• Published 14th Jul 2018
  • 456 Views, 31 Comments

Friendship Force! - Chrome Masquerade

When canisters of a mysterious rainbow coloured substance fall from the skies, humanity's new saviours will arise.

  • ...

Origin of The Nuclear Family - Edited

Author's Note:

As you may/may not have guessed, these characters are not, by any means, canon to the Freedom Force Universe. This was just an idea i had in a dream. And I knew IMMEDIATELY what their pony identities would be.

Credit for this bit of inspiration goes to kwr2k's story A Gentle Breeze of Change (read that, btw)

EA Gentle Breeze of Change
William Weston, age 25, a weather reporter, ends up making news history when he ends up missing. Shortly after his unexplained disappearance, a light grey Pegasus with a light blue-green mane and tail was spotted with three other colorful Pegasi.
kwr2k13 · 83k words  ·  90  22 · 4.7k views

1: By all means, NO OFFENSE intended toward those who are autistic.

Brandon Ward was a simple man. He had four sisters (quintuplets, all in all) who he lived with, which was about the most exciting thing about him. By no means was his existence miserable, or anything, but often he felt himself dreaming of more, of greater things.

At this point, he was walking back home, groceries in tow... when something caught his eye in a nearby store window.

There, on display, were five pendants of different designs. One was of a lightning bolt with three stars around it.
The next was of an oddly shaped sun, like it also had a wind effect.
The third was a bunch of snowflakes dancing in the wind.
The fourth had a greenish-brown leaf spinning in an inanimate wind.
The last showed a kite flying past a sun.

All of them were glowing subtly, as if calling out to him.

Before you could say "SOLD!" he'd made his decision.

One for him, one for each of his sisters. What could be better?

He had no idea what was about to happen.

Back home, Brandon started preparing lunch for the lot of them. While he was no Iron Chef, by any means, he still liked to cook. And often his sisters were... mercurial at best. Still, they were family, and he wouldn't trade them for any other. Especially not since their parents-

He shook his head, clearing it of that train of thought. No point thinking of that.

Just as he finished, (soft shelled tacos were on the menu today) he heard a sniffing sound.

'Right on time.' he thought with a smile..

A voice said, "Mmm! Something smells goooood~." the voice said.

This was his (barely) youngest sister. Being born the last by a few minutes, she was occasionally teased good-naturedly about this. This was Brianna Ward. She was always peppy and full of energy.

"It does, doesn't it?" a second voice said. "There'd better be enough for all of us."

And this was Shannon Ward. She was always warm and caring, and much more mature than any of them, despite their equal age. She acted like the de-facto mother of the group.

"Food. Yay." said a third voice, dispassionately.

Well, here was the black sheep of the family. Faye Ward. Being mildly autistic(1) she often... had trouble expressing herself.

"Oh, don't be like that, dear." one last voice chimed in. Here was Wanda Ward. She was the most level-headed yet joyful person you'd meet.

"Well, the gang's all here." Brandon chuckled. "Soup's on!"

"Soup? Looks more like wraps to me." Faye said.

There was one big eye roll all around.

"ANYWAY, let's eat." Shannon said.

After the satisfying meal, Brandon said, "I have a surprise for all of you. I wanted to show how much I care about the four of you. And so... I got these." he said, presenting the boxes with the pendants to his sisters, taking the last one himself.

Even Faye seemed excited. "It's beautiful." she whispered, marvelling at the pendant with the snowflakes.

The others raised theirs, admiring them for a moment before they all turned slightly to make a circle, each doing up the clasp of the next, theirs being done up in turn. It took nigh on perfect synchronization. When that was done, Brandon got hugged from three directions.

Faye instead opted to say, "We love you too, brother. Let no one tell you different."

"Thanks, girls."

All at once, their pendants started to glow, as if reacting to the strength of their bond.

They started to feel their bodies change, first growing a fine coat of fuzz. Then their ears disappeared, only to be replaced with equine ones. Next, their very body structure started to shift.
Legs and feet became more equine legs with hooves. Faces pushed outward to become small muzzles. Tails of various colours sprouted from their tailbone areas. Wings speared from their backs, twitching as they filled with feathers. Hair became flowing manes.

"What's going on?" was the general question, and rightly so!

Then, something amazing happened. While staying separate, their minds connected in a way unknown to them before. For the first time, they felt like they really Got each other.

Brandon's change was the greatest, as his organs shifted extremely. Never being particularly eye-catching, something seemed to say, 'Let's change that too!' before his chest started inflating somewhat. His male parts shifted to the opposite gender.

Then they felt energy course through their very veins. Naturally, they all felt a connection to Air, but there were other effects. Brianna was imbued with the power of Life, also affecting the others. Shannon felt the power of Spirit infuse her, while Wanda felt the power of Soul and Brandon got the sensation of Electricity ripping through him- er, her; the element of Energy.

Though feeling a lesser connection to Ice, Faye's change there was the most dramatic, as she felt something she never had much of before: Emotion. She was connected to the power of the Heart.

The closeness of their siblings kept each from going mad.

At length, they fell to the floor, changed irrevocably.

They laid there for a time, basking in each other's presences. Eventually Shannon stood first and said, pointing to her pendant, the symbol there also emblazoned on her thighs, "Brandon, sis, do us a favour and warn us next time, hmm?" Shannon was now a reddish brown with a fiery red mane and tail.

"Hey, i had no idea! I only knew that we were connected to them, even before i bought them!" Brandon responded, raising her own. On her thighs were a similar mark to the shape of her pendant. She, in turn, was a bluish green, with an orange mane.

Faye was up next, ironically unsure how to feel. She was white with pink undertones, her mane a frosted blue.

Brianna was up next, running around shortly thereafter as the boundless energy of Spring flooded through her veins. She was a light green with a luxurious pink mane. With a flick of her head, her flowing hair was illogically easily tamed into a long braid.

Wanda got up last, a chocolatey brown with a two toned mane of green and orange, naturally forming a ponytail.

Shannon looked to her once-brother. "You know what this means, right?"

"No." Brandon admitted. "But i know that we'll face it together. And from now on, call me.... Lightning Dust."

"Nice." Shannon affirmed. Pointing to herself, she said, "Summer Breeze."

"Winter Breeze." Faye said curtly, still coping with her new range of emotions.

"Spring!" Brianna said as she made a pass, "Breeze!" she added on the next go around.

"Autumn, i suppose. Has a better ring to it than Fall Breeze." Wanda responded. "But I do know one thing." she added.

"And what's that, Autumn?" Summer queried.

"This is going to make going to work interesting."

Summer and Lightning looked at each other, the same thought going through their minds.

Oh, dear.