> Electric Fire > by CalmingNature > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Let the Fun Begin! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well yesterday was nothing less than a riot. The capital was taken over by invaders and in the same day was liberated. Somehow you managed to hide out until everything sorted itself out. It might have something to do with the fact that to your knowledge there are no other humans on this planet. Today the whole besiege fiasco was history, and the day went by as usual. At some point Pinkie Pie, who you met day one, came up to you and asked, “Hey Matt, do you know what tomorrow is?” “I know it’s not anyone’s birthday. How about Solitude Day?” “Nooo, but I’ll make sure to find a date and make it happen! Tomorrow’s Hearts and Hooves Day!”, that would be their version of Valentine’s Day. Either way it wasn’t a holiday you were too familiar with. “So with that in mind-” Pinkie continued,”-knowing that you don’t have a special somepo-someone what do you say to a blind date?”, oh no! Blind dates never lead to a happy ending. Like the lottery success relies completely on random chance. You know that much, everything else is guess work. You were about to reply when she played that card, “Listen if you don’t want to then it’s okay. It’s just that there’s this mare that really needs a pick me up after all the that’s happened to her in the past.” “Okay Okay! I guess...okay.”, she squeals and leaves you for the rest of the day. The next day came in full swing. The only thing missing was the very literal hearts swirling above the couple’s heads. What followed was your morning routine, then work, and finally as evening approached the main event came. Pinkie came to you with a whole outfit saying Rarity made them just for the occasion. After a quick wardrobe change it was off to see the wizard. There was no context as to what would happen next. For all you know a giant monster could come and attack any second now. Maybe if you were actually interested in finding someone that would help immensely, truth be told you’re not looking to find a special somepony. It’s more of an instinct than anything else to not find any creature here attractive, but if a way home isn’t found soon it may come down to just that. They are cute, maybe some beautiful, but in no way attractive! Before another thought could come you collide with Pinkie. “We’re here”, she says with an adorable giggle. Looking up you find nothing but open plains, with the occasional tree. Not another word is spoken, if anything the sunset would be enjoyed. Pinkie goes off to try and find somepony. Meanwhile you sneak off while her back is turned. Thank God that there were no Pinkie promises involved. You returned when she left, determined to see this sunset. Yeah they weren’t natural, that didn’t subtract from the beauty of them. All of a sudden a character leaps down from a nearby tree. They look rather large in build, dark purple coat, scarlet mane and tail, and...a broken horn? She trots in your direction, allowing you to make out a scar on her right eye. Both eyes were light blue. Oh, you’re uh, lying in the nearby tall grass unnoticeable by the naked eye. So it’s no surprise she trips over you. Four eyes lock before the unicorn front flips and flashes a fierce glare at you. Static forms around her broken horn. Before a shot is fired off Pinkie lands mane first between you two, “There you are! Matt this is Tempest, Tempest this is Matt.”, terrific. What an interesting first meeting, she comes within mere seconds of killing you. Tension vanishes as the situation becomes clear. Pinkie leaves after an explanation, telling Tempest and me to ‘carry on’. The first thing that came out of her mouth was, “Matt...forgive me for asking, but what are-” “What am I?”, here we go. A series of questions and answers later Tempest seemed satisfied, just as the sun was setting. Bright hues of orange incited warmth, while a satisfying red topped off the display. In some form of heart wrenching action she lays her head on your shoulder. You soon pass into sleep with her. Who is this mare?, the question rose within. Pinkie said that she needed a ‘Pick me up after all she’s been through’, what has she been through?, you thought to yourself. You find yourself in the same position as before. Nighttime was evident by the full moon, and everypony else is more than likely asleep. Tempest was still out of it, no doubt due to the time. The sleep schedule didn’t affect you since staying up late was a habit from home. Still, drowsiness eventually overrides any other functions and you succumb to sleep. In one moment pain jolts from head to toe. You look over to see Tempest had fired a small dose of electricity. “Sorry, but you were mumbling to yourself, and then you started to spaz out. So I tried a shock therapy method.”, she says with an apologetic smile. You forgive her, and decide to tell her about the issue. While asleep you dreamed of awakening to a coughing fit, then came the feeling of suffocation. A sickly pale creature appeared, thick white smoke generating from holes on their skin. It reached out and grasped your neck, and that's when it ended.  She then trots over and hugs you, “I’m still new to this, so let me know if this gets uncomfortable”. Upon breaking the hug you then ask her what she did prior coming to Ponyville. Tempest becomes uncomfortable upon hearing that question, “Oh uh, I may have been a tyrannical commander bent on chasing after power in a half-crazed attempt to fix my horn. Leaving a path of destruction in my wake.”, that sounds complete. Your jaw is left agape, was this unicorn responsible for the capital takeover yesterday!? What a night! You go on a blind date and meet an ex-villain that nearly took over the entire region. How does one respond to that? A hoof slap brings you back to reality. Apparently your mind left if only for a moment. Tempest sighs, " We should get going.", she then gets up and proceeds to leave. You follow shortly after. You leave feeling as though something's wrong. Slowly the sun's rays overtake the sky. They leak into your room and pierce your closed eyes. Morning, and not a disturbance in sight. You turn to face the opposite side of the bed only to be met with three different pairs of eyes. Pinkie, Twilight, and Spike were each giving their own looks. Twilight was first to speak, "Tell me what happened last night." "Well it started with us meeting, then some unimportant stuff, and at the end she left after she told me about her past. Which left me without any words. Why are you asking?", you ask with some hesitation. Twilight's facial expression clearly told that Tempest was not okay. She was about to speak when Spike jumped up on the bed, "Idiot!-" "I'm stopping you right there. One, I should have said something but didn't and for that I was ignorant. Two, tell me where is she so we can make up.", Twilight then takes you by the hand and teleports. All this took place in matter of seconds, "That was too fast for the story to be genuine", the story would be dragged out otherwise Pinkie. Instantly you find yourself in the middle of a room inside the castle. In front was a door, hopefully Twilight's aim was on point. It wasn't, Starlight was behind it reading a book out loud to herself, and she screamed when she saw you. Before you could say anything else you were teleported again. This time on the edge of some stairs; with a push you fall. Good lord, you have absolutely no luck today. Anyway, you end up at the bottom with Tempest standing over you. Applejack came running down the stairs saying “Sorry! You’re not hurt are you?” “No, somehow not.”, you responded. After miraculously surviving a fall down crystal steps you stand up and say, “Tempest, sorry for not responding to your answer.” “Huh?” “Last night.” “Oh, oh that! Heh-heh, it was nothing. I didn’t leave because of that.”, Applejack gets the sense that this was something private and leaves. “It was because I didn’t feel anything. When Pinkie said she set me up on a blind date, I wanted to tear her head off. It was too soon after everything that happened.” “Tempest I just came to apologize. To be honest I wasn’t looking forward to it either.”, unfortunately the logic of this world does not succeed in bailing you out and suddenly she jumps up to plant one directly on your lips. Every hair on your body stands up at the literal static she gives off. You two go separate ways, only to be surprised by a stack of ponies falling over upon opening the nearest door. Each eavesdropper slowly gives off their own grin, shy or not. Rarity was first to recover, “So, you two hit it off?”, oh this isn’t gonna end without at least a little drama. > The Absurdity Continues > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sure enough any form of casual talk has been abandoned. The entire group was asking questions regarding you and Tempest, er Fizzlepop. The stormtrooper had left earlier to perform her new guard duties. Rarity grabs ahold of your head, “Matt I never would’ve guessed you and Tempest would get along so well. What is it you find attractive in her?” “What does she see in him? He can barely keep up when it comes to racing.” “Dash we don’t need a reminder of who you are.”, the others continue their squabble while Spike and Starlight Glimmer are left out of the picture. From what you could gather those two knew little about you. Simultaneously every voice is silenced by Twilight, “Shut up all of you! Matthew’s love life is none of our business. Whatever happens next is entirely up to him.”, maybe you should tell them now before anypony else speaks. “Me and Fizzlepop barely know each other, so no we’re not dating.”, everypony seemed to accept the news. Each individual left with his or her own thoughts in tow. Applejack was last to leave, she looks back before winking. Figured it was too easy. Anyway- ”Excuse me narrator.”, Pinkie what do you want? “Why aren’t those two dating? Also I remember them kissing so how does that figure into all of this?”, well Pinkie Matt isn’t into ponies or any non-human character so that’s part of the issue, to answer your second question you’ll have to be patient while the story unfolds, “Okay. Will do Mr. Narrator!” “Pinkie who are you talking to?”, Fluttershy asks only for Pinkie Pie’s rude hoof response, “Shh, don’t tell anyone about what you saw.”, she then leaves a confused Fluttershy behind. “Weird.”, she says before also exiting. Now then Matt starts his way on home when Spike walks up beside him. Before the little dragon could speak a scream emanates from nearby. Rarity had white paint spilled over her, of course Spike rushes over. You just shake your head and move along. You’re nearing the edge of town when Spike comes running. He takes time to catch his breath before asking if you wanted to learn magic. “No thanks Spike, I don’t have a horn.” “You don’t need a horn, turns out all that’s needed is patience.”, he says right before exaggeratedly igniting a fire in both hands. The flames danced around you as proof that they were real, then they form shapes of ponies, griffons, dragons and other creatures. Finally Spike spins into the air forming wings at the end of his flight. Once more you’re left in a daze as a once innocent looking dragon descends like one of his giant counterparts. “Twilight taught me that all living things have a connection to magic, but sentient creatures can tap into it.”, well then. This actually sounds rather interesting, imagine being able to do what Spike just did. Imagine the reactions others will give once they see you, imagine the look on Fizzy’s face. “Sure.”, you answer. The little dragon motions for you to follow him. Having premeditatively planned it out with Twilight, Spike gave you a forewarning that she might be slightly over enthusiastic about this. Indeed, the unicorn bore the most nightmare inducing smile that money could afford. In fact, nothing could prepare or prevent what took place for the next eight hours. From tests to quizzes all the way up into some probably illegal activity involving chemical interaction. Eventually a conclusion is reached, “I know exactly what we should try!”, she brings out a little fan, “Wind magic!” Slightly disappointed, pretty sure viewers expected fire as well. “Alright so what’s expected of me?” “Well, the short answer is nothing. There's still no information about how you and magic get along, so until then just read this!", she then searches for something only to come up empty hoofed. Twilight goes into thought, then her face visibly brightens when she realizes where the book is. The unicorn leaves the room. Screams could be heard coming from down the hallway. They continuously get louder until a creature never before seen by you busts in. It was small, slightly bigger than Spike, white colored spiky hair went from head to their back in a straight line, dark grey fur, and blue eyes similar to Fizzlepop. They slam the doors shut, and rapidly twist their head looking for something or someone. It runs over to you, "W-where is Twilight?", they ask between breaths. Twilight comes back with book in hoof. She places the book on the shelf and hurriedly asks the creature what was wrong. "W-why would anything be wrong? Oh yeah, a strange creature asked for you outside." "Strange creature?" "Yeah strange isn't a word I would use. More like bizarre or deformed, like this guy.", he says gesturing towards you. That might've counted as an offense. "Agh! Who are you?!" You and this hedgehog with a lisp will get along just fine. After introductions Grubber becomes much more mellow. Not that he was crazy before, but now you're no longer 'danger' in his eyes. Twilight goes out to meet the creature that supposedly resembled me. You ask Grubber for details, "Well not much since I was kind of running as fast as possible away from the, what was that term? Human? Anyway they didn't exactly seem friendly." "Why not?" "Cause they gave me a really nasty gaze." "Petty creature!", someone shouts angrily as Twilight and Spike come crashing in with smoke trailing them. "....I see.", you add. Distant steps signaled someone's approach. Grubber hid behind your legs as said individual neared. The two of you make a dash for the nearest door. Poor choice, it's a closet. Given a few seconds someone's footsteps could be heard in the same room you and grubber just left. Right then and there the individual says, "Why? Why?! Why did you side with them?! Our world is dying and here you place hope in their laps!", dear lord that's a lot of drama. So much dialogue in such a short time. Silence takes hold of the room and refuses to let go. After some time Twilight's voice could be heard saying, "Hey the invader is gone! You can come out now!" Whoever is out there will have to do better than that. Grubber isn't fooled either, and began digging around his outfit for something. The footsteps start again, moving in your direction. Grubber pulls out some sort glass flask that held a clear liquid inside. He drinks it and turns invisible. Whoever's out there is right in front of the door. My friend if you value your life drink! You down it as well just before the invader enters. You get a good look at the dude, ya know tall, imposing and the only thing that resembled humanity was this guy's structure. Nothing distinguishable from any other corpse giant. Oh yeah even without looking at the face it wasn't hard to tell he was undead: signature decaying skin, no breath, a twitch in every movement, and a smell that reflexively caused your hands towards covering your nose. Having found nothing the giant moved on into another room. You close the door only after the beast leaves. Perfectly timed when both of you belch and the potion wears off. Slowly tiny giggles could be heard coming from the two of you. They are cut short as battle sounds erupt from nearby. Grubber shoots out followed by you. Fizzlepop was struggling with the giant. Twilight and Spike join in, not much changes. Instinctively you go back for the book. The title read 'Magic for All Species: Short and Simple', you hope that it's true. Speed reading though the first chapter it becomes obvious that none of this makes sense. Regardless the idea comes across clear as crystal. An intense heat wave suddenly blasts from behind. Without hesitation Spike had unleashed full fury on the undead. You watch as the massive hand knocks away the flames towards you. In a moment's notice you run alongside Grubber through the halls into a dead end. You two practically break into the room and shut the doors behind. Time slows down as the fire crashes through the door. Now normally this would mean the end. However, for the sake of this story you somehow subconsciously learned how to put up a shield. Grubber looks relieved, and immediately heads back towards the fight. You follow after recovering from shock. Only Twilight and Fizzlepop were still fighting the giant. From both sides they attack simultaneously, ending the struggle. "Tempest!", Grubber runs over to Fizzlepop and hugs her. "Hey! I assume you two have met?", you tell Fizzlepop all that Grubber had accomplished in the past hour. "Heh, before all he was good for was delivering messages using bottles. Now here stands an irreplaceable chemist.", Grubber salutes in response to that. Meanwhile Twilight and Spike, who just recovered from being a piece of modern art, inspected the fallen beast. Later, while Twilight was doing what she wanted you rested in one of the castle's bedrooms. Not sure of what was happening, Princess Twilight said that she would recommend you sleeping here over home. Knocks could be heard from the door. "Who is it?" "Fizzlepop Berrytwist.", you tell her to come in. She enters and places her helm on the bed. "Hard to believe that stuff like this happens in a single day.", you nod in response. Some silence passes, "Two things: Grubber told me what you did, and I gotta say-nice job. Fooled me into thinking you'd be helpless in a fight." "Thanks, I guess. Can't say I can do much, but it's one step forward instead of back." "Second, about that kiss", oh no here we go, "I liked it.", hold everything. Did the words 'I liked it' just leave her mouth? "What? Didn't you say that this was pointless?" "Yes, but after some time it began to grow on me. You started sticking to my thoughts, and eventually they always came back to having you in them.", probably should deal with this before anything else. "Fizzlepop, or Tempest, we barely know each other. This sounds more like infatuation than anything else. That and I don't feel anything towards you. In that sense anyway." Fizzlepop's ears droop at the sound of that. This would require some thought. "O-okay then, huh.", don't do this. Her breathing becomes deeper. You reach out slowly and gently run your hand through her mane. Therapeutic would be one way to describe it. Fizzlepop gets up. "Good night Matthew.", she says before leaving. The mystery took Twilight until dawn to solve. When she did the answer sent her heart into hiding from fear, "Spike...send for Princess Celestia." What is that old thing going to do? > To Even More Ludicrous Heights > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another night come and gone. You awake to find yourself diagonally placed on a noble's bed. The memories of almost being incinerated and evading an undead giant returned, along with breaking a certain mare's heart. Fizzlepop...you feel as though last night was probably her worst night yet. Going back to that incident, maybe you could get a day off as reward for surviving. Hopefully the store manager-nah, somehow you doubt it. Without any interruptions you get out of bed and instantly fall flat on your face. My god, you have no traction whatsoever. Suddenly knocking comes from your door, "Are you okay in there?", it was Spike. "Yeah.", you say weakly. Spike enters and finds you slowly rising to your feet. He visibly sniffs the air. It becomes evident that you haven't showered lately, as in a day. Once the bed was fixed you leave the room, heading for the exit. At the time what occupied your mind was Fizzlepop Berrytwist. Perhaps you should see if she's doing alright? Oh nevermind, here she comes now bearing Twilight's emblem on her armor. You recoil at the sight of bags under her eyes. The mare walks straight past you. Clearly she didn't want to- "Hey." Say something dummy! "Hey. You okay?" Fizzlepop looks down and sighs before answering. "If it's all the same, I'd rather not talk about it." She's about to leave when you follow her. Twilight's wing suddenly whips you in the face. She apologizes before hightailing it towards wherever the wind was taking her. You return to following Fizzlepop, only to find her facing you in the next room. "What?", she says with a hiss. Now you haven't met Queen Chrysalis, but you're pretty sure that's how she sounds. "Just wanted to check and see if you were feeling alright." In reality you wanted to say something else, but not right now. She leaves. You walk in the opposite direction, getting struck headfirst by Fluttershy in the process. The pegasus apologizes profusely and helps you back up. She and her friends were running towards their round table of friendship. That would probably be funny if it weren't a possible name for their meeting place. Anyway you leave the castle, intent on heading home. Sure enough along the way you encounter Spike. At this point you figure calling him, "Hey mentor." "Yo. Listen I heard that you and Tempest were having 'issues'-" "Who told you?" "You, just now." Did not expect him to be this smart. By the look on your face neither were you. "Getting straight to the point, you should give her a chance. Seriously what's stopping you?" You then explain the entire situation to him. He holds back a laugh for some reason. "It doesn't take Twilight's level of intellect to see the holes in that logic." Speaking of which here comes the princess now. She calls Spike over, and he complies. "Don't wait too long.", he says before leaving. So many questions, where to start?, you think to yourself. As was said before, there might not be a way back home. Keeping your alone status didn't sound great at all. Okay, I'm convinced. Let's see if this will work., you again think to yourself. You were apparently focusing so much on questions that it just clicked that some ponies were staring. You immediately retreat to home. First thing before anything else, taking a bath. Day exchanges hands with night and the sky becomes as such. There you are lying in your own bed, wondering what happens next. Do you run over admitting how much a fool you were? Perhaps attempt wooing-no she is not that kind of mare. Going to have start somewhere. You can't believe this, just two days ago the idea of dating was nowhere near your thoughts, but now here you are thinking about how you and her could get together. Stop! Too much information. Thanks a lot Spike! It feels like there's a time limit for me or something!, you fall asleep from overthinking things. No dreams occured that night. You're interrupted mid sleep by knocks at your door. First thing that hits your eyes is the sun's rays. Once properly dressed you ask who is it, "Come on the voice makes it sooo obvious!" Opening the door revealed Rainbow Dash on the other side. Without warning she grabs you by the arm and flies away. In a matter of seconds you two land in the town square, with you completely null of feeling. Minus Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Spike, and Starlight the area was devoid of life. Somehow saying that made it more eerie than before. Any attempt at leaving resulted in Rarity or Starlight pulling you back. You were about to ask out loud what was going on, when the Princess of Friendship herself appeared. Uh, okay this may just be personal thoughts but just yesterday Twilight didn't have her own set of regalia, nor her own armor set. "There's are many things that need to be said, so here's a short summary. The foe who sent the giant has been located in another world. The elements are going there to subdue the threat and undo whatever damage they've done. Princess Celestia, Cadance, and Luna are also coming." Your brain has been left in a state of emergency from what Twilight said. A year couldn't have prepared you for dealing with this kind of information. She continues, "Now that doesn't mean you get days off. While I'm gone Spike will oversee your development." Saw that coming all the way from over here! Twilight continues on about some things that hopefully aren't aimed at you. The bearers then disappear. This just leaves Spike as Starlight also left. He comes over and speaks in a immortal sense, "Any questions?" Countless. "Nope." Liar. The next couple of days come and go as you become more attuned in wind magic. You and Fizzlepop become more acquainted, telling each other whatever wasn't already known. The veteran pony unsurprisingly caused the downfall of multiple empires, almost killed one or two characters, tells of the time she was almost killed herself by the ursa minor that cut her horn and scarred her right eye, and the time she and Grubber met. You told her about Earth and it's inhabitants, your family, how you almost caused a relative's death, and about how there's no magic where you're from. "You. Almost. Killed. Someone. Never considered saying that regarding you.", Fizzlepop says. "I just switched grandpa's chocolates with nuts, ten year old me didn't think that he would choke." Two weeks pass, Twilight and her friends haven't returned. Spike has grown uneasy, Fizzlepop becomes worried, and you develop some kind of hybrid of the two. Dictionary calls it anxiety. One day during training a letter comes through Spike. Yeah, it's still astonishing that his fire could transfer written material. It read, "Spike this is going to sound overwhelming, and you have every right to faint, but you need to find that little device I showed off a while back. Turns out it was important. I say that as sarcasm. You should be able to get here via Pinkie Pie. See you soon!" Right on cue the pink pony leaped out of the page, scaring both you and Spike. While Pinkie is crushing your ribs the small dragon runs off. When he comes back there’s a cellphone in his hands. Pinkie leaves your chest to investigate, saying “Ooooh, Shiny.” Just in time, any sooner there might’ve been permanent damage. You walk over and ask how this little device ended up here. Spike says it came from you, when you threw it away. Yeah on the day that you fell through that television was the day that technology broke up with you. Almost ironic. “The question is, how do we get over there?”, Spike asks. “Twilight said, and I quote, ‘To return just have them hold onto your tail and use your element.’”, Pinkie says using Twilight’s voice for the quote. So she’s also a recording device, good to know. Alright your turn, “‘We’? Her majesty is just asking for you.” “If they’re in trouble-wait, Pinkie why were you sent back?” “We’re at this freaky door that will only let us pass if there’s something that originally came from that world. Apparently this doodad counts.”...What did she just say? If what she says is true then...then- “You guys are going to my world, Earth!” This was something that could’ve never been foreseen! You jump for joy at the mere idea that you’ll be able to go home! Then it occurs to you: how long have you been here? Does time pass differently here? Maybe, but who cares you can go home now! Nothing could prepare you for what happened next. Pinkie began coughing violently. Smoke leaked from her mouth as the cough intensified. Once the dense white vapor was fully gathered above our heads, Pinkie fainted. Spike grabs Pinkie and is about to jump out a nearby window when the smog cuts him off. The sentient fog dances in mockery towards you two. Spike runs for the next room, you follow swiftly. Finding yourself separated the first thing in mind was to try and hold this thing off. One movement of your right hand summons a weak tornado. It knocks off some books, but the sentient smoke merely slows down. Keeping the enemy at bay you make a dash for it. Eventually both dragon, pony and human succeeded in escaping through the door. You both end up stopping for a breather. When you turn around the vapor is inches away from accomplishing its goals. Before that could happen Spike’s fire breath consumes it entirely. Pinkie awakens shortly afterwards, looking one-hundred percent like someone who slept extremely late and got up really early. She inhales deeply, “Hey guys! Talk about an out of body experience am I right!?”...This would require some explaining. > Tone It Down, Just a Little > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie told her story of how Twilight led the expedition until they came across these giant twin doors. Unfortunately before they could fully open that same smoke monster from before attacked. Pinkie was knocked out first, leaving everyone in the dark about what happened next. Well isn't that just convenient. Tempest motions for Spike and me to follow her. You lot end up in the throne room, "Are we prepared for venturing out there?", Tempest asked. "Are you asking me? Yeah, just give me some time to gather things.", Spike said. You figure asking what Fizzlepop's plan is. She says that it's a work in progress, but right now they needed to find Twilight and company, bring them back and continue the investigation. "Right now you should get whatever's needed and meet up here. The sooner we do this the better.", the battlemare states. You're about to tell her what's been on your mind, when she pushes you out. You find this action as a sign that now's not the ideal time. With some deliberation you put together something short of a survival bundle. Wasn't something to boast over, but it would increase your survival chances. For the next few moments time is spent pondering about your current situation. You were going to see Earth! What does it look like? Did anything change while you were gone? A sudden assault of knocks interrupt the peace. Behind the front door stood Spike with a downright disturbed look on his face. He says, "Twilight and company are back.", while pointing in the castle's direction. Unprepared you race Spike towards what appeared to be Applejack and Fluttershy conversing. You rush past the two, Dash and through the signature castle doors. For a change of pace you hit Rarity headfirst. Spike drags you onward, into where Pinkie rested. You consider barricading the doors if for just a little security. The space becomes less upon Fizzlepop's entrance, a look of sheer terror adorning her face. With whatever time you four had was spent towards finding what happens next. You remember how Spike incinerated the last creature, so should they strike he'll be up front. Fluttershy's voice comes from behind the door, "Is everything okay in there?", Tempest answers saying yes. Sorry as it may turn out you three choose to stay. You were expecting Twilight first, but instead Rarity enters. Tempest whispers for Spike to kiss her. You think to yourself, What? What?! Though she added for him to blow fire during said kiss. That makes things not really less weird. Only momentarily hesitating he makes his move towards the white mare. Adding a cringy one liner Spike takes Rarity in his arms and plants one firmly on her lips. She pushes the little dragon away while gasping for oxygen. Vapor trails out her mouth, possibly ruining any hope of future dating. Still it's not entirely in vain as there's also this little face that goes up alongside the trail of smoke. "Spike, while I do appreciate that you just saved us, please warn me next time kissing is necessary.", Spike blushes in response. For the next few hours each plague is incinerated. Only Rainbow Dash remained as she flew away before you had entered, or rather, lay siege to Twilight's castle. Since you hadn't mastered flying, a certain dragon flew you up. Before you two even got close a pegasus calls out that there's been an epidemic in Cloudsdale, and that it's been quarantined. Instead of leaving Spike accelerates. You two sneak inside, finding Dash is doing the opposite. In place of 'Hey!' or 'Sup!' there came coughing. Immediately fire is cast in her direction followed by your wind funnel. They mix and consume Dash's sickness as it too follows into smokey oblivion. As a result Dash steals you from Spike's grip and divebombs towards your own ending. What leaves her mouth is completely incomprehensible as you're still heading downwards, though a curse is heard somewhere in there. Spike scolds her, then leaves with you in tow. Regarding the infected Cloudsdale, they just had an outbreak of the common cold. Seeing as how there's nothing left for you two here, Spike flies on back to home base. Sparkle's castle was officially back in order. Now with said princess's help the other princesses were also cured, and all before sunset. Now whilst the quadruplets were planning how they'll deal with their original plight, you decide at long last to settle things with Fizzlepop. Whom is currently right in front of you. "Do you have a moment?" Finally we can get some answers! You two make for an isolated room, carefully putting together what should be said next. You can't think of any method for properly telling her your peace, so you've decided on saying it before she can kill you. You've seen her in action, she's fully capable. Anyway you two find yourselves in Twilight's throne room, as said princess is in Canterlot. With a single line her horn ignites. Aww, she's giving you a head start. You both run down virtually every hallway in Twilight's castle, until eventually she cuts you off in what's supposedly her room. Nothing stood out except for her old flag and uniform. Against whatever odds you're positive she won't leave you with an entire body. Perhaps you can find defense in your latest achievement? In any case you don't bother with defensive measures. Instead you brace for impact, despite you eventually receiving zero damage. Caution adorns your head's upward movement. Before you lies a mare, her gaze aimed towards a reflective chestplate. "What's your decision? Be. Quick.", please might've been her final word. Inside you dig a hole for your exact words. Time seemingly quiets, as it does around decisive moments. "Tempest...let's be friends." Instead of a forethought kick or bolt, she merely looks at you with closure. "Until we know each other better." Your supposed marefriend wears the biggest smile of them all. What follows is a half bow, and she exits. "Ready for our trip?" "Yes, just let me get my things." > Let's Get Into The Action!- 1/2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Breaths came in short for your lungs. Past a few moves your backpack swings onto your back. At first you look at your door, instead leaping out your nearest window. Air gives way for a much safer landing. Wonder if my magic will stay?, you take a look at either hand. Magic was among those concepts that will never lose it's mystery feel. Before you stands a familiar dragon, clearly unimpressed by your display. Within a few seconds you find both shoes inches above the ground. "Don't abuse your talents. Lessons from magic 101.", Spike points his finger between your eyes. Possibly through instinct you give a salute. Terrific you've finally given into your surroundings. Further away you catch seven other equine characters. Right here is when a problem gives you a low sweep. What about everyone here? Surely they'll be sad if you leave. Aside from you Spike notices your slower walk cycle. Maybe you're putting too much consideration into such a little problem. Only fact you know for sure, things will come to pass regardless of your actions. With a sigh- you trip over another few steps. For awhile longer you stumble across open terrain. Upon looking backwards, you quickly notice a dark purple hoof. Now she reveals a playful side. Despite a bumpy start you now stood amidst friends. "Alright everyone, hold position. I'll teleport us to our location.", Twilight stated. At once we arrived in complete emptiness. No sound, no color, not even a single indication of life. For awhile you're entranced by near infinity, but are soon brought back by a shoulder touch. Upon looking your positive everypony here is lost to astonishment. They saw it before sure, but perhaps they didn't get enough of a good look. With an upward look you too succumb to an open jaw. Here you lot stood before an ever ominous door. Sure your group only arrived mere seconds ago, but it's still got the same eerie feeling. Questions destroy the present fantasy tone. Among them is one Fluttershy tries answering first. With all her might she pushes ahead, with absolutely zero results. Dash tries a similar approach, getting startlingly equal results. One by one your group tries a different method, each resulting with a still closed doorway. Safe to assume it's invulnerable too all known form of attack. If this sucker opens up inwardly, you'll faint on sight. Fortunately you yourself won't find such an answer, since your fingertips barely scrape the handles. "Alright, let's try a less offensive approach?", Twilight walks face to face with the door. Over time she draws various words along the trim. Soon as she's done cracks form along outlines. Easier than expec- wait...it's cracking along its exterior. Seven different pairs of travel scatter before a falling disaster. Upon contact the door falls through void flooring, leaving behind an equally large hole. Huh, you think. Huh indeed. Above your friends motion your companionship. Hands shutter at the concept of what might be opposite this slightly misty hallway. With ideas you join the group, and step out of sight. > Let's Get Into The Action!- 2/2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time has never shown you better difficulty. Not an enemy in sight, except for complete darkness per any direction. Material reflects thin versions of familiar spelunkers. Warmth occasionally collects around your legs, since at least nine different creatures shuffle within a small circle of light. Up front our lead alicorn points light before her fellow teammates, spare lights take up rear and middle ground. Silence overtakes any environmental factors, as little was here in the beginning. Sweat lightly rolls along your forehead. Please don't get close to me., you look toward your leftward companion. Shades of aquamarine hold a forward death grip. Conversation pieces fade within a small time frame. Quiet is perhaps your best option for now. Fur rubs against your legs. Search reveals a pink mare, her eyes vigilant of any possible threats. In front winds spoil you on various things. 'Only a year?!', you whisper to yourself. Amidst minor things Earth's winds carry fresh soil, clear water, metallic nonsense, and...musk. Scents carry heavy difference, not too different from bleach. The latest current yields obvious results for your entire party. Scales ignite before anyone else, followed by your personal appearance. Frontline didn't sound like much of a hassle, until the smell was directly overhead. Bolts illuminate upper glass. Shards procedurally fall across each teammate. Possibly in your most painful moment yet, debris pierces through your sneakers. Ponies cluster together, Twilight and Starlight taking circumference. Scales breath encircling fire, thanks in part to strategically placed flammable liquid. Shame you're not apart of the fortification effort. As per your usual dumbfounded self, you fail at your latest jump. Nerves below your knees suffer from burn marks. With a quick scuff your magic currents maintain a sound barrier. In contrast to past encounters, you can fully see each fog trail. Despite constant incineration, yellow streaks fly without end. Lightning tears apart night time oil, soon ripping into an unfortunate passerby. For a split-second your eyes are nearly lost to shock. Another step forces you back into shades of mulberry. Overhead resides a slightly confused Fizzlepop. You decide now is a good time for popularity adjustment, so you roll back into action. Shadows motion a figure's spontaneous retreat. Once more your surroundings return to original silence. Darkness replaces pyro-type illumination, leaving only unicorn based candlelight. Surely there would be a comment, but only thing present is absolute quiet. In time your companions resume, with much greater caution than before. Perhaps you lot's adventure had too smooth a flow. Between your poor sense of direction and illusions, you end up by your lonesome self. At first sight of a moving shadow, you immediately take out your homemade lantern-in-a-bottle Grubber isn't paid well enough., you muse the idea of a lab hedgehog. Images come forth of aforementioned mammal, running along inside his personal hamster wheel. Your imagination stops, as something copies your braking movement. Is now really a good time for personal thoughts? Adrenaline leads your improptu light underneath your shirt. From an onlooker's perspective a little illuminative bulb wanders across open terrain. You my friend are extremely lucky you're not on a shooting course. Once you feel no other creature lurks nearby, you take a seat behind the local pillars. Light reflects off around ten glass pillars. Winds have gone completely silent, granting you title of 'seriously lost bipedal'. First time in awhile you can hear your own heartbeat. You feel breath from slightly behind the pillar. Muscles tense up around your body. Second before your action, a touch sends your lantern into thousands of pieces. Despite your retreat, the outline closes any distance. Sparks reveal who. "Lost?", asks Tempest Shadow. > Close To An Ending > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sparks light your way along the mysterious passageway. Without any real clues you and Fizzlepop have been turning corners for a concerning length of time. Hours move slower now, since you two maintain radio silence. If not for hooves and squeaky sneakers you'd surely be lost to madness. Perhaps if you had a third wheel, you would at least have a conversation option. For whatever reason Fizzy hasn't noticed the vacancy, but you merely take it as trust. Hedgehog does have a mean throwing arm. Throughout you duo's careful maneuvering, you mostly rely on your friend. As you've come to know, Fizzlepop is an excellent leader. At first you think each corner is only another illusion, until you slam into an unforeseen barrier. Confusion adorns your outward gaze. In between maneuvers you catch glimpse of a grin. Well okay, you don't physically see it, but you just know it's on her muzzle. At some point you two run into a long pathway. Fingers ignite a metaphorical fire. How is she not freaking out over this silence?!, you think. "Can you see any light?" "No.", she doesn't turn around. Last you checked, her eyesight is of much better quality. Around you look for any signs of an exit. Worry plagues your sight, as you find only reflective emptiness. At some point you run into your companion. In front resides a huge room, large enough you can't see the ceiling. For what might be long as forever, a walkway encircles infinite glass doors. Once you look down, your nerves go into overtime. Tempest is in a defensive stance. Instinct brings you into an equally ready position. Steadiness adorns both your advancements. Your eyes flicker. You could've sworn you saw a distorted rainbow mane. Hoof tracks assure you it must be a specific mare. Vocals will tell you otherwise, but you take more comfort in the former theory. Feet give way to a moving blue smudge, it's distant form weaving between glass hallways. Colors appear per your friends, each moving in separate directions. Perhaps now is a good time to break your silent oath? "So this place has multiple paths. And that scare from earlier dispersed us in every direction, and since we have no way of contacting each other...", she stalled in thought. At once she bucks with all her strength. "Figures.", not a single crack in the world. She follows a certain route, not once averting her eyes. You follow another route, swerving as per your best driving skills. In short your trail ends, with you smacking into rainbow colored hair. Once your eyes open, magenta is your only sight. By some elevated power RD is now on your height level. Well if nothing else you don't have to look down anymore. With a few steps Dash is back to three feet ten inches. Inspection reveals nothing on her part, inciting a raised eyebrow. For a change you gesture for her, to follow you. Back home you acquire your own confusion. For awhile you and RD wander around open space, only to return with empty hands. And hooves. "So...Where's Tempest?", Rainbow asks. Despite your short absence, it was apparently long enough for her disappearance. Chances of your perseverance were high, as evident in your past adventures. Between zero rests, constant vigilance, and lack of actual progress, you settle into a certain mindset. With your new companion hard at work, you slowly push against nearby wall. At once your posture slumps, taking a few crystals down with you in the process. For awhile you maintain a downward gaze, not bothering with environment checks. Noise beckons your reaction. Upward your eyes reflect nothing. Odd, you could've sworn you heard something. In fact upon further inspection, Rainbow Dash is nowhere in sight. You investigate a specific part of the wall, eyes flickering about possibilities. Desperation leads you to an unforeseen option. Knuckles rap against hollow material, inches giving away your cell's design. Fifth try makes no ruckus. Crystal folds into pine branches, somehow maintaining their see-through property. Air flows across your hair, marking a first in your discovery checklist. Freshness...And the distinct scent of... You pounce into nearby glass. For unseen reasons you shake, heartbeats quickened for possible encounters. Precaution takes priority here doesn't it? Yep. You have an air trap on ground level. Wind shakes the branches, practically folding in response. In time an entire chunk of minerals fall on your trap. Magic bounces a new ceiling ornament into place. So much for precaution. Air gathers around your open palms, creating two light green orbs. With enough force you chuck one inside, leading to 'Ah!'. No need for your confused look, we both recognize her voice. From out of grass emerges a grape-colored mare. "If your finished with friendly fire, come on in.", Fizzlepop says. Inside you see an electrified mess of shots, and a fried pegasus. "Welp, can't complain about missing my work out.", Dash says despite lack of breath. Perhaps if you could see beyond physical limitations, you might witness stars over her unfocused eyesight. "Now that we're past that trap, care to explain our escape route?" "First things first, we'll regroup. I believe I've figured out this maze.", Fizzy says. Now that's news worth hearing. Judging by your expression, you have the exact same thought. With a second wind, RD finds herself back on all fours. Caution forms your thought process, especially around corners. Upon asking about the trap, Fizzy recalls her encounter. Glass attempted to bury her, thankfully Dash pulled her out in time. With enough hits they exhausted the crystal limbs. Post-victory is when you showed up, and sent both characters back a few steps. Hoofsteps resound from down the hall. Wind sneaks you information, softening your defenses. Sparks depict a unicorn, her white coat bearing numerous frazzles. Upon seeing you lot, she loses any remaining endurance. Wings rush beneath her failing frame. Light now in constant supply, you make for another corner. Silence accompanies your every step, though visible companions make up for any lacking conversation. > Color of the Earth > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You lose everything to a downward gaze. Both of your eyes stare below your feet, taking in every detail of the lower floors. Perhaps going beyond simple revitalization, a hoof shakes you back into consciousness. From your floor bound seat, you gather enough realization for your own blush. In return you get Tempest's chuckle, which she immediately catches mid-execution. Despite her serious return, smiling certainly hasn't left her muzzle. Funny, who'd show up at just such an opportunity? On cue giggles echo throughout your group's current hallway. Hoofsteps follow in league with your shoe clacks, eventually yielding to an impossible feat of tectonic architecture. No way did all these obstacles form naturally! Across from your entrance there sits Pinkie Pie, miraculously forging her way through a stalagmite field. Miracle being her mining's lack of shake. Despite an ever increasing work load, Pinkie maintains an unfaltering drive toward- whatever's opposite this wall. Given a single kick into an obstacle, rock spikes tilt each other right unto Pinkie's tail. Well, it's more like a spike's tip jabs her mane, then disintegrates onto her tail. Upon hearing of more hoofsteps, her face slowly comes into view. Cracks line her eyes, concentration being solely aimed in your direction. Quakes aid her blue's concentration, actually reflecting opaque images of your seven strong band. Tears drip along visible streaks, adding onto her lovely smile. Favorite without any doubt. At once she clings to each of you, using all her remaining strength. Without another spark left, Pinkie lay flat upon Rarity's back. Upon realizing sediment is trickling down onto her coat, Rarity garners a 'If only nobody was looking' kind of face. Oh if only you could hear me. Now's your chance good sir! Take a load off a friend! There you go, fortunately you don't have a magic limit. Hooves tug at your jeans. Threads give way to Tempest's attention grabber, her left hoof pointing out a crumbling wall. Approach reveals a slight crack in the material. Opposition to your side, being a distant, purple smudge. Upon looking back on yourself, a pickaxe is mere inches from your face. Beyond wood and steel, a pink hoof offers you a clear opportunity. Upon contact with the wall, your pickaxe lodges it's head between transparent material. Metal falls out of it's prior burial, taking more shards along the way. Palm crashes against your forehead, thankfully not containing an unusual amount of splinters. Scratches call your attention further through an open window. "Come on Grubber! Another claw up, and I can pull you out!", Spike calls further below. Static catches vague reflections, instinctively making you jump out of harm's way. Hoofbeats sound off Tempest's rush. Debris acts little for her safety, as small rocks pelt her coat. Perhaps being what brings about Rainbow Dash's gasp, you recover any lost footing. Wind protects your simultaneous rush, miraculously enduring fewer, bigger rocks. Perchance you look up, reflections telling of cracks throughout overhead material. Outline gives away something's retreat, it's large form invoking your split-second stop. Do. Not. Stop. For. Anything. Consider that my advice for somebody, sprinting across rapidly failing architecture. Colors take lead from around your path, following up two explosions of air. Wings bring either mare past your speed, both fighters slowed only by debris. Aura coats an entire section of rubble, sorting each piece into a complete dome. Physics not being one of your more knowledgeable subjects, you help Grubber back onto solid ground. In spite of a successful rescue, nobody here bears any smiles. Exception being the unconscious Pinkie Pie, who seems to be shooting you a nod. Pinkie's neverending smile, a secret anybody can learn from. Wingbeats bring you to an overhead presence. Upon your first post-adrenaline look, nerves give you an instant warning. Pain funnels your vision toward yellow feathers, steadily warming your body. "I'm going to carry you back, okay? Please don't move, and I'm sorry for any pain.", Fluttershy says. Forewarning having been given by your field medic, wingbeats embolden surrounding wind currents. Hooves form a tighter grip around your waist, allowing for legitimate viewing of lower sights. At some point in your downward gaze, you notice purple along normally pure yellow coloration. You might lack medical experience, but even you can't miss a bruise. Given your safe landing you take a really hard look at everyone else. First, everyone present is damaged in some way. Scrapes decorate otherwise spotless coats, bruises defeats lovely coloration. Second- "Where's Fizzlepop and Twilight?"- your question. Upon looking a little ways down, your eyes gain an entirely new width. Despite holding up an entire dome's worth of rubble, Twilight Sparkle keeps an entire pony above the cavern. Limbs wane in evident strength, efforts costing her overall stature. Lavender is overcome by an extra "Heads up you two!", Spike yells. On cue stalactites form over both pony's locations. Breath comes forth in a visible mist, signifying a room wide atmospheric change. Frost settles over your body, furthering already present chills. Not hard to see beyond your paralyzed figure. Screams accompany Fluttershy's ascension, her hooves practically splitting you in halves. Investigation to your right sees Rainbow Dash following shortly afterwards, Applejack and Pinkie Pie in either hoof. My dude, close your eyes now! Too late! You're going to be feeling crystalline rooftop for a good few months. Tears disorient your clear view. Despite your hands's efforts, only a breeze kicks up dust. Eyes reflect a bottomless pit, it's present darkness swallowing every element of your reality. In a matter of speaking anyway, your still suspended by your hoofed rescuer. Perhaps on instinct you gather wind around your area, for what little good it does. Gravity assists ceiling pieces onto your right elbow, finalizing your worst case scenario into a tangible event. Next time you have consciousness, your first sight is of an open sky. Pink slides out from your left side, followed by an entire yellow wing. At once you whip around, procedurally gritting your teeth. Hooves grip you from the waist. Explosions of sound occur around her airborne body, actually pushing her off into various directions. In time her lift gains enough strength, allowing for you two to at least glide down onto safe ground. Given to some degree, your air bubble does provide some assistance. Wings flap only every so often, in contrast to surrounding currents. Calm grants you two a small window of recollection. "Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash, over here!", Fluttershy calls out. Flaps carry you two into a faster current, granting audibility of another pair of wings. In mixture with aforementioned wings, blue and orange kick into better view, "Oh thank heavens, you two are okay! You seen anypony else?!", Applejack yells. In response to her question, a flaming object speeds within seeing distance. "I managed to get to Pinkie and Rarity! Last I saw, Twilight had Grubber and Tempest! I haven't seen them in the sky, so maybe they're on land?!", Spike fires off each word. Eyes dart about their reptilian sockets, chest scales rising before a necessary fall. "Come on you mares! Let's drop off on ground level, then be back up in under ten seconds!", Rainbow begins her descent. Flight patterns shift according to her work, incidentally creating a funnel-esque scene. Upon regaining your complete sensory works, you sneak a peek at the lower lands. At once you catch your breath, blinking having gained an entirely new speed. Once gravel touches your shoes, you hovel over to a clearing. Amidst evergreens you pick out a distant city, complete with moving vehicles. "If your expression is anything to go by, I assume we're on...your homeland?", Rarity asks. Despite having just been asked a question, your only response is to maintain a soundless admiration of the familiar sensations. "Hey guys and gals, I found a sign! It reads: Now Entering Round Rock, TX. Which is honestly kind of innacurate, seeing as how nothing besides some cars are round.", Pinkie flips said sign in her hooves. "Girls.", you interrupt local chatter, "I see where our missing three are." Reflections tell of three also distant figures, their altitude laying among numerous rooftops. A sigh escapes your mouth. > Clear Way Home > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- List of problems include: Three of your nine otherworldly friends are on some distant rooftop, amidst an unfamiliar city. Doubts being put aside, your eyes squint at distant sunlight. Mountains obscure earth's sun, forming another addition to your list. At some point you meet up with fellow travelers. Problem number three: Your friends already have a headstart down the hillside. "Hold up everyone! We can't just waltz into a city with people, who have never seen anything like you in their lives!" "Not our first time visiting strange places. I don't see the difference between our other adventures, and the folks down below.", Applejack says. Despite surrounding bugs and birds, you clearly pick up on crumbling rock. Given a little bit of time, your gaze lands upon an old mentor. Mentor in question finishes his gray victim. Fragments slip between his fingers, little amounts flowing away with passing wind currents. In time he looks up, and he dons such an innocent smile. Spike's expression fades. "So, you said people are aware of dragons. Just not living ones? And the ones who are well known, usually wind up dead?", Spike's breathing picks up speed. "Well thankfully we're not in a story, huh? You'd be one friend short." ...I'm not going anywhere with such an open ended line. Please tell everyone of your genius plan, the journey minus any extra steps. Your face doesn't bode well for our condition. Today's event isn't so hard, just run over, and pick up two horned ponies and their hedgehog! "Yoo-hoo! Kind Madame! If I may have a moment of your time? My friends and I are without direction, where can we find a map of this fair city?", Rarity asks. Question being her location, as you and everyone else soon find a lacking friend. Upon looking further downhill, every last one of you catch your breathes. Mare in question is presently asking a passing motorist, a woman and who appears to be her child on a bicycle. "Right along this here road. We're from out of town as well, so if you backtrack, you'll find a drugstore. Has a map, along with some pretty rare goodies.", says the woman. Balance is disrupted by aforementioned child, shouting 'Pony!' and giggling amidst swings. "What an adorable child! Is she yours?" "My son's actually. He's out of town with his wife, so I'm taking care of the little huntress. Careful around her, the little thing can bite your finger off.", the woman says. Sentence comes in a nonchalant tone, I might add into the mix. Without another word both parties go their separate ways. Upon returning with a gracious smile, "Well, we have a destination. Come along everypony! We mustn't keep Twilight, Tempest, and Grubber waiting!" In spite of an empty reason, you lot continue your quest. Horns signal distant traffic, without anybody else in sight. Matter of fact not another character is seen amidst open streets. Exception being the aforementioned drugstore. Indoors contains at least several people, two girls being checkout employees. First thing you go for is a good old fashioned map, or rather it's more of a brochure. Still, you find yourself well enough to pay for the stuff. Hopes are your friends don't take too much time from an otherwise short schedule. Despite six ponies and one dragon being inside an everyday drugstore, their odd color pallets don't attract attention. In truth everyone's moving along casually, outright ignoring the magical characters. Good to know there's more than one witness for my sanity's sake. After paying for your stuff, you carefully let everyone know it was time to go. "Is there by any chance a money changer nearby? I'm hoping to exchange my share of bits for your earth's currency. This shirt is so cute!", Rarity holds up a medium sized t-shirt. "The little swirls of blue overlay parallel orange swirls, creating an energizing sense from it's looks alone! Then there's the background color scheme! Mixes of sunset colors fading into lower blues, reminiscent of an ocean. Granted it's nowhere near as fashionable as some of my past works, but for some reason this shirt seems to stand out from it's neighbours." Light forms an impressive reflection within her eyes, reminiscent of the night sky. "Best we keep our golden currency a secret.", you look around the store. "Aww, but there's a matching one for Sweetie Belle!", her pout accompanies watery eyes. Sure enough she pulls forth a much smaller t-shirt, complete with the same designs. You stand firmly in a 'No' expression. At last she says, "Oh, fine! We don't need souvenirs, let's just go." In spite of her word she looks back, quickly pulling her muzzle toward the store's exit. "Please hurry along everypony, before I change my mind!", true enough she dashes outside. All throughout most everypony else wraps up their deeds, and follows each other outside. Expression of 'Most everypony' meaning all except Applejack, who is nowhere in sight. In spite of a lacking member, you make your way outside. "So Rarity, you said 'My share of bits'. Who is keeping your temporary account?", you ask. "Pinkie Pie of course. You'd be surprised of her safe keeping abilities. Pinkie!", hoofsteps follow the request, "Kindly show Matthew, your 'mane' safe." With a nod, Pinkie rummages through her mane. Out from some rummaging within cotton candy, emerges a fishing line. Yes she pulls out a long reel, seemingly forming a pile before her hooves. Finally at the very end of green string sits a small satchel, capable of fitting in the palm of your human hands. Once shown, it all goes back into the depths. Needless to say, you're amazed. Now, I grant you, nobody in your circle has hometown advantage. Getting lost around two streets in, appropriately doesn't come as a surprise. Now being lost until sunset hour, is a concerning feat. Despite seeing the trio's last whereabouts, you seven rescuers haven't found the right rooftop. People, thankfully, don't question your mystical company, or your running about without end. It's only with youthful types you find an exceptionally keen eye for your group, and toddlers who shout 'Pony!' or 'Unicorn!' add onto present complications. At last your group manages a high up view, in spite of inner warnings. Wind flows out from Dash's flight, taking her directly over the rescue needers. Upon closer inspection you notice a red cross, hanging about two stories above ground. Approach gets you lost closer, at the price of more exposure. Inside you get a surprisingly quiet atmosphere, your ears pricking only at distant machines. At some point you begin ascension, to which your eyes grow wide further up stairways. "Are those, children?", asks Rarity. One hoof echoes throughout an empty space. Voices scream familiar tunes, procedurally stampeding around your legs. Cries go out for surrender, and comical pony rides. "Everyone come back together! Either everybody come back in line, or we go back to school right now! And we can take a pop quiz on the medical history of this hospital.", comes a female voice from behind. Upon looking over your shoulder, you notice a woman's outline before daylight. At once every kid lines up in single file, taking turns giving their own annoyed looks. "Alright everybody, let's continue the field trip! Next stop, the nurse training ward!", comes her voice. The line of kids follows a frizzy haired woman, her walk being hilariously off balanced. "Excuse me sir!", comes a familiar voice. "Have you seen a kindergarten class around here? They shouted 'Ponies!", and ran down here." Light reveals a similarly Okay, I see what's going on here. "Ma'am, I believe they went that way.", you say. Once left by yourself, both eyes go toward your search efforts. Light explodes behind your position, sounds of wing flaps bringing you into one near death experience. In the aftermath you find a certain alicorn, her wings covering all six of you in shadow. Despite a setback or two, you lot still manage your way onto rooftop stonework. Step one finds you sliding, rollercoaster style toward sunlight. Upon regaining your senses, your sight fills with a complete set of nine. "So...What's our next step? Everypony?", Rainbow Dash asks. "Red crosses are universal for the same purpose. We'll search wherever similar symptoms are present, and destroy the monster at it's source.", replies Princess Twilight Sparkle. Daylight fades beyond horizon limits. City lights replace former glory, evidently aiding in you nine's retreat. Despite having a clear view, your shifts only seem to drag on each hour. Pink splashes your bed's opposing side. Noise pollutes your outward gaze, soon overwhelmed by an airborne water bottle. At once your focus shifts between friends, eventually locking onto still blue. In between Fizzlepop's reflections of friendly activities, she sneaks a nod of agreement toward you. Upon taking another look at the nearest clock, you get 10:29 P.M. in full red. Breath slips between your teeth, actually bringing on another worrisome expression. Reach goes into your travel bag, coming up empty handed moments into your search. "Everyone. Have any of you seen my toothbrush?", your question gets mere shakes in response. Once your eyes land on Tempest, she yawns. "It's in the bathroom.", she says. Upon walking into position, your body locks moment before contact with bristles. Feet slide away from your recent stance, both hands caving onto reflective material. Hoofsteps call your attention further toward slivers of artificial yellow. Knocks echo from a lower drawer. "Psst! Narrator!", comes a squeaky voice. ...Please excuse me for a second? "Oh good, you heard me! Listen, remember way back then? When Matthew and Fizzlepop were in question? Well, they've gotten more out of each other. And they've been learning since then, fighting, talking with others, traveling to other worlds. Oh, and I talked with Fizzlepop before coming here." Did she mention relationships by any chance? "Eh, not really. She was focused on the hospital, so our conversation mostly leaned on today's strangeness. There was one really, really big thing. She said, 'I wonder if there is a pony for me.' She had this distant stare, like she was only pretending to look at the hospital. Then she walked onto the outer railing, she...hasn't come inside since." Can't you tell Matthew? A recently 'let's be friends'-ed mare with a bad history in relationships, distancing herself with self-doubtful words, isn't a good secret. "True~, however, since he's been listening...", Pinkie points outside the counter's drawer. Water continues it's fall, despite a present user holding eye contact. Once accomplishing your nightly routine, you head back outside. See you later, Pinkie. "See you later tonight, Narrator." Upon turning a corner, your hands fidget amongst themselves. Circles form along your footwork, eventually making way toward metal railing. Step one taken, grunts signal another's presence. Wings bounce against your legs, blue feathers audibly brushing either pant leg clean of debris. "Oh, hey. Goodnight, Matt.", says Rainbow Dash. Yawns call you over toward five more ponies, including one dragon underneath bedsheets. Electricity calls you back outside. Step by step your own presence is eventually met with familiar blue. Despite acknowledging your presence, the corner of her right eye slides back toward alleyway duty. Upon taking a seat beside Tempest, your lungs fill to capacity. "Good night, Tempest.", you say. Foot takes off, and is nearly crushed by a sudden slam. Glass paves way for a sleepy rainbow, who falls back from the sight of tonight's assailant. Given enough time Tempest's features soften, even growing into a smirk. "You wanted to tell me something?", she asks. "...You and me being friends right now, thanks for being here with us.", you reply. "Fair enough. Though let's be honest, you're not the same wanderer from our first meeting. Doesn't mean you've improved, but you no longer flinch away from fights.", her tail flicks amidst it's meager room. You look out toward lower details, neighborhood lights assisting for distant illumination. Once you open your mouth, a hoof rushes against it's surface. "Give me a second.", she jumps down the fire escape. With a few leaps, her flight leads behind a local building. In spite of having the obvious choice, you eventually make for downstairs. In time you make your way down each flight of stairs. At some point you hear thunder, followed by Fizzlepop's sudden collision. Wind carries you down, safely diffusing any lethal injury. Given a stumble you accompany Fizzlepop, to which you investigate her wounds. In short, her body's worst offender are some nicks, and a bump from the crash. Upon looking toward her recent battlefield, your sight reflects sickeningly colored fog. Hands swing out in front of your position. Green pushes said fog away, keeping your world safe from darker gray. At some point outlines rush light green. Whirlwinds scatter nearby trash bags, audibly leaving behind no outer survivor. Perhaps at your breaking point, lavender breaks the stalemate. Battlecries emit loud from eight characters, all whom rush one target. Winds dissipate from your area, leaving only a retreating creature. Blast after blast follows it's trail, an entire party hanging onto every step. Coughs swing you around, bringing attention toward those same nicks. "Fire. Please.", Fizzlepop barely manages between scarce breaths. "...Spike! Spike!", you cry out. Arms wrap around Fizzlepop's stomach, cradling her within your care. At once you rush off toward everypony's assault. One more addition to that problem list: Your friends are in trouble.