• Published 27th May 2017
  • 7,384 Views, 9 Comments

A Mother's Lost - Spikemaster105

Celestia was in her Castle in the middle of a meeting, she reseves a letter about Spike being hurt. she goes to Ponyville, and find a sight that will break her heart.

  • ...

A Mother's Pain

Author's Note:

This is my first story, let me know how i did, im new to this.
Please let me know how good it is.

Siting on a Throne was a beautiful white Alicorn, with a flowing sparkling blue, green, purple and light blue mane and tail, golden horse shoes and golden chest plate. And a sun cutie mark, with a golden crown on her head. This mare's name is Celestia, one of the Princesses of Equestria.

She was bored out of her mind while a noble pony was talking about his business. "Wish Spike was here, so I can spent some time with him..."she thought daydreaming.

"And that's why we need to raise taxes!" the noble said.

"Princess are you listening," he asked her.

She snapped out of her daydream, and replied "Yea, im listening".

*knock knock knock*

"Come in!" she yelled, as a unicorn Guard walked in.

"Princess I have some tragic news", he said with great solim.

"Did Discord break free again", she asked, about to get up from her Throne.

"No Princess, Discord has not broken free yet, it's from Ponyville your highness", the Guard replied.

Celestia looked confused, Twilight would have Spike send her a message. As the Guard gave the Princess a scroll, she opened it with her magic and read it.

Princess, come quick..it's Spike, he's hurt badly, he was attacked in the Everfree Forest!

Celestia's eyes widen as she read it, her son was hurt and maybe in trouble.

She droped the scroll, looked at the Guard pony and told him "Your dismissed, cancel the rest of my meeting's, I'll be back soon" she told him. As her horn lite up, and she disappeared.

She appeared in a flash in the middle of Ponyville. and found a group of ponies, hudling around something. the ponies had a sad hurt look, some even crying.

She walked closer to the crowd, and gasped in shock. There she saw Twilight crying over a bloodied Spike, she rushed over to Twilight.

"Twilight, please tell me he's alive, please tell me my son's alive" she asked through tear's.

Twilight looked up, with tears in her eyes, "N-N-No P-P-Princess C-Celestia he's g-g-gone", she sobbed.

Twilight was the best friend of Spike, they loved each other like brother & sister. Spike was Twilight's number one Assistant and first friend but now she's heart broken. Not only she lost a best friend, but a great Assistant/little brother.

Celestia looked at his body with tear's, fell to her knee's and cried. she cried for her one and only son.

After what felt like hour, she calmed down a little and asked "what happened? who did this to my boy?"

Twilight was about to answer, when a filly with a yellow coat, red mane and red bow, sobbed and whimpered loud enough, that everyone could hear her.

"Spike, why...you saved me, but got yourself killed, why Spike" she cried.

"Wait..what? saved you from what?" her sister Applejack asked her in tears.

"I was in the Everfree Forest sis" she cried with her head down "its my falt Spike's dead".

Celestia got up and walked to the filly, she looked down at the sad pony.

"Tell me what happed young one", she asked in a calm voice, but she was still hurting for her lose.

Apple Bloom toke a deep breath to calm down, and told the Princess "Ok this is what happened....."

***1 hour Ealier***

Spike was walking to Sweet apple acres, with a smile on his face. He was waving to ponies as he passed by them, the ponies waved back.

Spike was loved in Ponyville, he was the only dragon the ponies did not fear.

"Man its a beautiful day out, maybe I can ask out Apple Bloom today, hope she likes me back.." he thought.

Spike use to have a crush on Rarity, but after hanging out with Apple Bloom, he developed a crush on her.

He developed feeling's for the filly more than Rarity, so he gave up on his chase for the fashion mare.

As he was walking, heard a scream that sounded like a filly coming from the Forest near the Farm, Spike heard it.

"That sounded like Apple Bloom, I think she's in trouble" he said out loud, and ran through the Farm, to the Forest.

As he entered he yelled "APPLE BLOOM? AB WERE ARE YOU!!" he looked around, but could not see her anywere.

10 minutes has passed and he was starting to get worried "Apple Bloom, please answer me".

He was about to go get Applejack, when heard another scream, but closer.

"AAAAAAHHHHH!!! GET AWAY FROM ME!!", he heard somepony yell.

"Apple Bloom, hang on!!" he yelled as he ran to the source, when he got there he saw the said filly.

Running from what appears to be Timber wolf, it was gaining and trying to bite her with its big sharp teeth.

Spike chased after it and yelled "GET AWAY FROM HER YOU WALKING PEACE OF TWIG!!".

He jumped on its back trying to slow it down, but the Timber wolf was to big. The creature bucked Spike off its back and glared at him, for trying to get between him and his food. Spike gulped in fear, but stood his ground.

Apple Bloom stopped her running at the edge of the dark forest, turned around and saw Spike, face to face with the wooden creature.

She called to him, "Spike what are ya doing, it will kill ya, come on".

"No get out off here Apple Bloom, I'll hold it off" told her, though he will maybe get killed for this. but as long Apple Bloom is ok, it doesn't matter.

"No Spike not without-" she was cut off, by the baby dragon.

"Apple Bloom I said go, I got this..trust me" he looked her in the eye's, Apple Bloom looked back and nod.

"Ok Spike, but please be careful, I'll go get help" she told him, as she ran to get help. She knows the Timber wolf is bigger and can kill Spike, but she had to go get Twilight.

Twilight was reading a book about spell's, when she heard a pounding on her door, she got up and Said "ok i'm coming" she opened the door, and saw the filly.

"Apple Bloom, I thought Spike was at the apple Farm with you" she asked, But the look on the filly's face said otherwise.

"Twilight, it's Spike".

"Spike?, what happened? is he in trouble?" the lavender mare asked, worried for her little Assistant.

"he is, he's in the Everfree Forest by my Farm, and being chased by a Timber wolf" the filly told her in a panic.

"Ok Apple Bloom, I'll go after Spike, while you go get the rest of my friends ok" she told the filly, trying to sound calm. But she was clear that she was worried for her best friend.

As she ran to the Apple acres she spotted a cyan mare with a rainbow mane flying above her, the mare called.

"Hey Twilight, what's the rush", Twilight looked up and saw her friend Rainbow dash.

"Rainbow, Spike is in serious trouble in the Everfree Forest by the Farm, can you fly ahead and help him?" the purple unicorn told her.

"Don't worry Twilight, i'm on it" the rainbow mare said as she speed off ahead to the dark forest. As Twilight ran to the forest, she was thinking "Oh Spike, please please please be ok.."

Spike was running for his life from the Timber wolf. He ran deep into the Forest, and was running back the opposite way to the farm. But he was out of breath and slowing down. As he triped on a root sticking out from the ground, as the Timber wolf got closer he tried to get up, but the wolf smacked him back down.

Spike tried to get back up again, but the creature smacked him with its big sharp nailed paw again, Spike screamed in pain as he was send into a tree. He was bleeding as he got up slowly, he got hit again, this continued to happened over and over.

Spike was in seriouse pain, as he tried to run, but he was too hurt and burly standing.

The Timber wolf raised its claw again to deliver a finale blow, it came down and smacked Spike in the head.

The baby dragon flew to a tree and the creature closed in on its prey again.

Something shot out of the sky and kicked the creature in the jaw, it yelped in pain and ran deep in the forest.

It was Rainbow dash.

"Spike, you ok there buddy?" she called out to him.

"Spike?" She called, but got no answer.

She turned around and gasped in horror, there laid Spike covered in blood, with deep gashes.

"SPIKE" she screamed, as she rushed to her friend.

"Spike answer me, please don't give up on us, Spike?" she asked, almost in tear's.

She put her ear against his scaley chest and found no heartbeat, she was to late, Spike was dead.

"No, no no no no...Spike" she put her head down and cried.

She picked his body up and flew out of the Forest, and landed in the middle of Ponyville. Ponies gathered around and gasped/screamed in horror.

Twilight came running with the rest of the Main 6. As she saw Spike with Rainbow Dash, she felt sick to her stomach. There lie before her, was her Assistant/brother bloodied and not moving.

"SPIKE, NO!!" she screamed, as she ran to him in tear's, she tried to heal him, but It was no good.

"Quick send a letter to the Princess" she cried.

"S-S-Spike, p-p-please wake up, please" she cried, as she held his little body in her hooves. He wasn't waking up or moving, the lavender mare broke down, and cried onto his unmoving body.

The rest of the Mane 6 and Ponyville shed tear's, and mourned for the baby dragon.

"My poor Spikey-Wikey", a white elegent unicorn mare with curly purple mane cried. Apple Bloom came running looking, she saw Spike and cried into her sisters forleg.

***Present time***

"And thats what happened" Apple Bloom told the Princess, as she felt fresh tear's rolled down her cheeks.

"It's my falt, i should have never went into that Forest" she sobbed.

Celestia tried to comfort her, she told her "Little filly, its not your falt, Spike was-" the Princess tried to say untill, she was interrupted.

"It is my falt Princess, Spikes gone because of me" she cried even harder for her friend.

Untill Celestia spoke. "Little filly, Spike was protecting you, he saved you even if it costed his life" the Princess told her, as she pulled the filly in for a huge, as they both shed tear's of sorrow.

The Princess returned to her Castle in Canterlote, she was meet a sadden Luna and Cadance. They looked at her, as they pulled a heart fallen Celestia into a hug, as all 3 cried.

Celestia lost a son, Luna lost a nephew and Cadance lost a cousin/brother in law.

"A funeral is to take place in 1 week, i'm going to bed" the heart broken Princess told them.

She started walking to her bedroom chamber's, with a broken heart. As she was walking down the long hall way, she was thinking about Spike, with tear's in her eye's.

"My son, why were you taken away from me", she asked herself.

A week later she was in the Ponyville Cemetery, and everpony from Town was there to pay respect to the baby dragon. All Celestia can hear was sobbes, and sniffles, the Main 6 was heart broken, and so was the CMC.

The Main 6 came up to an small casket to say there goodbyes to the drake they knew and loved. As Twilight came up to the casket she said through tear's.

"Goodbye Spike, i'm gonna miss you, you are the greatest Assistant a pony can have, and a great friend, I love you little brother" she cried as more tear's rolled down your cheeks.

Next was the CMC, as Sweetie Belle sobbed, "ill miss you Spike".

Scootaloo she was fighting back tear's, but failing, "you we're the coolest dragon I knew Spike, and it's gonna suck without you", she trotted away as tear's rolled down her cheeks.

Then Apple Bloom, she was the worst of the three, "Spike, just wanted to say your the greatest friend A filly can have, and that i love you. i loved ya since i meet you, but i geuss ill never get to be with you".

She cried, as she trooted away from the casket. Then Princess Celestia called to the crowd, as she was standing on a stage next to the casket. "Mares and Gentlecolts, we are here to mourne the life of Prince Spike, my son" she said through tear's.

"Since everypony sayed there goodbyes, i like to say mine" she turned to the casket.

"Spike, you are the greatest thing that happened to me, when i took you in after Twilight hatched you, i knew were destined for great things, and that you are a Prince, no one Understood our bond as mother and child, ill miss you my son" she cried.

As fresh tear's rolled down her cheeks, her horn lite up and lower the casket in a small grave with a stone slab that read.



It had a emerald heart engraved into it.

As Celestia lowered the casket into it's finale resting place the wispered through tears, "Goodbye, my son".

As the dirt covered the grave ponies paid there respects to the dragon Prince, losing a son is a worst pain a mother can have, there's no other pain like it.

Ponies left one bye one till Celestia was left as she stared at her son's grave, with tear's in her eye's, she turned around to exit the Cemetery.

As she walked, she looked at her son's grave again, and exited with a broke heart, a lost was in Equestria that day not just any lost, but a mother's.


Comments ( 9 )

The feels in this story. It was a good story, but why did you have to write something like this. :raritydespair:

The grammer and paragraph spacing is off by a lot. There are even a few spelling errors. Also, in a past tense 3rd person story, don't write "all you can hear" also, don't add any music listings, as it distracts from the story. Make sure you type out numbers as well. Other than that it's a good start

stable for a first time

Thnx guy's im new to this:twilightsheepish:

There will be a new story guy's that im working on, a Spike x Applebloom story

Just imagine how if will be if obabscribbler did a dramatic reading of it

Gee, thanks Greg. I really appreciate the fact that you made me cry for ten minutes.

I assume this is an Alternate Universe that a Spike is dead? It's sad either way. I know in my stories when I try to kill off a character, it gets too tragic and I wind up sparing the character's life. But death scenes usually involve criminals, i have no troubles with those.

Really seemed like a misplaced chapter from a larger story than a short stand alone story. Neutral vote from me.

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