Friendship Force!

by Chrome Masquerade

First published

When canisters of a mysterious rainbow coloured substance fall from the skies, humanity's new saviours will arise.

Modern Day Earth.

Not as 'modern' as you might think.

While quality of life has improved around most of the world, some people are just as depraved as ever. In this world, there's mass murder, rape and worse crimes besides.

Disease, famine, desertification, tyranny, the list goes on!
Indeed, the world is ripe for change.

But when mysterious containers of alien energies from two briefly crossed-over uiverses, will what follows be a blessing or a curse?

Other tags will be added as necessary. Some names are changed.

Also, unapologetically OP ponies.

Mentor's Muddled Meddling

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"Look at them all." a deep voice rumbled as he looked at the screen. "Humans. So easily incited, so easy to scare."

"Yes, Lord Dominion. They are. A planet ripe for destruction, wouldn't you say?" a somewhat higher voice agreed.

"No. What if it were to destroy itself?" the deep voice said, in thought.

"Destroy itself, my lord?"

"We could give them Energy X."

"My Lord! Have you gone mad!?"

"Not all of them, you fool! If Energy X were to be given to only the greediest and most base of villains, then might they be easily subjugated, another enslaved race for us. And all the more amusing for me."

"Shall i make preparations, sire?"

"Do it. You are dismissed."

Little did either of the villains know that another was listening. "If Lord Dominion destroys Earth, there will be no force able to stop him in this universe or any other! I must find a way to prevent this!" the listener thought. "I CAN'T allow it happen!"

One quick hijacking later, he was readying to leave.


"That's my cue!" gunning the carg ship's engies, he launched, laser fire following close behind.

"Scramble the fleet! I will have his head! Or YOURS!"

Thinking quickly, Mentor opened a quick-gate to a random location, nearly getting caught in the gravity well of the nearest planet. Some quick maneuvering got him out of that planet's atmosphere, but not before the ship absorbed some of the energy of that planet. Opening another gateway, he sped through, one fighter still on his tail.

Below, Twilight Sparkle looked up, only to see nothing out of the ordinary.

"Twilight? You arrite?" Applejack queried with a raised eyebrow.

"I thought i felt.... No, no. It's nothing."

Though skeptical, Applejack said, "Arrighty, then."

Just over Earth's orbit, the last fighter got off a lucky shot, causing Mentor's stolen ship to take a hit and start diving. Thousands of canisters of Energy X, tainted with the energy of that precious planet, started raining down on the planet. Mentor himself ot a face full of one canister, feeling himself start to change as he crash-landed......

Rise of the Groundskeeper - Edited

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In a nearby park, 85 year old Jack Sylas sat on a bench, lamenting his situation and the state of the park..

"How i wish i could have a chance to make this world pretty again. Lookit all this. Trash. Trash all over the place. If i had my way, this kind of foolishness would not be tolerated!" he said, angrily.Then he sighed. "Alas, i''m too old to be doing that kind of thing." Just then, he heard voices nearby.

"What's that?" he queried, sneaking over to take a closer look. "Lookit there. There's Simon Connor. I always knew that he was in league with the reds."

"Do you have the documents?"

"Do YOU have my money?"

"By Lenin's Ghost! Is that all you Americans think of? The power of the almighty dollar?!"

Just then, Jack lost his balance and fell. "Drat! Curse these old bones!"

"It's You!" Simon snarled

"Up to your old tricks, Connor?" Jack said with every last ounce of defiance he had.

"You know this capitalist dog?"

"Let's just say that i've been wanting to do this for a LONG time." Simon said, drawing his gun and shortly thereafter shooting Jack in the chest twice before the two men went off.

It looked like the end for Jack. He seemed to phase in and out every few seconds. Still, his first thought was "Must... warn... someone. Have to... keep moving."

Suddenly, a voice seemed to call out to him.

"Need a leg up, pardner?"

Jack looked up to see a statue of a Minute Man. It was glowing orange, with a few other warm colours, as if calling out to him. With his last ounce of strength, Jack crawled to the statue and laid a hand on it.

Immediately, he started to feel different. His body started to decrease in age. His muscles bulged as they increased in density until he felt like he could lift ten tons!

He was very briefly deafened as his ears vanished, but new ones appeared at his crown, wiggling wildly as their muscle fibers grew in.

His breasts grew in size, but only marginally.

His white hair stared to become a golden blonde mane, a similar tail starting to grow in as his face began to push out. His feet changed into hooves and the shoes that he was wearing exploded from his feet. A coat of orange hair started to cover his body as other changes occurred.

Then two cores of energy formed within him. One was a core of a solid green, feeling of a forest in its full glory. Green grass and myriad trees hanging heavy with their bounty. The other was a two-toned Ruby and gold one. It felt of solidarity. The satisfaction of Justice having been served.

So it went until She finally stood up, glowing subtly with a haze similar to that which the statue had. She could feel the energy of the ground beneath her. Instinctively, she pointed several times at a lot of the junk that was around the park, the very earth absorbing the garbage, decomposing it at a rapid rate, until the park was clean.

"Golly!" she exclaimed. "Ah ain't never felt such power before! Not even The Bomb radiated anythin' re-motely like this!" she stomped one hoof on the ground and in short order a sledgehammer made of a bluish-black metal appeared before her.

"Ah don' rightly know what that energy was, or why it's ev'n here, but Ah'll be darned if'n Ah ain't gonna use it! From now on, Ah'm Applejack, the Groundskeeper! An' so help me, Celestia, Ah'mma clean up this world!"

Almost as an afterthought, an image of an apple tree burgeoning with fruit appeared on her thighs,.

Mentor's Metamorphosis - Edited

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Mentor stumbled from the stolen vesel. He had failed in guarding the canisters of Energy X, but he might be able to guide those with it. His name was, after all, Mentor.

However, as he'd crashed, one canister hit him full in the face with a dose of it, and he was currently facing the consequences thereof.

At first, he heard a voice saying, "If we work together, no evil in this world could stop us. What do you say?"

Unfortunately for Mentor, his decision had already been made for him.

The first thing that happened was his body colour darkening as lavender fuzz started growing in. He felt new information entering his mind; spells, potions, books, more besides!

Briefly, his hearing was lost as new equine ears grew in, his head shrinking in size to adapt to a new shape.

Much of the muscle he had built over the years began to soften, burning off to allow his continued transformation. His chest in particular expanded by a few sizes.

His feet were replaced with hooves, his eyes widened (quite literally) and then shifted to a darker violet in hue.

Not having hair ever before, he was surprised when a rich violet mane and tail started growing in.

A long horn speared from his newly reformed skull, shooting sparks as it connected to his system.

Speaking of, a new organ started to form. One filling with energy as it grew. Though smaller than most organs, each little bit of space counted an exponential increase in energy!

Next, a core of solid violet formed within him. It felt of strong magic being worked and the satisfaction of hard studying paying off. Just after came one of a calm blue. It felt of bonds forged with others through adversity and good times with friends. Of undying loyalty to many people.

More internal changes occurred, too numerous to mention, but finally the glow of the tainted Energy X left Mentor's changed form, emblazoning her thighs with a purple starburst surrounded by tens of little lights.

With but a thought, a metallic shamanic staff came to hand. Unnecessary, really, but it would serve.

"Mentor may be dead," she said aloud, "but his mission did not die with him. I will continue what 'he' started. From this day forth, I am Twilight Sparkle: Archmage!"

Taking Out the Trash - Edited

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Having finished cleaning up the park, the newly named and titled Applejack/Groundskeeper decided to give chase to Connor and his ""friend""*.

Naturally, the local thugs attempted to stop her. "It's a freaky... horse... person... thing? Just get her!" one of the more competent toughs commanded. "We're gettin' paid good money to take this place over, after all!"

Groundskeeper's ears perked at that. "Hired goons, eh? Then i don' hafta hold back much."

She was going to dodge the first volley, but realized that the bullets (the thugs were largely using .45 caliber rounds) would have badly damaged some of the park that she'd JUST fixed up.

Raising her hammer, she spun it in a circle, drawing the gunfire into a vortex of sorts. Snatching the lead bullets from the vortex, she looked up and down at her hammer, in appreciation. "Ah think Ah'll call that move the... 'Buffer Zone Cyclone'." she said.

Turning back to the stunned gunners, she raised the handful of bullets. "Misplace somethin', boys? Y'all can have 'em back." She flicked one bullet toward each gunman, which with her substantial strength did a fair amount of damage upon impact, also knocking them a few feet away.

Of course, the bullymen survived, with how thick their hides already were. To say nothing of their skulls.

Concentrating and stomping one hoof, a tree sprouted that leaned over and snatched the unconscious gunmen.

"Y'all don' mind hangin' around fer a bit, do ya, fellers? The 'proper au-thor'ties' should show up soon enough." she joked before moving on to the thug of the highest grade. "Arrite, you. Which a'way did Connor head?"

"That way! That way!" the trapped thug said, in more than a little panic, indicating with his head (too scared to be able to move otherwise).

"Thank ya kindly. That weren't so hard, was it?" she said mock-thankfully before flinging him into the tree with pinpoint accuracy, him coming to land among the rest.

"A ringer! Yeehaw!" she exclaimed, before moving on.

More goons came to impede her progress, but to no avail. Those who weren't knocked silly just after willingly turned themselves in.

Soon enough she happened upon her mark. Having seen the heroine's swift and systematic dispatchment of his hirees, he was running as fast as he could. Not nearly fast enough, though.

Along the way, the country heroine encountered a couple of containers that glowed semi-brightly. Feeling a connection to these, she picked them up, automatically absorbing their energy before crushing the containers in her relatively bare hands.

"Well! That was refreshin'! I feel like Ah'm stronger now." she said to no one in particular.

Catching up to Connor while practically brushing his goons aside like flies, Groundskeeper subdued him carefully.

"It's time for a CHAT, traitor." she seethed.

(Atop a nearby building)

"Arrite, Connor," Groundskeeper said, "Tell me where your Red friend got to."

"I'm not telling you anything." he said defiantly.

"Ya might have noticed that it's a LONG way to the ground, Connor."

"You wouldn't." he said, calling the country heroine's bluff.

Groundskeeper shoved her face up to his, nose to muzzle, staring into his eyes directly and pushing him closer to the edge. "Read m'lips. Spill th'beans or YOU'll be th' one taking a spill. TALK."

Clearly quite intimidated, Connor said, "Okay! Okay! Chokov'll likely be at a warehouse down Heartfelt Avenue!"

Smiling, Groundskeeper said, "You look a mite overwrought, ""chum"". Why not take a little nap?"


Restraining her mark with strong vines until the police could arrive, she said, "And THAT was for Jack Sylas."

Flush with her first victory, our heroine took off to deal with the next threat to the city.

But what will the next encounter bring? Find out next time!

Cold Storage - Edited

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Following the directions given to her by her old acquaintance -surely now in prison, with any luck at all-, Groundskeeper hopped from rooftop to rooftop when possible. Since she was only on each for a few steps -depending on the building-, she beat a quick and relatively stealthy path to her destination.

Stopping a few blocks away, her ears perked as she heard voices. Not being close enough to make them out, she advanced a little further.

'There it is!' she thought, spotting her destination. 'Fer a bit there, Ah thought that Ah'd have to "reinforce" ma point with Connor.'

Picking her way over carefully, she noticed some guards on the rooftops closer to her target. 'Ah'm not big on stealth tactics, but in a fix like this, Ah'mma make an exception. But Ah'mma hafta do this careful-like.'

Feeling her connection to the earth, she encouraged the growth of a vine along the nearest building. When it had encroached close enough to the aloof guards, she Asked it to ensnare them quickly, which took them completely by surprise and slung them over the side of the building, safely dispatched, but alive.

She made her way along carefully, taking out each group of guards she came across before moving on. Eventually she spotted Chokov talking to some of the guards.

"The payload is squared away, boss. The plan is going perfectly."

"Excellent." Chokov said. "Carry on."

"Uh, boss?" one of the guards queried, "What do you have planned for that thing anyway?"

"That is for me to know and for you NOT to know. Needless to say, above your pay grade. Keep asking and you might find yourself replaced with someone who won't. Am I clear?" Chokov snarled defensively.

The man gulped. "Like glass, boss."

"Good. Carry on. I'll be moving to the hideout shortly." Chokov finished, turning away.

Just then, Groundskeeper heard a voice behind her. "Hey! Who are you?"

'Dangitall! Ah've been spotted!' she thought to herself before turning sharply, cuffing the spotter and KO'ing him immediately.

Shortly thereafter, more guards gathered to impede her progress, drawing their guns.

"Ah don't have TIME for this!" Groundskeeper snarled through her teeth, moving as quickly as she could to dodge the gunfire.

Suddenly, a new voice called out, "You look like you could use some help, friend!"

A force field surrounded each of the guards' guns and yanked them away, allowing Groundskeeper and the newcomer to take the disarmed men down in short order, leaving them groaning on the ground.

Alas, by that time, Chokov had escaped.

Groundskeeper made her frustration known. "Arrgh! He got away. Again!"

The newcomer said, "We make a good team, it appears."

"That we do, but the real villain still escaped. Ah'm Applejack, by th'way; Groundskeeper."

"Applejack, eh? Sounds strangely familiar, somehow. Archmage. Call me Twilight. Worry not, friend. for this one knows his location, I can tell." Twilight said, magically raising one of the more lucid men.

"I ain't telling you freaks nothin'!" the man said, crossing his arms with some effort.

"So you think." Twilight said, before her horn started glowing in an orange hue. "By the Element of Honesty, tell us what you know."

The man resisted for a moment, but said in a monotone voice, "Chokov. He went to our hideout on Liberty Lane." and he then fell unconscious.

"No time t'lose, friend!" Groundskeeper said. "Let's mosey!"

Stopping 'Em Cold - Edited

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Getting to the factory, Groundskeeper and Archmage leaped to a nearby rooftop to scope out the situation.

"There!" Groundskeeper said, pointing to where Chokov was standing, near a large weaon of some sort. The tip of it was glowing subtly, with an energy that the two of them knew well.

"I sense trouble brewing, friend." Archmage said. "I can very easily tell that that apparatus uses liquid nitrogen as ammunition. If we do not stop that man, who knows what could happen!?"

The two of them leapt from rooftop to rooftop, getting closer. Groundskeeper said, "Ah'm more inclined to fight where Ah can feel th'earth under ma hooves. If'n ya take the high road..."

"You'll take the 'low road', and we can hit them with a two pronged attack. Excellent idea, Applejack." Archmage replied.

"Groundskeeper. We are on a mission currently, after all."

"Noted. Break!"

Splitting up, the two of them approached their mark. Once Groundskeeper slammed a man to the ground with her hammer, the base was on alert. Groundskeeper dodged several shots from gunner thugs before Archmage said, "By the Element of Loyalty, declare your allegiance to me."

Several of the more weak-willed men were dominated. "Whatever you say, boss."

Archmage continued, "It needn't be this way. Walk away, turn yourselves in. It will be the better for all of you."

The mentally altered men dropped their weaponry and began to walk away, only to be gunned down.

The two mares turned to look at Chokov, who was holding a smoking tommy gun. "Need I remind you that Insubordination is vorboten? Well, at least they're out of the way, now. I have more loyal men made of sterner stuff. Men! Chill these... creatures out, would you?"

Groundskeeper snorted, fuming. "That was completely unnecessary! Ya could have just left 'em alone, but it'd jus' be less trouble if'n ya just killed them in COLD BLOOD?! Oh, if ya were cruisin' fer a bruisin' before, ya CERTN'LY are now!"

Brimming with rage, Groundskeeper stomped one hoof down as hard as she could, cracking the pavement she was standing on. Suddenly glowing with red, orange and green, simultaneously, she called out, "Justice! To my left! Loyalty to my right!" In each of her hands appeared an axe of pure energy..*

Groundskeeper leapt forward, slashing at those that attacked her, but those who ran were left alone.

"After that speech you kill my men in an even more cold blooded fashion? The air is thick with Amerikaner hypocrisy."

"Oh, don't worry. They're still alive. None of them were truly evil. The worst they'll suffer is a few cuts and a seriously shaken worldview. You, on the other hand? Well... Let's find out."

"Fortunately, you've been distracted long enough to allow the freeze ray to charge. And now i have a perfect first target!"

Chokov armed the ray and fired a beam of bitter cold directly at Groundskeeper. Thinking quickly, she crossed the two axes, blocking and then reflecting the beam., which froze the one who fired it instead.

"And let that... be a... Lesson. T-ta yaaaa...." Groundskeeper said before falling unconscious, her summoned weapons vanishing.

Archmage leapt down and ran over to her fallen ally. Taking a moment to look at Chokov, she said, "Amazing. He must have been exposed to Energy X at some point too. He's still alive!" Then, looking to Groundskeeper, she added, "But i can't think of that now. I must get Groundskeeper to our base."

Hefting her friend, she charged up a spell and the two of them blinked out of existence.

Little did they know, however, that this was not the end for Chokov. For, like all good human monsters, taking them out once only makes them stronger.

"And soon, all shall feel the cold fury.... of a Frozen Heart! Hahahahaha!!!"

The fight for the world's safety was only beginning.

Aching Bodies and Creeping Cold - Edited

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(Later... MUCH later...)

Applejack awoke, feeling sore all over. "Ugh. Did anyone git th'license plate on th' truck that hit me?"

Striding into the room wearing a labcoat and slightly modified sweatpants, Twilight scolded, "That's what you get for overcharging your powers. Especially when your body still hasn't fully adjusted to it."

"Ah thought that Ah was done with that whole bit?"

"Well.... yea and nay." Twilght said, shifting one hand side to side. "According to my readings, we're still changing, just at a much slower rate. However, look at your mane." she added, pointing.

Sure enough, in Applejack's mane and tail possessed two stripes of different colours: one of burning gold and one of blazing red.

"It seems that you've reached the next step. Your body has changed again, preparing you for... some kind of "evolution", one might say. This shows it." she said, addressing her friend's unspoken question.

"Huh. How long've Ah been out?" Applejack asked.

"Three days. I brought you to this base(1) to better help with your recuperation. But the world hasn't stood still, of course."

Sparking her magic, Twilight brought over a television screen, which showed the news.

"Lately there have been reports of people being found frozen, encased in ice, seemingly in the middle of arguments. Blowtorches can't cut through the ice and flamethrowers can't melt it.
If anyone has information on this rash of occurrences, please call!

"It looks like we need ta git back on track." Applejack admitted. "Ah'm as ready as Ah will be."

"Good." Twilight said, nodding. "First we'll meet up with a few other heroes who have joined the team. You'll want to meet them, I imagine." Helping her ally up, she backed away and spun around several times,(2) revealing her in a new uniformas she stopped.

Naturally, Applejack was aghast. "How did ya DO that?!"

Archmage smiled. "Well, this bracelet i have on my wrist uses kinetic energy to produce its effect." she said, showing Applejack the bracelet. "Basically, i can wear anything i can imagine if i spin fast enough."

"Lemme try that!" Applejack said, excitedly.
After putting her bracelet on and spinning (carefully) at high speed, she came out sporting her new look.

"Well! now we're prepared fer what comes next." Groundskeeper exclaimed.

"Rightly so!" Archmage replied. "Let's see about giving these a test run, yes?"

The two of them dashed off, to find their next objective.

Origin of The Nuclear Family - Edited

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Brandon Ward was a simple man. He had four sisters (quintuplets, all in all) who he lived with, which was about the most exciting thing about him. By no means was his existence miserable, or anything, but often he felt himself dreaming of more, of greater things.

At this point, he was walking back home, groceries in tow... when something caught his eye in a nearby store window.

There, on display, were five pendants of different designs. One was of a lightning bolt with three stars around it.
The next was of an oddly shaped sun, like it also had a wind effect.
The third was a bunch of snowflakes dancing in the wind.
The fourth had a greenish-brown leaf spinning in an inanimate wind.
The last showed a kite flying past a sun.

All of them were glowing subtly, as if calling out to him.

Before you could say "SOLD!" he'd made his decision.

One for him, one for each of his sisters. What could be better?

He had no idea what was about to happen.

Back home, Brandon started preparing lunch for the lot of them. While he was no Iron Chef, by any means, he still liked to cook. And often his sisters were... mercurial at best. Still, they were family, and he wouldn't trade them for any other. Especially not since their parents-

He shook his head, clearing it of that train of thought. No point thinking of that.

Just as he finished, (soft shelled tacos were on the menu today) he heard a sniffing sound.

'Right on time.' he thought with a smile..

A voice said, "Mmm! Something smells goooood~." the voice said.

This was his (barely) youngest sister. Being born the last by a few minutes, she was occasionally teased good-naturedly about this. This was Brianna Ward. She was always peppy and full of energy.

"It does, doesn't it?" a second voice said. "There'd better be enough for all of us."

And this was Shannon Ward. She was always warm and caring, and much more mature than any of them, despite their equal age. She acted like the de-facto mother of the group.

"Food. Yay." said a third voice, dispassionately.

Well, here was the black sheep of the family. Faye Ward. Being mildly autistic(1) she often... had trouble expressing herself.

"Oh, don't be like that, dear." one last voice chimed in. Here was Wanda Ward. She was the most level-headed yet joyful person you'd meet.

"Well, the gang's all here." Brandon chuckled. "Soup's on!"

"Soup? Looks more like wraps to me." Faye said.

There was one big eye roll all around.

"ANYWAY, let's eat." Shannon said.

After the satisfying meal, Brandon said, "I have a surprise for all of you. I wanted to show how much I care about the four of you. And so... I got these." he said, presenting the boxes with the pendants to his sisters, taking the last one himself.

Even Faye seemed excited. "It's beautiful." she whispered, marvelling at the pendant with the snowflakes.

The others raised theirs, admiring them for a moment before they all turned slightly to make a circle, each doing up the clasp of the next, theirs being done up in turn. It took nigh on perfect synchronization. When that was done, Brandon got hugged from three directions.

Faye instead opted to say, "We love you too, brother. Let no one tell you different."

"Thanks, girls."

All at once, their pendants started to glow, as if reacting to the strength of their bond.

They started to feel their bodies change, first growing a fine coat of fuzz. Then their ears disappeared, only to be replaced with equine ones. Next, their very body structure started to shift.
Legs and feet became more equine legs with hooves. Faces pushed outward to become small muzzles. Tails of various colours sprouted from their tailbone areas. Wings speared from their backs, twitching as they filled with feathers. Hair became flowing manes.

"What's going on?" was the general question, and rightly so!

Then, something amazing happened. While staying separate, their minds connected in a way unknown to them before. For the first time, they felt like they really Got each other.

Brandon's change was the greatest, as his organs shifted extremely. Never being particularly eye-catching, something seemed to say, 'Let's change that too!' before his chest started inflating somewhat. His male parts shifted to the opposite gender.

Then they felt energy course through their very veins. Naturally, they all felt a connection to Air, but there were other effects. Brianna was imbued with the power of Life, also affecting the others. Shannon felt the power of Spirit infuse her, while Wanda felt the power of Soul and Brandon got the sensation of Electricity ripping through him- er, her; the element of Energy.

Though feeling a lesser connection to Ice, Faye's change there was the most dramatic, as she felt something she never had much of before: Emotion. She was connected to the power of the Heart.

The closeness of their siblings kept each from going mad.

At length, they fell to the floor, changed irrevocably.

They laid there for a time, basking in each other's presences. Eventually Shannon stood first and said, pointing to her pendant, the symbol there also emblazoned on her thighs, "Brandon, sis, do us a favour and warn us next time, hmm?" Shannon was now a reddish brown with a fiery red mane and tail.

"Hey, i had no idea! I only knew that we were connected to them, even before i bought them!" Brandon responded, raising her own. On her thighs were a similar mark to the shape of her pendant. She, in turn, was a bluish green, with an orange mane.

Faye was up next, ironically unsure how to feel. She was white with pink undertones, her mane a frosted blue.

Brianna was up next, running around shortly thereafter as the boundless energy of Spring flooded through her veins. She was a light green with a luxurious pink mane. With a flick of her head, her flowing hair was illogically easily tamed into a long braid.

Wanda got up last, a chocolatey brown with a two toned mane of green and orange, naturally forming a ponytail.

Shannon looked to her once-brother. "You know what this means, right?"

"No." Brandon admitted. "But i know that we'll face it together. And from now on, call me.... Lightning Dust."

"Nice." Shannon affirmed. Pointing to herself, she said, "Summer Breeze."

"Winter Breeze." Faye said curtly, still coping with her new range of emotions.

"Spring!" Brianna said as she made a pass, "Breeze!" she added on the next go around.

"Autumn, i suppose. Has a better ring to it than Fall Breeze." Wanda responded. "But I do know one thing." she added.

"And what's that, Autumn?" Summer queried.

"This is going to make going to work interesting."

Summer and Lightning looked at each other, the same thought going through their minds.

Oh, dear.

Cold Reception - Edited

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Groundskeeper and Archmage arrived on the scene of a frozen lake. Everywhere they looked, there was ice.

Archmage couldn't tell the kind of magic that it originated from, but it was clearly magical, and not the good kind.

Here and there, people were encased in ice, looking at each other with angry expressions, some with their mouths open, clearly meaning to say something. Probably not something nice.

Suddenly a voice called out from 'somewhere'. "Ah! Heroes! Welcome to my gallery. Come in! Come in! I'm in a good mood."

Archmage started lacing mana together for a multi-layered warmth spell. juuuuust in case.

"Yes, these are my finest works! Ever since my first plan was put down, i've been collecting specimens such as these. And i've never felt more powerful!"

The mysterious figure cackled wildly, clearly enjoying this.

Groundskeeper was rightly unsettled. "This is simply monstrous."

The voice laughed again. "Are you starting to get the idea? Yes, these people are frozen in the perfect moment of anger! Ever since you nearly killed me, i've been able to feed on the Conflict of others!"

"Who are you?" Groundskeeper queried. "WHERE are you?"

"Still haven't figured it out? Well, i'll tell you in good time. Come along, don't be shy."

A line of frost trailed along in front of them.

"Well." Groundskeeper said, rasing an eyebrow, "This's obviously a trap."

"You're probably right." Archmage affirmed, "Whoever this is, we're clearly in their Territory. As such, we'll be facing them at the height of their power."

"Well, don't let that cool you off." the voice said, two more lines of frost appearing beside the first, as if beckoning more insistently.

Suddenly, another voice rang out from behind the two. "Wow. And here i thought that the atmosphere in the city was cold enough already." Groundskeeper and Archmage spun around and spotted five new faces. More heroes, by the look of them. "Is this a private viewing, or can anypony take the guided tour?" the owner of the voice added. She was a tall, athletic looking pegasus mare, with a blue-green coat(1).

"Who might you be?" Archmage queried.

"I'm Lightning Dust. And my... compatriots here are Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter Breeze." Lightning Dust said, pointing at each of them in turn. "We know about the two of you already, hence why we're here."

"More heroes? The more the merrier, I say."

Seven heroes proceeded to the eye of the storm, together. Archmage extended her warmth spell, to include the others. She had the feeling that they'd need it.

Shortly thereafter, they came to the... throne room, one might say. Before them was indeed a throne and a bunch of statues that looked like equine ghosts.

Or, at least... they LOOKED like statues...

Before them, a similar figure materialized, sitting in a relaxed position.

"Ah, welcome to my parlor. As you can see, I've taken the liberty of creating a few more of my brethren."

"Well, that begs the question." Archmage began, "Who -and WHAT- are you?"

"You knew me once as Chokov. But now? Call me... Frozen Heart. A fitting enough title, as far as I'm concerned."

"And just what is it that you're planning?" Groundskeeper asked, her fists clenching and unclenching. She was clearly ready to get down to business.

"A touch simpler than my old one. I plan to freeze the world itself." Frozen Heart said.

"Freeze the world? Why?" Lightning Dust asked.

"Two reasons, i imagine." Winter Breeze put in, showing her insight on the matter. "One: Power. He clearly becomes more powerful with the more people that get frozen. Two: Because he can. To cause worldwide anarchy; utter chaos." she concluded.

"Yes, she has the right of it. As the world freezes, tension will run high, countries will look for someone to blame. And when they can't find someone to pay the price?" the villain disappeared briefly, to prove his command over his visibility, "They'll MAKE someone pay, instead! And then? My brethren and I shall have sustenance for long enough to leave this planet a frozen wasteland!" he cackled madly.

"You infused them with Energy X that belongs to you. That never ends well." Archmage said disapprovingly.

"It took a few casualties to get it right -or was it a few dozen?-, but i figured it out."

Groundskeeper was fuming with rage. She wanted nothing more than to walk over there and cave in the villain's skull. To pound him until he barely looked like anything recognizable.

But... Two things stopped her. The first being that she knew her power was limited, what with being on a frozen lake. Secondly, she knew that such was not the way of a hero. So she restrained herself, if only just barely.

"Still, you are likely going to stand in my way, so I believe we've reached the point of the conversation where i say... KILL THEM." Frozen Heart ordered his statuesque minions as their eyes glowed red.

Groundskeeper hit one fist with the other. Now THAT she could work with. "Bring it on, then!" she said, challenging the oncoming figures. "Friendship Force: Prepare for battle!" she called out, her six friends lining up beside her.

"Friendship Force?" Lightning Dust asked.

"It's in the works." Groundskeeper replied.

Of Fire and Ice

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The two opposing groups stared each other down, all in different positions of battle-readiness.

Then, as if a silent cue was sounded, they rushed at each other in unison.
Each of the half-pony heroes chose a few targets, and since all of their opponents were fairly similar, they were about equal in difficulty, they figured.

However, when attempting to strike their targets, they found a problem.

"How can you hit something you can't touch?" Lightning Dust queried, apeaking for everypony.

Archmage came up with the solution. "Simple." she said as she gave one target a solid smack as it tried to hit her, "Wait for them to attack you."(1)

And thusly instructed, the heroes stood a MUCH better chance.

Winter Breeze, naturally, had the most trouble with the frost spirits. So instead of using her powers, she focused on not focusing at all, letting her magic use her instead. Not only did this prove rather effective, but it was allowing her to attune to her magic more fully.

Summer Breeze had the easiest time of it. With her flame-based magic, she was able to send the windigoes packing, screeching in pain.

Groundskeeper was not having as easy a time as you might think. Although her elemental nature left her much more resilient to the windigoes' water based magic, being on frozen water still left her at a disadvantage. Try as she might to summon the magical blades she had used just the previous mission, she was unable to focus her energy properly.

Archmage was fairly trouncing her picks. Being able to use fiery spells as well made her job easy.

Spring Breeze and Autumn Breeze were literally dancing circles around their opponents. In short order they left those dazed and confused, before simply knocking them over.

Lightning Dust was shattering her targets' defenses with electrical energy, a thrill of excitement running through her. She almost felt like singing, but held it down.

At length, Frozen Heart got tired of his fellows being so easily dispatched.

"ENOUGH of this!" he said, before he summoned some magic, which set the ice under them a'cracking.

The heroes tried their best to escape from the impromptu trap. into the water they went anyway.

Having been frozen over, the water was bitterly cold. As the others struggled to return to the surface, Summer Breeze was feeling increasingly uneasy while in the freezing cold water. It made her start to panic, starting to make her lose control of her magic.

The first clue the rest of the team had to this was that the water was heating up. A quick look proved that Summer was going through a mana flare, heating the water immediately around her to boiling temperatures, which had the result of the others paddling faster.

Winter Breeze had a different issue. Having entered the cold water, when she opened her eyes, she felt oddly different. A quick look at herself showed that she had become what looked like a cross between a sea horse and a medium-sized sea lion.

'So I'm... also some kind of a Selkie?'(2) she queried to herself. 'This just keeps getting weirder.' Fanning her new tail, she zoomed toward the surface.

Up above, Frozen Heart's palace was feeling the burn as well. With the dramatically heated water, his constructions were coming apart at what qualified for their seams.

"Curse these wretched heroes! My brothers! Retreat! We will fight another day!" he ordered, following his own instruction shortly thereafter.

Next, thawed people started to fall into the water, only to be saved by the already wet heroes, left with no memory of what had transpired or why they were even angry to begin with.

Groundskeeper, having taken a good lung-full of air, swam back underwater. She jetted toward Summer Breeze, who was still surrounded by her unleashed energy. At great pain to herself, Groundskeeper swam close enough to embrace the potentially perilously panicked pony-girl, pulsing the two of them for the surface.

"It's okay, Summer. Ah've gotcha." Groundskeeper soothed her ally, who shortly thereafter fell asleep, all out of energy.

However, those people who were closest to the two of them had been transformed into half-ponies themselves, not likely to change back anytime soon...

That didn't stop everyone -and everypony- from enjoying the temporary natural jacuzzi.

The heroes left for their base, their work here done.

Origin: Flicker and Flare

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Around the Barrios, life was hard for those situated there. Turf wars were practically constant. It wasn't even safe to walk across the street alone!

To wit, Enrico Ricardez and his gang. They protected their home territory wiith all of their might. For them, this was the way life was.

As it happened, on this night, there was going to be a rumble with another gang who had invaded their territory. Enrico's girlfriend, Ysabella, came to give him a piece of her mind on the matter.

"Enrico! Why must you do this?"

"Those men invaded our turf. We must protect our territory; defend our barrio."

"You haven't ever even set a tippy-toe outside of this neighborhood! The world is vast! Are you really so willing to die to protect this tiny dot of a place?"

"Bah! You wouldn't understand." Enrico said.

Without their knowledge (so focused were they on the task at hand!), they were struck simultaneously by a bolt of energy. It spread from one to the other. Before either could note the happening, they had separated again.

"How i wish he could understand." Ysabella lamented, before going after Enrico.

Perhaps we can make him understand together?

Enrico considered Ysabella's words "Bah! What does she know? She's but a woman. We have to defend what's ours, or someone will take it."

Little did he know that he was going through some strange changes. Again, so focused was he on his brooding and the task at hand, he didn't realize what was going on. Suddenly....

"Dios mio! My hands! They're ablaze! I'm burning alive! Wait, no... It doesn't hurt. Wait, i'm rising into the air!"

Shortly after that, he was able to see what he'd missed from the ground below,

"Ay dios mio! The barrio... our home... It looks tiny from up here!"

"You haven't ever even set a tippy-toe outside of this neighborhood! The world is vast! Are you really so willing to die to protect this tiny dot of a place?"

"Ay, Ysabella. I couldn't see what you did."

Suddenly another voice rang out clearly. "Enrico! Do you see now what i meant?"

Enrice spun around, and was quite startled by what he saw. "Ysabella? Is that... you? You've changed!"

In front of him was a half-equine woman, who clearly had Ysabella's voice. She was a brilliant red colour, rivalling that of the hottest of peppers. And judging by the flames streaming from her, she could back that up! She had rich velvet red hair that went halfway down her back

"You've changed too, Enrico. Look!"

Looking down at himself, he found himself in a similar state.

He, by comparison, was a vibrant golden hue, with hair the colour of an open fire., "Asombroso..." he marvelled at his changes.

"What was that about me being just a woman?" Ysabella smiled snarkily.

Upon further inspection, Enrico found that he had paid a price for these powers he was using.

Distracting Enrico from her plight, Ysabella turned her partner around, They then looked over at the city and their home, their tiny spot of land. Ysabella took Enrico's hand. "Together, we can stop the fighting and bring peace to our home!"

Enrico nodded, and they both flew back toward the ground.

The fight was already in full swing. Various kinds of wounds had already been dealt on both sides, but nobody was willing to back down.

Suddenly, two strange looking creatures hovered overhead, each sending a bolt of flame to disarm the two who were closest to each other.

"Stop this madness!" they exclaimed in unison.

One man was clearly stunned by the sight. "Are those... angels?" he queried.

No, No... I think it's Enrico! And Ysabella! They look WAY different, but I can tell Ysabella's voice from a mile away!"

The two half-pony characters landed, one saying, "My friends, hermanos! We've been given these wondrous powers for a reason!"

The other nodded, adding, "Si! And together, we'll fight to end this struggle and bring us together!"

Then they said, united, "Such is the vow of Flicker and Flare."

Recovery, Research and Reclassification

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Back at the Hall of Harmony(1), the group was busy licking their proverbial wounds. Summer Breeze, however, was also being consoled and counselled by Twilight and Applejack.

"I don't know what happened there. When i got too deep i started to freak out, and then... everything just went white. I don't remember anything after that."

Twilight said, "When you were exposed to an element you're weak to in overwhelming force, it would naturally make you want to fight against it. The Energy X- No... I'm going to start calling it Energy P- reacted within you, using your... "Chi" to remove at least one of your weaknesses, namely the chill of the ice. In other words, you lost control, resulting in a Mana Flare. It did also have the nice effect of melting the ice and thawing out the people who were frozen above. Applejack here had to dive down and bring you up, through boiling water. It's a good thing that she's elementally strong against water, even if it's hot water."

Summer looked downcast as Twilight continued. "What interests me more is that those who were closest to ground zero were transformed into half-ponies themselves, like us but less powerful..."

Applejack nudged Twilight and said, "Focus, Twi."

"Quite right. Sorry." As Mentor, Twilight had always been more focused on results rather than those who brought them, despite the implication of the name. When Mentor changed to Twilight, that had shifted significantly, though she was still adjusting to this as much as anypony else.

"Put shortly: It's nothing to be ashamed of, Summer. Fear is a very natural response that we all have felt before, and inevitably will in the future. We can't blame you for reacting to it. No one was significantly hurt and you had genuinely good intentions... so they can't do anything to you or us for that."

"An' if they TRY...." Applejack all but snarled, leaving the comment open,but slamming one fist into the opposite palm. "Y'all might 'swell be family t'me. And Ah won't tolerate harm comin' ta m'family."

"Admirable of you, Applejack." Twilight said with raised eyebrows. Then she looked back at Summer. "But... I think i have a good alias for you now."

"An alias?"

"Yeah. How do you like the idea of... Solar Wind?"

Summer's eyes widened at this. She felt an odd connection to the name already. "It sounds fitting. Like it was my name all along."

"You like it?" Twilight queried.

"I think it likes me."

At that pont, Lightning Dust stepped up. She had just been using the oddly well-stocked gym room of the fortress. "Hey! Summer! You're looking much better! I'm glad."

"Well," the other mare responded bashfully, "I just got my superhero name. Solar Wind. And i'm more or less caught up on events."

"Really?" Dust said, "Well, that's great! The rest of us came up with our own super names. On mission i'll be called Blue Blaze. Winter took on the name Solstice. Spring wanted the name Equinox, but we figured that it sounded too much... you know... like a horse pun. She's Chinook, instead. Autumn decided to call herself Gale Force."

Twilight nodded. "All solid choices."

Summer smiled before saying, "There's just one thing: Where's Frozen Heart?"

"The computer is searching for him and any of his ilk. Once it finds them, it'll let us know. Until then, i suggest that we train and heal up. I get the feeling that we'll need to be MUCH stronger before we fight them again."

The others nodded in agreement at this.

"What i want to know..." Lightning Dust said, "Why are we all mares?"

Twilight responded to this. "When i was bringing Energy X to this world, i had to jump through a different universe. My shields were down, so while my hyper drive was on cooldown, the ship -and, by extension, the capsules of Energy X therein- got charged with the energy of that world's aura. Magic, as you might call it. As far as I can tell, In that world, mares outnumber stallions at least 4:1. We just got lucky, i guess. At this point the team is lacking a single Y chromosome."

They all sighed at this.

"Either way," Applejack said, changing the subject, "Ah think we should git some trainin' in. By th'way things're lookin', we're gonna need it."

All in agreement, they left for the gym again, hoping to master their powers by the time they fought next.

Strength, Skill and Will

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A/N: And now for another crossover you probably didn't see coming.

Back in the training room of the Hall of Harmony, the rookie heroes were trying their best to master their powers. At one point, Spring Breeze asked a valid question.

"Twilight? I've noticed something."

"Yes?" the lavender leader responded.

"When i get to a certain point with these devices, these exercise machines, they release these different coloured orbs... but they disappear as soon as I touch them. What's up with that?"

Twilight facepalmed. "Of course! The bonus orbs! I forgot to show you how to use those. Well, it's better that somepony asked eventually. Come along, all." Twilight said, motioning for the others to follow.

Going into another section of the base, there were several large, glowing platforms. "Can I get a volunteer, here?"

Winter Breeze stepped forward and stepped onto one of the platforms. It immediately lit up, eliciting a "Whoa!" from the white coated mare.

"Don't worry!" Twilight was quick to reassure her teammate, "That just signifies its activation."

A short few seconds later, a screen appeared before Winter Breeze.





Twilight was quick to explain this. "Over at the top-right you'll see how much of each kind of bonus you've collected. These you can spend to increase your powers, and learn new ones besides!"

"So... Why not just dispense these instead of the whole gym setup?" Autumn asked, with a tilt of her head.

Twilight smiled. "A valid question with two easy answers. One: Your body still needs practice to allow you to get the most with your training. If you just did it this way, you'd never get fully used to the effects of the Energy P flowing through you. Secondly: Some of us enjoy working out and the feeling you get from the gradual progress, and not everyone likes going "the easy way". Thus, we have both methods. Moving on." Twilight turned back to Winter, who was perusing the menus.

"Stength Orbs (the red ones) will allow you to improve your Prowess (your physical strength), Stamina (how hardened you are against damage) and Vitality (how many hits you can take).
Skill Orbs, (which are yellow), will allow you to improve your Accuracy, your Speed (both attack and movement) and Stealth.
Will Orbs (the blue ones) will allow you to increase your Font (maximum enrgy capacity), and allow you to learn new magical abilities.
General Orbs essentially can be spent on any of these if you don't have enough of the main one."

"What about the pink ones?" Summer asked.

"I'm getting to that. Those are Harmony Orbs. Those will allow you to learn new team attacks, and increase your resistance to certain effects you may come across in the near future. Naturally, the energy within you is different from the next pony and your abilities will be different, but this is a method we can all use to improve."

Winter elected to improve her Prowess and an instant later felt her increase in strength, as indicated by the new muscle mass she put on. Flexing a bit, she said, "Awesome..." in wonder of the amazingly effective technology. "It's like part of a video game come true." she added.

At that, Twilight blushed a bit. "Well, funny you should say that... but no matter. Now you all know how to bring your powers to the next level, and can do so at any time. That's the important thing." she concluded.

One after the other, the training heroes took their turns on the platforms, incraing their own abilities.

Applejack decided to mostly invest in Strength attributes. By the end of that, she'd gained at least two ranks of each. But she'd also invested in other things, having the amount to do so. One of the first magical abilities she invested in was control over her Harmonic Blades, as it called them.

Winter had largely invested in increasing her Skill abilities, and by the time she was done, she could practically merge with the wind for a brief period of time.

Summer and Autumn also followed Applejack's suit, increasing dramatically in strength. Spring commented, "Will you look at this? We look like we should be on American Gladiators or something!" At that, she struck a few classic poses, eliciting laughter from the others.

The others spread their points out about evenly.

Just as they finished, there was a strange sound.

"What'n th'hay was that?!" Applejack queried.

"That would be our doorbell. Which means we either have fans at our door.... or new applicants!" Twilight responded.

Shortly thereafter, they were greeted at the door by two mares in costume. "Friendship Force? We're Flicker and Flare. We... wanted to sign up." Flicker said, blushing lightly.

Twilight smiled. "The more the merrier. Come on in!"

As the two newcomers did so, they caught sight of the more seasoned heroes. "Ai yi yi! Santa Maria! You gals are looking swole!" Flicker commented in amazement.

"Swole?" Spring queried.

"You know! Swole! Like..." Flicker thought for a split second. "Like unexpectedly buff. Dios Mio! How did you manage THAT?"

Twilight chuckled and said, "I was explaining that just a bit ago, funny enough... Let me show you around..."

Winter Wrap-Up

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Sufficiently trained, the heroines were ready for action. They had prepared as much as possible, so it was with eagerness that they answered the call to duty by the Defense System(1), which scanned the city for activity. Especially the activity of Frozen Heart and his ilk.

Flicker and Flare, being the newest to the team, were brought up to speed on the situation and their history with the villain. Naturallly, their fire-based abilities would be extremely useful against the frosty villain's forces.

The Defense System detected activity around a certain warehouse. By the readings that it was getting, Frozen Heart had found what he was looking for, and they had to stop him before it was too late. Lightning Dust pointed out a flaw in this.

"Why are we getting readings on them just now, if they've been doing this a while? Why reveal themselves now? It's too obvious."

Winter Breeze finished the thought. "Which means... this is probably a trap." Lightning Dust nodded, confirming that she suspected so as well.

"But it's our only lead." Applejack said. "But since we know this's a trap, we stan' a much better chance of gettin' out alive, and turnin' the trap on them!" she finished, to the agreement of the other mares.

"That actually makes sense, in a weird way. We're stronger than he could possibly account for, and the addition of Flicker and Flare compound that." Twilight said.

"Well, what're we waitin' fer?" Applejack said, shortly thereafter spinning on the spot rapidly, Groundskeeper emerging from the grande sized top when it stopped.

"Whoa!" Spring Breeze said. "How did you DO that?" she asked.

Twilight fielded that. "That bracelet you see uses kinetic energy to power the transformation. That's why spinning on the spot is the quickest way to build it up. After that, just imagine how you want to look and press the green button." she said, handing them each one of the devices. It took a few tries, but before long they each had fairly nice costumes(2), laced with protective enchantments, just in case.

When the heroes came on the scene, the place was covered in ice. However, this time there was more solid ground, frozen as it was, which suited Groundskeeper just fine.

"A-HA!" a literally chilling voice exclaimed, "You fell for my trap!"

Twilight glared at Groundskeeper. "You said that this wouldn't be a trap."

"How kin it be a trap when we pre-pared fer a trap?!" the orange mare queried in reply.

"(sigh) It's a trap-trap."

"Whatever." Blue Blaze interrupted. "We're here to kick flank and take names. And we have all the names we need." she added cockily.

Frozen Heart glowered at her with a bitingly cold gaze. "I'll deal with you later, FEATHERBRAIN." he said, leaving Blue Blaze in a slight huff at being disregarded so.

"We ain't th' same weak team that ya fought over on that frozen lake." Groundskeeper said. "Ya can tell, can't ya?"

Frozen Heart nodded appreciatively. "True, true." he admitted, before his ethereal face took on a grin. "But did you think I wouldn't account for that?!" With a gesture of one limb, a couple dozen or so large figures materialized. "These are my enforcers. They are much stronger than those that you fought before. They should at the least keep you busy while i get in some well-deserved gloating." he said, then floated over to a large round device as his 'enforcers' started forward.

"Do you recognize this?" he asked, indicating the device.

Groundskeeper's eyes widened in shock. "You've gotta be kiddin' me!"

"Oh, yes! This is one of the more powerful nuclear bombs left in this day and age. It took a long time to find just the right one. When this baby goes off, just IMAGINE the destruction that it will cause! And what will follow! My brethren and I can get ourselves a safe distance away before the blast reaches us, and our ethereal forms will protect us from the brunt of the possible damage. You and the city itself? The rest of the country? You won't be so lucky!" the spiritual villain cackled madly.

Archmage looked over to Groundskeeper questioningly. "You know of such a device?"

Groundskeeper replied, "Unfortunately. Ah served as a... midwife at its birth, ya might say. It's a testament ta th' sins and malice of the worst of mankind, bound in metal and set to blow!"

Frozen Heart spoke again. "Horrific, isn't it? Even more so because its core is made from a canister of what created US! A full canister of Energy X! The results will be catastrophic! And we plan to use these around the world to create a permanent nuclear winter! My brethren will thrive in the coming chaos! And-"

Just then, Solar Wind cast a gout of flame at the gloating villain, scorching his cheek. "You talk too much." she growled.

"KILL THEM!!!" he ordered, and the fight began.

Groundskeeper immediately dropped her hammer and focused her energy on forming the blades that she had used to defeat Chokov's forces before. "Justice to my left! Loyalty to my right!" her double battle-axes appeared and she took a moment to give each a quick kiss. "Oh, how Ah missed you two!" she said with a smile. The blazing blades of harmonic energy glowed fiercely, as if just waiting to be unleashed. And Groundskeeper didn't disappoint, launching herself in the direction of the frosty fiends.

Blue Blaze focused her energy and summoned two wicked-looking fist-blades(3). She was the next to rush into the fray. "For the glory of Celestia!" She paused briefly. "Wait, who's Celestia? Oh, whatever." she said, before continuing her bull rush.

Solstice and Chinook took turns blasting their targets from afar, dancing out of the way when necessary. Solar Wind merely needed to touch her targets to deal a fair bit of punishment. Gale Force used her aptly named magic to keep the attackers away from her sisters, also giving them combat buffs.

Flicker and Flare were like a pair of Olympic ice skaters. The two of them danced back and forth, not a single movement wasted, as if they had been practicing for years. Flicker, as Enrico, would have willingly admitted that he barely knew how to dance at all, but this was just coming naturally, the two of them sliding across the ice and punishing those who got too close.

Archmage, for her part, was also staying back and casting various spells at the oncoming horde.

But in the end, try as they might to get to the bomb in time, there was always something or someone to block their path. And the rare wounds they were getting were starting to take their toll. Eventually, Archmage said, "Okay, we may not be able to stop the bomb, but if we work together, i think we can prevent most of the radiation it'll release from spreading! This might or might not work, but i'm sure as hay going to try! Are you all with me?!" she exclaimed, raising her staff, to the cheering of her party.

Unexpectedly, a clear heart shape materialized and spun around in midair. Archmage felt her horn start to blaze with energy as the shape began to siphon magic from the heroines, who willingly added the energy of some of their more powerful attacks to it.

Frozen Heart and his cronies were repulsed by the light that was being given off. "What is this horrible energy? I can't fight against it!"

"This is the magic of Harmony." Archmage said, horn still blazing with lavender light.

"The magic of Kinship." the sisters and Blue Blaze added, starting to glow as well, especially around their wings.

"The magic of Love." Flicker and Flare said in unison, starting to glow as well..

"The magic of Hope." Groundskeeper said, sheathing her axes and focusing her energy into the building spell too.

"THE MAGIC OF FRIENDSHIP!" they shouted as one.

Two flashes occurred and warred with each other. The pulse of unleashed nuclear energy and the glow of harmonic energy. The heroes stood undaunted by the oncoming wave of power, determined to stop it.

Frozen Heart and his minions, ironically, weren't so lucky after all. Being unable to flee from the light of the Heart's Fire, they were crushed in between that and the radiation emitting from the souped-up nuke, soon utterly obliterated.

At length the energies of both the bomb and the glowing heart started to dim. The heroes were still alive, but greatly tired. "I guess... that's it?" Chinook asked.

Archmage nodded. "I think that Frozen Heart's downfall was trying to use Energy P as a booster. Pony magic would never allow something so destructive to occur. So instead of boosting that device's power, it boosted ours instead. It just goes to show that if you don't care for the natural, the supernatural will take care of you." She grinned, putting on a pair of shades. "It looks like the windigoes... just couldn't take the heat."

Everypony present laughed, happy to be alive. "Come on, y'all." Groundskeeper said. "Let's go home. Ah'm tuckered."

Fan Services - slight edit

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Having defeated Frozen Heart and his few flippantly frenzied felons, Friendship Force, you'd be right to say, deserved a day off.

Alas, it was not to be. Oddly enough, there were rumours of bipedal hooved ninjas causing havoc around the city. So, naturally, Friendship Force went out to see what they could do about this.

Strangely, the ninjas weren't that hard to find. They were not exactly being subtle. Suspiciously so.

Groundskeeper was the first to pick up on this. "Ah don' like this. This here feels like another trap." she said, eyes narrowed.

Archmage nodded. "I noticed this too. They seem to be doing this to attract attention."

"Question is," Blue Blaze said, "what do we do?"

"Well, that's simple." Archmage replied. "We beat them at their own game." So saying, she lifted her staff and intoned, "By the element of Magic, grant us stealth!" So saying, a transparent film slipped over all of them, allowing them to see and hear each other, but disallowing anyone else to do so.

However, a certain fan was following them. As he discovered, he could still see them through the lens of his camera. And so, he followed along, hoping to get some pictures. 'Some for prosperity, and a few for posterity.'

He followed closely behind... but not too close.

A few minutes later, Friendship Force had tracked some of the ninjas to their hideout. Sure enough, it was a Japanese dojo, but scaled up massively.

"So OBVIOUS!" Archmage said, chuckling. "Who would think to look in such an obvious place for ninjas to hide out? Brilliant!"

Groundskeeper rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Les' jes git this over with."

The entrance to the place, however, was not immediately obvious. The team split into groups of three, sweeping the building's perimeter.

While the heroes were invisible and inaudible, they also made the tall grass around them rustle. More observant ninjas were able to see exactly where the heroes were at all times.

"Didn't think to counter that, did you?" one whispered smugly, before vanishing.

Groundskeeper, Solstice and Blue Blaze were the first group, and they happened to find the door. Opening it quickly, they saw an empty dojo space. It had what you would expect. Weapons lining the walls, training mats on the floor, zen style art on the walls, the usual schtick. However, it lacked one thing.

"Where are the ninjas?" Groundskeeper implored, speaking for all of them.

"ALL AROUND YOU!" a disembodied voice said as at least thirty ninja bearing wickedly sharp weapons dropped from the ceiling.

After that, a figure in a golden coloured robe stepped up. "It's amazing how often people don't look up, isn't it?" he said, jovially. "Oh! Where are my manners? I am Kung Lu." he said, bowing.

"No relation to Kung Lao, I hope?" Blue Blaze joked, earning a raised eyebrow.

"Well, now that introductions are over with, i believe you are trespassing on our property." Lu said.

Groundskeeper returned, "And yer vandalizin' th' town."

"Fair enough. Kill them." Lu said to his army before walking away. A few of them threw their weapons, directly for Groundskeeper.

Suddenly, a voice rang out, "Look out!"

To the surprise of everypony involved, a human teenage boy had jumped right in the way of the thrown weapons. He took several hits to various part of his body, his camera destroyed, fortunately protecting his heart. Needless to say, he was bleeding badly.

Groundskeeper picked the boy up and carried him out of the dojo, away from more thrown weapons. "He saved me. So Ah need ta save him."

Archmage's warning to Frozen Heart about infusing others with Energy P that belonged to him came to mind.

That never ends well.

Groundskeeper shook that off. "Ah've gotta do SOMETHIN'! If'n he don't git some healin' right quick, his blood'll be on mah hands!"

Groundskeeper summoned as much Life energy as she could without causing it to become a weapon. "Ah hope this works! LIVE!" She shoved the sphere of energy into the badly injured boy's chest. Some of his more serious wounds healed, and several of the weapons still stuck within him just ejected like they just didn't belong. Groundskeeper summoned another sphere. "LIVE!" More wounds closed. More weapons fell out. "One more ought'a do it! LIVE!!!" she said, slamming a third sphere into the boy's body. Finally his last wounds closed. But then something happened.

He began to shrink in size, briefly. By the time that was done, he was about the size of a twelve year old girl. The next change was a long cherry red tail quickly growing. The changing child also grew a coat of yellow fuzz all over, and developed a small muzzle, much like the onlooking mare's. His feet became hooves, and his hair became a luxurious red mane, about the same colour as the tail. Various subtle changes remodeled the adolescent boy into a younger filly.

Just then, the others dashed out of the dojo, having fought off the mooks. Blue Blaze was the first to speak. "Is the kid alri- ANOTHER one?!"

Groundskeeper scratched the back of her head. "Yeah... 'bout that..."

Back at the Hall of Harmony, the semi-comatose filly was being scanned for anything that might have gone wrong. Applejack, however, was getting a chewing out.

"Applejack! I warned the last VILLAIN we faced that infusing others with Energy P that's adjusted to you can be extremely dangerous! That it never ends well! I didn't think i'd have to tell YOU!"

"CONSARN IT, TWILIGHT!" Applejack said, slamming a fist on a nearby hard surface (which, to its credit, didn't even crack) "Ah had ta do SOMETHIN'! That thar kid saved mah life! He needed medical help an' a transfusion pronto-like! The scientist in me remembered and knew the risks! The mare Ah am accepted that. The hero in me didn't care. Ah'm a type O, and there weren't nobody else there! He was 'bout ta DIE for sure, Twilight! What would you have had me do?!"

Twilight sighed. "Look. Under the circumstances, you did what you thought was right. I approve of that. But for all you know, doing that might have caused him to EXPLODE in a worst case scenario! Even if it was the right course of action, I'm still going to call foul on being reckless like that!"

Applejack sighed. "Ah'm sorry, Twilight. Ah couldn't think'o nothin' else that Ah could have done!"

Suddenly a voice whispered, "Apple Bloom."

The two mares perked their ears at that. "Huh?!" they exclaimed in unison, turning to the figure still being scanned.

"Apple... Bloom. M'name. A-pple Bloom."

Applejack said, "Shh. Ya were hurt pretty bad, thar. Git some more rest."

"Thanks... sis." the newly named filly said, before drifting back into unconsciousness.

"Sis?" Applejack queried.

"You just infused her with Energy P that was attuned to you. And oddly enough, not only is it not killing her..." Twilight said, reading the results of the scan, "She's adapted to it! Basically, you two are the next closest thing to blood sisters."

"Huh. Well, if that don't beat all." Applejack said, smiling down at Apple Bloom. Things were going to get more interesting around there. And pretty soon, by the look of it.

The Apple Blooms Anew (edited)

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Applejack looked worriedly down at the changed teen. It seemed that his -her, rather- body was constantly in minor flux.

One moment she was taller than the other, the next her arms were longer, or her legs shorter, or any number of effects. Twilight said that -if Apple Bloom survived the process- she would eventually stablize. But that did precious little to allay the orange mare's fears in the meanwhile.

She had been there for the past two and a half days. Refusing to eat. Refusing to rest. Apple Bloom felt like a precious family member, as Twilight implied. She just couldn't forgive herself if anything else happened to Apple Bloom.

"Please, Apple Bloom; be okay." she all but prayed. "Family don't leave family behind. Ah WON'T leave you behind!"

Others among the heroes took on various solo missions. Nothing too major, as without their de-facto leader, they were less confident that they could take on any of the High Class tasks. Still, people needed help and there was work to be done.

Applejack had passed out from exhaustion and hunger, at one point. They were barely able to convince her to rest, telling her that her sister would be just fine in the morning.

As it turned out, when the morrow came...

Apple Bloom rose into the air slightly and started glowing, a large amount of energy coalescing around her. Her clothes shifted along with her, becoming more appropriate for her new state. By the time that was done, she was wearing a short dress with gloves and stockings(1). She was also wearing a huge red bow, matching her mane.

Then there was a bright flash. And after that flash stood a new heroine wielding a blue shafted staff with a humongous gem atop it.

"Apple Bloom: Landmass Lass!" she exclaimed, thrusting a fist skyward.

Applejack fairly galloped into the room. "Apple Bloom?! What?"

"Look... sis. Ah know that y'all would want ta discourage me from joinin'. But y'aint gonna dissuade me here. This is mah destiny. Ah can feel it! Ah was meant ta be a hero."

With that, on either of Apple Bloom's hips was an apple with a superhero mask and a staff -similar to the one she was holding- lying beside it.

"Well, then." Applejack said. "There ain't nothin' ta be said, is there? C'mon, let's gitcha some trainin'."

"Really?!" Apple Bloom queried excitedly.

You betcha. Yer parta the team, ain'tcha?" Applejack asked rhetorically as she started walking away.

When she was about thirty steps out of the door, Apple Bloom dared to leap into the air and shout, "YES! Cutie Mark Crusaders: Superheroes! YAY!"

Startled, she looked around, hoping that nopony saw that. "Where the hay did that come from?" she queried aloud, and then dashed after Applejack.

Shortly thereafter, Apple Bloom was in the main hall, leading to the training room, Applejack leading.

"Oh! Right." Applejack said, tossing a device to the newbie. "That's keyed ta me, but since yer carryin' a lot o'ma signature, it should respond to ya too."

"How does it work?" the trainee queried.

"Spin around an' think of a different outfit. That one looks like it'd be a mite restrictive in a fight."

Apple Bloom did as asked, an aura of energy coalescing around her again. When she stopped, she was wearing a short green top and a pair of bloomers, along with short gloves and long stockings.(2)

Applejack winced. "Well, 'at's less restrictive, alright. Try again; somethin' less... suggestive.

Apple Bloom blushed briefly before thinking hard. 'flexible and light, protective and memorable, a little suggestive... I got it!'

She spun around again for much longer, coming to a stop in a red outfit with a green stripe along the chest area, black boots and gloves with some yellow bands at their tops. She also had a black partial mask, which also let her long hair hang otherwise freely in a distinctive ponytail shape(3).

To Applejack's slight chagrin, the green stripe still emphasized Apple Bloom's chest area. and she was fairly sure that 'those' were bigger too, but that might just be an effect of the outfit. "Ah think ya found somethin' thar!" she nodded in... mild approval. "Time ta make yer entrance."

Applejack opened the door and said, "Introducin' the team's newest heroine:"

Apple Bloom leaped into the room and did several tricks in the air (showing just how "flexible and light" the outfit was) and called to her first power, causing her to create a trail of what looked like grass in the air (but each bit disappeared a split second after, as the young heroine was travelling on it) before landing in a slightly crouched position, holding her staff to the side.

"Apple Bloom: Landmass Lass!" she exclaimed again.

There was applause and nods all around. However, two new voices said,

"That was awesome, Apple Bloom!"

"Yeah! 10/10 for style!"

Apple Bloom looked up to see two other anthro-fillies about her height. One was an orange pegasus, the other a white unicorn "Who are you two?" she asked.

The two looked at each other and then scratched the backs of their heads in perfect mirror motion. "Yeaaaah... funny story about that..."

Origin: Tidal Terrors

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As it happened, one certain fisherman (Shamus Doyle, by name, 67 years of age) and his adventurous granddaughter (Sarina Breeze, 12 years) were out on the water, heading home with a big catch on a replica of a 15th century caravel, personally assembled by the man himself over several years.

As active as she was, Sarina took to fishing and related professions like, well, a fish to water. Almost instinctively she knew how to cast a line, and the first fish she caught was a sea-bass, almost eight pounds. Every movement she made while attempting to land the fish was precise, flowing. Not one movement was wasted in catching a fish that someone twice or even three times her age would have trouble with.

Needless to say, she acted as the old captain's good luck charm from then on. And having lost his right eye several years ago, he needed the help.

Today's haul had all kinds of sea fish you could imagine being caught; tuna, salmon, even a large trevally, among many others. And they could reap the just rewards as soon as they got home.



Things would not go according to plan.

"Pirates! Hol' on ta somethin' solid, lass!" Shamus commanded his granddaughter, turning the ship sharply to avoid another volley of cannon fire.

"Where did they even get those, anyway?" Sarina noted, trying her best to hold onto something well-anchored, as she was told.

"There're pirates even in this day'n age." Shamus replied, "Always resourceful, always determined."

"Please tell me that there's a way we can strike back?" Sarina said, hopefully.

"Are ye kiddin'? This hyar's a fishin' ship! Not a fightin' ship!"

"Great. We're doomed." Sarina deadpanned.

Another blast tore the crude crow's nest from the mainmast, tossing that into the depths.

"HEY! I built this ship with me own two hands! Ya breaks it, ya pays fer it, ye salt-soaked scoundrels! Had I a crew, ye'd be sent ta Davy Jones' locker already!" Shamus roared at the approaching team of ships, as loud as he could.

Sarina had attached her lifeline and was heading to her grandfather with his. Suddenly, a beam of energy struck the man just as she got to him, hitting her by extension. Immediately, they began to go through strange changes, including the addition of a pair of wings each, to the regrowth of an eye for the senior. The small eternity ended, and there stood two new pony-humans, one with purple hair and an orange coat, one with a full spectrum mane and tail, wth a cyan coat, the colour of water in the mid-day.

The orange one raised one hand and tendrils of water lifted the cannon balls that had missed from the water, depositing them on the small ship. As soon as that was done, she began throwing them back at the other ships, exclaiming, "Let's see how you like tasting your own medicine!"

Meanwhile, the blue one had flown to the clouds and was using one to bring the fury of the sky gods (take your pick!) upon the unfortunate pirates. Lightning, thunder, gale force winds, baseball sized hailstones, all of these battered the ships, putting decent sized holes into the vessels.

If the piraes had one -or had a chance to fly it- they would have raised the white flag. Lacking either left them with beaten ships, bruised crewmen and broken weapons. Several strands of seaweed lashed the three ships to each other, being dragged impossibly quickly by the smaller vessel.

"I didn't know you put a motor in this, grandma!"

"Hey, I'm old fashioned, not stupid." the chromatic mare answered, not minding the new appelation as much as you'd think. Was it an effect of the strange energy? Who knows?

The pirates were led to the nearest jail by the local police, there being 30 of them in total. The goods that were aboard the terribly bruised ships were confiscated, save for a small reward given to the newly minted heroes, who were talking to the chiesf of police for that district.

"Well, I never thought I'd see the day. This bunch has been causing trouble for fishers all over the area. We were afraid that the town'd have to find a different good to export."

The orange filly pointed to their ship. "We've gotcha covered for a while."

"But methinks that we'll be quitting the fishing business for some time." the prismatic mare said, to the smaller one's surprise.

"Huh? Why?"

"Ah, it just isn't as much fun as before when you can just get out of any situaton with a wave of your hand." came the answer. "Besides, doing this hero bit is kinda fun!"

The chief said, "Can I get your names, at least?"

The two looked at each other.


"Rainbow Dash."



With that, they left the scene, their work done for the nonce.

Origin: The Rare Angels, part 1

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Amy 'Sweet Reason' Bellaventura. A strange name belonging to a strange woman.

Serenity 'Pure Rhyme' Bellaventura. A strange name belonging to the sister of the former.

In the little town where the two lived, most of those born there were nicknamed after virtues shortly after birth. Surprisingly enough, most of them went on to fit the name that they were given.

So it was with those two. Amy, rather verbose from the start, had developed a calculating intellect, able to perform massive equations quickly and determine the Feng Shui quotient of a location within seconds of entering it, among other talents.

Serenity, a regularly very quiet girl, grew to be something of a child star. Her voice was crystal clear and she had absolutely perfect pitch, able to raise her voice to glass-shattering notes, or lower it to bone-shaking frequencies.

Naturally, she only did that once, and regretted it come the morning.

Another side effect of this was that she had the habit of slipping into rhyme when she wasn't paying attention.

Either way, the two were something of a sensation around the area, managing to accrue no mean bit of fame. Yes, things were nigh-on perfect.

Oooor they WOULD be, if there wasn't a whole protection racket going on, monthly. The people of the little town were forced to pay the vast majority of their earnings to the local crime boss. If they couldn't, something valuable was taken instead.

"Except for us. We pay nothing."

I'm GETTING to that.


(Sigh.) Yes, folks, though Serenity was often quiet, she could also see things that others couldn't. In this case, that includes the fifth wall. But that's getting off topic.

As it happened, they were just barely to escape the racketeers, because they took most of the take from their 'performances'. Especially Serenity's little concerts. And that was okay.

However, the last month had been rather dry, for everyone involved. SO....

There was a knock at the door. Amy queried, "Who is it?"

"Hired goons." was the curt answer.

"Hired goons?" Amy asked herself, before opening the door(1).

Sure enough, before her stood four figures of varying sizes. The shortest one, in front, said, "We're here to get your share of protection money."

"Protection?" Amy asked, her eyes narrowing. "I think we're quite capable of defending ourselves." she said, arms crossed.

"Yeah... about that." the short man said, "Leo, tell her the thing."

The second-tallest one stalked over and said, "Ya don' need no protection from us. ya needs protection FROM us, if ya know what I mean. Also, 'taxes' around here have been going up a bit, so..."

The man's compatriots chuckled at that last bit.

"If ya don' got da money," Leo went on, "We'll need to take something valuable. Like..."

Leo looked around the room, eventually spotting a green urn, jade, to be exact. "Like that!"

"NO!" Amy shouted. "Not negotiable! That jade urn has been in our family for over 1500 years! And if I have anything to say about it, it'll be there for 1500 more!"

"Unfortunately for you," the largest man said, "You don't." he finished before knocking her to the side roughly. Amy saw stars a moment before everything went black.



Amy (barely) awoke to the feeling of being shaken. "Ugh... did anyone catch the number on that van that hit me?" she said scratchily.

"SIS!" Serenity shouted, hugging her sister tightly. "You scared me!"

Amy looked around herself, only to see that much more was gone than just the urn. Several other valuables had been taken as well. Worst of all...

"They completely threw off the Feng Shui of the place!" Amy lamented, to an eye roll from her sister. "You're okay though, I hope? Those brutes didn't hurt you, did they?" Amy continued.

"When i heard them come in, I ran to my room. It was the first place i thought of so soon. I hid in my closet and settled down, until they were no longer- I'm doing it again, aren't I?" Serenity said, interrupting herself before completing the next line.

Looking around some more, Amy noticed a pile of ashes on the floor.

"Grandma! Grandpa!" Amy said, crawling over to the ashes. Those were her many times great grandmother and grandfather's ashes, but this wan't the time to go through that.

Amy solemnly pulled the pile of ashes into a more concentrated pile. "Serenity?" she asked. "Could you dig a hole out back? Quickly?"

"Quicker than you." Serenity confirmed as she ran out the back door. By the time Amy had come, there was already a hole about four feet deep. Her sister really was pretty good with that, Amy speculated.

"Now, to say a few words." Amy cleared her throat. "Many years have passed, and these ashes have remained undisturbed. Now, unfortunately, there has been a change. Those disrespectful to the dead have taken that which was yours, dear ancestors. If we could have defended your resting place, dear grandparents, we would have. As we are now, though? We didn't stand a chance. I'm sorry." she said, breaking into tears, but controlling herself otherwise.

Serenity stepped up next. "I never really knew you, though i surely wish i could. Keeping touch with old family? I think that would be good. Alas, i cannot do this, so must do what I can, to give respect to those part of what made me who I... am."

She wrinkled her nose. That one was kind of a stretch.

Pouring the gathered ashes into the hole, the hole was then covered.

Amy was the first to speak after that. "If only I wasn't so weak. I might've-"

Serenity hugged her sister, cutting off her self-deprecation. "You couldn't have helped it, sis. There was nothing either of us could do."

"I just wish..." Amy said, leaving the thought unfinished.

Suddenly, twin bolts of rainbow-coloured energy streaked through the sky and struck the two of them. They jerked away, only to begin going through changes. Developing hooves where feet belonged, their hair growing out and the development of a tail, pony ears, a coat of purest white fuzz, the development of a muzzle, a long spiralled horn breaking through each of their skulls, causing blood to trickle down their faces. Being the older of the two, Amy's breasts had grown in size dramatically, ending up around E size.

When all was said and done, the two looked at each other. There, before the world, stood two new pony-girls.

The taller said, "Serenity? Is that you?"

"You've changed too, sis."

They looked themselves over. They felt stronger. Tougher. Faster. Suddenly, they felt something rush through their veins. The smaller pointed one finger, spoke a few notes, and a bolt of light streaked toward the fence, boring a hole in it.

The taller spoke an equation too complicated to express here, and a blast of lightning hit right near where her sister's bolt hit.

"You thinking what I'm thinking Serenity?"

"Always. But from now on, call me... Sweetie Belle. That sounds right." the newly titled filly said.

"Hmm... I suppose that makes me... Rarity. Rarity Belle. That sounds right too. I suggest that we train with these new abilities. What do you say, Sweetie?"

"I was thinking the same."

Those mobsters had no idea what they were in for.

Origin: The Rare Angels part 2

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There was a knock on the front door of the complex belonging to The Tiger and their gang.

"Nnnyeeeess?" a voice said, trying to sound snarky and distinguished at the same time, with partial success.

A distinguished lady's voice -sounding more than slightly miffed- replied, "Tell The Tiger that their 4:00 has arrived."

"The Tiger don't see people at this time."

"Tough. I'm seeing them, one way or the other."

"Look, toots. I donno who ya think ya are, but even we go t'rough a proxy. An' we're EMPLOYED by The Tiger. What makes ya think that y'can get off talkin' to the boss when we can't?" a second voice on the other side of the gate injected.

"Would a warrant for their arrest work?" A hologram of a piece of paper phased through the gate door.

The first voice looked and said, "That looks awfully immaterial."

"Oh, be assured. We have the real document right here. But it's most likely to get torn apart if i were to hand it over to you."

The second voice said to the first, "She's goooood."

"Really good." the first concurred.

"And also, if I'm not let in, I have authorization to force my way in."

"HA! This gate's eight inches thick. What makes you think ya can-"

On the other side of the gane, there was a sound of tapping in several places. Then a whisper. "Right here, darling. Together, now"


A large bulge appeared in the thick metal.

"You see, boys," the feminine voice said, "Every material has pressure points, from the human body to diamond itself."


Another, larger bulge appeared elsewhere on the portal.

"One of my abilities is to see those points and how to apply pressure to them in juuust the proper manner..."


With a final hit, the metal door burst open, revealing two half-equine horned women, still in a kicking position. "To tear it to shreds with the least amount of effort. So imagine what ONE well placed kick could do to you."


Guns were drawn and bullets were fired, only to hit a barrier of Song Energy.

"Did I mention that I wasn't alone?" the taller of the two mockingly inquired.

A red button was pressed and an alarm signal blared throughout the compound. "Enemy at the front gate!"

More men gathered about the front side of the complex.

"Not that we don't have backup too." the shorter of the two said. "NOW!"

Around the back, that gate was blasted open as a mob of angry people stormed in, carrying whatever they could find.

"Fools attack from the front. Smarter people attack from the back or the sides. Even smarter people do both." The taller pony-girl said as bullets were deflected or absorbed by the field of energy. "You see, the townsfolk were unsrprisingly welcoming to us, despite our strange forms. And you know what they say about birds in danger. Combat's typically not my forte, I much prefer fashion, but I think in this case an exception can be made." Looking at the smaller, she said, "Frequency two, darling."

On cue, the barrier shifted to a green colour, and bullets that were deflected before became reflected instead, usually into arms or legs. Then the two separated, individual shields splitting off from the larger and shaping over their forms, producing a thinner coat of bullet-protective armour.

They each made toward their first target, striking with pinpoint accuracy. Kicks and punches were delivered, leaving many falling to the ground, clutching their doubled wounds.

When most of the men targeted the taller of the two, she said, "You're all in range. I've wanted to try this for a long time." she said, shifting her stance. "Ten Trigrams: 128 palms."(1)

As the first man attempted a strike with a katana, she slapped him on the chest. "Two palms!"

Another came, getting twice the pain. "Four palms!"

Two more leaped toward her, getting a similar treatment. "Eight palms!"

More and more dashed at her and were all repelled, unable to move from there they fell. "16 palms! 32 palms! 64 palms! 128 palms!"(2)

All of her opponents on the ground, groaning, she cracked her knuckles in a most unladylike fashion. "MAN that felt good!" she commented. "Tell the medics that Pinpoint sent you."

Meanwhile, the other figure was getting surrounded similarly. Suddenly, her coat shifted in colour from alabaster to ebony and she began to sing a different tune, a chilling ghostly chorus joining her as the music -and by extension the energy in the air- swelled.

The song started out relatively slowly as she dodged strikes and bullets. Then as the chorus of the song came into play she started bouncing from target to target, felling one opponent after another, whether by her strikes, that of their allies, or in some cases, both.

As the song came to a close, she slammed the last two victims with one hoof each, punctuated by bones breaking, the two hitting the ground on the last note.

She changed back to her original colour saying, "Songstress thanks you for the dance. Your footwork could use some work, though."

By that point, the complex was swarming with irate townspeople, the hunters becoming the hunted. Many fell, but the rest deemed that it was worth it to finally be fighting back. To be doing some damage against their oppressors.

Suddenly, a raspy voice rang out from the center of the complex. "What's with this racket?! Don't you fools know how to defeat a few angry townspeople?!"

Atop the building in the middle of the area, an old woman stood, She was obviously originally a different colour, but all over her body were tiger style stripes. "You asked for Tiger Bai,(3) well, here I am. I am not afraid to die. It has been over 150 yeas. If today is that day, then the Tiger will fight with the very last of her energy! Her claws are still sharp."

The woman struck a very intimidating figure. She obviously had charisma in spades, with some diamonds for good measure. Her Presence was palpable. Her experience obvious. Pinpoint stepped up. "Tiger Bai, I challenge you to honourable single combat. If I lose, we leave, no questions asked. If I win, you must tell us the location of all of our valuables and be turned in to the proper authorities with your men. Do you accept?"

The Tiger gave a surprisingly toothy smile for someone of her age. "Very well, young one. I accept your challenge. I wish to add a few rules, as I am ostensibly evil, but fair. One: The match will continue until one or the other of us is unconscious. Two: No interference. My men will not interrupt, I expect the same. Third: This will be hand to hand combat only. No weapons, no items. and No. Magic. Agreed?"

Pinpoint nodded and leapt to where The Tiger was waiting. The two bowed to each other respectfully. "I have waited a long, long time for a worthy opponent. I do hope that you are so."

"I shall strive to impress. I always do." was the reply.

"Good. Good." The Tiger said, before leaping at her newest -possibly last- adversary.

The two matched each other block for block, blow for blow. It was clear that Tiger Bai was very experienced, and surprisingly tough, but Pinpoint/Rarity had a knack for accuracy and had youthful energy on her side, not to mention the power inherent in a Pony. It was a battle of attrition, both shedding blood at various times. At one point, they broke to catch their breaths.

Tiger Bai laughed. "It has been so long since I've felt so alive as at this very moment." she said, tears in her eyes, a smile on her face. "Let us finish this." She started to glow with energy. "I am repurposing the third rule. Fight me with all of your strength. Tiger versus Pony. Harmony versus Evil." Then she intoned, "Leaping Tiger!"

Rarity shifted her stance. "Thousand Cuts!" she intoned, glowing with her own aura.

The two leapt at each other with a yell, fighting with all of their power. Each solid blow was even more devastating than before, but neither gave ground if they could help it. Blood was coughed up and wounds were opened.

At length, Rarity knocked the Tiger backward and time slowed as she shifted stance again. "Paralyzing Palm!"
She slammed her opponent several times, causing her to go rigid and fall to the ground.

"You... were holding back, weren't you?" The Tiger queried.

"Never. I fought within the parameters of the duel. I fought with all the strength that i have with my... limited practice."

"Regardless, you have claimed the victory." Tiger Bai shakily, -and with a great amount of effort- took off the hat she was wearing, and from an inner pocket she took a keyring with several very strange looking keys. "On 32nd street there is a warehouse. There you will find the valuables taken, plus a few chests that these keys will open. Take them... with my blessing." she said. "Now, It is time for me to go."

"What?! We agreed that-"

"I suppose... I... lied." looking to the sky, The Tiger said, "My daughters... I'll see you... soon."

With that, the light in her eyes left and she crumbled to dust.

Pinpoint bowed. "Tell them that Rarity Belle sends you with her regards. Sic Semper Tyrannis, Tiger. But rest well."

Keys in hand, she left the scene, calling her sister after her, who applied some much-needed healing with her magic.

Sure enough, on 32nd street was a warehouse with several unique locks. Inserting a very unique key into each lock, the door was soon opened. Inside, as promised, were the very valuables that the people had been missing. There was the temptation to rush forward, but Rarity quickly curbed that. "Ah! Ah! Let's do this in an orderly manner, hmm? Line up and one by one collect your valuables. Carefully. Some of these are fragile, fter all."

Soon enough, the people were coming and going in a relatively orderly fashion. Some hours later, only the sisters were left, with their grandparents' urn and the promised four chests from The Tiger. One contained two very ornate sets of swords, their craftsmanship incredible. In another was a set of clearly enchanted trinkets, nearly as good as armour. Bangles, gloves, rings, necklaces, and so forth. In the third was a ring and a letter. In the fourth were two sets of samurai-like armour, seemingly retracted. Light like a feather, but harder than diamond.

Rarity unfolded the letter.

My successor,

If you are reading this, I am most likely dead.

You have bested me in fair combat. Thank you for that chance. Evil, I am. Ungrateful, I am not.
This ring has been in our family for generations, older yet than the armour and weapons. It will only respond to you, now.

Make use of these, and show the world what you are made of. Go forth with my blessing... samurai.

A quick equipment montage later, the sisters were clad in complementary coloured armour sets. One was a rich golden, the other a shining silver. The armour somehow slid under the jewelry, ending in arm and leg guards. At will, it all retracted to become more portable.

The armour made them look like oriental archangels, ready for combat. With it, they would save others who were in troubled times. So rose the Rare Angels. But the chapter isn't quite done yet.

Back in town, the townsfolk praised their heroines, eternally grateful for their aid. Sure enough, there was much rejoicing, celebrating the heroism of the two pony-girls. The celebration went on for days on end, with music, dancing, food, and more. Now that they weren't getting tithed, the people could concentrate on others, not just themselves.

The mooks from the complex willingly turned themselves in, those who could walk, that is. They were confident that one day they'd find a new master to serve. It was just a matter of time, right?



Back to the Basics and Seeing New Faces

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"So... yeah." Sweetie said as she and her sister finished regaling the others with their tale in turn. "We heard about Friendship Force and decided to join. The townspeople were sad to see us leave, but they gave us their full support."

Scootaloo commented, "So you two are samurai superheroes? That's awesome!"

Sweetie grinned and said, "Not as awesome as you having control over about 70% of what's on this planet!" The two shared a fistbump.

"So if I'm to understand," Twilight began, "You two -" then she indicated Rainbow and Scootaloo, "and you two by extension- figured that your abilities were better suited for this kind of work rather than your previous careers."

"That's about right." Rainbow replied tersely.

Applejack grinned. "Well then, welcome aboard, pardner!" She gave Rainbow's hand a firm shake. The motion also flexed her tightly corded muscles.

Apple Bloom noticed this first. "Wow! Y'all are seriously ripped! How'd ya get like that?" she said in her Southern-esque twang.

Applejack held up three fingers. "Hard exercise, top-o'-the-line stations, and a li'l bit o' mage-tech." she said, indicating Twilight with the last bit.

"So... what you're saying is... if i do that i can be that strong too?!"

Applejack chuckled. "Darn tootin'. Ah'll show ya how later. First ya gotta build up some experience. And Ah don' mean the non-tangible like. Ya'll see."

With that, she led them back to the Gym. Twilight noticed that Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash showed a preference for the exercises that rewarded them with the yellow skill orbs(1), while Swetie Belle and Rarity showed a preference for the blue Will exercises(2). Apple Bloom (and Applejack by extension) seemed to like the red Strength exercises(3). They gained a fair amount of all three, the numbers were significantly skewed in the favour of these.

She speculated that this was most likely because of the disparate subspecies that the three were part of. Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash, being Pegasi, would logically gear toward exercises that deal with speed. Meanwhile Sweetie Belle and Rarity, being unicorns, would logically want to train their minds foremost. And thus the Apples, being Earth Ponies, would gear themselves toward physical strength. While not exactly surprising, it was good to note.

At length, the newcomers were led to the Experience Pool, as they had come to call it. Apple Bloom was the first to step up.

Upon the explanation, she had dumped most of her red experience into Health, then Toughness and then Prowess. With the yellow orbs she prioritized Accuracy. She also bought a couple of ranks of Speed, but had only one rank of Stealth by the end. Clearly she had no fondness for secrecy or subterfuge, much like Applejack.

Scootaloo, naturally, prioritized Toughness, Speed and Accuracy, while Rainbow prioritized Speed, Strength, Toughness and then Accuracy, in those orders.

Rarity and Sweetie had more or less identical layouts, with Magical Power as a priority, with Accuracy and Speed as second and third.

Then Scootaloo and Rainbow facepalmed. They'd paid no heed to the Will section and hadn't spent the blue experience they'd gained. Sure enough, Flight Prowess was under that section, so the majority of their blue experience went into that.

By the end, the newcomers were looking fairly Amazonian, like the rest.

Apple Bloom flexed her newly toned biceps, causing the appearance of a lump the size of a baseball to appear. "Amazin'." she commented. "Ah ain't even at half the meter, an' look at this! If 'twas this easy to get results like this, Ah'd've got m'self a gym membership long ago."

Scootaloo flexed her legs, testing out her new strength. "I know, right?!" she exclaimed excitedly, then flared her wings and made a show of whooshing around the upper portion of the room.

Suddenly, Twilight tensed up.

Applejack was the first to see this. "Somethin' wrong, Twi?"

Twilight answered, shakily, "Th-th-the d-d-dim-m-mension-nal b-b-b-barrier..." by that point she was visibly shuddering.

Just outside of the room, a hole was torn in the fabric of space and time, admitting nine new beings, all fully equine. Two white Unicorns, three Pegasi -one orange, one blue, one yellow-, three Earth Ponies -one two-toned pink, one orange and one yellow-.

The assembled heroes gasped at their fully equine look-likes.

But most importantly, the last was a light purple and had both a horn and wings. She was the one who spoke up.

"Ez şermezariya Tîmehê Amûdê-"

At a nudge from Applejack's equine twin, she restarted.

"Ni dan jarida-"

Another nudge, which caused a glare to be returned.

"I am Princess Twilight Sparkle. And we need to have a TALK." she finished, sounding quite annoyed.

"Oooh boy." Applejack and Apple Bloom said in unison.


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"Okay," the bipedal Applejack said, "What was with the gobbeldygook?"

Having received a response from the audience, the purple pony princess said, in the same language, "My apologies. I know 25 different dialects from this planet alone. I... might have over prepared." She took a deep breat in a practiced manner before exhaling audibly.

"As I said, my name is Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship, Chosen of Magic, Sorceress of the elements. Some time ago an unidentified vehicle entered our universe briefly before disappearing again. It took a fair while to track its signal and by extension any living beings within." she pointed at her bipedal twin. "That would be you. I can feel it even now. Anyway, these are my friends. You might recognize them somewhat." she said, indicating her companions. Pointing at each in turn, "Applejack (Chosen of Honesty, Knight of Earth) and her sister, Apple Bloom. They are among the owners of the most profitable farm currently in Equestria. Rainbow Dash (Chosen of Loyalty, Ranger of Air) and her adopted sister, Scootaloo. Both are Wonderbolts. Rarity Belle (Chosen of Generosity, Enchantress of Water) and her sister Sweetie Belle. Rarity makes the most unique clothing in Equestria and can do amazing things with almost no material. Then,-"

The pink pony interrupted, "Ooh! Ooh! Me next! Me next!"

Princess Twilight rolled her eyes. "This is Pinkamena Dianne Pie (Chosen of Laughter, Bard of Energy). Also known as Cripps Pink-"

"But just call me Pinkie Pie. It's SO much easier to remember."

"Yeah, that. She is our number one party planner, and is friends with over a thousand ponies. In a land where Friendship and Love are tangible forces, you can imagine how powerful that actually makes her. And last, -but not least- Fluttershy (Chosen of Kindness, Druid of Nature). She takes care of over 100 different creatures. Don't let her shy demeanor fool you. She's tougher than she looks."

The bipedal Applejack nodded and spoke. "It's a right honour meetin' ya, yer hahness. Fer a minute there, Ah thought you were a mite ticked." she said, bowing. "These're ma friends 'n allies, some of 'em, at least. Ah b'lieve y'all can guess what their names are. But fer ease o'use... Ev'ryone? Friendship Force! Suit up!"

So saying, she spun around rapidly -followed closely by the rest of her friends-, and ended up in her on-mission costume -as did the rest-.

"Call me Groundskeeper, or GK fer short." Pointing to each of her now-suited friends in turn, she said, "These here're Archmage, Tidecaller, Stormcaller, Pinpoint and Songstress." With that, a fist/hoof bump was shared between counterparts.

"It's a right pleasure ta meetcha." the Equestrian Applejack said. "When Twilight said that somethin'd passed through our at-mo-sphere," she said, sounding out the last word carefully, "ya could guess that Ah was a mite skeptical. But when she started tracin' this here planet's lo-cation, Ah helped however Ah could, mos'ly t'see what happened next." she chuckled.

"So." Twilight said, "Any questions? There must be some-"

Pinkie Pie spoke up, bouncing high and gesticulating with one leg. "Ooh! Ooh! I have a question! Pick me!"

A collective eye roll was shared. "Yes, Pinkie? What is your question?"

Pointing to each of the costumed heroines, she said, "I see a version of Aaaaplejack, Raaainbow Daaash, Raaarity, their sisters, Twiiiilight... but why is there no me, or Fluttershy?"

Everyone blinked once in unison. "That's a very good question. As best I can tell," Archmage started, "They're out there SOMEWHERE, but haven't found their way to us yet. They will in time, I imagine. Everyone here did, after all."

"I wonder when they'll show up?" Twilight said.

Just then, the other half equines on the team came down from upstairs. Lightning Dust said, "You guys didn't come back and we were-" she cut short as she saw the Equestrians in the room. "-worried. Okay..."

Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo glared at the pony-girl that had just spoken.

"And these're ma other allies. There's Flicker and Flare, the Seasonal Quartet (Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter Breeze, or Chinook, Solar Wind, Gale Force and Solstice), and Blue Blaze, or-"

"Let me guess. Lightning Dust." Rainbow Dash said.

"How did you know?"

"Let's just say that your counterpart and I have crossed metaphorical wingblades before." the answer came, nearly with icicles on it.

After introductions went the other way, Twilight suggested, "Look, as nice as this spot is, it isn't the best to carry on a diplomatic conversation."

Archmage nodded. "We'll take you to the Conference Room. In the meantime, we'll give you all the guided tour. No charge."

"Sounds good to me." Twilight said, nodding. "Let's go."

Heroes From Another Realm

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In the meeting room of the Hall of Harmony, the heroes from this world were conversing with those of another. The fair-sized group was abuzz with conversation.

Rarity had convinced Songstress and Pinpoint to don their samurai armour and was taking notes. She already had a dozen ideas just from that.

Pinkie Pie was dashing to and fro, bringing snacks and drinks for everypony. Where she got them from was anyone's guess, but the indigenous heroes were assured that it was best not to ask. In Applejack's words, "Questionin' it will only give ya a headache. And ya STILL won't unnerstan'it."

Twilight and Archmage were chatting about the various advances of their very disparate worlds.

Fluttershy was talking to the Breeze sisters. Having a deep fondness for nature (especially its wildlife), Fluttershy made surprisingly good conversation with the sisters.

Apple Bloom and Applejack actually were talking to their counterparts and Blue Blaze, who was still getting the occasional glare from Rainbow Dash.

At some point, Archmage asked, "So. Are there superheroes where you come from?"

Twilight smiled, then brushed one hoof against her coat before putting it to her mouth and whistling three sharp notes. This immediately got the attention of her friends, who assembled to either side of her.

Twilight said, "Sister, we ARE the superheroes! Elements of Harmony: Power Ponify!" so saying, they all started to glow with a different colour of energy, notably matching their eye colours.

Suddenly a narrator spoke.

'Using the power of Harmony that lies within them, the Mane Six are endowed with incredible power!'

Each was covered in a shell of said magic when the light show died down.

First to emerge, first to charge into battle. First to the rescue. Element of Loyalty Rainbow Dash becomes: Zapp! The Weather Wonder!'

Rainbow Dash emerged as a bipedal hero in her own right, wearing a full-body uniform (leaving only her face, wings and mane exposed). She struck a heroic pose with practiced ease.

'Right alongside comes the most physically powerful among them. Applejack, Element of Honesty, becomes: Mistress Mare-velous!'

In a flash, Applejack was revealed, also bipedal and wearing a new outfit. Despite clearly being surprised, she managed to school her expression.

'Dashing forth faster than the eye can see, she's here, there and everywhere at once for the good of all, P:arty Pony Pinkie Pie, Element of Laughter, becomes: Filli-Second!'

Pinkie Pie's globe cracked, and then exploded into light. When the light cleared, there she was, looking like she'd done this a hundred times.

'Next, bringing beauty to the hero scene, the witch of weaving, the super seamstress, the-'

"Oh, come on! Get on with it!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed.

'Right! Sorry! *Ahem*. Element of Generosity, Rarity, becomes: Radiance!'

Radiance's entrance was even more flashy than Fili-Second's was. Her outfit was more attention-catching than the others so far.

'Next, the most timid among the group, but make her angry and you're going to have a bad time! Element of Kindness, Fluttershy, becomes: Saddle Rager! '

With a mighty roar, Fluttershy's globe shattered leaving the pink-maned bipedal mare in her rage form for an instant before reverting to her less empowered form. She blushed brightly, but posed anyway.

'And last, but certainly not least, The Princess of Friendship, the Master Strategist, The Element of Magic, Twilight Sparkle, becomes: The Masked Matterhorn!'

Twilight's globe exploded into fragments, revealing the mare in all her glory. Her outfit seemed designed to attract attention.

'May I present: The Power Ponies!'

All of them struck a new pose, receiving claps from the other heroes.

Groundskeeper asked, "But what Ah'm wonnerin' is: How the hay did y'all come out as an-thro types too?"

Archmage said, "Oh, that's simple. The thing is, much as we've been exposed to the energies of their world, so have they ours. The dominant species on this planet being humans, they shifted to look more like our previous species, while similarly we shifted to look more like theirs."

"Makes sense to me." Groundskeeper said, shrugging. "So... What now?"

Suddenly, the alarm sounded.

"Never mind. Ah get the feelin' that Ah know what." she amended. "Friendship Force: We gout ourselves a mission on our hands! Fortunately we're all suited up already." Turning to the Power Ponies, Groundskeeper said, "It may not be your problem, but we'd really appreciate your help."

The six said in unison, "Like you even had to ask!"

Origin: Pink Genie and Pridemaster part 1

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Before you continue, let me get this out of the way.

I'm fully aware that Green Genie is a Third Reich character.

In all seriousness, this was an idea that just hit me after a dream. I knew that I had to put this in now, or I'd lose it. M'kay? M'kay.


(Helderhavik residence; Algeria, Africa)

All was quiet on the premises of the Helderhavik family manor. As it turned out, they were a family of craftsmen. Be it boats or other vehicles, houses, furniture, the works. All of it was top quality.

That was mostly the men. The women of the family were taught the... softer arts. Cooking, singing, music, dance, sewing.... you get the idea.

They also often made shady deals with other families to marry their daughters off when they came of age. The women of the family were pretty much blessed, to an extent that most people don't have the luxury of.(1) This made the women of the family an ESPECIALLY pricey commodity, as they were practically guaranteed to bear similarly strong children, whoever they married.

While this practice was generally frowned upon, this didn't stop the stubborn semi-slavers from shipping! Oh, no.

And this was the family that Katlego and Furaha (twins, age 18 and 1/2) were born into. Even among the family, they had unnatural endurace and agility. Both were just bundles of energy! Of course, this made the early years of dealing with their antics particularly trying. Katlego was still surprisingl graceful and delicate. Furaha was essentially that kid you'd meet in school who was good at just about everything. In fact, they went out of their way to learn everything they could! And boith were quick studies, too!

Ether would get through spaces others couldn't squeeze, walk on their hands with the greatest of ease. At Capoeira both were beyond compare(2), their cooking was always done with flair+, Katlego was great at animal taming, Furaha at lifting weights, and they always outfoxed the entire staff of the estate!(3)

However, her most notable skill, (and that which got her the name) was only used when she was angry. And you did NOT want her to get angry!

This was first discovered when one of her school frieds was getting pushed around, as usual, by boys from a higher grade. The poor girl came home with bruises every day, but would always wave off questions, saying something to the effect of "It's nothing." before going to her room.

However, when the bullies were caught in the act, Katlego stopped them cold. All it had taken was a terse "HEY!!!" to get the attention of the bullies. And then they looked into her eyes.

If looks could kill, they would have exploded on the spot.

The bullies rushed home and hadn't bothered anyone weeks later. And they kept a wide berth between them and Katlego at ALL times! This had earned her the name Katlego, meaning "she with the boiling stare".(3)

By contrast, Furaha's name was fairly simple. It meant Joy, because she was unusually good at bringing it to others. She was well versed with cooking, acrobatics, and she was extremely flexible. This made her a one-woman shhow when she started throwing occasional parties.(5)

As you can imagine, the price for THEM was through the roof!

So, the two knew that it was only a matter of time before they were all but sold al breeding stock. But what could they do about it?!

One thing they did dowas make a vow to each other that when they did go, it would be on their terms.(6)

Then, it happened.

A group of people came to the estate, demnding that the girls be given to them, along with their belongings, else they would literally unleash the lions they bore with them. Then gave the cursory two-day warning. Apparently, they were doing this to other richer families across the countries.

So, the bad news was delivered to the girls before they went to bed for the night. 'They had to ruminate on that for a while. What on Earth would they DO!? So there they were, staring through the window into the night sky, hoping that the answer would come to them.

Fortunately.... it did.

Two bolts of energy streaked through the sparkling sky, striking the silently sitting sisters. Then the changes began.

Katlego began growing yellow fuzz as Furaha grew a vibrant pink coat. Their ears diappeared one moment, replaces by two frantically flicking crown-bound ones each. their teeth chattered as they changed, their faces elongating somewhat.
Katlego's eyes shifted from sienna to amber yellow, her pupils becoming slitted. Furaha's eyes shifted from jungle green to cerulean blue.

Next, both grew wings, Furaha's transparent, seemingly made of light, while Katlego's were quite manifest and feathery. Then their manes and tails manifested. The colours wererather similar, this time, both being pink. Kalego's rose pink, Furaha's bubblegum pink.

Next their feet changed to hooves, though they were oddly easy to balance on, still.

Lastly, they felt pools- no, cores of magic develop within them. Katlego felt one of a light blue at first. It felt light as air and yet made her feel like she could soar to the heavens. Then another one of burning gold -that, if it had a scent, would have smelled like lion fur-. Furaha felt one of a warm light that made her feel like she was dawing from angelic power. Then another MUCH larger one that gave her feelings of fun and frivolity; of boundless energy and endless joy.(7)

Words coming to their tongues, they involuntarily exclaumed,

"Fluttershy; Pridemaster!"

"Pinkamena Diane Pie: Joybringer!"

They felt strong, empowered. Dangerous, even.

Vengeance for those that had been wronged in the past thrummed through their minds. They had to do something to help. Something to ensure that nothing like this happened ever again. If they had anything to say about it, justice would be served.

Origin: Pink Genie and Pridemaster part 2

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Pridemaster sniffed along the ground, tracking the would-be kidnappers with her newly enhanced senses. Pink Genie floated a small distance behind, using a hastily borrowed grandé-sized rug as a vehicle, watching from the sky for danger as her sister snuffled her way forward(1).

Both were wearing new duds, courtesy of the transformation. Pink Genie's was enough to hide the necessities, but not much more, creating a captivating cameo.
Pridemaster's, by contrast, covered most of her body with form-fitting armour that shifted in hue to match her surroundings; a naturally adaptive camoflage.

At length, Pridemaster raised her head, then opened her wings and dashed forward.

Pink Genie tapped the floating rug twice. "Yah!" she exclaimed, prompting the impromptu flying carpet to go faster.

Soon enough, they reached the headquarters of the mobsters. Pink Genie leapt to the ground, the carpet rolling up behind her and placing itself on her back.

There they stood in front of the gate to the place, which ked to a gigantic mansion. And the colour scheme screamed 'bad guys here'. Pink Genie waggled her fingers and a beam of energy struck the lock on the gate, causing it to unlock, admitting the duo.

Pridemanster said, "You know, I probably could have just bent the bars."

"Save it for the bad guys, sis. This won't be easy, and we've spent a fair bit of our energy just getting here." Pink Genie replied, walking through the gateway.

"After you." Pridemaster snarked, taking the time to focus her energy, creating a shield and spear from the aether. The spear was a Tribal spear, bound with leather. At the head was a large tuft of lion mane fur, and the head itself was a shiny black piece of tempered obsidian. The shield, on the other hand, was a traditional Afrtcan tribal shield in shape and design, but was made of refined jade and obsidian.

Pink Genie herself was packing a whip made with a handle of mahogany, croc skin grip and length of flexible leather.

Since all three items were made with aether, no creatures were harmed, which was a nice bonus.

Walking through the front door casually, the duo readied their weapons, daring any challengers to come forth. Surprisingly, the place was deathly quiet, suspiciously so..

Pridemaster kept a watchful eye out. "I don't like this. It's way too quiet."

Pink Genie nodded. "I noticed that too. They must have all their bad eggs in one basket." she replied.

They walked through the house unchallenged, until they at last reached the center of the place. Through a set of double doors was a long table covered with various foodstuffs, at which sat eight people of various professions. All of them were anthrofied.

One was black and had holes throughout her body, a wickedly twisted horn jutting from her forehead. One looked to be made of green slime, but was still stable, to some extent. One was wearing a business suit, had pale skin and reddish hair. One was covered with armour, with a curved, angry red horn. The next was bedecked in finery, obviously a noble. After that was one that was roughly eight feet tall, but had the impression of being MUCH larger, as if they were only that size as a courtesy. The penultimate was cloaked in obvious ninja garb, only a bit of purple showing in a few places.
The last person (a dark violet in hue, with what seemed to be stars within him) sat at the head of the table.(2) He was the one who spoke. "Ah, ladies! Come in! Come in! You're just in time for lunch."

Pridemaster's expression shifted by a fraction. "I take it you know why we're here, so let's skip the pleasantries."

"Oh, but I insist! I go by Nightmare, of late. My associates here are...." He pointed to each of them in turn, "Heartless (our occultist), Blight (Enforcer 1), Manipulator (our talent scout), Shade (our spymaster), Monarch (our resources specialist), Ursa (enforcer 2) and Kunoichi (My personal bodyguard). Some are from this world, some not. I'll leave it to you to guess. Come, sit. I can tell that you've not eaten in some time. Don't worry, it isn't poisoned, though I'd be lying if I said that I've not used that method before. I want to to be at your full strength, so you know just how powerful we are."

Out of the ether, two extra chairs appeared. Reluctantly, Pink Genie and Pridemaster sat, looking over the selection.

There was a king's ransom of choice menu items, including (but by no means limited to) turkey, macaroni pie, ham, devilled eggs, soup, corn on the cob, sandwiches, lasagna (vegetarian and not), bread, donuts, mixed vegetables, and in the center was a double tiered chocolate cake with marshmallow ganache in the layers, coconut on top and a cherry to boot. (3)

The newly minted heroines ate their fill, regaining their strength.

When all was said and done, th food dsappeared with a double clap of Nightmare's hands. "Now that the dinner's done with, let's see to the entertainment, yes?" There were several chuckles at that. "Who wants to have the honours?"

Heartless stepped up first. "I have a bone to pick with the rest, but these two will make for a good... appetizer." She licked her lips at that.

The fight began. Heartless let loose with a barrage of green blasts from her horn and hands. She then transformed into a giant scorpion with a crystal tail(4) by way of a plume of green flame. Dashing forward, She stabbed at Pridemaster, who dodged. The tail was briefly stuck, but when removed there was a patch of ice left behind.

Nightmare scolded Heartless for her error. "HEY! Those tiles are expensive! Watch where you point that."

Shifting to the form of a fire breathing cerberus, Heartless bounded forward. Pink Genie taunted, "Well well! Somepony's been boning up on their Greek mythology."

Having had her warm up, Heartless proceeded to keep the duo on their hooves the whole fight, never staying in a form for more than a few seconds Much as the heroes got in a few strikes, they were still terribly outmatched. When both heroes were downed, she reverted to her base form. "You see? I'm the second weakest among us and I STILL beat you." She stalked over to Pink Genie and opened her mouth, a stream of pink energy flowing out of the pink mare, who started becoming more pale.

Shortly, her mane went flat and her Cutie Mark shifted to that of a sharp-looking dagger, three drops of blood falling from the tip. She glared at Heartless and said, "You'll wish that you hadn't done that." with a tone of bitter cold. Summoning a pair of knives, she drove those into the anthro-Changeling's gut, causing her to fall back. "Get ready for a world of PAIN!" Pink Genie shouted, lunging forth, her wounds swiftly closing up.

Nightmare guffawed. "My! How interesting! This might just be getting good!"

Having let her guard down, Heartless was now on the defensive,forced to be the one dodging now. Pridemaster took the moment she was given to recover.

Manipulator stepped up, tossing Pridemaster a rapier, which was deftly caught. "I do hope you know how to use that. It's been a long time since I was able to find a decent challenge."

"No." Pridemaster admitted, "But I'm a fast learner." She matched Manipulator's stance and the two engaged in a flurry of strikes and parries, not to mention quite a quantity of quips.

"I won't rest until you've been eliminated!"

"Then perhaps you should've switched to decaffeinated!"

Yeah, like that.

At length, Nightmare clapped his hands and said, "ENOUGH! You two have proved that you are worthy. We will leave the villagers be, no matter what you do now. It's clear that we've underestimated you, and so you've earned a reward. But keep in mind, you only matched our two weakest members, - and even then, just barely. Don't think that the next time will be so easy. Come, everyone. There are plenty of opportunities elsewhere."

Thw lot of them teleported. The two heroines slumped to the ground, Pink Genie reassuming her previous colouring. The two breathed heavily. "That... wastooclose." Pridemaster said, panting.

"You're.... telling me!" Pink Genie agreed, just as out of breath.

"We... need help. Need a... damn good team. Ugh."

That was true. If they were to take those villains out, they needed all the help they could get.

"Yeah." Pink Genie agreed. "But for now... let's just.... go home."

Feeling slightly downhearted from the partial victory, the two went back to their home for a well deserved rest.