• Published 22nd Nov 2017
  • 2,177 Views, 9 Comments

Electric Fire - CalmingNature

Matthew discovers there's more to this new world than he first believed.

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Tone It Down, Just a Little

Pinkie told her story of how Twilight led the expedition until they came across these giant twin doors. Unfortunately before they could fully open that same smoke monster from before attacked. Pinkie was knocked out first, leaving everyone in the dark about what happened next. Well isn't that just convenient. Tempest motions for Spike and me to follow her. You lot end up in the throne room,

"Are we prepared for venturing out there?", Tempest asked.

"Are you asking me? Yeah, just give me some time to gather things.", Spike said.

You figure asking what Fizzlepop's plan is. She says that it's a work in progress, but right now they needed to find Twilight and company, bring them back and continue the investigation.

"Right now you should get whatever's needed and meet up here. The sooner we do this the better.", the battlemare states. You're about to tell her what's been on your mind, when she pushes you out. You find this action as a sign that now's not the ideal time. With some deliberation you put together something short of a survival bundle. Wasn't something to boast over, but it would increase your survival chances. For the next few moments time is spent pondering about your current situation. You were going to see Earth! What does it look like? Did anything change while you were gone?

A sudden assault of knocks interrupt the peace. Behind the front door stood Spike with a downright disturbed look on his face. He says,

"Twilight and company are back.", while pointing in the castle's direction. Unprepared you race Spike towards what appeared to be Applejack and Fluttershy conversing. You rush past the two, Dash and through the signature castle doors.

For a change of pace you hit Rarity headfirst. Spike drags you onward, into where Pinkie rested. You consider barricading the doors if for just a little security. The space becomes less upon Fizzlepop's entrance, a look of sheer terror adorning her face. With whatever time you four had was spent towards finding what happens next. You remember how Spike incinerated the last creature, so should they strike he'll be up front. Fluttershy's voice comes from behind the door,

"Is everything okay in there?", Tempest answers saying yes. Sorry as it may turn out you three choose to stay. You were expecting Twilight first, but instead Rarity enters. Tempest whispers for Spike to kiss her. You think to yourself, What? What?! Though she added for him to blow fire during said kiss. That makes things not really less weird. Only momentarily hesitating he makes his move towards the white mare. Adding a cringy one liner Spike takes Rarity in his arms and plants one firmly on her lips. She pushes the little dragon away while gasping for oxygen. Vapor trails out her mouth, possibly ruining any hope of future dating. Still it's not entirely in vain as there's also this little face that goes up alongside the trail of smoke.

"Spike, while I do appreciate that you just saved us, please warn me next time kissing is necessary.", Spike blushes in response. For the next few hours each plague is incinerated. Only Rainbow Dash remained as she flew away before you had entered, or rather, lay siege to Twilight's castle. Since you hadn't mastered flying, a certain dragon flew you up. Before you two even got close a pegasus calls out that there's been an epidemic in Cloudsdale, and that it's been quarantined. Instead of leaving Spike accelerates. You two sneak inside, finding Dash is doing the opposite. In place of 'Hey!' or 'Sup!' there came coughing. Immediately fire is cast in her direction followed by your wind funnel. They mix and consume Dash's sickness as it too follows into smokey oblivion.

As a result Dash steals you from Spike's grip and divebombs towards your own ending. What leaves her mouth is completely incomprehensible as you're still heading downwards, though a curse is heard somewhere in there. Spike scolds her, then leaves with you in tow. Regarding the infected Cloudsdale, they just had an outbreak of the common cold. Seeing as how there's nothing left for you two here, Spike flies on back to home base. Sparkle's castle was officially back in order. Now with said princess's help the other princesses were also cured, and all before sunset.

Now whilst the quadruplets were planning how they'll deal with their original plight, you decide at long last to settle things with Fizzlepop. Whom is currently right in front of you.

"Do you have a moment?" Finally we can get some answers! You two make for an isolated room, carefully putting together what should be said next. You can't think of any method for properly telling her your peace, so you've decided on saying it before she can kill you. You've seen her in action, she's fully capable. Anyway you two find yourselves in Twilight's throne room, as said princess is in Canterlot.

With a single line her horn ignites. Aww, she's giving you a head start. You both run down virtually every hallway in Twilight's castle, until eventually she cuts you off in what's supposedly her room. Nothing stood out except for her old flag and uniform. Against whatever odds you're positive she won't leave you with an entire body. Perhaps you can find defense in your latest achievement? In any case you don't bother with defensive measures. Instead you brace for impact, despite you eventually receiving zero damage.

Caution adorns your head's upward movement. Before you lies a mare, her gaze aimed towards a reflective chestplate.

"What's your decision? Be. Quick.", please might've been her final word. Inside you dig a hole for your
exact words.

Time seemingly quiets, as it does around decisive moments.

"Tempest...let's be friends." Instead of a forethought kick or bolt, she merely looks at you with closure. "Until we know each other better." Your supposed marefriend wears the biggest smile of them all. What follows is a half bow, and she exits.

"Ready for our trip?"

"Yes, just let me get my things."

Author's Note:

Unrealism is a really big problem for this series, but perhaps that's what makes it work? Don't know for sure, though I hope that didn't deter you from enjoying.
Acknowledgement of Spike growing wings in S8 has been recognized.