• Published 14th Jul 2018
  • 456 Views, 31 Comments

Friendship Force! - Chrome Masquerade

When canisters of a mysterious rainbow coloured substance fall from the skies, humanity's new saviours will arise.

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Fan Services - slight edit

Having defeated Frozen Heart and his few flippantly frenzied felons, Friendship Force, you'd be right to say, deserved a day off.

Alas, it was not to be. Oddly enough, there were rumours of bipedal hooved ninjas causing havoc around the city. So, naturally, Friendship Force went out to see what they could do about this.

Strangely, the ninjas weren't that hard to find. They were not exactly being subtle. Suspiciously so.

Groundskeeper was the first to pick up on this. "Ah don' like this. This here feels like another trap." she said, eyes narrowed.

Archmage nodded. "I noticed this too. They seem to be doing this to attract attention."

"Question is," Blue Blaze said, "what do we do?"

"Well, that's simple." Archmage replied. "We beat them at their own game." So saying, she lifted her staff and intoned, "By the element of Magic, grant us stealth!" So saying, a transparent film slipped over all of them, allowing them to see and hear each other, but disallowing anyone else to do so.

However, a certain fan was following them. As he discovered, he could still see them through the lens of his camera. And so, he followed along, hoping to get some pictures. 'Some for prosperity, and a few for posterity.'

He followed closely behind... but not too close.

A few minutes later, Friendship Force had tracked some of the ninjas to their hideout. Sure enough, it was a Japanese dojo, but scaled up massively.

"So OBVIOUS!" Archmage said, chuckling. "Who would think to look in such an obvious place for ninjas to hide out? Brilliant!"

Groundskeeper rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Les' jes git this over with."

The entrance to the place, however, was not immediately obvious. The team split into groups of three, sweeping the building's perimeter.

While the heroes were invisible and inaudible, they also made the tall grass around them rustle. More observant ninjas were able to see exactly where the heroes were at all times.

"Didn't think to counter that, did you?" one whispered smugly, before vanishing.

Groundskeeper, Solstice and Blue Blaze were the first group, and they happened to find the door. Opening it quickly, they saw an empty dojo space. It had what you would expect. Weapons lining the walls, training mats on the floor, zen style art on the walls, the usual schtick. However, it lacked one thing.

"Where are the ninjas?" Groundskeeper implored, speaking for all of them.

"ALL AROUND YOU!" a disembodied voice said as at least thirty ninja bearing wickedly sharp weapons dropped from the ceiling.

After that, a figure in a golden coloured robe stepped up. "It's amazing how often people don't look up, isn't it?" he said, jovially. "Oh! Where are my manners? I am Kung Lu." he said, bowing.

"No relation to Kung Lao, I hope?" Blue Blaze joked, earning a raised eyebrow.

"Well, now that introductions are over with, i believe you are trespassing on our property." Lu said.

Groundskeeper returned, "And yer vandalizin' th' town."

"Fair enough. Kill them." Lu said to his army before walking away. A few of them threw their weapons, directly for Groundskeeper.

Suddenly, a voice rang out, "Look out!"

To the surprise of everypony involved, a human teenage boy had jumped right in the way of the thrown weapons. He took several hits to various part of his body, his camera destroyed, fortunately protecting his heart. Needless to say, he was bleeding badly.

Groundskeeper picked the boy up and carried him out of the dojo, away from more thrown weapons. "He saved me. So Ah need ta save him."

Archmage's warning to Frozen Heart about infusing others with Energy P that belonged to him came to mind.

That never ends well.

Groundskeeper shook that off. "Ah've gotta do SOMETHIN'! If'n he don't git some healin' right quick, his blood'll be on mah hands!"

Groundskeeper summoned as much Life energy as she could without causing it to become a weapon. "Ah hope this works! LIVE!" She shoved the sphere of energy into the badly injured boy's chest. Some of his more serious wounds healed, and several of the weapons still stuck within him just ejected like they just didn't belong. Groundskeeper summoned another sphere. "LIVE!" More wounds closed. More weapons fell out. "One more ought'a do it! LIVE!!!" she said, slamming a third sphere into the boy's body. Finally his last wounds closed. But then something happened.

He began to shrink in size, briefly. By the time that was done, he was about the size of a twelve year old girl. The next change was a long cherry red tail quickly growing. The changing child also grew a coat of yellow fuzz all over, and developed a small muzzle, much like the onlooking mare's. His feet became hooves, and his hair became a luxurious red mane, about the same colour as the tail. Various subtle changes remodeled the adolescent boy into a younger filly.

Just then, the others dashed out of the dojo, having fought off the mooks. Blue Blaze was the first to speak. "Is the kid alri- ANOTHER one?!"

Groundskeeper scratched the back of her head. "Yeah... 'bout that..."

Back at the Hall of Harmony, the semi-comatose filly was being scanned for anything that might have gone wrong. Applejack, however, was getting a chewing out.

"Applejack! I warned the last VILLAIN we faced that infusing others with Energy P that's adjusted to you can be extremely dangerous! That it never ends well! I didn't think i'd have to tell YOU!"

"CONSARN IT, TWILIGHT!" Applejack said, slamming a fist on a nearby hard surface (which, to its credit, didn't even crack) "Ah had ta do SOMETHIN'! That thar kid saved mah life! He needed medical help an' a transfusion pronto-like! The scientist in me remembered and knew the risks! The mare Ah am accepted that. The hero in me didn't care. Ah'm a type O, and there weren't nobody else there! He was 'bout ta DIE for sure, Twilight! What would you have had me do?!"

Twilight sighed. "Look. Under the circumstances, you did what you thought was right. I approve of that. But for all you know, doing that might have caused him to EXPLODE in a worst case scenario! Even if it was the right course of action, I'm still going to call foul on being reckless like that!"

Applejack sighed. "Ah'm sorry, Twilight. Ah couldn't think'o nothin' else that Ah could have done!"

Suddenly a voice whispered, "Apple Bloom."

The two mares perked their ears at that. "Huh?!" they exclaimed in unison, turning to the figure still being scanned.

"Apple... Bloom. M'name. A-pple Bloom."

Applejack said, "Shh. Ya were hurt pretty bad, thar. Git some more rest."

"Thanks... sis." the newly named filly said, before drifting back into unconsciousness.

"Sis?" Applejack queried.

"You just infused her with Energy P that was attuned to you. And oddly enough, not only is it not killing her..." Twilight said, reading the results of the scan, "She's adapted to it! Basically, you two are the next closest thing to blood sisters."

"Huh. Well, if that don't beat all." Applejack said, smiling down at Apple Bloom. Things were going to get more interesting around there. And pretty soon, by the look of it.

Author's Note:

Any jokes about fanservice will also be given the Dio tretment.