• Member Since 9th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen May 5th, 2019




Follows the episode "Putting Your Hoof Down", Twilight Sparkle is having tea with Fluttershy after the Iron Will disaster, and Fluttershy expresses her opinion of what Rarity could do to put her talents to better use for the good of everypony in Ponyville...

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 13 )

:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh: This was very...very, well written...I am amazed by how this turned out. And I really enjoyed it, for a second I thougth this would be a story where Fluttershy would embrace Hatard (her dark half, awaken by Discord) and turn cruel, mean and harsh to everypony but then I noticed it taking a much lighter tone and was impressed by it....very great job, and don't you hate it when a pony favorites but never reviews your stories? Can't wait to see Fluttershy's take on Pinkie Pie..I love the new her...to a point.

.... Read...before...more updates come


Thanks, glad you enjoyed it. :pinkiehappy:

I will say that I have no intention of continuing this--mostly because I honestly have no idea WHAT Fluttershy would suggest for Pinkie! I mean, seriously, I got nothin'. This was just a little random slice-of-life exercise in the middle of planning out more elaborate projects such as MARE WARS and...well, a couple other things. :raritywink:

This was fucking excellent.

Continue please.

I'm... not entirely sure how I feel about this. I wasn't too particularly impressed by it, but I can't say it was bad. I guess I'm in the middle here. I don't like or dislike it.

Sooo... is this where I give a review? Sure why not. I've got time to spare.

Yes, the infamous slice of life genre. Quite a difficult genre to tackle, if I might say so. I've only made one attempt at it myself, and I completely despise what I did with it. There's a serious problem with the slice of life genre that I find a bit... hard to overcome. Slice of life stories are, as you surely know, a look into the basic lives of a character. The problem with this is... we read stories to escape basic life. How do you take something basic and make it interesting? The answer lies with each individual author. I won't say that this was boring, but I didn't find myself enthralled by it at all.

The writing itself was decent enough, better than a lot of others I see on this site, so I feel inclined to thumbs you up just for this. I'd feel a bit cynical disliking it because I'm not infatuated with the genre. I think I'll try another of your stories to see if I can form an accurate opinion of your writing in a different genre.

To make things shorter, I have no opinion of this story other than I found myself a tad bit bored by it. Not necessarily your fault, mind you. Be seeing you soon, I suppose.

I loved this story soooo much! :twilightsmile:

Very cute and sweet. This felt beautifully characterized. This was like a slightly more adult take on the show itself and you did a great job on it.:twilightsmile:

Hi! I'm here with the Good Grammar Directory, which your story was submitted to. Your story has been approved and added to our folders. :D

While I'm here, I'll point out a couple of errors I found...

Her hostess, a yellow pegasus with a flowing reddish-pink mane and tail blushed, ducking her head.

There should be a comma between "tail" and "blushed", since "a yellow pegasus with a flowing reddish-pink mane and tail blushed" is really a further description of "hostess". Alternatively, since that might make for too many commas in that sentence, you could revise the sentence. Here's a suggestion:

Her hostess, a yellow pegasus with a flowing reddish-pink mane and tail, blushed and ducked her head.

"...did I say something wrong?" Twilight asked...

Even though it follows an ellipsis (...), "did" should be capitalized, because it's the start of a new sentence.

Again, your story has been approved regardless. I just thought I'd point those out while I was here. :twilightsmile:

3604171 Thanks, I appreciate the comments. I have no idea who submitted my story or how you came upon it, mind.

I must say, I greatly enjoyed this. It was certainly a unique take on that part of the episode.

As for Pinkie...she loves getting to know ponies and bringing smiles, even if she doesn't stick in one spot long enough to see most of them...what if as a sideline to her usual party throwing antics, she started up a radio talk show? With as often as she breaks into song, she could include musical segments, and she could naturally create comedy segments and skits, or even a radio drama. That would certainly use up a lot of her energy, and can you imagine her reaction to her first batch of fan mail?

Ooh, I like this, this one is interesting.... Plus, it makes a lot of sense in this universe, you did GOOD, MythrilMoth....

4874496 *Sniff, sniff,* Do I smell a sequel?

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