• Published 22nd Nov 2017
  • 2,175 Views, 9 Comments

Electric Fire - CalmingNature

Matthew discovers there's more to this new world than he first believed.

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Let's Get Into The Action!- 2/2

Time has never shown you better difficulty. Not an enemy in sight, except for complete darkness per any direction. Material reflects thin versions of familiar spelunkers. Warmth occasionally collects around your legs, since at least nine different creatures shuffle within a small circle of light. Up front our lead alicorn points light before her fellow teammates, spare lights take up rear and middle ground. Silence overtakes any environmental factors, as little was here in the beginning.

Sweat lightly rolls along your forehead. Please don't get close to me., you look toward your leftward companion. Shades of aquamarine hold a forward death grip. Conversation pieces fade within a small time frame. Quiet is perhaps your best option for now.

Fur rubs against your legs. Search reveals a pink mare, her eyes vigilant of any possible threats. In front winds spoil you on various things. 'Only a year?!', you whisper to yourself. Amidst minor things Earth's winds carry fresh soil, clear water, metallic nonsense, and...musk. Scents carry heavy difference, not too different from bleach. The latest current yields obvious results for your entire party. Scales ignite before anyone else, followed by your personal appearance. Frontline didn't sound like much of a hassle, until the smell was directly overhead.

Bolts illuminate upper glass. Shards procedurally fall across each teammate. Possibly in your most painful moment yet, debris pierces through your sneakers. Ponies cluster together, Twilight and Starlight taking circumference. Scales breath encircling fire, thanks in part to strategically placed flammable liquid. Shame you're not apart of the fortification effort.

As per your usual dumbfounded self, you fail at your latest jump. Nerves below your knees suffer from burn marks. With a quick scuff your magic currents maintain a sound barrier. In contrast to past encounters, you can fully see each fog trail. Despite constant incineration, yellow streaks fly without end. Lightning tears apart night time oil, soon ripping into an unfortunate passerby. For a split-second your eyes are nearly lost to shock. Another step forces you back into shades of mulberry.

Overhead resides a slightly confused Fizzlepop. You decide now is a good time for popularity adjustment, so you roll back into action. Shadows motion a figure's spontaneous retreat. Once more your surroundings return to original silence. Darkness replaces pyro-type illumination, leaving only unicorn based candlelight. Surely there would be a comment, but only thing present is absolute quiet. In time your companions resume, with much greater caution than before.

Perhaps you lot's adventure had too smooth a flow. Between your poor sense of direction and illusions, you end up by your lonesome self. At first sight of a moving shadow, you immediately take out your homemade lantern-in-a-bottle Grubber isn't paid well enough., you muse the idea of a lab hedgehog. Images come forth of aforementioned mammal, running along inside his personal hamster wheel. Your imagination stops, as something copies your braking movement.

Is now really a good time for personal thoughts?

Adrenaline leads your improptu light underneath your shirt. From an onlooker's perspective a little illuminative bulb wanders across open terrain. You my friend are extremely lucky you're not on a shooting course. Once you feel no other creature lurks nearby, you take a seat behind the local pillars. Light reflects off around ten glass pillars. Winds have gone completely silent, granting you title of 'seriously lost bipedal'. First time in awhile you can hear your own heartbeat.

You feel breath from slightly behind the pillar. Muscles tense up around your body. Second before your action, a touch sends your lantern into thousands of pieces. Despite your retreat, the outline closes any distance.

Sparks reveal who.

"Lost?", asks Tempest Shadow.