• Published 29th Sep 2017
  • 2,229 Views, 34 Comments

We're Not Alone Anymore - LifeIsForPenguinHugs

We thought we were the only ones out there, until one man encountered ponykind.

  • ...

Dun Dun

The forest was quiet, the goodies that I bought was sitting inside still in the bag. The metallic drone swung on the pilot system I had attached to a surviving tree. The wrench I had made clicks as I turned it right, for some reason it didn't work and from what I could tell it should've worked but it didn't.

“Whatcha dooin?” The sudden voice of Applebloom scared me causing my forehead to slam the machine. As I lowered my face and my hands replaced the metal. I groaned in pain as I rolled from under it. When I removed my hands I saw the children, “You ok Alexander?”

“Just peachy.”

“Ok! So what're you doing?”

“Trying to fix this so I can try and call my species.”

Their faces lit up before Sweetie asked, “Can we help?”

“Eh, I don't…” I saw their faces changed to a large frown, their eyes managed to get larger and teary. I tried to look away, but I couldn't. I can't let them walk all over me but my heart is being crushed. Then they started to sniffle, “Alright! Fine you can help!” They faces changed before they yelled out.

“CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS ALIEN MECHANICS! YAY!” My ears rang loudly as I could see their mouths move but I couldn't hear what they were saying. The ringing dulled enough so I could hear muffled voices.

“OK I’M GOING TO GET BACK TO WORK, JUST GIVE ME THE TOOL WHEN I SAY.” Their hands covered their ears as they got a taste of some of their medicine. I crawled back under the machine and I could finally hear, but with that I heard a feather scratching paper which meant one thing was near by. “Hi Twilight, come here to make me your suspect of study again?” She said nothing so I assumed that meant yes, “I need a 12.7 mm socket wrench bit.” Metal hitting metal met my ears and I felt the cold ball head of a ball peen hammer. “This is a hammer not a wrench bit.” More metallic clanging and a small metal circle was in my hand. “Thank you,” I switched the original bit off for the now larger on and undid the nut holding the oil back. The cold liquid hit my face, the pale yellow color. Well I guess I found out why it was no longer working, soon the tank emptied and I was covered in grime. Quickly put the nut back on I roll out from under the drone, I stand and pop my back. With a sigh I grab the canister of oil, drag it over over to the drone. Setting the oil down with a slush of liquid I find the small crack in the metal and lift it open to reveal the complex engine. Grabbing the cap I open the tank and let the engine juice loose.

With that done I grab my PDA and press the start button. I waited, and waited and then nothing happened. I felt my left eye twitch and my foot left.

“Is everything alright?” I heard Scootaloo ask but I ignored her as I started kicked the damnable machine.

“WHY AREN’T YOU WORKING YOU PIECE OF SPACE GARBAGE!” My kicks proved super effective as a hum of pistons working sounded. I grabbed a rag and wiped my hands, “Ah percussion mechanics never fail kids, never forget that.” Twilight stopped scribbling and looked at me and opened her mouth, “Twilight I know your question and yes you can study it, but I need you to enchant it.”

“Whatever it is I can do it!”

“Can you amplify the signal it’s supposed to send?” With a grin she nodded. “Yes before I forget, kids can you cover your ears?” They nodded their head and complied, “You break it I'll make sure they can't find your body, ok?” Her face paled and nodded her head.

I needed a nap after all that, as I sat on my bed woody and blue jumped up sat with me. The small bag from the store called Peculiar Items lit up and a fwoosh came out. With a loud groan I rolled of the bed and crawled to the bag using small doses of energy. Reaching in my fingers feel warm paper and a warm stone. Quickly emptying the bag I found the Letter Stone. It was a curious sort of stone similar to the Internet but could send letters and it was also powered by magic. So many things were similar yet different and it bugged me a lot. I started to read the letter, and it said.

Dear Alexander Kovalyov,
You’ve been summoned to the Royal Palace of Griffonia. In closed of the package is the, “Complete Guide to Griffon Culture” along with dress store. Please read and prepare to meet the High King and the lower Jarls and their Hold’s Thane with Housecarls. Please send a reply to acknowledge that you received the letter and plan to attend the Grand Ball for the High King’s daughter’s wedding. You will bring a gift and you may bring a plus one which can bring a plus one.

High Ambassador Christi of the Flyvningen.

After reading the letter I scratch out my reply and have the paper touch the stone. Both the stone and paper glowed, and disappeared but in its place was a small brown package. Untying the strings holding it together I saw a deep blue belted tunic, and rich brown pants. But I had a problem who would I invite? I looked at Woodie and Blue, and I knew I the answer. But where would I find dog clothes? I cross that bridge in a week.

It had been a week since I had gotten the letter, life had been uneventful Twilight enchanted the drone’s signal I found some doll clothes that I had Rarity alter to fit Woodie and Blue. I relaxed on the train reading an electronic book while the dogs slept, all was good. It would be a day before we got to the capital. I turned off the book and rested my eyes, feeling the dogs jump up and lay on me I felt a peace enter my soul.

We follow a recorded voice and coordinates fifty eight solar systems away as it reaches a Russian Exploratory Corps. The large shark like vessel cruised at a slow 10,000 knots, the Head Communications Officer awoke with a groan and tried to wipe hangover from his eyes in a vain attempt to keep the loud beeping out. A hand hit thebutton and a voice speaking English came on. With a sigh he hit the PA button and asked for Ivan Kovalyov one of the few people could could speak English well. In a minute he arrived and he translated.

“It's a distress beacon, from an Alexander Kovalyov. His coordinates point us fifty eight solar systems Space Starboard. Come we must talk to the Captain!” But the Head Communications Officer had fallen back asleep. With a sigh Ivan walked out and ran to the Captain’s Deck. As he entered the Captain spoke calmly.

“Why do you interupt me Ivan?”

“We received a distress signal fifty eight solar systems Space Starboard from our position. It says that the planet he’s on has,” he took a step forward and whispered into his ear to not cause an uproar, “intelligent life on it!”


“Aye sir!” Shouted the man sitting at the wheel.

“You’re dismissed Ivan, and before I forget you’ll be assigned to the Orbital Drop Team. Now you're dismissed soldier.”

With a quick salute Ivan sorinted down to his quarters to write in his leather bound journel. “Navigator how long will it take us to the coordinated provided by Ivan?”

“Two weeks sir!”

“Good, good. Senior Michman?”

“Aye sir?”

“Pick your finest men and prepare them for first contact, and make sure all other troops are ready for possible hostiles is that clear?”


“Good, good.” With that more of humanity was soon to meet ponykind. But fifty solar systems Space Starboard was another ship not of the Diplomatic Oligarchy of Sol Three but of another alien nation.

The more disc like ship detected a strong signal. The Communication Officer in the command room spoke to the Minor Priestess.

“My lady Minwas, we intercepted a signal eight systems away. Shall I play it or ignore it?” The Minor Priestess closed her eyes and felt an epiphany come to her.

“Yes, play the signal.” A male voice in Galactic Common came through the air. She felt no magical presence but it was strong, it peeked her curiosity. “Communications Officer send a report back to the main ship and please have the Navigations ready the Magic Drives.” With a node the communications officer closed his eyes and they lit a bright blue, “When did he say we would arrive?”

“About two mek my lady.”

“Good, very good.”

Two interstellar species are about to meet. One is technologically advanced and without magic while the other knows nothing but magic. Will there be war? Even I the great narrator don't know the answer but I guess we'll soon find out.