• Published 22nd Nov 2017
  • 2,176 Views, 9 Comments

Electric Fire - CalmingNature

Matthew discovers there's more to this new world than he first believed.

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Close To An Ending

Sparks light your way along the mysterious passageway. Without any real clues you and Fizzlepop have been turning corners for a concerning length of time. Hours move slower now, since you two maintain radio silence. If not for hooves and squeaky sneakers you'd surely be lost to madness. Perhaps if you had a third wheel, you would at least have a conversation option.

For whatever reason Fizzy hasn't noticed the vacancy, but you merely take it as trust. Hedgehog does have a mean throwing arm.

Throughout you duo's careful maneuvering, you mostly rely on your friend.

As you've come to know, Fizzlepop is an excellent leader. At first you think each corner is only another illusion, until you slam into an unforeseen barrier. Confusion adorns your outward gaze. In between maneuvers you catch glimpse of a grin. Well okay, you don't physically see it, but you just know it's on her muzzle. At some point you two run into a long pathway.

Fingers ignite a metaphorical fire. How is she not freaking out over this silence?!, you think. "Can you see any light?"

"No.", she doesn't turn around. Last you checked, her eyesight is of much better quality. Around you look for any signs of an exit. Worry plagues your sight, as you find only reflective emptiness.

At some point you run into your companion. In front resides a huge room, large enough you can't see the ceiling. For what might be long as forever, a walkway encircles infinite glass doors. Once you look down, your nerves go into overtime.

Tempest is in a defensive stance. Instinct brings you into an equally ready position. Steadiness adorns both your advancements. Your eyes flicker.

You could've sworn you saw a distorted rainbow mane. Hoof tracks assure you it must be a specific mare. Vocals will tell you otherwise, but you take more comfort in the former theory. Feet give way to a moving blue smudge, it's distant form weaving between glass hallways. Colors appear per your friends, each moving in separate directions. Perhaps now is a good time to break your silent oath? "So this place has multiple paths. And that scare from earlier dispersed us in every direction, and since we have no way of contacting each other...", she stalled in thought.

At once she bucks with all her strength.

"Figures.", not a single crack in the world. She follows a certain route, not once averting her eyes.

You follow another route, swerving as per your best driving skills. In short your trail ends, with you smacking into rainbow colored hair. Once your eyes open, magenta is your only sight. By some elevated power RD is now on your height level. Well if nothing else you don't have to look down anymore.

With a few steps Dash is back to three feet ten inches. Inspection reveals nothing on her part, inciting a raised eyebrow.

For a change you gesture for her, to follow you. Back home you acquire your own confusion. For awhile you and RD wander around open space, only to return with empty hands. And hooves.

"So...Where's Tempest?", Rainbow asks. Despite your short absence, it was apparently long enough for her disappearance. Chances of your perseverance were high, as evident in your past adventures. Between zero rests, constant vigilance, and lack of actual progress, you settle into a certain mindset. With your new companion hard at work, you slowly push against nearby wall.

At once your posture slumps, taking a few crystals down with you in the process. For awhile you maintain a downward gaze, not bothering with environment checks. Noise beckons your reaction.

Upward your eyes reflect nothing. Odd, you could've sworn you heard something. In fact upon further inspection, Rainbow Dash is nowhere in sight. You investigate a specific part of the wall, eyes flickering about possibilities. Desperation leads you to an unforeseen option. Knuckles rap against hollow material, inches giving away your cell's design. Fifth try makes no ruckus. Crystal folds into pine branches, somehow maintaining their see-through property. Air flows across your hair, marking a first in your discovery checklist.

Freshness...And the distinct scent of...

You pounce into nearby glass. For unseen reasons you shake, heartbeats quickened for possible encounters. Precaution takes priority here doesn't it? Yep. You have an air trap on ground level.

Wind shakes the branches, practically folding in response. In time an entire chunk of minerals fall on your trap. Magic bounces a new ceiling ornament into place. So much for precaution.

Air gathers around your open palms, creating two light green orbs. With enough force you chuck one inside, leading to 'Ah!'. No need for your confused look, we both recognize her voice. From out of grass emerges a grape-colored mare.

"If your finished with friendly fire, come on in.", Fizzlepop says. Inside you see an electrified mess of shots, and a fried pegasus.

"Welp, can't complain about missing my work out.", Dash says despite lack of breath. Perhaps if you could see beyond physical limitations, you might witness stars over her unfocused eyesight. "Now that we're past that trap, care to explain our escape route?"

"First things first, we'll regroup. I believe I've figured out this maze.", Fizzy says.

Now that's news worth hearing. Judging by your expression, you have the exact same thought.

With a second wind, RD finds herself back on all fours. Caution forms your thought process, especially around corners. Upon asking about the trap, Fizzy recalls her encounter. Glass attempted to bury her, thankfully Dash pulled her out in time.

With enough hits they exhausted the crystal limbs. Post-victory is when you showed up, and sent both characters back a few steps.

Hoofsteps resound from down the hall. Wind sneaks you information, softening your defenses. Sparks depict a unicorn, her white coat bearing numerous frazzles. Upon seeing you lot, she loses any remaining endurance. Wings rush beneath her failing frame.

Light now in constant supply, you make for another corner. Silence accompanies your every step, though visible companions make up for any lacking conversation.