• Published 3rd Aug 2017
  • 775 Views, 375 Comments

Elements of Heroism: Season 4 - Bahamut0

Burst and the other Elements of Heroism have been enjoying their peace so far. However, the future is full of surprises. And they'll soon realize just how much they can live up to their elements.

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Episode 1: Princess Nightmare Moon Part 1

He awoke to find himself no longer possessing a body. Memories then returned to him. In specific, memories of his fight against Burst Stream. "He shall pay!" Shining Dawn's soul screamed in rage! "My claim to godhood! My right to the throne! He took it all from me!"

"Then it appears we have a common foe." A new voice said. The soul of Night Terror then materialized in front of Shining Dawn. "Burst Stream has taken much from me as well. Nightmare Moon was to be my queen. Our rule would have been a glorious period of fear over all those beneath us! First he defeated her, and now she has chosen him as her lover!" It was then that Night Terror and Shining Dawn's souls heard a dark laughter come from all around them!

"You both have rage. Good." A female voice called out.

Night Terror was ecstatic. "Nightmare?! Have you realized the error in your choice?"

"I am Nightmare. In a manner of speaking." The voice replied. It held all the coldness and rage that was present in Nightmare Moon before she was purified by the Elements of Harmony. "I'm what's left of all the envy. All the rage. She thought she could just leave me behind. She was wrong. And I shall remind her. Remind Celestia and Luna! Remind all of Equestria of my wrath! And you two shall serve me well."

Shining Dawn's soul scoffed. "Last I checked, me and this loser were dead. How can we help you?"

"You misunderstand. I didn't say you two had to be present." The voice said. A sneer visible through its tone! Both Shining Dawn and Night Terror's Souls screamed as they felt themselves being absorbed into a pitch black orb of essence! Soon, a woman with pale white skin emerged from the void. She was slender in frame. But her frame was a front for the tremendous power emanating from her. Her lips curled into a dark smile, and it was revealed that all of her teeth were fangs. Her eyes were teal and cat-like. Just like Nightmare Moon's. However, the whites of her eyes were black and she had disheveled white hair. This woman truly looked like a queen of nightmares coupled with the pitch black armor that seemed to cling to her skin. "My name shall be what I spread all over Equestria. The sensation that grabs them all by the heart. Dread." A dark laugh escaped Dread's lips. "And now, I do believe I know just who shall experience it first..." Dread's body faded from reality, and she found herself in the dream realm. A wicked grin spread across her face. "Time to get to work."

Princess Celestia was dreaming soundly. Like most nights, she had pleasant dreams. That is, until she began to relive memories. Painful ones at that. "Why?! Why am I seeing this again?" Celestia demanded! A dark giggle soon rang around her.

"Because. Seeing you suffer fills me with untold pleasure." Dread said with a smirk as she made herself known.

Celestia got into a defensive stance! "Who are you?!"

"Me?" Dread laughed. "I'm what's left of the old Nightmare Moon. Everything that made her such a feared name. All that gave her reason to live. After that second round against the Elements of Harmony, I was nearly exterminated after Nightmare let go of me." A cruel smile then spread across Dread's lips. "But I'm not like her. No. A nightmare is something you can escape. Something you can wake from. I am the sensation that grips you when the end is near. The primal fear that keeps you rooted in place when fate stares into your soul. You should feel honored Celestia. You will be the first to truly know dread! And since you've no power in this realm..." Dread flared the pitch black aura of her magic with a menacing grin. "I can think all sorts of fun to have with you." Celestia braced herself as her whole world went black!

The Next Morning

Moon stirred as a beam of sunlight hit her face from a crack in the blinds. She stretched as she rose from her slumber, and smiled down at Burst. As she used her magic to sense Celestia, Moon's eyes widened. It was not Celestia's magic that had raised the sun this morning. "Something's not right..." Moon muttered as she got dressed.

Burst soon opened his eyes, and saw Moon's serious expression. "Moon? What's up? You look like Celestia woke you up on the wrong side of the bed." He then proceeded to get dressed in the bathroom after grabbing his clothes.

"That's the problem." Moon called out. "Celestia didn't raise the sun today. It was Luna."

"Maybe Luna's letting Celestia sleep-in?" Burst asked. The two were about to head for the door when they heard frantic knocking. Burst opened the door to find-"Twilight?"

Twilight clamped onto Burst's shoulders. "Burst. You and Moon need to come to Canterlot with me and the girls. NOW."

"What's the emergency Twilight?" Burst asked.

"Princ-...Celestia, hasn't woken up since last night!" Twilight exclaimed! "Luna just wrote to me about it! She's tried to wake her up, but her magic isn't doing a thing!"

Burst narrowed his eyes as he looked to Moon. "Looks like you were right Moon. Let's go!" Burst and Moon followed the Main 6 to the train bound for Canterlot, and soon found themselves at Canterlot Castle. A guard escort led them to Celestia's bed chambers, and Luna opened the door for them.

"Most fortunate of you all to come at my summons." Luna said with a sigh of relief as she looked to Celestia. "Whatever is making my sister endure this slumber, it is certainly not your average sleep enchantment. I've tried almost every awakening spell I know. But nothing seems to rouse her!" A heavy sigh escaped from Luna's lungs. "That's why I've had all of you come here. Twilight. You and the other Bearers of Harmony will venture with me into the dream realm. With our combined efforts, we may be able to awaken my sister! Are you ready?"

Twilight nodded. "Whenever you are Luna." Luna smiled as she focused her magic, and transported herself and the Main 6 into the dream realm. "So which way to Celestia's dream?"

"There." Luna pointed. But as she ventured close, she froze in terror! "This...this is-!" Luna began to shiver as she stood before Celestia's enforced dreams. "Celestia is reliving her worst nightmares in that sphere! But this anger! This envy! I've not felt this since-"

A dark laugh emanated from all around them! "HA HA HA! Yes Luna! Since you and Nightmare Moon were one!" A pitch black void appeared in front of Luna and the Main 6! "So good of you to remember me."

"Release my sister at once foul beast!" Luna demanded! "Or you shall suffer my wrath!"

Dread let out a cackle of evil laughter. "Oh, I think I rather enjoy hearing Celestia weep in sorrow. But I'll enjoy you and the accursed Element Bearers' screams of terror coupled with that symphony of sorrow more!" Luna scowled as she fired her most powerful blast of magic at Dread! Smoke billowing from her hands as she cut the beam. The Main 6 cheered, but were silenced as they heard laughter coming from Dread as she slowly rose to her feet.

"What...what is the meaning of this?!" Luna demanded.

Dread let out a sinister giggle. "Heh heh heh!" She then stretched as her magic slowly started to leak all around her. "Oh, Luna. If you're what dreams are made of..." A pair of pitch black wings made form Dread's magic then formed on her back. "Then I'm the stuff of true nightmares!" Dread fired a stream of pitch black magic at Luna! Trapping her in a dream sphere identical to Celestia's! And like Celestia's prison, Luna's made her experience the worst nightmares possible. Dread then turned to the Main 6 with a malicious grin. "Feeling alone? You won't be for long. After all...you'll be joining your precious princesses!" The Main 6 then found themselves trapped in the same pitch black spheres as Princesses Celestia and Luna! "With all of you imprisoned, I can truly enact my plans." Several pitch black tendrils of magic snaked their way across the dreamscape, and latched onto the minds of all those currently awake. "Now..." A cruel smile emerged on Dread's face. Revealing all her fangs. "The nightmare truly begins."

Burst and Moon were standing watch over Celestia when they heard a loud 'thunk' come from outside! They rushed to the door, and found that both of the guards who were watching the door to Celestia's bedchamber were asleep on the ground! "What the heck?!" Burst cried out as he checked some of the other rooms in the castle! Everyone there was practically asleep already! And from the looks on their slumbering faces, their dreams were anything but pleasant!

"Just what in Faust's name is going on?" Moon thought out loud as she flew around Canterlot and saw more people lying about asleep. All of them seemingly experiencing nightmares! A sensation of unease crept inside Moon's heart. "Please let this be isolated to here!" Moon flew off to Ponyville, and saw everyone there was asleep too! All of them gripped in expression of fright, and shivering in fear! "What could launch such a massive attack on the entire dreamscape of Equestria?!" Moon flew back to Canterlot as fast as she could! "Burst! Try to stay awake!"

Burst blinked. "What're you talking about? Do you know what's going on?"

"Yes." Moon said with a nod. "Someone, or something, has completely taken over Equestria's dreamscape. And judging by the results of its attack, it's found a way to force those in the waking world to a state of sleep." Moon's eyes then narrowed. "But it's not stopping there. The force responsible is making everyone asleep suffer through terrible nightmares!" She then looked over to Luna and the Main 6 lying unconscious. "And it seems they've taken care of most of those who would pose an obstacle to them." Moon took a deep breath. "But not all of them. They forgot about me." She then clenched her fist. "And when I find them, I'll make sure they understand why I'm known as a nightmare." Moon pulled Burst into a hug. "Promise you'll be there when I wake up?"

Burst wrapped his arms around Moon. "No place I'd rather be."

Moon stepped away from Burst only to watch him fall asleep from the force occupying the dreamscape. "No time to waste." Moon shut her eyes, and focused her mind. When she opened her eyes, she found a huge castle before her! It looked like it was made of the very substance of the dreamscape! However, the pitch black color of it made it obvious that the source of the disruption was within. At the same time, Dread slowly opened her eyes as an evil smile crept onto her face.

"It took her long enough." Dread then looked to all the black spheres that imprisoned the dreamers. "I wouldn't want my guests to miss the show." Dread snapped her fingers, and the black spheres turned clear! All of the dreamers awoke to find themselves within Dread's castle! "Welcome people of Equestria! Welcome, to my new dominion!"

Celestia narrowed her eyes. "So you plan on keeping us all here to make the dreamscape your kingdom?"

"Oh no. I'm only keeping you here because I'm in need of an audience." Dread said with a dark chuckle. "And trust me. This will be an event etched into your memories for as long as you live!"

"And what would that be monster?!" Luna spat!

Dread giggled. "I thought it would be something you'd all look forward to seeing!" At that moment, Moon burst through the door! The moment she lay eyes on Dread, she froze. Moon could feel it all. The envy, the rage. It was pretty hard to forget. Especially since that rage and envy were once her very own. "Ah. Right on time. Good of you to come Nightmare Moon..." Dread said with a mocking smile. "I took the liberty of inviting all of Equestria to this moment! Today, I shall make everyone remember what you are! Or should I say, what we were?"

"I know what you are!" Moon snarled! "You're everything that weighed me down! The part I let go of! Everything that made me blind to the pain I suffered. You're my past."

Dread laughed. "Oh quite the opposite. In fact, I'm your future! Because you will cease to have one! Today marks the end of Nightmare Moon, and the beginning of a true reign of terror! The day of Dread has come!"