• Published 29th Sep 2017
  • 2,234 Views, 34 Comments

We're Not Alone Anymore - LifeIsForPenguinHugs

We thought we were the only ones out there, until one man encountered ponykind.

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Bike Ride

I sat in a fairly comfortable wood chair as Twilight drones on and on. I glance down at the recording PDA who ever goes through the data will probably kill me. I zone back in enough to hear that the sun orbits their planet. I sputter out, “That’s impossible! For that to happen a planet would need more mass than the star, and the planet would just be a star due to its size and mass!” She opened her eyes and looked at me like I was insane. She opened her mouth to continue but I stopped her, “Now it's my turn for questions. 1. Why do you speak my language? 2. Why are there three races of your species? 3. Why are there multiple species? And 4. Why is your technology stagnant?”

She looked at me again thinking for a moment, “To start on your first inquiry it has been a wonder myself that you, an alien, can speak Equish for now we have no idea. The we’re a subspecies not a new species. For your third there's always been many species like minotaurs, zebras, changelings, humans, griffons, and ponies. Are you saying that you're the only species on your planet,” I shook my head yes and saw her happiness fall before being built back, “for your last question we’re aren't stagnant! We constantly move forward, the most recent invention was a computer.”

“Which was invented when?” I was hoping for a good answer.

“Ten years ago, but I have the top of a line one with a two gigabyte memory.” I saw smugness on her face.

“Two gigabytes? As in two thousand megabytes?” She shook her head yes I pointed at the PDA, “That has a 526,000,000 terabyte memory.” She blankly stared at me, I stared back. Her legs wobbled and she fell. I stood ended my recording and walked out not going to be responsible for someone’s death. When I stepped out of the brain hurting living tree the ponies stared at me. I ignored them and at least they were a bit more comfortable around me. The town was lovely, clean kinda quiet and somewhat safe.

I felt the hairs on my neck raise, I knew who was following me. I start walking faster, I was nearly about to run when my legs hit something short and pointy. I looked down and saw the young Sweetie Belle. She looks up and her grin grows wider, her friends however shrink.

“Hi! Girls it's the alien guy!” They stood there and stared at me. They had packs on their backs so probably got out of school. I squat down to get on their eye level, and then the one with a red bow spoke up.

“My names Applebloom, the orange filly shakin in er hooves is Scootaloo.” Said ,with a southern accent, child squinted with anger at her friend.

The young human child walked up and said “My name is Jame.” His voice was a mix between southern and northern.

Though I knew the answer already I asked, “So where you guys running off to?”

“We’re going tah my family's farm tah do impossible math!” Shouted the one known as Applebloom.

“I can help, I have a degree in math.” I saw their grin widen and they feebly grab onto my pant’s legs and attempted to drag me. “How about I just walk.” As we walked out of town toward another forest, it dawned on me I was going to face my oldest enemy Mental Abomination to Humanity.

It took us five minutes to reach a sign labeled: Sweet Apple Acres. I looked around and saw hundreds of Apple trees, I heard thwacks and thumps somewhere to the west but they ignored it so I probably should as well. I saw a lovely home and a stereotypical red barn, we approached it. Now on the porch Applebloom opened the door and we all went it.

“So where should we do this math at, the table?”

“Ha! You’re funny, tables are for eating not working!” I opened my mouth to respond but decided to not bother. The children sat down in front of a couch and so did I. “Ok, let me see what's the problem?” Four papers slid my way and I saw that it was one of the most basic math problems PEMDAS. “Oh this is easy, i’ll show you how to do it once then you do it. Alright?” I looked up from the paper and saw their heads flying back and forth with literal ear to ear grins. Before starting I wrote the acronym out. “Ok on number one it's 2(4)+8-6=? First you start with the 2(4) and multiply it. Then add the 8 to the other 8 and the subtract the 6.” Their eyes widened as they realized how easy it was.

It started playing a game of Space Chess(patent pending), I was about to checkmate the king when I felt a tug on my pants. I looked up and saw that they were watching me. “Done already?” A chorus of mhms hit my ears as I stand to pop my bag. “So now what?”

They huddled quickly before speaking to me. “We was hoping you could give us a ride on the wheelie thingy mabob you has.”

“Sure, I can do that.” Their grins grew wider than their face which kinda scared me. But there was a single problem I left it cross town, well feet don't fail me now!

After going on a long and very boring walk we reach my bike. The bike is still standing in the small field. The blue shine in the sun like well blue. They surround it touching everything, “Alright, who’s going first?” They look at each other and all raise their hands at the same time. They started a petty argument of who would go first. Well I guess now is a good time to finish my game of Space Chess(patent pending).

“Ok we’ve decided!” I glance up from my third game, Applebloom was standing in front of me. “Scootaloo first, then me, then Jame, and lastly Sweetie Belle.”

“Or you can all sit in the basket.” Her grin faltered slightly as her master plan was foiled. I grabbed the children and set them all in the basket. I sat on the seat and was ready to set off. They sat and had their tongues out as the wind wafted over their faces.

“This is awesome!” Shouted Scootaloo, I don't see how we were only going five miles an hour. I could see cobblestone roads now, and a very crowded road. I swerved left to bypass but sadly a lone pebble stopped my planes of survival. The front tire stopped and the back one went airborne. The children hit the ground with the bike while I went flying.

My body hit the earth with a dull meaty thud, I heard groans of pain and the sniffling of sadness. My heart pounded like a jackhammer, my head lifted to see the humanoid boy Jame holding his scraped knee. I stand up to dust myself off when I feel something a tad weird, only my thumb and my pointer finger touched my chest on my right hand. I raise it slowly in fear of what it might be, thankfully it's not that bad only three broken fingers bent at a 90 degree angle. I waddle over to the children and help them up. The first to notice my predicament was Sweetie Belle.

“Um...your fingers.” I look back to my hand before replying.

“They’re fine.” She made a good impression of a very pale fish before saying goodbye and running away with puffy cheeks. The others soon followed suit, well I guess it's time to hit the dusty trail.

*Back at the ship*

I'm sitting in the medbay Woodie the dog sat at my feet biting on a synthetic bone. I was not ready for what was going to happen. My left hand gently holding the broken fingers and quickly sent them back to their original place.

*Canterlot Castle*

Princess Luna and Princess Celestia stood in a balcony facing the sun, the sun was now setting the moon rising next to it. When a shrill, girlish shriek that shattered many windows was heard causing Celestia to turn the sun green. While Luna turned the moon purple.

“What was that dear sister?!”

“I..don't know Lu Lu, and I don't want to know.”