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Chapter 8: Tending the Animals

Chapter 8:

“Meanwhile in Ponyville”

“Come on Dusk” says Twilight in annoyance, “Earth to Dusk”
“Ha” mutters Dusk as he shacks his head
“Dusk…Come on, Nurse Redheart isn’t going to wait for ever” says Twilight finally getting something out of Dusk
“Oh yeah” chuckles Dusk trotting over to Twilight
“You alright Dusk?” asks Twilight looking at Dusk with a crocked face
“Yeah im alright…I’m just thinking” says Dusk softly
“What were you thinking about?”
“Ugh…nothing, you don’t need to worry”
“Alright then….Well we better go and see Nurse Redheart, she won’t be waiting around all day” smiles Twilight as she trots of to Nurse Redheart’s office.
“Yeah” smiles Dusk trying to catch up to Twilight
Twilight and Dusk walk over to Nurse Redheart’s office and knock politely on the front door
“Come in” says a moppy voice
“Mare’s First” smiles Dusk as he holds the door open for Twilight
“Thanks” Smiles Twilight a small red blush appearing around her cheeks
“So…how may I help you today” yawns Nurse Redheart
“You sound tired…Nurse Redheart” says Twilight
“Yeah it comes with the job” yawns Nurse Redheart, “So...how can I help you”
“I was wondering if you had any medicine for a sick rabbit” asks Twilight
“Ah im guessing Miss Fluttershy’s Rabbit Angel has come down with the flu again” Says Nurse Redheart
“Yep, and she happens to have ran out of medicine so she sent me to get some more” smiles Twilight
“Well here is the usual I give Fluttershy but if he doesn’t improve in a couple of days come back and I will prescribe a stronger medicine” says Nurse Redheart handing over a white bottle labelled Rabbit Medicine
“Thank you Nurse Redheart” smiles Twilight, “hope you have a wonderful day”
“Yeah you to” yawns Nurse Redheart before crashing into a nearby chair
“Thank you” I smile

We walk out of the clinic and begin heading towards Fluttershy’s Cottage
“So Twilight…” says Dusk
“Yes Dusk” smiles twilight
“I was wondering, when the teleportation Device is completed….Will there be a chance that my father isn’t able to come back”
“Well there is a small chance that he may not be able to come back to Equestria”
“What do u mean small chance” says Dusk looking at twilight in shock, “I thought this would work 100%”
“well there is a possibility that we may not be able to find your father in human form, we have no clue what he looks like and where he would be on earth.”
“That’s not really a small chance is it…more like a 50/50 chance we will find him”
“Maybe….But I wouldn't worry too much about it” reassures Twilight, “Your father is strong and I believe we will find him no matter the odds”
“Yeah….I hope so” grunts Dusk as he kicks a small rock across the narrow path

We continue walking to Fluttershy’s talking about anything that would come to mind….actually no that’s a lie, mainly about the new book ‘Canterlot wonders’ that she had been reading for the past few days. It was an non-fiction about Canterlot and the princess’s castle. If it was any other pony talking about this kind of book I would have been bored to tears, but since it was Twilight I was left feeling as if I should head home and read it.
“Dusk hurry up, were almost there” yells Twilight nothing I was about 10 miles behind
“Oh sorry, Twilight…just lost in thought” I yell rushing towards twilights side.

We finally reach Fluttershy"s cottage and are greeted by the usual fluttering butterflies similar to those of Fluttershy’s Cutie mark.
“Must be Butterfly season” Smiles twilight as she knocks on the cottage
“Is there even such a thing?” I say challenging Twilights knowledge knowing I would certainly lose.
“Of course there is its called…” pauses Twilight
“all you had to say was yes” I but in
“Oh…thanks” blushes Twilight
Twilight knocks on the door a second time, hoping to get a response from Fluttershy…but there was nothing but the rustling of trees.
“That’s odd, usually Fluttershy answers the first knock” I say in confusion as I knock on the door for the third time, “Fluttershy are you there its Dusk and Twilight, we have the medicine for Angel”
But there was still no answer
“That’s strange, something isn't right” I say looking at Twilight with worry as I walk to the side of the house
“Where are you going” shouts Twilight
“Im going to find another entrance” I shout back, investigating for an opened window or a possibly entrance to the Cottage
“Are you Crazy, you can’t break into Fluttershy’s cottage” shouts Twilight, “you might get caught”
“Seriously, we are out in the wilderness, not far from the Everfree forest and you think a royal guard or any other pony is going to walk on by?” I chuckle as I slid open a window.
As if on cue, Pinkie Pie comes Bouncing by chasing a yellow floating balloon.
“Get back here Mr. Balloon your for Mr Cakes surprise party” say Pinkie bouncing on pass
“You were saying?” giggles Twilight
“Now that was random… but For all you know Fluttershy could be serverly hurt in there and this is the only way we could find out” I say ready to climb through
“But what if Fluttershy isn't there and I could always Tele…” before Twilight could finish I climb through the window in to the darkened cottage
“Teleport us in” Grunts Twilight as teleports to my side, “Agh it’s so dark in here why are all the windows and lights off…this isn't like Fluttershy like all” says Twilight making her way to possible light source
Next thing we heard was a loud bang close to twilight’s location
“Owww” moans Twilight
“What did you do?” I ask
“I kicked the chair” says Twilight looking as if she was grasping her hoof,
“That was silly” I giggle
“That’s it” grunts Twilight
I could see Twilights horn light up with a purple/violet aura and the next thing we knew all the lights within the cottage were on…even In the rooms we weren't standing in
“I don’t think you needed to turn every light on, but still good magic” I smile
“Oh…yeah…maybe” blushes Twilight
“Now where is Fluttershy?” I say
“I will go check the bedroom and you go check the kitchen” Smiles Twilight as she trots off towards Fluttershy’s Chambers
As im searching for any possible signs of Fluttershy… I hear a loud “Oh my god!!!” possibly as loud as my mother’s from Fluttershy’s Bedroom. Out of pure instinct, I rush to Fluttershy’s Chambers and….
“Oh my God!!!” I say in shock.

Author's Note:

What will happen next....what has happened to Fluttershy, stay tuned for Chapter 9: Wow Fluttershy!!!!

p.s feel free to leave a comment to what you will think happen next
pp.s i will now be releasing new chapters to "The Tale of Shadow 2 Worlds Apart" at least once a week...possibly more if i have the time

Comments ( 1 )

Awesome chapter. :twilightsmile:
Somepony needs life alert.

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