, understand.” “But-” “Understand!” Applejack cut off Rainbow again. “FINE!” Rainbow shouts. “But I warn you! When he finally show his true color, don’t come crying to me!” Dash tuck to the sky. “What is wrong with that mare?” Applejack muses as she went back to her responsibility. “Um Applejack!” A voice calls out from behind her. “O Apple Bloom, what wrong?” “Will…”

Comments ( 4 )

“You want into the Everfree Forest?!” am what?


If you can just tell me the chapter, I'll correct it.


I don't understand your concern?

....I mean I think I understand.... I just don't know what you want me to say...

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