• Published 29th Sep 2017
  • 2,234 Views, 34 Comments

We're Not Alone Anymore - LifeIsForPenguinHugs

We thought we were the only ones out there, until one man encountered ponykind.

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Science and a Party Invintation

With the cargo secured I gently started off in the direction where the tracks went. The cool night air, the moon with a winking face, the bright stars it was amazing. As I peddled I was flooded with nostalgia, the memories of my childhood. A dopey grin filled my face as I remembered birthdays, fireworks, and mimes. I heard chitters of small creatures as they scurried to and fro,and I heard a sudden woosh. I quickly gazed up and looked around. Seeing nothing I realized that it was probably a large bird of prey.

*Small field outside of the WhiteTail Woods*

A small group of fourteen ponies and three humans were armed with lanterns, medical kits and hope. Twilight feverishly wrote to both diarchs of Equestria in hope of a solution. Applejack was tasked with the attempt to keep Rarity from suffering a severe mental breakdown, Rainbow Dash flew ahead in an attempt to see ahead into the forest. As they neared the entrance a loud beating of wings was heard as Rainbow landed, her eyes filled with concern. She spoke clearly and was visibly worried.

"I saw something! I don't know what it was but it's coming this way!"
A curious sound of gears turning, sticks cracking and bushes rustling was echoing towards them. All stopped and were in shook in fear, the unicorns brightened their horns to provide more light, the pegasi moved clouds to allow moonlight, and the humans grabbed sticks. The field's atmosphere was tense, you could feel it as if it was a living breathing creature. The sounds stopped and was replaced with a sharp quick metal twang and more bush rustling.


I was walking to the bright light and sounds of chatter. As I step through the bushes a loud gasp rang through the field. Around seventeen of the locals stood watching me, some flying and some with glowing horns. A purple one with a glowing horn stepped forward, and so did I. The child that I held by my side was now in my hands held in front of me, another audible gasp I could feel tension rise higher than it already was. A light purple glow encompassed the child and lifted her from my grasp, my arms slowly moved to my chest. With my palms facing them I backpedaled to the bushes and to my bike and then to my bed

*Dreamscape Luna Third Person*

A blue alicorn’s physical form was sitting on a divine blue cushion as she meditated to a dream like state. It became apparent that her mind left and entered the whisps of the void. As she entered she was bestowed the lights of each and every subject in Equestria. But one light shone brighter than any others, the alicorn’s hand reached out to touch it. When it did she appeared in a large city with trees on the streets, vines on buildings, and hundreds if not thousands of humans! Thumps were heard and an extremely large yellow dog, with a cat riding on its back. She was awestruck at this unusual dream. It suddenly squeaked in a whimsical like voice.

"To the moon Garbadon!" And the dog launched to the dream moon with a rainbow. The city changed to be a grey life less wasteland with a yellow dog. But now the cat was large and the dog was the rider. This dream hurt her brain, she had to leave this...this monstrous abomination of a dream!
Before the madness it was born from killed her!

*Alexander Next Day*

The sun was rising and I was no longer wearing the combatant armor. But I was still armed with a High Round Density scatter gun, a hoe raised high struck the earth parting the soil like the Red Sea. A small pouch of modified seeds jostled at my side, sweat poured down into my eyes. With a final strike the small field was ready for seeding, a dirty gloved hand reached and gripped the bits of spud. With a cast a professional dice thrower they hit the rows. A simple swipe with my foot covered them. I grinned like a madman, soon I could have delicious potatoes.

I looked up and saw the sun, it was funny. Usually I'd see bright spots but nothing. It was mesmerizing, I could see the swirls of orange and yellow hell I saw some blue in there too. I wanted this moment of the sun to be forever yet nothing lasts forever, as I heard the crackling of sticks being stepped on. My arm glides to the weapon on my back and raised to be shot. It felt like forever until the thing flopped out onto the ground. Whatever the thing was looked like a dog but it appeared to have bark for fur...skin? It whined loudly and whimpered, while it wasn't a dog it was close enough to cause my heart to shatter.

I approached slowly and cautiously but received no growling or teeth baring, I was close now. Its sad green eyes looked up and met my brown ones, tears were on the verge of spilling out and flooding the immediate area at the sadness inside of it. I squat down and allow myself to fall on my ass. The wood-dog-thing’s head lifted and rested on my leg, my hand ever so slowly touched its head and stroked down its back. The bark looked hard but felt extremely soft, a soft rhythmic thumping came from behind. A gentle peace enveloped my soul, but soon the sound of a stomach’s anger came around. I looked down at my gut and then at the wood dog and thought to myself, ‘I'm getting hungry dog thing, I hope you are too.’

*Bushes Twenty Meters Away Mane Six*

The six mares sat watching the weird being, it appeared to be human but was different. A few physical differences like height and pointy nose put aside it just felt different. Quill scratches and small puffs of smoke was surrounded the group as Twilight was constantly writing and sending reports to Princess Celestia. One unspoken question was simple. ‘Why did it sit and pet a Timberwolf?’ The girls were distracted from their inquiries were interrupted by the sound of popping bones was heard. Now paying attention they watched the human thing go into the weird metallic grey rounded rectangle with the Timberwolf in its hands.


The metallic thumps of my shoes brought comfort to me. The wood dog on my side like how I carried the local last night. I stopped in front of the armory to store the HRD scatter gun. Now leaving the armory I went to the small kitchen. You know, I have to stop monologuing what I do. As I sit the dog down I press the glass screen for a small chunk of “grilled chicken.” The side door opened and my food was there, the gripped the meat and tore it in half. I gaze at him and notice his eyes follow the meat. I grin and throw it in the air, and he leaps taking the piece into his maw.

I start walking out and I hear the little pitter patter of paws. The door opened and the breath of fresh air made me smile. I knew had I had to record this discovery of a species for science, ah this is going to be fun.

*Mane Six*

The human sat down holding what appeared to be a pane of blue glass. It pressed said glass and a blue light encompassed the Timberwolf for only a second. The creature started to speak.

“This is Datalog: 01 with subject 01 which I named Lupus Lignea. It appears it is a cross Plantae and Mammalia. This changes the world of science as we know it, with an unrecorded test it appears it can eat meat. I do not know if it can go through photosynthesis but I shall record more when more data is available. This is, Alexander Kovalyov signing out.”

The girls looked at each other before they realized one of them was missing, a certain eccentric pink baker. Their pupils shrank as they realized the only place that she could've gone. Looking back up their gaze met Pinkie Pie talking to the human.


I had an ear to ear smile as I was talking to this eye sore of an intelligent creature! While I only understood a few words like friends, town, bakery, and alligator I was still excited. “If you’d slow down a bit I could understand you better.” She took it too serious and started talking in slow motion. “Ok, how about you talk normally?”

She took a deep breath before speaking again. “Hi! My name is Pinkamina Diane Pie but ponies just call me Pinkie! My favorite color is pink what's yours? I bet it is green! Do you like parties, because I love parties! I bet you're lonely because you lived in space for four years by yourself! *GASP* I have to throw a “Welcome to Equus Spaceman!” party. Will you go? Huh will ya?! will ya?!”

My mind raced, meet more intelligent creatures and taste alien delicacies, “Sure! Just tell me where to go!” She grabbed my PDA and started typing directions on it. With a jump she flew off with a fire trail behind her. As she disappeared into the horizon I realized that I fucked up. I know nothing about their customs. I could accidentally propose to them or offend one of them. But as they say, “When in Space Rome.”

Author's Note:

If you notice a grammatical mistake or have a suggestion I'd like to made aware.