• Published 14th Jul 2018
  • 456 Views, 31 Comments

Friendship Force! - Chrome Masquerade

When canisters of a mysterious rainbow coloured substance fall from the skies, humanity's new saviours will arise.

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Origin: Pink Genie and Pridemaster part 1


Before you continue, let me get this out of the way.

I'm fully aware that Green Genie is a Third Reich character.

In all seriousness, this was an idea that just hit me after a dream. I knew that I had to put this in now, or I'd lose it. M'kay? M'kay.


(Helderhavik residence; Algeria, Africa)

All was quiet on the premises of the Helderhavik family manor. As it turned out, they were a family of craftsmen. Be it boats or other vehicles, houses, furniture, the works. All of it was top quality.

That was mostly the men. The women of the family were taught the... softer arts. Cooking, singing, music, dance, sewing.... you get the idea.

They also often made shady deals with other families to marry their daughters off when they came of age. The women of the family were pretty much blessed, to an extent that most people don't have the luxury of.(1) This made the women of the family an ESPECIALLY pricey commodity, as they were practically guaranteed to bear similarly strong children, whoever they married.

While this practice was generally frowned upon, this didn't stop the stubborn semi-slavers from shipping! Oh, no.

And this was the family that Katlego and Furaha (twins, age 18 and 1/2) were born into. Even among the family, they had unnatural endurace and agility. Both were just bundles of energy! Of course, this made the early years of dealing with their antics particularly trying. Katlego was still surprisingl graceful and delicate. Furaha was essentially that kid you'd meet in school who was good at just about everything. In fact, they went out of their way to learn everything they could! And boith were quick studies, too!

Ether would get through spaces others couldn't squeeze, walk on their hands with the greatest of ease. At Capoeira both were beyond compare(2), their cooking was always done with flair+, Katlego was great at animal taming, Furaha at lifting weights, and they always outfoxed the entire staff of the estate!(3)

However, her most notable skill, (and that which got her the name) was only used when she was angry. And you did NOT want her to get angry!

This was first discovered when one of her school frieds was getting pushed around, as usual, by boys from a higher grade. The poor girl came home with bruises every day, but would always wave off questions, saying something to the effect of "It's nothing." before going to her room.

However, when the bullies were caught in the act, Katlego stopped them cold. All it had taken was a terse "HEY!!!" to get the attention of the bullies. And then they looked into her eyes.

If looks could kill, they would have exploded on the spot.

The bullies rushed home and hadn't bothered anyone weeks later. And they kept a wide berth between them and Katlego at ALL times! This had earned her the name Katlego, meaning "she with the boiling stare".(3)

By contrast, Furaha's name was fairly simple. It meant Joy, because she was unusually good at bringing it to others. She was well versed with cooking, acrobatics, and she was extremely flexible. This made her a one-woman shhow when she started throwing occasional parties.(5)

As you can imagine, the price for THEM was through the roof!

So, the two knew that it was only a matter of time before they were all but sold al breeding stock. But what could they do about it?!

One thing they did dowas make a vow to each other that when they did go, it would be on their terms.(6)

Then, it happened.

A group of people came to the estate, demnding that the girls be given to them, along with their belongings, else they would literally unleash the lions they bore with them. Then gave the cursory two-day warning. Apparently, they were doing this to other richer families across the countries.

So, the bad news was delivered to the girls before they went to bed for the night. 'They had to ruminate on that for a while. What on Earth would they DO!? So there they were, staring through the window into the night sky, hoping that the answer would come to them.

Fortunately.... it did.

Two bolts of energy streaked through the sparkling sky, striking the silently sitting sisters. Then the changes began.

Katlego began growing yellow fuzz as Furaha grew a vibrant pink coat. Their ears diappeared one moment, replaces by two frantically flicking crown-bound ones each. their teeth chattered as they changed, their faces elongating somewhat.
Katlego's eyes shifted from sienna to amber yellow, her pupils becoming slitted. Furaha's eyes shifted from jungle green to cerulean blue.

Next, both grew wings, Furaha's transparent, seemingly made of light, while Katlego's were quite manifest and feathery. Then their manes and tails manifested. The colours wererather similar, this time, both being pink. Kalego's rose pink, Furaha's bubblegum pink.

Next their feet changed to hooves, though they were oddly easy to balance on, still.

Lastly, they felt pools- no, cores of magic develop within them. Katlego felt one of a light blue at first. It felt light as air and yet made her feel like she could soar to the heavens. Then another one of burning gold -that, if it had a scent, would have smelled like lion fur-. Furaha felt one of a warm light that made her feel like she was dawing from angelic power. Then another MUCH larger one that gave her feelings of fun and frivolity; of boundless energy and endless joy.(7)

Words coming to their tongues, they involuntarily exclaumed,

"Fluttershy; Pridemaster!"

"Pinkamena Diane Pie: Joybringer!"

They felt strong, empowered. Dangerous, even.

Vengeance for those that had been wronged in the past thrummed through their minds. They had to do something to help. Something to ensure that nothing like this happened ever again. If they had anything to say about it, justice would be served.

Author's Note:

1: In this case, they have naturally high stats with extra bonus points.
2: Yes, Capoeira is most famously from Brazil. However, it originated in Africa. Fun fact.
3: Any Fun and Fancy Free fans in the house? (Also, anyone who can say that five times really fast gets a virtual cookie.)
4: An obvious pick, right?
5: Though nothing Pinkie Pie level. Yet.
6: So they're pretty much as close as Castor and Pollux. (but absolutely not the God of War version!)
7: I'm going to use this mechanic in he future. Maybe change some erlier chapters a bit. Check back in a few days.