• Published 3rd Aug 2017
  • 777 Views, 375 Comments

Elements of Heroism: Season 4 - Bahamut0

Burst and the other Elements of Heroism have been enjoying their peace so far. However, the future is full of surprises. And they'll soon realize just how much they can live up to their elements.

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Episode 11: Eclipsed

Burst was sleeping soundly even as some rays of morning light crept through the blinds of his bedroom. However, he stirred when he felt something nuzzle against his face. He moved away from the source, but the nuzzling them increased slightly in intensity. The sensation that did wake him was feeling a set of lips press against his own as he mumbled from the muzzling. Burst opened his eyes, and woke up to find Moon kissing him. Moon broke the kiss, and smiled lovingly down at Burst. "Good morning Burst." She said with a giggle. "Did you enjoy your wake up call?"

"Doesn't my smile make it obvious?" Burst said with a chuckle as he tried to move. However, Moon used some of her strength to keep Burst immobile. "First you wake me up. Now you don't want me to get out of bed?"

Moon giggled as she let out a fond sigh. Bringing her body closer to Burst's. "I can't help myself. You're so nice and warm to hold onto my precious light. It's impossible for me to not squeeze in any chance to hold you close. The same goes for Celestia. But I suppose you wouldn't want to keep her waiting." Moon released Burst, and grabbed her royal outfit. "She did invite us to breakfast at the castle." Moon went to the bathroom, and changed into her royal outfit. Crown and all. "So that's why I thought I'd wear my best today."

"You really are perfect for being the princess of dreams." Burst said lovingly. "You've got beauty that surpasses any dream you create. And from how all the kids act around you, you know how to make some pretty sweet dreams. I'd continue complimenting you, but I've gotta get dressed too." Burst grabbed his usual outfit, but snuck in one extra addition. When he emerged, Burst was decked out in his outfit. However, the addition to it was the platinum shirt he'd worn to The Grand Gala.

Moon smiled at seeing the update to Burst's look. "You sure know how to add some extra style. Even if it isn't needed." She then pulled Burst into an embrace. "So why the sudden upgrade?"

"Well...this is the first date with all three of us. I just thought you'd both appreciate it if I dressed up a bit for the occasion." Burst said with a light blush. "Plus...it's your first official date." Burst then felt his face being held by Moon.

Moon smiled lovingly at Burst as she caressed the side of his face with her free hand. "No wonder your kisses are so sweet." She then planted a quick kiss on Burst's lips. "It'd be rude to leave Celestia out though. I bet she's just itching to get a taste of you too." The two were soon out the door, and flew off for Canterlot Castle. The guards led them to the dining room, and their eyes went wide at the huge spread before them. All the while, Celestia was calmly sipping some tea before noticing their presence.

"Good morning." Celestia said with a loving smile. "I wasn't sure what each of you wanted, so I decided to have plenty of options available. So grab whatever-" Celestia then saw Burst piling pancakes and bacon onto his plate, and couldn't help but giggle. "I guess I'll just let your instincts drive you from here." She then gazed at Burst. "You know, despite how old you are and how mature you can be, you always seem to be like a child at heart."

Burst blinked as he took in Celestia's remark. "Well, to be honest, I don't ever think I really grew up. Sure, I matured, but I never felt any older. Heck, I still watch Power Rangers every saturday morning."

"I can verify that." Moon added. "I've heard him sing the theme song in the shower. He's got such a nice voice." She then smirked as a mischievous thought entered her mind. "Say, Celestia, have you ever been serenaded by Burst before?"

Celestia giggled. "I may have had him perform for me once. He sang a song called Dragon Soul. From one of his favorite shows. Dragon Ball Z Kai. Though I wonder just what other songs he knows. I'm getting a little bit tired of all the rock."

"Well..." Burst said as he scratched his head. "I DID learn some early boyband songs. Here goes nothing...." Burst took a deep breath, and began to sing. "You are, my fire. The one, desire. Believe when I say. I want it that way. But we are two worlds apart. Can't reach to your heart! When you say, that I want it that way. Tell me why! Ain't nothin' but a heartache. Tell me why! Ain't nothin' but a mistake. I never wanna hear you say! I want it that way. Am I? Your fire? Your one desire? Yes I know! It's too late! But I want it that way. Tell me why! Ain't nothin' but a heartache. Tell me why!Ain't nothin' but a mistake. Tell me why! I never wanna hear you say! I want it that way. Now I can see that we're fallin' apart, from the way that it used to be. Yeah! No matter the distance, I want you to know! That deep down inside of me! You are, my fire. The one, desire. Don't wanna hear you say! Ain't nothin' but a heartache! Ain't nothin but a mistake! I never wanna hear you say! I want it that way! 'Cuz I want it that waayyy"

Moon fanned herself and smiled. "Looks. Voice. Charm. And that heart. I think we got lucky when we scored this one. Wouldn't you say so Celestia?"

"Oh trust me. I know." Celestia said with a small laugh. "You know? I think it's time you met Burst's parents. I've already had the pleasure of meeting them. Plus, they've got plenty of stories to share about Burst's early days."

Moon smiled. "Okay. But first? I need to scarf down my waffles." About half an hour later, the three polished off breakfast before flying over to Burst's house. "You know? I just realized something."

"What's that?" Burst asked.

Moon giggled. " With me and Celestia, you have literal goddesses for girlfriends. So I guess you could say you've experienced truly divine love."

"Well, the two of you do look heavenly." Burst said with a smile as he soon landed at his old home and knocked on the door. "Mom. Dad. I'd like you to meet my other girlfriend." Burst then motioned for Moon to come inside. "This is Moon. She's been living with me for a little while now."

Aether put a hand on Burst's shoulder. "Looks like there's two things that run in our family. Being heroes, and catching incredible beauties." Aether smiled. "So. Who wants to hear about Burst's childhood?" Moon raised her hand. "Lumina? Get the photo books." And so, a whole afternoon and lunch was spent with Burst's parents showing Moon all the fond memories they'd shared with Burst during his childhood.

"Oh, he was so adorable back then!" Lumina sighed as she looked at a picture of young Burst holding his Optimus Prime plushie tight.

"Was?" Moon asked. "He still is. Especially when he's sleeping so peacefully." She then wrapped one of her wings around Burst and Celestia did the same. "He can be adorable one minute and romantic the next."

"Not to mention he's cute when blushing." Celestia said with a giggle as she and Moon wrapped Burst in a hug. "Hard to believe that so much has been given to us in such a short time. And by one person who completes us."

Burst smiled as he shifted into his nightmare form. "What can I say? Light or dark, I'm still the person who loves you both." Burst then kissed both Celestia and Moon as he returned to his regular form.

"And we'll love you no matter what." Celestia and Moon said in unison as they held Burst tight and nuzzled against him.

"How about that?" Burst said with a loving smile. "I'm being eclipsed by two celestial bodies. And it's a lovely sight to behold." Burst snuggled against his girlfriends before the three of them teleported to Celestia's chambers. Each of them falling into a deep sleep as they enjoyed each others presence. As they slumbered, Moon crafted a wonderful dream for the three of them. In it, Burst was resting near his favorite tree in Ponyville. However, he wasn't alone. His head was resting against Celestia's lap as she stroked his hair while Moon lay on top of Burst nuzzling against his chest. She'd also made it so that it was dream the three of them shared. "You know, I realize something."

"What's that Burst?" Moon asked.

Burst smiled as he looked at Celestia, and then to Moon. "Even if the three of us wake up, the dream won't be over. Because we've already made it come true."