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Previously in The Tale of Shadow, a pony named Karl arrived into the realm of Equestria, he awoke inside a house he had never seen in his life, as well as waking to a talking white unicorn named Rarity. Rarity believed he was just a Pegasus pony that had fallen unconscious, but little did she know that the black Pegasus with a black and red mane and tail was actually a pony from the planet Earth. Being the generous pony she was she decided to look after the pony introducing him to the other ponies of Ponyville.

Karl then decided that his pony name would be Shadow representing the colour of his coat, mane and tail. He then fell in love with the beautiful Fashionista unicorn, but the jealousy of another mare named Rainbow Dash began to brew, causing her to kiss him during a practice session for an upcoming event causing Shadow to regret how he feels about Rarity. Shadow decided to leave to collect his thoughts, and with the help from a local friend he finally understood how he felt.

In pursuit for Rarity, Shadow attended the gala, were Rarity was attending with Prince Blue Blood, but lucky for Shadow he wasn’t that much of a gentlecolt to Rarity, at the gala Shadow performed a song dedicated to her that got the attention of a lot of ponies in Equestria. On that same night he proposed to lady Rarity and of course she said yes. A couple of weeks later they got the news from a local doctor that they could be expecting a foal shortly and with no time to waste, they decided to get married but little did they both now about the terror that was coming their way.

So as Shadow set out to buy a very, and I mean very expensive dress for Rarity, Ponyville was attacked by an unknown assailant, when Shadow arrived back in Ponyville he found chaos and fear spread across the town of Ponyville. During his search for who was responsible they manage to free hostages taken by the mysterious assailant and found the location of the attacker, Shadow quickly ventured to the town square where Rarity was held hostage and an unexpected acquaintance was met, it had turned out that Shadow knew him from his previous life on Earth and he showed Shadow kindness of allowing him to survive one day longer when the unexpected arrival of baby Dusk came along.

The next day Shadow fought against Phantom, the unknown attacker he met the day before, the battle lasted many hours a lot of blood was shed and lives were nearly lost, if it wasn’t for Rarity for stopping a rage driven Shadow, he would have beaten Phantom to death with a steel pipe. This was probably not in their best interests because it allowed Phantom to regain his strength and turn the tables into his favour allowing Phantom to rein his psychotic rule over the situation.

He continued to attack Shadow until he became quite bored and thought that Shadow should suffer instead. Intending to send Rarity to planet Earth, Shadow became enraged once again allowing him to save lady Rarity from an unknown world but sending him instead.

This is where our new journey begins, what will happen to Shadow or Rarity? What psychotic ideas are flowing through Phantoms head, will Shadow ever see Rarity again? What Challenges will the two of them face? What about Dusk growing up without a father? Stay tuned and find out on the next instalment of The Tale of Shadow Two worlds Apart

A/N: This prologue reminds me of the watching Dragonball Z or Bleach (Epic shows by the way but not compared to MLP) and they would explain the previous episode or season.