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Prompt #34: Acceptance

The Prompt: “I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.”

Twilight Sparkle sat around in the attic, wondering where Spike had gotten off to. He had been helping her organize all of the random stuff that they had never organized since moving into the Golden Oaks Library in Ponyville. It wasn't like Twilight to leave something disorganized, but so much had happened since the day they moved in, and she believed "having to save Equestria from eternal night" was a valid excuse for not being more organized. Only just barely, though.

"Spiiiiiiiiiiike!" Twilight called out. Her "number one assistant" had been taking a break for far longer than he really needed to. Her organization skills were fantastic, but having an assistant to help expedite the process was a wonderful thing. A wonderful thing which she was not experiencing at the moment, since the lazy little dragon was nowhere to be found, and was not responding to her calls. Twilight rolled her eyes and pulled the next box over. Baby dragon or no baby dragon, she was getting this done. She lit her horn up, beginning to sort the box's contents. Old books went in the "old book" pile. Slightly newer, yet still old books went in the "slightly newer, yet still old book" pile. It was a very efficient process, although sometimes she would get caught up on exactly what the cutoff date between "old" and "slightly newer, yet still old" was. Thankfully, there was a "books of questionable oldness" pile to cover that.

Twilight's eyes drifted over to the latest book she'd lifted out of the box. Her attention was caught by a folded-up piece of paper that fell out from between the book's pages. For a few moments, she figured it was simply a bookmark. However, her need to know everything wouldn't allow her to just go with that assumption and toss the paper out. She set the book in the "books of questionable oldness" pile where it possibly belonged, then floated the piece of paper over to herself. She unfolded it and began reading it.

"Dear Miss Sparkle," Twilight read aloud. "We here at Canterlot University have read over your thesis, and we are happy to inform you that..." Twilight stopped reading aloud, instead just staring at the letter. She sighed softly. Things had changed so much for her in the last week or so. She fell silent, thinking about how she felt when she'd received that letter from CU.


"...And that is why we feel that you would be a perfect fit in our university! We wish you a happy and healthy summer and eagerly look forward to you beginning your matriculation!" Twilight finished. "Yes yes yes yes yes yes yeeeees!!!" Mr. and Mrs. Sparkle grinned to each other as their daughter bounced in circles around them. They were more than used to this jubilant reaction from her by this point. This was her regular form of celebration since she was a little filly. She always spent so much time quietly studying; seeing her break out and act like the young filly they'd remembered was always nice. After a few moments, Twilight opened her eyes and saw her parents watching her and smiling. She cleared her throat and skid to a halt, blushing.

"I take it you're happy with this, Twilie?" Mrs. Sparkle asked. Twilight blushed.

"Um...yes," Twilight said sheepishly. Mr. Sparkle trotted over and put a foreleg around Twilight.

"Oh, don't be embarrassed, honey," Mr. Sparkle said, hugging her close. "You have every right to be celebrating like this. Canterlot University, honey! Your brother's gonna be so proud when he hears!" Twilight beamed and leaned into her father's warm, safe hug.

"Thanks, daddy," Twilight said. "I can't wait! College is gonna be so great!"


Twilight sighed softly. She'd had such big plans for her college career. Of course, that was before she'd read about the Elements of Harmony, and before Princess Celestia sent her to Ponyville.

"What's that?" Spike asked. Twilight nearly jumped; she hadn't even heard Spike come upstairs. Spike took the letter and read it over.

"Canterlot University?" Spike asked. "You were gonna go to Canterlot University?" Twilight looked at the letter with a small frown. She thought about what she could have been doing, but those thoughts were quickly replaced by the memories of the last few days. How she'd been sent to Ponyville, met new friends, and saved Equestria from Nightmare Moon. She smiled lightly and turned to Spike.

"I intended to go there," Twilight said. "But I think I was needed here more."

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