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Chapter 5: Out In The Bush

Chapter 5: Out In The Bush

I awake to a loud noise coming from the kitchen
“hmm” I moan as I roll out of bed colliding face first with the ground below, “aghh” I say grasping the back of my head that was throbbing in pain
“Hello Sleepy head” smiles Alyssa while attempting to cook breakfast
“You need any help” I yawn as i cover my eyes from the bright sun peering through the silk blinds
“Nope, im fine” says Alyssa with another cheerful smile, “I have the hang of it this time”
“You do remember what happened last time you cooked” I say remembering the time she nearly burnt the house down.
“I know Karl…but that’s why we have a fire extinguisher now” laughs Alyssa as she flips the eggs in the pan
“Yeah but it isn’t going to last long if you keep starting fires” I joke playfully as I take a seat at the table

Alyssa was good at some things but cooking was never one of them if it was humanly possibly she would burn water, ever since we become house mates I made sure to do all the cooking as well as trying to teach her what little I knew about cooking we usually lived on noodles, eggs and other easy to prepare meals.

“So what are you doing this fine Saturday morning…besides having breakfast with me?” says Alyssa as she places two fried eggs on to each plate
“I dunno” I say stretching my arms above my head, “All I know is that I am starving”
“Well starve no longer” laughs Alyssa as she places the plates on the table
“Thanks” I say as I inspect the eggs, “well at least they look cooked”
I begin to cut in with my knife and fork and slowly draw a small piece closely to my mouth, I then place the small piece into my mouth and slowly begin to chew the silky, soft egg
“Mmm” I moan as I chew the egg, “This is good”
A smile runs across Alyssa’s face as if she was happy to finally know how to cook eggs. I continue eating my breakfast until there is nothing left
“ugh, That was good” I smile leaning back on my chair
“Glad you like it” she says as she picks up the plates and places them into the sink
“So what are you doing today” I ask turning around to face Alyssa
“Um….I was going to hang out with the girls at the mall today”
“Alright…Cool…I’ll probably sit around here for a bit” I say getting up oc the chair
“Sure” she says walking into her room, probably to change out of her pyjamas
I walk over to the T.V and switch it on
“Hey Karl you wanna come with me and hang out with the others…Im pretty sure Matt will be there” yells Alyssa from her room
“Na I have a few things I wanna do at home before tomorrow” I yell back as I spread out across the couch
“Yeah like what?”
“I Have a assignment due Monday and I have barely started” I lied
“Okay well if you change your mind will be at the mall” says Alyssa leaving her room and heading towards the front door
“See ya later” I say as I wave goodbye
“Bye” smiles Alyssa as she leaves the apartment
I watch T.V for five to Ten minutes just to make sure she doesn’t come back to see if I am actually doing school work or making up a ridicules lie
‘Good she isn’t coming back for a while’ I say softly to myself
I quickly walk into my room putting which was covered in all kinds of poster (mainly ones of my favourite band Hollywood Undead) and I decide on a final fantasy shirt that had a picture of Sephiroth and black denim jeans. I notice the 20% cooler shirt sitting within my cupboard, noticing it nearly brought a tear to my eyes but instead I slammed the door to my cupboard shut and grabbed my keys of my wooden bedside table and rush out side slamming the door shut behind me and then lock it shut with my key.
I walk down the pale white stairs down to the garage level below, I reach the garage and unlock my car, my car was a dark blue Mazda RX-8 that I bought second hand at some car company I can’t remember. I push the key into the ignition and here the car reply with a loud roar as it comes to life
“Oh baby” I say revving the guts out the car
Lucky old lady pam wasn’t around ever since I moved into the apartment she has been complaining nonstop about everything, first it was the car being too loud, then it was something about me being a brony…yeah I don’t think this old lady is a supporter of us bronies, she’s always rabbiting on about how we young kids should be out playing football or spending our times out doors.
I settle down on the revving and begin to back out of my car park and after that I zoom of down the street to a local friend’s house
I have been driving for roughly about thirteen minutes to ‘see an old friend’ and another fifteen minutes later I finally arrive.
I pull my car up onto the dirt side walk hearing the breaks squeal as they bring the car to a halt no one really lived around in this area but it was the best seat up for an old acquaintance he lived somewhere inside this jungle of a forest and I intended to find his place of operation. You see I got a anonym’s tip from a guy at school…well more like I heard him talking to some guy, that he saw my buddy ol pal Phantom roaming around In this area…so after a couple of months I have finally decided to check it out
I begin searching through the jungle looking around for any sign of a hut, shack or even a tent but it provided to no avail I searched high and low, within caves and ditches but still no sign of a habitat fit for Phantom.
I was just about to give up when something caught my eye which was sitting of in the distance, at first it looked like a cave of some sort but after having a closer look it appeared to be some kind of old ruined shack.
‘So this is where you have been hiding’ smiles Karl as he opens the door to the shack
‘Knock, knock’ jokes Karl as he notices no one sitting inside
What lied within the shack was a probably what everyone would have suspected to be and that was empty cans of Baked beans and Spaghetti
‘Good to know you’re on a diet’ I joke as I kick over the pile in front of me
I walk around the shack to see if there were any signs of Phantom…I mean Josh living here still but the smell of off spaghetti and baked beans helped prove he wasn’t here no longer probably found a better dump to live in
‘Well that was a waste of time’
I turn around and notice a table against the sheet metal that held the shack together so nothing could walking during the night and I noticed a few photographs scattered across the wooden surface of the table
‘What the’ I say as I pick up a photograph, ‘you gotta be joking’
I flip through the images until I have seen them all
‘What a sick bastard…doesn’t this foal have a life’
I throw the pictures to the ground
‘So josh looks at R34…hmm who would have guessed’
I see another pile of photos near the kitchen sink but these were of a different genre
‘Oh come on’ I yell revealing what was on the photos
‘He’s know following me around…this just gets better and better’
All of a sudden I hear the door slam behind me
‘ah oh’ I whisper looking around for away for me to hide

A/N: Okay this Chapter is a little random but the old lady Pam I put in this story is a character representing my neighbour which hates the fact I watch ponies and i play my guitar to loud.