• Published 28th Aug 2018
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 2 - TDR

Chaos, bad dating advice, Apples, and more shipping. All in season 2 of TGaP

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A Claw-terlot Wedding, Part 1, Part FOOOOOUR!!! A golf ball sails past.

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 2

A Claw-terlot Wedding,
Part 1, Part FOOOOOUR!!!
A golf ball sails past.

[Canterlot, Cadence's Love Lab, with new and improved secret tunnel access]

“ Why did you bring them here?” 'Cadence' sighed. “The princesses know about this place.”

“Sorry my queen but we needed to get them into the tunnels some how and they are not being cooperative.” Pharynx sighed looking over at the bound mares and fillies.

All of the captured ponies had been coated in green goop and left hanging upside down, stuck to the rooms rafters. Surrounding them all and filling the room were black carapace covered pony like creatures. They had bug like features and odd holes in various parts of their bodies, mostly their legs wings and heads. All of them also had varying green coloration and pronounced fangs.

Fluttershy was the least bound, her long pink hair nearly brushing the floor as she commented softly to one of the changelings near her about how this felt like one of her butterfly friends in a cocoon.

The three fillies were terrified, Though they weren't bound that tightly either.

Rainbow Dash and Rarity were tightly bound with several layers of goop. They were both also gagged as Dash wouldn't stop making threats and Rarity wouldn't stop telling any of them that would listen exactly what she was going to do to them, in a detail that would put horror writers to shame, if this didn't come out of her coat and mane.

Pinkie Pie however wasn't hanging from the rafters. The massive ball she had been trapped in was too heavy to lift like that and it barely fit through the doors into the room. A group of changelings was already making the new secret tunnel wider to allow it down the tunnel, and a half dozen more were around the ball ready to re goop it if any cracks formed.

The straight haired mare only glared at one of the changeling officers with murder in her eyes.

“It will only take a moment my queen.” the Changeling officer said glaring back at Pinkie Pie. “There are twenty drones that won't be able to make it to the fight because of this one.”

“The goal was to take them unharmed so those losses were acceptable.” Cadence stated.

“Are you sure we can't half drown this one?” The officer snarled, jabbing Pinkie's ball with a hoof. “ she took out my whole clutch....”

“No.” Cadence ordered.

“Feh.” The officer snorted getting closer to the bound mares head, returning her growl. “You hear that worm , you should count yourself lucky the queen is generous enough to spare you from.... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH “ the officer shouted as Pinkie Pie opened her mouth, and bit down hard on the changelings nose.

“GIT IT OFF!!! GIT IT OFF!!” The officer screamed flailing.

Cadence rolled her eyes, her magic gripping Pinkie's mouth and forcing it open to let the officer go.

“Bind her mouth too.” Cadence ordered with a growl. “ Honestly this is a ham hooved approach I would rather have avoided. Can you all stop cursing at me long enough to listen a moment, the foals are better behaved.”

“Oh, but well, you did foal nap us so … I can understand why they're upset.” Fluttershy stated being the only one aside from the fillies who wasn't gagged.

Cadence looked at Fluttershy as all the others eyes turned to Cadence.

“Okay you have a point, still just remain calm and you'll all be released unharmed after the wedding is over. I have no business with any of you, and if not for the interference of Celestia you wouldn't even be here. Fear is a lousy meal.” Cadence stated urging a drone over to her. “Here.”

The drone held up a wooden box, showing that it held Rainbow Dash's and Pinkie Pie's Element of harmony. Cadence's horn flared and the box closed and sealed in green magic before quickly getting wrapped in green goop and stuck in the corner of the room before being glued there.

“You can come and get your Elements back when this is over, far be it for me to steal something that defeated Discord.” Cadence growled. “ the spell and resin will dissolve in about forty eight hours.”

“My Queen should we be letting them know where those are?” Pharynx questioned. ' It seems rather dangerous.”

“They only work for the chosen wielders and while I don't want to know what they might do to us, they have three of six and once we're done they can go back to being the first line of defense against what ever other threat comes about. Saves me from wasting energy on who ever else Celestia slept with coming back for revenge.” Cadence growled. “ Where are the other farmers?”

“Twilight Sparkle hasn't left her side nor her large brothers since you ran her off. “ Another Changeling reported. “However Twilight is stuck in some sort of logic loop as predicted and is venting to those two as they work. She starts whining on 'how could Cadence be mad at her', before doubling back into 'angry that Cadence was going to inter fear with her friends date'. It's rather interesting, that mare has issues.”

“Good. Keep an eye out for an opportunity to snag the other ones, and make sure this lot are all in separate sections of the mines. I want a squad each watching them.” Cadence stated. “ Where are the other Sparkles?”

“Rahs is still in the hotel room though it seems he is getting ready to leave and Spike is currently playing tour guide around Canterlot for our spies. He was also acting threatening to the proprietor of a doughnut shop for some reason.”

“One of ours?” Cadence asked.

“No, Unicorn. But he's accusing him of being something with a description close to us, a pod pony or what not. It's been odd. The whole family is weird.”

“Keep Spike occupied and keep Rahs away from both of them.” Cadence ordered.

“My queen shouldn't we simply capture them all and be done with it?” Pharynx asked.

“No ling is to touch any of the Sparkles.” Cadence growled as she watched the other Element's of Harmony be carried into the secret tunnel and in Pinkie's case, carefully rolled.” It's bad enough they are even here in Canterlot now and that we are capturing their friends is even worse. I do not want any of them to decide we are a target. So long as we have their friends we should be able to negotiate if we are found out. But if we take one of them the other two will track us down and destroy us.”

“I doubt they can do that....” another changeling stated.

“The Mare used a full grown dragon as a weed wacker to cut a swathe through and old growth forest. The Moon Dog is a relative unknown that fought a Chaos god by himself to a stand still, we are supremely lucky he is sick. The Dragon is a dragon and was responsible for key moments that lead to the defeat of Nightmare Moon and Discord, not to mention he has twice in his life grown to the size of the Dragon Lord in a instant and is the son of Bleu, if we mess with him she might decide to do something. I do not even want them to know of our existence, if we get one, the other two will be after us, if we get all three we will be sitting on a bomb that will explode at the worst time. That I am forced to deal with her brother is bad enough. One more day and this should be over, I don't need any surprises this late in the plan.”

“Of course my queen.”

Author's Note:

"And thus ends part 2."

"part 1"

"Damnit now you got me doing it."

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