• Published 28th Aug 2018
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 2 - TDR

Chaos, bad dating advice, Apples, and more shipping. All in season 2 of TGaP

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Dragon Li Quest, Part 4

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 2

Dragon Li Quest,
Part 4


“And you go home and think about what you've done.” Fluttershy scolded. The teal and fushia maned mare immediately ran out of the front lobby of the building screaming and bawling her eyes out.

The large open lobby in PETA HQ had a large circular receptionists desk in the middle of the room. There was a large steel double door at the back of the room with a hoof print scanner and a glass enclosure on the left side of the room that probably normally held some sort of cute or injured animal to tug on the heart strings, as there was a very large donation box next to it. Scattered across the walls and on little displays all over the floor were various slogans and posters. One of which Pinkie was glaring very hard at, that featured a smiling baby alligator with no teeth.

“Brutal.” Maud stated watching the mare flee.

“So like where do we go from here? This is a big place.” Treehugger muttered looking at a map of the building the receptionist had. There were a lot of areas that were simply labeled' closed to the public'. “ How are we gonna find your little animal friends?”

“Oh that's easy. Just listen to for the screams of pain an anguish.” Pinkie Pie chimed after destroying the poster.

“Pinkie Pie, be nice. Rahs and Angel wouldn't do anything that would really hurt....” Fluttershy chided.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” screamed a fur less pegasus as he shot out of the back door of the lobby and threw himself out of the picture window still screaming.

There was a massive crunching sound and a rattle that sounded like bits against metal.

Fluttershy looked over to see Maud shaking lose the chunks of concrete from the donation box before tossing it over to Pinkie Pie who tucked it into her mane.

“Remember that goes to the Canterlot Garden fund.” Fluttershy added getting a nod that was accompanied by clanking bits from Pinkie Pie. “Maud would you mind getting the door?”

“Shouldn't we be using code names?” Treehugger asked. Fluttershy considered then nodded and pulled a bandanna over her face, the mask depicted a wide open mouth full of fangs. Maud's mask was simply gray, Pinkie Pies was pink and covered in cupcakes, and Treehugger's mask was red with a ragged looking seven petaled leaf with a small stem on it.

“Wind checking in.” Pinkie giggled bouncing around the room with cans of spray paint as she made a mess of the other posters, and the walls and the floor and the ceiling.

“Earth.” Maud stated flatly.

“Heart.” Fluttershy offered.

“Fire, my dudes. Blaze it.” Treehugger grinned.

“ We really need to recruit a Water so we can summon a blue painted Ted Turner on a zip line.” Pinkie Pie chimed up.

“Door's open.” Maud offered flatly as the pair of steel doors were ripped from the wall and tossed aside.

Rahs was not a happy moon dog.

And because he was not a happy moon dog, none of those who had made him an unhappy moon dog were allowed to be happy either.

And in several cases they were also not allowed to be painless either, or awake. He had planned on a number of other pranks and mild torments to the PETA goons over the course of however long it took Twilight to blow the front off the building.

During his last pranking outing however, he over heard two ponies talking about him and why the animals in the room with him were so hungry.

It seemed in an effort to save bits, the ones who were slated for release in the next month were not being fed. If they died before then, they could be used as food to some of the carnivores that were being held, or as something to throw at those that PETA didn't like, their bodies used as props or ammo.
Pranks were forgotten, claws brandished, ponies screamed, animals fed and watered, and a rampage started.

Rahs no longer planed to leave anything for his sister to do.

[ Twin Peaks Nature Reserve]

“Urrrrgh...... what happened?” A large black dragon groaned sitting up with a wince, before he looked around at the rather sizable crater he was in.

“You were beaten quite soundly actually.” A voice from the craters lip called down to him.

Glancing up he spotted a dainty looking white unicorn sitting on the edge of the hole he was in. Pushing himself up he loomed over the white unicorn.” What are you talking about?'

“Quite simple. You flew down here to see what the deal is with my friend over there.” The white unicorn gestured. “She asked you a question, you attacked, and as we see you wound up in a crater.”

“Impossible...” The dragon growled wincing as it moved to much. The white unicorn shrugged and pointed over to a purple unicorn who had grabbed an even larger dragon than the black one in her magic and was shaking it hard enough that scales where flying off it's body.

“WHERE IS SPIKE!?!?” Twilight bellowed.

The black dragon blinked, and sank down in the crater again.

“Oh don't worry about it dear, I'm sure there's no shame in getting beaten by a single tiny purple pony is there? No worry at all if this news got out and spread all over the land to any one who would listen. It's not as if I know a group of ponies who write stories for the current hottest newspaper there is right now.” Rarity hummed lightly filing a edge of her hoof with an emery board impassively.

The dragon growled sunk lower after another glance at the rampaging unicorn. “How much...?”

“Oh good, you're one of the smart ones.” Rarity chimed up as the dragon growled.” Oh don't be such a spoil sport, we have a whole row of trees, half a mountain side, and a main gate to repair, just a claw full of your horde will barely be noticed, and we shall be sure not to let out your description to any one else. And lets face it any dragon watching this will surely not be spreading it either after witnessing this carnage.”

“Good point...” grumbled the dragon staying low in the crater.

“Rainbow darling would bring another cart around?” Rarity called.


Rahs was not sure when it happened, but he currently had an army. A swarm of animals were following him around the building. Everything from dogs, cats, rabbits, various birds and lizards , chinchillas, and one very noisy Raccoon that had climbed up on his shoulder and was angrily chittering at any members of PETA they came across. Once Rahs beat the fool out of the pony the raccoon would scamper over, loot the ponies wallet or jewelry and then clamor back up to his shoulder to fuss some more tucking the bits and other shiny things into the large side pocket of Rahs' coat.

He reminded Rahs of a shetland rogue Scootaloo played in one of Spike's games, who spent most of his time hiding behind Sweetiebelle's barbarian. Rather than name him 'Scootarogue' he had started to refer to the little pilferer as Blakeney.

Marching the army to another room he kicked open the door, making sure to avoid the back swing.

He was getting better at this.

With the door open he took a step in and stopped immediately.

The room was utterly destroyed, it looked like it had been a bunk room of some sort, but now it looked like a scene out of a horror movie. Bodies lay every where, smashed into walls, thrown over toppled beds and dressers, buried under tables with a large pile of pony bodies in the middle , all covered in claw marks and blood. The walls had claw marks and impact craters the furniture was trashed and everything was a jumbled mess.

It took him a moment to notice that all of them were still breathing, if barely, and that sitting in the room pecking at the head of one of the whimpering PETA members was a single chicken.

Rahs looked at Henrietta.

Henrietta looked at Rahs

“Bok bok!” Henrietta clucked hopping off the pile of ponies to waddle out the door and join in with Rahs' gathered animal army.

Rahs spared a glance back into the room and then closed the door.

[Twin Peaks Nature Reserve.]

“ So I say, 'All I see is a box some one glued lunch to. The bet stands until that's opened.'” Spike explained.

“So I take it was empty?” one of the dragons he was telling the story too asked.

“Yep had a IOU note from Discord in it and everything. Spike laughed.

“Spike.” a voice growled.

Spike sat up looking over at the purple unicorn stomping up before him. The mare had more than a few hairs in her mane out of place, and smoke was rising from her fur, she also had a couple of very large dragon teeth sticking out of her mane and tail.

“Hey Twi. I figured I had another hour or two before you showed up.” Spike waved.

“What are you doing?” Twilight grumbled before snagging a drake twice her size from the air as he tried to dive bomb her from behind. She then frisbed the dragon into the nearest rock wall without even looking at it.

“Actually finding out a lot of stuff about dragons, but at the moment I was just telling the girls here about how we beat Discord.” Spike said innocently gesturing to the five teen-aged female dragons gathered around him. “ This is Diamond, Glitter, Quartz, Onyixa, and Pearl.”

“Hi Mrs Sparkle!” the group chorused.

“You know I'm his sister not his mother right?” Twilight narrowed her eyes.

“Soo it's, Miss Sparkle?” Pearl asked.

“Just Twilight is fine.” Twilight let out a long breath seeing Spike was fine. “I think we should head home Spike. It has been a long enough day as it is and I still need to throw your brother through a wall or two for letting this happen.”

“Yeah, I think you're just mad that Rahs is beating down the bad guys and you're stuck picking me up.” Spike rolled his eyes.

“Yes, that's it exactly, Rarity and Rainbow Dash are probably waiting for us.”Twilight said with a surprising level of calm.

“Alright, see you later girls, was nice talking with you.” Spike waddled off waving to the collection of teen dragonesses.

“Bye Spikey” the five of them chorused.

Trotting across the volcano and watching full grown dragons dive into the lava to get out of their way Twilight spared a glance down at her brother.

“Should I tell Applebloom you're flirting with other girls?” Twilight asked with a bit of a smirk.

“Hey it was the safest place for me around here, they thought I was cute and were happy to answer my questions. I can simply forget to tell you everything I learned from them.” Spike snarked back.

“Fine Casanova , but don't let this be a common thing. I might be able to talk Big Mac out of punting you into orbit if you make Applebloom cry but I have no such buffer against Applejack doing it.” Twilight stated.

“I wouldn't worry about it, I mean all of them were older than me and heck when would I see any of them again?” Spike shrugged. “Plus there's the whole age thing. I mean dragons live a long time, ponies don't...... Might be good if she found some pony else anyway.”

“Nope, you don't get to have this argument with me right now. You're both young and it might work out that way, if it's just a crush, but I know you like her and you are not allowed to jeopardize a possible relationship because of what might happen.” Twilight scolded as they climbed out of the crater some times forgetting how mature her little brother could be, if he was worried about something like this. Or maybe it was one of the questions he had answered.

“Well I don't want to, it just keeps coming up, I mean I like her, but I worry about this stuff.” Spike shrugged.

“ That's because you follow my mindset and overthink it too much.”Twilight stated.

“YOU LITTLE TWERP!!” Garble growled popping up and leaping at Spike.” Those girls can't protect you no....”

Anything else the teenaged dragon was going to say was cut off as a boulder wrapped in magic slammed into him and continued to fly off the mountain with Garble attached to the front of it. The stone sailed through the air before impacting the side of the other mountain across the valley putting a small crater into Remus.

“So what's with the egg?”Twilight asked as if Garble hadn't even been there.

“Oh it's a phoenix egg. That guy you just belted into the other mountain and his friends brought it to girls as if trying to impress them. When that didn't work they were gonna break it and I stopped them.” Spike shrugged.

“Oh? How?”

“Yep, rapier wit and cunning,” Spike smiled.

“Really....” Twilight uttered in a tone that expressed pure disbelief.

“Annnnnnd, the help of the girls, when i asking cutely if they could help me save it.” Spike admitted.


Maud grabbed the offending earth pony whirling him around to stuff him head first into Pinkie's party cannon. A moment later a roar from the cannon sent the pony flying through the air to smash into a wall collapsing part of the room atop of him.

“We should be coming up on the pens now, Heart.” Treehugger droned pushing open a door into a new hall and pointing at the door across from them at the top of a T intersection. “ We just need to go straight ahead, that other way leads to the basement.”

“Okay, is every one ready?” Fluttershy looked at the steel double doors to the basement Treehugger pointed to before back to the ones before them.”We'll check there after we get the ones out of the rest of the building.”

The doors across from them suddenly slammed open and a dark blue furred form stomped out of it followed by swarms of animals. Behind them a unicorn was flailing madly in the air as he was jammed up into the ceiling and stuck there by his horn.

Rahs stopped and looked at the masked ponies before him raising an eyebrow as the raccoon on his shoulder chittered dire threats.

“Oh my, who taught him such language?” Fluttershy asked.

“Woof?” Rahs asked.

“Yup It's us. Hey Rahsy we're here to rescue you, of course it seems like you don't need it!” Pinkie Pie chimed up.” Look there's Henrietta.”

“Oh well this is wonderful, but where's Angel Bunny?” Fluttershy asked.

As if the universe itself decided to answer, the door at the bottom of the T end of the hall exploded inward with a unicorn and a earth pony being flung through it. Barreling through the broken doors after them was a massive reptilian creature. The beast shouldered the two ponies aside slamming them into the walls of the hall before spotting Rahs, Fluttershy and the others at the end. It let out an ear splitting roar and tore down the hall towards them, a small white rabbit clinging tenaciously to it's tail.

“Oh dear, she's very angry....” Fluttershy whimpered taking a step back as Rahs moved between the ponies and the charging reptile.

“WOOF!” Rahs ordered.

Before any one could heed the call to run Pinkie Pie popped up between Rahs and the massive reptile She fiddled with her mane a moment before yanking out a small green reptile and setting it down on the ground between the beast and herself.

Rahs reached out to grab the clearly suicidal pink pony and her gator only for the massive reptilian beast to stop so suddenly that it's tail cracked the air as it whipped and Angel bunny was launched from it like a cannon ball.

The furry white cruise missile slammed bodily into Rahs sending both of them shooting backwards to crash onto the far wall.

Gummy and the large reptile stared at each other a moment. The massive creature started clicking in it's throat at the smaller one who blinked and chirped back.

The massive reptile looked up at Pinkie Pie who waved a hoof at it.

“Hi Gummy's mom!” Pinkie Pie chimed.


Applejack glanced between the two alicorns sitting on either side of her. She had explained the situation and both of them had decided to stay where they were until the Sparkles returned home.

One of them was pouting.

The other was clearly annoyed.





“We could help them......”


“Thou never let us have any fun.” Luna huffed.

“Ken ah go now?”” Applejack asked.


A massive reptile with a pink pony riding on it's back, and a much smaller green alligator riding on her head, a pale yellow pegasus with pink hair and a white bunny sitting on her back, a gray furred purple maned earth pony in a smock, a tall dark blue furred moon dog in a green long coat, with a chicken on one shoulder and a raccoon on the other, a crap ton of animals, and a green earth pony with red dreadlocks and a large white wrapped bundle of 'herbs' dangling from her moth, all strode away from a towering building with P.E.T.A. in big red letters over the front door.

Strangely enough, all of them were also wearing sunglasses.

The green furred earth pony takes the lit bundle of 'herbs' from her mouth with a puff before tossing it over her shoulder back towards the building.

A few more steps and a loud fwoosh fills the air as a trail of fire forms from where the 'herbs' landed and races back towards the building. Another few steps and the entire structure exploded in a massive fireball that sends all the rest of them staggering forward flailing at the sudden explosion with various expressions of panic, alarm, confusion, and one of mild disinterest.

Only the green mare continues to walk away from the explosion a grin on her face as all the others stare back at the inferno.

“That's why I'm Fire my dudes.”

Author's Note:

epilogue is coming.

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