• Published 29th Sep 2017
  • 2,235 Views, 34 Comments

We're Not Alone Anymore - LifeIsForPenguinHugs

We thought we were the only ones out there, until one man encountered ponykind.

  • ...

The End

*Unknown POV*

My green hand scribbled on the parchment as I watched the large human struggle in its binds.

“This is Lyra Heartstrings, minor in Humanology. Today I record a new sub specie of human featuring more predatory traits than the humans of Mountain Mountain but if it is alike those humans then it shouldn't be that intelligent. I have decided to name my find Prédateur Humain, now to the physical description. It's teeth are sharp and more angular which can easily tear flesh as evident by my shoulder wounds (pictures shown above). The wound wouldn't respond to magical healing, my theory is that the metal bits inside the teeth are blocking healing magics. Any attempts to remove them by physical magic or pliers causes it responds by loud wails of anger. The snout of the Prédateur Humain is pointed and extended indicating the sub specie is built to cut on wind resistance for speed, the claws are long and built for slicing and prodding. The eyes are beady and I believe it can see my heat signature, the lower claws are stubby and meant for grabbing items out of reach of the upper extremities.

The body appears to be slender yet have more muscle mass in the withers. The legs, however, show less muscle mass than that of a unicorn. Strange, as I pick up a scalpel for the vivisection it flinches in fear. Intriguing, the brain will be needed for further study.” I set the parchment down and move to the creature with the Brain Saw. But as I grabbed the rope holding its arms its head flew to mine.

*Alexander’s POV*

After I head butted a crazy bitch that kidnapped me and tied me in a kinda dark basement. I gnawed on the ropes harder, the rope tasted of dirt. I could feel the strands slowly snap away as I put pressure and ground the fibers away. A loud snap echoed through the stone basement as my mouth was freed from the evil of rope. I started to kick my legs…..wait the damn bitch didn't even tie my legs together! With a sigh of relief I started up the stairs to find a knife to cut my arms loose. As I started I lost my balance and wobbled.

“Woah!” My hands flailed in an attempt to keep balance. Once my balance was regained the ropes fell down to my ankles due to the struggling. “God fucking dammit! Does anyone on this planet know how to do anything right?!” With my anger released, for now, I entered the building. Surprisingly it was pretty nice, the walls went leaking green slime like I had imagined. A picture however caught my eye. It was my kidnapper on the left kissing, a human who was also being kissed by a normal pony female. I knew the best thing to do, my hand pushed the frame a little to the left. If I was right it’d drive them insane. As I walked through the door I realized I'd been gone for a couple of hours as the sun flew passed the horizon, the air chilled and I sighed once more. My feet were cold as they slapped a meaty slap on the stone road to what I hoped was the town. A sound of wings was behind me, my fear rose as I slowly turned to see a midnight black figure holding a sword.

“Foul dream demon your time on this plane is over! I have come to end ye and your plague of this land!” My hand pinched the bridge of my nose.

With a sigh I responded to Princess Luna, “Why do you hate me Luna?”

This obviously broke her train of thought as she sputtered out,” Wha...what?”

“You really think I can't feel your hate towards me? The couple of times we were in the same room I kept seeing you grab the nearest sharp object, now I’ll ask again. Why do you hate me?”

She fell to the ground as her wings stopped keeping her afloat. The sword imbedded in the stone, “You're so called dreams.”

With a loud sigh I asked her a question. “Do you want to a hear a story?”

This obviously confused her for a moment until she responded, “Um sure?”

“*One day a scorpion asked a frog to carry it across the river. The frog said, “But you’ll sting me!”

The scorpion simply replied, “If I do we both die.” The frog agreed after the convincing and started to cross the river with the scorpion. But halfway across the scorpion stung the frog. As they sank in the river the frog asked why it stung him. The scorpion simply retorted, “It's my nature*.”

For a moment Luna pondered the meaning but could not find it, “What does it mean.”

A small grin formed before I responded. “It means that no matter what I tell you I can never change the nature of my dreams. Whatever it is that makes you hate me will never stop.” A loud pop with a glow of blue and she was gone. As I gazed at the sky I saw a blue streak pass the large moon, “That chick has some growing up to do.”


“Navigation Officer what do we have?”

“Well Priestess we have a moon with a metal box sending the signal, as we got into reach of the moon we received coordinates of another location on the planet.”

“Good good, Militia Captain!”

“Yes my Priestess?”

“Prepare the slaves for combat.”

“Yes my Priestess!”

The Militia Captain ran out of the room as the Priestess slid into her chair planning her next thoughts.

*Following the Militia Captain*

The bug like alien sprinted through the halls until he reached the slave quarters. The metallic door slid open to show the fifty feline slaves, as they noted his presence they hit the ground begging for forgiveness.

With a voice full of venom he spoke, “Listen you worthless pieces of gunk! In a single ahk we shall land in a planet. You are to find the leader and bring it to us. If they aren't compliant then kill it, is that understood?”

A feeble voice whispered out, “Yes master.”

*Russian Ship*

The captain sat in his chair waiting for a report from his Senior Michman, when the Navigations Officer ran to him. “Sir! We have two days until we reach the signal!” Joy was in his voice.

“Is that all?”


“Thank you, you're dismissed.”

*Training Room*

The five hundred soldiers were doing push-ups as five others were going through tactics, excessive gun holstering, the group was also being screamed at by the Senior Michman.


The End….For now

Author's Note:

You know, I never really knew this story would get this far. Personally I thought it'd fail after the first chapter or so. But it didn't and I'm happy for that. But you may be thinking why am I ending it now? Well I didn't plan for a story that would last 100k words, but do not fret I'm starting a plan for a sequel but I'll be writing another story and after words The first chapter of the sequel will be out. I hope you had a good read and a lovley day.

Comments ( 3 )

OK over all after reading this in about 4 hours the stories good and has lots of potential just needs a couple of grammar rewrites and a sequal then you got a possible featured story

im just gonna say this now the concept is good but the execution is well bad yeah lets just leave it as bad

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