• Member Since 12th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen May 17th

Phantom Writer

Comments ( 8 )

Good start so far, can't wait to see more

Look up Never Hike Alone on youtube.

Watched it, it was okay, wasn't the greatest but it wasn't the worse.

Yeah, but for a fan-film that used Go-Pros and drones, it's still better than most of the official films.

Eh it has some flaws, it's okay for being a fan film. But it really doesn't hold much weight to the official movies even if they're were some bad films.

You CAN'T tell me it's not better than Jason takes Manhattan and Jason Goes to hell.

Also, you have to admit that it was kind of fun, the way it has crime-scene markers in the places of all the deaths in the first film, with Pamela Vorhees' marker being number 1 and the last one he found.

Jason takes Manhattan was a good movie, it was better then Never Hike alone because it was still a Jason movie and there were so many cool kills lol Jason goes to hell, eh it's not great it's not a Jason movie and you can see it, Jason X is also not a great movie but the kills in that movie were good lol

Never Hike Alone was a okay but not that great film. On it's own it's just a fan film made to just keep Jason alive since the game is dead and the lawsuit is keeping any new movies from being made. It's not the greatest but it could have been worse.

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