Elements of Heroism: Season 4

by Bahamut0

First published

Burst and the other Elements of Heroism have been enjoying their peace so far. However, the future is full of surprises. And they'll soon realize just how much they can live up to their elements.

Burst Stream's pretty much done it all. Stand his own against Nightmare Moon. Punch Discord in the face. Semi-eternally kicked the butt of a changeling queen's dark half. Destroyed the Umbrum and help to reform the former King Sombra. Not to mention winning the heart of Princess Celestia and Nightmare Moon. And make some of the best friends he's ever known. But new foes are dawning on the horizon. Ones that will test just how true to their elements they are.

Note: there will be minor instances of gore through the season. Range: minimum to moderate. But nothing too bloody.

Burst Stream, Inferno Flare, Steel Edge, Akage Strider, and Tyrannus Thunder are owned by me.
Arctic Ace, Dark Ice, Shadow Thunder, Venus Bloomer, Night Fang, and Narico are owned by MLPFan1.
Nightfall Silver and Magnet North are owned by goldenrise365


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Burst let out a heavy sigh as he fell onto his bed. He'd been through a lot during the past few years. "Man. At least I can't say my life's been dull. Crazy villains. An evil brother. What's next?" Burst shrugged. "Well, whatever happens, I know it's gonna be great." Burst settled into his bed, but soon felt a familiar presence next to him. He opened his eyes, and smiled upon seeing Nightmare Moon next to him. "Evening Dream."

"Such a sweet name you've given me." Moon said as she snuggled against Burst. "I need to hold you twice as tight since Celestia's all the way in Canterlot."

Burst smiled. "I'm the boyfriend of literal goddesses. What did I do to get the two of you interested in me?"

"Oh my Precious Light." Moon said with a giggle. "What didn't you do?" She then pressed her lips against Burst's. "A little something from me and Celestia. Sweet dreams Burst."

Burst smiled as he was claimed by sleep and Moon's embrace. "I already have one..." Burst murmured as Moon wrapped her wings around him and he did the same. Whatever lie ahead, Burst knew he'd be able to make it. Right now? All he wanted was to not wake up.

Episode 1: Princess Nightmare Moon Part 1

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He awoke to find himself no longer possessing a body. Memories then returned to him. In specific, memories of his fight against Burst Stream. "He shall pay!" Shining Dawn's soul screamed in rage! "My claim to godhood! My right to the throne! He took it all from me!"

"Then it appears we have a common foe." A new voice said. The soul of Night Terror then materialized in front of Shining Dawn. "Burst Stream has taken much from me as well. Nightmare Moon was to be my queen. Our rule would have been a glorious period of fear over all those beneath us! First he defeated her, and now she has chosen him as her lover!" It was then that Night Terror and Shining Dawn's souls heard a dark laughter come from all around them!

"You both have rage. Good." A female voice called out.

Night Terror was ecstatic. "Nightmare?! Have you realized the error in your choice?"

"I am Nightmare. In a manner of speaking." The voice replied. It held all the coldness and rage that was present in Nightmare Moon before she was purified by the Elements of Harmony. "I'm what's left of all the envy. All the rage. She thought she could just leave me behind. She was wrong. And I shall remind her. Remind Celestia and Luna! Remind all of Equestria of my wrath! And you two shall serve me well."

Shining Dawn's soul scoffed. "Last I checked, me and this loser were dead. How can we help you?"

"You misunderstand. I didn't say you two had to be present." The voice said. A sneer visible through its tone! Both Shining Dawn and Night Terror's Souls screamed as they felt themselves being absorbed into a pitch black orb of essence! Soon, a woman with pale white skin emerged from the void. She was slender in frame. But her frame was a front for the tremendous power emanating from her. Her lips curled into a dark smile, and it was revealed that all of her teeth were fangs. Her eyes were teal and cat-like. Just like Nightmare Moon's. However, the whites of her eyes were black and she had disheveled white hair. This woman truly looked like a queen of nightmares coupled with the pitch black armor that seemed to cling to her skin. "My name shall be what I spread all over Equestria. The sensation that grabs them all by the heart. Dread." A dark laugh escaped Dread's lips. "And now, I do believe I know just who shall experience it first..." Dread's body faded from reality, and she found herself in the dream realm. A wicked grin spread across her face. "Time to get to work."

Princess Celestia was dreaming soundly. Like most nights, she had pleasant dreams. That is, until she began to relive memories. Painful ones at that. "Why?! Why am I seeing this again?" Celestia demanded! A dark giggle soon rang around her.

"Because. Seeing you suffer fills me with untold pleasure." Dread said with a smirk as she made herself known.

Celestia got into a defensive stance! "Who are you?!"

"Me?" Dread laughed. "I'm what's left of the old Nightmare Moon. Everything that made her such a feared name. All that gave her reason to live. After that second round against the Elements of Harmony, I was nearly exterminated after Nightmare let go of me." A cruel smile then spread across Dread's lips. "But I'm not like her. No. A nightmare is something you can escape. Something you can wake from. I am the sensation that grips you when the end is near. The primal fear that keeps you rooted in place when fate stares into your soul. You should feel honored Celestia. You will be the first to truly know dread! And since you've no power in this realm..." Dread flared the pitch black aura of her magic with a menacing grin. "I can think all sorts of fun to have with you." Celestia braced herself as her whole world went black!

The Next Morning

Moon stirred as a beam of sunlight hit her face from a crack in the blinds. She stretched as she rose from her slumber, and smiled down at Burst. As she used her magic to sense Celestia, Moon's eyes widened. It was not Celestia's magic that had raised the sun this morning. "Something's not right..." Moon muttered as she got dressed.

Burst soon opened his eyes, and saw Moon's serious expression. "Moon? What's up? You look like Celestia woke you up on the wrong side of the bed." He then proceeded to get dressed in the bathroom after grabbing his clothes.

"That's the problem." Moon called out. "Celestia didn't raise the sun today. It was Luna."

"Maybe Luna's letting Celestia sleep-in?" Burst asked. The two were about to head for the door when they heard frantic knocking. Burst opened the door to find-"Twilight?"

Twilight clamped onto Burst's shoulders. "Burst. You and Moon need to come to Canterlot with me and the girls. NOW."

"What's the emergency Twilight?" Burst asked.

"Princ-...Celestia, hasn't woken up since last night!" Twilight exclaimed! "Luna just wrote to me about it! She's tried to wake her up, but her magic isn't doing a thing!"

Burst narrowed his eyes as he looked to Moon. "Looks like you were right Moon. Let's go!" Burst and Moon followed the Main 6 to the train bound for Canterlot, and soon found themselves at Canterlot Castle. A guard escort led them to Celestia's bed chambers, and Luna opened the door for them.

"Most fortunate of you all to come at my summons." Luna said with a sigh of relief as she looked to Celestia. "Whatever is making my sister endure this slumber, it is certainly not your average sleep enchantment. I've tried almost every awakening spell I know. But nothing seems to rouse her!" A heavy sigh escaped from Luna's lungs. "That's why I've had all of you come here. Twilight. You and the other Bearers of Harmony will venture with me into the dream realm. With our combined efforts, we may be able to awaken my sister! Are you ready?"

Twilight nodded. "Whenever you are Luna." Luna smiled as she focused her magic, and transported herself and the Main 6 into the dream realm. "So which way to Celestia's dream?"

"There." Luna pointed. But as she ventured close, she froze in terror! "This...this is-!" Luna began to shiver as she stood before Celestia's enforced dreams. "Celestia is reliving her worst nightmares in that sphere! But this anger! This envy! I've not felt this since-"

A dark laugh emanated from all around them! "HA HA HA! Yes Luna! Since you and Nightmare Moon were one!" A pitch black void appeared in front of Luna and the Main 6! "So good of you to remember me."

"Release my sister at once foul beast!" Luna demanded! "Or you shall suffer my wrath!"

Dread let out a cackle of evil laughter. "Oh, I think I rather enjoy hearing Celestia weep in sorrow. But I'll enjoy you and the accursed Element Bearers' screams of terror coupled with that symphony of sorrow more!" Luna scowled as she fired her most powerful blast of magic at Dread! Smoke billowing from her hands as she cut the beam. The Main 6 cheered, but were silenced as they heard laughter coming from Dread as she slowly rose to her feet.

"What...what is the meaning of this?!" Luna demanded.

Dread let out a sinister giggle. "Heh heh heh!" She then stretched as her magic slowly started to leak all around her. "Oh, Luna. If you're what dreams are made of..." A pair of pitch black wings made form Dread's magic then formed on her back. "Then I'm the stuff of true nightmares!" Dread fired a stream of pitch black magic at Luna! Trapping her in a dream sphere identical to Celestia's! And like Celestia's prison, Luna's made her experience the worst nightmares possible. Dread then turned to the Main 6 with a malicious grin. "Feeling alone? You won't be for long. After all...you'll be joining your precious princesses!" The Main 6 then found themselves trapped in the same pitch black spheres as Princesses Celestia and Luna! "With all of you imprisoned, I can truly enact my plans." Several pitch black tendrils of magic snaked their way across the dreamscape, and latched onto the minds of all those currently awake. "Now..." A cruel smile emerged on Dread's face. Revealing all her fangs. "The nightmare truly begins."

Burst and Moon were standing watch over Celestia when they heard a loud 'thunk' come from outside! They rushed to the door, and found that both of the guards who were watching the door to Celestia's bedchamber were asleep on the ground! "What the heck?!" Burst cried out as he checked some of the other rooms in the castle! Everyone there was practically asleep already! And from the looks on their slumbering faces, their dreams were anything but pleasant!

"Just what in Faust's name is going on?" Moon thought out loud as she flew around Canterlot and saw more people lying about asleep. All of them seemingly experiencing nightmares! A sensation of unease crept inside Moon's heart. "Please let this be isolated to here!" Moon flew off to Ponyville, and saw everyone there was asleep too! All of them gripped in expression of fright, and shivering in fear! "What could launch such a massive attack on the entire dreamscape of Equestria?!" Moon flew back to Canterlot as fast as she could! "Burst! Try to stay awake!"

Burst blinked. "What're you talking about? Do you know what's going on?"

"Yes." Moon said with a nod. "Someone, or something, has completely taken over Equestria's dreamscape. And judging by the results of its attack, it's found a way to force those in the waking world to a state of sleep." Moon's eyes then narrowed. "But it's not stopping there. The force responsible is making everyone asleep suffer through terrible nightmares!" She then looked over to Luna and the Main 6 lying unconscious. "And it seems they've taken care of most of those who would pose an obstacle to them." Moon took a deep breath. "But not all of them. They forgot about me." She then clenched her fist. "And when I find them, I'll make sure they understand why I'm known as a nightmare." Moon pulled Burst into a hug. "Promise you'll be there when I wake up?"

Burst wrapped his arms around Moon. "No place I'd rather be."

Moon stepped away from Burst only to watch him fall asleep from the force occupying the dreamscape. "No time to waste." Moon shut her eyes, and focused her mind. When she opened her eyes, she found a huge castle before her! It looked like it was made of the very substance of the dreamscape! However, the pitch black color of it made it obvious that the source of the disruption was within. At the same time, Dread slowly opened her eyes as an evil smile crept onto her face.

"It took her long enough." Dread then looked to all the black spheres that imprisoned the dreamers. "I wouldn't want my guests to miss the show." Dread snapped her fingers, and the black spheres turned clear! All of the dreamers awoke to find themselves within Dread's castle! "Welcome people of Equestria! Welcome, to my new dominion!"

Celestia narrowed her eyes. "So you plan on keeping us all here to make the dreamscape your kingdom?"

"Oh no. I'm only keeping you here because I'm in need of an audience." Dread said with a dark chuckle. "And trust me. This will be an event etched into your memories for as long as you live!"

"And what would that be monster?!" Luna spat!

Dread giggled. "I thought it would be something you'd all look forward to seeing!" At that moment, Moon burst through the door! The moment she lay eyes on Dread, she froze. Moon could feel it all. The envy, the rage. It was pretty hard to forget. Especially since that rage and envy were once her very own. "Ah. Right on time. Good of you to come Nightmare Moon..." Dread said with a mocking smile. "I took the liberty of inviting all of Equestria to this moment! Today, I shall make everyone remember what you are! Or should I say, what we were?"

"I know what you are!" Moon snarled! "You're everything that weighed me down! The part I let go of! Everything that made me blind to the pain I suffered. You're my past."

Dread laughed. "Oh quite the opposite. In fact, I'm your future! Because you will cease to have one! Today marks the end of Nightmare Moon, and the beginning of a true reign of terror! The day of Dread has come!"


Episode 2: Princess Nightmare Moon Part 2

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Moon steeled her gaze as she got into a fighting stance. All the while, keeping her eyes on Dread. Dread was everything Moon had left behind. Her envy and rage given a form, one that now held all of Equestria captive in the dreamscape. Dread sneered at Moon from her throne. "Come now Nightmare Moon." Dread said with a smug tone. "Is there really any reason for us to fight? I am you after all."

"There's plenty of reasons for me to fight you." Moon said as she narrowed her eyes. "You've tormented my friends with their worst nightmares. You have all of Equestria hostage in the dreamscape!" Moon summoned her Celestial Arm. The broadsword called Lunar Eclipse.

Dread giggled. "Friends? Don't make me laugh! We all know you don't deserve such a luxury!" Dread summoned a pitch black sword made of her magic as she hovered in the air, and fired a blast of energy! Moon slashed at the oncoming projectile, and sent it flying back at Dread! "Nice try!" Dread froze the blast, and made it scatter into smaller shots that ricocheted around the room! All of the shots bouncing around made Moon have to use as much agility as she could! Either by rolling out of the way, blocking with Lunar Eclipse, or taking to the air! However, this left her vulnerable! for as she was busy guarding from the shots, Dread slithered behind her, and slashed her across the back!

"AGH!" Moon staggered before she raised Lunar Eclipse once more! "It seems you've also held onto that ruthlessness I ditched when I tanked that second blast from the Elements of harmony."

Dread smirked. "Indeed. You could say that you're your own worst enemy! Let me show you!" Dread warped around the room, and slashed at Moon wherever she could! Moon was able to block most of the slashes, but Dread managed to get in a few that crippled Moon! Moon fell to one knee, breathing heavily from the ruthless barrage of attacks. Cuts were still fresh from the slashes Dread had managed to inflict! "I'm not done playing with you yet!" Dread then gathered a huge orb of her magic! Its pitch black color seemed to reflect the hopelessness that all those imprisoned in the dreamscape held as they saw Moon struggle! "Have fun." Dread hurled the sphere of magic, and Moon was trapped inside it! Suddenly, dozens of magical blasts materialized inside! Repeatedly striking Moon! When the onslaught ended, Moon slowly rose to her feet. She was badly battered by the barrage of magical blasts, but was pinned to the ground when Dread teleported behind her, and forced her face against the ground! "Behold." Dread then raised Moon by her head for all those imprisoned in the dreamscape to see. All those imprisoned looked on in horror at Moon's beaten form.

Dread took great joy in seeing the looks of fear on everyone's faces. She then leaned into Moon's ear, and whispered. "I know you can't die. But the fate I have planned for you is far worse: eternity trapped in the dreamscape. Never to see the waking world again." A low groan from Moon furthered Dread's sinister smile as she continued. "But, there is a way out for you. Look at them." Dread gestured to the imprisoned dreamers. "Do you see it? The fear in their eyes? The fear directed at you? Do you really think any of them have truly forgiven you? That they accept you? That any of them have truly moved beyond your past sins?" Dread's tone then turned almost sympathetic. "I can make it all go away Nightmare Moon. And all you have to do is let me back in." She then loosened her grip on Moon enough to allow her a larger range of movement. "What do you say?"

Moon slowly opened her eyes, and was met with the gazes of the imprisoned dreamers. Yes, fear was present in their eyes. But the fear she saw was not of her. No. It was something else entirely. Everyone was scared FOR her. "You know?" Moon said as she grabbed onto Dread's hand. "I really don't care!" Moon then hurled Dread into the throne! "I told them all before. None of them have to like me, and they don't need to accept me either! Because as long as I know that there's at least one person who loves me..." Moon shot a glance at Burst. "Then the world can keep on hating me! Yes. I won't deny the fact that I caused much pain. But it helped to heal the bonds of Celestia and Luna! I'll bear the sin if it means everyone else gets to smile!" Moon then flared her wings in a display of dominance! "You were right when you said you were a part of me. A part I don't need anymore!" Moon then charged at Dread, and slashed her across the chest! Dread looked on in horror as her body began to fade away at where Moon had slashed at her!


Moon gave a look of pity at Dread. "You're wrong. You only had power when I held all that rage and envy inside me. That gave you strength. But now that I don't have that inside me, you no longer have that power. You're the one that needs me. So you captured everyone I care about and imprisoned them here. But in doing so, you've sealed your fate!" Moon slashed at Dread as she tried to get away! Dread's arm completely disintegrated!

"Wait, wait!" Dread pleaded! "Grant me mercy! I beg of you!"

"Pathetic." Moon said with a frown. "All that bluster out the window when you're so close to losing everything. If you kept anything positive about my old self, you could have at least held onto my pride." Moon then raised Lunar Eclipse. "Destruction here will ensure your complete oblivion." Moon then slashed Dread right down the middle! "Sweet dreams." Dread didn't even have time to scream as she faded into nothing! With her destroyed, all those imprisoned in the dreamscape were set free and returned to the waking world. As Moon herself awakened, she was swarmed by all her friends in a tight hug! She smiled at them all as she returned the hug. "It's good to see all of you too." Moon then saw Celestia wake up. "Good morning sleeping beauty."

Celestia smiled. "You know, you could change your name if you want. It's hard to imagine someone as lovely as you being called a nightmare."

"No." Moon said as she shook her head. "It's my name. And I wouldn't rather have any other name. Besides. I am a nightmare." A proud smile spread across Moon's face. "A nightmare to all who would threaten my home and the people I care about."

Celestia smiled. 'It's time.'

One week later

Moon found herself being summoned to Canterlot not one week later after she had destroyed Dread. However, she found a new outfit waiting for her with a note saying to put it on and head to the throne room. Moon's new outfit consisted of bracelets modeled after her old armor as well as boots in the same style. A dark purple dress with a breastplate after her old armor were also present. "Strange." Moon said as she admired her reflection. "This outfit looks fit for royalty. Rarity really went with the warrior princess look. I guess I should see what Celestia and Luna want." Moon walked over to the throne room, and opened the door. However, she was shocked to find all of her friends waiting for her. Proud smiles on their faces. "So...what do you need me here for?"

Celestia rose from her throne. "Take a knee." Moon complied, and Celestia walked over. "You've been through much Moon. You were restored by the Elements of Harmony, defended Canterlot from an army of golems, and just recently saved all of Equestria. And so, it is with great pride I do this..." Celestia revealed a tiara similar to hers, but silver in color and with a blue gem instead of a purple one. She then placed the crown onto Moon's head. "Rise. Nightmare Moon. Princess of Dreams." Moon was speechless as Celestia led her to the iconic balcony that overlooked Canterlot. When she came into view, she was met with a flurry of cheers! Everyone was cheering! For her! "You've earned it." Celestia said with a kind smile as she pulled Moon into a hug. Tears of joy fell from Moon's eyes as she returned the hug and kissed Celestia on the cheek.

"Had to come to the rescue of my lovely princess didn't I?" Moon whispered. "Plus, this time I had to save our boyfriend."

Celestia giggled. "Let's head to Ponyville. Something tells me its party time!" And with that, the group headed to Ponyville. Pinkie made sure the party went into full swing the second they arrived at Sugar Cube Corner. Moon then decided to try her hand at karaoke, and selected her song.

Song Moon Performs:


As soon as she was done, Burst and Celestia walked up to her and kissed. her. "I'd say this is a dream." Moon said as she looked at the two. "But knowing this is real makes me never want to sleep." She wrapped the two of them with her wings and hugged them tightly. "Dreams are the one place everyone can be happy. And both of you have made my dreams come true."

Episode 3: From Fear Ascends Courage

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Ice yawned as he got out of bed. "Hmmm." He mumbled as he got dressed. "Think I'll just stop by Sugar Cube Corner for breakfast. Not much of an appetite today." Ice cleaned himself up, and headed out the door. His mind then reflected on his stay in the Crystal Empire with his now girlfriend Indigo Zap. 'Never thought I'd find myself dating a technically older woman.' Ice thought with a playful smirk. 'But the girl's got a fire in her that matches mine.' Ice sat down at Sugar Cube Corner, and ordered a breakfast pastry. As he munched away, he noticed a shadow over him.

"Miss me?" Indigo asked as she covered his eyes.

Ice was pleasantly surprised to see his girlfriend show up. "I know you said you'd surprise me one day. But I didn't think you'd had this in mind." Ice kissed Indigo as he pulled her into a hug. "It's good to see you again."

"You too. I missed you snuggling me." Indigo said with a smirk. She giggled as Ice's medium grey skin nearly flushed red! "Who'd have thought a fighter like you would be so good at being gentle?"

Ice chuckled. "Obviously, you haven't met my friend Ty yet. Biggest guy I've ever seen, and he's the most mellow guy I know. BTW, he ascended into an Avatar a few weeks back."

"Sweet." Indigo said with a grin. "Maybe you'll have your chance too!"

Ice was about to answer when he saw Pinkie chatting with the rest of the Main 6. He decided to investigate. "Yo Twi! What's up?"

"Oh Ice!" Twilight said happily. "Good thing you're here! You know how Moon restored Celestia and Luna's old castle? Well, the princesses gave us the OK to explore it and see if we can find any pieces of history to bring back! Burst and some of the others are busy training Ty how to use his wings and magic, so we were wondering if you could lend a hand? You never know if there's any creatures in the Everfree that'll get bold enough to raid the place."

Ice smiled. "Sure, I'll come with. Just let me grab Ace and Shadow. Chances are they'll want in on the fun too." He then looked to Indigo Zap. "You interested Indigo?"

"Checking out an old castle in the forest? I'm down." Indigo said with a shrug. "Besides. Most of the monsters will probably run from you instead!" Ice set out to find his brothers, and they agreed to leave at sunset for the Castle of the Two Sisters.

The Everfree Forest

A black pile of mist slithered along the ground as it made its way over to the Castle of the Two Sisters. As it travelled, memories began to flow into it one by one. Memories of the Nightmare Forces. In specific, memories pertaining to the various monsters that the Elements of Heroism fought. Nightmare Stinger, Dread Titan, Rage Tempest, Executor, and Fear Saber. The next memory that floated into its consciousness was of burning and looking at Dark Ice standing with his claymore Archfiend Dragon's Tenacity. The pile of mist then began to shudder in what looked like violent rage! As it shuddered, it began to take on a new form! When it fully formed, it looked like Dark Ice! However, it was not. The new being had black skin, wore a tattered poison-purple coat and pants, had claws in pace of nails, and solid orange eyes with red mist trailing from them! "He thought his fear had been abandoned. But he is wrong." The figure said with a scowl. It's fangs bared at the memory of Dark Ice! "What Dark Ice has forgotten, Dark Mist shall remind him! And he shall be made to know fear once again! He shall once again know isolation." Dark Mist then closed his eyes, and sensed Ice. And in doing so, he saw Ice's brothers and Indigo Zap. Dark Mist turned into a shadow, and slithered along the ground to the Castle of the Two Sisters.

At the same time, Ice, his brothers, Indigo Zap, and the Main 6 had arrived at the castle. Twilight suggested that they split up and search different areas of the castle. The princesses had given them maps, and Twilight had used a duplication spell so that none of them got lost. Applejack and Rainbow Dash found themselves in the kitchen, Twilight took the library, and Rarity and Fluttershy examined the tapestries. Ace and Shadow ventured around the castle halls, and looked at the old fountain in the courtyard.

"Looks like Moon sure did a good job restoring this castle." Shadow noted as he looked around. "Heck, I'd say it's almost brand new with how well everything's been repaired!"

Ace chuckled. "Well, she DID kind of trash it in the first place. But she's more than made up for it now. Especially since she's become Princess of Dreams now. Maybe we should ask her to help us find out dream girls." Ace and Shadow let out a laugh, but froze when they heard a buzzing sound! Ace and Shadow summoned their Duelist Arms, but were shocked when the source of the buzzing made itself known! "Nightmare Stinger?!" Ace exclaimed! "That can't be! We destroyed him!" Ace and Shadow took to the air to avoid Nightmare Stinger ramming them! The nightmare insect monster buzzed angrily as it turned to face Ace and Shadow! Ace then noticed that Nightmare Stinger looked more like a phantom made of a dark purple mist. "No problem. I squashed you before, and I'll do it again!" But when Ace slashed at Nightmare Stinger, the sword went right through! "WHAT?!" Ace was then knocked unconscious by Nightmare Stinger's venom shot! Shadow saw Ace being scooped up, but was knocked out by the phantom of Dread Titan!

At the same time, Indigo Zap had wandered into the dueling range. "Man. I bet some pretty sick matches were thrown here way back when." Indigo Zap then saw her necklace glow. The lapis lazuli gem in it seemed to be shining as if it was picking up on something! "What the heck?!" Indigo Zap spun around, and was met with the phantom of Executor! "I'm guessing you're not here for show!" Indigo Zap backpedalled, and grabbed one of the spears lying around! She thrust the spear at the phantom of Executor, but it just passed through! "Okay...not good. Really not good!" Indigo leaped out of the way of Executor's wide swing, but the phantom shot a blast of energy at her that knocked her out cold. The phantom of Executor then hoisted Indigo's unconscious form onto his shoulders, and carried her off.

"Nggghhh...." Ace groaned as he came-to. When his vision was finally focused, he saw Shadow and Indigo Zap starting to regain consciousness. "Indigo? I'm guessing you had a run-in with a Phantom of Nightmare too?"

Indigo Zap blinked. "Is that the thing that tried to waste me back at the dueling range?"

"Sure is." Shadow groaned as he rubbed his head. "These things are phantom versions of monsters from the Nightmare Forces that my brothers destroyed a while back. But where did these things come from?"

A shadow slithered to the center of the room. And is soon took the form of Dark Mist. "They were created by me." Dark Mist answered. "You've awakened. Excellent. You shall soon witness Dark Ice's eternal slumber."

"Who are you, and what do you want with my brother?!" Ace demanded as he writhed against his shadow chains! "And what do you need the three of us for?!"

Dark Mist narrowed his eyes. "You three hold the largest place in his heart. It's only fitting you be around to say goodbye. A luxury I never had when you and your friends obliterated my fellow Nightmare Forces. Ice shall suffer greatly for thinking he can leave it all behind!" An aura of dark purple mist started to seethe from Dark Mist's body! "Soon, he will know the isolation once again! He will suffer the fate I was condemned to!" Dark Mist teleported his three captives to the castle's courtyard while he shifted into his shadow form. Slithering along the ground, he soon found Dark Ice and made himself known. "How fitting that you roam alone. Much like you did during your time with us."

Ice spun around, and his eyes went wide with surprise and horror when he saw Dark Mist! "It can't be....this is impossible! We destroyed all the Nightmare Forces! You shouldn't exist!"

"True. You did obliterate my fellow nightmare creatures." Dark Mist said with a nod. "However, you never bothered to guess what happened to the scraps of nightmare essence that were left after you burned your way free of the Nightmare Forces. My world was one of pain the very second you shed me. Pain I shall gladly return when I'm through with the very people you love so much."

Ice drew his claymore! "WHERE ARE THEY!?!"

"Relax. I've done little more than hold them captive." Dark Mist said with a sneer. "My business is with you, and you alone. Come to the courtyard, and come alone." Dark Mist returned to his shadow form, and slithered along to the courtyard. Ice whipped out his copy of the castle map, and sprinted towards the courtyard! Whatever lie ahead didn't matter. Just so long as he could make sure his brothers and Indigo Zap were safe!

Sure enough, Ice found his brothers and Indigo Zap in the courtyard with Dark Mist hovering above them. "I came as you asked! Let them go!" Dark Mist smirked, and snapped his fingers! Ace, Shadow, and Indigo Zap were released! "You wanted to settle this." Ice then drew Archfiend Dragon's Tenacity. "Let's end it tonight."

"True. But there are a few more familiar faces who'd like a piece of you." Dark Mist said with a sneer as a cloud of poison-purple mist flowed from him! The mist then split into five separate masses, and each mass condensed into a phantom of the nightmare monsters that Burst and the guys had defeated! "I'm sure you're well acquainted with these five. You helped some of them to inflict fear. Fear that you shall now receive!"

Ice got into a fighting stance. "One nightmare or five, I'll put them all to rest! RAAAAGGHHH!" Ice charged at the nightmare phantoms! Striking all five of them with a single swing! But to Ice's shock, he didn't do any damage to them! "What?!" Ice was then rammed by the phantom of Nightmare Stinger! "What's going on? Why can't my Duelist Arm harm these things?!" Ice didn't have time to ponder an answer when the phantom of Dread Titan slammed him into the ground! "For ghosts...these things sure can hit!" Ice groaned as he struggled to his feet! Only to get sent flying into the air by the phantom of Rage Tempest, and trapped in a cyclone that battered him around! Ice recovered, but the phantom of Fear Saber kept him on his toes by firing a barrage of daggers! Things weren't getting easier with Executor's phantom striking the ground with its blade! Sending shockwaves rippling through the ground and shaking Ice up! 'Can't...can't give up!' Ice's mind screamed as he struggled to stand after the brutal onslaught he'd just endured!

"Looks like you want more." Dark Mist said with a sneer. "Fortunately, I have so much more to give! Send him to eternal slumber!" Dark Mist motioned, and the phantoms of the nightmare creatures continued their assault! And Dark Mist looked on with cruel satisfaction. "How does it feel? Knowing you've come so far only to meet isolation once again? To lose everything you've worked so hard for?"

Ice panted heavily as he glared at Dark Mist! "SHUT UP!" Cuts and bruises were rampant across Ice's body, but he refused to give up any ground! But what could he do if his weapon couldn't do any damage? 'I can't worry about that! Not now! I lost my family once, and I've just found the girl I love! I can't lose them! I WON'T!' Fear took hold in Ice's heart as he slashed wildly at the nightmare phantoms! But the more desperately he fought, the nightmare phantoms just seemed to hit him harder!

Indigo watched as the phantoms seemed to grow more solid the more desperately Ice struck them, and came to a realization! Seeing Ice's battered form, tears flowed freely from her eyes! "Ice! Stop!" She cried! "It's gonna be alright Ice! I know that some part of you is still afraid! But that's okay! Ace is here! Shadow's here!" Indigo Zap then stood up! "And I'm here too! You don't have to be afraid because we're always with you! Even when we're not right in front of you, and even if you aren't right here with us!"

Ice stopped wildly swinging his claymore when he heard Indigo calling out to him. Ice lowered his blade, and took a deep breath. Letting Indigo's words sink into his mind. At the same time, Executor brought his sword down on Ice! Only to have it pass harmlessly through! Ice snapped his eyes open, and cut down Executor's phantom! And as the phantom faded into nothingness, the blade of Archfiend Dragon's Tenacity was covered in flames! A blazing aura similar to the flames covering the blade now covered Ice! "I'm not afraid anymore." Ice said as he stared at Dark Mist. "Because now, I know that I'm never alone." Dark Mist scowled, and commanded that the remaining phantoms attack Ice! But Ice cut them down with his claymore effortlessly! "Courage isn't the absence of fear. It's staring that fear in the face, and knowing it holds no power over you!" Flames then erupted around Ice's wings! "And now, you have no power over me. Because I know that you're in my past. Maybe I did do some pretty bad things when I was rolling with the Nightmare Forces. But being too scared to do anything because I'm scared of going back on that path is just as bad as desperately fighting against it!"

"No...NO!" Dark Mist roared as he formed a shadow claw! "You can't walk away! Not again!" Dark Mist leaped at Ice and slashed at him, but Ice blocked with Archfiend Dragon's Tenacity! "I WILL CONDEMN YOU TO ISOLATION! JUST AS YOU CONDEMNED ME TO IT!" Dark Mist continued to slash wildly at Ice! At the same time, Indigo noticed a faint glow from the sapphire necklace she wore, and felt something stir within her! Indigo gathered herself, and walked over to Ice. Ice had a torn look on his face as he gazed into Dark Mist's eyes. The remnant of his past now on his knees, panting from pouring his desperation into one final slash. Ice then felt Indigo put her hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry." Indigo said with a reassuring smile. "I know you're worried about casting him into isolation. Like the loneliness you felt when you were apart from Ace and Shadow. But he won't be alone. So don't be scared of what comes next."

A small smile crept across Ice's face as he plunged Archfiend Dragon's Tenacity into the ground and walked up to Dark Mist. "You won't be alone Mist." Ice said with a smile. "You're part of me. One that I've come to terms with. I think it's you who's really scared. Because you don't want to go back to being alone. But you won't be. Because you're part of me..." Ice motioned to Indigo Zap, Ace, and Shadow. "You'll have them too." Dark Mist wept tears of joy as he started to fade. "Looks like we're both pretty brave in moving on." The last bits of Dark Mist faded back into Ice. "Well, I'd say that gives me some closure and wraps-up my arc." Ice was then enveloped by a sphere of magic! When he opened his eyes, he found himself in a weird place with some guy who looked like an older version of Burst! "Uh...you're Aether, Burst's dad, right?"

"That's me alright." Aether said with a smile. "Ty must have told you about me. He's had his time. Now yours has come too. Please. Follow me." Aether led Ice to a bunch of windows that held Ice's memories. "You've gone up against many a threat since you left the Nightmare Forces. And you've been just the least bit reckless charging forth to face them. But not because you know no fear. Because you won't let fear keep you from protecting those in need and the people you love. And you've shown great courage in not only moving on from your past, but accepting what's happened as a part of who you are. From fear, courage has ascended." Ice then felt a great surge of magic flow into him! When he opened his eyes, Ice found himself back in the courtyard, but his wings had changed! They looked just like Red Dragon Archfiend's! Also of note was the fiery orange aura of magic around his hands!

"Ice...you're an Avatar now!" Ace exclaimed! "Just like Ty!"

Indigo smiled. "Looks like we'll be together forever too."

"Indigo? What're you talking about?" Ice asked. "Did you become an Avatar and not tell me?"

Indigo shook her head. "No. Earlier, I saw my necklace glowing. In specific, the sapphire centerpiece. I heard the voice of Princess Amore telling me I'd awoken as the Sapphire Maiden. One who brings peace of mind. The Gem Maidens are immortal guardians of love and hope. Me? I just happened to be one of the five chosen as one."

"I'll say." Ice said as he scooped Indigo into his arms. "You've certainly tamed my reckless courage." The two shared a kiss. Ace and Shadow looked on with equal parts approval and envy.

"One down, two to go." Ace said with a sigh before gathering the group. "Twilight's gonna freak about this."

Episode 4: A Daring Honor

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Steel took a deep breath as he processed all the events that had led up to here. Him leaving his position as Captain of the Elite Guard. Moving here to Ponyville, becoming friends with Burst and the guys, awakening as an Element of Heroism, meeting his girlfriend, Rainbow Dash, who was the Element of Loyalty, all the crazy battles he and the guys had fought to keep Equestria safe. Not to mention finding out Burst and Inferno were false Avatars, and two from his group of friends who had now ascended into true Avatars like the princesses. That being said, Steel was happy that things had calmed down for a bit. Moments like these weren't often, but both him, the guys, and the girls appreciated a break from all the action. "Of course, it probably won't stay that way for too long." Steel thought out loud as he rested on a cloud.

Steel closed his eyes, but was soon roused by the sound of Rainbow Dash swooping by! He blinked as he saw hey flying like she'd been accepted into the Wonderbolts. "I'm guessing you're in a good mood?" He asked with a small smile.

"Only the best mood ever!" Rainbow Dash squealed excitedly! "Twilight hooked me up for a meeting with A.K. Yearling! The author of the Daring Do series! This is so awesome!" Rainbow Dash soon came down from her fan-girl state. "So. You wanna come with?"

Steel smiled. "Sure. It's something my girlfriend holds pretty high, so I'd love to see you happy." Steel then stood up, and dusted himself off. "Besides. Maybe she can come up with a crossover from all the adventures me and the guys have had. Just let me grab my Duelist Arms. You never know what's gonna happen." Steel made a quick stop by his house to pick up his Duelist Arms, and joined Rainbow Dash on her trip to meet A.K. Yearling. They soon arrived at A.K.'s house, and Rainbow Dash immediately inspected all the items that resembled objects from the Daring Do novels. 'These look too real to be replicas or props.' Steel noted. He'd heard Rainbow Dash list the descriptions of items from the novels. And some of the objects here were dead ringers for said items. 'So. Just how "fictional" are Daring Do's adventures?' Steel and Rainbow Dash then noticed A.K. Yearling. 'And who's to say Daring Do's adventures are really her own?'

Rainbow Dash immediately rushed up to Yearling, and started blabbing how much she loved the Daring Do series. Steel took note of how blind Rainbow Dash was, and pried her out of Yearling's face. "You've gotta forgive my girlfriend. She's a bit of a fan. And....exciteable." Steel said with an apologetic smile.

"So I've seen." Yearling said with a chuckle. "Still. I guess it's better than having someone who's too critical of my work ranting in my face. Fans are an extreme bunch." Yearling then noticed Steel's full appearance. "Say...you're one of the Elements of Heroism, right?"

Steel nodded. "Steel Edge. Former captain of the Elite Guard, and Element of Honor. Pleased to meet you Miss Yearling. Now. I think I'd better have a word with my girlfriend." Steel pulled Rainbow Dash to a corner, and whispered to her. "Dash. I know you're excited to meet your favorite author. But I think there's more to the Daring Do series than you think there is. Some of these objects look too real to be props or replicas."

"What?" Rainbow Dash scoffed. "Get real! All those stories are is stories!" Rainbow Dash chuckled. "What? You think that A.K. Yearling's actually SEEN the adventures of Daring Do?"

Steel sighed. "Not exactly..." He then noticed Yearling putting what looked like an artifact in her backpack. "Look. The point is, try to dial down the enthusiasm a bit. We'd better leave now." Steel led Rainbow Dash out, and was met with the rest of the girls. "Miss Yearling was a little busy, so we decided to leave her to her work." However, Steel noticed a group of three guys going into Yearling's house. Rainbow Dash noticed too, and rushed up to one of the windows. Her eyes went wide when she found out that A.K. Yearling WAS Daring Do! She was about to bolt in and fight the thugs until Steel restrained her!

"Hey what gives?!" Rainbow Dash yelled. "You were right Steel! So why're you stopping me from kicking some butt?! Heck, with you and me they wouldn't stand a chance!"

Steel frowned. "Rainbow. In all the Daring Do novels you've read, hasn't she USUALLY taken down a bunch of henchmen no problem? I'm just going to sit back, and let her do her thing because she's so good at it." Steel and the girls watched as A.K. took down the thugs, and went against Caballeron only for Ahuizohtl to steal the ring she'd been carrying!

"Did you not see that?!" Rainbow Dash shouted! "Ahuizohtl just nabbed the last ring of Scorchero!"

"Just like I planned." Yearling said with a winning smile as she approached the group and stretched her wings. "I knew Ahuizotl had the other rings. That's why I let him take the last one. So that way I could get all of the rings at once and scatter them! But I can't do it alone." She then looked at Rainbow Dash and Steel. "So? You two care to do a crossover?"

Steel looked at the starry look in Rainbow Dash's eyes, and grinned. "We'd be honored." Back in Ahuizohtl's temple, he had just placed the rings. But as the rings began to activate, a slash of energy sent most of his tribal minions flying! Steel stood with his sword drawn, and shield raised! Ahuizohtl snapped his fingers, and one of his wild cats lunged at Steel only to get bashed in the face by Steel's shield! "Any other cats for me to put out?"

"So. It appears Daring Do has found yet another fool to oppose me." Ahuizohtl growled as Daring Do and Rainbow Dash entered. "No matter! I stand on the edge of triumph!" Ahuizohtl was then sent flying by another slash from Steel's blade!

"And you're about to taste my edge." Steel said in a cool tone as he silently rushed Ahuizotl with a series of rapid slashes! And while Steel engaged Ahuizohtl and his minions, A.K. and Rainbow Dash set to work removing the rings! Steel saw that the two were almost finished, and helped to remove the last rings! With the rings gone, the temple began to collapse!

A.K. smiled. "So? This your first time escaping a crumbling ruin?"

"Trust me Miss Yearling." Steel said with a chuckle. "Me and the guys have PLENTY of stories to tell you. Just make sure the cover art to your next book is awesome." And with that, the trio of adventurers went their separate ways to home.

A few days later

Steel was in front of Rainbow Dash's house, and was startled when Rainbow threw the door open! She was bouncing up and down with the latest Daring Do book in her hands. "Steel! Take a look at the cover!"

Steel looked at the cover. On it was Daring Do with the ring in her arms. Rainbow Dash was also there flying at a random henchman while Steel was fighting Ahuizotl! "Now THIS should be an epic read."

Episode 5: Day Off

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Burst Stream let out a happy yawn as he stretched. He looked down at Moon's sleeping form, and smiled before opening the blinds. It was a beautiful day outside, and he had nothing to do. "Yup. It's time." Burst texted the other Elements of Heroism, and they all replied that they were free. "Now to get the place ready." Burst went to the kitchen, and got out a couple bowls. He then set to work putting in popcorn into the microwave. Soon enough, all the bowls were filled to the brim with popcorn!

"Popcorn for breakfast?" Moon asked with a giggle as she walked into the kitchen. "Sure doesn't sound like the typical breakfast. So what's the occasion?"

Burst beamed. "Well, I decided to implement a tradition between me and the guys. Whenever we're all free, we'll have a hang-out so we can really get to spend some time together besides training and separate outings. Today, we're having a movie marathon."

"Sounds fun!" Moon said with a smile as she soon draped her arms around Burst. "I hope you chose a good spot for me to snuggle up with you."

Burst chuckled. "It would've been rude not too. Too bad Celestia's busy. But then again, there's always dinner and a movie at her place." Burst then heard a knock on the door, and saw the guys standing outside. "Yo guys! You ready?"

"Heck yeah!" Shadow cheered! "This is my first time hanging out with all of you at once!"

Tyrannus nodded before stroking his chin. "Hmm. I wonder if Discord's free?"

"You called?" Discord's voice called out as he appeared in a flash of light. "Now. What do you need me to do? Throw Equestria into a prank war?"

Burst laughed. "Actually, we were gonna hold a movie marathon. You wanna watch?"

"Hmmm." Discord said as he looked over Burst's house. "I'll say this." Discord snapped his fingers, and a whole popcorn bar and soda machine popped into existence! "You need to come fully prepared. No stopping the film train now!" Discord also conjured up a bunch of beanbag chairs for everyone to sit on, and rubbed his hands. "So. What's first on the list?"

Burst smiled as he pulled out a set of DVDs. "I hope you're a Marvel fan." Burst popped in The Avengers, and began a superhero movie marathon. Primarily made of Marvel films. "You ever hear about these movies during your imprisonment?"

"Heard about? Yes." Discord said as he took a huge gulp of his soda. "But seeing them if much more fun! Now I have more references to use!" He then munched on a handful of popcorn. "So you guys do this every time you're free at the same time?"

Inferno shook his head. "Not this always, but we do all hang out together. But it's not just us."

"Afraid of leaving your lady loves out of the fun?" Discord asked with a chuckle.

Tyrannus shook his head. "No. Because you're our friend too Discord. And I'd like to see what your basketball skills are."

"That." Discord said as he blinked. "...is the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me. As for my skills, you're on!" Discord snapped his fingers, and the guys and Moon stood on a basketball court! Discord stood decked out in basketball gear. "Care to show me yours? No powers of course."

Tyrannus cracked a smile. "Then it's time to pick our teams." As soon as the teams were ready, they hit the court full force! The game went on for about an hour before ending in a tie. "If being the Spirit of Chaos fails, you could always be King of the Court."

"Long may he dunk!" Ice chuckled!

Discord beamed, and scooped up everyone into a tight hug! "I could get used to this."

Episode 6: A Hero's Dedication

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Burst, Moon, Inferno, Ace, and Tyrannus had joined Twilight and the girls at the Castle of the Two Sisters. Burst had just finished moving some pillars, and saw Spike looking at a sealed comic book. And he was pretty interested in it if the cover was any indication. "What'cha reading Spike? That the latest issue of Legion of Harmony?"

Spike nodded excitedly! "Sure is! I love this series and the characters!" The young dragon then looked wistfully at the comic. "Seeing all those heroes fight villains on pages kinda makes me wish I could be like you guys." Spike then sighed. "But...I guess I can relate to the sidekick character Humdrum. I'm too small to get into any fights because Twilight and the girls are afraid I'll get hurt."

"Well...what about the Crystal Heart?" Burst asked with a small smile. "You got it to the pedestal and sent the Umbrum back into the shadow prison."

Spike sighed. "Yeah. But YOU'RE the one that annihilated them." The drake's head then sunk. "Maybe it was a mistake of you to even name me an honorary Element of Heroism."

Burst frowned as he put a hand on Spike's shoulder. "Spike? You wanna know a little secret?" Spike nodded, and Burst smiled. "I used to be small like you once. I wasn't always this strong. I trained for years to get at the level I'm at know. The superheroes you see in comic books, they were part of why I love being a hero. And do you know what they all had in common? All of them started out small at one point." Burst pointed at Spike. "Just like you. And they became stronger because they dedicated themselves to a purpose. Like how you're dedicated to Twilight and the girls."

"It's true." Inferno said with a smile as he approached the two after setting down some fabric. "You've got a lot of potential in you Spike. In time, your day will come. And who knows? That day just might be today." He then clapped his hands together. "So. What's got you hyped for this issue?"

Spike beamed. "It's a big crossover issue! The Legion of Harmony meets the Power Rangers!" Spike then proudly displayed the cover of the latest issue! "I hope we get to see the Megazord! Oh! And the green ranger! He's so cool!"

"Well, we're not gonna find out if you don't open up the issue." Ace said with a chuckle as he approached the group. Moon and the other girls noticed Burst and the guys crowding around Spike and reading the latest Legion of Harmony issue. However, the guys were perplexed when the pages cut-off at the climax of the action! "What gives?"

Spike inspected the note where the story seemed to end. "If you wish to see the end, shine the spotlight on one who goes unnoticed." As Spike read the text, a portal opened up that sucked the whole group! When Spike came-to, all the girls were in the costumes of the Legion of Harmony! Spike looked at himself, and saw that he had the role of Humdrum. However, what troubled Spike was seeing who was absent. "Wait, where are Moon and the guys?" But they didn't have time to search for the others when they saw Mainiac attacking! However, there was an unusual addition to the super villain's costume. A strange coin she was using as a necklace that seemed to generate green lightning patterns all over her costume! The lightning patterns seemed to glow with power!

At the same time, Burst, Moon, Ace, Inferno, and Tyrannus were in the street decked out in civilian clothes. But each one had a noticeable part of their outfit. Burst had a red jacket, Inferno had a black tank top, Moon had a pink shirt, Ace was wearing a blue sweater, and Tyrannus had a yellow sweat shirt. Unfortunately, Mane-iac took notice. "Well. Looks like we've got a few new faces to Maretropolis! I've got some new friends in town too!" Mane-iac snapped her fingers, and a squad of putties popped into existence!

"Get ready guys!" Burst called out as he got into a fighting stance! The group charged at the putties! However, while they had the edge in skill, the putties held strength in numbers!

"This isn't getting us anywhere!" Inferno groaned as he shoved a putty off of him! However, something caught his eye when he brushed against the pocket of his pants! "Huh?!" Inferno pulled out a device, and his eyes went wide! "Hey guys! Check your pockets! See if you've got something like this!"

Burst and the others pulled similar devices, and Burst gasped when he realized what they were! "Everyone! Get into position!" The others stood by Burst's side! "Follow my lead!" Burst thrust out the morpher! "IT'S MORPHIN' TIME! TYRANNOSAURUS!" A bolt of red lightning came down on Burst, and transformed him! When the light died down, Burst stood as the red ranger! Inferno replicated the action by yelling out mastodon, Moon cried out pterodactyl, Tyrannus called out saber tooth tiger, and Ace called out triceratops!

"POWER RANGERS!" The group called out! Spike and the girls were watching in awe from the rooftop!

"C'mon!" Spike cried out! "We've gotta help them out!" Twilight hoisted Spike onto her back, and flew down! However, being new at using their powers, things got out of hand quickly! Burst and the others had finished off the putties, but Goldar came flying in! Giving them more of a challenge! As the Main 6 attempted to fight Mane-iac, Spike found the electro orb and tried to sneak it off! But Mane-iac noticed, and swatted away the Main 6!

"Ah! Humdrum! Useless as ever!" Mane-iac cackled. "I'll be taking this!" Using one of her tendrils, Mane-iac swiped the electro orb from Spike's hands! "Of course, it wouldn't be fun if I didn't torment you the least bit!" Mane-iac raised one of her hair tendrils, and Spike braced for the worst! Then, the sound of a swing ran through the air! Spike opened his eyes, and saw a hair tendril falling limp on the ground! He then saw Burst standing before him with a power sword drawn!

"Looks like you're in serious need of a stylist!" Burst joked. "And I've got just the tool for the job!" Burst charged at Mane-iac! Rolling out of the way when her hair tendrils lashed out at him! Sparks showered out from where Burst slashed at the super villain! Moon fired some bolts from her power bow to keep Mane-iac distracted while Tyrannus, Ace, and Inferno handled Goldar! "Give up Mane-iac! No one will ever take us down! The power lies on our side!" Twilight and the rest of the Main 6 then joined the fight! Getting the hang of their abilities as they took down more putties and soon joining with Burst and the others!

Mane-iac blinked before letting out a cackle of deranged laughter! "You mean..it USED to!" The coin Mane-iac wore around her neck glowed bright green as an energy ball gathered in her hands! She then hurled the ball into the ground, and an explosion of energy rocked the street! When the light faded, Burst and the others who had become rangers lay de-morphed on the ground from the massive damage! Twilight and the girls were in just as bad a shape! "AHH HA HA HA HA! Oh this is just so perfect! The Power Rangers and the Legion of Harmony lying at my feet!'

"An excellent victory!" Goldar crowed! "I shall deliver them to Empress Rita at once! She will be thrilled to know of this triumph!"

Mane-iac scowled as she slapped Goldar with one of her hair tendrils! "NO! My city! MY win! And they're mine to do with as I wish!" Goldar flew off at Mane-iac's response, and Mane-iac scooped everyone save for Spike up with her hair and treaded off to her lair!

Spike watched in horror as he came to a realization! "I'm the only one left..." Spike paced for a minute as he tried to calm himself. Then he remembered the times Burst and the guys had gotten into jams. "That just means I'll be the one to save everyone!" And with that, Spike dashed off to Mane-iac's lair! He watched as Mane-iac rendered his friends immobile with a hair-spray ray that neutralized their powers and froze them in place!

"You might have all of us, but you forgot one person!" Twilight spat as she tried to move! "As long as they're out there, you're not gonna win!"

Mane-iac giggled! "Humdrum? Sidekick? No powers, remember?" She then let out another cackle. "You really think that little nothing can help you escape?"

"Power can come from anywhere." Burst answered. "And it can be found sleeping in the smallest packages. Just waiting for the time to wake up!"

Inferno tried to nod. "And potential lives in the people who are the most unlikely to save the day!" Spike's eyes went wide when he heard his friends speak so highly of him! However, his brief moment of celebration was cut short when the pipe holding him fell, and he landed in between the Mane-iac and his friends!

"Well, well. What have we here?" Mane-iac slithered as she crept towards Spike and scooped him up in one of her hair tendrils! "Now, now Humdrum. I'm not as bad as your friends say I am. In fact, I'm going to do something quite nice for you! Join me! You're always on the sidelines with the Legion. Never getting a chance at any of the action because they're too scared of you getting hurt. They get all the credit. But roll with me, and the whole city will be on its knees before us!" Mane-iac set Spike down, and extended her hand. "What do you say?"

Spike looked back to his friends, and narrowed his eyes. "No! I've stayed by their sides all my life, and I'm not gonna stop now! They're my whole reason for waking up, and I'm not leaving them now!" Suddenly, the coin around Mane-iac's neck snapped free, and shot towards Spike! A surge of energy flowed into the young dragon as his body began to change! A brilliant green lightning bolt crashed down onto the vortex of energy! When the light faded, the green ranger stood before everyone! "WHOA!" Spike exclaimed! He admired his ranger form! Scarcely believing that he had turned into his favorite ranger! "I'm the green ranger! This is so sweet!" However, Spike's celebrating was cut short when a squad of putties surrounded him! "All right! Bring it!" Spike unleashed a flurry of punches and kicks! Turning the putties to rubble in almost no time! "Now to take care of my friends!" Spike shot a ball of green energy from his hands that destroyed Mane-iac's doomsday device! Freeing the others! "Care to join the party?" Burst and the others powered up, and made short work of the remaining putties!

"It's not over yet!" Mane-iac fumed as she pulled out a remote and pressed the button! A giant robot began to rise from the floor! Mane-iac leaped into the controls and began to terrorize Maretropolis!

Burst looked to Spike, and put a hand on his shoulder. "This is your story Spike. You should be the one to end it!"

"Awesome!" Spike cheered as he drew the dragon dagger! "Come on out Dragonzord!" Spike played the dragon dagger, and the Dragonzord rose from the city bay! Lumbering its way toward Mane-iac's robot! The titanic zord roared a challenge at its enemy! The two behemoths charged at each other, and clashed! Making the whole ground quake beneath them! And try as she might, Mane-iac stood no chance against the Dragonzord's awesome power! "All right! Time to finish this!" With one last note, Spike ordered the Dragonzord to use its drill tail to pierce the energy core of Mane-iac's robot! Sending the super villain hurtling to the ground trapped by her own hair! The Dragonzord let out a mighty roar as it stood over the wreck that was once its opponent! "Aw yeah! Now THAT is epic!" But before they could enjoy their victory, the entire group was whisked away by a swirl of light, and spat back out into the real world! However, Spike was shocked to find that he had grown to his teen years and short stubs protruding from his back! "I'm...I'm older. Nice! I guess waiting all that time really paid off!" But the surprises weren't over yet. A ball of green fire formed around Spike's left arm. The fire soon condensed into a form, and an arm cannon shaped like a purple dragon's mouth was on full display! "Whoa! Is this..."

Burst and the guys noticed their Duelist Arms glowing. "Yes. It's a Duelist Arm. YOUR Duelist Arm." He and the guys then brought Spike in to their circle. "Welcome to the team Spike. Element of Dedication. Now comes the fun part. Naming your Duelist Arm."

Spike looked down at his arm cannon, and grinned. "Jadefire. That's what I'll call it." He soon clutched his stomach as hit grumbled. "I guess fighting bad guys works up an appetite!" The group laughed, and headed home for a meal. Needless to say, the rest of their friends were pretty impressed by Spike's growing up. "Looks like today really is my day!"

Episode 7: Going Batty

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It was just another day at Sweet Apple Acres. Tyrannus and North were handling the apple trees near the barn. However, they noticed something odd about the apples that hit the ground. "Huh?" North picked up an apple, and saw that it looked completely drained of any juice! "Hey, Ty." North motioned for Tyrannus to come over and showed him the apple. 'What do you make of this?"

"Hmm." Tyrannus examined the apple, and found a tiny set of bite marks on it. "I'd say it's vampire fruit bats. They love to suck the juice from fruit. The only problem is, that leaves the fruit almost desolate. The seeds are still good to use, but they can do some damage if left unchecked. We'd better let Applejack know about this."

"Oh, Ah know all right." Applejack grumbled as she hauled a basket of drained apples. "These varmints are gonna drain Sweet Apple Acres dry!" She then got an idea. "Say, Ty? We've got weapons. Why don't we just scare them off and be rid of the pests?"

Tyrannus shook his head. "Sorry. No can do. These bats aren't parasites. Besides, Fluttershy will probably be of more use. I'm good with animals, but she's the master when it comes to difficult creatures. I'll go get her."

"Maybe we should also get Twilight." North noted. "That lass is great with magic. Maybe she can get these buggers to lay off the fruit sucking." He was then scooped into a tight hug from Applejack. "I'll fetch her. Be right back!" Sure enough, North returned with Twilight in tow. "And that's what's been ruining our day so far. Think you can lend a hand?"

Twilight scratched her head in thought. "Hmmm. I've got a spell that'll remove their urge to suck fruit dry, but the problem is getting them all in one spot to cast it." She then saw Tyrannus show up with Fluttershy. "Then again, it looks like the solution to that problem's arrived. Fluttershy? Do you think you could use The Stare on the vampire fruit bats to keep them in place?"

"Oh my...I'll try to." Fluttershy said nervously as she flew up to the bats and used her stare. The bats were rooted in place, and Twilight cast her spell! However, Fluttershy shook her head a little bit and the bats soon took to reading newspapers.

"You alright Fluttershy?" Tyrannus asked. "You looked a little bit dazed back there."

Fluttershy shook her head. "Oh, I'm fine Ty. Let's go home." Tyrannus and Fluttershy headed back home, and night soon fell. Tyrannus was sleeping on the couch as usual, but his slumber was interrupted that night.

"Hm?" Tyrannus mumbled as he rose from the couch. There was a rummaging sound coming from the kitchen. "What's going on h-?!" Tyrannus froze when he saw a bunch of apples lying on the ground. Even more startling was the fact that they looked like the juice had been drained from them. But what really made him stay put was the form hunched over the mound of apples. It looked like Fluttershy, but her yellow skin had turned a more pale shade of the color, and her hair had become a bit messier. The most unsettling change was that her ears had become pointed and her wings had turned into bat wings! "Fluttershy?"

Flutterbat snapped her head in Tyrannus's direction, and lunged at him! Tyrannus braced for the worst, but he found himself still in one piece. With Flutterbat clamped onto his arm and nuzzling him happily. She then looked him in the eye and nuzzled against his face.

"Oh man." Tyrannus said as he wrapped his head around the situation. "How did this happen?" Ty's mind then flashed back to the moment Fluttershy felt dazed when Twilight was casting her spell. "So that's it!" He then sighed. "I hope she doesn't bite my head off for knocking on her door so late. I'd better see if Burst can help." Ty went over to Burst's house, and knocked on the door.

Burst answered. "Ty? What's up?" Burst then noticed Flutterbat clinging onto Ty's arm! "What the heck happened to Fluttershy?!"

"You know that spell Twilight cast?" Ty asked. "Well, it worked. But it also backfired. It planted the desire to be vampire fruit bats into Fluttershy. So now she's....well, Flutterbat." He cringed as Flutterbat hissed at Burst. "No. He's a friend Flutterbat." Ty let out a chuckle as Flutterbat sniffed Burst. "She likes to eat fruit juice. Especially apples. So I've been feeding her boxes of apple juice all the way here." Ty pointed to the bandolier of juice boxes he bore on his chest.

Burst scratched his head. "We need to get her to Twilight. She might know how to fix her. With me and her, we should be able to find a way to reverse this. I just hoe she's let Spike have a stay-up-late night now." Burst and Ty ventured to Twilight's library, and heard noise coming from the living room. Burst knocked on the door, and Spike answered.

"Yo Burst! Ty! What-AH!" Spike nearly jumped to the ceiling! "What...what IS that thing?" Spike pointed to Flutterbat. He then calmed down as he noted her appearance. "It looks a lot like Fluttershy."

"Because it is her." Ty said as Flutterbat perched herself on his shoulders and clutched his head protectively. "She's a lot more bold than Fluttershy. And she's kind of protective of me. Is Twilight awake? Her spell caused this little incident."

Spike nodded slowly. "She's probably doing some late-night organizing." Spike fetched Twilight, and she and Burst promptly set to work on finding a spell that would restore Fluttershy to her old self.

"It's a good thing you two brought her in so soon." Twilight said as she and Burst flipped through the mind spells. "If this had been discovered any later, we'd have had to resort to reversing the spell on the vampire fruit bats."

Burst nodded. "Hey, I think I found it! Restoration of self! This spell focuses on memories the caster has of their spell target." Burst then looked to Ty. "Ty. I know we haven't made as much progress on your magic as we'd have liked, but all you gotta do is focus your memories of Fluttershy's true self and channel them into the spell. Make sure you make contact with her mind. She won't trust either of us. And she seems to like you still despite her current state."

"Well, I was gonna have to use magic at sometime." Ty said before taking a deep breath as he looked at Flutterbat clamped onto his left arm. Focusing on his memories of Fluttershy, Ty began to channel his magic. A brilliant green aura covered his right hand. He slowly extended his hand to Flutterbat, and she hissed. "Easy there Flutters." Ty said in a calm tone. "I'm not gonna hurt you." Flutterbat slowly folded her wings as she inched closer to Ty's hand. "There we go. Come on." Ty finally made contact, and Flutterbat's body glowed green slightly from his magic working on her mind. When the glow faded, Fluttershy was back to normal. "You feeling all right Fluttershy?'

Fluttershy rubbed her head and let out a small groan. "I think so. But my neck hurts a little. Was I hanging upside down or something?"

Ty let out a chuckle as he wrapped his pterodactyl wings around her. "Let's just say you were driving me a little batty."

Episode 8: A Flare of Generosity

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Inferno had never seen Rarity so excited. Ever since she'd been selected to participate in Manehattan's fashion week, Rarity could barely contain herself. During the whole train ride, Inferno saw her fantasizing about the outfits she'd make. "Sounds like someone's going to have a good time." Inferno said with a loving smile.

"Oh, I just can't wait Inferno!" Rarity squealed. "This is one of the most popular fashion events in all of Equestria! And to think! That I'll get to show-off my designs! I'm so excited!" The rest of the Main 6 giggled at how Rarity was going crazy for the coming event. Sure enough, the group soon arrived in Manehattan. The rest of the Main 6 checked in at the hotel while Inferno helped lug Rarity's fabrics. "You know darling, you really needn't trouble yourself with taking all my bags. I could have the girls help me out."

Inferno smiled. "Maybe. But I can carry a lot more and for a lot longer than some of them. Twilight's getting used to her new Earthbound strength, so she might hoist them too hard and damage the fabric. I might be a false Avatar like Burst, but at least I know how to control my strength. Heck, me and Burst are helping with training Twilight for combat. And let's not forget. I'm your boyfriend, so I should be there for you as much as I can." Inferno blushed when Rarity kissed him. "Yup. That makes this worth it all right." He and Rarity soon arrived at the building where fashion week was being held. "So where do you want me to set down the fabric?"

"Oh, just put it in my designing chamber darling." Rarity answered. She then was approached by another stylist. "Oh, Suri! So good to see you."

Suri gave her a smug grin. "Hi Rares. Should've guessed you'd make it here." She then motioned to a shy girl standing next to her. "This is my assistant Coco. I'd be lost without her."

Inferno looked at the two, and frowned. 'No. You just wouldn't have anyone to boss around. Poor girl's potential is being crushed by you' "Did you come to socialize, or scout the competition?"

Suri pretended to look hurt at Inferno's remark. "This thug's comment aside, what do you plan on debuting here? Knowing you it'll probably be dazzling."

As Rarity began to unveil her new fabric, Inferno took pictures with his phone. Making sure the flash was turned off. As soon as Rarity was done talking, Inferno led her back to the hotel. "Hey, Rarity? I think you need to be careful of that Suri girl."

"What do you mean darling?" Rarity asked. "She was merely looking at my new fabric for some inspiration. What's so wrong with that?"

Inferno sighed. "Rarity. There's a difference between inspiration and straight-up plagiarism. My dad lived the rock star life before I did. And one difficulty he had to be wary of was rip-off songs. Songs that sounded almost exactly like another artist's, but with only a slight difference that only fans would pick up on. The same warning can be applied to all kinds of art. Especially yours." Inferno then sighed. "I just don't want that to happen to you. Protecting you also means protecting what you hold dear too."

"Darling..." Rairty said with a fond sigh. "I suppose I lucked-out when I fell for you. Come. Let's rest. It's been a long day, and I think the train ride's finally caught up to me." Inferno then carried Rarity back to the hotel, and awaited whatever the next day would bring. As Inferno expected, Suri was pawning off Rarity's fabric as her own work the next day. That is, until he showed the photos he'd taken of Rarity showing off the fabric. Needless to say, Miss Prim Hemline wasn't happy about it.

"Miss Polomare. I am highly disappointed in you." She said in a stern tone. "One of the cornerstones of fashion week is original designs made by up and coming designers. Something you have abandoned for the sake of being the center of attention. I'm afraid you are disqualified."

Suri lowered her head in defeat. "I knew I wouldn't make it. Nothing I could ever make is good enough for here." She then looked to Coco. "You're on your own now. See what's happened to me? This is what my sort of attitude gets you." Suri packed her things up.

Rarity took pity on Coco, and went to her. "So...what are you going to do now darling?"

"Gee....Suri said it was everyone for themselves in this kind of work." Coco said as she scratched her head. "But I guess that sort of thinking leads down a bad road."

Rarity smiled. "She only went down that path because that's how she saw the world. Me? I believe that giving to others can lead to a broader road. One that I'd love to help you journey down. Let me show you why being generous is so rewarding. I have some friends in very high places."

"You've got a lot of potential in you." Inferno said with a smile. "Now's the time to act on it because you have someone who can help you use it."

And with that, Rarity helped put Coco's name out as a highly recommended costume designer shortly after she won fashion week. As thanks, Coco gave her a spool of thread that was rainbow colored. Unbeknownst to her, the spool gave a faint rainbow glow as soon as she left the room to join her friends.

Suri sighed as she looked over her old sketchbooks. "I don't know why I even bothered picking up a needle and thread anymore." A shadow then fell over her, and she saw that it was a man. He had dark red skin, brown eyes, and his hair was orange with yellow highlights. Making it look like it was a singular flame. And his outfit consisted of blue jeans and a red shirt with a flame symbol on it.

"Feeling a bit down?" Mystic Flare asked.

Suri nodded. "None of my work would've cut it at fashion week. No wonder I got so desperate."

"Might I have a look?" Mystic asked. Suri handed him her sketchbook, and Mystic smiled as he looked through it. "I don't know about you, but I think these designs would look lovely on you."

Suri managed a small smile before taking back the sketchbook. "Thanks." She then felt a sensation travel through her body. "Weird. I felt so cold earlier. Then you show up, and I feel a bit warmer in my heart."

"Then come with me." Mystic said with a kind smile. "I promise I won't give you the cold shoulder. Name's Mystic Flare." Mystic then extended his hand.

"I'm Suri." Suri said shakily as she slowly got to her feet. "So...what now?"

Mystic smiled as he opened up a flaming portal. "Now I take you to a place where your inspiration can be sparked." And with that, Mystic led Suri through the portal to a kingdom composed of the primal elements of fire, water, air, and earth.

Episode 9: Home of the Elementals

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Suri blinked as she took in the strange new destination that Mystic Flare's portal had led her. "O-kay. Where in Equestria is this?" She took in her surroundings. The place seemed to be composed of fire, water, earth, and wind. The primal elements that made up most world. "Where did you take us?"

"I took you to my home." Mystic answered with a chuckle. "Welcome to Elemental Paradise. And we're not in Equestria anymore. This is a whole other world. And that portal was the ticket in. We're close to my home. I'll show you around." Mystic led Suri around the Flame Kingdom. Everywhere they went, Suri couldn't help but notice how everyone seemed to show such respect towards Mystic.

"It's weird. Everyone seems to think you're such a big deal." Suri noted. "Kinda reminds me of the attention I wanted when I was a little kid."

Mystic raised an eyebrow at hearing this. "Is that why you took up being a designer?"

"Right on the button." Suri nodded. "People tend to notice beautiful things. Most of the time they can't tear themselves away."

Mystic smiled. "I could say the same of you." Mystic then stopped before a castle. "Ah. Home sweet home." Suri was shocked to find out that the castle before them was Mystic's home! Mystic then knocked on the door. "I'm home!" A guard in flaming armor opened the door, and bowed before him!

"Welcome back Prince Flare." The guard greeted.

Suri's jaw nearly hit the ground. "PRINCE?!"

"Indeed." Mystic said with a chuckle. "But maybe I should slip into something more regal?" Flames spiraled around Mystic, and he stood in a more royal outfit. He wore a long coat whose tails looked like they were made of flames. A flame symbol decorated the front of his boots, and his shirt looked like it was made of flames like the crown he wore on his head. "Well? Royal enough for you?" Suri nodded. "Good. Now then. Let's move on with the tour." Mystic then showed Suri around his castle. "So? Anything else you want to know?"

Suri scratched her head. "Yeah...how does this place work exactly?"

"Ah. As you've seen, the primal elements compose this world." Mystic explained. "It was formed by all four elements working together in harmony. I know you're thinking that the opposing elements would be in constant conflict. But we found a work-around to fighting. Should one of the other leaders desire something, all four elemental leaders must come to an agreement, or the motion does not pass. And it's worked since the start of time here. I've seen my fair share of intense moments and made some intense moments too."

Suri blinked. "Wait. You mean to tell me you're-"

"Immortal." Mystic said with a nod. "Same as the other elemental leaders. You wanna meet them?" Suri nodded. "Wonderful. It'll give you a chance to take everything in." As they journeyed, Suri couldn't help but be inspired by the entire world Mystic Flare called home. Mystic couldn't help but smile as he saw Suri scribbling away in her sketchbook. "Our first stop is the Ocean Kingdom." A huge bubble greeted them. "This is how we'll be entering Deluge's domain. She's the ruler of water. This bubble will take us to her palace." Suri was in awe at how the water pushed and pulled to make structures. The waves above seemed so unstable, yet everything was calm beneath the surface. They were soon escorted to the throne room. Deluge had blue skin, hair that looked like it was made of the very water she commanded, and a dress that seemed to be formed from the very waves that crashed against the shore.

"Ah. Mystic Flare. A pleasure to see you once more." Deluge said with a calm smile. "And I see you've brought a newcomer. I am Deluge Current. Welcome to my domain."

Suri politely nodded while Mystic smiled. "As ever, your kingdom's the picture of serenity. Even as the waves crash down. This girl is Suri. I'm showing her our world."

"A wise decision." Deluge said with a sage nod. "I trust you'll be showing her the domain of our fellow Elementals as well?"

Mystic nodded. "That's the plan. We're off to the wind domain next. You still have that gust chamber?" Deluge nodded, and pointed to a nearby room. In it was a pad with a tube around it. When Mystic and Suri stepped in, a blast of wind shot them up into the sky right up the tube! They soon came to a stop among the clouds, and a bridge of clouds seemd to materialize. "Looks like we've been expected." Mystic noted as he stepped out. Only to be tackled by a girl with green skin with hair like the clouds they stood on and wearing a light green dress. "Nice to see you too Gale."

Gale Tempest giggled. "You too Mystic! Oh!" Gale then zipped over to Suri. "And a new face too! I'm Gale Tempest! Ruler of the Air Domain! Nice to meet ya!"

"You too." Suri said with a nervous smile as she started to sketch how free everything looked in the sky. How things just seemed to blow alongside the winds. "This place is on a whole other level..."

Gale giggled. "Sounds like someone's head is in the clouds." She then looked to Mystic. "So, you been showing her around? You guys gonna see Deluge or Geo next?"

"We've already seen Deluge. All that's left is to pay a visit to Geo." Mystic answered. "But...do you have any gentler ways down?" Mystic saw Suri nervously eyeing the edge of the clouds. "I don't want to get Suri airsick." Gale nodded, and summoned a cloud that Mystic and Suri boarded. The cloud drifted them down to the ground, and stopped in front of a cave mouth. "Geo's domain is as much above the earth as it is below. This cave is just the front door." Mystic entered the cave, and touched a crystal that stood on a single pedestal. The cave mouth shut, and the platform Mystic and Suri were on began to slowly descend. The deeper they went, crystals seemed to light up and illuminate the whole world beneath. The people of this domain were built sturdy from the looks of how earthy their clothes looked. "We'll be at the entrance to the castle soon." The lift soon came to a halt, and a portion of the rock that made up the chamber slid away to make a door. Before them was a castle composed of stone and with crystals for spires and torches. "Yeah. Geo's pretty down-to-earth in terms of design." The two were escorted by a pair of guards who were wearing armor made from rock. And it seemed the leader of the earth domain lived up to his name. Geo Crater looked as stalwart as the very element he commanded. A fact further driven by the light armor made of boulders that adorned his figure.

Geo nodded at Mystic's appearance. "Mystic Flare. I see you've brought someone new here." He said as he noted Suri's presence. "Tell me. Why have you brought her to our world?"

Mystic took a deep breath before answering. "I wish for her to be my beloved. I've been to all the other leaders. You're the only one left to meet with before we can call an assembly."

"You know I am as immovable as the element I command." Geo said. "You were wise to call forth on the way that has proved so effective for as long as we have reigned. We shall gather at your palace. Until then, farewell." As Mystic and Suri took their leave, Suri had just processed what Mystic had said earlier.

"You want ME to be your princess?" Suri asked. "What's so special about me that would give you any reason to love me?"

Mystic smiled kindly at her. "You've a great deal of passion for your craft Suri. Not every work you make can be stellar. However, you did put your heart into the designs that ruly were yours. I want someone like that. Someone I can put all of my heart into."

"I guess it's true." Suri said with a small smile. "Nowhere to go but up once you hit bottom. So...is that why you've gotta meet with all the other leaders? But why is this such a big deal? Can't you just have me be your princess?"

Mystic sighed. "It's such a big deal because whoever we chose to marry becomes immortal. That's why this meeting is so important. We'll be meeting at my palace. Wait for me in the throne room." Mystic opened a flaming portal, and they returned to the palace. He then went into the discussion room where the other leaders were waiting for him. "You know why you're here. You've gotten to meet her. All I've got to ask is what your stance is on granting my request."

"You haven't been yourself lately Mystic." Deluge began. "I dare say it was visible in your domain. Like the fires that run in your land seemed to be reducing themselves to fading embers. And yet you find this girl, and your heart is re-ignited. You have my approval."

Gale scratched her head. "She seems like a nice enough girl. I can tell she really makes your life fun! I say we let her be your princess!"

"Then it is time I say my piece." Geo said. "She is not from our world Mystic. And then you come in and whisk her away to our realm." Mystic saddened as he hear Geo speak. "And yet, your heart's flame burns strong with this girl. Your kingdom cannot blaze if your own heart is reduced to a pile of embers. So it seems we are in agreement. Go to your princess."

Mystic raced out of the room, and scooped Suri up into his arms! His hair looked like the flickering flames that burned on the torches and forges of his kingdom. Suri smiled at seeing Mystic literally ignite and nuzzled against him. Thier silence was all that they needed to convey what was in their hearts.

Episode 10: On Wings of Honor

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It was a pretty big day for Rainbow Dash. Today, she and her flying team representing Ponyville would be facing trials to represent in the Equestria Games. And as per usual, Steel was hanging around her. Taking note of how driven Rainbow Dash was. 'She's pretty cute when she's so motivated.' Steel thought to himself. He also took note of the team that was assembled. Besides Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Bulk Biceps composed the flying team representing Ponyville. However, those two weren't known for their flying skill. "All the same, I gotta applaud Dash for pushing them to do their best." Steel said with a nod Before gliding down from the tree he was sitting on top of. "So? Your team ready to take the gold?"

"They will be after training!" Rainbow Dash said with a confident smirk. "Next stop: Rainbow Falls! The trials aren't gonna wait for us, so let's move!" The group took a train to Rainbow Falls, and sure enough all the flight teams were out practicing. Most of note was the Wonderbolts practicing. And Rainbow Dash was in awe of their speed as per usual. "Wow! I bet this year they're gonna take the spot for representing again!"

Steel smiled, but it soon faded. "Actually, you might wanna rethink that!" Steel pointed to Soarin as he started to spiral down after pulling a stunt move and crashed into the ground! Steel rushed over, and managed to pull Soarin free of the wreckage. However, the wonderbolt's wing was badly hurt. "Hate to say it, but you're gonna be grounded for a while. Hey Dash? Help me get this guy to the medical center." Rainbow Dash nodded, and helped Steel carry Soarin to the nearby medical tent. "Hope that doesn't make you less hyped for the trials."

"You kidding?" Rainbow Dash said with a grin. "Now I'm twice as motivated! My team's gotta make it so we can go in honor of Soarin!" Soarin smiled weakly at Rainbow Dash's compliment, and was soon taken to a room so he could be treated. "Well, time to get down to business!" Rainbow Dash flew back to her team, and set about running through practice! It didn't go unnoticed as Spitfire and Fleetfoot took notice of how fast Rainbow Dash was. Both had sly smiles as they slipped on their sunglasses. However, their actions were monitored as well. Steel caught sight of them eyeing Rainbow Dash, and he knew that they had something in mind. And much to his dismay, he found Rainbow Dash hearing them out on thier offer to join their team. Steel was equal parts disappointed in Rainbow Dash for being so eager to follow her dream she'd abandon her teammates, and angered that Spitfire and Fleetfoot would ditch their own comrade for the sake of victory! Something would have to be done. And Steel caught Rainbow Dash about to fake feeling sick. "Oh, Steel! Yeah I'm-" Rainbow Dash stopped herself when she saw the look in Steel's eyes. She'd only seen him look so diappointed in her once before. Back at the competition she'd had with Applejack. "Hey...what'd I mess up this time?"

Steel sighed. "Nothing. Yet. But that remains to be seen. First? We need to see Soarin." Steel led Rainbow Dash to where Soarin was resting. "Soarin? Did either Fleetfoot or Spitfire come in here earlier?"

"Uh...no." Soarin answered. "At least, not for long. They said that they'd be just fine not representing in the games this year."

Rainbow Dash blinked. "Wait. They didn't tell you that I was taking your spot?" Rainbow Dash fell into a nearby chair and slumped. "Oh man....what did I almost do?"

"Rainbow..." Steel said with a sigh. "You've got a dream that makes you reach for the heavens and push past your limits. But you've always gotta ask yourself if you can live with how far you're willing to go. I wasn't picked as the Elite Guard's captain from the start. Back when the position was up for grabs, some memebers of the guard took all sorts of risks and pulled all sorts of cheap tactics that they thought would get them picked. And as I saw it, I couldn't stand it. I'd always heard that guards stood for honor. And seeing those idiots think only of themselves made me sick. So when a similar chance came to me, I chose to stand by my comrades instead of myself. I showed the mark of a leader by caring for my team and looking out for them. Because I honored the bonds we shared, I came out stronger than before."

Rainbow Dash wiped a tear from her eyes. "I guess I wouldn't be the Element of Loyalty if I didn't stick with my friends when they need me." And with that, Rainbow Dash left. "But first..." Rainbow Dash tracked down Spitfire and Fleetfoot, and gave them a piece of her mind. "Listen up you two jerks! There's no way I'm ditching my team just to fly with you! Sure. I wanna be a Wonderbolt. But you know what? It isn't worth ditching my friends like you two ditched Soarin! I'm the Element of Loyalty for a reason. Now get!" The two Wonderbolts were reasonably stunned, and backed away slowly. "...MAN did that feel good." Rainbow said as she took in a deep breath. "Is that how one of you guys feel whenever you give whatever villain you fight a piece of your mind?"

Steel chuckled. "Something like that. But I wouldn't know. Burst, Ty, and Ice are the only ones to do that." Steel then noticed Soarin limping over. "And I don't think I'm the only one who was impressed."

"Here." Soarin said with a proud smile as he handed Rainbow Dash a Wonderbolt pin. "If it were up to me, I'd make you a Wonderbolt in a heartbeat. Sadly it isn't, but you represent what we should stand for. Wear it proudly. And make sure to win one for me at the games!"

Rainbow Dash cried out in joy! "SO AWESOME!" And her day was made even better due to her team making it to the Equestria games. She then rushed Steel, and tackled him with a hug. "You know, sometimes I can't believe I got lucky having you for a boyfriend."

"I love a woman who can kick my butt." Steel said with a smirk as he pulled Rainbow Dash into a kiss. "And I lucked out too. I scored an incredibly loyal girlfriend."

Episode 11: Eclipsed

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Burst was sleeping soundly even as some rays of morning light crept through the blinds of his bedroom. However, he stirred when he felt something nuzzle against his face. He moved away from the source, but the nuzzling them increased slightly in intensity. The sensation that did wake him was feeling a set of lips press against his own as he mumbled from the muzzling. Burst opened his eyes, and woke up to find Moon kissing him. Moon broke the kiss, and smiled lovingly down at Burst. "Good morning Burst." She said with a giggle. "Did you enjoy your wake up call?"

"Doesn't my smile make it obvious?" Burst said with a chuckle as he tried to move. However, Moon used some of her strength to keep Burst immobile. "First you wake me up. Now you don't want me to get out of bed?"

Moon giggled as she let out a fond sigh. Bringing her body closer to Burst's. "I can't help myself. You're so nice and warm to hold onto my precious light. It's impossible for me to not squeeze in any chance to hold you close. The same goes for Celestia. But I suppose you wouldn't want to keep her waiting." Moon released Burst, and grabbed her royal outfit. "She did invite us to breakfast at the castle." Moon went to the bathroom, and changed into her royal outfit. Crown and all. "So that's why I thought I'd wear my best today."

"You really are perfect for being the princess of dreams." Burst said lovingly. "You've got beauty that surpasses any dream you create. And from how all the kids act around you, you know how to make some pretty sweet dreams. I'd continue complimenting you, but I've gotta get dressed too." Burst grabbed his usual outfit, but snuck in one extra addition. When he emerged, Burst was decked out in his outfit. However, the addition to it was the platinum shirt he'd worn to The Grand Gala.

Moon smiled at seeing the update to Burst's look. "You sure know how to add some extra style. Even if it isn't needed." She then pulled Burst into an embrace. "So why the sudden upgrade?"

"Well...this is the first date with all three of us. I just thought you'd both appreciate it if I dressed up a bit for the occasion." Burst said with a light blush. "Plus...it's your first official date." Burst then felt his face being held by Moon.

Moon smiled lovingly at Burst as she caressed the side of his face with her free hand. "No wonder your kisses are so sweet." She then planted a quick kiss on Burst's lips. "It'd be rude to leave Celestia out though. I bet she's just itching to get a taste of you too." The two were soon out the door, and flew off for Canterlot Castle. The guards led them to the dining room, and their eyes went wide at the huge spread before them. All the while, Celestia was calmly sipping some tea before noticing their presence.

"Good morning." Celestia said with a loving smile. "I wasn't sure what each of you wanted, so I decided to have plenty of options available. So grab whatever-" Celestia then saw Burst piling pancakes and bacon onto his plate, and couldn't help but giggle. "I guess I'll just let your instincts drive you from here." She then gazed at Burst. "You know, despite how old you are and how mature you can be, you always seem to be like a child at heart."

Burst blinked as he took in Celestia's remark. "Well, to be honest, I don't ever think I really grew up. Sure, I matured, but I never felt any older. Heck, I still watch Power Rangers every saturday morning."

"I can verify that." Moon added. "I've heard him sing the theme song in the shower. He's got such a nice voice." She then smirked as a mischievous thought entered her mind. "Say, Celestia, have you ever been serenaded by Burst before?"

Celestia giggled. "I may have had him perform for me once. He sang a song called Dragon Soul. From one of his favorite shows. Dragon Ball Z Kai. Though I wonder just what other songs he knows. I'm getting a little bit tired of all the rock."

"Well..." Burst said as he scratched his head. "I DID learn some early boyband songs. Here goes nothing...." Burst took a deep breath, and began to sing. "You are, my fire. The one, desire. Believe when I say. I want it that way. But we are two worlds apart. Can't reach to your heart! When you say, that I want it that way. Tell me why! Ain't nothin' but a heartache. Tell me why! Ain't nothin' but a mistake. I never wanna hear you say! I want it that way. Am I? Your fire? Your one desire? Yes I know! It's too late! But I want it that way. Tell me why! Ain't nothin' but a heartache. Tell me why!Ain't nothin' but a mistake. Tell me why! I never wanna hear you say! I want it that way. Now I can see that we're fallin' apart, from the way that it used to be. Yeah! No matter the distance, I want you to know! That deep down inside of me! You are, my fire. The one, desire. Don't wanna hear you say! Ain't nothin' but a heartache! Ain't nothin but a mistake! I never wanna hear you say! I want it that way! 'Cuz I want it that waayyy"

Moon fanned herself and smiled. "Looks. Voice. Charm. And that heart. I think we got lucky when we scored this one. Wouldn't you say so Celestia?"

"Oh trust me. I know." Celestia said with a small laugh. "You know? I think it's time you met Burst's parents. I've already had the pleasure of meeting them. Plus, they've got plenty of stories to share about Burst's early days."

Moon smiled. "Okay. But first? I need to scarf down my waffles." About half an hour later, the three polished off breakfast before flying over to Burst's house. "You know? I just realized something."

"What's that?" Burst asked.

Moon giggled. " With me and Celestia, you have literal goddesses for girlfriends. So I guess you could say you've experienced truly divine love."

"Well, the two of you do look heavenly." Burst said with a smile as he soon landed at his old home and knocked on the door. "Mom. Dad. I'd like you to meet my other girlfriend." Burst then motioned for Moon to come inside. "This is Moon. She's been living with me for a little while now."

Aether put a hand on Burst's shoulder. "Looks like there's two things that run in our family. Being heroes, and catching incredible beauties." Aether smiled. "So. Who wants to hear about Burst's childhood?" Moon raised her hand. "Lumina? Get the photo books." And so, a whole afternoon and lunch was spent with Burst's parents showing Moon all the fond memories they'd shared with Burst during his childhood.

"Oh, he was so adorable back then!" Lumina sighed as she looked at a picture of young Burst holding his Optimus Prime plushie tight.

"Was?" Moon asked. "He still is. Especially when he's sleeping so peacefully." She then wrapped one of her wings around Burst and Celestia did the same. "He can be adorable one minute and romantic the next."

"Not to mention he's cute when blushing." Celestia said with a giggle as she and Moon wrapped Burst in a hug. "Hard to believe that so much has been given to us in such a short time. And by one person who completes us."

Burst smiled as he shifted into his nightmare form. "What can I say? Light or dark, I'm still the person who loves you both." Burst then kissed both Celestia and Moon as he returned to his regular form.

"And we'll love you no matter what." Celestia and Moon said in unison as they held Burst tight and nuzzled against him.

"How about that?" Burst said with a loving smile. "I'm being eclipsed by two celestial bodies. And it's a lovely sight to behold." Burst snuggled against his girlfriends before the three of them teleported to Celestia's chambers. Each of them falling into a deep sleep as they enjoyed each others presence. As they slumbered, Moon crafted a wonderful dream for the three of them. In it, Burst was resting near his favorite tree in Ponyville. However, he wasn't alone. His head was resting against Celestia's lap as she stroked his hair while Moon lay on top of Burst nuzzling against his chest. She'd also made it so that it was dream the three of them shared. "You know, I realize something."

"What's that Burst?" Moon asked.

Burst smiled as he looked at Celestia, and then to Moon. "Even if the three of us wake up, the dream won't be over. Because we've already made it come true."

Episode 12: Laughing in Stride

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It began as any other morning for Akage. With Pinkie Pie bouncing him to wake him up. Most people would have freaked out with such a hyper girl pouncing on them to wake them up. But being a ninja, Akage was used to expecting the unexpected. Something he found incredibly charming about Pinkie since she was so random. In fact, it was part of why he loved her. "I was wondering when you'd decide to pounce." Akage said with a small smile as he got up and Pinkie slid off of him. "Morning Pinkie."

"Mornin' Akage!" Pinkie chirped as she instantly changed into her usual clothes! Akage had learned quickly not to question how Pinkie was able to do what she did. "Today's a pretty big day! I've gotta plan Rainbow Dash's Birth-a-versary!"

Akage blinked. "Isn't that the same thing as her birthday?"

"Nope! Rainbow Dash's birthday is the same day she came to town!" Pinkie answered. "So...I decided to mash both occasions together in one awesome party! C'mon! We've gotta get things ready!" Akage leaped to his feet, and changed into his ninja garb before teleporting himself and Pinkie to the site of the party.

"Just tell me what you need." Akage said with a smirk as he cracked his knuckles. "I'll get it in a few seconds." Akage took the list Pinkie gave him, and zipped off. Returning mere moments later with the items needed to get the party started. And with his efforts and Pinkie's, the party was set up in almost no time at all. Sure enough, the party began. However, a mysterious figure showed up and started to one-up Pinkie's party! "I don't know who this guy is, but I'll say he knows how to party. Just who is he?" Cheese Sandwich then zipped up to Akage, and handed him his card. "Um, thanks!" Akage looked at the card. "Huh. Looks like he's in the party business too." Akage then noticed everyone going away from the party Pinkie had placed. "Oh man..." Akage walked up to Pinkie and put a hand on her back. "Hey, Pinkie...why so sad?"

Pinkie sighed. "You and I worked so hard to get Rainbow Dash's party ready. And then Cheese Sandwich comes along, and everyone decides to leave for the party he started." Pinkie's eyes then began to tear up.

"Well, maybe he just doesn't know how this made you feel." Akage said with a small smile. "Why not talk to him about it? You just might make a new friend."

Pinkie slowly smiled. "Thanks Akage." She then embraced him in a tight hug. "You know how to make people smile when things get serious." And with that, Pinkie and Akage went over to Cheese Sandwich. When he heard about how his arrival had upset Pinkie, he promptly apologized. Namely because Pinkie was the whole reason why he'd become a party planner due to how much joy she'd brought to other people.

"I'm sorry if my partying made you upset." Cheese said in shame as he scratched his head. "I really just wanted to show you just how much you making happy inspired me."

Pinkie beamed and scooped him up into a hug! "Awww~! That's so sweet!" It was then that she got an idea. "OH! Wanna crank the party up to one hundred by combining our party plans?" Akage let out a chuckle as he saw the two professional partiers go all-out for Rainbow Dash's celebration. Cheese even gave Pinkie his prized ruber chicken as a parting gift before leaving. "You know? I'm glad I'm me. Especially since I make people smile so much!"

Akage smiled as he wrapped his arms around Pinkie. "I can vouch for that. Seeing you happy makes me smile too." He then pulled Pinkie into a kiss. "That...was my first one..." Akage said with a blush. "Hope that wasn't too fast for you."

"Actually, I've been looking for someone who knows how to slow down in life." Pinkie said with a giggle as she kissed Akage in return! "Speaking of slowing down..." Pinkie let out a yawn. "I'm spent, and I could really use some sleep. Care to snuggle with me?"

Akage blinked before instantly replying. "Yes." He then carried Pinkie on his back, and the two soon retired to their room. Slumbering happily in each other's arms. And the next morning, Akage woke with a smile when he saw Pinkie's sleeping form. 'I kinda feel bad that I gotta wake her up. But knowing her, she'll probably spring to her feet at the slightest motion.' Akage gently nuzzled Pinkie awake, and was surprised to see her slowly open her eyes as she smiled at him. "Good morning."

"Mornin' Akage!" Pinkie chirped as she leaped out of bed, and quickly changed. "I'll be downstairs getting breakfast ready! Come down when you're changed." Akage smiled as Pinkie left, but was soon surprised by her calling for him. "Uh, Akage? There's some people here who wanna talk to you."

Akage had a puzzled look on his face as he ventured down the stairs. And his eyes went wide in shock at the guests who had business with him! They were two men clothed in ninja garb just like Akage! And on the front of their uniforms was the symbol of his clan! The two bowed before one spoke. "Young Master." The green-skinned one spoke. "There is a matter of grave importance concerning your family. Your father requested that you be summoned immediately."

"...What happened?" Akage asked.

The purple-haired one answered next. "Your father will inform you upon your return home. But time is not on our side young master. We must depart immediately."

"Alright." Akage said with a serious gaze before turning to Pinkie. "Pinkie. I need to go home. I don't know when I'll be back." He then caressed Pinkie's face. "I'm happy...that I got to see you smile before I go. Don't stop smiling Pinkie." Akage then wrapped his scarf around his neck. "Farewell." Pinkie reached out, but Akage and his fellow clan members vansihed in a puff of smoke! Akage soon found himself on a boat bound for Neighpon. 'What could happen that father would ask for me so urgently? Shogun's there. Can't he help?' The boat soon came into port, and Akage and his fellow ninja dashed off to the outskirts of their village. What Akage saw rattled him to his core. His clan. His family. They all stood before him. Some wounded while others were huddled together full of hopeful and pleading looks in their eyes. "What....what in the world happened here?! What threat could cause our entire clan to be driven from our village?! Our home?!"

"I can answer that my son." Akage's father said. Kaito Strider was one of the strongest leaders in the history of the clan. And Akage had inherited his skills. "The force that drove us out so rapidly was one of our blood." Kaito lowered his head in shame. "Akage...it was Shogun who drove us out."

Akage was stunned, and stayed rooted firmly in place. "My brother....why? Why would he attack us?! What reason could he have for driving our clan from our home?!"

"Because of you Akage." Kaito said sorrowfully. Akage fell to his knees at this revelation. "Make no mistake Akage. You played no direct part in Shogun's path. However...I suppose I should have forseen this outcome." Katio's mind reflected on when he was training and raising his sons. "Shogun was always so serious and driven. So committed to being the best. I could see how much he coveted the postion of clan leader." A heavy sigh escaped from Kaito's lungs. "That's the exact reason why I chose not to name him as my successor. You Akage, always took everything so calmly. Despite serious times in your life, you always smile through it. But at the same time, I realized you had no interest in leading the clan. A wish I respected when I let you leave home. However, Shogun saw this as his chance. And in your absence, he amassed a number of our clan who shared his ideals of recognition of our clan's efforts to preserve peace and harmony. It was only two days ago that they struck. I'm grateful that he didn't strike down anyone, but he's taken over our home. And as much as I'd prefer to engage him myself, he injured me pretty badly. And the only one who can possibly match his skill is you."

Akage took a moment to process this troubling information. But as soon as he comprehended the gravity of the situation, a strange package was brought before him. "Hm?" Akage saw that it was a fairly large present box. "Odd..." Akage reached out to the box, and Pinkie sprung out from the top! "Pinkie?!" Akage was soon trapped under Pinkie as she squeezed him in a hug! "Why...?"

"I missed you silly!" Pinkie giggled before looking around her and seeing all of Akage's clan around her. Akage half expected everyone to assume fighting stances, but was surprised when his father burst into a fit of laughter at Pinkie's entrance!

"She reminds me of your mother!" Kaito said with a hearty laugh as the rest of the clan joined in. "She always knew how to surprise me!" The clan ceased its laughter as Akage slowly stood up as Pinkie released her hold on him. "So. Who's the girl who got the drop on you?"

Akage dusted himself off. "Dad. This is Pinkie. My girlfriend and the Element of Laughter."

"Hi!" Pinkie waved at Kaito. "Nice to meet all of you!" And with that, Pinkie set about listing off all her questions about Akage to his father. At the same time, Akage noticed some of the children of his clan crowding around him.

"Hey...no need for sad faces." Akage said with a kind smile. "I don't fight well if I see everyone moping about. Don't frown because our home's been taken. Smile because I'm gonna help take it back. Things are gonna get better." The kids slowly began to smile despite the dire circumstances. "That's better." Akage then silently moved down the path to his village. His home. But he was not travelling alone. "Pinkie? Not to sound ungrateful, but just why are you tagging along with me going to fight a bunch of enemy ninjas who are probably going to be trying to kill me?"

Pinkie zipped right up to Akage, and clamped her hands on his shoulders. "I love you Akage. And I don't wanna leave you alone." She then rested her head against Akage's chest. "And I don't like seeing you so unhappy. Besides..." Pinkie whipped out her Harmony Keeper. The yo-yo named Joy's Wrath. "I'll be able to hold my own too! Now let's kick some ninja butt!"

Akage gave Pinkie a small smile before dashing right up to the front gate of the village, and knocking it down! Ase he'd expected, a squad of Shogun's rogue ninjas had leaped out of their hiding places! Akage responded swiftly by hurling a storm of throwing stars at this incoming foes! Quickly grounding them while Akage incapacitated them with almost blindingly fast strikes from his sword! Several more enemy ninjas rushed Akage, but were quickly ensnared by Pinkie's yo-yo! "Uh-uh! You're not gonna hurt my Akage!" Pinkie then tugged on the string of Joy's Wrath, and the ninjas were spiralling out of control before falling to the floor from diziness! More ninja grunts showed up as Akage and Pinkie made their way to the main Leader's House, and Pinkie quickly took them down by hurling her yo-yo at all in their way!

Satisfied that his path was clear, Akage threw the doors to the building open! Before him stood a young man who resembled him except his hair was blue and his ninja garb was grey. "Shogun."

Shogun slowly rose, and stared Akage down. "I was wondering when father would have you come running Akage. Just what made him choose you? You never took anything seriously. Always going about so carefree and burdenless. You could never hope to understand the weight of being a leader."

"You're right. I don't"." Akage said sternly. "But I'm friends with one who knows that weight incredibly well. A weight you've let dominate your life. Is there nothing left for you to live for?"

Shogun steeled his gaze as he drew his sword. "There is. I live for being recognized. I despise being confined to the shadows. It's high time our clan step into the light! And that those who would do harm know that we are here! That there is no place for them to hide!"

"And then we'll have no place to hide once we're revealed!" Akage spat as he drew his sword! "I'll do what I must to protect my clan." Akage then got into a dueling stance. Shogun frowned, and charged at Akage! Their swords instantly clashing and sparks flying from the clashing of steel! The two then took the fight outside! The clanging of their blades rang through the silent village as they clashed across the rooftops! Mixing things up, Shogun hurled kunai at Akage and aiming at his feet! Akage's speed served him well in avoiding the storm of projectiles flying at him, and responded in kind by hurling shuriken at Shogun who blocked them with his blade! "Take this!" Akage leaped into the air to strike at Shgoun! However, Shogun saw this coming and ensnared one of Akage's legs with a chain and reeled him in with a tug and slashed at Akage's back! "AGH!" Akage was then thrown to the ground by Shogun!

"MY BLADE SHALL BE YOUR GRAVE MARKER!" Shogun screamed as he came crashing down at Akage! Akage cut the chain that had ensnared him, and rolled out of the way when Shogun landed! "There's no place you can hide!" Shogun's blade glowed with a white aura, and fired a beam out of it! Rendering Akage immobile! Much to Akage's shock, his shadow was replaced by a white circle of light! "This is the foil to the stealth of our tactics! The Art of Binding!" Shogun then dashed at Akage, and slashed at Akage's side! The circle under Akage, and he fell to a knee! Tearing his garb's top so he could stop the bleeding from his wound! "This is the power of stepping out of the shadows." Shogun was prepared to strike again, but four crimson orbs sprung from the village's shrine! Blocking Shogun from striking! The orbs then took the form of the ancestors of his and Akage's clan! "Ancestors...why do you block my attack?! Why do you defend this disgrace?!"

"It is not he who is the disgrace." The four spirits answered. "Rather, it is you." Shogun was stunned to hear this! "While it is true that a ninja's life is one of dedication, secrecy, stealth, and vigilance, there is so much more than that. A life beyond training and stealth. A life that you have forsaken in your ambition. And it is why we bestow our gifts, our Duelist Arms, upon this young ninja." The spirits then vansihed, and four weapons broke free of their stone seals and flew to Akage. One was a bow that shot arrows of plasma, another was a set of plasma claws, yet another was a crimson chain. But the last one was a katana with a plasma blade.

Akage stared at the weapons he was now armed with. "The arms of our ancestors. The traditional weapons of the ninja given new life. Tools of the Trade." Akage then got into a fighting stance. "You've got style with these new techniques. But let's see if they can stand up to weapons that have both style and substance!" Shogun frantically threw what was left of his chain in an attempt to ensnare Akage once again, but Akage used his plasma claws to slice through it like butter! Akage then deactivated his plasma claws, and raised his plasma katana at Shogun. "It's over Shogun. There's no need to carry on like this. Lower your blade, and we can talk to father about this."

"Never." Shogun said defiantly as he leaped into the air and swung his blade down! Only for the his own blade to be cut in two by an instant slash by Akage!

"Then there's only one way to make you see your error." Akage said as he focused his spiritual energy. "Art of the Crimson Shadow!" A crimson aura surrounded Akage, and he drew the string of his bow! A plasma arrow struck Shogun's shadow turning it crimson and held him in place! Akage then rushed Shogun with a series of swipes from his claws! Shogun was misguided, but he was far from over. Thus, only the sting of the claws was felt. Akage then ended the duel with one critical strike from his plasma katana! "Through the shadows...now you see." Akage then sheathed his weapons, and looked to Shogun. A crimson aura cloaked both him and Akage, and the rest of the world seemed absent. "You were right when you said I didn't understand what it meant to be a leader. That's because I never desired to be one. But you were so driven to be one, did you ever stop to ask if you were becoming someone anyone would want to follow?"

Shogun let out a small laugh. "It's funny. One of us wanted to be the head of the clan so badly, and the other didn't. I was a fool. Now that I think about it, if I had my way, we'd have no privacy."

"Glad you wised up." Akage said as he slapped Shogun on the back. "Yeah. You messed up. But hey! At least we're both laughing about it now!" The crimson aura then faded, and both Akage and Shogun fell onto their backs laughing about how all this craziness was wrought. "You wanna be a good leader some day Shogun? Learn to lighten up."

"...Dad's still gonna ground me for a year isn't he?" Shogun asked.

Akage nodded. "Yup."

"Thought so." Shogun said with an exhausted smile as Akage left to inform his father of the news. Soon enough, Akage and Pinkie were on a boat back to Ponyville.

"You know? I'm glad you came with me Pinkie." Akage said with a smile as he held Pinkie tight. "Seeing you gives me a reason to smile."

Pinkie nuzzled against Akage. "You give me a reason to laugh. Especially when how cute you are when blushing." Pinkie then caught sight of a slight blush on Akage's face and giggled. "Just like now."

Akage slowly smiled as he kissed Pinkie on the neck before nuzzling. "What can I say? You're why I take my smiles seriously."

Episode 13: Simply Noble

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Inferno let out a yawn as he woke up. "Yup. Another good morning." Inferno got out of bed and changed into his usual outfit. And as per usual, he saw Rarity whipping herself into a frenzy as she scribbled designs in her notebook for the coming festival. "Pouring your heart into it as usual?" Inferno asked as he wrapped Rarity up in a hug. "Mornin' gorgeous."

"Good morning to you too darling." Rarity said with a smile as she planted a kiss on Inferno's cheek. "I've almost finished. These beauties shall be the talk of the festival! Oh and I suppose Trenderhoof will find them quite lovely as well."

Inferno blinked. "Uh, Rarity? You're normally freaking out over whatever VIP shows up at an event where you get to show off your work. What's with being so mellow about it like it's an after-thought now?"

"Oh, darling." Rarity said with a giggle. "That was when I used to pine for the affections of those who were high-class. But I quickly realized the error in such interests not too long ago."

"And just what brought on this development?" Inferno asked.

Rarity smiled as she stood up, and draped her arms over Inferno's shoulders. "Why...you of course darling." Rarity then brought her forehead to Inferno's. "I was so busy looking for someone to treasure me, and you were right under my nose. It just took you punching Blueblood to get me to realize it."

"Really now?" Inferno said with a smile as he took hold of one of Rarity's hands. "Because it was so easy for me to see you for the gem of a girl you are." The two shared a kiss until Sweetie Belle told them to get a room. "I'd take her suggestion, but it's too nice a day to waste. You eat yet? I'm on my way to the kitchen."

Rarity smiled. "Toast would be lovely darling." And with that, Inferno set to work getting breakfast ready. As soon as they fueled up, Inferno and Rarity set about getting the decorations ready. "Looks like we've finished early. So when should this Trenderhoof guy show up."

"Within a few minutes Inferno." Rarity answered. Sure enough, Trenderhoof showed up. Rarity and Inferno showed him around town. But upon their visit to Sweet Apple Acres, Trenderhoof was quite taken by the sight of Applejack going about her daily routine. However, Rarity noticed that Applejack did not return Trenderhoof's interests. "Oh dear. I think Applejack may have just garnered some unwanted attention."

Inferno then noted North staring at the scene, and looking the least bit upset by it. "And I think North's not too happy about that. Look."

North walked up to Trenderhoof, and clamped his hand on the traveller's shoulder. "You're bothering her lad. I suggest that you make yourself scarce before things get rough." Trenderhoof backed away slowly, and took his leave. "You alright there lass?"

"Yeah. Ah'm fine." Applejack said. "Thanks fer steppin' in there. Ah was startin' to think Ah'd have to slap the guy to have him back off." She then planted a kiss on North's forehead making him blush! "Yer the Element of Nobility all right."

North tried to recover from the shock of Applejack making contact with him. "N-No problem!" He then tried to walk away as calmly as he could. "Just...let me know when you need me." And with that, North set about doing the rest of his work. Sure enough, the time of the fair came. However, an unpleasant surprise soon reared his head.

"Applejack!" Trenderhoof proclaimed! "I've come for your hand!" He then fell to his knees. "I would give up or do anything for you! Even the life that I live now, I would forfeit just to be with you!"

Applejack backed away slowly. "Look sugarcube. You seem nice an' all, but Ah'm not interested in you. Ah like mah life here. An' Ah don't want you givin' up anything for me."

"Please." Trenderhoof said witha scoff. "Who wouldn't want to be with me."

North couldn't take it anymore. "Seems you need to brush up on your manners lad. When a lady says no, she means it. But I'll be more than happy to teach you." North removed his jacket, and cracked his knuckles. "Stuck-ups like you tend to put me in a certain mood." North then got into a fighting stance. "The only dancing you're going to be doing is dodging my fists. But I'll give you a free shot."

"So be it! Have at you!" Trenderhoof punched North in the face! However, North wasn't even fazed from the hit as he slowly righted his head so that he was looking Trenderhoof.

"Next time you travel, brush up on your brawling lad." North said with a smile. "But now it's my turn." North then bonked Treanderhoof on the head. "I'd say you've learned your lesson?" Trenderhoof nodded. "Good. Now then. I belive you've a festival to enjoy?" Things carried on as usual after that quick skirmish. However, as North was gulping down some cider, he noticed Applejack approaching him. "Something on your mind lass?"

"North...Ah wanna thank you." Applejack said with a small smile. "That guy was a little too eager to wrangle me. You stepping in was a mighty big favor. But why'd you jump in so quickly? Back at the farm and right now?"

North gulped. "Well...it's because I love you Applejack." North took a deep breath. "I like people who are genuine. They're always so easy to talk to. And you're such a lovely lass too. Always so honest in what you say, down to earth, and incredibly beautiful too." North then looked Applejack right in the eye. "And you've given me so much. When you let me into your home, I felt like I was part of a family. Like I belonged. Especially when I'm with you alone. I guess you could say the attraction I feel for you is magnetic. And I'm positively falling for you."

"North." Applejack said as she walked up to him. She then raised her head to reveal that she was blushing pretty hard. "Ah was worried Ah was gonna have to say it. You saved me and my family by driving out Flim and Flam. You might've lied, but Ah can't deny you did it with good reasons. You put your hide on the line for me, and you didn't even know me. Guys with a sense of nobility like that...they're kinda mah weak point."

"So...what now?" Norht asked hopefully.

Applejack smiled as she wrapped her arms tightly around North. "Pucker up sugarcube." And with that, Applejack planted a passionate kiss on North's lips! "Get used to it. That's gonna happen a lot."

North blinked before motioning at the dance floor. "May I have this dance?" And the two danced away. Quickly becoming the center of attention.

Episode 14: Enter the Cyber Knight!/Advent of Judgement! The Third Son of Aether Arrives!

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Office of the Night Guard
A young Shadewing took a deep breath and kept a calm exterior. However, his twitching bat wings were betraying the calm facade on his face. Soon enough, he was called into the office and spoke his reasoning as to why he was here. "Sir. I've been thinking things through, and came to a realization. I'm not built for being a guard. So I'm dropping from the Night Guard. My file's under the name Nightfall Silver. I'm pretty sure you know what to do from there." The Night Guard captain nodded, and signed Nightfall's papers. "Thank you. Just let me clear out my stuff." Nightfall headed back to his former barracks, and packed up his sole belongings. That being a picture of him and his father and the small wrist gadget he'd made. "Time to head home."

Nightfall's home was more like a house and a workshop rolled into one. He promptly washed his face when he set his things down, and gazed at his reflection. His midnight blue skin, grey eyes, and silver hair truly reflected his name. He then changed into his usual outfit. Dark blue pants, a button up black shirt, and black shoes. Nightfall then slipped on his silver glasses. Usually reserved for when he was feeling particularly geeky. "Let's get to work." Nightfall stepped into his workshop. Upon entering, he saw his old labcoat hanging on it's hook. "Still has the oil stains from last time." Nightfall said with a small smile as he slipped it on. He then began drawing the blueprints for his latest project. And as he did so, he spoke the words of wisdom his father had imparted upon him.

"Sometimes you need to do things smarter. Not harder." Nightfall finished the blueprints he was working on a few hours later, and smiled at his handiwork. "Words I'll now apply to my fighting." Nightfall looked at the blueprint, and smiled. The design present was for a futuristic hi-tech armor. "Now all I need is to do is build you." Over the next couple of weeks, Nightfall poured himself into his project. He was gifted with technological expertise, and that allowed him to conduct the work fairly quickly. "Perfect."

Nightfall took a few steps back, and nearly tripped over one of the soda cans he'd left lying around. He recovered, and gazed upon the armor he'd made. It was sleek and smooth in design. The armor was pure silver in color, and the visor looked like it was held in the mouth of an eastern dragon due to the helmet design and was yellow in color. "Now all that's left is to take it on a test drive." Nightfall then looked out his window, and smiled. "And it's a beautiful night..." Nightfall folded his wings against his back and pressed a button on his watch. The armor disassembled, and snapped onto Night! "But first, a quick systems check." Various prompts flashed agaisnt the interior of Nightfall's visor. "Booster systems at full power. Sensors full operational. Armor integrity at 100%. All systems go." Nightfall then stepped up to one of the windows in his house, and opened it. Nightfall leaped out, and activated his suit's rocket boots jetpack! Nightfall flew over the night sky of Canterlot. Scouting for any activity he might need to halt. His suit's sensors then picked up on a mugging taking place! Nightfall landed and made a crater! The theives froze and were shocked at Nightfall's appearance!

"Return what you've stolen. Or else." One of the thugs charged at Nightfall with a knife, and Nightfall raised his right arm! A tazer dart shot out! Knocking the thug out cold! "Next?" The other thug was about to take off running, but Nightfall fired a stun blast from one of the generators on his palms! He then produced a pair of shock cuffs, and cuffed the knocked out thugs to a nearby lamp posts. The victim thanks Nightfall for saving them, and asked who he was. Nightfall paused for a moment, and smiled under his helmet. "Call me... Cyber Knight."

The next morning, Night awoke with a yawn as he got up and headed to the kitchen. Turning on the TV to the news. Much to his surprise, he was the main story! Night slowly smiled as he knew that he'd done something good. And it felt pretty nice getting recognized for it. "Maybe...this can be a thing for me." Night then noticed the news anchor mention the Elements of Heroism in Ponyville. "So those are the Elements of Heroism." A small smile crept onto Night's face. "Let's see how I stack up to them."

Back in Ponyville, Ace had looked at the article on the Cyber Knight that was on the front page. "Wait until the guys see this." Ace called a meeting at the town square, and the Elements of Heroism were fully assembled. Spike was the most excited because this was his first meeting with the team. "This guy's only showed up recently. But from what people have said, he's packing some pretty cutting-edge tech. Especially if he's got armor like that."

"So? What do you think we should do Ace?" Burst asked.

Spike blinked. "Maybe we could convince him to join us?"

"Not a bad idea Spike." Ace said with a smile. "But, that in turn brings up a problem. How do we find him?"

"How about I come to you?" Nightfall called from his armor as he hovered over the Elements of Heroism! He cut-off the jets in his armor, and landed softly on the ground. "So. You're my predecessors." Night then looked over the group. "I gotta say. You've all got quite the resume. But there was something I was wondering while I built this armor: How do I stack up against you guys? So I figured, why not see how hard I can hit?"

Inferno looked over all his friends. "ALL of us against you? That seems kinda one-sided."

"What? No!" Night protested. "Just Burst Stream. I wanna see how my tech compares to pure power! So? What do you say? Up for a bout of magic versus machinery?"

Burst calmly walked forward. "Let's see what you can do." A small smile crept onto Burst's face as he drew his sword Bahamut Edge. Night fired some tazer bolts at Burst! Burst used his speed to strafe out of the way, and pulled out one of his Twin Burst blasters! He fired a sereis of shots to push Night back before leaping into the air and bringing Bahamut Edge down! Cutting into the side of Night's armor! Burst noticed some sparks flying out from where he'd struck Night! "Don't let it faze you." Burst said to Night. "If you can still move, you're still in the fight."

"Uh, thanks." Night said as he looked up from the damaged portion of his armor. He then fired a powerful blast from the palm blasters on his hands! "Take this!" A huge cloud of smoke resulted from the force of the blast! But as the smoke cleared, Burst was surrounded by a bubble shield! His hand covered in the blue aura of his magic! "Geez! Well, I guess you wouldn't be the Element of Power if you didn't know how to tank a hit. Even so..." Nightfall charged at Burst as Burst dropped his shield. "I'mjust gonna have to go hand-to-hand!" Burst wasn't prepared for an adversary so tech-oriented to resort to a physical attack as Night punched Burst in the gut! However, Burst only staggered slightly as Night shook his hand to get some feeling back into it. "Even with my armor, that still stings a bit! What are you made of?"

Burst chuckled. "My skin's dragon scale. One of the perks of being a False Avatar born from the Dragon Lineage. Besides having a pair of awesome wings. Sometimes you need to fight harder AND smarter. But that's only so much of being a hero. I want to see if you've got the last part needed for this kind of work."

"Last part?" Night asked himself out-loud. He stared at the damage report on the inside of his visor. His right palm blaster was busted, and his left one was still on cooldown. Not to mention he had a finite amount of tazer darts. And with that punch he'd damaged the circuits in the right arm of his suit that controlled the tazer dart launcher on his right arm. "Whatever it is, I don't know! All I know is I'm not calling it quits yet!" Night once again mounted a charge against Burst and swung at him! Burst rolled out of the way, and punched Night right in the visor! Cracking it upon impact! Fortunately, the built-in jetpack on Night's suit helped him recover! Night stared at Burst through the broken visor. 'Man. My tech's not doing so well for me now. This doesn't make any sense! I'm fighting smarter! What am I doing wrong?' Then, Night remembered more words from his father.

"You can only rely on tech so much to improve and advance Night." Gear said with a kind smile. "But what drives you to do better is something no machine can learn or grant you. The heart. It can propel you to go above and beyond! Always listen to it. It'll never steer you wrong."

Night slowly rose to his feet, and tossed his helmet to the ground! "That's right. I gotta follow my heart's beat. And right now..." A slight glow enveloped Night! "It's telling me to throw one last punch!" Night swung as hard as he could, and Burst caught his fist. Night was panting heavily from throwing all his effort into that last punch. "I guess...I should've seen this coming from the guy who slugged Discord in the face."

Burst smiled. "Congratulations Night. You do have that one last piece. You've got heart." Then, a glow appeared on each of the Elements of Heorism's arms! Each of them examined the new marks that were present after the glow faded, and were amazed! The makrs were based on the monsters their Duelist Arms were based on! Save for Night. His was based on the robotic dragon he'd based his armor's helmet off of. "So...what are these things?"

"They're our Hero Crests." Burst answered. "It sounds like a good name for them. As for which element you are, I'd say you're the Element of Heart. Even when your tech gave out, you kept on pushing. But could you tell us your real name?"

Nightfall gave Burst and exhausted smile. "Nightfall Silver. Call me Night for short." Nightfall was about to shake Burst's hand when Twilight bounced on him and started fawning over how cutting-edge his armor was. "Didn't expect to literally run into royalty."

"Oh! Sorry!" Twilight said as he cheeks flushed red. "I can't resist freaking out over all things cutting-edge. I'm Twilight Sparkle. Princess of Friendship."

Nightfall bowed. "Nightfall Silver. Former Cyber Knight. Now the Element of Heart." He then smiled. "Call me Night. BTW, I'd love to hear you geek-out later. You got any spare rooms in your home? I need a place to stay, and I can work as the tech service for the town."

"Only if you let me help amp-up your armor." Twilight said with a smile. "I can't wait to see how it all works!"

Nightfall smiled. "Lead the way."

"Oh no you don't." Spike said as he gripped Nightfall's shoulders. "First, we gotta get you to Sugar Cube Corner. Chances are Pinkie senesed your arrival. Wouldn't want you to miss out on your welcome party!"

"But, but I-" Nightfall said as he was dragged. "...I wanted to talk nerdy to her...." Nighfall had his chance at the party. The other Elements of Harmony and Elements of Heroism didn't think anyone could talk as long as the two of them did. At the same time, Cadence pulled out a book that listed the current relationships of Twilight and her friends. She added Nightfall's name to the pairing for Twilight.

"You're shipping again. Aren't you?" Chrysalis asked with a smirk.

Shining Armor chuckled. "How eles do you think she got so good at being the Princess of Love?"

Canterlot. That Night.
"Sure seems like as good a time as any for a quick break, right?" Radiant Hope asked as she and Sombra arrived in Canterlot.

Sombra gave her a small smile. "I'll say. Not that restoring Princess Amore isn't important, but it'll be nice taking a short rest. We'd also better see if the princesses can give us any aid." However, as they moved toward the castle, Sombra felt a presence. "Hope? I don't think we're alone." Sombra turned around, and saw a figure in a light grey cloak and hood staring at them. "Is there something I can help you with?"

The figure reached into his cloak, and drew out a katana. The blade was white, and the hilt was modeled after a dragon's head. "This blade smells your past sins. The time has come to face justice." The figure charged at Sombra, and slashed at him!

"You missed." Sombra said as he looked over his body. No cuts or wounds were visible. But as he was about to continue, his eyes went pure white and he fell to his knees screaming! In his mind, Sombra was forced to experience all the pain, fear, and hate he'd inflicted in his days as the Crystal Empire's tyrant!

"Sombra!" Hope screamed as she ran to Sombra's side! She then looked to the figure with tears in her eyes! "Why?! Why did you attack him?! He's done bad things in the past, but he's working to fix his mistakes!"

The figure blinked under his hood and sighed. "I apologize. But regardless, my task is complete." He then walked off. "Justice, has been served." As the figure left, he removed his hood. The silvery moonlight seemed to bathe him in an aura. His white hair, light grey skin, and blue eyes seemed to glow under the light of the moon. Princess Luna was doing her nightly fly over Canterlot when she caught sight of the figure. The figure seemed to notice her as well. "So. That's the Princess of the Night." Blitz Surge smiled to himself, and continued on his path.

Luna was pondering who she'd seen when she saw Radiant Hope and Sombra. She immediately landed and rushed to their side! "What happened?"

"I...I don't know!" Hope said as she looked down at Sombra. "I think the weapon he was hit with cast a fear spell on him! But I can't sense any dark magic from it!"

Luna looked over Sombra, and her eyes went wide as she sensed the magic that was afflicting him. "Because this isn't dark magic. It's Light Magic. But only my sister and those she trained had access to such magic! But finding out who's responsible for this attack will have to wait. First, we must tend to Sombra." Luna then pondered the glimpse she'd caught of Blitz. 'That young man. I sensed something from him. A powerful light. But destructive. Much like the light magic that is wreaking havoc on Sombra. Just who is he?'

Blitz in the meantime arrived home and looked at the article of Burst and the Elements of Heroism. "I guess our meeting is upon us. Brother."

Episode 15: The Girl of My Dreams

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Narico stretched as he let out a yawn. The first thing he did after getting up was open the window, and take a deep breath. "Yup. Life's great right now." Narico reflected on his life up to this point. He'd found a new home when Fang had adopted him, and he'd made a new family in Fang and his mutant changeling brothers and sisters. But Narico frowned as one fact kept glaring him in the face.

He had never felt any need to feed off of love, and yet some part of him felt empty without it. Not the love of family or the platonic affection between close friends. No, what Narico lacked was the love shared between those who are bound by heart and soul. And most of his friends had found a special someone. In Burst Stream's case, he'd found two. Narico sighed as he recalled the woman he'd seen in his dreams. 'She was so beautiful. But when she smiled at me...it was so sad. I wonder who she is? Or even where she is for that matter.' Narico got dressed, and ate breakfast before heading out the door. He had no idea what lay in wait for him that day.

"This is just what I needed." Abyss said with a sigh as she disembarked from the shuttle. "Despite the craziness that's happened here, it looks quite peaceful." Abyss smiled as she saw how happy everyone was in Ponyville. "Definitely a welcome change from the stuck-ups in Canterlot." As Abyss ventured to the house she was renting, another thought crossed her mind. 'This place. It's also where I saw him. That young man from my dreams. I wonder what he looks like in the waking world?' Abyss smiled to herself as she unpacked her clothes and looked at her reflection. Her casual outfit was a light grey blouse, dark grey jeans, and sandals. It went quite well with her pure white skin, pitch black hair, and blue-green eyes. "Ironic that despite my family knowing the art of light magic, that I've got a name associated with darkness. Though I suppose mother was thinking of my hair color." Abyss grabbed her bag, and went outside for a walk.

For Narico, it seemed just like any other day. The CMC had told him all about the lessons Twilight was teaching them, and how they planned on using them to one-up Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. "I'm...not so sure about that." Narico cautioned. "Twilight's giving you these lessons because you really want to learn. But if you get others involved who just want to meet her, won't that take away how special those lessons are?" The CMC were about to counter, but thought better of it and left. "I guess my mind's finally catching up to my body." Narico thought out loud, and smiled. "But I guess somebody's gotta keep those three out of trouble. Well, since that crisis is averted, might as well head to Sugar Cube Corner." As Narico made his way, Abyss was also headed for the same destination. And as the two pulled up a seat at the counter, they instantly locked gazes. "No way..." Narico was in awe as he caught sight of Abyss!

Abyss was momentarily shocked at Narico's appearance, but the similarity of his features in comparison to how she'd seen him in her dreams was uncanny. "Well..." Abysss said as a smile slowly crept across her face. "It seems like my dreams are starting to come true." Abyss then shot Narico a flirty smile. "So? Might I have the name of the one who's been on my mind?"

"N-Nairco..." Narico said with a heavy blush. "You're...not surprised that I'm a changeling?"

Abyss let out a giggle. "I figured out by your color scheme back in my dreams. And who else would long for love more than one who used to feed off it?" She then smiled at Narico. "Though with the current trend for your people, it doesn't look like feeding on love is a problem anymore. You've all been given so much, and now you're giving it back. It seems that your race's hunger truly has ended. Though in your case, I'd say you have a different yearning for love. My name is Abyss." Abyss then noticed Narico staring at her almost dumbfounded. "It's rude to stare. But I suppose it's nice to have your undivided attention."

Narico shook his head. "Oh...sorry! It's just, I've literally dreamed of this moment. And now that it's here...some part of me keeps wondering if I actually woke up this morning." Narico's face was flsuehd red once again as Abyss caressed his face.

"How cute." Abyss said with a smile. "How about I treat you to something sweet like you?"

Narico slowly smiled "I'd...like that. A lot." Narico then told his life story to Abyss. Everything from him leaving the Changeling Kingdom, getting adpoted by Fang, and all the craziness that had been the Canterlot Wedding. "Yeah. My life's been anything but run-of-the-mill. But I'll be honest. That's probably what I love most about it."

"So it would seem." Abyss said with a knowing smile. "I've only had one thing that makes me think about all my life has amounted to."

Narico blinked. "Really? What's that?"

"My son." Abyss said with a smile. "Though...he's in a bit of an uncertain path right now. Where he's headed... I don't know whether to be scared of him or for him."

Narico put a hand on Abyss's shoulder. "He's lucky that you worry about him. I never knew my parents. But I do have people who care about me."

"Thank you." Abyss said with a small smile.

Narico beamed. "Thanks. By the way, I think you've got a little bit of whipped cream on your face?"

"Where?" Abyss asked before Narico planted a kiss on her lips! She smiled as Narico broke contact. "...I think you missed it." She said with a playful smile.

"So...when can I see you again?" Narico asked hopefully.

Abyss smiled. "Hope you don't have dinner plans."

Episode 16: A Thundering Kindness

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Tyrannus was sleeping peacefully in the bed he shared with Fluttershy. Only to be woken up a minute later by Fluttershy squealing in pure joy. Tyrannus mumbled as he slowly crawled out of bed. "So what's got you so excited Fluttershy?"

"Oh! Sorry for waking you up Ty!" Fluttershy said with a nervous blush.

"It's alright." Tyrannus said with a smile. "Besides, you look so cute when you're excited over something." Ty kissed Fluttershy on the forehead before heading to the kitchen. "So just what's got you so excited this morning?"

Fluttershy beamed. "Oh, I just got invited to help with the migration of the cutest, most adorable creatures on the face of Equestria! The Breezies!" Fluttershy once again squealed with joy. "I just can't wait! I'll be back soon!"

"I'll watch the house then. But first." Tyrannus used his pterodactyl wings to wrap Fluttershy in a hug and followed it with wrapping his arms around her. "A little something for good luck." The two shared a kiss before Fluttershy left. "Now to take care of the rest of you." Tyrannus said with a smile. "Now's a good time to brush up on the basic magic techniques Burst and Twilight taught me." His hands were soon covered in the green glow of his magic, and Tyrannus levitated several food bowls from the cupboard with one hand, and food with his other. Satisfied that all the animals were munching away at their breakfasts, Tyrannus sat down at the table and proceeded to polish off his own meal. "Yeah. Looks like it's gonna be a good morning." And with that, Tyrannus took a sip of his orange juice before cleaning his plate. About an hour or two had passed, and Tyrannus had taken to reading one of the books he'd checked out from Twilight's library. However, the sound of the door opening caught his attention. But what surprised him was what was accompanying Fluttershy.

"Um...Ty? Do you think you could help my little friends feel at home?" Fluttershy asked as she motioned to the cloud of Breezies hovering around her. "Pretty please?" Tyrannus sighed as he nodded. He couldn't resist Fluttershy. Especially when she looked incredibly cute when asking for something. The two of them wound up regretting it a few minutes later. Save for one Breezie, the rest of them were lazing about the cottage! "Fluttershy? I'd hate to say it, but I think you're gonna need to put your foot down. Now I know-"

Fluttershy raised her hand for silence. "Ty? I think I can handle this. You've taught me the right way to be assertive. I think it's time I practice it." Fluttershy cleared her throat, and addressed the large Breezie cloud before her. "I know all of you are having fun. But this place is my home. Not yours. You wouldn't like it if I were the one who was just lying around doing nothing in your home would you?" The Breezies lowered their heads in shame. "I'm glad that we understand each other. Now then, I believe it's time for all of you to head home. But I'll help you every step of the way."

"You mean we will." Tyrannus said with a smile. And thanks to a little transformation magic from Twilight, they were able to lead teh Breezies to a new home. As thanks, they gave Fluttershy a flower. Tyrannus smiled at the scene. "She really does have a spot in her heart for all creatures." Tyrannus offered his back, and flew Fluttershy home. The two taking a nap on the bed as soon as they arrived. 'I'll always protect you. I'd tolerate any foe, or any danger just to keep you safe.'

Interlude: Rainbow Rocks Part 1

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Gold sighed. It had only been a few weeks after the Fall Formal Incident, and yet pretty much everyone still avoided him like the plague. Not that he could blame them. Turning into a demonic creature fueled by out of control magic isn't the best way to make friends. But he was not completely alone. Beside him was the only fellow former resident from Equestria. Sunset Shimmer. "Let's face it Sunset. They could be treating us much worse than they are." Gold said as he surveyed the gym. Everyone was working hard on posters for the CHS's music showcase.

"Yeah. I guess we got off pretty easy." Sunset said with a weak smile. She then noticed the counterparts of Twilight's friends. "But no one said we had to take this road alone."

Gold then took Sunset's hand. "Hey. We both screwed up. But together we can make things right. No matter how others look at us."

"How can you say that so casually?" Sunset asked.

Gold's mind drifted to memories of his life back in Equestria. "Because hope's the one thing you can't afford to let go of. It's what keeps me going."

"At least you had something positive that kept you moving." Sunset said with a frown. "All I had in me was ambiton, an ego, and arrogance." Sunset then held herself. "When the magic hit me, it felt good. Like all of that was taken out of me. And at the same time, it hurt seeing how much of an idiot I was. And even before the magic, I felt so miserable inside." Sunset then felt Gold brushing the side of her face.

"Hey. You weren't the only one to tank a rainbow to the face. I was hit too. And I felt miserable too. But maybe this pain's part of the healing process." Gold gave Sunset a small smile. "A lot's changed since last year. Maybe the whole school does steer clear of us, but we both have at least a few friends. Ones who stick with us." Gold's smile then faded. "That gives us something to hold onto. Something we can hope to keep."

"Then try to sound more optimistic man." Burst said as he pat Gold on the back. "Smile more!"

Gold blinked. "You know, you're being awfully nice to me. Especially since I kinda ruined your life."

"Don't get me wrong. I'm still pretty mad about that. But at least things are back to normal now." Burst answered. "Besides. What you've been through is punishment enough. You don't need anyone giving you more grief. But since we're on the topic of the incident, there's something me and the guys would like to talk to you about. It concerns all of us." Burst led Gold to the rest of the guys. "The morning after the Fall Formal..." Burst pulled out a deck with a dragon symbol on the front of it. "Did you see something like this near you?" The rest of the guys pulled out decks similar to Burst's but their symbols were different.

Gold took a moment before slowly pulling out a golden deck. "You guys too?" Gold looked down at his deck. "What are these things? And just why did they show up with us?"

"I've got no idea." Burst said as he shook his head. "All we know is that keeping them on us feels right." Burst then pulled out one of the cards of his deck labelled Partner Card. "And apparently, these things are our partners." A white dragon was pictured on the card Burst had pulled out. The rest of the guys did the same. Inferno's card was a black dragon, Steel's was some sort of knight, Akage's looked like a ninja, North's looked like some sort of robot, and Tyrannus's looked like a dinosaur.

"Partner, huh?" Gold said as he pulled out his own partner card. On it was a red dragon with phoenix wings. "Just what are we gonna need these for?" Gold shook his head. "Moving on, is there anything else you guys wanted to talk about?"

"We were thinking we could use an extra singer in our band." Inferno said. "I'm on guitar, Ty's on bass, and Steel's on drums. Burst's already our lead. But we figured you could use a chance to hang around some good friends."

Gold blinked. "We're friends? What reason do any of you ha-OW!" Gold rubbed his head, and saw that Burst had bonked him.

"We don't need a reason." Burst answered. "Sometimes we just do. Now come on! I've got one heck of a plan for our performance! Tell me. Are you comfortable wearing a shirt based on the original Power Rangers?" And with that, Burst and the guys led Gold told them about the performance they were planning for the music showcase. At the same time, Sunset was showing a group of three new students around. But she felt something odd in their presence. Especially the necklaces they wore. Meanwhile, Burst and the guys had split up and went to their lockers to grab the shirts they were going to use for their performance. And as Burst placed his shirt into his back pack, he caught sight of someone he'd never noticed before. In fact, almost the whole hallway was fixed on her. The girl had on a pair of black boots, blue jeans, a navy blue top, and a black jacket. She had pitch black skin, but what caught Burst's eye was the brilliant teal of her eyes. However, Burst hadn't expected to catch the girl's attention. She shot him a glance before moving along. "Who are you?" Burst thought out loud.

"Her name is Nightmare Moon." A voice said. Burst turned around, and froze. In front of him was a young man who had grey skin, pitch black hair, and acid green eyes. A scowl plastered across his face. "You are fortunate she didn't find your gaze bothersome. Or I would have crushed you."

Burst frowned. "Geez. What's your deal? All I did was look at her. Is she your girlfriend? I wasn't hitting on her, so no need to freak out!" Burst then scratched his head. "Plus, that name sounds so scary for someone pretty like that."

"Know this." The young man said as he got in Burst's face. "I am Night Terror. And those who upset Nightmare deal with me."

"Aren't you a real knight in shining armor." Burst spat as he left. "What's his deal?" Burst rejoined his friends back in the cafeteria. At the same time, the Dazzlings enacted their plan.

"Ready girls?" Adagio asked with a smirk. And with that, the Dazzlings began to sing. Suddenly, almost everyone began to look dazed and entranced. However, Burst, the guys, and the girls noticed that they themselves weren't affected. Burst and the guys then pulled out their decks, and noticed the monster symbols glowing. However, as soon as the Dazzlings finished, Burst saw Nightmare Moon and her entourage take the stage.

"Well teach them to up-stage us. Won't we my beautiful Nightmare?" Night Terror asked as he put an arm around Nightmare Moon.

Nightmare Moon sighed, and pried Night Terror's arm off of her. "Let's just get this over with." And so, her band began to play. However, their music was so dark, so sad. And Burst couldn't help but notice that out of the band, Nightmare was the only one who seemed to not enjoy what she was performing. As soon as they were finished, the whole cafetria looked like they were in a gloomy mood. The Dazzlings also took notice of the talent of Nightmare's band.

"Okay guys. Change of plans." Burst said. "We're performing now. Someone's gotta bring back the smiles!" Burst, Inferno, Tyrannus, Steel, and Gold changed into their ranger shirts. Burst wore red, Inferno wore black, Steel wore blue, Tyrannus wore yellow, and Gold wore green. Burst and the guys got on stage. "It's morphin time!" And they began to play.

Song Burst and the guys play:


However, as Burst and his band performed, he wasn't aware that Nightmare was watching him. And as she gazed upon him, she saw how much fun he was having. But what really caught her eye was how happy everyone was made by their performance. "Interesting..." And with that, she walked off. Lunch period soon ended, and Burst and his friends went about the rest of the day. As per usual, Burst was humming whatever song popped into his head as he put away some of his books. However, he soon had an unexpected visitor. "Hello there." Burst nearly fell to the ground when he found Nightmare Moon not but a foot away from him! Burst recoiled a bit. "Oh, sorry for scaring you a bit."

"Well, you know how to surprise someone. That's a plus." Burst said with a small smile. "I'd have said hello to you earlier, but this guy called Night Terror said he'd deck me if I upset you. And he got in my face just for looking at you. What's his deal?"

Nightmare Moon sighed, and shook her head. "Sometimes I wonder why I'm even dating him." She then looked into Burst's eyes. "I'm sorry about that. He thinks of me as his queen and that no one else can even get close to me." Moon then frowned. "He thinks he knows me so well."

"Well, maybe he only knows the you he wants to." Burst said with a smile. "You seem so nice for someone with a name like Nightmare."

Nightmare Moon smiled. "That's one of the nicest things anyone's ever said to me." She then got a look at Burst's appearance. "I saw you perform earlier in the cafeteria. You seemed to be enjoying yourself up there."

"Gee...thanks." Burst said with a smile. "You were good too. I'm not a fan of that type of music, but you're good at what you like to do!"

Nightmare's smile fell. "...I don't like it. Not one bit." Burst was surprised by this, but continued to listen. "I'm just sick of it. All of it." Nightmare then leaned with her back against the lockers. A sad look in her eyes. "The darkness. The sadness. The anger. I hate it." Nightmare's fist then began quaking. "I hate it all!" Nightmare gripped her head in agony as a groan escaped her lungs. "When I met Night Terror, I was in a pretty dark place. I was angry and full of sorrow. He introduced me to his friends, and the songs we performed vented it all out. I got to get how I was feeling off my chest. At first, I was happy because I was able to vent my emotions. And I was also happy because I had someone who I thought understood me. But when I told him I was starting to feel happy, he said something I didn't expect. He told me it was just a phase I was going through." A bitter chuckle escaped Nightmare's lips. "And...I saw how sad our music was starting to make people." A sigh flowed out of her lungs. "I want people to smile when they hear me." Nightmare Moon then looked at Burst. "Kind of like how you made everyone smile when you and your band performed up there. I wish, I could have people smile at me like that."

"Well, I think I can help with that." Burst said with a smile. "If you don't feel like you belong with them, then don't stay with them. And find something to make you smile! It's as easy as that!" Burst was then surprised when Nightmare Moon pulled him into a tight hug. "Hey...where's this coming from?"

Nightmare Moon loosened her hold on Burst, and looked into his eyes. A genuine smile on her face. "Can't a girl say 'thank you'?" Nightmare Moon walked away. Smiling on the outside for what seemed like the first time. As she left, Nightmare Moon caught sight of the sound stage and spotted one of Burst's friends working. However, she frowned when she saw some students picking on him. She would have intervened, but stopped when she saw Sunset Shimmer come in and stick up for him. Seeing such a display brought forth memoris she'd long since left behind. 'My name's always been the source of my sorrow. Everyone would always tease me. Saying 'who would be friends with a nightmare'?' Then I met Night Terro. Things got better. For a while. And now it's happening again. And I was to scared to say anything.' She then looked at Gold and Sunset comforting each other. "Not anymore." Nightmare Moon walked away.

"Thanks for sticking up for me back there." Gold said with a smile. "But is it me, or is everyone acting on-edge ever since those three girls showed up? Especially after they started singing?"

Sunset nodded. "You and the guys noticed too Gold? Tell me. Did you feel something about them? Something odd?"

"Come to think of it...I did. I sensed magic from Equestria emanating from them." Gold's eyes widened in shock. "That must be why their singing is affecting everyone. But me and the guys were protected by these." Gold pulled out his deck. "I don't know why we have them or what they're for, but I'm not gonna ditch what's shielding us. But why weren't you and the girls affected?"

"I guess it's because the magic of friendship is inside us." Sunset replied. "Although, I don't know why I'm among that lot. I feel like everywhere I walk, I'm treading on thin ice."

Gold pulled Sunset into a tight hug. "You're not walking alone on this road." Gold then released his hold on Sunset. "Something tells me that things are just getting started. And we're gonna need as much help as we can get. There's gotta be someway we can contact Twilight."

"Wait. I think I've got a way!" Sunset said with a smile. Sunset took off, and returned a few minutes later with a journal in her hands. "Princess Celestia gave me this journal as a way to stay in contact with her. I just hope the counterpart is back in Equestria." Sunset opened the journal and started writing. "Here goes nothing...."

Meanwhile, Nightmare Moon had just arrived at Night Terror's place. Her band was assembled there. And as per usual, Night Terror slithered his way up to her. "Ah. It appears you grace me with your presence once again." Night Terror was about to wrap his arms around her, but she swatted him away! "What upsets you my queen? Tell me. And I shall rectify it swiftly."

"I'm done." Nightmare Moon said flatly. "I'm done with this band. I'm done with this sort of music. I'm done with you."

Night Terror recoiled in shock. "You must be out of sorts. Not thinking clearly." Night Terror put one of his hands on Nightmare Moon's shoulder. "Please. Let me hold you. Clear your head in my arms."

"No!" Nightmare screamed as she pried Night Terror's hand off of her! "I'm sick of it! You keep saying that! That I'm not thinking right! You're wrong! I AM sick of the sadness and rage you seem to enjoy so much! I don't have that in me anymore! I thought you wanted to stay with me because you wanted to help me move past it! But all you want is for me to stay there!" Nightmare then steeled her gaze. "Well I'm not staying there anymore. Or with you for that matter." Nightmare then began to walk out. "Farewell." Nightmare Moon headed back to CHS, and breathed a sigh of relief. "I've never felt this free before." However, her moment of relief was cut short by a realization. "Wait. Now I've got no place to stay." Nightmare Moon then looked at the ceiling in thought. "I've not had a home in forever..." Nightmare Moon closed her eyes.

"Hey there! Didn't expect to see you again so soon!"

Nightmare snapped her eyes open, and saw Burst in front of her. "Weird. Anytime I seem to be down, you tend to show up." A small smile crept across her face. "Forgive me, but I didn't get your name earlier."

"Burst Stream." Burst answered with a smile. However, his expression soon switched to a concerned one when he noticed Nightmare's mood. "Hey, did things not go as planned with dealing with Night Terror?"

Nightmare sighed. "No. I left him all right. But I realized that I'd been living with him for the past couple of years. And now I've got no place to stay."

"Well...maybe I can help." Burst said nervously. "My house has an extra room, and we really don't use it that much. That is, if you don't find something that works out. You don't have to-" Burst was cut short when Nightmare wrapped him in a tight hug. He smiled slowly as he returned the hug. "You're welcome. C'mon. I'll walk you home." And with that, Burst led Nightmare to his home. And for the first time in a long time, a pleasant smile overtook Nightmare Moon. Burst lay on his own bed. Thinking about all the craziness that had happened. "Something tells me things are only gonna get crazier. Well, whatever happens, those are worries for tomorrow." And with that, Burst fell asleep.

Interlude: Rainbow Rocks Part 2

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Equestria. Twilight's library.
Ace hummed to himself as he helped Twilight organize the books. However, he noticed one book seemed to be buzzing,a nd brought it before Twilight. "Any clue as to what's making it buzz?"

"Easy. This journal's enchanted." Twilight said as she opened the journal, and read Sunset's message. "Looks like I'm headed to the mirror world.

Ace stopped her. "Wait. You were there last time. Did you see anyone who looked like me or my brothers?"

"Actually, I only saw counterparts of Burst, Inferno, Steel, Akage, Ty, and North." Twilight answered. "But it might be a bit weird if all of you guys went through with me."

"Then how about only a few of us go?" Ace asked. "Fang will probably want to see how he looks without wolf ears and a tail. Plus, Venus might want to tag along too. Plus, it won't hurt for you to have some extra backup."

Twilight smiled. "Well, I guess it's better than only heading in with Spike this time. I wonder what he'll be this time?" Soon enough, the group had assembled and went through the mirror. Twilight was surprised to see Spiek had changed from a dog into a fellow teenager. "Well at least I don't have to hide him in my backpack anymore. Sunset? Can you brief me on what's been going on?"

Sunset told Twilight all about the Dazzlings and how they were causing strife between the students. Twilight recognized them as the sirens. "So this is where Starswirl banished them to. And now because of me they've got a chance to wreak havoc again." Sunset then noticed Ace, Venus, and Fang. "So..who are these three who came with you?"

"These are some friends of our home's Burst Stream." Twilight said with a smile. "They're part of a team called the Elements of Heroism." She then pointed to each of them. "This is Ace, Venus, and Fang." Ace and Venus greeted Sunset, but Fang was too happy to finally be rid of his wolf ears and tail.

"So there's three of these sirens here." Ace noted. "You remember what they look like?" Sunset listed the descriptions of each of the sirens. "Alright. Venus? Fang? The three of us are gonna split up. We'll keep tabs on the sirens, and report back to Twilight and the girls. We'll meet back once we find them." And with that, the three of them split up. Each of them hoping to find at least one of the Dazzlings and tail them. At the same time, Burst was walking Moon to class.

"Sleep well last night?" Burst asked.

Nightmare smiled. "First time in a long time. I really can't thank you enough for letting me stay at your home." She then pulled Burst into a quick hug. "It's the most kindness I've ever experienced in a long time."

Burst blushed slightly as Nightmare released her hold on him. "Well, we'd better head inside. It's time I introduce you to my friends." Burst led Nightmare inside. However, an unpleasant sight awaited them. Night Terror was standing in their way.

"You...." Night Terror growled as he glared at Burst. "It was you! You took my lovely Nightmare from me!"

Burst stood his ground. "You lost the right to keep her by ignoring how she felt. If you ever truly loved her, then maybe you'd have paid attention to her emotional needs. What you two had was bound to be a toxic relationship."

"ENOUGH LIES!" Night Terror screamed! "She belongs with me! Forever in our darkness!"

Nightmare Moon stepped forth, and glared daggers at Night Terror. "No. I don't belong to you. What Burst said wasn't a lie. You didn't believe that I didn't feel sad or angry anymore. You said I was just going through a phase. Staying with you made kept me stuck in the past. Because I was so scared of being alone. Now I'm not scared anymore. Now get out of my way. Or I'll show you how true to my name I am." Night Terror backed off in complete denial of the scene. Nightmare Moon breathed heavily as she saw him leave. "You have no idea how good that felt." Burst just smiled as he led Moon to each of the guys.

Meanwhile, Night Terror sought out the Dazzlings, and found them. "I noticed you caused some strife during your first performance."

"What of it?" Adagio asked with a smirk.

A savage grin crept onto Night Terror's face. "That's the kind of sound I want to spread! The sound I want people to know around my presence!" Night Terror clenched his fist! "A sound to bring my enemies to their knees! My band and I are at your service. You take care of the singing. We'll handle the instrumentals. Our sound and fury unified."

"I suppose you bring a valid point. Very well." Adagio said with a shrug. "But know this. We'll be keeping an eye on you. Forgive me for saying this, but you seem a little out of your head."

Night Terror scowled. "So be it. As long as I get to crush the one who has wronged me so." And with that, Night Terror left.

"I think this guy's gonna mean trouble for us." Aria stated as soon as Night Terror left. "Sure. He's a good source of negativity. But there's something odd about it. Almost like he's literally composed of negativity."

Sonata nervously rubbed her arms. "Dagi? I don't think it's such a good idea to trust this guy. He seems so scary."

Adagio sighed. "Look. Let's be honest. Our voices alone will only get us so far. An little instruemental assistance would be good. And with a little dark power to boost them, they should also have a bit of a boost to their playing. But I can tell that guy's unstable. I don't know about the rest of you, but I think I need some thinking space." And with that, the three split up. As Adagio walked the halls of CHS, she found plenty of students screaming in adoration. Many asking for her to sing once again. "Well, who am I to disappoint my adoring public?" Adagio began to sing. However, her performance caught the interest of a visitor to this world.

Venus was scouting CHS for the sirens, and heard Adagio's singing. He saw the faint glow around Adagio's necklace as she fed on the adoration of the students. Venus knew that the singing was causing so much trouble, but he also couldn't deny the fact that it was indeed beautiful. Venus then snuck up to Adagio and started dancing with her as she moved her body to the song. Adagio noticed Venus, and smirked as she began to pick up her pace. Venus all too happily matched it. Adagio's smirk soon melted into a genuine smile. 'This one's quite spirited.' She thought as Venus grabbed onto her as they danced. "Well. Someone certainly knows how to live." Adagio said with a smile as the performance ended.

"Well, we're only around for so long." Venus said with a smile. "Might as well live as much as we can. Plus, I like a girl who's got a lot of spirit in her. Might I have your name?"

"Adagio." Adagio said as she extened her hand. "Adagio Dazzle."

"I'm Venus." Venus said with a smile as he kissed Adagio's hand. "Until we meet again." Venus walked off. And for the first time, Adagio blushed. Normally she was used to being the flirt. And she smiled. It was fun meeting someone with such spirit. At the same time, Sonata was sitting alone eating her lunch. As per usual, it was a taco.

Sonata let out a sigh. While she was here with her sisters, she still felt alone. Namely because they looked down on her so much. They always acted so mean. Saying she was the worst. Calling her useless. "Maybe they're right." At the same time, Ace had spotted her in his search. Because he was a fellow resident from Equestria, he could sense Sonata wasn't from this world. Considering the fact she wasn't doing anything hostile at the moment, he decided to sit down with her. Namely because she looked sad. Not the look you'd expect from one who had ambitions of world domination.

"Feeling down?" Ace asked a he sat down with Sonata.

Sonata jumped a little, but settled down and nodded. "Just a bit of a family issue. That's all."

"I can relate." Ace said with a small smile. "I've got two brothers back home. We drive each other crazy, but that's part of being a family. And there's no other way we'd have it. That's family for you. It means taking the good with the bad."

Sonata slowly smiled as she remembered the good times she'd had with her sisters. "Yeah." Sonata then turned to Ace, and hugged him tightly. "Thanks. It was nice having someone talk to me. I'm Sonata."

"Name's Ace." Ace said with a smile. "My ears are always ready to listen." Ace walked away. 'So this is how Burst felt when he spent time with Moon. It fees nice. Maybe...me, Venus and Fang can get them to change.'

Meanwhile, Aria Blaze was in a foul mood. But then again, this was nothing new. She hated being banished. She hated being stuck in this world. Not to mention feeling like she was starving. They were stuck in a new world, but their bodies were still bound by their workings back in Equestria. At the same time, Fang had picked up on Aria's scent. And he also noticed her foul mood. He then decided to follow her. It didn't go unnoticed by Aria. Out of the corner of her eye, she caugh sight of the wolf ears on Fang's hoodie. 'Looks like I'm being tailed.' As she continued on her way, she noticed Fang kept sticking with her no matter how hard she tried to ditch her. Realizing the futility of her efforts, Aria stopped in her tracks. "Alright. You can stop tailing me. I've tried ditching you, and it's not working. So what do you want?"

Fang stepped forward. "You seemed like you were in a bad mood."

"Oh gee. Really?" Aria asked with a roll of her eyes. "What tipped you off?"

Fang blinked. "The fact that you look like you haven't smiled in a while."

"Yeah? Well it's not like I've had a reason to smile." Aria said with a frown. "...Not in a long time at least."

Fang's eyes then lit up. "Well...maybe I can give you a reason to smile again?"

"You?" Aria let out a laugh. "Nice try. I haven't smiled in years. What could you do?"

"Hey. I tailed you for quite a while. You think I'm gonna give up now?" Fang asked with a smirk.

Aria returned the smirk. "Alright. Let's see what you've got." Fang turned on the puppy dog eyes. And Aria's smirk crumbled into an actual smile. "You don't give up, do you?"

"Nope!" Fang said with a smile.

Aria let out a chuckle. "Never thought I'd meet a guy who didn't run the second I frowned at 'im." Aria then scratched one of the ears on Fang's hoodie. "Good boy." Aria walked off, and soon met with her sisters.

"You sure look happier." Sonata noted. She braced for Aria to snap at her, but was surprised when Aria let out a chuckle.

"I guess I found a reason to smile." Aria said with a smile. "I guess I found someone to enjoy the world with after we win."

Adagio giggled. "Seems we all have. But first? We've got a battle of the bands to win. Maybe we'll see our newfound fans cheering us on." The Dazzlings left to prepare, and gave a portion of dark power to Night Terror and his goons. The sound and fury would be raging soon enough.

Interlude: Rainbow Rocks Part 3

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Burst, the guys, and the girls noticed how much strife was going on between everyone. "This is insane!" Inferno noted. "The school's torn apart!"

"Just like when I was in ruling the school." Sunset said sadly.

Gold put a hand on Sunset's shoulder. "We did mess things up. But that also means we're capable of making things right." Gold smiled. "And we've got good friends to help us on our way."

"Someone's sounding more hopeful." Burst said with a small smile.

Gold shrugged. "What can I say? You're rubbing off on me." Gold's face then turned serious as he looked to Twilight. "I hope you've found a way to counteract the Dazzlings' spell."

"I did. But it needs to be sung." Twilight said sadly. "And trying to find the right lyrics so that it flows as a song is harder than I thought!" Twilight sighed as she gathered herself. "But there's no way we can give up now."

"Heck yeah!" Rainbow Dash cheered. "Me and my band are gonna wipe the floor with those sirens!"

Steel frowned. "Watch that ego Dash. Chances are, the Dazzlings aren't gonna go down easy."

"Uh, guys? I think they're gonna be harder to take down." Tyrannus said as he pointed to Night Terror and his band playing the insturmental parts of the music while the Dazzlings were singing!

North nervously swallowed. "Well lads, I'd say we've got our work cut out for us."

"Then let's rock the dragon." Burst said with a nod. And with that, both bands set to work climbing their way to the finals. However, the Rainbooms were starting to be at odds with each other. Especially after all their attempts to take the center stage. "This doesn't look good...."

Gold narrowed his eyes as he saw the Dazzlings feeding off the negativity. "And I think it's getting worse. But right now we gotta focus on making it to the finals." And with that, the band took the stage. Fortunately, they made it through to the finals. Just in time to see the Rainbooms at each other's throats and Twilight looking distraught over the whole thing. However, things only got worse. When the girls went to practice, Trixie and her band pulled a trap door that sent them falling below the stage! Spike ran off to get help while the other guys rushed towards the entrance! "C'mon! Let's go get them!" But as the guys made their way to the locked door, Night Terror and his goons stood in their way!

"Well, well. What do we have here?" Night Terror said with an evil smile. "A group of fools trying to be heroes. But trying is as far as you're going to get." Night Terror slung his guitar to the front of his body, and unleashed a wave of dark magic by strumming it! Sending the guys flying! "Imagine how that'll feel when I'm truly paying. Farwell. Heroes." Night Terror put as much mockery into the word "hero" as possible.

The guys groaned as they slowly got to their feet. The girls had been released just in time by Spike finding Vinyl Scratch. "Looks like they've got sound to match their fury..." Steel groaned.

"Just means we gotta rock harder." Inferno replied. "But how the heck are we going to match power like that?" Then, they noticed the symbols on the decks they'd found were glowing. "Never mind." Sure enough, the Dazzlings were on stage. Feeding off the adoration. And the instrumentals provided by Night Terror and his goons more than helped fuel the audience's attention. But the Rainbooms countered with their own song! However, the Dazzlings had amassed so much power that the Rainbooms were on their last legs pretty quick! But all that changed when Sunset joined with her friends! Together, their magic was released! However, Night Terror and his lackeys weren't about to give in! They played furiously! Looks of madness and fury in their eyes! A dark warrior projection materialized and did battle with the female projection brought forth by the girls! However, there was a sound of a new band entering the fray. And their arrival was heralded by Burst screaming out two words.

Song Burst and the guys perform:


As soon as the guys started playing, a dragon projection burst forth! Releasing a mighty roar as it rammed the evil projection brought forth by Night Terror! The more the guys poured themselves into their performance, the harder the dragon struck back! The two groups of friends nodded, and their projections unleashed a final blast of magic that struck the Dazzlings and Night Terror and his lackeys dead-on! When the light faded, the Dazzlings' pendents were destroyed. And they ran off with Night Terror and his lackeys close behind. Ace, Venus, and Fang noticed, and immediately gave chase!

"Fools!" Night Terror screamed as he and his goons cornered the Dazzlings! "You said this power would assure our victory!"

"Hey! Don't blame us for those guys joining up!" Aria shot back! "Besides. We would've lost sooner if you hadn't gotten so desperate."

Adagio nodded. "I'm all for putting up one last stand. But what you did reeked of madness. It wouldn't have held long." Adagio sighed. "At the very least, our final performance was memorable."

"IT'S NOT OVER!" Night Terror screamed as an aura of dark power exploded around him! Night Terror's new form had demonic wings, and his nails had turned into claws. Lastly, his pupils had turned into cat-like slits. His lackeys freaked out, and bailed immediately! Night Terror looked over his new form, and a dark smile crept across his face. "Well. It seems this isn't a total failure after all." He then turned his attention to the Dazzlings. A wicked grin on his face that bared his new fangs. "Now that I have this power, I think it's time I start practicing it. Fortunately, some training dummies just so happen to be before me." Adagio put herself before her sisters! "How sweet. You actually do care about them. Don't worry they won't be alone. They'll be joining you in destruction soon enough." Night Terror raised his fist!

"HOLD IT!" Ace cried out as he, Venus, and Fang arrived! "You're not gonna lay a finger on them!"

Night Terror turned to face them, and laughed. "You fools think you can take me on? Please. With the power I hold, you're little more than ants." Ace didn't care, and charged at Night Terror! Night Terror caught Ace's fist! "You would give your life for theirs? After what they tried to do? How foolish." Night Terror then broke Ace's hand, and threw him to the ground!

"What's...more foolish?" Ace groaned as he got to his feet. "To look out for yourself alone? Or turn your back on the people you care about? No. I'd say I made a pretty wise decision in coming back for Sonata." Within himself, Ace felt something spark.

"Ace..." Sonata whispered as she saw Ace get to his feet.

Night Terror sneered. "And I assume you and your friends are stupid enough to go against me? I won't waste my time with you." Night Terror then spread his wings. "And now, I shall reclaim what was taken from me." Night Terror flew off, and searched for Nightmare Moon. He soon found her walking with Burst, and scooped her up! He then looked down at Burst. "If she means anything, you're more than welcome to try and take her back! And free, of course, to meet an early doom!" Night Terror flew off, and Burst clenched his fist.

Burst was about to run after Night Terror, but was stopped by his friends! "Let me go! I've gotta save Moon!"

"Not alone you're not." Inferno said. "We're going with you."

Gold put a hand on Burst's shoulder. "Going forth worried isn't gonna do you any good." Gold's gaze steeled with determination. "It's gonna be alright. We WILL rescue Moon." Gold was about to leave with the guys, but Sunset stopped him. "What's up?"

"I just wanted to say thanks. For making sure I know I wasn't alone." Sunset said with a smile. "And for giving me hope when things seemed bad." Sunset then pulled Gold into a kiss! "Thank you. And please. Come back safe."

Gold took hold of Sunset's hand. "I don't plan on coming back any other way." And with that, Gold ran off to join the guys!

At the same time, Night Terror smiled wickedly as he approached a now captive Nightmare Moon. His hand glowing with dark power. "You still look as lovely as when I first set eyes on you. And with this power, you shall become a beauty beyond compare." Nightmare Moon didn't have any time to protest before she was encased ina sphere of dark power! Burst soon arrived on the scene, and noticed the deck he had was glowing! "You know? Now I remember. You were that loser who performed the Power Rangers theme. What're you going to do? Use some Power Rangers moves on me?"

Burst held out his deck. "Something like that." A stream of energy crackled around Burst's waist, and a belt appeared! Burst then slid his deck onto the belt and cried out a single word! "HENSHIN!" A sphere of energy exploded around Burst! It then shrunk and Burst stood in full armor! Modeled after a dragon, and was whitish-silver in color! The helmet was modelled after a dragon's head with a blue visor! Burst's eyes blazing behind it! "Kamen Rider! Bahamut!" Burst then got into a fighting stance! "I'll give you one last chance to let Nightmare go!"

"And let you ruin her with your presence? I think not." Night Terror said with a sneer! He then noticed the others show up.

"Guys! Hold out your decks and then yell henshin!" Burst called out! The guys quickly complied save for Gold. Energy exploded forth before condensing into armor similar to Burst's! However, each rider's armor was modeled after their respective monster partner. "Now you guys gotta give yourself rider names."

"Ignitis!" Inferno called out!

"Paladin!" Steel joined in!

"Strider!" Akage shouted!

"Polarity!" North cried out!

"Rex!" Tyrannus called out!

Night Terror scowled. "Call yourselves whatever you want. You'll all be dust when I'm done with you!" Night Terror charged at the riders! Trading blows as they clashed! Burst and the other riders put up more of a fight, and gave Night Terror a run for his money! "Time to escalate." Night Terror summoned a sword made of dark power and slashed at the riders! Sending them flying!

Burst got to his feet, and took a look at the cards in the deck box that was now a part of his belt. Burst held out the card, and the card turned into a sword! "Guys! Check if any cards in your deck have weapons on them!" And with that, the other riders followed suit! Inferno summoned a sword and blaster, Akage summoned a simple sword, Tyrannus summoned a cannon, Steel got a shield and sword, and North got a twin wrist mounted blasters. "Let's go!" Burst and the guys mounted another charge! Tyrannus fired a blast from his cannon! Forcing Night Terror to block with his sword! Long enough for Steel and Akage to rush him and execute a series of swift slashes! North kept peppering Night Terror's defenses with shots from his wrist blasters! Burst and Inferno then slashed Night Terror across the chest! Leaving cuts that glowed from where Night Terror had been slashed!

"ENOUGH." Night Terror growled as he unleashed a wave of dark power that sent the riders flying! He sneered over the riders on the ground.

Gold had seen enough. Things looked bad for his friends. And he wouldn't stand by any longer! "I'm not gonna sit around scared anymore." Gold said to himself as he stepped in front of his friends, and raised his deck! "I'm gonna fight on because the hope within me burns! HENSHIN!" In a flash of light, Gold stood in armor modeled after his monster partner! "This is the hope burning within me! Kamen Rider Plasma!" Gold then charged at Night Terror, and blazing wings sprang from the back of his armor! Cutting and burning Night Terror! "Burst! Let's end this together!"

"RIGHT!" Burst called out as the wings on his suit deployed! Burst took to the air while Gold launched Night Terror into the sky! Burst and Gold then executed twin flying side kicks right at Night Terror! Gold from below and Burst from aboe!Both of them screaming out their attack!

"TWIN HOPE ...." The boys cried as energy projections of their monsters trailed them as they got closer to Night Terror! "RIDER KIIIIIIICK!" The two's kick rippled through Night Terror! Both Burst and Gold landed, and struck a triumphant pose as Night Terror exploded! The dark power surrounding Nightmare Moon disappeared, and Burst and the other riders powered down. Nightmare slowly opened her eyes, and saw Burst holding her.

"You...came for me..." Nightmare Moon said.

Burst smiled. "I always will." Burst then carried Nightmare Moon home with him. "Especially since I helped you move on Nightmare. I couldn't live with myself if I left you behind."

"Then...call me Moon please." Moon said with a smile. "Because my nightmare's over." And with that, the two left. However, a small portion of dark power remaind with Moon. And took the form of a deck box with a moon symbol on it. But that is a story for another time.

Back with the girls, Ace, Venus and Fang had returned with the Dazzlings. "So I'm guessing you three will be keeping watch over them?" Twilight asked.

Ace nodded. "We've gotten to know them. We know we can help them change."

"I knew something felt different about you." Adagio said with a small smile as she looked at Venus. "I could sense magic from Equestria radiating from you. It certainly explains why you're so spirited."

"Well, I'll make sure to tell Celestia about this." Twilight said with a nod. And with that, the group went back through the statue portal. Once on the other side, Aria saw that Fang had wolf ears and a tail.

"So that explains why you were good at making puppy dog eyes." Aria noted.

However, the second Ace set foot in Equestria, he was engulfed in a sphere of magic, and found himself before Aether! "So...what did I do to ascend?" Ace asked.

"You've shown true wisdom Ace." Aether said with a kind smile. "You chose to put the welfare of others before your own. Choosing to protect the one you love despite all the danger that stood before you. But I suppose I've kept you from her long enough."

When Ace opened his eyes again, he saw his hands were covered in a light blue magic aura and his wings were still ice wings. But they had an angelic design to them! "Welcome to the club." Ice said with a smirk.

Shadow took note of his two brothers, and came to a quick revelation. "Aw man! Now I'm the only one of my brothers that's still single!"

Back at CHS
Gold met with Sunset. "Hope I didn't keep you waiting."

"Not for too long." Sunset said with a smile as she hugged Gold tightly. "Looks like our future's hopeful."

Gold returned the hug and smiled as well. "You're the reason why my light of hope still shimmers."

"And you've been the one who rises to the occasion." Sunset said as she and Gold shared a kiss. Her friends looking on with proud smiles.

Episode 17: A Lovely Melody

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Ace was sleeping peacefully in the house he and his brothers shared. However, his slumber was interrupted when a familiar scent crept its way into his room. "Hm?" Ace slowly crawled out of bed. It wasn't Shadow or Ice's turn to make breakfast. Today was his turn. So the only question was who was cooking? Ace made his way to the kitchen, and was certainly surprised by the sight before him. "Sonata?"

The former siren turned around, and her face broke into its usual bubbly smile. "Oh, morning Ace! Just thought I'd do something nice for you. Y'know, with you letting me live here with you and all. Especially since Princess Twilight landed a deal for me and my sisters to live under custody with you, Venus and Fang."

"You can cook?" Ace asked as he noticed the breakfast in progress before him. It looked pretty good.

Sonata nodded. "Uh huh!" She carried on the conversation as she prepared breakfast. "When we got banished through that mirror, we were stuck in that world for a long time. So I figured I might as well learn how to make something tasty!" Sonata's smile then faded as she rubbed her neck where the gem amulet that had let her feed on negative energy and granted her a singing voice of unparralelled beauty. "But not matter how much I filled my stomach, I couldn't truly enjoy eating. Feeling like I was starving everyday."

"Hey..." Ace put a hand on Sonata's shoulder. "It could've been worse. You could've been alone. But you weren't. You had your family with you. Maybe you've lost the magic. But do you feel that hunger anymore?"

Sonata smiled slowly as she took hold of Ace's hand. "No. Now I can really enjoy food!" And with that, Sonata was back to her normal happy self as she finished preparing breakfast. "Wake up those two sleepy heads or else I'm gonna eat their helpings!"

"Sure thing." Ace said with a chuckle as he woke up Shadow and Ice. With that, they set to work eating what Sonata had prepared. "First things first Sonata. We're gonna get you a job today." Ace said inbetween mouthfuls. This then sparked an idea within him. "Hey, since you enjoy cooking so much, Sugar Cube Corner is always looking for a few more bakers on hand. What do you think about that?"

Sonata gasped as her eyes sparkled with joy! "Awesome!" Sonata bounded over the table and tackled Ace to the ground in a tight hug! "Thanks so much Ace!"

"No problem." Ace said with a smile as he returned the hug. A few mintues later, Sonata was dressed and Ace took her over to Sugar Cube Corner. Sonata impressed both the Cakes and Pinkie with the skills she'd literally honed over centuries. So it came as no surprise that she got the job.

Sonata was positively exhilirated. "Yes! I can't wait to start!" And from there, Sonata's employment at Sugar Cube Corner began. As soon as her shift was over and she was paid, Sonata met up with Ace to celebrate a successful first day. "So how're we gonna celebrate?"

"Well, I'd like to treat you to lunch." Ace said with a small blush. "Anything you in the mood for?"

"TACOS!" Sonata cheered as she jumped onto Ace's back! Ace couldn't help but smile at how happy Sonata was. Not a few minutes later, and Sonata was happily munching away at the taco in her hand. "Thanks so much Ace!"

Ace smiled, but soon frowned. "Hey, Sonata?"


Ace sighed. "Those gems that you used to have, what else did they do besides give you your singing voice?"

"Well, they kinda made me, Ari, and Dagi immortal. Without them, we're not sirens anymore." Sonata said sadly. "But that makes me think about all the time I kinda wasted. I thought I had forever, so I never bothered to ask myself if there was anyone I'd like to spend my days with. But...that changed."

Ace gulped. "And...when did this change happen?"

"When I met you." Sonata said as she looked Ace right in the eye. "You were the first person who ever got to like me without falling under my spell. The first person I can remember who didn't look down on me. You're...someone I wanna love."

Ace took a deep breath. "Sonata. I'm an Avatar now. That means I'm immortal. One day I'm gonna lose you." Ace then wrapped one of his wings around Sonata. "But it'd be foolish of me to turn you away just because of that fact. You're incredibly sweet, and you're always so happy. And..." Ace blushed as he returned Sonata's gaze. "Incredibly cute too. Just the kind of girl I like." Ace was surprised when Sonata slowly cupped his face and kissed him!

"Thank you so much." Sonata said as she rested her head against Ace's chest. "Here's hoping my sisters have just as much luck in making a good life as I did."

Fang's house. The earlier that morning.
Aria groaned as she woke up. He hair flowing freely instead of her usual pigtails. She was back in her true home. Equestria. And she still felt as grumpy as ever. Narico smiled at her, and she just grunted. 'Mornings. They're the worst because I gotta wake up.' Aria continuously grumbled as she poured herself a bowl of cereal. Fortunately, Fang was already at the table and noticed her foul mood.

"Aria?" Fang asked.

Aria looked up from her bowl. "Uh?"

"Scratch my ears. You'll feel better." Fang said.

Aria got up, and went over to Fang. She then proceeded to scratch Fang's ears. And much to her surprise, she quite enjoyed it. "Hey. Mind if I try something else?" Fang shook his head. "Good boy." Aria said with a small smile as she then rubbed Fang's belly. The results spoke for themselves.

"Pfft! Aria! Please!" Fang cried out as howls of laughter escaped his lungs! "I-I can't take it! Please!"

Aria smiled and rolled her eyes. "Fine. But you better make it up to me later." Aria released Fang, and polished off the rest of her breakfast. "So what're you gonna do with me?"

"Hmmm." Fang scratched his chin in thought. "Well, how good are you at hitting things?"

Aria's face broke into a rare grin. "Go on..." A few minutes later, Aria found herself kicking apple trees at Sweet Apple Acres. "Ah. I can kick as hard as I want and not get scolded for doing so. I think I know true peace now." And with that, Aria kept kicking away until her shift ended. "Huh. Time does fly when you're having fun. Guess I'll drop by Fang's work." Aria made her way over to Shadow's cosplay shop. "Hey Fang. How's business?"

Fang smiled. "Pretty good. Sold a lot of costumes and accessories today." Fang wagged his tail happily. "Especially since it's convention season in other parts of Equestria! Our cosplay classes are a pretty big hit! People say they're worth every penny!"

"Well, who wouldn't want a pair of ears like yours?" Aria said with a chuckle. "So when are you done here?"

Fang looked at his watch. "Eh. Right about now." Fang stepped out from the counter, and headed outside with Aria. "So where do you want to go to?"

"Kicking trees all day is fun, but pretty tiring." Aria stretched. "Think I'll head back to your place for a nap."

"Mind if I join you?" Fang asked.

Aria shrugged. "You're as loyal as a puppy. It was impossible for me to ditch you back at CHS. No use in putting up a fight now. " She then smiled. "But, determination like that is pretty cute." The minute they got to Fang's house, Aria threw herself on the couch.

"Y'know? I think I know a way to make your nap better." Fang said with a smile as he shifted into his wolf pup form and leaped onto Aria's stomach. However, he was surprised to see a disappointed look in Aria's eyes. "Hey, what's wrong?"

Aria lightly blushed. "Could you....change back into your normal form?" Fang complied, and returned to his regular self. "That's better." Aria pulled Fang close to herself. "I never got to thank you for being my first."

"First what?" Fang asked.

Aria looked into Fang's eyes. "The first person to try and make me smile without giving up." Aria then tightened her hold on Fang. "Everyone was so quick to give up on me because of how cold I seem."

"You feel pretty warm to me." Fang said as he snuggled against Aria. "I'm the Element of Determination for a reason. Because I never give up on anyone. Especially you Aria."

Aria blinked. "What makes me so special?"

"You're one of the first girls not to fawn over my ears and tail. Plus, I like having to work at making someone smile" Fang said as he rested his head against Aria's shoulder. "And seeing you smile's all the treat I need."

Aria smiled as she scratched Fang's ear and kissed him. "Good boy." And with that, the two of them drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

At the same time, Venus was taking in the fresh air the morning had to offer. "Truly a beautiful day." Venus said with a smile as he took a sip of his tea. He then noticed Adagio rise from the guest bed he'd set for her. "Sleep well?"

"Shouldn't my looks be a clear indicator?" Adagio asked with a smirk as she walked over to the table. "So just what is it that you do for work?"

Venus smiled. "Well, I'm really good with plants. Let me show you. Could you hand me that flower on the table?" Adagio handed the flower to Venus. "Watch." Venus focused, and a green glow surrounded the flower! Restoring it to its prime bloom! "With talents like mine, I've become quite the recommended florist. And whenever someone needs gardening advice, I tend to get called on a lot."

"I don't suppose you could make me a literal bed of roses?" Adagio asked with a giggle.

Venus smiled. "I would. But that would mean sleeping on top of a lot thorns. And I don't think you'd like being pricked each time you try to get comfortable."

"Well played." Adagio said with a smirk. "You're one of the few who's managed to match wits with me. Though something does surprise me about you."

"What would that be?" Venus asked.

"What drew you to me." Adagio stated as a puzzled look crossed her face. "You were clearly immune to the magic of my singing. My looks would've been an obivous allure. But I could tell that wasn't what attracted you to me."

Venus smiled. "You radiated confidence. Every step you took, you made sure the whole world knew you weren't going to be ignored. Putting as much life as you could into every moment you were awake. Your beauty is truly radiant. But your spirit is what truly enthralled me."

"Aren't you the romantic?" Adagio said with a smirk as she left to get dressed. "As much as I'd love to do nothing but lounge around your house, I don't want to get bored."

Venus smiled. "You've got a pretty great sense of style. I think I know just the place to keep you occupied." And with that Venus led Adagio to Carousel Boutique. Rarity seemed a bit hesitant, but was amazed at Adagio's centruies worth of fashion knowledge.

"How...how do you know all of this?" Rarity asked in awe.

Adagio shrugged and smiled. "Hey. When you're stuck in a different world for a long while, you might as well look good while you're stuck there. Plus, I'm sure you wouldn't mind a consultant for when you craft ensembles inspired by different eras."

"....When can you start?" Rarity asked.

Adagio smirked. "Does now work?" Adagio's new job consisted of making new outfits, keeping track of fabrics, and modeling on certain occasions. As she worked, Adagio couldn't help but notice a swimsuit. Her trademark smirk once again surfaced. "Rarity? You wouldn't mind me picking up an extra outfit as additional payment, would you?"

Rarity shrugged. "Not at all. Especially considering your wardrobe is quite limited."

"Thank you." Adagio said with a smile. 'Let's see just how well you can match me Venus.' Not a few hours later, Venus returned home. And he arrived to quite the sight. "Welcome back Venus." Adagio called out in a flirty tone. Venus saw Adagio wearing the swimsuit she'd seen earlier. "Enjoying the show?" She asked with her trademark smirk. Venus blinked, and went to his room. "Looks like round two is mine." Adagio closed her eyes and savored her victory. That is, until she heard Venus's footsteps.

"Is it now?" Venus asked. Adagio opened her eyes, and her jaw nearly dropped when she saw that Venus was shirtless. "Looks like we're tied once again." Venus said with a smile. "I hope you decide to continue these games. It's nice to finally meet a girl who isn't putty in my hands from a single glance."

Adagio got up and put her arms on Venus's shoulders. "I'm through playing."

"Oh?" Venus asked with a smirk. "I thought you enjoyed these types of games."

Adagio smiled. "Well, let's just say I've been searching a long time for someone to get serious with. And you hit all the right marks."

"So how serious are you going to take me?" Venus asked. Adagio responeded by planting a passionate kiss on Venus's lips. "You wanna take things that far?'

Adagio put her forehead to Venus's. "Do you want to back down?"

"Does this answer your question?" Venus asked as he kissed Adagio. Both satisfied with the answer to their questions.

Episode 18: Rock Solid Siblings

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Akage was sleeping peacefully. "Was" being the keyword as Pinkie threw the door open and shook him awake! "AKAGE!"

"YAGH!" Akage screamed as he pinned Pinkie to the ground by reflex! "Pinkie?! What in the world's got you waking me up before the sun's even risen?!"

Pinkie frantically spun Akage, and he soon stood in his ninja garb. "No time to waste!" Pinkie replied as she dragged Akage downstairs. "My big sister Maud is coming! Everything's gotta be perfect!" Pinkie then held Akage over a huge mountain of necklaces made of rock candy! "I also called Twilight and the girls in to help taste-test my rock candy necklaces!"

"Pinkie..." Akage said with a sigh. "How much does Maud mean to you?"

Pinkie smiled fondly. "She's everything. I love her so much! That's why I woke you up at five this morning!"

"Well if she matters that much to you, she's important to me." Akage said with a tired smile. "So which pile do you want me to start tasting first?" Pinkie grinned and motioned to the pile she wanted Akage to start on. Soon enough, Twilight and the rest of the Main 6 arrived. Akage smiled as he saw Pinkie list all the things she loved so much. Seeing Pinkie smile at fond memories brought forth Akage's memories of his childhood. When he and Shogun were nearly inseperable. The two of them would run around the village like crazy. Be it pulling pranks, or playing with the practice swords often used for weapons training. Akage's memory then drifted forth to the fight he'd had with Shogun upon his return home. And in the end, it had ened happily with Akage getting his brother back. 'Looks like those old days are coming back...' However, he was a bit put-off when Pinkie seemed eager to get the rest of the Main 6 to be friends with Maud. "Uh, Pinkie? Can I talk to you for a second? Alone?"

Pinkie blinked, but nodded happily all the same. "Sure!" The two headed down the road so they were out of hearing range. "So what's up Akage?"

"Well..." Akage said as he scratched his head. "Look. You know my brother Shogun, right?"

Pinkie rubbed her chin in thought. "The one you had an epic ninja fight with and patched things up with so you're okay again? Yeah. Why?"

"Well, I love my brother on roughly the same level you love Maud." Akage answered. "But if I try to have all of MY friends like him the same way, they might end up liking me because of that." Akage then put a hand on. "What I'm trying to say is, don't get so serious about your friends liking Maud as much as you do. Because if everyone else loved you like I did, wouldn't that make it less special?"

Pinkie slowly smiled as she hugged Akage tightly. "I didn't even think of that." She then nuzzled against Akage's face. "I'm happy knowing you take loving me so seriously."

"And I'm happy with how you make everyone smile." Akage said with a smile as he shared a kiss with her. "Come on. We'd better get back to the girls." With that, Akage and Pinkie regrouped with Twilight and the rest of the Main 6. Sure enough, Maud soon arrived. While she seemed a bit bland to the rest of the Main 6, Akage could tell how happy she was to see Pinkie.

"It's weird." Twilight noted. "Pinkie's a living bundle of energy. And Maud is so...well..."

"Maybe that's teh reason they love each other so much." Akage answered. "Besides. Your brother can be quite the moron and you're the genius foil to him. Sometimes there is trouble seeing the obvious. But that's because you're looking only with your eyes." Akage then smiled as he saw Pinkie bounce around Maud. "The heart's what makes everything clear." He then noticed Pinkie leading Maud over to meet her friends.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" Pinkie then shoved Akage right in front of Maud with a proud smile on her face! "This is Akage! My boyfriend!"

Akage bowed. "Pleased to meet you Maud."

"You too." Maud replied in her usual monotone voice. "Are you making her happy?"

Akage then looked back at Pinkie. "There hasn't been a day I haven't seen her smile when I'm around."

Maud slowly smiled. "That's quite sedimental of you." Pinkie promptly bust a gut laughing at the pun. At the same time, Twilight and the rest of the Main 6 caught sight of the trace of joy leaking through Maud's voice. Even if it wasn't visible, they knew Maud could feel. And right now, they could tell she was really happy. Sadly, Maud's visit came to an end. But in the end, Twilight and the Main 6 were happy to know that Pinkie had such a loving sister.

Pinkie stretched as she and Akage returned home. "That was a fun day, but I'm all pooped out." Pinkie threw herself on her bed. Then, and idea came to her. "Hey, Akage? You said you take our relationship seriously, right?"

"Yes." Akage said with a nod. "Do you doubt how committed I am?"

Pinkie shook her head. "No. But...I want to show you mine." Pinkie then patted the spare space on her bed. "I know you're always with me. But, I'd like to know you're right by my side. Please?"

Akage slowly smiled as he lie down next to Pinkie. "You're the one person I can't hide from. No sense staying out of your reach either." Akage then held Pinkie tight as the two of them fell asleep.

Episode 19: Sweet Dreams

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Sweetie Belle could barely contain her excitement. 'This play's gonna be the talk of the town!' She thought as she and a few other students took the stage for their performance. Once they finished, Sweetie Belle eagerly awaited the praise everyone had for how well the play went. But her hopes were soon dashed when she heard what the audience were really captivated by. The costumes Rarity had made. Rarity hadn't intended for her costumes to steal all the attention, but Sweetie Belle didn't know that. And she felt hurt. "Your costumes stole the show!" She screamed at Rarity once they got home!

"Sweetie, please! I was-!" Rarity was cut-off as Sweetie Belle stormed off to her room! Rarity sighed as she held herself in shame. "Oh Sweetie..."

'She upstaged me!' Sweetie Belle thought in her anger. And her mood only soured more when she saw Rarity had an order from Sapphire Shores. 'Let's see how she likes this!' As the night before the delivery fell, Sweetie Belle made her way quietly downstairs and sabotaged one of the outfits! With a satisfied nod she returned to bed. Waiting for what the morning would bring. However, her actions were reflected in her dreams. And they caught the attention of a certain princess of dreams.

Nightmare Moon stared at Sweetie Belle's actions. She was certainly disappointed in the young girl's actions. A sigh escaped her lips. "Poor dear. She's normally such a nice girl."

"You're nervous aren't you?" Luna asked with a kind smile as she entered the dreamscape. "I know that this is your domain now. But I can tell you're torn between what to do next. She is a child, but must learn that her actions could wreak serious consequences."

Nightmare Moon nodded. "Yes. I'm well aware of that. But, at the same time, I don't want to traumatize her. We were one. I know how intense you made your nightmares in order to have people learn."

"Yes. That's what I would have done." Luna said as she put a hand on Nightmare Moon's shoulder. "But dreams are no longer my domain. They are yours. You should not ask yourself what I would do. Rather, you must decide on what you would do."

Nightmare Moon looked at Sweetie Belle's dreams, and noticed that the root of her actions was Rarity. "I think I know what to do." Moon put her hands on the sphere that contained Sweetie Belle's dreams. "

Sweetie Belle woke up the next morning, and let out a happy yawn. "Boy do I feel better now." Sweetie Belle happily made her way to the kitchen, and saw Rarity sitting at the table in her usual calm manner reading a newspaper. "Morning Rarity!" However, Sweetie Belle was surprised when Rarity didn't greet her in return. As soon as she grabbed her food, Sweetie Belle sat down at the table. "Hey, Rarity? Are...are you alright?"

"Sweetie..." Rarity said as she put down the newspaper. Sweetie then saw the hurt look in Rarity's eyes. "Why? Why did you do it?"

Sweetie Belle froze in place. "I...I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't you?" Rarity said sadly as she pulled out the box that held the head piece Sweetie Belle had sabotaged. Rarity then pulled the piece out, and touched it. It completely fell apart. "Why? Why would you do something so mean-spirited when I only wanted to help you? Those costumes I made, I made them so everyone would love your play?" The final blow to Sweetie Belle's heart was the words that came next. "Why do you hurt me when all I do is try to show how much I love you?" And with that, Sweetie Belle bolted out the door! Tears streaming down her face as regret ate away at her. She stopped by a tree, and rested against it as she wept. Then, she heard a voice.

"Sweetie Belle. It's alright. I'm right here." Sweetie Belle saw the whole world began to fade and be replaced with what looked like space. Then, Nightmare Moon stepped forth in a flash of light.

"P-Princess Moon?" Sweetie Belle asked nervously. "Y-You mean all of that was a dream?"

Nightmare Moon nodded. "Yes. And I'm sorry I had to make you go through that. But I assure you. I did so with good reason."

"Yeah...I know." Sweetie Belle said sadly. "Rarity's my big sister. And I love her a lot." Sweetie Belle then held herself as she tried to keep her voice steady. "I-I didn't want to hurt her like that. I-" Sweetie Belle felt Nightmare Moon brush her tears away.

"True. But that's only what might happen if you don't tell your big sister what you did." Nightmare Moon said with a kind smile. "But you're not the only one hurting." Nightmare Moon then stood up, and offered her hand. "Come. The road's a lot easier to walk on when there's someone to travel by your side." And with that, Sweetie Belle took Nightmare Moon's hand as she led her through the dreamscape.

Sweetie Belle nervously looked around. "Where are we going?"

"To a very special dream. One that concerns you greatly." Nightmare Moon answered. "Ah. Here we are." They had arrived at Rarity's dream. "Please climb onto me. Going inside can be a little rough." Sweetie Belle climbed onto Nightmare Moon's back, and held on tight as the Princess of Dreams flew into Rarity's dream. For the most part, Rarity's dream played out fairly similar to Sweetie Belle's. However, it was Sweetie Belle who was sitting silently at the table this time. And when Rarity asked what was wrong, Sweetie Belle saw her dream counterpart screaming that she hated Rarity! What unfolded next really made Sweetie Belle's heart sink. She saw her sister crying her eyes out and blaming herself for what happened.

"Oh no...I made such a big mistake." Sweetie Belle despaired until Nightmare Moon put her hands on Sweetie's shoulders.

"Maybe. But there's a point to mistakes." Moon said with a kind smile. "They happen so that you can learn from them. And become a better you in the process." She then looked at Rarity's dream. "And something tells me you won't be the only one learning from this. Whatever was made wrong here, you can make it right in the real world. Until next time. Sweet dreams."

"Wait!" Sweetie Belle called out. Moon turned around, and knelt down to Sweetie's level only to get caught in a hug. "Thank you Princess Moon."

Moon slowly smiled as she returned the hug. "Please. Just call me Moon." The next morning, Sweetie Belle woke up early and told Rarity all about how she'd sabotaged the headdress for Sapphire Shores' order. And she apologized for how she'd acted. Rarity quickly forgave her, and apologized as well as she wrapped her little sister in a tight hug. The two sisters smiling at having mended their relations. With help from Sweetie Belle, Rarity managed to make an even better headpiece that dazzled Sapphire Shores even more!

Satisfied that things had been made right, Sweetie Belle headed outside and caught sight of Moon out and about. "Moon!" She called out as she ran up to the princess of dreams and hugged her! "Thanks for the dream last night! Things turned out even better today!"

Moon smiled as she hugged Sweetie Belle with her arms and wings. "You're very welcome." 'It does take a nightmare to know what sweet dreams are.' Moon thought to herself with a smile.

Episode 20: A Magnetic Resonance

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North was going about his usual routine at Sweet Apple Acres. Kicking trees and collecting apples. Helping out with the heavy lifting or putting his magic to practical use through his chores. However, his wake-up call consisted of Applejack walking over to where he slept, and kissing him. North let out a happy sigh. 'That lass is what makes living here worth it all.' North wiped the sweat from his brow as he finished hauling in the buckets of apples he'd collected. Sure enough, he saw Applejack waiting for him outside. "All done lass?"

"Sure am." Applejack said with a nod. "Care to head into town? Me and the rest of the family were on our way."

North smiled. "No place I'd rather be if it means I'm with you Applejack." North cleaned himself up, and left with the Apple Family. However, they soon found their path obscured by a large crowd. "What's going on?" They all scouted ahead, and North instantly frowned upon seeing whom the crowd's attention was focused on. "Those two crooks again." North's frown was soon copied by the entire Apple Family when they saw Flim and Falm.

"Ah thought you ran those varmints off!" Applejack noted.

North sighed. "If nothing else, they're tenacious. The last time they were here, they tried to push you out of your business. Wonder what sort of scam they've concoted this time." From the looks of things, the group saw that Flim and Flam were selling a cure-all tonic. 'What a load of rubbish.' North thought. Things then took a surprising turn when Flim and Flam singled out Granny Smith from the crowd for a demonstration! Not a moment later, Granny Smith had a new spring in her step! But North still wasn't buying it. "Applejack? I think we should pay a visit after-hours. Something about this stinks."

"I hear ya sugarcube." Applejack said with a nod. "We'll scout it out tonight." Night soon fell, and North and Applejack snuck into where the "miracle tonic" was made. And sure enough, they found out it was a fake! "Ah knew it was too good to be true! C'mon North! Let's go!" The two were almost on their way out, but ran into Flim and Flam. "Outta our way varmints! Or yer gonna be sorry!"

"Now, now Applejack!" Flim said with a dismissive wave. "We're not going to get in your way. In fact, you're welcome to leave right now. But..."

Flam smirked. "It'd be a shame if poor Granny Smith were to find out that her newfound vitality was all a big sham. Wouldn't it? Just a little something for you to think on." The two con men let North and Applejack leave. However, North noticed how doubtful Applejack was. And he stopped in his tracks.

"North?" Applejack asked. "Is somethin' wrong?"

North sighed. "There is. You. I can tell you're torn up about telling the truth." North took a deep breath as he put his hands on Applejack's shoulders. "I know your family's happiness means everything to you. But think! You're the Element of Honesty lass! How could you live with yourself if you knew that their happiness was built on a lie?! How could you keep on going knowing you let other people be preyed upon by crooks like Flim and Flam?! Be honest with yourself Applejack. Is this lie, this false happiness, worth betraying who you are?" North was surprised when Applejack pulled him into a tight hug! North looked up, and saw tears falling from Applejack's eyes. North closed his eyes, and wrapped his arms around Applejack. Stroking her back to comfort her. "Easy lass. Easy. I'm here." North then tightened his hug. "Nothing in the world could pull me from your side."

"Yer right North." Applejack said as the tears began to cease. "Ah almost did something completely stupid. Ah can't lie to myself. Thank you." The two loosed their holds on each other. But not separating an inch from each other. "Ah don't think Ah've ever said this. And if Ah have, Ah haven't said it enough. Ah love you North."

North smiled as he caressed Applejack's cheek. "I love you too. Long as your arms are open, I'll always be pulled in because my heart pushes me towards you." North and Applejack shared a tender kiss before heading home and breaking the news to Granny Smith. However, Granny Smith was relieved with the fact that Applejack stayed true to herself. "Well now. I'd say it's time to wrap up this little incident. We're paying Flim and Flam a visit tomorrow." The next day, Applejack and North went forth and exposed the sham that was Flim and Flam's cure-all tonic! Adding to the exposure was a young man who had been helping to sell the lies about the tonic! He'd seen Applejack's honesty, and backed-up her claims with the fact he had witnessed Flim and Flam disclosing that the tonic was nothing more than water! Once Flim and Flam were ran out of town, the young man gave Applejack his first, and only, honestly earned bit.

"C'mon sugarcube." Applejack said with a smile as she took North by the hand. "Let's head home. That apple pie is calling our names."

North smiled. "I thought we'd never get around to finishing it."

One week later. Trottingham.
Flim and Flam were struggling to peddle their lastest sham products. However, Applejack's testimony about their scams and North's account of them trying to muscle-in on the Apple Family's business, they were avoided like the plague! "Gears and grease!" Flim groaned. "This is just like Magnet North all over again!"

"Inded." Flam sighed. "Not even throwing a fist, and he's beaten us so throughly!" However, the two con men were unaware that their moping had caught the ears of a noble. One who seemed particularly interested at the mention of North's name. The young noble had grey skin, platinum blonde hair (style: Dio Brando from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure). He was wearing a dark grey shirt and pants with black boots.

"Pardon me gentlemen. But I heard you mention the name Magnet North."

Flim and Flam caustiously acknowledge the stranger's inquiry. "What's he to you mister? A friend of yours?"

"No." The man shook his head. "But I've had an encounter with him. And since we seem to both have business concerning him, I'd think it best if we discuss how to deal with him."

Flam grinned. "Well sign us up Mr.?"

"Ignoble. Lord Ignoble Cause." Ignoble answered. "Now. I believe this conversation is better suited at my estate." Ignoble led the twin con men to his mansion. "Now. Tell me where your troubles began." Flim and Flam then recounted their encounters with Magnet North. What Ignoble took of note was how North always seemed to come to the side of the Apple Family. "Interesting. Well then gentlemen. I believe I've arrived at a solution to our common dilemma."

Flim nervously posed a question. "Um, your lordship? If you don't mind me asking, what's your stake in all this? What's Magnet North to you?"

Ignoble's memories flashed back to one night a few years ago. He was just returning from a grand party. However, his mood soured when the security system had picked up an intruder. Ignoble was quite skilled with a blade, and brandished a sword hanging from one of the many walls of his home. He then saw the thief. Carrying a sack of valuables and food as well. "Well, well. It appears we have a vermin who came to fill his gut." Ignoble sneered at the youth before him. He had red and blue hair, and his clothes were in oddly decent condition. "Clean or not. Vermin are still vermin. And they must be exterminated!" The young theif leaped back as Ignoble swung at him, and then used his magic to send Ignoble flying into a wall! The young thief then made his way to the window and looked back at Ignoble.

"Who said anything about filling my pockets? Or my stomach for that matter?" The thief said with a smirk as he used his magic to slow his descent from the window! Landing safely on the ground! In a rage, Ignoble ran the security footage of the thief's face through a record. A name showed up under the search that matched the description. Magnet North.

'Humiliated...by street trash?! UNACCEPTABLE!' Ignoble thought as his mind slowly returned to the present. "Unfinished businees. But now, I suppose we should move on to constructing our solution." Ignoble pulled out a device, and searched through a spellbook. "Ah. This should do quite nicely." Ignoble cast the spell into a chamber in the device, and the chamber sealed shut with the spell inside! "This herbicide device should put the Apple Family in the palm of your hand."

"But...how do you expect us to deal with North?" Flam asked.

Ignoble smirked. "From what you said earlier, the two of you have expertise in the field of mechanics and engineering. Tell me. Are you familiar with the concepts of golems? Or...automations?" Ignoble then led Flim and Flam to a chamber that housed parts that could be used to make mechs. "Shall I leave you two gentleman to it?" Flim and Flam just nodded blankly. "Excellent."

Three days later. Sweet Apple Acres.
The Apple Family and North were working away happily. However, their usual day was rudely interrupted by Flim and Flam showing up. A squadron of mechs behind them and a strange device in hand. North narrowed his eyes and marched his way over to the intruders. But Applejack stood in his way. "North stop!" Applejack protested. "Ah know yer thinking of taking them on, but yer outgunned!"

"Applejack." North said as he took hold of Applejack's hand. "Those things are made of metal. And I doubt that even with your strength, you'd be able to make a dent. But you're more than welcome to join the fight." Applejack then summoned her Harmony Keeper. The twin crossbows called True Aim. "You keep reminding me why I love you lass." And with that, the couple marched right up to Flim, Flam, and their mech minions.

"We've a new proposition for you." Flim said with a smirk. "An all-or-nothing deal!"

Flam smirked in kind. "If you can beat our mechanized associate, the timer on this device will halt. And time begins....now!" Flam activated the timer on the device, and North and Applejack rushed the mechs before them! Applejack's stun bolts shocked the systems of the mechs! Causing them to fall where they stood! North's magnetism magic allowed him to bash the mechs into each other! But while North and Applejack held the edge in skill, the mechs had the advantage in numbers! The more mechs they sent to the scrapyard, more marched forward like they were fresh off the assembly line!

Despite the fight going well, Applejack was starting to tire out. Just as she was about to be surrounded by the swarm of mechs! But North shoved her out of the way and prepared to fight off the remaining mechs alone! "NORTH!" Applejack cried out!

"Applejack! GO!" North cried out! He then looked at the mechs surrounding him. "All right you rustbuckets. COME AND GET SOME!" But despite North's spirit, the mechs quickly turned the tide in their favor as North was starting to tire due to how frequently he'd used his magic! Almost on his last legs, North was panting heavily. 'So. This is it.' North thought with a small smile. 'That's fine. If I don't win, at least I know I gave it my all for those who gave me so much.' North then glanced at Applejack and her family. 'I'm proud...to have been a part of their family...' Suddenly, a blinding light appeared in North's hand! North shielded his eyes and the mechs backed away!

When the light faded, North saw what looked like a shot blaster in his hands! But the top of the base looked like it had the face of some kind of robotic warrior. And what was more unusal were the twin attachments at the sides. They looked like the halves of a horseshow magnet. Both ends, one red tipped and one blue tipped, were facing North. And the barrels of the blaster were two different colors. The top was blue and the bottom was red. Both had a silver ring at their muzzle. Wasting no time, North fired the blaster, and a blue blast came out! The blast then pulled in a few nearby mechs, and exploded! Sending their parts flying everywhere! North smiled. "Now it's my turn to push back!" North fired several more shots! Each exploding as they pulled any mech unlucky enough to be nearby! With their numbers dwindling, the mechs changed tactics! They began to try rushing at North! North looked at the pump of the blaster, and used it. The magnet halves on the sides blaster then switched forward! As the mechs inched closer, North fired! This time, a red blast came out that shredded through the mechs advancing on him! "Now THIS is my kind of weapon! Pushes and pulls like a magnet. Think I'll call it...Polarity." North then continued blasting holes in the remaining mechs! Soon, the orchard looked like it was a junkyard with all of the mech remains littered about.

Flim sighed. "Well, a deal's a deal. Turn it off Flam."

"Uh...brother?" Flam said nervously. "There's no timer on this thing!"

"WHAT?!" Flim screamed as he rushed over to confirm! His eyes went wide with terror. "Then how do we stop it?!"

North rushed over, and inspected the device. His suspicions were confirmed when he saw the spell chamber. "It's a spell bomb! It can only be disarmed by performing a nullification spell or by a bomb diffuser! Last I checked, we don't have any bomb squad members here. What spell was cast on this thing?!"

"An herbicide spell! But that wouldn't ha-!" Flim froze at the realization of the bomb's target. "It would decimate all of Sweet Apple Acres! This wasn't supposed to happen!"

Flam nervously eyed the spell chamber as it glowed ever brighter! "We don't know any nullification spells! Ths thing's gonna blow and put a serious dent in Ponyville's food supply!"

"Not if I've got a say in things." North said as he narrowed his eyes. "You two toss it as high as you can!" North then readied his blaster! "I'll take care of the rest!" Flim and Flam chucked the spell bomb as high as the could, and North fired! Destroying the bomb before it had a chance to unleash the destructive spell within! North smiled as he looked at Flim and Flam. "You two blokes aren't all bad." Flim and Flam smiled a little before North clocked them on the head. "But you're still in a heap of trouble." Flim and Flam nodded as they got to work cleaning up all the mech remains. North levitating the pile to a cart. "You can at least get a few bits off of what can be salvaged. Now off with you!" As soon as Flim and Flam left, North felt himself being tackled to the ground by Applejack. Her hat flying off of her as she tackled North!

Applejack was smling as tears fell down her face. "You idiot..." she began as she touched her forehead to North's. "You noble, cute, idiot..."Applejack then tightened her grip. "Don't you dare get me scared like that again!"

"I love you too." North said with a smile as he and Applejack kissed on full display. The Apple Family only smiling proudly as they saw the young couple hold each other. Their hard-fought battle over. It was a time of rest now.

Episode 21: Level Up and Throw Down!

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It was a beautiful day outside, and Burst and Inferno smiled as they took combat stances. Ace, Ice, and Tyrannus were staring them down. Both sides had their Duelist Arms at the ready. "Alright. Let's see how training you guys has paid off in terms of controlling your newfound powers." Inferno said with a nod. "Bring it!" The two sides rushed at each other!

Ice fired a small, but powerful ball of magical energy from his hand! "Let's see how you like this!" Burst rolled out of the way as the blast exploded! "Nice try!" Ice then swung with Archfiend Dragon's Tenacity!

"Not bad!" Burst said as he raised his sword Bahamut Edge! "Your new Earthbound strength makes swinging your claymore effortless. But..." Burst knocked Archfiend Dragon's Tenacity from his hand! "It means squat if you can't keep a good grip on it!"

Ice nodded. "Noted!" Ice then punched Burst with as much restrained force as he could! Burst then plunged his sword into the ground to halt his flight! Tyrannus then swung at Burst with his Brachio Staff! Burst leaped over and fired a charged shot at Tyrannus! Tyrannus unholstered his Tyranno Magnum and fired a blast that collided with Burst's shot!

"Way to be versatile Ty!" Burst said with a smile. At the same time, Inferno was dodging Ace's newfound magic attacks. Ace had been specifically using ice spells, but Inferno's fire blasts served as a direct counter! Not a few minutes later, they called an end to their sparring session.

"Not bad guys. You're getting the hang of your new abilities pretty quickly!" Inferno noted.

Ace nodded. "Well I should've seen your fire spells coming. Your first name is Inferno after all." Ace then looked at his phone, and saw messages from the other Elements of Heroism. "Hey, the rest of the guys say they're free for the day. Time for another group hangout?"

"Timing couldn't be better." Burst said with a smile. "Nightfall said he's rigged up his gaming consoles. Time for a gaming fest! Let's go!" Burst headed to his house, and picked out a select few games from his gaming library. "These oughta do." And with that, Burst and the guys made their way to Twilight's library. "Hey Twilight! Night's expecting us. You know where he's at?"

Twilight nodded. "He's waiting in the living room. Try to keep the volume down, please? I'm trying to re-organize the books?" Burst and the guys nodded, and set their gear in the living room. They were shocked to see Nightfall sitting in front of multiple TV monitors that had somehow been seamelessly hooked up.

"Oh. Hi guys!" Nightfall greeted. "I got everything hooked up and the consoles ready. So are we gonna get our game on, or what?"

The other Elements of Heroism blinked before grabbing their controllers. Then a thought occurred to Burst. "Hmm. You guys think Discord wants in on this?"

"Somebody call my name?" Discord asked as he popped into the room in a flash of light! "Oooh! What have we here?"

Nightfall shrugged. "We were just about to power up our gaming consoles. Had the monitors hooked up and everything. You want in? We've got plenty of extra controllers."

"Hmm. This is as far as you're going with your gaming?" Discord asked. "No pun intended, but I think I might be able to help you take gaming to the next level." Discord smiled as he flared his chaos magic. "Why play the game when you can live it?"

Ace blinked. "You mean you can transport us inside our favorite videogames?"

"Please. I'm the Spirit of Chaos! Reality warping and other such impossibilities are trivial to me!" Discord said with a chuckle. "Now hold on. Need to do a memorgy scan for your favorite games." Discord sent out a pulse of magic. "Ah! There we are! Hold still. This'll feel a bit tingly. I'll be going with you. Think of me as your in-game support." Discord snapped his fingers! "AND OFF WE GO!" And with that, Discord and the Elements of Heroism were transported to the game world!

Ace opened his eyes, and saw that he was dressed as Link. However, in the place of Link's iconic Hylian Shield and Master Sword, Ace's Duelist Arms were equipped. "Okay. Now what to do here?"

"Easy!" Discord said as a spirit image of him popped out of a medallion on Ace's neck! "Your goal here is to rescue the fair princess of the land! But first, there's three dungeons you need to clear. They contain keys for each of the gates to the final boss's keep. Fortuantely, I can sense dungeons!"

Ace smiled. "Well then. Lead the way!" Ace held out the medallion, and used it as a sort of compass.

"Let's see now...Aha!" Discord pointed in the direction of a forest! "The first dungeon's in that forest!"

Ace nodded and headed into the forest. He'd only set foot in a little when monstrous plants sprouted from the ground! "Should've seen this coming!" Ace grunted as he raised his shield to block the monster plant's lunge before grabbing his sword and cutting down the monstrous plant! "Looks like this won't be a walk in the park..." Ace continued to fight his way to the forest. One of the more annoying enemies were the giant spiders that tried to swip at him, but Ace quickly dispatched them. He then saw the dungeon entrance. "Here we go."

Ace set about exploring the dungeon and found a map. However, skeleton warriors made things difficult for Ace when he found himself near a large chest! "Better K.O. these boneheads first!" Ace raised his shield to block one of the skeletons that tried to swing at him, and slashed at the vulnerable opening it left! Ace rolled around the other two skeletons, and cut them down with a quick spin attack! "Now to see what's inside." Ace opened the chest, and raised a bow to the sky! "Now all I gotta do is get some arrows."

"Try fighting monsters. They might drop some." Discord noted as he returned to the medallion. Ace did so, and soon found himself at the door of the boss! Ace cautiously went inside, and froze when he saw a gigantic spider crawling along the ceiling! A large, orange eye on it's back! Discord then jumped out of the amulet and hovered around the eye! Ace took this as a sign, and fired an arrow! Sending the boss plummeting back to the ground! Ace then got in as many hits as he could, and the boss exploded! Leaving a Heart Container behind and a gem that served as a key to the final boss. One down. Two to go." Ace picked up both item drops, and travelled to the two remaining dungeons. The lava dungeon located in the mountains had Ace using bombs to stun a gigantic infernal reptile, and the lake dungeon had Ace fighting against a mutant jellyfish. Fortunately, his new hookshot treasure let him grapple to safety whenever the floor was electrified! Soon, Ace had the keys to the final boss in hand. As well as the weapons he'd picked up from the main dungeons. However, Discord got distracted by the mini-games.

"C'mon!" Discord said with a smile. "On the plus side, I just raked in some expansions for your arrows and bombs!"

Ace smiled as he sighed. "Well, I guess distractions are part of the fun. Now onto the final dungeon!" Ace headed to the castle of the final boss, and stormed through it! When Ace got to the final boss, he saw Sonata trapped in a crystal andshe was dressed like Zelda! "Guess that means I'm taking down Ganondorf." Ace was proved correct. However, the final battle was based off of the final duel in Twilight Princess. Ganondorf's sword swings were massive, but that made him slow as Ace dealed the finale blow right through the head! As thanks, Sonata's game counterpart kissed Ace! And when the game over screen flashed, Ace found himself looking at all the other guys playing through their games. Particularly of interest was where Venus and Fang wound up. Castlevania.

Venus and Fang were tearing their way through the various monsters that haunted Castlevania's halls. They had advanced pretty far due to the two of them covering each other. However, that didn't make one particular enemy less annoying. "Medusa heads. Of all the enemies here, I hate them the most." Venus said as he whipped another Medusa head flying at him.

"Could be worse. You could be fighting an armor!" Fang called out as he repeatedly clawed at an axe armor! Letting out a sigh of relief as it crumbled and burned away. "Those things take forever to kill." The two had made it to the fifth boss. Death. "Hold tight Venus. He's mine." Fang leaped at Death, and broke off one of his bones! Causing the reaper to fall to pieces.

Venus chuckled at the sight. "No bones about it. He lacked some serious spine." Venus and Fang then made their way to face Dracula! Fang was able to sniff the prince of darkness out, so the first phase of the fight went in their favor. But Dracula's second form proved to be more of a challenge both Venus and Fang were jumping like crazy and trying to land as many hits on his head as possible! Sure enough, they were victorious, and Discrd teleported them and the game counterparts of Adagio and Aria. As soon as the end credits rolled, the two found themselves back in the living room with Ace.

"Hmm. Wonder who's left?" Fang asked as they honed in on Shadow and Ice. From the looks of it, they were in a Final Fantasy game.

"Okay. We've been grinding for EXP for what seems like forever." Ice said calmly. "SO HOW IS IT THAT THIS FINAL BOSS IS STILL SO HARD?!" Ice noted how low his and Shadow's hit points were. "I don't think we can tank another hit! Shadow. PLEASE tell me you've got potions on hand."

Shadow groaned as he looked through their inventory. "I've only got one left. We're so close to beating him, but his attacks are relentless!" Shadow then noticed an odd orb that had the word "summon" on it. "Well, we haven't used it for the whole game. Might as well use it now!" Shadow tossed the summon orb into the air, and Discord was released!

"Time to end this with a bang!" Discord said with a grin. He snapped his fingers, and the final boss exploded into a rain of confetti! "And cue the victory theme!" As soon as the victory theme played, Shadow and Ice were back with their friends in the living room.

Ice stretched a bit as he readjusted to the real world. "Wonder how far the others have gotten?"

Nightfall was tearing through the robot masters in Mega Man. He'd gotten past most of Wily's fortress, and was facing off against the mad doctor. Fortunately, Nightfall had quite teh soft spot for old school gaming and wont he day fairly quickly and wound up back int he living room. The group saw North fighting his way through a beat 'em up. North was fairly beaten up himself, but he was walking away from the defeated final boss with Applejack's game counterpart in tow. The two of them soon joining their friends back in the real world.

Steel was in Street Fighter, and was playing the role of Guile judging by the outfit he had on. He was crouched on the ground as Bison flew at him with a psycho crusher. Only to be met with a flash kick to the face! Steel followed his assault with a sonic boom, and a couple punches and kicks! Sure enough, Steel won and was teleported back to the real world as soon as the credits showed him heading home with Rainbow Dash. "Hey. You think I'll ever get to that point with Dash?"

"Knowing her, it'll be nearly impossible to slow her down THAT much." Nightfall said with a chuckle. "Wonder what Ty's up to in his game?" The group saw Tyrannus fighting his way through Covenant forces in Halo. "Huh. Didn't take him for much of an FPS guy."

Tyrannus had just picked up some ammo as he mowed down some more grunts. However, the Covenant Elites were a bit more trouble. Fortunately, Tyrannus had also picked up an energy sword. Letting him get up close and personal. Mowing down the last of the enemies in his path. Tyrannus then saw Fluttershy's game counterpart in a stasis pod. Tyrannus released her, and saw Discord show up with a warthog that had a functioning turret. "Let's go before this place blows!" Tyrannus got behind the turret, and fired at any enemies that tried to pursue them as the base began to fall apart! The trio made it out, and Tyrannus was about to remove his helmet when he was sent back to the real world. "Oh well." Tyrannus said with a shrug. "Kissing Fluttershy in real life is a lot nicer." Tyrannus had just sat down, and saw Akage making use of his ninja skills in Strider.

Akage was bouncing around as he avoided the bolts of lightning and summoned mech creatures sent his way by the boss! However, Akage's training greatly turned the battle in his favor as he scored the last hit! He then took off on his glider with Pinkie's game counterpart holding onto him. He then fell flat on his face when he returned to the real world. "Gravity. One of the things I can always count on." He grumbled as he got to his feet and joined his friends. Akage then did a quick head count. "Looks like the only ones left are Burst and Inferno. Wonder what games they got sent to?"

"Only one way to find out." Nightfall said as he pointed to the remaining monitors.

Inferno blinked as he took in his surroundings. "Hmm. Wonder what weapons I've got?" Inferno tried attacking, and a key-like sword was summoned. "Huh. Guess I'm in Kingdom Hearts. Well, no sense just standing around. The boss ain't gonna come to me!" Inferno explored the area around him, and sure enough ran into Heartless. "Time to see just how deep the keyblade cuts!" Inferno charged at the Heartless! Cutting down the weaker ones before bashing the tougher ones! "Let's turn up the heat!" Inferno fired a firaga spell from his keyblade! "Sweet!" Inferno then scrolled through his command list. Almost all his commands were fire based. "Time to blaze my way through!" Inferno incinerated all the Heartless in his way before arriving at a clear field and Rarity imprisoned by a ring of flame! It was then that a Heartless that looked like a dragon landed and roared a challenge!

"Alright then. I'd hate to do this to a dragon. But you're the one who's stolen MY treasure!" Inferno charged at the Heartless! Rolling out of the way when a fireball was sent flying at him! He then leaped over the Heartless's tail as it swung at him, and countered ferociously unleashing a flurry of fiery bashes to the Heartless's head! Inferno landed as the Heartless exploded! "Now to-" Inferno was teleported back to the real world before he could get some thanks from Rarity's game counterpart. "Well, at least I took downt he final boss." Inferno said with a shrug. "Hey, what game do you think Burst's wound up in?"

Ty smiled. "Knowing Burst's style, figuratively and literally, I'd say Discord chose..."

Burst looked around his game surroundings, looked at his outfit, and smiled. He then drew his Twin Burst blasters, and spun them around. 'I'm wearing Dante's DMC 3 outfit. Yup. I'm in my favorite game.' "Let's rock baby." As if one cue, a bunch of demons appeared in the street. "Bring it sandbags." Burst opened fire upon the demons! Turning them to dust with a few shots! Burst then holstered his blasters, and drew Bahamut Edge! Cutting down any demons unfortunate enough to get in his way! All the while raking in quite the amount of red orbs. Soon enough, Burst appraoched what looked like a statue of Discord. "Heh. Of course he'd find some way to throw himself in here." Burst approached the statue, and a menu popped up. On it were support items and moves he had yet to purchase. "Hmm. Think I know what I'll purchase." Burst purchased the combat move Stinger and a few Vital Stars. "All set. Now..." Burst looked at the tower before him. "On to the final stage." Burst rushed into the castle! Storming through any demons unfortunate enough to get in his way! Burst soon made his way to the top of the tower, and saw Celestia and Moon's game counterparts trapped by a magic seal. "So what infernal being do I have to take down to save them?"

Discord popped up next to Burst. "Only the most despicable thing to crawl out of the DMC series." Discord said as he pointed to a lone figure materializing from a dark portal.

Burst narrowed his eyes and gripped the handle of Bahamut Edge. "Reboot Dante." Burst said coldly. The infamous reboot version of Dante was about to speak when Burst kicked him in the face! And as the reboot was reeling, Burst then punched him in the face! Right before charging up his blasters and fired! Nothing was left of the infamous reboot character. "You weren't even worth a boss battle." Burst said as he glared at the pile of ash remaining. "Game over." And with that, Burst was returned to the real world, and Discord soon appeared the group. "So. Do we get an end credits sign?"

Discord smiled as he snapped his fingers, and a large "THANK YOU FOR PLAYING" sign appeared over their heads. "Hmm." Discord said as he scratched his chin. "Maybe I should've thrown in a secret ending. Oh well! Pizza time!" And with that, the group proceeded to chill the rest of the day away.

Episode 22: Young at Heart

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Burst yawned as he got out of bed still clad in his pajamas. However, he noticed that Moon was absent from his side this morning. "Wonder what she'd up to?" Burst headed downstairs, and saw Moon on the couch. "Morning Moon." Burst said with a smile as he hugged Moon and kissed her before getting to work on breakfast. "So what's got you occupied this morning?"

"Oh. I asked your parents for some photo albums of you." Moon said with a smile. "I still can't get over how adorable you were as a child."

Burst lightly blushed as he sat down. "Well, you should've seen when I gave Celestia my Optimus Prime plushie. It was the first time I met her, and she was in tears over...well you know why. I also told her my promise. And I didn't even know she was the one I made a promise to."

"That's probably the sweetest and cutest thing I've ever heard." Moon said with a smile as she grabbed a seat. "By the way, Twilight came by earlier. She said she's discovered a new ability of her Harmony Keeper and she'd like you and the guys to help her test it since it's got to do with combat testing."

Burst nodded as he polished off the last of his breakfast. "I'll get ready now." A few minutes later, Burst was changed and headed over to Twilight's library. "Yo Twi! What's up?"

"Burst! You're just in time." Twilight said with an eager smile. "I discovered a new function in my Harmony Keeper, Magic Unbound! I found out about it shortly after my ascension. Watch." Twilight fired up a spell, and then pressed a small gem on the side of her staff! Suddenly, a magic aura exploded around the ornament topping the staff! "This new mode boosts any spell I cast, or spell in progress from another caster! I call it Spell Charge!" Suddenly, Discord literally popped in!

"Hey guys! Wanna relive your childhood?" Discord said with a grin as he snapped his fingers! However, he was unaware that Twilight had accidentally targeted his spell with her spell charge! A cloud of magic covered Burst and the guys! When it faded, the Elements of Heroism were all in one piece. However, their world seemed a bit larger.

"What happened? What's with my voice?!" Nightfall asked as he looked around before he saw Tyrannus. "AH! Ty! Look at yourself!"

Tyrannus blinked as he looked in a nearby mirror, and his eyes went wide. "No way..." The other Elements of Heroism went over to the mirror, and gasped! They'd been turned into little kids!

"Oh man..." Burst said as he looked at his reflection before screaming! "I DON'T WANNA GO THROUGH PUBERTY AGAIN!"

Twilight nervously giggled. "I...think I'll call the girls." Twilight brought each of the girls over, and they all freaked out over how adorable the guys were!

"Awww~!" Fluttershy cooed as she scooped up Tyrannus and placed him on her shoulders! "Oh, I can hardly wait to snuggle with you!" Fluttershy took off faster than anyone thought possible, and promptly began pampering Tyrannus!

Tyrannus smiled. "Well. Now I know how lucky Angel is." And with that, Tyrannus let out a yawn as he curled up against Fluttershy for a nap. "Pampering takes a lot out of a guy..." Fluttershy then covered him with a blanket, and held him tightly as she snuggled him.

"Well squirt." Rainbow Dash said with a smirk as she and Steel were out and about. "What do you feel up to?"

Steel frowned. "You're milking this for all it's worth. Aren't you?" Rainbow Dash nodded, and Steel sighed. "Well. Does Scootaloo have a skateboard we can use?" Steel and Rainbow Dash soon obtained the skateboard, and went to the tallest ramp at the skate park.

"Uh, Steel? You sure about this?" Rainbow Dash asked with worry visible in her tone. "This seems kinda risky. Especially with you being...well, a little kid again."

Steel smirked. "I might be smaller in size..." Steel then pushed off, and rode down the ramp! As soon as he was airborne, he flared his wings, and pulled off three 360s consecutively before landing! "But my style always sticks with me." Rainbow Dash then tussled Steel's hair.

"C'mon. Let's get something sweet." Rainbow Dash and Steel headed to Sugar Cube Corner, and saw Pinkie having fun baking with Akage. The two were covered in frosting and flour. "Looks like we're not the only ones having fun." Pinkie and Akage just smiled as they brought out the cookies they'd made.

At the same time, Fang had curled up with his tail against him back at his home. Aria couldn't help but smile as she pet him before falling asleep next to him. Venus in the meantime had made a flower tiara for Adagio. Which she responded to by kissing him on the forehead. Back at Ace, Ice, and Shadow's house, Sonata was busy having a movie marathon with the three siblings. She couldn't help but smile as she held Ace close and use him as a teddy bear when she eventually fell asleep. The three siblings following suit as soon as they turned the TV off.

"So...how long is the spell gonna last Twilight?" Nightfall asked as he tugged on Twilight's arm.

Twilight sighed. "Fortunately, it'll only last a day." She then smiled at Nightfall. "In the meantime, would you like me to read to you?" Nightfall and Spike nodded excitedly. "Perfect!" And with that, the three bookworms went to staisfy their story cravings.

Inferno blinked as he took in the world form his new stature. "Huh. Everything seems so much bigger when you're a kid."

"Well, you still stand tall in my book darling." Rarity said with a smile. "In fact..." Rarity then put Inferno on her shoulders. "I'd say you're king of the world!"

Inferno smiled. "Well, somethings never change in size." He then nuzzled against Rarity. "You're heart's the biggest I've seen." Rarity just smiled as they continued their stroll. North in the meantime had fallen asleep on Applejack's back as she returned to Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack couldn't help but smile as she rested North on the couch.

"Sleep tight sugarcube." Applejack said with a smile as she left an apple on the table for North before continuing with her work for the day.

Back at Burst's house, Burst was busy playing with his 3DS while Moon looked at him. Burst noticed her staring, and paused his game. "Moon? What's up? You're staring at me like something's weird."

"Oh? Sorry." Moon said as she shook her head. "It's just...I can't get over how cute you are right now!" Moon then scooped Burst up into a tight hug. "I can't help but want to snuggle you! Just wait until Celestia sees you!"

Burst smiled as he looked up at Moon. "Can we visit her please? But first, I need to make something and get a little something first." Burst dashed off, and soon returned with a carboard sign and a toy lightsaber in hand. "I'm ready!"

Moon smiled as she hoisted Burst onto her back and she sped off to Canterlot. She was quickly escorted to the throne room. "Celestia. I think I've found a good body guard for you." Moon said with a smile as Burst stepped forth. Celestia's heart was still when she saw Burst turned into his kid state. "I think you're quite familiar with him."

Burst beamed at Celestia, and presented the sign he was carrying. It said "Will Protect Celestia for Snuggles." Burst blinked as he saw Celestia stand completely still before him. "Tia? Did I do something wrong."

Celestia immediately scooped Burst into her arms and nuzzled him! "Soooo cute!" Celestia squealed with joy! "Oh, I just don't want to let go of you!"

"Hey!" Moon snapped. "You don't get to have him all to yourself! I need some time with Burst too!" Moon then grabbed onto one of Burst's arms. "My turn."

Celestia frowned. "No! My time's not up yet!"

"Mine!" Moon spat as she and Celestia let go of Burst!

Celestia got up in Moon's face! "No! Mine!" The two were about to come to blows when they felt something tug on their sleeves. They saw Burst tearing up a bit.

"Please. Don't fight." Burst pleaded. "I just want to make both of you happy." Celestia and Moon melted at seeing Burst tearing up, and both hugged him. Burst smiled as he returned the hug. Or at least, as much as his child form would allow him to. Burst's stomach then grumbled. "Gee. Kinda forgot it was close to lunch."

Celestia giggled warmly. "Come on. I was about to break for lunch anyway. And I'd love to have you two for company." Celestia lead Burst and Moon to a dining hall. Burst immediately grabbed a burger and some fries and happily munched away. Both Celestia and Moon couldn't help but smile at how happy Burst was.

"Don't eat so fast." Moon said with a giggle. "You still need room for dessert don't you?"

Burst snapped his head in Moon's direction. "...What did you have in mind?"

"Uh-uh!" Moon said as she wagged her finger in front of Burst. "It's a surprise."

Burst scratched his head in thought. "Hmm. Is it a cake?"

"No. But it is sweet." Celestia said with a smile.

Burst frowned. "C'mon! I've almost cleaned my plate, and my stomach's only half full!"

"Alright, alright." Celestia then snapped her fingers. And the waiters brought out the biggest ice cream sundae Burst ever saw. "Do you like it?"

Burst stood up, and jumped right into the sundae! Eating his way out! However, he noticed he'd made a bit of a mess. Celestia and Moon being caught as casualties. "Sorry..." Burst said as he lowered his head in shame. Only to be met with Celestia and Moon hugging him and nuzzling his cheeks. "Heh heh! Stop! That tickles!" Sure enough, Burst began to yawn as the day drew closer to its end.

"Looks like our little hero's had quite the adventure." Moon said with a smile.

Burst rubbed his eyes. "I'm...not tired..."

"Sorry Burst. But even heroes need to sleep." Celestia said with a loving smile as she saw Burst let out another yawn before starting to nod-off. Taking the chance to scoop him up into her arms. "It was fun seeing him like this. He's been reverted to a child, but he hasn't changed a bit."

Moon smiled when she saw Burst slumbering peacefully in Celestia's arms. "That's because he's never truly gotten older. He's always young at heart." Moon flew Burst home, and tucked him in. "Sweet dreams my precious light." Moon kissed Burst goodnight on the forehead before heading to the house's guest room. Only to find Burst standing in her doorway. "Burst? What's wrong?"

Burst readied the toy lightsaber he was carrying. "Can't leave you alone." He mumbled. "Need to keep you safe."

Moon smiled. "Well then. Looks like you'll be guarding me tonight. You might as well do it from where it's comfier." She then patted a spot on the bed. Burst slowly shuffled over, but dropped the lightsaber and fell asleep shortly as Moon hummed a lullaby to him. Moon soon fell asleep herself. The next morning came, and Moon saw Burst had returned to his true form. 'All the same. He looks so cute when slumbering.' Moon gently nudged Burst awake.

Burst smiled as he stretched. "Hope Twilight didn't chew-out Discord too badly." The first thing on Burst's agenda was gathering the guys. Sure enough, Discord appeared before them.

"Guys. I can't stress how sorry I am. I really didn't-" Discord began before Burst raised his hand for silence.

"Dude. You've got nothing to apologize for. We're not mad." Burst said. "Besides. It was kinda fun being a kid again. You always know how to escalate our hangouts! So what were you planning on next time?"

Discord blinked before smiling and scooping the Elements of Heroism into a group hug. "I've found my people!" Discord's smile shrank, but grew in terms on sincerity. "Thanks. For being my first real friends."

Episode 23: Learning True Love

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Narico was sweating. This was probably the biggest moment of his life. And he was terrified as he looked in the mirror. "Fang?"

"Yeah?" Fang asked. "What's up Narico?"

Narico gulped. "Have you...ever gone out with a girl?"

"Not really, but I know what it means to get close to a girl." Fang said as he scratched his chin. "Why?"

"I...have a date." Narico said nervously. "And it's my first one."

Fang grinned as he patted his adopted little brother on the back! "Looks like you're growing up to match your body!"

"This isn't funny!" Narico panicked! "I've never been in love before, and now I am! What do I do?! Where should our first date be?!" Narico gripped his head as he fell on his back. "AGH!" Narico let out a sigh. "You think any of the other guys can give me some pointers?"

Fang nodded. "I'll call up Burst, Inferno, Steel, Ty, Akage, Ice, and North." Fang called up the guys, and they soon gathered around Narico.

"Well, we've got some advice that never fails." Burst said with a smile.

Narico buzzed his wings happily! "Great! What is it?"

"JUST BE YOU." The guys all said at once.

Narico blinked. And he immediately facepalmed. "Why didn't I just think of that sooner?!" Narico then shrugged. "Well, I might as well see if Abyss is free tonight." Narico walked over to the house Abyss was renting, and knocked on the door. "Uh, hi Abyss!"

"Such a pleasure to see you again Narico." Abyss said with a smile. "So? Care to finally take me up on my offer?"

Narico nodded. "Y-Yeah! See you tonight!"

"Oh, and Narico?"

Narico gulped. "Yes?" He then blushed when Abyss kissed him on the forehead!

"You're cute when you're nervous." Abyss said with a giggle before heading back inside.

Narico clutched his chest! His heart was racing! Not even when he ran away from the hive had it been beating this fast! "No one told me true love was so scary!" Narico said as he tried to calm himself. "Okay. Deep breaths Narico. Phase 1 is complete. Now for Phase 2. Actually showing up for the date." Narico returned home, and tried to stay in a calm state of mind. It didn't last.

"Oh man." Fang said as he watched Narico pacing back and forth in the kitchen. "There's gotta be some way to snap him out of it."

Aria put down her water. "Give me a sec." Aria walked up to Narico, and lightly bonked Narico on the head. "Two words. Calm. Down."

"Sorry." Narico said with a nod. "This is the first time I've ever felt in love. And I feel like the whole world's made of glass!"

Aria sighed. "Listen Narico. I'm no expert in relationships. But in the countless years I've been alive, I know this. When love's real, it's everything at once. Scary. Happy. Nervous. Confused. And it's never easy." Aria then gave Narico a small smile. "But that means it's worth holding on to." Aria then shook her head. "Wow. Never thought I'd hear those words coming out of my mouth." She then looked to Fang, and her smile returned. "But I guess a lot of unexpected things have happened in my life."

"Thanks. I think I needed that." Narico said with a sigh of relief. He then looked at the time. "Well, here goes nothing!" And with that, Narico headed to Abyss's house and knocked on the door. "Hope I'm not too early."

Abyss smirked. "You certainly look more composed. However, I wouldn't mind you falling apart in my arms." Abyss said with a wink as she led Narico inside. "So how did you come to live here anyway?"

"Well, it's a bit of a long story." Narico said with a chuckle. "It all started when I ran away from the hive..." And with that, Narico recounted the events that had led him to his new home, and new family. As well as all the events that had transpired since his arrival. "So, yeah. Life's been anything but dull so far."

Abyss smiled. "Hearing all of that kind of makes you appreciate moments to slow down, doesn't it?"

"Moments...like this." Narico said as he put his hand over Abyss's. "You know, I never thought I'd know what love is."

Abyss smiled as she took hold of Narico's hand. "I'd say you do now." Abyss then leaned leaned over the table. "Time to show you what I've learned as well...." Abyss then pulled Narico into a kiss. It felt like an hour passed, but only a moment had gone by. "Always make sure to surprise your love with a kiss."

"....I think I'll pass on dessert." Narico said with a smile. Abyss just giggled as they resumed dining. "Thanks for tonight. It was pretty sweet."

Abyss smiled. "Much like you are." Abyss then kissed Narico again. "I'll be dreaming about you. I know it."

"Me too." Narico said with a blush as he returned home. Smiling as he slept. Both he and Abyss dreaming of each other.

Episode 24: Heart of Fire

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"Spike!" Twilight called out! "C'mon! Wake up! We don't want to be late for the train!"

Spike groaned as he woke up. He'd gotten used to his bigger body, and yet Twilight still woke him up like she was his older sister. "Nnnnhhh.... I'm up. I'm up."

"Great! Isn't this exciting? You were chosen to light the torch at the Equestria Games!" Twilight cheered. "And to top it all off, the games are being held at the Crystal Empire!"

Spike's eyes immediately snapped wide open. "Yeah....great." Soon enough, Spike, the Main 6, and the Elements of Heroism were soon aboard the train. All the while, Spike's mind flashed back to the return of the Crystal Empire. He remembered seeing all the elements work together to fight the Umbrum. Twilight tossing the Crystal Heart to him, and him running to the pedestal. All the while Burst was covering him. And even when Spike had placed the Crystal Heart back on its pedestal, Burst was the one who destroyed the Umbrum. Spike sighed. 'Can they really call me a hero when I barely did a thing?' Sure enough, the group arrived in the Crystal Empire and headed for the stadium where the Equestria Games were being held. Spike managed to light the torch no problem, but it felt so empty when he considered how loudly everyone cheered for him. Only furthering the emptiness was the hollow smile Spike gave as he rejoined his friends. As the opening ceremonies went underway, Spike decided to head outside for some fresh air. Trying to clear his head and wonder if he was even worth all the praise and adoration directed at him. However, his departure hadn't gone unnoticed.

"You feeling alright?" Burst asked as he sat down next to Spike.

Spike nearly jumped when Burst approached him! "Y-Yeah! No problem!"

"Spike. Don't lie to yourself." Burst said as he shook his head. "I can tell something's got you down. Especially since we're in the place where you're pretty much a legend."

Spike sighed. "Guess you wouldn't be much of a good leader if you didn't pay attention to your team, huh?" Spike looked at what he could see of the Crystal Empire. "This whole place disappeared, and were stuck with memories of torment. Then we all show up, and all I do is place the Crystal Heart back on its pedestal. And everyone here calls me 'brave' or 'stupendous.' Heh." Spike let out a sad chuckle. "But you and everyone else?" Spike then looked up at Burst. "All of you fought off the Umbrum. Burst, YOU destroyed the Umbrum." Spike's head slumped in shame. "Compared to you, I did nothing." Spike then felt Burst put a hand on his shoulder.

"You're wrong Spike." Burst said. "True. I destroyed the Umbrum. But I wouldn't have been able to deal with them as safely as I did if YOU hadn't gotten the Crystal Heart back to its pedestal. If you hadn't, a lot more people might've been hurt. Just because you didn't do as much as us, it doesn't make your role in the Umbrum's destruction any less vital. All because you were dedicated to the people you consider your family." Burst then rose. His trademark smile across his face. "You don't have to do grand acts to be a hero Spike. Sometimes it's the simplest things that can change a person's world. I should know." Burst then smiled as he recalled the night he gave Celestia his Optimus Prime plushie. "I've got two people who I've made incredibly happy just by doing something others would consider insignificant."

Spike smiled. "Thanks Burst. I needed that." Spike then got up. "Well, might as well enjoy the games." The two then returned to their seats, and cheered on their favorite teams as the games began! Sure enough, the Equestria Games drew to a close. Leading to the closing fireworks show. However, one of the fireworks misfired and brought down a part of the ceiling! Spike immediately jumped into action! He summoned his arm cannon, Jadefire, and fired a stream of energy! Blasting away all the falling debris! Spike soon landed, and saw the whole stadium cheering for him! Spike then smiled. 'You really knew what you were talking about Burst.' Spike thought to himself. 'Because if I didn't feel like I earned the Crystal Empire's praise before, I feel like I have now.'

Episode 25: Finale Part 1-The Ultimate Enemy! Burst Stream Defeated?!

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Aether was enjoying his home as he thought of how far his son Burst Stream had come. 'His time has almost come.' Aether then sensed his son's power, but he caught onto another powerful energy. And it made him narrow his eyes as he recognized it. "So he's escaped." Aether immediately began writing to Princess Celestia! "I just hope they can take care of him before he's able to do anything drastic." Aether sent his letter to the princess immediately! "I'll need to speak to Burst upon his debriefing." Aether stared out the window. His steeled gaze holding. "Well Burst. This is your final test." He then sighed. "I just hope you go through with what it requires."

About an hour later, Burst and Twilight arrived at Canterlot Castle. "We came as soon as we could." Twilight said as she and Burst entered the throne room. Celestia was waiting for them. "What's the emergency?"

"An old foe has escaped from Tartarus." Celestia said as she showed Burst and Twilight another stained glass window showing part of Equestria's history. "Long ago, there were two brothers. Tirek and Scorpan. Both came to our lands in order to obtain magic. Tirek wished to use this magic in order to claim dominion over the world. However, Scorpan came to accept the gifts of friendship that we had to offer. He desperately tried to convince his brother to abandon his ambitions." Celestia sighed. "But Tirek refused. So he was imprisoned in Tartarus." Celestia then looked at Burst. "Your father was the one who finally kicked him into that prison."

Burst steeled his gaze. "And now he's come back to try and finish what he started. No problem. With all of us together, we could-" Burst was silenced when Celestia raised her hand.

"I'm sorry you two. But I've already appointed someone to capture Tirek and return him to Tartarus." Celestia said calmly. "Discord will handle this mission."

Twilight sighed. "Well, if you feel that's best Prin- Celestia." Both Burst and Twilight bowed and began to leave, but Celestia stopped Burst.

"Before you leave, your father wanted to speak with you at your old home." Celestia said. "He said it was urgent."

Burst nodded. "Thanks Celestia." Burst then hugged Celestia tightly. "If anything goes wrong, if either you and Moon get into trouble, I'll be there in an instant." Burst soon broke the hug, and returned to his old home. His mother Lumina letting him in. "You wanted to see me Dad?"

"Yes." Aether nodded. "It concerns what Celestia's told you of Tirek."

"You were the one who landed the final blow kicking him into Tartarus." Burst stated. "From the looks of things, you're worried he'll come after me and Mom, right?"

"That's part of the reason. Tirek was one of the most powerful opponents Equestria's ever seen." Aether took a deep breath. "What makes him most dangerous is that he can drain someone of their magic, and use it to strengthen himself. Which brings me to why I've asked you to come here." Aether looked Burst right in the eye. "There's something I must ask of you in order to ensure that Tirek doesn't sap you of your magic."

Burst nodded. "Name it. Anything."

"I'm not so sure you'll be willing to do this." Aether said with a sigh. "Burst. I need you to seal your power. You, and all your friends as well."

Burst immediately froze in place at hearing this. "I...I need to process this." Burst stepped outside, and flew onto a cloud. 'Seal my power? Why? Right now, I'm at my most useful. If things go bad, the combined strength of me, the guys, and Twilight and the girls would make short work of Tirek! He'd be history!' Burst's musings then took a turn when he considered what might happen if he should fail. 'If I fail...then Tirek gets my magic. And that would let him cause more terror. Hurt more people. And...it would be my fault. Because I didn't think about what might happen if I couldn't beat him.' Burst sighed. 'I knew I'd have to make a hard call. Every leader has to. And there's only one right move I can make with this in mind.' Burst flew back down to his old home, and approached his father Aether. "Dad. I'm ready to seal my power."

"Alright then." Aether said with a nod. "I know doing this isn't easy for you. But trust me. This is ultimately for the best."

Burst nodded. "So how is me and my friends' power going to be sealed anyway?"

"With this." Aether said as he pulled out an old scroll. "This scroll is a group spell that can seal away the power of all who are targeted by it. You and your friends need to channel your magic together, then cast the spell."

"Thanks Dad." Burst said as he took the scroll. "And you're right. This is probably the hardest call I've had to make in my life." Burst then took off for Ponyville. 'I just hope the guys can make the same call...' Burst soon landed in Ponyville, and texted the other Elements of Heroism. They arrived almost immediately.

"We got your message Burst!" Inferno said as he landed! "What's so urgent?"

Burst sighed. "Celestia told me about an escaped prisoner from Tartarus. He's called Tirek. Before he was imprisoned, he wanted to drain people of their magic in order to further strengthen himself. Celestia's already tasked Discord with capturing Tirek. But if worst comes to worst, there's a backup plan my dad came up with since he kicked Tirek's face in to finally cast him down to Tartarus. I wouldn't ask any of you to do something I wouldn't."

"We're with you all the way Burst." Steel said with a nod.

"Just tell us what we have to do." Tyrannus chimed in.

"You might regret saying that." Burst said sadly. "We can't risk Tirek getting our power, which is why my dad gave me this spell." Burst pulled the scroll out of his coat pocket. "This is a group spell that will seal our power by all of us channeling our magic together. But...doing this means we're gonna be seriously de-powered. And I know a lot of you are probably at odds about this. Trust me. I tore me up inside too. But I'm asking all of you to think of what might happen if we can't win against Tirek. Could any of us live with ourselves if we knew we could have prevented a hyper-powered villain running around wreaking havoc? From hurting the people we love?" Burst clenched his fist. "But if none of you are going to agree with this, then I'll do it alone."

Ice walked up to Burst. "Part of my mind's calling me a coward for doing this, but I'm not risking Indigo Zap's life for the sake of my ego."

"I'm in too." Ace chimed in. "Better safe than sorry."

"You haven't steered us wrong before Burst. And you've usually been right in making the tough calls." Inferno said with a smile. "You trust us, and we trust you too. I'm always with you." The rest of the Elements of Heroism gathered.

Burst breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you. All of you. Now we've gotta link hands and focus our magic." The Elements of Heroism joined hands, and channeled all their magic! It took the form of a concentrated ball of magic. "Now to seal it." Burst cast the spell, and the ball of magic vanished. "I just hope Discord succeeds."

"Somebody say my name?" Discord asked as he poofed into existence before them. "Twilight and the girls just wished me luck before I was about to head off on a mission straight from Celestia. So? Care to guess what it is?"

Tyrannus smiled. "Capturing Tirek?"

"Oh. Someone spoiled it. No matter!" Discord said with a shrug. "Well, I'm off! Sorry to leave you out of the action!" And with that, Discord teleported away! At the same time, Celestia crafted her own backup plan should things get dire.

Meanwhile, Discord had finally gotten a fix on Tirek. He had just spotted Tirek draining the magic from a Magi. "Not so fast buster!" Discord said as he landed behind Tirek. "Can't have you running amok wrecking everyone's day."

"Discord?" Tirek said in confusion. The escaped centaur dropped his prey, and walked over to the spirit of chaos. "I see you've taken to becoming a pet of the princesses."

Discord frowned. "I'm no one's pet." Discord briefly flared his chaos power. "Don't tempt me to rough you up."

"Calm yourself. I know when I'm beaten." Tirek said with a dismissive wave. "But before you take me in, there is something I must ask. Don't you miss it? The whole world being your personal playground? Everyone knowing you were the boss? Join me. And your former glory shall be ushered in a glorious, chaotic wave!"

Discord stood completely still for a minute before answering. "...No."

"WHAT?!" Tirek screamed. "What...what do you mean no?"

Discord chuckled. "Easy. I mean I'm not interested." Discord looked right at Tirek with a smug smile. "Let me tell you this Tirek. It's lonely at the top. Besides, I learned something from a friend of mine. Every action has a price. And I'm not going to pay for your offer."

"So be it." Tirek said with a sigh. "But please. At least accept this token of my surrender." Tirek pulled out an amulet from the folds of his cloak. "It was my brother's. I resign it as a sign of my defeat."

Discord nodded. "Glad you're making this easy." However, once Discord slipped on the amulet, he found that he couldn't teleport.

"You've got that right. My brother enchanted that amulet with order magic. From what I hear, it's quite problematic to beings of chaos." Tirek said with a sneer as he leaped onto Discord and sucked his magic out! Tirek's decrepit old body changing to a younger state! "Ahhhh! Now THIS is a jump-start!" Tirek then looked down at Discord. The chaos spirit's eyes looking faded. "It seems you accepted the worthless gifts my brother had. That amulet suits you considering how worthless you both are. But I'm not done with you yet." Tirek then opened a portal leading to another city. "I want you to watch as I tear the world you've come to love to the ground." Discord could only stare in horror as Tirek swept across Equestria. Draining the magic of any caught in his path.

Meanwhile, Celestia sensed Discord's defeat and summoned Moon and Cadence to the castle. As well as Twilight. "I'm glad all of you could come." Celestia said with a sigh of relief. "It appears Discord has been beaten by Tirek. However, there is a way to ensure that Tirek does not prevail."

"Name it Celestia." Twilight begged. "I'll do whatever it takes."

Celestia took a deep breath before steeling her gaze. "We must rid ourselves of our magic." Twilight was in total shock at this! Celestia sighed. "Don't worry Twilight. Magic cannot die. But it can be transferred. And I can think of no one better to transfer our magic to than you."

"But...but....I-" Twilight began. She then felt Moon put a hand on her shoulder.

"This isn't the first time you've found yourself being told to do what others would deem impossible." Moon said. "And you've triumphed every time. I should know." Moon gave Twilight a small smile. "You bested me didn't you?"

Twilight regained her composure, and took a deep breath. "I'm ready." Celestia, Luna, Moon, and Cadence channeled all their magic into Twilight! When the process was done, the princesses looked drained. "I'll be sure to keep your magic safe! I won't let you down!" Twilight immediately took flight back to Ponyville, and Burst noticed her.

"Twilight? Are you alright?" Burst asked. He then sensed the magic within Twilight, and recoiled! "What the heck happened to you?! It's like you've got all the Avatar magic in Equestria!"

"I do." Twilight said with a small nod. "The princesses gave it to me because Tirek somehow beat Discord. I don't know what's going to happen next, but I have to keep this magic safe while the princesses come up with a plan! They still in Canterlot and-" Twilight was cut off when she felt something speed past her! She then saw Burst flying full speed towards Canterlot! "I hope he comes back okay."

At that time, Burst was flying like he had nothing to lose! Fortunately, there was nothing in his path as he rocketed towards Canterlot as fast as his wings could carry him! Burst soon landed, and was escorted to the throne room. Shining Armor had just finished holding Cadence close. Burst then ran to Celestia and Moon, and held them tightly. "I heard about what happened." Burst then tightened his embrace. "There's no way I'm leaving you on your own while you're like this."

"Burst." Celestia said in a soothing tone. "It's going to be fine." She then closed her eyes as she put her arms around Burst. "But....having you here makes me feel better."

Moon let out a heavy sigh as she nuzzled against Burst. "Don't you dare hold back when the time comes."

"Trust me." Burst said as he released his hold on his beloved goddesses. "I'm not going to back down. Even if it breaks every bone in my body."

Meanwhile, Shining Armor was standing guard in the courtyard. Just when Discord was thrown from a portal! "Discord!" Shining Armor ran to Discord, and saw the drained state of the spirit of chaos.

"Run...." Discord pleaded weakly. "He's...not far behind..." Discord's eyes widened with horror when Tirek stepped through the portal, and grabbed Shining Armor! Sucking out the magic from the Captain of the Guard!

"Now then." Tirek said with a sneer. "Who's next?" Tirek essentially walked though all the guards who tried to take him on! Sucking out their magic as they came at him! Nothing stood in his way as he approached the throne room. When he arrived, he saw princesses. But before he could advance any farther, he felt something cut across his face! Tirek felt around, and saw a small amount of blood on his figner tips. He then looked down, and saw Burst with Bahamut Edge drawn. "Well, well. Another fool who thinks he can hold his own against me." Tirek sneered as he tried to backhand Burst! But Burst jumped back! "It appears you have more fight than those pathetic guards I dealt with. However..." Tirek stomped the ground! Causing a mini-quake and disrupting Burst's footing! Tirek then swatted Burst into a nearby wall and made his way to the princesses! "Now to take what's mine!" Tirek picked up Celestia, and tried to drain her magic! Only to found she had none to be stolen! "What is this?!" Tirek tried again, but was met with the same result and Celestia's defiant smirk! "WHERE IS YOUR MAGIC?!"

"Somewhere you won't get your claws on it..." Burst spat as he popped himself out of the crater. A weak smirk on full display. "You had a backup plan. Did you really think they wouldn't?"

Tirek scowled. "You're starting to vex me boy. And you're about to learn what happens to those who do so."

"The name's Burst Stream. And I'm more than man enough to handle you!" Burst shouted as he charged at Tirek! Drawing one of his Twin Burst blasters as he mounted a final charge! Burst hit Tirek in the face with a charged shot, and followed with strikes from his sword! But Tirek raised his arms to block each time Burst slashed! Bahamut Edge barely got in little more than shallow cuts due to Tirek's enhanced durability! That coupled with Burst's severely limited strength due to him sealing away his power made it a fight that wouldn't last long. For Burst was starting to tire. A sight Tirek had been waiting for, and one Celestia and Moon froze in horror at. Burst had leaped into the air, but was punched into the ground by Tirek!

"Your spirit is quite strong." Tirek said with a sneer. "But that means nothing if your body's a wreck. WHAT?!" Tirek stood in shock as Burst lift his head from the crater he'd been punched into! Defiance blazing in his eyes! And then, Tirek's memory clicked. He'd seen this same defiance once before. Right before he was cast into Tartarus. "Those eyes..."Tirek growled as he saw Burst slowly crawled out of the crater! Tirek then scowled. "I see it now. I recognize your blood." Tirek then advanced toward Burst Stream, and raised his fist! Burst raised Bahamut Edge, and blocked the collision! But the force of the impact brought Burst to his knees!

"AAAGH!" Burst screamed as the impact surged through him! But Burst refused to drop his guard! Tirek simply snorted, and brought his fist down again! Burst continuing to block as he knees started to give out. But that was not the only thing that started to give way. Tirek raised both his fists, and brought them down hard on Bahamut Edge! And the unthinkable happened. The blade of Bahamut Edge shattered. And as it broke, Burst fell face-down in the crater. However, Burst had barely lifted his head when Tirek grabbed him by the head and seemed to inspect him.

"You are the son of Aether." Tirek said with a scowl. "The same fool who cast me into the bowels of Tartarus. How fitting that the son shall pay for the actions of the father. Aether is immortal. But I can sense that you are not." Tirek then changes his hold that he held Burst in his grasp. Burst's defiant gaze still holding. Tirek sneered. "It would be so easy to simply snuff out your life right now. But no. You shall know suffering." Tirek then noticed the terrified looks on the princesses. Especially the terrified looks on Celestia and Moon's faces. A wicked smile then spread across Tirek's face. "Watch." Tirek used his free hand to levitate all the princesses! "Give Cerberus my regards!" Tirek then threw the princesses into Tartarus, and Burst's eyes widened in shock and horror! "Ironic. You are the Element of Power according to the stories people tell of you. And yet here you are. Powerless to save those you love." Tirek then threw Burst into the throne! Toppling it! He then teleported Discord to him, and Discord's jaw dropped when he saw how badly beaten Burst was! Tirek then noticed the stained glass window of Twilight's ascension. "Is this supposed to be humorous?"

"It's no joke." Discord said weakly as he glared at Tirek.

Tirek frowned. "Then maybe you can enlighten me as to who this new princess is, and where she resides."

Discord scowled, and punched Tirek as hard as he could! But it did little good. "Heh. Guess it works well for Burst and not me." Discord was then pinned by Tirek!

"Perhaps I should finished what I began with him." Tirek menaced. "However, if you tell me what I want to know, I suppose I could forget about that insolent brat."

Discord lowered his head in shame. "Princess Twilight Sparkle lives in Ponyville. In a library tree."

"Not for long..." Tirek said with a sneer as he took hold of Discord, and left for Ponyville.

Back at the throne room, Burst had just risen from where he'd been thrown. He made his way to what was left of Bahamut Edge. Duelist Arms in their final forms were indestructible. Which explained why only his blasters were still functional. Burst fell to his knees as he stared at Bahamut Edge's remains, and tears began to dot the shattered blade. "AAUUUUGHH!" Burst screamed as he slammed his fist into the crater! "DAMMIT!" Burst began to weep as the gravity of the situation sank in. "I shouldn't have sealed away my power! If I hadn't...if I hadn't...." Burst struggled to keep his voice together, but his tears stopped flowing when he saw the spirit of Blue-Eyes project from the handle and hilt of Bahamut Edge's remains.

"If you hadn't, then Tirek would now be even stronger." Blue-Eyes said. "And who knows what havoc he could wreak with power like yours at his disposal. But he doesn't. Because you thought of the needs of others before your own. Rise Burst. the fight isn't over yet. And the time has come. The time for our awakening. The time to unleash your power is now! Take hold of the handle, and release your portion of the power sealed away!" Burst slowly grabbed the handle of Bahamut Edge. "Now. Focus the power into the weapon. Let it flow through you. "

Burst slowly closed his eyes. He saw the orb of magic that was his and the guys, and reached out. A stream of magic shot forth back into Burst, and he focused on the image of Bahamut Edge's handle! Back in the real world, the handle of Bahamut Edge glowed with a blinding light! As the light burned, the handle began to shift and change! When the light faded, the handle was largely the same. But this time, there was a button on the side. And the hilt looked more like a dragon. However, the mouth was open this time. Burst pressed the button on the handle, and his face was illuminated with a blue glow and a buzzing sound filled the room.


Episode 26: Finale Part 2-Final Battle! Rock the Dragon Burst Stream!

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Twilight had just left Ponyville to keep her friends out of the coming battle. However, Inferno and the remaining Elements of Heroism had summoned their Duelist Arms. "Burst's not come back yet." Inferno began as he readied his Duelist Arms. "And from what we've heard from Twilight, Tirek's beaten Discord and he's willing to scour the world to gain avatar magic. I don't know what sort of power we're going up against. But if we make our last stand, we'll make it here. I know none of us are at top strength. So if anyone wants to back out now, do so." Inferno saw all of the others rooted in place. "Then it looks like we're ready." The Elements of Heroism then met up with their respective girlfriends. It was then that Tirek made his presence known.

"So. This is where Princess Twilight resides." Tirek said with a sneer. He then saw the remaining Elements of Heroism readying their Duelist Arms. "Well. It appears there are more fools who wish to try and halt me." Tirek then threw Discord at them, but Tyrannus caught them. "Here. He's no longer any use to me." Tirek then cracked his knuckles. "This should be most amusing."

Inferno steeled his gaze as he led the Elements of Heroism in a charge against Tirek! "LET'S GO UGLY!" Tirek sneered, an proceeded to beat the Elements of Heroism as they came at him! While their Duelist Arms were able to do some damage, it wasn't enough. The battle, if it could be called such, was over in almost a matter of mere minutes. It took the remaining Main 6 offering their magic for the Elements of Heroism to be spared. However, Tirek then imprisoned the remaining Main 6 and Discord. Inferno slowly rose using his sword to prop himself up. "That's it. I'm unsealing my power!"

"Inferno, are you crazy?!" Ace scolded! "Even if all of us DID unseal our power, who's to say we would win? Tirek's absorbed almost all the magic in Equestria!"

"I DON'T NEED TO WIN!" Inferno shouted! All the guys could see the fire raging in his eyes! "I just need to get in one good punch. Burst wouldn't go down without putting everything into one last hit! And I'm gonna do the same!" Inferno focused on his sealed magic, and undid the seal on it. "But I'm gonna wait to pull off my last attack. The rest of you should keep your magic sealed." Inferno then looked to Akage. "Akage. You're the stealth expert of our team. I need you to keep tabs on Tirek's path."

"Wait!" Nightfall said as he pulled out a series of watch-like devices. "I made these so we can keep in touch. I finished them just a week ago." Nightfall then handed a communicator to each of the present Elements of Heroism. "The only one we've got left is Burst's. But...he's not here."

Inferno smirked. "I wouldn't worry. Something tells me we'll be seeing him soon. Whenever things get really bad, that's usually when he shows up to make things right." With that, Akage then left to keep tabs on Tirek.

At the same time, Twilight was reflecting on all the events that had transpired as she gazed at the Castle of the Two Sisters. Discord being neutralized, the princesses givng her their magic, and Burst rushing off to protect the princesses. Twilight sighed. "All my friends have gotten dragged into this. And all I wanted was to keep them out of it."

"PRINCESS TWILIGHT!" Tirek boomed as he made his presence known! "Surrender your magic to me!"

Twilight promptly teleported away, and fired a blast of magic from behind Tirek! "Never!" Twilight then teleported away, but Tirek gave pursuit! Their battle raged across the countryside! The two combatants were equal in terms of power! Their clash soon took them to Ponyville. However, a blast of magic from Tirek destroyed Twilight's library! "MY LIBRARY!" Twilight cried out as she saw her library decimated. Twilight then decided to move the battle away from Ponyville. 'I can't let anyone else get hurt. I've lost my home. I can't lose my friends!' Twilight flew to the outskirts, and continued her battle there!

"It seems we're at an impasse." Tirek stated. A smirk then crossed his face. "Which brings me to an interesting proposition."

Twilight scowled. "What could you possibly have that I could want?"

"A trade." Tirek said smugly as he brought forth the bubbles containing Discord and the rest of the Main 6! "All the avatar magic for your friends. I believe that's fai-ARGH!" Tirek clutched his face as a blast of energy hit it!

Twilight's jaw dropped when she saw Inferno calmly strolling up to her. Smoke billowing from his Blackfire blaster. "Mind if I make a counter-offer?" Inferno quipped as he broke into a run and kept firing charged shots at Tirek's face! "LET'S SEE HOW YOU HANDLE ROUND 2!" Inferno took to the air just as Tirek stomped the ground! Narrowly avoiding the column of rock speeding towards him! Inferno continued his charge shot assault! However, Tirek had enough of Inferno peppering his face, and swatted him to the side before grabbing him!

"You would not be the first insect to vex me today." Tirek growled as he tightened his grip! "You're no Burst Stream. But you've succeeded in annoying me just as much as he did!" Tirek then sensed Inferno's magic, and sneered. "Ah! So THAT'S why you were so easy to swat earlier! You sealed away your magic! Clever. If only you had kept it hidden." Tirek's jaw unhinged as he began to suck Inferno's magic! However, this was what Inferno was waiting for!

"Hope you're a heat junkie!" Inferno spat as he set his magic ablaze! Burning Tirek's throat and breaking his concentration on the bubbles! Twilight used her magic to catch her friends and Discord while Inferno continued firing charged shots at Tirek's face! "YOU WANT A PIECE OF ME?! YOU WANT A PIECE?!"

Tirek growled as he used his magic to heal his scorched throat, and glared at Inferno. "No. I want you in pieces!" Tirek threw Inferno the the ground! Leaving a crate upon impact! Tirek was about to bring Inferno to an end, but Twilight stopped him!

"WAIT!" Twilight protested! "You win. I'll give you the magic. Just...don't hurt my friends."

Tirek sneered. "It seems you are sensible after all." Tirek's jaw unhinged as he drained the avatar magic from Twilight! "Yes...YES....YES!" Tirek howled with mad laughter! "AH HAHA HAHA HA! NOW I AM UNSTOPPABLE! NOTHING WILL STAND IN MY WAY! NOTHI-?!" Tirek stopped his tyrannical monologue when he felt something go through his arm! Tirek then looked at his right arm, and saw it falling to the ground. The wound had been completely cuaterized from where it was cut! "YEEAARRRGHHH!" Tirek screamed as he clutched the cauterized stump of where his right arm once was! Then, a lone figure landed on the ground in front of Tirek! Twilight and the girls couldn't believe it! Inferno had just climbed out of the crater, and smiled when he saw the figure.

"Heh! Figures you were waiting to make an entrance!" Inferno said with a weak chuckle.

The figure slowly rose to his feet. Burst Stream smiled. "Sorry I'm late to the party." Burst made his way over to Inferno, and helped him walk. "Hey. Not a bad job for your trial run as acting leader. You've really lived up to your potential."

Inferno smiled weakly. "Thanks. Means a lot...to hear that...." Inferno then felt himself being enveloped in magic, and whisked away!

"Don't worry. Inferno's not dead." Burst said as he made his way to the Main 6 and Discord. "We'll be seeing him again soon. But right now, I've got a villain to fight."

Discord smiled weakly before looking to Twilight. "Here." Discord then handed Twilight the amulet Tirek had used to trick him to Twilight. "Tirek gave me this as a sign of his surrender. Use it to send him back to Tartarus and give him one from me." As Twilight took hold of the amulet, a rainbow flash went off in her eyes. She then told the girls of her plan, and they went to retrieve their keys! Meanwhile, Burst turned around to face Tirek.

Tirek stared at the cauterized stump that was his right arm as he calmed from his spasm of pain. He glared at Burst. "Again I must face a Stream. Strange fate isn't it?"

"Strange and ironic that it'll end the same way." Burst replied. "But with one difference. I'm gonna do what my dad didn't. I'm gonna finish you!"

Tirek scowled. "Fool! I broke your sword! How could you possibly cut me?!"

"Easy." Burst said with a smirk as he pulled the handle of Bahamut Edge out, and pressed the button on its side! A blade of brilliant blue plasma ignited! "I got an upgrade." Burst then flew at Tirek! Dodging each of the titanic centaur's swings! Leaving cuts in Tirek's remaining arms and all over his body! Soon scarring Tirek across the face! Burst then fired a charge shot at Tirek's face! Making the villain reel in pain! But Burst wasn't done yet! Burst cut at Tirek's legs! Crippling the would-be conqueror! Burst then noticed the other guys rush to his side, and unseal their power!

Tirek scowled down at the Elements of Heroism as they circled him! "Twelve of you, or twelve-hundred. It won't matter!" Tirek claneched his fist! "ALL OF YOU SHALL BECOME DUST BENEATH MY HOOVES!"

"You might be stronger than any of us alone." Burst said defiantly! "But together, there's nothing that can stand in our way!" All the Elements of Heroism raised their hands to the sky!

"HEROES TO THE CORE!" All of them shouted as bright lights shot out from their cores! The light bound Tirek in place! Tirek writhed in anger, but froze when he saw Twilight and the rest of the Main 6 floating above him! Having unlocked their Rainbow Power, and unleashing it full force upon Tirek!

"NOOOOOOOooooooooo-!" Tirek screamed as the rainbow engulfed him! Returning a good portion of the magic he'd stolen to its rightful owners and releasing the princesses from Tartarus! As well as causing Twilight to gain a castle made out of crystal! The guys were about to celebrate, but a portal opened up! Tirek slumped out of the portal with a crazed look in his eyes! "I WILL NOT BE DENIED! I kept Discord's magic in reserve should I be cast into Tartarus. Crushing you all with your weakened states! But first..." Tirek focused Discord's chaos magic, and reattached his arm!

Everyone was about to get ready for a final battle, but Burst stepped forth while motioning for them to stay back. "My dad was the one to start this. I'll be the one to finish it."

"AH HAH HA HA!" Tirek cackled. "You think you can best me boy? I held all the power in Equestria! And I will hold it again!"

"You're wrong." Burst said as he got into a fighting stance! "This is the first time I've ever found myself using this technique. But using it now, it'll all end in one blow!"

"NOT IF I STRIKE YOU DOWN FIRST!" Tirek screamed as he charged at Burst! His horns facing forward with the full intent to gore Burst!

Burst on the other hand, took a deep breath. Allowing the whole world around him to slow down. Suddenly, Burst snapped his eyes open as he focused all his energy into his fist! A brilliant blue aura surging around his fist! "DRAGON...." Tirek was still charging forth when Burst unleashed his final attack! "FIIIIIIISST!" Burst punched forward! And as he did, he turned into an energy projection of a dragon! Tirek's eyes widened with horror as he raised his arms to block Burst! But Burst broke through! Destroying Tirek's arms, and shooting right through Tirek's chest! A blinding light going off as the last of the stolen magic was returned! When the light faded, Tirek still stood. With a big, gaping hole in his chest that had a clear view of Burst on the other side.

"Impossible...." Tirek sputtered as he tried to hold what was left of his life together. "Not even Aether...possessed the power you had..." Tirek fell to his knees! "I...I held all the power...."

"No. You didn't" Burst said as he turned to face Tirek. "You had no power. The strength you gained wasn't you own. You stole it from others in order to empower yourself. It wasn't something you honed, or trained to develop. Despite the fight you gave me, you're the weakest opponent I've ever faced."

"You...." Tirek croaked. "...How did you...gain such strength? What magic....did you learn?"

Burst closed his eyes, and put a hand over his heart. "It's the strength of fighting for those you love. The power of fighting for people and things that are larger than you are. A strength your brother recognized. One he tried to teach you." A sigh escaped Burst's lungs. "It's a shame that you failed to learn. If I ever meet Scorpan, I'll apologize for this. But he knew what had to be done." And with that, Tirek turned to dust. No longer would he menace the world. Burst then saw all his friends running to him, and smiled. 'Everyone's safe. Good. But...I'm so tired....' Burst's eyes started to close as he began to fall to the ground. Only to be enveloped by the same light that had whisked away Inferno! When Burst opened his eyes, he saw Inferno standing over him. "Inferno? Am...I dead?"

"Nope!" Inferno answered with a grin. "Your dad's been waiting for us. I've already ascended, but I'm not going back without you."

"You've certainly found a good best friend." Aether said as he appeared before Burst. "Come with me Burst. I've been waiting for this moment to come for a long time."

Burst slowly got up. "What do you mean Dad?"

"Walk with me Burst." Aether said with a proud smile. "It all began with that first day." As Burst followed his father Aether down the path before them, a song began to play and images started to become clear.

Song that plays:


Burst saw his days at Celestia's School for Gifted Magi. Then, he saw his first encounter with Celestia and his training with his father. Burst then saw his battle against Nightmare Moon, and the next image he saw was him meeting Inferno and the rest of this friends. Their battles against the Nightmare Forces and the destruction of Night Terror were the next scenes that played out. His dance with Celestia at the gala. The battle against Discord. Meeting more new friends during his time in Ponyville and them forming a pretty much unbeatable team of friends. Then there was his battle against the Umbrum, and the romance Burst had built with Moon as well as his battle with Shining Dawn. Looking back on it all, Burst had never imagined he'd have so many friends. Let alone literally become the lover of two goddesses. "So...what happens now?"

"Now?" Aether said with a smile. "Now your time has come." Burst was then enveloped in a bright light!

Back in the real world, two orbs of light appeared before the princesses, and both sets of elements. When the lights faded, Burst and Inferno stood in their place! However, they had changed. Both of their wings' scales had become feather-like. Giving their wings the appearance of both dragonic and angelic traits. Also of note was the red coat Inferno was wearing with gold pauldrons while Burst's white coat had platinum ones. Inferno smiled when Rarity ran into his arms. Burst smiled at the scene, and walked over to Celestia and Moon.

"Looks like you two won't have to worry about losing me anymore." Burst said as he held onto the two tightly. "I belong to you two. Forever." Celestia and Moon cried tears of joy as they tightened their embrace around Burst. "Hey...how're we gonna party if you keep holding me like this?" Everyone shared a laugh as they headed inside and proceeded to celebrate!


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Burst smiled as he saw all his friends celebrating. 'Out of all the battles I've fought, this one was definitely my hardest. But I guess that's what makes this feel so well-earned.' Burst then looked at his wings. 'Not to mention my ascension. So I guess the only question is what's next?' Burst then saw Celestia and Moon approaching him. Microphones in hand. Burst smiled. 'Of course. Spend the rest of my life with the people I love.' Burst, Celestia, and Moon then took the stage and prepared to sing.


Mysteries abound! Made of a deep energy
Foes all around. But I will go fearless and free!

I'll give you strength. You give me love, that's how we'll win!
My courage won't fade! If you're with me, my enemies will never win!

We will fight for love and glory!
We will live to tell the story!
There is nothing we can't live through!
Nothing ever dies! We will rise again!

Don't stop! Don't stop! We're in luck now!
Don't stop! Keep your spirit proud!
And ride upon the wind! All we have to do is go!

Don't stop! Don't stop! We're in luck now!
Don't stop there's so much to be found!
We can find paradise! All we have to do is go! Go! Free your soul!
Dragon Sooooul!