• Published 14th Jul 2018
  • 456 Views, 31 Comments

Friendship Force! - Chrome Masquerade

When canisters of a mysterious rainbow coloured substance fall from the skies, humanity's new saviours will arise.

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Stopping 'Em Cold - Edited

Getting to the factory, Groundskeeper and Archmage leaped to a nearby rooftop to scope out the situation.

"There!" Groundskeeper said, pointing to where Chokov was standing, near a large weaon of some sort. The tip of it was glowing subtly, with an energy that the two of them knew well.

"I sense trouble brewing, friend." Archmage said. "I can very easily tell that that apparatus uses liquid nitrogen as ammunition. If we do not stop that man, who knows what could happen!?"

The two of them leapt from rooftop to rooftop, getting closer. Groundskeeper said, "Ah'm more inclined to fight where Ah can feel th'earth under ma hooves. If'n ya take the high road..."

"You'll take the 'low road', and we can hit them with a two pronged attack. Excellent idea, Applejack." Archmage replied.

"Groundskeeper. We are on a mission currently, after all."

"Noted. Break!"

Splitting up, the two of them approached their mark. Once Groundskeeper slammed a man to the ground with her hammer, the base was on alert. Groundskeeper dodged several shots from gunner thugs before Archmage said, "By the Element of Loyalty, declare your allegiance to me."

Several of the more weak-willed men were dominated. "Whatever you say, boss."

Archmage continued, "It needn't be this way. Walk away, turn yourselves in. It will be the better for all of you."

The mentally altered men dropped their weaponry and began to walk away, only to be gunned down.

The two mares turned to look at Chokov, who was holding a smoking tommy gun. "Need I remind you that Insubordination is vorboten? Well, at least they're out of the way, now. I have more loyal men made of sterner stuff. Men! Chill these... creatures out, would you?"

Groundskeeper snorted, fuming. "That was completely unnecessary! Ya could have just left 'em alone, but it'd jus' be less trouble if'n ya just killed them in COLD BLOOD?! Oh, if ya were cruisin' fer a bruisin' before, ya CERTN'LY are now!"

Brimming with rage, Groundskeeper stomped one hoof down as hard as she could, cracking the pavement she was standing on. Suddenly glowing with red, orange and green, simultaneously, she called out, "Justice! To my left! Loyalty to my right!" In each of her hands appeared an axe of pure energy..*

Groundskeeper leapt forward, slashing at those that attacked her, but those who ran were left alone.

"After that speech you kill my men in an even more cold blooded fashion? The air is thick with Amerikaner hypocrisy."

"Oh, don't worry. They're still alive. None of them were truly evil. The worst they'll suffer is a few cuts and a seriously shaken worldview. You, on the other hand? Well... Let's find out."

"Fortunately, you've been distracted long enough to allow the freeze ray to charge. And now i have a perfect first target!"

Chokov armed the ray and fired a beam of bitter cold directly at Groundskeeper. Thinking quickly, she crossed the two axes, blocking and then reflecting the beam., which froze the one who fired it instead.

"And let that... be a... Lesson. T-ta yaaaa...." Groundskeeper said before falling unconscious, her summoned weapons vanishing.

Archmage leapt down and ran over to her fallen ally. Taking a moment to look at Chokov, she said, "Amazing. He must have been exposed to Energy X at some point too. He's still alive!" Then, looking to Groundskeeper, she added, "But i can't think of that now. I must get Groundskeeper to our base."

Hefting her friend, she charged up a spell and the two of them blinked out of existence.

Little did they know, however, that this was not the end for Chokov. For, like all good human monsters, taking them out once only makes them stronger.

"And soon, all shall feel the cold fury.... of a Frozen Heart! Hahahahaha!!!"

The fight for the world's safety was only beginning.

Author's Note:

*Imagine Kit Rae's Black Legion Battle Axe and Skyrim's Glass War Axe But pure harmonic energy.