• Published 3rd Aug 2017
  • 777 Views, 375 Comments

Elements of Heroism: Season 4 - Bahamut0

Burst and the other Elements of Heroism have been enjoying their peace so far. However, the future is full of surprises. And they'll soon realize just how much they can live up to their elements.

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Episode 25: Finale Part 1-The Ultimate Enemy! Burst Stream Defeated?!

Aether was enjoying his home as he thought of how far his son Burst Stream had come. 'His time has almost come.' Aether then sensed his son's power, but he caught onto another powerful energy. And it made him narrow his eyes as he recognized it. "So he's escaped." Aether immediately began writing to Princess Celestia! "I just hope they can take care of him before he's able to do anything drastic." Aether sent his letter to the princess immediately! "I'll need to speak to Burst upon his debriefing." Aether stared out the window. His steeled gaze holding. "Well Burst. This is your final test." He then sighed. "I just hope you go through with what it requires."

About an hour later, Burst and Twilight arrived at Canterlot Castle. "We came as soon as we could." Twilight said as she and Burst entered the throne room. Celestia was waiting for them. "What's the emergency?"

"An old foe has escaped from Tartarus." Celestia said as she showed Burst and Twilight another stained glass window showing part of Equestria's history. "Long ago, there were two brothers. Tirek and Scorpan. Both came to our lands in order to obtain magic. Tirek wished to use this magic in order to claim dominion over the world. However, Scorpan came to accept the gifts of friendship that we had to offer. He desperately tried to convince his brother to abandon his ambitions." Celestia sighed. "But Tirek refused. So he was imprisoned in Tartarus." Celestia then looked at Burst. "Your father was the one who finally kicked him into that prison."

Burst steeled his gaze. "And now he's come back to try and finish what he started. No problem. With all of us together, we could-" Burst was silenced when Celestia raised her hand.

"I'm sorry you two. But I've already appointed someone to capture Tirek and return him to Tartarus." Celestia said calmly. "Discord will handle this mission."

Twilight sighed. "Well, if you feel that's best Prin- Celestia." Both Burst and Twilight bowed and began to leave, but Celestia stopped Burst.

"Before you leave, your father wanted to speak with you at your old home." Celestia said. "He said it was urgent."

Burst nodded. "Thanks Celestia." Burst then hugged Celestia tightly. "If anything goes wrong, if either you and Moon get into trouble, I'll be there in an instant." Burst soon broke the hug, and returned to his old home. His mother Lumina letting him in. "You wanted to see me Dad?"

"Yes." Aether nodded. "It concerns what Celestia's told you of Tirek."

"You were the one who landed the final blow kicking him into Tartarus." Burst stated. "From the looks of things, you're worried he'll come after me and Mom, right?"

"That's part of the reason. Tirek was one of the most powerful opponents Equestria's ever seen." Aether took a deep breath. "What makes him most dangerous is that he can drain someone of their magic, and use it to strengthen himself. Which brings me to why I've asked you to come here." Aether looked Burst right in the eye. "There's something I must ask of you in order to ensure that Tirek doesn't sap you of your magic."

Burst nodded. "Name it. Anything."

"I'm not so sure you'll be willing to do this." Aether said with a sigh. "Burst. I need you to seal your power. You, and all your friends as well."

Burst immediately froze in place at hearing this. "I...I need to process this." Burst stepped outside, and flew onto a cloud. 'Seal my power? Why? Right now, I'm at my most useful. If things go bad, the combined strength of me, the guys, and Twilight and the girls would make short work of Tirek! He'd be history!' Burst's musings then took a turn when he considered what might happen if he should fail. 'If I fail...then Tirek gets my magic. And that would let him cause more terror. Hurt more people. And...it would be my fault. Because I didn't think about what might happen if I couldn't beat him.' Burst sighed. 'I knew I'd have to make a hard call. Every leader has to. And there's only one right move I can make with this in mind.' Burst flew back down to his old home, and approached his father Aether. "Dad. I'm ready to seal my power."

"Alright then." Aether said with a nod. "I know doing this isn't easy for you. But trust me. This is ultimately for the best."

Burst nodded. "So how is me and my friends' power going to be sealed anyway?"

"With this." Aether said as he pulled out an old scroll. "This scroll is a group spell that can seal away the power of all who are targeted by it. You and your friends need to channel your magic together, then cast the spell."

"Thanks Dad." Burst said as he took the scroll. "And you're right. This is probably the hardest call I've had to make in my life." Burst then took off for Ponyville. 'I just hope the guys can make the same call...' Burst soon landed in Ponyville, and texted the other Elements of Heroism. They arrived almost immediately.

"We got your message Burst!" Inferno said as he landed! "What's so urgent?"

Burst sighed. "Celestia told me about an escaped prisoner from Tartarus. He's called Tirek. Before he was imprisoned, he wanted to drain people of their magic in order to further strengthen himself. Celestia's already tasked Discord with capturing Tirek. But if worst comes to worst, there's a backup plan my dad came up with since he kicked Tirek's face in to finally cast him down to Tartarus. I wouldn't ask any of you to do something I wouldn't."

"We're with you all the way Burst." Steel said with a nod.

"Just tell us what we have to do." Tyrannus chimed in.

"You might regret saying that." Burst said sadly. "We can't risk Tirek getting our power, which is why my dad gave me this spell." Burst pulled the scroll out of his coat pocket. "This is a group spell that will seal our power by all of us channeling our magic together. But...doing this means we're gonna be seriously de-powered. And I know a lot of you are probably at odds about this. Trust me. I tore me up inside too. But I'm asking all of you to think of what might happen if we can't win against Tirek. Could any of us live with ourselves if we knew we could have prevented a hyper-powered villain running around wreaking havoc? From hurting the people we love?" Burst clenched his fist. "But if none of you are going to agree with this, then I'll do it alone."

Ice walked up to Burst. "Part of my mind's calling me a coward for doing this, but I'm not risking Indigo Zap's life for the sake of my ego."

"I'm in too." Ace chimed in. "Better safe than sorry."

"You haven't steered us wrong before Burst. And you've usually been right in making the tough calls." Inferno said with a smile. "You trust us, and we trust you too. I'm always with you." The rest of the Elements of Heroism gathered.

Burst breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you. All of you. Now we've gotta link hands and focus our magic." The Elements of Heroism joined hands, and channeled all their magic! It took the form of a concentrated ball of magic. "Now to seal it." Burst cast the spell, and the ball of magic vanished. "I just hope Discord succeeds."

"Somebody say my name?" Discord asked as he poofed into existence before them. "Twilight and the girls just wished me luck before I was about to head off on a mission straight from Celestia. So? Care to guess what it is?"

Tyrannus smiled. "Capturing Tirek?"

"Oh. Someone spoiled it. No matter!" Discord said with a shrug. "Well, I'm off! Sorry to leave you out of the action!" And with that, Discord teleported away! At the same time, Celestia crafted her own backup plan should things get dire.

Meanwhile, Discord had finally gotten a fix on Tirek. He had just spotted Tirek draining the magic from a Magi. "Not so fast buster!" Discord said as he landed behind Tirek. "Can't have you running amok wrecking everyone's day."

"Discord?" Tirek said in confusion. The escaped centaur dropped his prey, and walked over to the spirit of chaos. "I see you've taken to becoming a pet of the princesses."

Discord frowned. "I'm no one's pet." Discord briefly flared his chaos power. "Don't tempt me to rough you up."

"Calm yourself. I know when I'm beaten." Tirek said with a dismissive wave. "But before you take me in, there is something I must ask. Don't you miss it? The whole world being your personal playground? Everyone knowing you were the boss? Join me. And your former glory shall be ushered in a glorious, chaotic wave!"

Discord stood completely still for a minute before answering. "...No."

"WHAT?!" Tirek screamed. "What...what do you mean no?"

Discord chuckled. "Easy. I mean I'm not interested." Discord looked right at Tirek with a smug smile. "Let me tell you this Tirek. It's lonely at the top. Besides, I learned something from a friend of mine. Every action has a price. And I'm not going to pay for your offer."

"So be it." Tirek said with a sigh. "But please. At least accept this token of my surrender." Tirek pulled out an amulet from the folds of his cloak. "It was my brother's. I resign it as a sign of my defeat."

Discord nodded. "Glad you're making this easy." However, once Discord slipped on the amulet, he found that he couldn't teleport.

"You've got that right. My brother enchanted that amulet with order magic. From what I hear, it's quite problematic to beings of chaos." Tirek said with a sneer as he leaped onto Discord and sucked his magic out! Tirek's decrepit old body changing to a younger state! "Ahhhh! Now THIS is a jump-start!" Tirek then looked down at Discord. The chaos spirit's eyes looking faded. "It seems you accepted the worthless gifts my brother had. That amulet suits you considering how worthless you both are. But I'm not done with you yet." Tirek then opened a portal leading to another city. "I want you to watch as I tear the world you've come to love to the ground." Discord could only stare in horror as Tirek swept across Equestria. Draining the magic of any caught in his path.

Meanwhile, Celestia sensed Discord's defeat and summoned Moon and Cadence to the castle. As well as Twilight. "I'm glad all of you could come." Celestia said with a sigh of relief. "It appears Discord has been beaten by Tirek. However, there is a way to ensure that Tirek does not prevail."

"Name it Celestia." Twilight begged. "I'll do whatever it takes."

Celestia took a deep breath before steeling her gaze. "We must rid ourselves of our magic." Twilight was in total shock at this! Celestia sighed. "Don't worry Twilight. Magic cannot die. But it can be transferred. And I can think of no one better to transfer our magic to than you."

"But...but....I-" Twilight began. She then felt Moon put a hand on her shoulder.

"This isn't the first time you've found yourself being told to do what others would deem impossible." Moon said. "And you've triumphed every time. I should know." Moon gave Twilight a small smile. "You bested me didn't you?"

Twilight regained her composure, and took a deep breath. "I'm ready." Celestia, Luna, Moon, and Cadence channeled all their magic into Twilight! When the process was done, the princesses looked drained. "I'll be sure to keep your magic safe! I won't let you down!" Twilight immediately took flight back to Ponyville, and Burst noticed her.

"Twilight? Are you alright?" Burst asked. He then sensed the magic within Twilight, and recoiled! "What the heck happened to you?! It's like you've got all the Avatar magic in Equestria!"

"I do." Twilight said with a small nod. "The princesses gave it to me because Tirek somehow beat Discord. I don't know what's going to happen next, but I have to keep this magic safe while the princesses come up with a plan! They still in Canterlot and-" Twilight was cut off when she felt something speed past her! She then saw Burst flying full speed towards Canterlot! "I hope he comes back okay."

At that time, Burst was flying like he had nothing to lose! Fortunately, there was nothing in his path as he rocketed towards Canterlot as fast as his wings could carry him! Burst soon landed, and was escorted to the throne room. Shining Armor had just finished holding Cadence close. Burst then ran to Celestia and Moon, and held them tightly. "I heard about what happened." Burst then tightened his embrace. "There's no way I'm leaving you on your own while you're like this."

"Burst." Celestia said in a soothing tone. "It's going to be fine." She then closed her eyes as she put her arms around Burst. "But....having you here makes me feel better."

Moon let out a heavy sigh as she nuzzled against Burst. "Don't you dare hold back when the time comes."

"Trust me." Burst said as he released his hold on his beloved goddesses. "I'm not going to back down. Even if it breaks every bone in my body."

Meanwhile, Shining Armor was standing guard in the courtyard. Just when Discord was thrown from a portal! "Discord!" Shining Armor ran to Discord, and saw the drained state of the spirit of chaos.

"Run...." Discord pleaded weakly. "He's...not far behind..." Discord's eyes widened with horror when Tirek stepped through the portal, and grabbed Shining Armor! Sucking out the magic from the Captain of the Guard!

"Now then." Tirek said with a sneer. "Who's next?" Tirek essentially walked though all the guards who tried to take him on! Sucking out their magic as they came at him! Nothing stood in his way as he approached the throne room. When he arrived, he saw princesses. But before he could advance any farther, he felt something cut across his face! Tirek felt around, and saw a small amount of blood on his figner tips. He then looked down, and saw Burst with Bahamut Edge drawn. "Well, well. Another fool who thinks he can hold his own against me." Tirek sneered as he tried to backhand Burst! But Burst jumped back! "It appears you have more fight than those pathetic guards I dealt with. However..." Tirek stomped the ground! Causing a mini-quake and disrupting Burst's footing! Tirek then swatted Burst into a nearby wall and made his way to the princesses! "Now to take what's mine!" Tirek picked up Celestia, and tried to drain her magic! Only to found she had none to be stolen! "What is this?!" Tirek tried again, but was met with the same result and Celestia's defiant smirk! "WHERE IS YOUR MAGIC?!"

"Somewhere you won't get your claws on it..." Burst spat as he popped himself out of the crater. A weak smirk on full display. "You had a backup plan. Did you really think they wouldn't?"

Tirek scowled. "You're starting to vex me boy. And you're about to learn what happens to those who do so."

"The name's Burst Stream. And I'm more than man enough to handle you!" Burst shouted as he charged at Tirek! Drawing one of his Twin Burst blasters as he mounted a final charge! Burst hit Tirek in the face with a charged shot, and followed with strikes from his sword! But Tirek raised his arms to block each time Burst slashed! Bahamut Edge barely got in little more than shallow cuts due to Tirek's enhanced durability! That coupled with Burst's severely limited strength due to him sealing away his power made it a fight that wouldn't last long. For Burst was starting to tire. A sight Tirek had been waiting for, and one Celestia and Moon froze in horror at. Burst had leaped into the air, but was punched into the ground by Tirek!

"Your spirit is quite strong." Tirek said with a sneer. "But that means nothing if your body's a wreck. WHAT?!" Tirek stood in shock as Burst lift his head from the crater he'd been punched into! Defiance blazing in his eyes! And then, Tirek's memory clicked. He'd seen this same defiance once before. Right before he was cast into Tartarus. "Those eyes..."Tirek growled as he saw Burst slowly crawled out of the crater! Tirek then scowled. "I see it now. I recognize your blood." Tirek then advanced toward Burst Stream, and raised his fist! Burst raised Bahamut Edge, and blocked the collision! But the force of the impact brought Burst to his knees!

"AAAGH!" Burst screamed as the impact surged through him! But Burst refused to drop his guard! Tirek simply snorted, and brought his fist down again! Burst continuing to block as he knees started to give out. But that was not the only thing that started to give way. Tirek raised both his fists, and brought them down hard on Bahamut Edge! And the unthinkable happened. The blade of Bahamut Edge shattered. And as it broke, Burst fell face-down in the crater. However, Burst had barely lifted his head when Tirek grabbed him by the head and seemed to inspect him.

"You are the son of Aether." Tirek said with a scowl. "The same fool who cast me into the bowels of Tartarus. How fitting that the son shall pay for the actions of the father. Aether is immortal. But I can sense that you are not." Tirek then changes his hold that he held Burst in his grasp. Burst's defiant gaze still holding. Tirek sneered. "It would be so easy to simply snuff out your life right now. But no. You shall know suffering." Tirek then noticed the terrified looks on the princesses. Especially the terrified looks on Celestia and Moon's faces. A wicked smile then spread across Tirek's face. "Watch." Tirek used his free hand to levitate all the princesses! "Give Cerberus my regards!" Tirek then threw the princesses into Tartarus, and Burst's eyes widened in shock and horror! "Ironic. You are the Element of Power according to the stories people tell of you. And yet here you are. Powerless to save those you love." Tirek then threw Burst into the throne! Toppling it! He then teleported Discord to him, and Discord's jaw dropped when he saw how badly beaten Burst was! Tirek then noticed the stained glass window of Twilight's ascension. "Is this supposed to be humorous?"

"It's no joke." Discord said weakly as he glared at Tirek.

Tirek frowned. "Then maybe you can enlighten me as to who this new princess is, and where she resides."

Discord scowled, and punched Tirek as hard as he could! But it did little good. "Heh. Guess it works well for Burst and not me." Discord was then pinned by Tirek!

"Perhaps I should finished what I began with him." Tirek menaced. "However, if you tell me what I want to know, I suppose I could forget about that insolent brat."

Discord lowered his head in shame. "Princess Twilight Sparkle lives in Ponyville. In a library tree."

"Not for long..." Tirek said with a sneer as he took hold of Discord, and left for Ponyville.

Back at the throne room, Burst had just risen from where he'd been thrown. He made his way to what was left of Bahamut Edge. Duelist Arms in their final forms were indestructible. Which explained why only his blasters were still functional. Burst fell to his knees as he stared at Bahamut Edge's remains, and tears began to dot the shattered blade. "AAUUUUGHH!" Burst screamed as he slammed his fist into the crater! "DAMMIT!" Burst began to weep as the gravity of the situation sank in. "I shouldn't have sealed away my power! If I hadn't...if I hadn't...." Burst struggled to keep his voice together, but his tears stopped flowing when he saw the spirit of Blue-Eyes project from the handle and hilt of Bahamut Edge's remains.

"If you hadn't, then Tirek would now be even stronger." Blue-Eyes said. "And who knows what havoc he could wreak with power like yours at his disposal. But he doesn't. Because you thought of the needs of others before your own. Rise Burst. the fight isn't over yet. And the time has come. The time for our awakening. The time to unleash your power is now! Take hold of the handle, and release your portion of the power sealed away!" Burst slowly grabbed the handle of Bahamut Edge. "Now. Focus the power into the weapon. Let it flow through you. "

Burst slowly closed his eyes. He saw the orb of magic that was his and the guys, and reached out. A stream of magic shot forth back into Burst, and he focused on the image of Bahamut Edge's handle! Back in the real world, the handle of Bahamut Edge glowed with a blinding light! As the light burned, the handle began to shift and change! When the light faded, the handle was largely the same. But this time, there was a button on the side. And the hilt looked more like a dragon. However, the mouth was open this time. Burst pressed the button on the handle, and his face was illuminated with a blue glow and a buzzing sound filled the room.