• Published 3rd Aug 2012
  • 963 Views, 19 Comments

The Black Colt - Finite

Mystery Black Colt walks starts to live near Ponyville…

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Ch: 6

A knock at the door broke them out of their so call discussion. “Co-Come in.” Twilight stumble over her words still in a bewildered state; form Nightfall’s knowledge and achievements. Rarity enters. “Hello Twilight, Fluttershy, and Fluttershy’s colt; Nightfall.” Fluttershy blushes, and snuggle Nightfall. “Say hi Sweetie Belle.” Sweetie Belle move from behind Rarity. “Hi Twilight, Fluttershy, and Nighfall.” They greet the two mares as they walks to the table they set. “I wish I could have been here when you sign the paper Fluttershy, but I was just so busy to get away.” Rarity explains. “Uh, I-It’s okay, r-really.” Fluttershy ensured. “You know the hold town is in a roar about the mystery colt, or should I say your mystery colt. People can’t wait for the party to start, so they could just to get a glimpse of him.” “The Mayor said the same thing; she had a hard time getting over her, with pony after pony bombarded her with question.” Twilight added. “Will who could blame them, once they sees this cute foal. O I just say Fluttershy, his coat is beautiful.” “R-Really?” “O yes dear, it gave off an artist feel; like pure raven, as if infiniteness, and that crimson mane of his, it’s just so beautify, like roses, and his eyes, such eyes, I never seen eyes as his.” Rarity spoke while with a creative gaze look far toward thee unknown. “Thank you Rarity.” “Don’t think me for telling the truth; thank him for being the truth.” Rarity spoke with a smile.

“Shouldn’t Pinkie be getting here by now with the food, before the party starts?” Twilight spoke her worry. Between the grown up talking, Sweetie Belle though to take this chance to get to know Nightfall better. “Hi Nightfall!” “She greet with a cheery smile. “Hay Sweetie Belle.” Nightfall reply, still in his mother embrace while reading one of the books Twilight gave to him. “What you doing?” “Reading.” “Reading what?” “A book.” “I can tell it’s a book, what the name of the book?” “Parasomnia; Sleep disorders.” “What’s it about?” “It deals the different type of sleep disorders, such as sleepwalking, eating, talking, etc.” “O, that sound… fun.” Sweetie Belle tries to put on a smile, but Nightfall doesn’t even notice it. She give up, and decides to just sit there in front of him; watching him read, While waiting on her friends to arrive. “I’m sure Pinkie Pie will have the food here on time.” Rarity implies. “D-Did anyone feel a draft?” Fluttershy spokes. “Yeah now that you mention it, I do feel a daft.” Twilight confirm. “The door is open, but I thought I close it.” Rarity spoke, pointing to the door. “It’s okay Rarity, I got it.” Twilight close the door. “Their, now let get back to ou-.” “Um Twi-Twilight.” “What is it Fluttershy?” “Th-The door is open again.” Twilight looks back to sees the door is yet open again. “What but I’m sure I close.” “T-Theirs a pink blur coming in and out. C-Can’t you see it?” Fluttershy asks. “Why yes dear, I do see it, it’s faint, but I can see it.” Rarity supports. “Your right, what is that.” Twilight asks. The three adult mares look at each other, and said one word. “Pinkie.” That’s when you pink blur stop moving. “Huh did anyone say my name.” “No dear, just continue what you’re doing.” Rarity answers her. “Okie dokie lokie.” Pinkie went back to just being a blur of pink, coming in and out of the door way. “How does she do that?” Twilight asks to no one in practical, but got a voice from upstairs. “I thought you said you stop questing and or investigating Pinkie!” A yell came of annoyance. “I want, sorry Spike.”

Applejack and Apple Bloom came walking through the open door. “Hay girls, did you sign the paper work yet Fluttershy?” “Y-Yes” “Congratulation!” “T-thank you.” “Hay Sweetie Belle.” Apple Bloom walks to where Sweetie Belle lay. “Hi Apple Bloom.” Sweetie Belle greets back, but as if she’s in a daze. “What’re you doing?” “Watching Nightfall read.” Sweetie Says in a daze. “Huh?” Sweetie Belle snaps out of her dazes, and turns toward Apple Bloom, cheek growing red. “Wh-What I mean; I was trying to talk to Nightfall, but he just more interesting in reading.” “Huh, hay Nightfall, congratulation.” “Thank you.” Nightfall response without divert away from his book. “You see, he just so fixes on reading.” Sweetie spoke annoy. “Hmm, looks like another egghead join the library.” Apple Bloom spoke, the other four mares could hear everything they said, this earn them a laugh from three of the mare, and a sour look from Twilight. “Sorry Twilight.” Both filly spoke. “It’s okay.” ‘I’m sick of people using that word, as if it’s a bad thing.’ Rainbow Dash walks in with Scootaloo behind her. “Hay girls.” “Hay Rainbow.” Every one greeted her save Fluttershy, who is still sour about yesterday. “I see Scootaloo with you; finally decide to adopt her as your sister huh?” Applejack says with a tease tone. “What, no. She just follows me here.” Rainbow Dash looks down to see a teary Scootaloo. “I mean, us being both flyer, were already sisters, right?” Everyone had a giggle. “Did Fluttershy sign the paper yet?” Dash asks looking over to the mare in question, who gazes away. “Yeah, she signed them earlier today.” Twilight answers. “Congratulation Fluttershy, and I’m sorry about yesterday.” Fluttershy could not stay anger at her, and gave in to her words. “O I-I forgive you.” “What happen yesterday?” Twilight asks. “It’s nothing.” Rainbow answers.

“Hay girls.” Scootaloo walks up to her friends. “Hay Scootaloo.” “What you doing?” We were trying to talk to Nightfall, but he just so into reading that book.” Sweetie Belle in formed. “Will he told us himself he don’t want any friends, so stop wasting your time on him.” “That’s not very nice Scootaloo.” Apple implies. “Will it’s true.” Scootaloo says. “So the party about to start soon and I haven’t seen Pinkie anywhere.” Dash concerned. “O she’s around.” Twilight informed. “Really Where, I did not see here early when I came through?” Applejack asks. “I’m finish!” Pinkie Pie pops up beside Rainbow Dash. “Aw, Wh-What?!” Rainbow dash and Applejack jump back, and so did the Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo. The other mare just stood there ground, knowing that Pinkie Pie was moving in unbelievable impossible speed. They choose to stay quit about the hold ordeal, choosing not to go mad. “Pi-Pinkie, how, when, where did you came from?!” Rainbow Dash spoke half the sentence and Applejack finish the rest. “Silly willy, I been here the hold time, setting up the sweeties.” She points at one side of the library, their set a large table full of sweets, drinks, and other food choice. “Wow, Pinkie did you bake all that.” Applejack asks. “Of course silly, now it’s time for everyone to start coming, I’ll say hi at the door.” Pinkie Pie bounces over to the door.

Sure enough as Pinkie opens the door, ponies enter the room. Ms. Cheerilee being the first to enter went up to Fluttershy, as the colt rest on the floor under her, with his hind cover up my her body. “Hello girls! Congratulations Fluttershy.” “Th-Thank you.” “I’m so happy for you, I had no idea that Nightfall was staying by himself.” “Thank you.” “O would you just look at the dear, lying under you as if you were mother and son.” “We are mother and son.” Fluttershy gave a malice look, her voice mad a tone that was still her, but blunt, as the words were sharp to its point, while Fluttershy’s friends stare at her. Cheerilee staring right into Fluttershy eyes. “O-Of course, yes, you’re right, sorry for That, it was a slip of the tongue.” Cheerilee try to give an apologetic smile, but it also shows a hint of fear. “It’s okay.” Fluttershy return to her natural self. Her friends tuck in air, as they were breathing little as possible when the event had occurred. “Will, yes, O would you look at that, a cupcake with my name on it, bye.” She walks to the buffet table. Next to approach the gang is the spa ponies. “Welcome to ponyville little one, and congratulation on your adoption Flutterhsy.” “T-Thank you” “Here are free passes for a day at the spa, for you and your little one; we hope to see you soon.” “Thank you very much.” They too walk away. Mr. and Mrs. Cake are next, with their twin, Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake. “Congratulations fulttershy.” Mrs. Cake spoke. “Thank you.” “O dear look at the little colt, aw, cuddling up under her,” Flutterhsy smile at the complement. “as if they were actually mother and child.” That broke that smile into hate. “We are mother and child.” She spoke, with no hint of trying to hide her anger, the other four mare freeze at her words; they were harsher then the last time. “O, right my apology.” Ms. Cake spoke. “It’s okay.” Fluttershy went back to her old self, as everyone could breathe again. “Right, here we got you something.” Mrs. Cake set down in front of him a large size bottle. “Here’s a bottle of cider.” “O thinks you, but I don’t really drink, b-but I’ll put it up as decoration. So thank you.” They nodded and move along. She tire to reach for the bottle, didn’t want to leave Nightfall unsheltered. Her friends saw this, Twilight step up to offer her help. “Here Flutterhsy let me hel-” But is cut off by the bottle being warp in an aura of red and black, lifting up and setting on the table in front of Fluttershy. They knew right away who the aura belong to. “Thank you Nightie.” Fluttershy express her gratitude toward her son, by snugly the side of his face. A group of pony enter, all belonging to the hospital. One that leading the group is a brown mane unicorn; blue eyes, glasses, stethoscope around his neck, a dress shirt, with a white coat over it, only showing the tie and the collar and a cutie mark of an ECG (electrocardiogram). The rest of the group consists of Nurse Loveheart, Nurse Sweetheart, Nurse Tenderheart, and Nurse Redheart. The five pony approach Fluttershy. “Aww, he’s so cute! Look at that mane and coat; he’s a health one at that. Look how he’s reading underneath Fluttershy like that.” Fluttershy smile haply. “It’s as if they’re really parent and child.” “WE ARE!” Fluttershy shouts, quieting the hold room, her eyes full with anger, she grind her teeth together. No one dare move. “Fluttershy, want to get a cupcake?” Nightfall asks, Fluttershy look down. “O, are you hunger, I-I’m sorry, I should have realize, all you had was breakfast.” “It’s okay, I’ll get it them.” “No, I’ll come with.” “It’s okay.” “B-but-“Fluttershy cut off by two floating plates of cupcake. One set on the table in front of her, and the other one set on the floor beside Nightfall. Fluttershy looks down and snugly Nightfall again. “Th-Thank you Nightie.” Everybody relaxes, as the group walks away.

Pony after pony arrive, a small circle of them gather around Fluttershy and Nightfall, Zecora with a saddle approach the two. “Welcome young one, and congrats to you Fluttershy. It’s so nice to see you so happy.” “T-thank you Zecora.” Fluttershy reply. “To see such an image, it’s almost like…” Every pony froze, fearing for what might come. “No, it’s as such a mother with her foal, how precious it is.” “Thank you very so much, Zecora.” Every one relaxes. “Here, I hear about the little one advance skill in magic, and his hunger for knowledge, so I have gifts for him.” “Nightie, Zercora have a gift, for you.” Nightfall put his material back in to his saddlebag, and crawl out from underneath Fluttershy. As he rose for the first time, since people start to arrive. Zercora getting a full view of him, drop the items she just pulls out of her saddle, after seeing his cutie mark. Her face expression shows fear, and shock. Every pony saw her reaction, they stare for a while until a voice broke the silence. “Zecora, are you okay.” Twilight ask. “Um yeah, I’m fine; I just... bit dizzy that’s all.” Zercore slide the book in front of him. “Here’s an old tome I pick up on my travels. I try reading it but it is no use, they say it’s a puzzle, but have no use for it. Although to a unicorn like you may be of some use.” Zercore slide the large gift in front of Nightfall. He tuck in the book details; notice the scale like texture and look, there was no title, or description at the book to be read. Nightfall looks back up to Zercore. “Yes, that tome can only be read by this” Zercore pull out a reptile like claw, in a weak okay sign with a lens in between the thumb and index, and lens hanging from the claws of the rest of the three fingers. “This is a monocle, even by its strange appearance. I fail to read what is hidden in the back, but maybe you will succeed, I pass this challenge on to you.” “Thank you for the gift. I’ll try to see what I can do.” You’re very welcome.” Nightfall went back to Fluttershy, who held her midsection open for him to snugly back into. “Zercore, why did you never tell me about that book?” Twilight said, a little sad. “Don’t worry Twilight; I’ll let you borrow it after I’m finish reading it.” “Thank you Nightfall.”

The party was getting into heat, ponies was eating, dancing, playing games, or just talking. Fluttershy is still position where she was when the party started, just staring at Nightfall, her foal, her colt. Nightfall still under her continues with his reading. Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash were at the buffet table. “Hay guys?” Rainbow spoke. “Yeah, what is it?” Applejack asks. “Don’t you think Fluttershy has been acting strange?” “What you mean?” Applejack asks. “Just look at her! She just stares at that foal, as if she’s under a spell.” Rainbow Dash explains. “What you mean by that foal, he’s Fluttershy foal.” Rarity complains. “Rainbow Dash I hope that was slip of the tongue.” “Hu sure yeah, but about Fluttershy? “Rainbow dash! She just is going through… a motherly stay; right now she sees that little foal of a colt as her own, such a feeling can change a pony, but she will still be the fluttershy we know and love. So don’t worrying.” Rarity explains. “Yeah, what Rarity say; She just in a motherly state, that all, she have a foal now, her life is going to be a bit different from now on. But she stills the same Fultterhsy.” Applejack adds. “What’s your problem with Nightfall anyway? It’s like you hate him.” Twilight asks, with annoy disappointing expression. “I don’t hate him, I just don’t trust him, we don’t even know where he came from, what happen to his parents, how he survive until now, without no one to watch over him, and he is always studying, for what?” Rainbow asks.

“Poor guy, he been alone Celestia know how long.” Applejack looks at the foal colt under Fluttershy. “Yes, and with no one to watch over him, to make sure he eat proper, bath proper, sleep proper, or even love proper.” Rarity looks at Nightfall. “He probably uses studying as a way to escape reality, so he want have to face everything alone. It probably what keep him going even now, even know he have Fluttershy, he don’t know how fortunate he is right now.” Twilight adds while also look toward Nightfall. “You should be a shame of yourself Rainbow Dash!” Rarity scolds her friend. “Look all I’m saying is that, he could be a threat to her, or any pony at that matter, he accepted the offer to let Fluttershy adopt him pretty easy, I mean for one who been alone should have trust issues, right? And what about the way Zercore look at his flank; that cutie mark is just as strange as he is.” The three just look at their rainbow mane friend, with unbelievable expression. “Did you really just say that, Rainbow?!” Applejack raises her voice. “Out of all the ignorant things you done and said, this is the worst.” Rarity scolds Rainbow. “He probably just got sick of being alone, and put fate in her Rainbow, just as you said, we don’t know how long he been alone, and for him to find a pony like Fluttershy to take him in, will thank Celestia for that miracle.” Twilight yell while trying to reason with Dash. “Okay, okay, sorry, jeez. Forget that I ever said anything.” The three gave her glare for a few more second before retreating to their plates.

After the party, the six mares start to clean up. “You don’t have to help clean up Fluttershy.” Twilight protests against her friend. “Yeah, this was your celebration too.” Applejack adds. “She’s right dear, you should rest, and you just had a foal to day.” Rarity said with a teasing smile. “I-I’m alright, I-I want to help.” Fluttershy blushes with a smile. “If that the case, shouldn’t Nightfall be helping his mother then.” Rainbow Dash spoke out of frustration. “Rainbow Dash!” Twilight yell, but before she could get any more worlds out, the room let up in a blood red and black abyss color, grabbing the decorations into a bag, the food into container, and sweeping the floor while mopping it behind. Before anyone could comprehend what was going on, the room was already clean by that time. As they all look toward Nightfall in shock, still researching, never once looked up. “He really does have talent in magic, when you think about him teaching himself.” Rarity spoke, eyes wide, and mouth hanging open a bit. “Yeah, your right, not only skills, but a large amount in him, and at such a young age, he younger then I was, when I first start to grasp the ability of using magic.” Twilight adds. “He sure is something.” Applejack spoke, not really understand the full context of the issues. “Will don’t any one find that weird, I mean he so skill in magic, and-” “Rainbow Dash!” Twilight starts up again. “First of all, you were upset that he was not helping!” “And now you’re throwing foolishness at him, accusing him of nothing. You don’t even understand unicorn and magic at all.” Rarity finishes. “So it’ll be wise not to speak on grounds you’re not known on.” Applejack adds some wise words in. “But, didn’t you see the way Zercore freak out when she saw his cutie mark, why everyone at that moment was, being it’s a RED SKULL UNICORN. But Zerocre freak out the most, like she seen something evil! What does that cutie mark even means?!” Rainbow Dash spoke. “Rainbow leave.” Twilight spoke angrily. “What?!” “Leave. The place is clean, think to Nightfall, their no reason for you to be here. So leave.” Rainbow Dash is taking back by those words. “Fine!” She shouts, and flies out the door. Everyone just stand there for a few second. “W-will I should get Nightie home.” Fluttershy spoke. “Yeah, that a good ideal, considering he have school tomorrow.” Applejack adds. “Y-Yes he-He what!?” “Yeah, it Monday, which is why I force Sweetie Belle to leave early.” “Same goes for Apple Bloom.” Rarity and Applejack explains. “O dear, come Nightfall, goodnight.” “Goodnight!” Everyone starts to head home, Twilight down stairs while Spike sleeping upstairs. She grabs a quill and paper with her magic.

"Dear Princess Celestia"

And wrote the letter, she added everything in, eager to inform her teacher of her adventure, and the new colt. She awoken spike up a second to send the message to her.

Celestia getting ready for bed when a letter appear. She grips it with her magic, and unrolls it. She read everything, and then again. Getting curiosity, she made a mental note to pay a visit to ponyville; to meet this colt.