• Published 3rd Aug 2012
  • 963 Views, 19 Comments

The Black Colt - Finite

Mystery Black Colt walks starts to live near Ponyville…

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Ch: 3

Next day while Rainbow Dash soaring above Ponyville, she spots a colt she never saw before walking into town. “That must be him; I got to tell the other.” She rushes to her friends, the six mares gather at Twilight house, the Library. “You saw him walking?!” Twilight spoke. “Yeah, He was coming from the direction of the Everfree Forest, heading toward town.” Rainbow Dash answers. “How did he look?” Rarity asks. “Okay from where I was flying.” Rainbow answers. “Isn’t this good, that mean he’s okay.” Applejack inquires. “No, he has to be pushing himself.” Twilight clams. “This is all my fault.” Fluttershy in a hush tone, while letting her head hang. “We have to find him.” Rarity demands. “Will what we waiting for, let go.” Applejack direct toward the door. “Spike, watch the Library.” Twilight commands. “Huh, O yeah, sure thing.” Spike went back upstairs, to have an afternoon nap.

Twilight open the door with her magic, to their surprise, Nightfall is there; in a stand as if he was just about to knock. “O hay twilight, I came to return the books.” He spoke as he enters with a smile. “Is that you fluttershy, it’s nice to see you ag-” “O you’re okay!” Flutterhsy cut him off, with a hug, and words. “I was so worry.” “Why would you be worry?” “Because all the magic you use yesterday!” Applejack clams. “Will I am a unicorn.” “But even for a unicorn, using a shield spell, mind spell, to lift an entire tree, and do a full recovery spells.” Rarity explains, “That should have exhausted you out.” Twilight finishes. “Don’t worry I’m okay. Here the books I borrow yesterday.” He push Fluttershy away, while magic grab the two books from his saddlebag, and set them down in front of Twilight. “Then why did you not come to your welcome party!?” Rainbow Dash shouts, with an anger expression. “My what?” Nightfall asks in confusion“You know, I told you yesterday.” Pinkie Pie pops up. “O it’s you; you did tell me something about a party for me.” “Then why did you not come?” Rainbow dash demanded again. “She never told me the time and place, she just said I’m going to throw you a party, and then left.” “You never told him the time or place.” Twilight asks, with her voice rising a little. “Ops, I guess I forgot to mention, I thought the writer would direct him to the party.” “You though what?!” Twilight asks. “You know, the person who writing this.” “What?!” Twilight asks again. “Twilight, don’t forget the last time you question Pinkie, about her Pinkieness.” Applejack spoke almost in a hush tone. “Will… Bye.” Nightfall spoke. “Wait Nightfall, are you sure you’re okay? From what I heard you use a lot of magic.” Twilight claims. “Yes dear, more magic then a colt young as you shouldn’t be able to use.” Rarity adds on. “Thanks for your concern, but as you can see I’m fine.” Night ensure.

“Will, I gather some books yesterday, that might help you with your research.” Twilight levitate three books, “Here you go.” and set them in front of Nightfall. “Thanks you Twilight, I’ll share with you some of my research the time I visit.” “Okay, see you until then.” Twilight replies. “No wait!” Pinkie pop up, “We have to throw you another welcome party, because you miss your first one.” Pinkie spoke with her pinkieness attitude. “No, that’s okay.” Nightfall reject. “What, why, it’ll be fun.” Pinkie asks. “I busy, thanks for the offer.” “Come on, it’s a party, who don’t like party!” “I said no.” Pinkie slug down, her mane went straight and colors darken, as Nightfall approach the door. “Wait a minute,” Rainbow Dash, fly in front of it. “What’s up with you turning down Pinkie?” She spoke with annoyance in her voice and face. “I just don’t want a party; it’ll take too much time up.” “You’re giving up a party set up by Pinkie, because it’ll take up your time! What this stupid thing you have to do, that is so important then a Pinkie party!” Rainbow asks. “It’s not stupid!” Nightfall shouts as his horn glow a red and black aura. “I say, I never heard of a unicorn having to color aura like that.” Rarity spoke in surprise. “Yeah, me either.” Twilight agree. “Now could you move” Nightfall asks. “And what about you telling Scootaloo and her friends you didn’t want any friends?” “What about it.” “Why?” “No reason.” “There have to be a reason.” “If you need one, I’m too busy for such things. Now please excuse me.” “For such things; it’s not call a thing, it’s call a friend or friends, another pony, you make it sound like it’s nothing, It’s more than a thing, it-” “Move!” Nightfall shout. “O, and what are you going to do.” Rainbow spoke. “Twilight, can you tell this mare to move.” “I have a name, it’s Rainbow Dash.” “Does it look like I care what your call?” “What you say!” Rainbow shouts. “Rainbow move!” Twilight demands. Rainbow stares at Twilight, but gave into Twilight gaze. “You know kid; you’re going to be alone forever.” Rainbow spoke as she moves to the side. “I’m already alone, more then you know.” Nightfall spoke, as he exits.”

Later that day, when the sun is reaching the horizon; Rainbow dash resting on a cloud, looking down she sees Nightfall walking toward the Everfree forest. With eyes full of dislike, she decides to follow him. On the outskirt of the Everfree forest, Nightfall enter a makeshift hut; only big enough for one pony. Rainbow Dash snuck up to a window and peek inside; she saw the colt eating berries in a wooden bowl, which are grown all around, then laying down to sleep. She rushes to tell the other, they all gather at Twilight house that night.

“Maybe his mother works late.” “I’m telling you Twilight, it’s too small for another pony. He’s living alone.” “If this that case, then we need to do something.” Rarity spoke. “We’ll have to tell the mayor about this.” Applejack spoke. “Maybe we should go see him, could be cool, and hungry and scare.” Fluttershy spoke. “Now wait just a minute, let just wait to make sure before we act. Tomorrow will all meet here, and go ask him our self, okay?” Every one agrees.

Sunday afternoon, the six mares gather in the library. “Okay every one ready?” Twilight asks. “Yes!” “Let go.” Twilight open the library door, to ever one surprise Nightfall is standing there. “Nightfall, what’re you doing here?!” Twilight ask. “I’m here to return these books.” “O they weren’t any help?” Twilight ears went back. “No, they were, I’m finish with them.” “You mean you read all three books already?” “More like I absorb the knowledge from the books, if you want, I could share a few things with you that I learn.” “O I would love tha-” “Alright, enough!” Rainbow Dash shouts, cutting Twilight off. “Look kid we know that’s your living alone.” “You’ve been spying on me?!” “No, Rainbow Dash just happens to stumble upon it.” Applejack answers. “Don’t worry, will help you.” Fluttershy spoke. “I don’t need anyone help, I’m fine.” “You’re too young to live alone; you need someone to watch over you dear.” Rarity spoke. “That would just get in the way of my goal.” “Making sure you’re taking care of, is more important.” Twilight spoke. “I didn’t come here to argue, but to share. If you have no desire to listen to my finding, then I’m leaving.” As he turn to exits, the door shut, warp in a lavender glow. “Nightfall this is serious.” Twilight spoke. “Yeah kid, were trying to help you here.” Rainbow Dash yells. “I never asks any of you for help, do you know what that call, when one person steady interfere into the life of another, its call a pest, bother, nuisance, annoyance, and more, that’s all I face ever since I got here. I though you was different Twilight, and you too Fluttershy, I was even growing fawn of you two, but your just like the rest, a headache!” Nightfall scold them. “Now wait just a minute.” Rainbow Dash yells. “Wait Rainbow, let me handle this. Nightfall we are just worrying about you, that’s all.” Twilight spoke. “The only thing this will lead to is me entering an orphan. I was starting to like it here, even with the annoyance, but it look like I’ll have to leave.” Nightfall scolds.

“Look kid now that we know, we can’t just let you go, it may be any orphan, but a least you’ll be watch over.” Rainbow Dash spoke. “And how were you planning to get me there?” Nightfall asks. “Well we’ll take you to the mayor off-” “No I mean, how were you going to get me to go alone.” “O I see, then how were you going to stop us?” Rainbow Dash asks, with a smug attitude. “O, I don’t know, I mean I could just…” The young coat teleport himself behind the six mares and back. “Do that, and more.” He spoke with an even smugger attitude. “So what will just chase you until you run out of magic, and then we’ll just car-” “NO! Do you know how dangerous that is for any unicorn Rainbow? Especially for a young one such as him, that will put his life in danger.” Twilight shouts. “Twilight right, we don’t want anything like that to happen to the poor dear.” “Then what are we going to do, we have to get him to the orphan.” Rainbow asks.

“I-I have an ideal.” Fluttershy spoke, earning the attention of everyone, making her blush and go silent. “Will what is it?” Applejack asks. “W-will, what if you stay with me, this way you want need to go to the orphan, i-if you don’t mind I mean?” Fluttershy finishes lowering herself to the ground. “Wait a minute Fluttershy; we don’t really know this colt that much, you might can’t handle him.” Rainbow Dash spoke in protest. “But then he’ll just leave, I hate to think what could happen to him out their alone and cool.” “That why we’re going to force him to go to an op-” “If you really mean it Fluttershy, I’ll take the offer.” Everyone turn back to Nightfall. “I really don’t want to have to go search for another place to live.” Fluttershy ran to embrace him in a hug. “O you’re going to love it here.” “Wait Flutter, you know nothing of this kid, we should just turn him into the orphan.” Rainbow Dash protest again. “Rainbow Dash, we already went over that, he’ll just run away.” Applejack explains. Are you sure about this Fluttershy?” Rarity spoke. “O yes I’m definitely sure.” Fluttershy replies, with the colt still in her arms. “Then I don’t see the problem.” “It’s settling.” Twilight announce “What, how could you jus-” “Rainbow Dash!” Applejack cut off Rainbow. “Why are you so against this, it’s like you want to get rid of him.” “It’s not that, this is Fluttershy were talking about, I don’t want no rude emo colt running all over her.” Rainbow explains. “I think it’s a great ideal, Fluttershy becoming a mommy!” Pinkie shouts jumping in joy, as Fluttershy blush. “We can throw a Fluttershy becoming a mommy party!” “I think that’s a great ideal Pinkie.” Rarity supports. “Yeah, we can have it here in the library.” Twilight propose. “Are you all insane?!” Rainbow Dash shouts. “Fluttershy, you know nothing about this colt, and you want to welcome him in your home just like that.” “Rainbow Dash, I don’t know what your problem is, but this decision doesn’t concern you, it’s up to Fluttershy and Nightfall.” Applejack spoke. “But!” “No but.” “Then it’s settle, welcome to ponyville Night-, were did he go.” Twilight asks.

Every one turn to see Nightfall lay on the floor, with his head in one of the tome Twilight gave to him, quilling away in a note back. “Wow, Twilight maybe you should adopt him.” Applejack suggests. “No!” Everyone turn to Flutterhsy. “I-I mean, Twilight is way too busy to have a colt running around.” “Will~… Pinkie, when do you want to start setting up the party decoration?” Twilight turns to Pinkie. “I already did silly.” Everyone looks around, seeing party material everywhere. “When did you do that?” Applejack asks. “When you were all busy chattering of course.” Pinkie answers. “And I already pass out the invitation to everyone for tomorrow at 6pm, and this time I made sure to include that Nightfall is a colt.” “Wait why tomorrow, you already have all the decoration set up.” Twilight asks. “Silly, I still have to bake the goodies” Pinkie response “In that case; I’ll get the paper work together for the legal issues, and have the mayor legalizes it.” “Will then I guesses we’ll meet up back here early for the party.” Applejack spoke. “O this will give me time to show him around my, I-I mean our home. He been living all by himself, he probable never had a good cook meal, or bath.”

Fluttershy walks up to Nightfall. “Come on Nigthfall, we have to get you to your new home, and get you clean.” Nightfall gets up, still continues reading as they exist the library. “Wow, I think Applejack was right, about you being the one to adopt him.” Rarity spoke.