• Published 14th Jul 2018
  • 456 Views, 31 Comments

Friendship Force! - Chrome Masquerade

When canisters of a mysterious rainbow coloured substance fall from the skies, humanity's new saviours will arise.

  • ...

Aching Bodies and Creeping Cold - Edited

(Later... MUCH later...)

Applejack awoke, feeling sore all over. "Ugh. Did anyone git th'license plate on th' truck that hit me?"

Striding into the room wearing a labcoat and slightly modified sweatpants, Twilight scolded, "That's what you get for overcharging your powers. Especially when your body still hasn't fully adjusted to it."

"Ah thought that Ah was done with that whole bit?"

"Well.... yea and nay." Twilght said, shifting one hand side to side. "According to my readings, we're still changing, just at a much slower rate. However, look at your mane." she added, pointing.

Sure enough, in Applejack's mane and tail possessed two stripes of different colours: one of burning gold and one of blazing red.

"It seems that you've reached the next step. Your body has changed again, preparing you for... some kind of "evolution", one might say. This shows it." she said, addressing her friend's unspoken question.

"Huh. How long've Ah been out?" Applejack asked.

"Three days. I brought you to this base(1) to better help with your recuperation. But the world hasn't stood still, of course."

Sparking her magic, Twilight brought over a television screen, which showed the news.

"Lately there have been reports of people being found frozen, encased in ice, seemingly in the middle of arguments. Blowtorches can't cut through the ice and flamethrowers can't melt it.
If anyone has information on this rash of occurrences, please call!

"It looks like we need ta git back on track." Applejack admitted. "Ah'm as ready as Ah will be."

"Good." Twilight said, nodding. "First we'll meet up with a few other heroes who have joined the team. You'll want to meet them, I imagine." Helping her ally up, she backed away and spun around several times,(2) revealing her in a new uniformas she stopped.

Naturally, Applejack was aghast. "How did ya DO that?!"

Archmage smiled. "Well, this bracelet i have on my wrist uses kinetic energy to produce its effect." she said, showing Applejack the bracelet. "Basically, i can wear anything i can imagine if i spin fast enough."

"Lemme try that!" Applejack said, excitedly.
After putting her bracelet on and spinning (carefully) at high speed, she came out sporting her new look.

"Well! now we're prepared fer what comes next." Groundskeeper exclaimed.

"Rightly so!" Archmage replied. "Let's see about giving these a test run, yes?"

The two of them dashed off, to find their next objective.

Author's Note:

1: If you have suggestions for the name of this universe's Freedom Fortress (I can't call it that), suggest them.
2: A la Spider Woman
Thanks to Ambris and DreamyArtCosplay for the awesome designs.