• Published 22nd Nov 2017
  • 2,177 Views, 9 Comments

Electric Fire - CalmingNature

Matthew discovers there's more to this new world than he first believed.

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To Even More Ludicrous Heights

Another night come and gone. You awake to find yourself diagonally placed on a noble's bed. The memories of almost being incinerated and evading an undead giant returned, along with breaking a certain mare's heart. Fizzlepop...you feel as though last night was probably her worst night yet. Going back to that incident, maybe you could get a day off as reward for surviving. Hopefully the store manager-nah, somehow you doubt it. Without any interruptions you get out of bed and instantly fall flat on your face. My god, you have no traction whatsoever. Suddenly knocking comes from your door, "Are you okay in there?", it was Spike.

"Yeah.", you say weakly. Spike enters and finds you slowly rising to your feet. He visibly sniffs the air. It becomes evident that you haven't showered lately, as in a day. Once the bed was fixed you leave the room, heading for the exit. At the time what occupied your mind was Fizzlepop Berrytwist. Perhaps you should see if she's doing alright? Oh nevermind, here she comes now bearing Twilight's emblem on her armor. You recoil at the sight of bags under her eyes. The mare walks straight past you. Clearly she didn't want to-

"Hey." Say something dummy!

"Hey. You okay?" Fizzlepop looks down and sighs before answering.

"If it's all the same, I'd rather not talk about it." She's about to leave when you follow her. Twilight's wing suddenly whips you in the face. She apologizes before hightailing it towards wherever the wind was taking her. You return to following Fizzlepop, only to find her facing you in the next room. "What?", she says with a hiss. Now you haven't met Queen Chrysalis, but you're pretty sure that's how she sounds.

"Just wanted to check and see if you were feeling alright." In reality you wanted to say something else, but not right now. She leaves. You walk in the opposite direction, getting struck headfirst by Fluttershy in the process. The pegasus apologizes profusely and helps you back up. She and her friends were running towards their round table of friendship. That would probably be funny if it weren't a possible name for their meeting place. Anyway you leave the castle, intent on heading home. Sure enough along the way you encounter Spike. At this point you figure calling him, "Hey mentor."

"Yo. Listen I heard that you and Tempest were having 'issues'-"

"Who told you?"

"You, just now." Did not expect him to be this smart. By the look on your face neither were you. "Getting straight to the point, you should give her a chance. Seriously what's stopping you?" You then explain the entire situation to him. He holds back a laugh for some reason. "It doesn't take Twilight's level of intellect to see the holes in that logic." Speaking of which here comes the princess now. She calls Spike over, and he complies. "Don't wait too long.", he says before leaving. So many questions, where to start?, you think to yourself. As was said before, there might not be a way back home. Keeping your alone status didn't sound great at all. Okay, I'm convinced. Let's see if this will work., you again think to yourself. You were apparently focusing so much on questions that it just clicked that some ponies were staring. You immediately retreat to home. First thing before anything else, taking a bath.

Day exchanges hands with night and the sky becomes as such. There you are lying in your own bed, wondering what happens next. Do you run over admitting how much a fool you were? Perhaps attempt wooing-no she is not that kind of mare. Going to have start somewhere. You can't believe this, just two days ago the idea of dating was nowhere near your thoughts, but now here you are thinking about how you and her could get together. Stop! Too much information. Thanks a lot Spike! It feels like there's a time limit for me or something!, you fall asleep from overthinking things. No dreams occured that night.

You're interrupted mid sleep by knocks at your door. First thing that hits your eyes is the sun's rays. Once properly dressed you ask who is it, "Come on the voice makes it sooo obvious!" Opening the door revealed Rainbow Dash on the other side. Without warning she grabs you by the arm and flies away. In a matter of seconds you two land in the town square, with you completely null of feeling. Minus Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Spike, and Starlight the area was devoid of life. Somehow saying that made it more eerie than before. Any attempt at leaving resulted in Rarity or Starlight pulling you back. You were about to ask out loud what was going on, when the Princess of Friendship herself appeared. Uh, okay this may just be personal thoughts but just yesterday Twilight didn't have her own set of regalia, nor her own armor set.

"There's are many things that need to be said, so here's a short summary. The foe who sent the giant has been located in another world. The elements are going there to subdue the threat and undo whatever damage they've done. Princess Celestia, Cadance, and Luna are also coming." Your brain has been left in a state of emergency from what Twilight said. A year couldn't have prepared you for dealing with this kind of information. She continues, "Now that doesn't mean you get days off. While I'm gone Spike will oversee your development." Saw that coming all the way from over here! Twilight continues on about some things that hopefully aren't aimed at you. The bearers then disappear. This just leaves Spike as Starlight also left. He comes over and speaks in a immortal sense, "Any questions?" Countless.

"Nope." Liar. The next couple of days come and go as you become more attuned in wind magic. You and Fizzlepop become more acquainted, telling each other whatever wasn't already known. The veteran pony unsurprisingly caused the downfall of multiple empires, almost killed one or two characters, tells of the time she was almost killed herself by the ursa minor that cut her horn and scarred her right eye, and the time she and Grubber met. You told her about Earth and it's inhabitants, your family, how you almost caused a relative's death, and about how there's no magic where you're from.

"You. Almost. Killed. Someone. Never considered saying that regarding you.", Fizzlepop says.

"I just switched grandpa's chocolates with nuts, ten year old me didn't think that he would choke." Two weeks pass, Twilight and her friends haven't returned. Spike has grown uneasy, Fizzlepop becomes worried, and you develop some kind of hybrid of the two. Dictionary calls it anxiety.

One day during training a letter comes through Spike. Yeah, it's still astonishing that his fire could transfer written material. It read, "Spike this is going to sound overwhelming, and you have every right to faint, but you need to find that little device I showed off a while back. Turns out it was important. I say that as sarcasm. You should be able to get here via Pinkie Pie. See you soon!" Right on cue the pink pony leaped out of the page, scaring both you and Spike. While Pinkie is crushing your ribs the small dragon runs off. When he comes back there’s a cellphone in his hands. Pinkie leaves your chest to investigate, saying “Ooooh, Shiny.” Just in time, any sooner there might’ve been permanent damage. You walk over and ask how this little device ended up here. Spike says it came from you, when you threw it away. Yeah on the day that you fell through that television was the day that technology broke up with you. Almost ironic.
“The question is, how do we get over there?”, Spike asks.

“Twilight said, and I quote, ‘To return just have them hold onto your tail and use your element.’”, Pinkie says using Twilight’s voice for the quote. So she’s also a recording device, good to know. Alright your turn,

“‘We’? Her majesty is just asking for you.”

“If they’re in trouble-wait, Pinkie why were you sent back?”

“We’re at this freaky door that will only let us pass if there’s something that originally came from that world. Apparently this doodad counts.”...What did she just say? If what she says is true then...then-

“You guys are going to my world, Earth!” This was something that could’ve never been foreseen! You jump for joy at the mere idea that you’ll be able to go home! Then it occurs to you: how long have you been here? Does time pass differently here? Maybe, but who cares you can go home now! Nothing could prepare you for what happened next. Pinkie began coughing violently. Smoke leaked from her mouth as the cough intensified. Once the dense white vapor was fully gathered above our heads, Pinkie fainted. Spike grabs Pinkie and is about to jump out a nearby window when the smog cuts him off. The sentient fog dances in mockery towards you two. Spike runs for the next room, you follow swiftly. Finding yourself separated the first thing in mind was to try and hold this thing off. One movement of your right hand summons a weak tornado. It knocks off some books, but the sentient smoke merely slows down. Keeping the enemy at bay you make a dash for it. Eventually both dragon, pony and human succeeded in escaping through the door. You both end up stopping for a breather. When you turn around the vapor is inches away from accomplishing its goals. Before that could happen Spike’s fire breath consumes it entirely. Pinkie awakens shortly afterwards, looking one-hundred percent like someone who slept extremely late and got up really early. She inhales deeply,

“Hey guys! Talk about an out of body experience am I right!?”...This would require some explaining.

Author's Note:

Hope you enjoyed! Any constructive criticism or suggestions for this narrative?