• Published 10th Apr 2017
  • 8,979 Views, 22 Comments

Diaper Trapped Diary - Zubric

Spike really should have known better then to let his curiosity get the better of him. It’s too bad it just happened to be Starlight diary he peeked into. Embarrassment soon followed the little ‘baby’ dragon as punishment.

  • ...

Spikey Wikey

On a calm summer day, Twilight and her friends were preparing to depart for a get-together across town. It was mostly Discord’s idea after Spike had mentioned the fun of water parks which had sparked the fun side in the chaotic being.

“Are you sure you don’t want to come too, Spikey Wikey?” Rarity asked, putting some gems in the bowl next to him. “It will be quite fun.”

“Nah, I’m good. I have some chores to catch up on anyway. Some alone time can’t hurt either for a while,” Spike smiled. “Besides, there’ll be plenty of other times to hang.”

Twilight’s eyebrow raised, sensing Spike had another motive for his actions. She just didn’t know what it could be. “Spike? I’m sure your chores can wait till we come back. I wouldn’t want you to miss the fun. Discord’s making a mini water park,” Twilight commented.

Spike rubbed his neck, second-guessing his choice. But he ultimately made up his mind. “I’m sure that Discord could do that during guy's night anyway.“

Twilight shrugged and turned her head to look back at Spike. “Alright, Spike, if that is what you want. Just be sure the library’s all organized by the time I get back.”

The baby dragon saluted. “You can count on me, Twilight.” Spike said before hurrying over and hugging Twilight with a big smile..

That’s my number one assistant,” Twilight replied, ruffling his spines before leaving with her friends.

Once the girls had walked out of sight, Spike sighed and made his way back into the lobby as he looked around the empty castle. “This place is still creepy when it’s just me.” He mumbled as he made his way upstairs, stretching his limbs along the way. In truth, there wasn’t very much for him to catch up on. Some windows to wash here and there, along with dusting off Twilight’s private little study. The rest of his free time till the girls got back would be a blast with his comics and whatever else he could think of to pass the time.

But after about two hours of idle tidy work, Spike passed by Starlight’s room, noticing the door was partly open. The curious little dragon poked his head inside, admiring the little details she had added since the last time his sights caught on the bedside dresser with a partly cracked open drawer. Carefully strolling up to the drawer, he pulled it open, seeing the purple and blue covered book with gems in the spine. Spike gasped, realizing it had to be Starlight’s diary! He reached out to take it, but paused, hesitating. Starlight would no doubt be mad if she learned Spike had read her diary. And in the back of his mind, Spike was more than aware that violating a pony’s privacy was wrong. But there was so much he could learn about Starlight. Plus, he hoped to prevent any craziness in the future if he knew what she was going through. Perhaps even avert a repeat of that spell combination that had given Twilight’s friends all magical hangovers.

On the other hand, if either Twilight or Starlight found out, Spike knew they’d be pretty upset. Moments later, he realized his claw was feeling the cover’s smooth surface, noting the small cyan gems adorning its spine. With all the precious gemstones decorating it, the book resembled a treasure chest with precious loot inside. His claw continued to drum on the cover as he contemplated his actions and tried to resist. “Mmm, come on, Spike. Just close the drawer and pretend you didn’t see anything.” He said to himself, but the nagging temptation grew as his hand kept patting the cover. At last, his resolve gave out as he snatched it out and hopped up onto Starlight’s bed.

“Let’s take a peek, just really quick,” Spike said as he rubbed his claws together eagerly and opened it up. He began flipping through the pages failing to notice the gems were faintly glowing as he snooped. His eyes scanned over entries about Starlight’s first days at the castle and her ongoing doubts about her past actions. But most of this stuff she had openly shared anyway, so Spike just skimmed over the pages. A drawing of her old stuffed teddy bear was on another page, the drake snickering lightly. “Aww,” he commented while a small magical aura slowly wrapped around him, the gems glowing brighter. He dug deeper into the pages, getting closer to newer entries. Within no time, he found an entry that caught his attention the most.

Dear diary, is it weird to think your childhood friend is cute? I mean. I missed Sunburst, and it’s great to reunite with him. But feeling attraction? Well, we’re both pretty smart, and that beard is adorable. Maybe given time-

A sudden warm sensation of magic washed over Spike as something abruptly filled his mouth. He looked across the room at the body mirror, his cheeks blushing upon seeing the large guard pressing on his lips. The embarrassment continued as he realized it was an oversized pink pacifier. Noticing the book was glowing, he shrieked and dropped it onto the floor, but it was too late! The magic kept going, spreading down his neck. Muffling protests, Spike reached up and tried taking out the pacifier, only to find it firmly planted on his lips. Before he could even consider using his claws, a pair of purple mittens appeared over them, limiting his ability to grip. “Aaaa, stop, no!” He cried out while some white puffs of cloth began to grow on his shoulders like flower petals expanding outwards and entrapping his arms. The dragon flailed his arms around helplessly as cloth grew out into some round poofy shoulders of a dress with matching sleeves that fit his form perfectly. The layers of cloth continued advancing and quickly shaped into a white doll-like dress with pink highlights on the collar and sleeves. A purple sash soon formed around his midsection. He gasped, winded as it tightened and spread out into a big bow on his back. The skirt was just as frilly as his shoulders sticking out to the sides like a tutu, unable to hide what would be underneath. To Spike’s horror, a massive white diaper materialized around his rump forcing his legs apart. Inspecting it closer revealed Starlight’s cutie mark emblazoned upon in clear view accented by some lavender-coloured leak guards. His attempts to undo the large tabs with his mittens failed as they slipped away each time. But the magic didn’t stop there, as the baby dragon felt socks snake up his legs, along with black doll shoes.

Spike stumbled backwards onto the bed, whining and squirming in a vain attempt to get anything off. “N-no!” The shoes and attire stayed snug on him no matter how he shuffled. The realization that he’d sprung a trap, now stuck in his cutesy attire. Worse yet, Spike had no idea when the girls would be back, which was both a curse and a blessing. “I’m wearing a diaper!” He lisped, his cheeks burning as he stared at his reflection and the rather girly dress. Getting to his feet, he was determined to find a way out of this stuck with the diaper’s imposed waddle. Of course, this only helped cement him looking like a big baby. Loud crinkles echoed in his ears as he made his way to the door, thankful that it had a large handle. Celestia knows how bad he would have been at turning a door knob.

His new shoes clacked with each step on the hard crystal floor as he left the room, the noise soon attracting Owlicious’s attention as the owl flew down the hallway only to spot Spike in his ridiculous attire. The pet just gave him a “What did you do now?” look while perched on a bust nearby.

Spike just huffed back at the bird. “D-don’t give me that look! I didn’t know Starlight would boobytrap her diary. Well, I probably should have, but I had my reasons at the time,” He commented, the pacifier making him lisp with every word. “You’ve got to help me get this stuff off before Twilight gets back!” He pleaded, wiping some drool off his cheek with his mitten.

“Wooh,” Owlicious hooted, showing Spike his wings while pointing to the gloves on Spike’s claws.

“Okay, I see your point, wings won’t cut very well, but maybe your beak could do the trick?” Spike suggested.

Owlicious narrowed his eyes and gave Spike a silent look of “You are on your own”, before flying off to hunt down a mouse.

“H-hey, get back here!” Spike cried out and tried to follow, only to trip due to the mass of the padding and flat bottom shoes. After the quick tumble, he got up with only his pride bruised. “Fine, I’ll fix this on my own.” He huffed, groaning as he flexed his trapped claws. No matter how he rubbed the claws against the fabric, the cloth remained intact, ensuring he would be trapped. The next option came to him as he quickly waddled down the hall toward the kitchen. The echoes of his shoes were like thunder in his ears as he clopped along, soon entering the kitchen and looking at the stoves and cupboards. The baby rushed towards the nearest drawer pulling it open and spotting the familiar red scissors. Usually, such implements wouldn't be so hard, but his handicap made it a challenge, as he pulled it out and tried to hold them in the mittens' cloth grip. The restricting gloves made it impossible to properly grasp the handles, as he did his hardest to line it up to cut at the fabric. His efforts, however, only resulted in the pair clattering to the floor, a loud groan escaping Spike's mouth.

“Ooh, come on!” Spike complained. He rushed over to the chairs attempting to use one of the decorative metal curves to tug on the ribbon. But no matter how hard he tried, the bow stayed well knotted. The feeling of helplessness sank in as Spike began to panic. No matter what he tried, it seemed that the outfit wasn’t coming off unless Starlight turned the magic off. It was like getting his claw caught in the cookie jar, but far worse. A scarier thought crossed Spike’s mind in a flash. What if Rarity saw him like this?! He wouldn’t be able to bear it, the look on Rarity’s face as she would judge him. She would look him up and down and take in every detail of his embarrassment. She would walk over and d’aww, maybe pinch his cheeks and call him a “Cute widdle baby!” While the idea sounded sweet, it was also too demeaning. He didn’t want to be known as a baby,’ he wanted to be an independent dragon, capable of looking out for himself. Not that he minded snuggling with Twilight once in a while.

Spike’s mind raced as he pictured Rarity snuggling him, all while talking about new outfits to try on him like he was some sort of doll. His protests would go unheard, hushed by the pacifier, and his status as just a baby would be certain.

Spike’s worries escalated as the call of nature crept up on him. He tried desperately to close his legs, but the mass of plastic impeded him from doing so. Thankfully it was just his bladder, but in his current situation, that was hardly ideal. He quickly rushed into the hallway, glancing up at the nearby clock. To his shock, it was nearly four, and Twilight and the others would be back at any minute! Spike put his claws to the padding, doing a little potty dance as he tried to hold it. “Mmm, n-no, I can’t...I won’t!” He moaned and bit into the pacifier hard. But the bulb seemed immune to his dragon teeth.

Spike peeked around the corner, staring at the main doors as the clock continued ticking. Each tick sounded as loud as his heartbeat. He knew it was a losing battle as the humiliation was about to get even worse any second now. After about a minute, the aches became too much, and he whimpered as he wet himself, the pattern fading on the front as it swelled.

The baby dragon felt so humiliated as the warmth radiated between his legs. He resumed his desperate attempt to tug on the diaper with the mittens letting out more childish whines. Out of desperation, he waddled quickly to Twilight’s reading room. The padding squished and sloshed as he did so, sending a shiver down his spine. Once inside, Spike fumbled over to the fireplace and hoped to see a crackling fire. Unfortunately for him, there were only logs to greet him. He scrambled around to try and find the matches, swallowing some saliva again, which caused a momentary suckle of his pacifier. He whined as he tried a few times to strike a match, only for it to slip from his grasp. With his last hope of getting the outfit off having failed, Spike sighed and muffled, stomping into the hallway as the padding felt like a sponge as he waddled.

Spike’s heart skipped a beat upon hearing the large front doors opening, hearing Rarity, Starlight, and Twilight enter while chatting about the day's events. He groaned, thankful to be out of sight as he darted back into the hallway on the second floor.

“Spike, we're back. I brought you some brownies with gem flakes,” Twilight called as she headed up the stairs. Spike panicked and waddled down the hall as fast as he could, his shoes noisily clacking. This noise, of course, attracted Twilight’s attention as she sped her way up. “Spike?”

Rarity and Starlight followed behind Twilight, the two looking confused wondering why Spike hadn’t come out to greet them. “Perhaps he got caught up in his work?” Rarity suggested, hearing the sounds of the shoes along with a door shutting. “Did you hear that?”

“I did,” Twilight replied, walking down the long corridor, peeking into the library for Spike. She was happy to see that the books were all shelved neatly. “He could be taking a nap. Usually, he comes running for gemstones.”

Meanwhile, Spike pawed on his pacifier again, muffling as he hid in one of the bathrooms. He knew he couldn’t hide forever, but facing Twilight and the others simply was not an option he wanted to face right now. Knowing that he was in hot water, His frustrations got louder as he shook his head and tried tugging on his footwear again out of desperation. The frantic flailing became his downfall as he slipped on the rug, sending him toppling backward and hitting the sink with the back of his head. The baby cried out in pain, his claw holding the spot as he winced. “Mmm!!”

Being close to the bathroom, Twilight was quick to hear his cries. Her motherly instinct kicked in as she opened the door, ignoring the outfit Spike was in for the moment and pulling him close. “Oh Spike, are you okay?”

Spike grunted in pain, closing his eyes as he pressed his hands to the swelling. Tears ran down his face as he latched onto Twilight, forgetting about his embarrassment as he felt Twilight pick him up in her magic, holding him close. Twilight hurried to the kitchen, grabbing the ice pack from the freezer before gently setting it on the bump. “Ouch!” Spike lisped, sniffling more.

Twilight’s calm yet confused expression made Spike feel a little better. “Shh, it’s going to be alright, Spike,” She assured him. Spike winced as the pain subsided over time. The drake soon looked into Twilight’s eyes again, the blush returning as the situation sank in. He shivered, the padding squishing as Twilight’s hoof sank into it. “Spike, what are you wearing?” She glanced at his outfit again, tilting her head. ‘Wait, why is Starlight’s cutie mark on the uh...diaper?”

“T-Twilight?” Spike whimpered, shifting away slightly. “I-I, I”m sorry. I was peeking into Starlight’s diary, and this happened,” Spike yelped upon seeing Rarity peek in and tried hiding behind Twilight the best he could. “No, s-stop it! I’m sorry, just don’t let Rarity see me!” He whimpered as Rarity tilted her head.

“Spike? Why are you in such an adorable outfit?” Rarity asked, keeping calm even as her nose scrunched as she smelled the pee.

Spike whimpered, pressing his face into Twilight’s coat as he started crying again. He felt Twilight’s wing wrap over him. “Shh, calm down, Spike, it’s okay.” She looked up at Rarity, giving a silent gesture for her to wait in another room. After the fashionista had done so, Twilight looked back at Spike, shaking her head a little. She gestured to Starlight to come in the mare, of course, frowning at the baby.

Spike felt embarrassed beyond all belief as he tried not to act like the baby despite his attire. He didn’t even care about the soggy padding right now, only focusing on Twilight’s warmth acting as comfort. Twilight remained silent for a time, rubbing his back as her wing cuddled him for a moment, as she heard him suckle on the pacifier. After Spike’s shivers had calmed down enough, she sighed and spoke. “I think you have something to say to Starlight. Right, Spike?”

Spike looked up at Starlight, ashamed. “I-I’m sorry, Starlight. I promise I won't do it again,” He heavily lisped, sounding cute. His cheeks turned pink again when Twilight giggled behind her hoof. “Mom, stop laughing!” He squeaked, covering his face.

Twilight paused and blushed, feeling a warmth in her heart at being called a mother. “I believe you, Spike, but the punishment doesn't end until tomorrow.” She told him.

“Sounds fitting to me,” Starlight suggested calmly. “I didn’t think that spell would go that far in dressing up the intruder.”

Spike shifted again, holding the ice pack to his head. “B-but Rarity’s going to laugh at me.” He whined.

“No, she won’t, Spike. She’s one of your closest friends. She wouldn’t mock you for this,” Twilight replied. “Just take some breaths, okay?” Spike did so, taking slow, deep breaths between sniffles. Twilight wiped off his tears with a tissue. “Now, how about we get you into a fresh diaper before you get a rash?” She cooed, rubbing his back.

“W-what, but I don’t want another! I said I was sorry,” Spike complained and stomped his foot on the ground while huffing. “You don’t even have any spare ones anyway.”

“Um, well,” Starlight said as she rubbed her neck. “I may have a small diaper bag I borrowed when I foalsat the twins for Pinkie the other day. I could just size one up for you, and I think there’s some foal powder in the bag as well.”

“What?! No!” Spike protested, his flushed face feeling constant.

“No buts, Spike, aside from your padded one of course. The punishment fits the crime.” Twilight replied, nuzzling him comfortingly as she picked him up and followed Starlight back to her room. She laid Spike on the bed, seeing him cover his eyes in shame as Twilight retrieved the diaper from the bag. With a quick spell from Starlight, the diaper became properly sized to fit Spike. This one had cute ABCs printed all over. “I’ll make it quick, Spike. Don’t worry. Mommy can handle this.” Twilight cooed; she seemed to slip into the role pretty well, seeing a grin under the pacifier. Sliding the dress up out of the way, she undid the tabs, getting to work. Spike let out small squeaks as he was wiped clean. Thankfully due to not having fur, the process was much quicker. Once Spike was clean, Twilight unfolded the thick padding and slid it under him.

Spike shivered a heavy blush on his face as he realized how he’d somewhat gotten used to the diaper hugging his bottom, which only made his cheeks radiate more. As his bottom was powdered, he groaned again, smelling like a baby on top of everything else. Twilight’s gentle touch caused Spike to remember a time long ago when she had given him a bubble bath. The way she went about washing him was just as careful as if he was a snowflake. Once taped snugly into place, Twilight got a great idea and leans forward quickly blowing a raspberry into Spike’s tummy. The baby squeaked and began to laugh and kick about. “Hahaha, no, haha, stop!

“Come on, I want to see my baby smile,” Twilight beamed, sending another blast of air into his tummy. His smile was worth it, as she soon stopped and pulled him into a hug. “Feeling better, Spike?” She asked him.

“Mmmm, no,” Spike mumbled but hugged back as he looked up at Starlight as she left the room. His stomach let out a loud rumble, signifying the call for dinner.

“Aww, is my little drake hungry? Yes, he is?” Twilight cooed as she slid him to her back while moving to the door.

“Twi, is baby talk really needed?” Spike whined as he was taken along down the hall. The creeping nervousness kept nagging at him as they got closer to the dining room.

“Of course it is. If you are my baby, then I will talk to you as such. Besides, Mrs. Cake seems to have fun using that kind of talk on her children.” Twilight replied with a smile.

Spike, deep down had to admit that the baby talk was rather touching, showing just how much Twilight cared for him..“Can you at least take the pacifier out?” He asked, pawing at it lightly with his left claw while wiping off the little bit of drool. As the two entered the dining room, Spike saw that Rarity was also present and imminently covered his face to try and hide his shame.

At first, Rarity didn’t say anything, as Spike was set down at the table with a soft crinkle before Twilight went to make the meal. Starlight also took a seat across from Spike. The baby dragon kept silent as he waited for the inevitable to happen.

“So,“ Rarity started. “Why are you dressed like that, Spike?” Rarity gently rubbed his back upon seeing him flinch.

Starlight spoke up before he could. “I booby-trapped my diary, and well I guess it dressed him when it went off?”

Rarity kept massaging as she hummed. “I see, but why is he still wearing it? Not that it isn’t cute. The purple goes well with his scales.” She heard Spike groan, sinking deep into his claws.

“Twilight’s not letting him grow up until tomorrow as punishment for reading my diary,” Starlight giggled. “I didn’t think that this many combinations of spells would work so well.”

Rarity patted Spike’s back again. “Come on, Spike. Look up, please. I’m not laughing, am I?” She asked him.

“N-no, but you still see me as just a baby.” Spike muffled refusing to look up (though he didn’t shy away from the back rub).

“Well, to be frank, Spike, your behaviour right now isn’t helping matters. You got yourself into this mess, so you should deal with the consequences instead of sulking,” Rarity said seriously, ruffling his head. “I see you as a great friend, and I am not judging you. Now, look at me,” Her last few words were more stern and motherly, causing Spike to gulp and steadily look up at her radiant eyes. “Do at least try and relax, okay?” She asked him.

“O-okay,” Spike mumbled, soon seeing Twilight stroll in with three large bowls of salad and a bowl of oatmeal. Spike tilted his head, afraid to ask. “What’s the oatmeal for?”

Twilight happily set the silverware on the table and the oatmeal in front of Spike. “Well, I’m going to feed you like a baby.” She said, showing him the cute bib she had found with little blue stars.

Rarity shook her head. “Honestly, Twilight. Spike is embarrassed enough. Is the bib that necessary?”

“Yes. He's going to be my little hatchling till morning.” Twilight cooed, and she saw Spike blush as she tied the bib around his neck.

“Well, if that’s your decision Twilight, he is your kid.” Rarity replied, deciding that it probably suited the punishment a little.

“You can be the one to feed him if you want.” Twilight offered, setting the spoon down.

“No!” Spike protested, covering his face again. “J-just let me feed myself.” A low whine escaped his lips.

“No, Spike, Mommy made up her mind,” Twilight replied. With a quick pop, she took the pacifier out, setting it down as her magic floated up the spoon and scooped up a glob of peach-flavoured oatmeal. At least on the upside, there were tiny gemstones mixed in.

The degrading feeding made him feel small and helpless, his face a constant shade of red. He tried to keep some dignity throughout. However, that soon failed as he felt hooves tickling his tummy after the meal. It didn’t take long for him to start laughing and kicking about, realizing Rarity was tickling him. “Haha, no, I’m ticklish!” Spike protested.

You are almost as much of a squealer as Sweetie Belle was,” Rarity teased while continuing her ticklish attack. Spike continued to wiggle and laugh in his chair, soon sliding off and managing to waddle towards the door to get away, not caring how childish it looked.

Twilight snickered, softly getting into a playful mood. “Grr! We are the tickle monsters and we are going to get you!” She watched Spike meep and waddle faster, the shoes clicking once again. Twilight and Rarity smiled at each other and gave chase into the hall, while Starlight just went back to her room to secure her diary. The baby dragon knew full well that they could use their magic to pick him up again or catch up to him with their big pony legs. But he kept running anyway. Either way, he’d get caught, so why make it easier? He tripped a few times as he made his way along the hallways, the mares just behind him taunting him about tickles. After a few turns, he slipped on the carpet and did a faceplant, luckily not hurting himself.

Twilight scooped him up in her magic and snuggled him close, nuzzling him happily. “That was quite a fun game, Spike,” She commented, seeing Spike smile back before kissing his forehead. “Who’s Mommy’s little baby? You are! Yes, you are!” She beamed.

Rarity smiled as well. “Oh, I remember when I was younger and chased Sweetie around too. Quite the bonding experience,” She came over and nuzzled Spike. “Enjoy the rest of your evening, little Spikey Wikey.” She cooed before heading down the hall to leave.

“B-bye Rarity,” Spike said, waving before hugging Twilight’s neck until his friend had left. “Can you take this stuff off now?” He pleaded.

“No,” Twilight said before taking him along. She entered the study and set him down on the couch, getting a fire going. While Spike slumped into the cushions, the princess hugged him and smiled. “Wait here, Spike, I’m getting a nice bedtime story, okay?”

“Bedtime story?! But I just ate!” Spike whined, crossing his arms.

“Oh, don’t worry. I’ll pick out a few stories to give me plenty of time to snuggle my little baby dragon.” Twilight giggled before exiting to fetch the books. Spike licked his lips, looking at the pacifier hanging around his neck. The feeling of choosing to put it in or not only caused another blush. For the moment, he just let it dangle and got comfy, listening to the soft crackle of the fire. Only a minute passed before Twilight returned with three storybooks and sat down next to Spike. She extended her wing and pulled him close, nuzzling his scaly neck. Spike smiled back, wiggled to get as close as possible, and leaned on her chest.

Twilight cooed down at him and cleared her throat as she opened the blue cover of the storybook. Spike saw puppies on it. The story went on slowly, as Twilight took her time to do voices and such to make it more fun. Spike surprisingly found the attention and silliness fun, even if he was tuning out most of it as he kept cuddling her. The little dragon felt a sense of safety and calm as he lay there, and despite his rather frilly clothes, he didn’t mind the feeling of it as much as it kept him warm. After nearing the end of the first book, he yawned while trying to hide it from Twilight. The baby smiled at her again as she got the second book. “T-that was nice.” He cooed contently.

Twilight rubbed his back, smiling warmly. “Let’s get you tucked into bed, Spike.” She got up, floating him to her back before exiting the library and down the hallway. She felt Spike hold her neck weakly, clearly sleepy. His padding rustled as he shifted. As they entered Spike’s room, the drake was laid carefully in his bed.

Spike’s claws latched around his Rarity plush nearby eyes half closed as he glanced up at Twilight as she pulled the covers over him. Twilight reached down and unclipped the shoes, taking them off and setting them aside. The relief of free feet caused Spike to stretch out and yawn again. “Mmm, one more story Mommy, please?” He pleaded.

Twilight patted Spike’s cheek before sitting next to his bed and opening the storybook. Showing off the first page revealed it was about three fillies on a boat looking up at the stars. Spike sighed, listening the best he could as he slowly slipped into sleep. The pacifier idly bobbed in his mouth quite cutely. Twilight adjusted the sheets once she noticed Spike had passed out and kissed his forehead watching the pacifier bob in his mouth. She was confident Spike had learned his lesson. Maybe in the future, he would want to cuddle more with her. “Goodnight, Spike.’ She whispered, giving the snoozing baby a nuzzle before gently closing the door.

Comments ( 22 )

:duck: My Spikey makes cute babies
:twilightsheepish: You mean Spike makes a cute baby
:raritywink: I clearly said my Spikey Wikey makes cute babies
:rainbowlaugh: Spike makes for a lame dragon
:raritycry: Rainbow Dash!
:pinkiehappy: He's so cute when he waddles away in anger!:raritystarry: you remember that? :pinkiegasp: duh!

I think humiliation is a really mean uncalled for and frankly abusive punishment it's also something Twi would never do to Spike

I think what people are forgetting is, Spike read Starlight's diary. He had to punished a little, and only three of his friends really saw him in that state. The spell wears off in the morning, and it's Spike's own fault he got hit with it. It's not like his social life and status got completely destroyed for good. By the end of the week chances are even Rarity will have forgotten about it. :eeyup:

This was really cute and funny. I hope rarity can keep a photo. Xd:twilightsmile:

I liked this, I personally enjoy a little punishment story.

8086981 Well... He did read Starlight's diary. Every guy should know that a woman's diary is off limits. It's​ Spike's fault for the way he was treated.

Comment posted by Pearly_Glider deleted Apr 12th, 2017

Far from the worst I've read and the plot isn't too contrived. That said, the "Twilight is his 'mom'" angle is played to an awkward degree (and I don't just mean awkward for Spike, but for the semblance of character development and plot progression as well).

Punctuation for dialogue needs work (you actually reversed how it's supposed to be done) and a general editing pass is obviously needed, but the story isn't chock full of typos and poor phrasing, merely a smattering here and there. Style-wise it's somewhat bland, but there's at least an attempt made at using writing techniques like similes. Far too much reliance on stating "Spike did a thing, it was cute, you may 'awww' now", though.

Put a little more care into it and you might have an okay story on your hands.

Comments like this still make me annoyed, though. It's like saying, "Bah, who cares about Gordon Ramsey when I have this McCheese in front of me?"

8091072 (account created the very day the comment is made ) so kind of hard to take anything serious. Still yeah second half I'll admit was a bit weak whatever always next time

Take some pride in your work and you can rise above the morass.

The easiest issue to fix is your dialogue punctuation. This link covers almost every scenario you will come across while writing unless you try to get experimental:


That said, you really only need to learn how to punctuate in two scenarios; the dialogue ends with a speaker tag (E.g. he said) or an action tag (E.g. he shrugged). Learning that covers 99% of it, unless you start to get fancy with sentence flow. Do so and I will applaud your proactiveness and desire to improve. If you don't, I may not be so dismissive of the errors in your next story.

Ya screwed up Spike, ya screwed up.

Awww, that was so cute! :heart:

His cheeks turned pink again when Twilight giggled a bit. “Mom, stop laughing!” He squeaked, covering his face.

Twilight paused and blushed, feeling a warmth in her heart at being called a mother.

Aw, I love stories that have Spike and Twilight in a mother/son dynamic! So cute!


This story is so cute!

The first part was funny even if I felt bad for the little guy. The rest was cute. Loved Spike cuddling Twi at the end.

never read a ponies/persons diary

9799050 Gave it a proof read, os hopefully to reads better.

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