• Published 3rd Aug 2017
  • 775 Views, 375 Comments

Elements of Heroism: Season 4 - Bahamut0

Burst and the other Elements of Heroism have been enjoying their peace so far. However, the future is full of surprises. And they'll soon realize just how much they can live up to their elements.

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Episode 19: Sweet Dreams

Sweetie Belle could barely contain her excitement. 'This play's gonna be the talk of the town!' She thought as she and a few other students took the stage for their performance. Once they finished, Sweetie Belle eagerly awaited the praise everyone had for how well the play went. But her hopes were soon dashed when she heard what the audience were really captivated by. The costumes Rarity had made. Rarity hadn't intended for her costumes to steal all the attention, but Sweetie Belle didn't know that. And she felt hurt. "Your costumes stole the show!" She screamed at Rarity once they got home!

"Sweetie, please! I was-!" Rarity was cut-off as Sweetie Belle stormed off to her room! Rarity sighed as she held herself in shame. "Oh Sweetie..."

'She upstaged me!' Sweetie Belle thought in her anger. And her mood only soured more when she saw Rarity had an order from Sapphire Shores. 'Let's see how she likes this!' As the night before the delivery fell, Sweetie Belle made her way quietly downstairs and sabotaged one of the outfits! With a satisfied nod she returned to bed. Waiting for what the morning would bring. However, her actions were reflected in her dreams. And they caught the attention of a certain princess of dreams.

Nightmare Moon stared at Sweetie Belle's actions. She was certainly disappointed in the young girl's actions. A sigh escaped her lips. "Poor dear. She's normally such a nice girl."

"You're nervous aren't you?" Luna asked with a kind smile as she entered the dreamscape. "I know that this is your domain now. But I can tell you're torn between what to do next. She is a child, but must learn that her actions could wreak serious consequences."

Nightmare Moon nodded. "Yes. I'm well aware of that. But, at the same time, I don't want to traumatize her. We were one. I know how intense you made your nightmares in order to have people learn."

"Yes. That's what I would have done." Luna said as she put a hand on Nightmare Moon's shoulder. "But dreams are no longer my domain. They are yours. You should not ask yourself what I would do. Rather, you must decide on what you would do."

Nightmare Moon looked at Sweetie Belle's dreams, and noticed that the root of her actions was Rarity. "I think I know what to do." Moon put her hands on the sphere that contained Sweetie Belle's dreams. "

Sweetie Belle woke up the next morning, and let out a happy yawn. "Boy do I feel better now." Sweetie Belle happily made her way to the kitchen, and saw Rarity sitting at the table in her usual calm manner reading a newspaper. "Morning Rarity!" However, Sweetie Belle was surprised when Rarity didn't greet her in return. As soon as she grabbed her food, Sweetie Belle sat down at the table. "Hey, Rarity? Are...are you alright?"

"Sweetie..." Rarity said as she put down the newspaper. Sweetie then saw the hurt look in Rarity's eyes. "Why? Why did you do it?"

Sweetie Belle froze in place. "I...I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't you?" Rarity said sadly as she pulled out the box that held the head piece Sweetie Belle had sabotaged. Rarity then pulled the piece out, and touched it. It completely fell apart. "Why? Why would you do something so mean-spirited when I only wanted to help you? Those costumes I made, I made them so everyone would love your play?" The final blow to Sweetie Belle's heart was the words that came next. "Why do you hurt me when all I do is try to show how much I love you?" And with that, Sweetie Belle bolted out the door! Tears streaming down her face as regret ate away at her. She stopped by a tree, and rested against it as she wept. Then, she heard a voice.

"Sweetie Belle. It's alright. I'm right here." Sweetie Belle saw the whole world began to fade and be replaced with what looked like space. Then, Nightmare Moon stepped forth in a flash of light.

"P-Princess Moon?" Sweetie Belle asked nervously. "Y-You mean all of that was a dream?"

Nightmare Moon nodded. "Yes. And I'm sorry I had to make you go through that. But I assure you. I did so with good reason."

"Yeah...I know." Sweetie Belle said sadly. "Rarity's my big sister. And I love her a lot." Sweetie Belle then held herself as she tried to keep her voice steady. "I-I didn't want to hurt her like that. I-" Sweetie Belle felt Nightmare Moon brush her tears away.

"True. But that's only what might happen if you don't tell your big sister what you did." Nightmare Moon said with a kind smile. "But you're not the only one hurting." Nightmare Moon then stood up, and offered her hand. "Come. The road's a lot easier to walk on when there's someone to travel by your side." And with that, Sweetie Belle took Nightmare Moon's hand as she led her through the dreamscape.

Sweetie Belle nervously looked around. "Where are we going?"

"To a very special dream. One that concerns you greatly." Nightmare Moon answered. "Ah. Here we are." They had arrived at Rarity's dream. "Please climb onto me. Going inside can be a little rough." Sweetie Belle climbed onto Nightmare Moon's back, and held on tight as the Princess of Dreams flew into Rarity's dream. For the most part, Rarity's dream played out fairly similar to Sweetie Belle's. However, it was Sweetie Belle who was sitting silently at the table this time. And when Rarity asked what was wrong, Sweetie Belle saw her dream counterpart screaming that she hated Rarity! What unfolded next really made Sweetie Belle's heart sink. She saw her sister crying her eyes out and blaming herself for what happened.

"Oh no...I made such a big mistake." Sweetie Belle despaired until Nightmare Moon put her hands on Sweetie's shoulders.

"Maybe. But there's a point to mistakes." Moon said with a kind smile. "They happen so that you can learn from them. And become a better you in the process." She then looked at Rarity's dream. "And something tells me you won't be the only one learning from this. Whatever was made wrong here, you can make it right in the real world. Until next time. Sweet dreams."

"Wait!" Sweetie Belle called out. Moon turned around, and knelt down to Sweetie's level only to get caught in a hug. "Thank you Princess Moon."

Moon slowly smiled as she returned the hug. "Please. Just call me Moon." The next morning, Sweetie Belle woke up early and told Rarity all about how she'd sabotaged the headdress for Sapphire Shores' order. And she apologized for how she'd acted. Rarity quickly forgave her, and apologized as well as she wrapped her little sister in a tight hug. The two sisters smiling at having mended their relations. With help from Sweetie Belle, Rarity managed to make an even better headpiece that dazzled Sapphire Shores even more!

Satisfied that things had been made right, Sweetie Belle headed outside and caught sight of Moon out and about. "Moon!" She called out as she ran up to the princess of dreams and hugged her! "Thanks for the dream last night! Things turned out even better today!"

Moon smiled as she hugged Sweetie Belle with her arms and wings. "You're very welcome." 'It does take a nightmare to know what sweet dreams are.' Moon thought to herself with a smile.