• Published 3rd Aug 2017
  • 777 Views, 375 Comments

Elements of Heroism: Season 4 - Bahamut0

Burst and the other Elements of Heroism have been enjoying their peace so far. However, the future is full of surprises. And they'll soon realize just how much they can live up to their elements.

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Episode 18: Rock Solid Siblings

Akage was sleeping peacefully. "Was" being the keyword as Pinkie threw the door open and shook him awake! "AKAGE!"

"YAGH!" Akage screamed as he pinned Pinkie to the ground by reflex! "Pinkie?! What in the world's got you waking me up before the sun's even risen?!"

Pinkie frantically spun Akage, and he soon stood in his ninja garb. "No time to waste!" Pinkie replied as she dragged Akage downstairs. "My big sister Maud is coming! Everything's gotta be perfect!" Pinkie then held Akage over a huge mountain of necklaces made of rock candy! "I also called Twilight and the girls in to help taste-test my rock candy necklaces!"

"Pinkie..." Akage said with a sigh. "How much does Maud mean to you?"

Pinkie smiled fondly. "She's everything. I love her so much! That's why I woke you up at five this morning!"

"Well if she matters that much to you, she's important to me." Akage said with a tired smile. "So which pile do you want me to start tasting first?" Pinkie grinned and motioned to the pile she wanted Akage to start on. Soon enough, Twilight and the rest of the Main 6 arrived. Akage smiled as he saw Pinkie list all the things she loved so much. Seeing Pinkie smile at fond memories brought forth Akage's memories of his childhood. When he and Shogun were nearly inseperable. The two of them would run around the village like crazy. Be it pulling pranks, or playing with the practice swords often used for weapons training. Akage's memory then drifted forth to the fight he'd had with Shogun upon his return home. And in the end, it had ened happily with Akage getting his brother back. 'Looks like those old days are coming back...' However, he was a bit put-off when Pinkie seemed eager to get the rest of the Main 6 to be friends with Maud. "Uh, Pinkie? Can I talk to you for a second? Alone?"

Pinkie blinked, but nodded happily all the same. "Sure!" The two headed down the road so they were out of hearing range. "So what's up Akage?"

"Well..." Akage said as he scratched his head. "Look. You know my brother Shogun, right?"

Pinkie rubbed her chin in thought. "The one you had an epic ninja fight with and patched things up with so you're okay again? Yeah. Why?"

"Well, I love my brother on roughly the same level you love Maud." Akage answered. "But if I try to have all of MY friends like him the same way, they might end up liking me because of that." Akage then put a hand on. "What I'm trying to say is, don't get so serious about your friends liking Maud as much as you do. Because if everyone else loved you like I did, wouldn't that make it less special?"

Pinkie slowly smiled as she hugged Akage tightly. "I didn't even think of that." She then nuzzled against Akage's face. "I'm happy knowing you take loving me so seriously."

"And I'm happy with how you make everyone smile." Akage said with a smile as he shared a kiss with her. "Come on. We'd better get back to the girls." With that, Akage and Pinkie regrouped with Twilight and the rest of the Main 6. Sure enough, Maud soon arrived. While she seemed a bit bland to the rest of the Main 6, Akage could tell how happy she was to see Pinkie.

"It's weird." Twilight noted. "Pinkie's a living bundle of energy. And Maud is so...well..."

"Maybe that's teh reason they love each other so much." Akage answered. "Besides. Your brother can be quite the moron and you're the genius foil to him. Sometimes there is trouble seeing the obvious. But that's because you're looking only with your eyes." Akage then smiled as he saw Pinkie bounce around Maud. "The heart's what makes everything clear." He then noticed Pinkie leading Maud over to meet her friends.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" Pinkie then shoved Akage right in front of Maud with a proud smile on her face! "This is Akage! My boyfriend!"

Akage bowed. "Pleased to meet you Maud."

"You too." Maud replied in her usual monotone voice. "Are you making her happy?"

Akage then looked back at Pinkie. "There hasn't been a day I haven't seen her smile when I'm around."

Maud slowly smiled. "That's quite sedimental of you." Pinkie promptly bust a gut laughing at the pun. At the same time, Twilight and the rest of the Main 6 caught sight of the trace of joy leaking through Maud's voice. Even if it wasn't visible, they knew Maud could feel. And right now, they could tell she was really happy. Sadly, Maud's visit came to an end. But in the end, Twilight and the Main 6 were happy to know that Pinkie had such a loving sister.

Pinkie stretched as she and Akage returned home. "That was a fun day, but I'm all pooped out." Pinkie threw herself on her bed. Then, and idea came to her. "Hey, Akage? You said you take our relationship seriously, right?"

"Yes." Akage said with a nod. "Do you doubt how committed I am?"

Pinkie shook her head. "No. But...I want to show you mine." Pinkie then patted the spare space on her bed. "I know you're always with me. But, I'd like to know you're right by my side. Please?"

Akage slowly smiled as he lie down next to Pinkie. "You're the one person I can't hide from. No sense staying out of your reach either." Akage then held Pinkie tight as the two of them fell asleep.