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Chapter 6: Back in Ponyville

“Mum you here?” shouts Dusk as he barges through the door
“Yes dear” yells Rarity from upstairs, “what do you want…it better not be another adventure story…I simply don’t have the time to listen to it at the moment”
“No Mum I was just wondering if it was alright to go and see Fluttershy” Yells back Dusk placing his red tinted glasses on top of his head with a free hoof
“Why do you need to see Fluttershy for?” questions Rarity
“I promised her that I would help her with her animals today”
“Alright fine, but don’t get lost this time” laughs Rarity
“I won’t” Huffs Dusk remembering the time when he was a little colt and he got lost while he was going to Fluttershy’s Cottage.

As you see Dusk was adventures pony, ever since he was young he would wonder around outside just trying to find some adventure that would interest him, one day he ended up missing for three days as he got lost on the way to Fluttershy’s cottage. He spent a lot of time at Fluttershy’s…probably because she lived so close to Everfree forest to explore and wonder around in and if he ever did something amazing, well he always thought he did he would tell the great adventure story to his dear mother Rarity.

Dusk just trotted out of Carousel boutique before he was met with an impact that knocked him onto the ground like a sack of hay
“Ow” says Dusk rubbing the back of his head
“Oh im sorry Dusk” says the purple pony as she helps him back onto his hooves
“Oh it’s okay Twi” says Dusk putting on a brave face, “What are you in such a hurry for?”
“I just got to get a few things for Fluttershy while she looks after angel” smiles Twilight
“What’s wrong with Angel?” says Dusk with a concerned look on his face
“Nothing major he has just become really ill since yesterday and Fluttershy has run out of medicine and needs some more”
“Oh okay…Maybe I can help you” smiles Dusk, “because I was heading to see Fluttershy as well before you bumped into me"
"Im so sorry about that" consoles Twilight
"No need...i was just in the wrong place at the wrong time" blushes Dusk as he rubs his head nervously
"I probably shouldn't have been rushing" says Twilight
"but you have a good reason too" says Dusk, "So how about i tag along so you don't bump into any pony along the way" jokes Dusk
“Sure…I would like that” says Twilight giving a friendly smile back

Dusk could feel his heart skip a beat just because he got to spend some one on one time with Twilight because normally he would be helping Twilight with the teleportation device along with Doctor Whooves and he never had the time to talk to her one on one and every time he had the chance some pony would interfere aka Rarity. I think she knew about his crush on Twilight and always managed to intervene at the right moment.

“Cool…So where are we heading” says Dusk as he trots over to Twilights side
“We are going to see Nurse Redheart” smiles Twilight
“Okay…Im just surprised Fluttershy ran out of medicine”
“Yeah me to, Never since I have been in Ponyville has Fluttershy ran out of medicine” says Twilight
“Hmm…well I guess it was bound to happen sometime” laughs Dusk
“Yeah I guess” giggles Twilight, “So Dusk…how is Rarity”
“You know mum is fine but she isn’t giving up on my father yet” softly says Dusk
“Hmm…I can’t image how it feels to lose the colt of your dreams” consoles Twilight
“Im guessing you knew my father well” says Dusk kicking a rock on the ground
“I knew your father but not as well as Rainbow Dash and Rarity did” says Twilight sitting down on a local bench
“Ha what are you doing” says Dusk in confusion
“Im going to tell you about your father” says Twilight levitating a book out of her saddle pack
“You sure do have a book for everything” jokes Dusk
“Yep” grins Twilight, “Well you going to sit or what”
“I guess…depends on the story”
“It’s not a story…more like the letters I sent to Princess Celestia about Shadows time here in Ponyville” says Twilight flipping through the book with her unicorn magic, “ah here we go”
Twilight hands the book to Dusk so he can read the letter

Dear Princess Celestia,

Today I learnt that it doesn’t matter where in the world you come from, two ponies can find love even if they are different race, and to prove my point take a look at Shadow and Rarity. He is a Human from a planet they call Earth and he has fallen in love with the beautiful Rarity and every day there friendship and compassion for one another grows. I haven’t had much time to learn much about Shadow but I know that he is kind, honest and compassionate to thoughs he meets and makes friends with. He has helped many ponies around Ponyville especially Rarity and Rainbow Dash which he has also developed a friendships with over his time so far in Ponyville. I know so far he has had a rough life back on earth…his parents didn’t appreciate his ability’s and talents, he was failing at school and he was what humans would call people a loner. I would like to spend some time with Shadow to get to know him better and learn about the human race.

Your Faithful Student,


“Well…thanks for that Twilight” smiles Dusk as he hands the book back, “I never knew you kept a copy of your letters?”
“Yeah I never used to but something about your father made me keep a copy just in case something happened…so I could give them to Rarity to comfort her” says Twilight as she levitates the book back into her bag
“Hmmm…Well we better get to Nurse Redheart before Angel becomes seriously ill” says Dusk standing up off of the bench and holding out a hoof
“Yeah” says Twilight as she accepts the help up of the bench

Twilight and Dusk finally reached Nurse Redheart’s Clinic
“Hello Ms. Twilight and….” Pauses the Receptionist
“Dusk” buts in Dusk
“Nice to meet you” smiles the receptionist
“Like wise” laughs Dusk
“What is so funny?” says the Receptionist in confusion
“Nothing to worry about” Dusk says noticing Twi’s Face which was also in confusion
“SO….Is Nurse Redheart i?” Ask Twilight breaking the awkwardness
“Yes…I show you to her office” says the Receptionist getting up of the seat
“No need” smiles Twilight holding up a hoof, “I know the way”
“Alright” says the Receptionist sitting back down in her seat
“Alright you coming” says Twilight who was waiting over at the hallway to Nurse Redheart’s Office.
“Yeah, Coming” Says Dusk Trotting over to Twilight

A/N: i have decided to make it a flashback First Person story between Shadow (Karl) and Dusk with the occasional Rarity Chapter