• Published 29th Sep 2017
  • 2,234 Views, 34 Comments

We're Not Alone Anymore - LifeIsForPenguinHugs

We thought we were the only ones out there, until one man encountered ponykind.

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Space the Somesort of Frontier

The dull hum of a ship filled my ears, the quiet thumb of rubber soles on metal echoed through the corridor. The lone crew member on the small exploratory vehicle made his way to the ship's mess room. The door slid open to show a simple chair with a glass screen on the wall, with a grunt of bliss he sat down. The screen came to life with its choices. A finger hit the classic scrambled eggs and bacon, the "food" came out on a plate. A fork stabbed into the nutrient rich food stuff, with a simple flick of the wrist food was introduced to mouth. A content sigh rang through the small room, the food was quickly devoured. The plate was thrown into a small hole as he stood, with a stretch a loud pop was heard. As he exited he rounded a corner to the pilot seat. His feet kicked up on the dash a finger hit the shiny button labeled Vroom Vroom.

*Equestria Luna*

Twas a simple day, and now night in Canterlot. Luna stood on her balcony, as she gazed up at her work she spotted a slight green line. While an uncommon occurrence meteorites pass by Equss. As she saw the line go by she realized that it's been far too long since her subjects were blessed with a meteor shower. She reached with her magic, it grasped the usual cold rock of space. But instead of it slowing it started flying towards the planet! With a sudden jolt of fear she used her magic to push the meteorite to a near slow and to the WhiteTail Woods. With a sigh she felt fear that it would hurt somepony but then again this happened occasionally and they usually burned up. But she should write a letter to her sister's protégé to tell her it was nothing. If only she knew what was in that "meteorite."

*Five minutes ago*

Fear was on my face as red lights and an alarm sounded, it was all fine until a sudden shift in Gravity from a near by planet pulled me from Half and Half*. The nose of the ship turned to the planet and I screamed like a man for my mom, as I entered orbit I realized this was gonna hurt in the morning.

*Next Day After School Ponyville*

The four sat in the tree house, three fillies and a human boy. All sat around an oval table and discussed on what to do when the human child spoke up.

"I think we should you know, go look for that weird shootin' star we saw last night!" The three looked at him then pondered it until a grin encompassed their faces. With a large vacuum of air being pulled into the fillies lungs they shouted their war cry.


*Crash Site*

My head throbbed with pain, my body felt like a thousand wheeled vehicle ran me over. I sat up with a groan, I started to stand until I became light headed. I sat back down with my head on my knees until I felt better. As I stood again I look out the window, my heart stops when I see I'm in a gorgeous forest. My heart breaks as I scramble for my PDA, I find the now cracked screen and then iturn it on. The clear screen turns blue as it scans my face, it opens up as I start recording. I sprint to the airlock but realize that I may die due to the air. I set the PDA down and scramble to the armory. My thumb hit the scanner and the doors magnetic lock slid open revealing the room and strapped the light combatant armor on, I scanned the slug throwers that adorned the same shelf to my right. My eyes hit the simple black rifle chambered in 8.9 mm rounds, a bandolier hung bellow it with ten magazines in it. I hooked the mags to my body and gripped an environment tester, I pressed the blue blue but and a vacuum sound indicated it was functioning. Now I'm ready to go out, the airlock opens with my rifle up and the PDA recording this I step out into the wild.

*Cutie Mark Crusaders*

The four sat in a ring outside of the simple farm house of Sweet Apple Acheres. All of them had a backpack, Sweetie Belle with water, Scootaloo with food, Applebloom with camping gear, and James with rope to drag the star back to Ponyville.

The group set off to the WhiteTail Woods ready to find a star. The small group hugged the edge of the trail to the forest, spotting a small thin whisp of grey smoke. Their speed picked up as they now ran, through the bushes and stopped into a now clearing due to the impact of what ever hit the forest floor. The sank in the west as they neared the impact sight, their hooves (and in one case feet) sank as dirt had shaken loose. The odd heavenly smell of smoke wafted through the air as they poked their heads through bushes. They saw a bipedal sort of creature, its skin had a black sheen and in its right hand held a weird black stick. In its left held high in the air was a blue beeper, a voice waved through the air.

"Ok the air is similar, but the level of ash and smoke carbon dioxide is higher due to my crash site. Which is understandable," it slung the stick into its shoulder as it continued the monologue, "I hope that the Watney* protocol supplies survived the crash." They were in awe, a real life alien! What was deemed fiction had turned out to be a fact! In their state of awestruckness Sweetie Belle shifted her weight forward to get a better look. As she did so she fell forward with a loud thump and groan.

*Alien Human*

A loud thump accompanied by a groan met my ears, I swung the rifle off my shoulder and fell to my knees. The sun now to my back I could see better, and what I saw surprised me. My eyes met a short bipedal unicorn, two other creatures with an equine apperance and to my surprise something that appeared human.

Though they couldn't see it, I was shocked hell I was thunderstruck! There stood a human on an alien planet, my rifle lowered and I took a step forward and raised my hands to chest height to show them I meant no harm. But a voice that yelled in English scared the bejesus out of me.

"Run girls!" The two equinodes and a humanoid sprinted away leaving the unicorn like animal in my destroyed forest. I slowly walk to it and as I reach it I thank god that I can see its lungs expanding. With a loud sigh of relief I pick it up and move to the ship and hopefully take care of any possible injuries.

*One Hour later, Ponyville Library*

Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash along with Twilight and Jame's brother Müller. All of them were panicking about where their family disappeared to. The entire town had been searched twice, the wells eight times, caves fifteen times and trees with sticky sap a thousand times none of them having any results. Zecora along with a small group of Royal Guards were combing through the EverFree Forest, yet they on the verge of a complete mental breakdown as the door slammed open to have three children scrambling over each other as they were all talking over each other.

None could understand what was being said until they started they were told to calm down. They took deep breathes when James spoke up.

"W...we was explorin' the WhiteTail Woods *deep breath* lookin' fer that fallin star. And we found a...a monster! It was tall and scary and and," he looked around for a moment before horror dawned on his face. "We we left Sweetie Belle! We ran without her! Oh no no no she is probably going to be ate!" All faces went pale except for the unconscious unicorn mare.

*Ship Human*

When the realization dawned on me I nearly leaped in joy! I had found the possibly only other sentient life! I sat watching the equine as it laid sleeping, a small patch of biofoam on its head to prevent further bleeding from the fall it took. I sat in a soft chair with a bowl of popcorn as I typed everything I've seen so far, and started to map the area around the crash site. To my west was a river where I can plant potatoes acording to Watney protocol that was drilled into every ship captain. I heard a groan as I looked up at my guest, my face contorted into a grin as she blinked awake. I calmly stood and brought the bowl and a glass of water to her to aid the definite hunger it was going to feel. The alien looked around with a confused face until it saw me, it scooted backwards in fear. My hands to my chest and spoke calmly.

"Hey, it's ok I won't hurt you." It stared at me and I stared at it. "My name is Alexander Kovalyov, what's yours?" It sniffed edits mumbling something. "Could you please repeat that?"

"I said my name's is Sweetie Belle." A small feminine voice spring out.

"That's a nice name!" She grinned and visibly relaxed at my compliment, I nudged the food forward and she now was happily munching on it. There had to be either a tribe or a town around this area, if I was to secure a good graces with the locals I'd need to return her to her home. After carefully pondering my question I asked her, "Do you know where you're home is related to this location?" She looked up and then down shaking her head. "Ok, I'll be back in five minutes, is that ok?" She nodded while still looking down, I moved to the airlock. No longer carrying the rifle a pistol was on my hip. I wandered to the bushes where I saw the locals originally. I found the tracks and found the direction, approximately south, southeast. I walked back to my ship and pushed a seamless pressure plate. It slide to reveal a small cargo hold, inside was a folding bike equipped with shock absorbers, a powerful headlight, and a basket. I grinned as I grabbed the jumble of metal, within four clicks it was ready for action. With a popped stand I walked back into the airlock, with a twist of my back it popped. I sighed a content sigh I went in to get the alien named Sweetie Belle. But instead of her being awake she was asleep, I shook her awake to tell her that I'm going to try and take her home. She groaned in response and simple turned over, I ever so gently reached under her and picked her up. With careful steps were reached the bike, I sat her in the basket. I stood straight and looked at the rather large moon, my face grew a humongous grin when a thought rang through my mind. 'Man everyone back home is gonna be jealous!'

Author's Note:

*1: Half and Half is what I'll be calling the moment after the sound barrier but before the Speed of Light is reached.

*2: If you get this reference you get a cyber cookie.