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Prompt #0: The First Date

The prompt: Rarity and Pinkie Pie have their first date. Successful or not is up to you.

"Oooh! I'll have one of those, and two of those, and a whole BUNCH of those!!"

Rarity stared at the bouncy pink pony with a mixture of bemusement and irritation. She really should have expected something like this when Pinkie asked her out for this dinner date, but for some reason it had slipped her mind. Perhaps she had simply underestimated the baker's appetite. More likely, she had lost herself once more as she stared into those baby blue eyes. Trying to do so was borderline hypnotic, given Pinkie's hyperactive bouncing, but once she was locked on, it was difficult to look away or concentrate on anything else. Either way, Rarity had not quite anticipated just how much her date for the evening would be ordering.

"Pinkie, darling..." the fashion-minded pony started, trying earnestly to get a word in edgewise. Her sentence was interrupted by a sudden need to duck for cover, as the menu whizzed by her head.

"Ohmygosh!!" Pinkie exclaimed. "They have an ENTIRE MENU for dessert?! Why would I even need anything else?" Rarity sighed lightly. This type of behavior was garnering them quite a bit of attention from the ponies at the surrounding tables. This was something that had worried Rarity slightly, once she had been able to concentrate on something other than those big blue eyes swishing left and right. Canterlot was a lovely place, a place in which she wished to spend more time. Canterlot, however, was apparently NOT an ideal place for this date to occur, at least not if Rarity wished to show her face in town ever again. Pinkie's loud, excitable personality was one more fit for a quaint little restaurant in Ponyville, rather than the expensive upper-crust dinery they presently occupied, and judging from the reactions of the other patrons, Rarity was not the only pony that believed this. The white unicorn tried once more to calm her date down.

"Pinkie, if you would..."

"Poundcake and pudding and pecan pie!" Pinkie bubbled, bouncing in her chair. "Biscotti and baked Alaska! Heeeeheeheeeee!"

She was an unstoppable juggernaut, Rarity thought. Once she got going on desserts, there was simply no reining her in. It was frustrating, but at the same time, adorable. It was Pinkie's upbeat attitude and overwhelming joy that had attracted her in the first place. Granted, it was not the type of behavior that Rarity would be caught dead exhibiting, but she enjoyed being around such a pony, in a way living vicariously through her. As much as she loved Pinkie's tendency to get like this, though, this was simply not the place for it. Trying to convince Pinkie of this would be nigh-impossible, however, so Rarity simply ducked slightly behind her menu, hoping that the other patrons would eventually pull their attention back to their own tables.

"It could be worse," Rarity said quietly to herself. "At least she isn't..."


Pinkie's bellow forced Rarity's gaze up from the menu that was formerly her blushing face's shelter. Pinkie was now standing on the table, on her hind legs, forelegs outstretched. That, combined with the note she'd just shouted, meant only one thing, the one thing Rarity hoped beyond hope that she would not end up doing.


"Who needs dinner? Dessert is for me!" Pinkie sang out, leaping off of the table and galloping over to another one. The boisterous pink pony grabbed the salad bowl from the table, flinging it away. "Forget about salad! Cake is all that I see!" Rarity could do nothing but sit and stare as Pinkie's sweet-inspired serenade sent her careening left and right throughout the fine dining establishment, hopping onto tables and dancing with unwilling ponies who were trying to eat their meals. Multiple waiters tried to restrain her, but it was simply no use. Once she got going on a song, there was no stopping her until it was finished.

"That was fun, wasn't it?" Pinkie asked. It was roughly five minutes after the couple had been not-so-politely asked to leave the restaurant. The owner, who, for the record, had certainly not taken kindly to Pinkie decorating his face with a can of whipped cream, made it quite clear to the two that such behavior would not be tolerated. Rarity had never been more embarrassed...but yet...

"...It was," Rarity agreed. She couldn't say no to those happy blue eyes. Perhaps taking a break from being proper was worth it sometimes.

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