• Published 3rd Aug 2012
  • 963 Views, 19 Comments

The Black Colt - Finite

Mystery Black Colt walks starts to live near Ponyville…

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Ch: 5

In the library; Twilight is look through books to help one of her friends soon to be adoptive son with his search for knowledge, she wants to t find a few books to give to him for his welcome/adopt party. No doubt that word was spreading about Fluttershy adopting the new colt that just came into town. A knock on the door brought Twilight out of her musing. She walks to the door “Coming!” She spoke while using her magic to open it before when she was close enough to be there when it fully open. On the other side, the Mayor stood. “Will hello Mayor.” “Hello Twilight, is Fluttershy here?” “No, but she should be on her way, come on in.” “You want believe the hassle it was getting here, ever step a pony stop and asks me about Fluttershy adopting, who’s the foal, what thee foal look like, is the foal a relative of hers, etc. Even I don’t know what the foal appearances are, beside the youngling being a colt.” The Mayor spoke as she enters the Library. “Will he’s a cute colt, with a red mane and black colt, his eyes are a cute red color, and he’s always levitating two journals and a quill, one he read from, and the other one he write in.” Twilight spoke as she set two cushion seats at a small table in the center of the library, for them to set on “Hmm, I can’t wait to see the little one; I never heard of such a description before.” “Will they should be on there any minute kno-” A knock on the door brought an interruption toward the two. “Come in.” As soon as Twilight spoke those words, the door swung open, and then shut, in one motion. Fluttershy with her right wing extend out covering a small pony, only recognize by the hoof that appears uncover.

“Fluttershy what’s wrong?” Twilight asks with a worry tone. “O-Other pony! Th-They was giving us strange looks.” She spoke in a nerves expression and tone. “They probably just wanted to see the colt you’re adopting, everpony is talking about it you know.” Twilight relaxes as it was just a minor discomfort her friend just went through. “O o-okay.” “The Mayor is ready to singe the paper work for the adoption.” “O good, where do I sign?” Fluttershy lit up, as a filly on Christmas morning, while just pace over to the other two mares. “Will first I’ll have to see the little foal for myself.” The Mayor announces. “O, of course.” Fluttershy wing lifts up, uncovering a black unicorn, with a blood red mane, and blood red eyes, who is reading from a beat up thick journals. “O, will he is adorable, and that cutie mark…” The Mayor being a little shock by the colt appearances; as to how red the mane is, how blood red it is, and how black his coat is, as if it’s the abyss itself of eternal darkness that threating to swallow everything to within it, and his eyes, they were a sea of blood surrounding by white, with a black floating dot in the middle of them, His eyes led half close as he read the thick old journal. Right when Fluttershy pull her wing away, another journal floats out with a quill, and starts writing. “Hello Nightfall.” The Mayor spoke. “Hello Mayor.” Nightfall spoke, never detour from his task, to look toward the milf mare. “He sure loves to study.” The mare spoke, being aware of his tongue manner of somewhat as a young adult, but his action to follow up was somewhat of a foal, or a rude man who did not what to be disturb from his task. “Yes he does.” Fluttershy spoke as she looks on to hers about to be adopted soon. Twilight seeing the mayor reaction toward this spoke up. “Um Fluttershy, wouldn’t it be better for him to put those way for a second to greet the Mayor?” Twilight asks. “Why, is it necessary?” Fluttershy asks with a confuse expression. Twilight taking back by her question. “N-No, but its ba-.” “O it’s alright Twilight, let the colt be. Now let gets started with the paper work.” Twilight grab a cushion seat for, and position it across from the Mayor, Fluttershy set down, Nightfall position himself right beside his soon to be adopted mother. “Okay, first we must read over all the legal issues that will fall on you and him, and make sure you understand all of them.” The Mayor spoke putting the paper work in front of Fluttershy. “C-Can’t I just sign?” Fluttershy requests, with a sorrow expression. “Fluttershy, it’s important that you understand fully of what you’re getting yourself into here.” Twilight explains. “I know what I’m getting myself into here, Twilight.” Fluttershy scolds at her unicorn friend, with annoy face expression. Twilight is taking back by her friends retort. “Can’t I just sign the paper Mayor?” Fluttershy ask again, with her feature returning back to her normal but pleading self. “I’m sorry but it is mandatory that I must read them, and make sure you understand ever agreement that you are signing, especially in this conduction.” Mayor rejects. “The Mayor went through a lot of trouble Fluttershy, so you wouldn’t have to go through the normal procedure to adopt Nightfall.” Twilight explains. “O o-okay, I I understand.” Fluttershy ears went back, and her head tilt down a little. “Don’t worry, it want take long at all.” Mayor put on a smile to reinsure Fluttershy. “O Okay.” They set there the mayor reading while Twilight explains everything to Fluttershy, after a couple of minutes it was over, though to Fluttershy, if felt like hours. After she was done, she laid her body on top of Nightfall, embracing him, closing her eyes as if she’s in eternally bliss. Nightfall continues to his task, not paying a mind to her. “How sweet is that?” The Mayor spoke.” “I never had seen Fluttershy this happy before.” Twilight added. “Are you going to stay until the party starts Mayor?” “No. I’m going to return to my office to file these away. I’ll be back later.” “Okay then Mayor, see you then.” “Bye Twilight and congratulations Fluttershy.” The Mayor left.

Twilight turn to the still embrace Fluttershy, and a play back to when she snap on her. Twilight quickly shock her head to the memory, clearing up her mind, which brought back the knowledge of her having some books to give Nightfall, and desires to discuss what he learn from his personal studies. “Nightfall, I found a few books you might like, to read to help you with your studies.” Nightfall lift his head toward Twilight. “I’m finish with that project already.” Twilight look down, ears pent back. “O” “But I could add on, improve the spell.” Nightfall spoke. “O good, there always room for improving… Wait what?!” He pulls himself from underneath the mare body, as Fluttershy smile turns into a frown. “You say your finish with it? With a spell?! You mean you was creating a spell, a new spell!” Twilight shock by it being a spell, in the beginning she through it was just him wanted to learn more on the subject, she never though he was making a spell from this knowledge. “Will yes and no, I created a spell to have easy access, but I don’t rely on this, as I set myself up to do it manually.” “Wow, amazing, you created a spell and at such a young age! Could you teach me the spell?” Twilight ask eagerly. “No, these spells of my, I’m not releasing any time soon.” Twilight ears went back, “O” But if you want I’ll cast it on you, and discuss my experience and the steps to gain access manually.” Twilight ears perk. “Okay… I don’t know about it being cast on me, but I’ll like to hear of the experience of the spell?” “Okay, where are the books you was talking about?” “O, here.” Twilight levitate three books to Nightfall on the table beside him, Nightfall levitate the cushion seat that the Mayor was occupying, Fluttershy tuck to no invite to move upon Nightfall, until the black red colt was between her hoof. Twilight just force the thought of it being that she is taking to being a mother more then will.

He levitating the first book on top in front of him, and read the title out loud. “Parasomnia; Sleep disorders” “Yes, the first book is on different category of sleep disorders. I know that’s not directly on the subject of matter; but I figure that this could be of some help.” Nightfall turn the book over and read the back. “Parasomnias; different categories on the nature of sleep disorders, such as sleep talking, walking, eating, or and sexsomnia; engaging in sexual activity in a state of unconsciousness.” Twilight blush at the last one, Nightfall catch this, but choose not to step over boundary and continue reading “And other sleep disorders.” He levitates the book down next to the two other books, and levitates the next one. He read the cover out loud “Blue Moon” “That’s a book about how to use magic without being able to produce it, drawing on using there other source for of magic.” Nightfall levitate that book on top of the first one he read, and levitate thee last one. “Trances; Thee power of Hypnosis and Medium” “That book is more of fables then they are actual spells, and the spells are require you to pray to some make believe god, I know it’s useless; but I thought you might like the stories.” “Thank you, I’ll enjoy the read.” He spoke with an appreciate smile, while levitates the books in his saddlebag.

“I been many to ask you; how can you fit so many books in that saddlebag, with it still looking empty?” Twilight asks. “It’s a spell I created, from a set of spells that I modify to abide by each other.” “A set of spells?” “Yes, the ideal came from the magic pocket spell, and with that I produce my own spell; that is more custom to me and easy to use, I start to interweave different spells together, the spell is simple to understand, but to perform it is another issues. As you can see when I put any items you never seen them bulge out of my saddle; this because it’s being shrinking down to a smaller scale, as you will see, I have more than a few books in here.” Nightfall open the left side of his saddlebag for Twilight, she peeks inside, and saw tones of bit size books sticking to the walls of the saddle. “With that they also are organize to the wall, that’s for me to browse without any difficulty, with that though, it’s still be hard to see such small print, which is why I have three objects, one being this a monocle; allow me to view them in a regular size when I look upon a book with it. The next one is this small journal here; it shows all the books that goes in the saddlebag, and gave a short description of the book. The last item, which is not even an item but just a spell, my hoof, when I pass it over any books in the saddlebag, it put any image in my head of the book, its name and a description.” “I-I-I don’t believe it, that’s impossible, you’re so young, too young to even create and or pull of this spell with the magic amount it will re-“ “Require, yes I know, that why I use relic, the gold on my saddlebag drain magic around me, and also transfer into the black color material, which is a magic container, it hold back up magic energy, so when I’m not around magic to draw on, the backup magic energy last me a month to get to a source, and fell back up in an hour. There about six or nine spell interacting; really it’s a new spell, but to set it up in one go take good amount of time.” “I-I-I-I-I” Twilight stutter not sure how to react or say to this. “Want to hear about my experience under the spell I just finish creating.”