• Published 2nd Feb 2017
  • 6,047 Views, 60 Comments

Home and Hearth - Emperor

Spike warned Celestia about Twilight's impending meltdown in Lesson Zero. What if Spike was always sending letters to Celestia on Twilight's well-being? Sometimes, however, it backfires spectacularly for both. Momlestia with Spike

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Knock knock!

Princess Celestia, diarch of Equestria and the pony responsible for raising the sun, normally wasn’t afraid of the sound of someone knocking on a door. She had lived for a very long time, and had seen and done many things. Once, it had been the sound of her knocking on somepony else’s door that struck fear into her heart, as she delivered the news of a death to a close family member. Thankfully, Equestria had not been at war for many centuries.

She knew exactly why she was terrified this time. On the other side of the door was a baby dragon she had raised and considered her son, and they were about to have a conversation in which Celestia would have to admit her shortcomings. The presence of big flaws in his mother figure might strike Spike deep to the core.

Well, if it hasn’t already, Celestia admitted to herself. Between the way she had been wrong about Twilight’s reactions and how she was struck down by the Queen of the Changelings during the wedding reception, Spike might already be traumatised. To her eternal shame, it had taken Celestia nearly a full day after the wedding to be able to talk to Spike.

“Come in,” she called.

The door opened, and Spike sidled in, softly closing it behind him, as if he felt ashamed of somewhere. “Mom?” He whispered softly. “Oh, you let your hair down.”

Yes, I did. Her mane, normally floating off in the ethereal winds, was now lying down flat. Celestia only let her mane do so around a close few she trusted, and only in the most intimate, private of moments. That she was doing so now let Spike know he could relax and divorce himself from the formalities he was used to in less relaxed moments, which was most of the time around her.

“Come here Spike,” Celestia said, beckoning with her hooves.

“Oh, mom,” Spike said with visible tears in his eyes, hopping up and hugging her. “I was so worried when you got beat by that big bad bug! I thought we were done for!”

“There there, Spike, it’s alright now,” Celestia said, holding Spike in her hooves and letting him cry. Spike was noticeably larger than the last time he had cried in her legs, and Celestia found herself anguished at how much she had missed.

The pony and the dragon stayed that way for a while, each finding comfort in the other’s embrace as Spike’s body continued to shake with sobs. Celestia shed a few tears of her own, aware of how close Equestria had been lost the day before.

At last, Spike seemed to gain some semblance of control. Or perhaps he simply has no tears left to give, Celestia thought, before scolding herself. He is just a child. Do not be so cynical, Celestia. “Are you feeling better, Spike?” she asked in a soft, soothing tone of voice.

Spike sniffled a little pit, wiping his nose. His eyes were still runny, but he was breathing easier now. “Yeah,” he said, but the dragon made no effort to leave Celestia’s grasp.

“I asked my sister to field any questions and hold the fort for the next several hours. If you wish to talk to me, I have the time now,” said Celestia. She watched as Spike fidgeted, looking ready to say something, but always stopping just before he could work up the nerve. Celestia would have to coax him into it. “You wanted to talk about me being in the cocoon?”

Spike nodded.

Celestia bit her tongue. This was the toughest subject of them all. Get past this, and everything else would be easy. “I am not perfect, Spike, and I let down my guard. It was possible I could have died, but even if she had won, I do not think the changeling queen would have killed me. I am not immortal either, but I have lived all these years as well. I have sometimes lost, but I am still here today. Even Discord, as alien as he is to our beliefs, has always tried not to even maim a pony, let alone kill.” The words turned to ashes on her tongue, as she thought about the lone exception. That madpony to the north was due to return sometimes soon.

It was something she would have to work with Spike over for the next few days. Celestia made the note to ask her sister to keep an eye on Spike’s dreams and nightmares as well. She knew he would need them. She opted not to stay on this topic much longer, instead asking, “Would you like to talk about Twilight as well?”

“Yeah,” Spike said, thankful Celestia had brought the topic up. “Mom, we were wrong about her. How can I face her after that, after leaving her behind? She got kidnapped right after, mom! None of us thought to look for her, we weren’t even aware she was gone!”

“There, there,” Celestia said, giving Spike what she knew were empty words. They did their job nevertheless of comforting him. She had thought for a while about what to tell Spike, knowing he would be distraught over the way Twilight had been shunned after her tantrum. It had been a major kerfuffle on Celestia’s part, made even worse by the fact she had been wrong, but for all the right reasons.

Celestia had already chatted with Twilight about the events of the wedding. But it wasn’t Twilight Celestia was concerned with now, it was Spike, her surrogate son.

“Spike, do you know why I asked you to start sending me updates whenever you thought Twilight was having a really bad day?” she asked.

Spike made to speak, only to cough for a few seconds, clearing up his through. Finally, he said, “That’s easy. Twi’s a powerful magic user but also prone to nervous breakdowns. You’ve told me before self-discipline is as important as talent and practice in any field of life, mom, and Twilight just hasn’t gotten it yet.”

“Yes, that is essentially correct,” Celestia said. “But what I want to make clear to you Spike is that it was not your fault.”

The baby dragon looked up, wiping tears out of his eyes. “What do you mean?”

“I have had many students over the ages, Spike. Some were younger than Twilight was when she started, some were older than she is now. Most were fillies, a few colts. They were mainly unicorns, with the occasional Earth pony and pegasus. To a one, I was more than just a teacher to them, Spike, I was also a mentor,” Celestia explained. “I helped guide them as they grew up before my eyes. Some even considered me a mother much like you do, but in turn, I have learned how to handle ponies when they are having trouble. Let me ask you Spike, did it ever occur to you that Twilight was right and Cadance was in fact, evil, or more appropriately replaced by the changeling queen?”

Spike was slow to it, but eventually he shook his head. “No, it didn’t,” he said.

“Yes, and I would have thought the same as you did,” Celestia said, coaxing Spike out of his metaphorical shell. “I’ve presided over many, many weddings in my lifetime. Several dozen a year over thousands a year adds up to lots of ceremonies, and I even used to help plan them before stepping back in the last millenium. Almost every time, with only a few exceptions, the bride and the groom have become stressed out in the days leading up to the wedding. The bride especially often is obsessed with getting the best day of her life just perfect, and sometimes she snaps out at those just trying to help her. When I saw Cadance, every little odd action of hers fit in perfectly with what I have seen a thousand mares before her act like.”

Celestia looked down, and saw Spike was becoming more attentive to her. “But what about Twilight? Shouldn’t we have listened to her?”

“It was my intent to. After the fact, I have no right to ask for forgiveness. At the time, however, I wanted to let her stew for a while, and feel guilty about her actions. Then I would talk it over with her, much as I am with you,” Celestia explained. “She is not the first student I have had who lacks self-control, though she is getting better, thanks to her friends. What I would have done, had Cadance not actually been the queen of the changelings, is what I have tried and found to work the best with other students before.”

Spike looked down, burying his head into her chest. Celestia gave him some time to mull her words over. Even if Spike was the first dragon she had raised, she knew from experience it was for the best he had some room.

Then he spoke again. It was quiet, and Celestia strained to hear him. “Does Twilight know I’m sending letters about her?” he asked.

“No, she does not,” Celestia said. “I have kept all your letters in strict privacy. Twilight knows you and I talk, but I have only ever told her that it is your own issues we talk about. There is no reason for her to believe otherwise. You never stopped calling me mom, and I would not mind if you ever do.”

Spike popped his head back up, surprise at her last few words. She beamed back at him in return. The radiance of her smile had its intended effect, as Spike’s mood instantly lifted.

“Thanks mom,” Spike said, hugging her back again even harder.

“You’re welcome, son.”

They held their hug for several minutes. Celestia didn’t begrudge Spike for it: it had been many weeks since last he had been in Canterlot to see her.

Finally, Spike fidgeted, and she let go, setting him back down on the ground. Spike looked around her bedroom, examining the decorations, and seeing what she had swapped out since the last time he had been there. He was quick to notice one item. “You still have the fire ruby I gave you,” he commented.

It took Celestia a second to remember what he was saying, but she smiled when she did. “Yes. It is one of my most prized possessions. You gave it to me for Mother’s Day one year, even though you loved fire rubies.”

The two looked over at the fireplace, where a large fire ruby larger than the size of Spike’s curled up fist sat on the mantle. “I remember, you let me go out with a couple of the Royal Guards to dig for gems outside of Canterlot. What were their names again, Stonewall and Rampart I think?”

“Stonewall retired last year, though Rampart still works in the palace,” Celestia said, confirming his guesses. “I hear you gave up a fire ruby again to a pony you loved this year as well.”

Spike coloured at the light teasing. “Yeah, I gave Rarity one I dug up since she really liked it.”

“Even though it was your birthday present to yourself. That was most selfless of you, Spike, and I’m proud of you,” Celestia said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. Spike fidgeted even more under the kiss, but he didn’t back away.

That’s enough of the teasing for now. Someday, I will have to talk to him about his feelings for Rarity, but that day will not be today, Celestia decided. Instead, she asked, “Spike, do you want to stay with Twilight still?”

“Huh? What do you mean?” Spike asked, confused.

“I mean that if you do not want to stay with Twilight as her assistant any longer, you do not have to. You may return home, home where the heart is, or where the hearth is,” Celestia said, letting out a soft giggle as she looked at where the fire ruby was against the fireplace hearth. “I know I asked you to serve under Twilight for a little while, but that was to give her a steady support to lean on, a constant in her life if you will, and for you to gain some experience. I’m certain her worldly knowledge has rubbed off on you, has it not?”

“Y—yeah,” Spike said, sheepishly rubbing the back of his head. “I can recite all the laws of magic, eeeevverrryyyyy one of them,” he said, dragging one of his words out in a show of exasperation. He brought a claw up to his chin. “Let me sleep on it, mom. I don’t know. I would love to move back to Canterlot, but I also can’t help but feel Twilight still needs me. I mean, you just talked about what she’s like. Who knows, I might help her in the future. Maybe I’ll be the one to save her from the villain next time!” He said, puffing his chest out with a bit of bravado.

Celestia smiled at him, amused. “I’m sure you will do just fine, Spike.”

His chest sagged back into place. Spike was quiet again, and Celestia found herself on guard. It was moments like this when Spike was quiet that were the most important. Her suspicions were confirmed correct when he said, “Hey mom, can I sleep with you tonight?”

She raised an eyebrow. Spike really had been shaken by the day before. Celestia knew it both intellectually and spiritually, but that he had asked that still rattled her. She gave him a soft smile again. “Of course, Spike. I’ll just let the guard know to let Twilight know where you are at.”

“Thanks, mom,” Spike said, sighing in relief.

Hours later, as they tucked in for bed, the moon high in the sky, Celestia hugged Spike in close. The dragon grabbed at her, embracing her warm body again. “Good night, son,” she whispered.

Author's Note:

If any proofreaders wish to point out errors, please do not do it for Spike's scrolls. I deliberately put in a few mistakes to reflect he is a kid, and so his writing will not be perfect. Anything else is fair game. The non-italics version of the first two chapters are for those readers who have a hard preference for non-italics.

Anyways...this isn't a story about Twilight. It's a story that revolves around Twilight, but it's more about Spike. It evolved out of my thought process about Spike saving the day in Lesson Zero by warning Celestia Twilight was having a major meltdown. From there, I considered how he might have done it in other episodes as well. It works perfectly for It's About Time, to the point Celestia even pops up at the end of the episode practically trolling Twilight, as if she knew what was going on.

Then I thought about A Canterlot Wedding and how it could majorly backfire on them if Celestia has a second opinion she relies on to think Twilight is just having a major fit. And really, from Celestia's opinion, she was wrong, but for all the right reasons. It's heavily implied Twilight hasn't seen Cadance in several years, and ponies change in that time, not to mention the potential bias of wedding stress. But the character really affected here is Spike, and that's where I turned it into a chance for Momlestia with Spike.

Anyways, this was written in a month where I challenge myself to write a fanfiction a day. If you liked this, consider Glimmer in the Snow, an origin story of Our Town with a focus on Double Diamond and Starlight Glimmer!

Comments ( 34 )

This was truly an enjoyable read.
Short but sweet^^

RB_ #2 · Feb 2nd, 2017 · · 1 ·

Well, that was nice and sweet.

Couple things in chapter two:

1) Celestia uses 'Bridesmaids', but Spike uses 'Bridesmares'. It doesn't come off as being a typo made by Spike, so I don't know if that was intentional, but it stood out as being odd.


'Luna and me'.

C'mon, Emp. You're better than this. It's Celestia saying it too, so you have no excuse.

And in chapter three:

To a one, I was more than just a teacher to them

Not sure what you were trying to say, there. 'To each one', maybe?

7915795 In the show, isn't the term "bridlemaids"?


7915833 Episode transcript on the Wiki has it as 'bridesmaids'.

7915838 Hmm, good point. For some reason I've always heard it as "bridlemaids," and I've seen fanfics that have it each way.

Myself, I like the more equine term, but that's just me.

More Momlestia and Spike fics!!!

mad man back at again with some FLUFF

7915795 'To a one' is a bit of an archaic expression that kind of says "each of them" but also "down to the very last one of them". You also see it as "to a man" as in "Did Washington have their support? They supported their leader to a man".


7916251 Ah, my mistake then.

Very nice! :twilightsmile: I love these sorts of stories, and the Spike / Celestia relationship is almost always on I like to see explored. Looking forward to the rest of your challenge stories! :raritywink:

Oh, and this of course deserves some :moustache: :moustache: :moustache: :moustache: :moustache:

I love Momlestia and Spike stories. I love them to death.

Henceforth, I love this story.


Thanks, editing the 'Luna and me' to 'Luna and I'. I rewatched It's About Time and ACW beforehand, and I think I know what happened: I used bridesmaids correct the first time as actually said in ACW, then tripped up on it the second time because I was thinking bridesmares again after Shining Armor's multiple uses of the term 'best mare'. 7916251 addresses that last point about 'to a one'.

7916592 Thank you very much!

7916766 Do you know, I actually had it as part of my headcanon that Chrysalis had a changeling take Twilight's place for a day? That's likely why I didn't even think about that even as I used the alternative perspective to flesh out Celestia abandoning Twilight so quickly. I suppose that can be the official reason for this fic, that a changeling imitated Twilight for a day, so everypony else was peripherally aware that she was supposedly still around.

Otherwise, thanks, yeah. ACW is something I've thought a little bit about in terms of the timeline, and so this fic employs a little of my reasoning (for example, that Celestia and Spike both realise Twilight hasn't seen Cadance in years and think Twilight is expecting Cadance to be the exact same pony she was five or ten years ago).

Agreed, I hate it when fics act like the two barely know each other. Even canon says that Celestia raised Spike through much of his early years.

Lovely and beautiful. Beautifully lovely. Beautifullovely! :pinkiehappy:
Always refreshing to read something so family oriented, from anywhere. I'm glad I got to read this. I'd like to view what else you have in store. Very, well done.

Beautiful chapter. Loved it.

I love momlestia stories, especially if spike is the son in it. Great story, great dialogue, and even great imaginary as well. I want more momlestia.

Bravo, Emp! Momlestia and Spike is something there always needs to be more of, and this tied together several episodes very neatly. :twilightsmile:

Really nice to see a Momlestia and Spike story. Usually all the maternal Celestia stories are focused on Twilight (or more recently Sunset), so poor Spike is always overlooked. Well, either that or Twilight is his parent/big sister figure, and considering how big of an oblivious jerk Twilight is pre-Ponyville, that's not exactly a good role model.

Great way of weaving this in with canon too. The time travel episode was basically Twilight going crazy again, as well as coming up with good reasons for why Twilight hasn't talked to Cadance in years. If shapeshifters hadn't been introduced, Twilight would have been in the wrong at the wedding, but of course in the end the show has to have it so that Twilight is right while everyone else is wrong.

I do wonder sometimes about Celestia intentionally having Spike there as an early warning system on Twilight, especially at his age, but nice way of framing it as a learning experience for him too. I wish canon had more to say on how Spike fits into the sort of family between Twilight and Celestia, but otherwise great fics like this help fill in the blanks.

Wow, I didn't know I needed a fic like this in my life. That was adorable. Nice job.

This is simply grand.

7919508 I didn't realize that until I got to the author's note on the last chapter.

I really do like this. It's a nice change and an interesting insight into Spike's life, in addition to showing him in his more childlike form. I've seen fics with the odd premise of the Mane 6 sending letters to Celestia, but never Spike.

Nice job weaving in various bits of other episodes, like the Moondancer reference. Good story.

This is a very good short story.

I really liked reading this.

7924247 I'm not sure if she outright confirmed it or just suggested this. I personally love this scenario but logically I think it was more likely either Spike spent his early years in a nursery raised by various staff or Twilight did take him home to his own family.

Interesting. Very interesting. I would like to read more Behind-the-Scenes stories like this.

7920809 Hi SR,

I saw your response when you first posted it. I just haven't really gotten up to responding to this until now. However, I am glad for your comment, as it is really fair criticism. In fact, it's the only real good criticism I've seen and don't mind getting a downvote over.

I did write this in under a day, but I've had the idea bouncing around in my head for longer than that, so that's not really much to defend it on.

Faux-Cadance's actions weren't defensable, but again, look at it from the perspective of Spike and Celestia. As far as they know, Twilight hasn't seen Cadance in a decade (roughly, given she describes Cadance as her foalsitter...and nothing more recent than that). In 9999 out of 10000 cases, it's not going to be that the broom has been replaced by an evil shapeshifter, it's that your mental image of how somebody should be is tainted by time and nostalgia.

Celestia does rely on Spike's opinions, too, since he spends significantly more time around her. Abandoning Twilight is a jerkass move of hers, but I would hope at least in the context of this fic she has better justification for it.


This was good, and I'd definitely like to see you explore this further in the future. There are a lot more episodes where this connection between Spike and Celestia would fit in in interesting ways, particularly the season 1 episodes when Celestia was really messing with Twilight, and there are also some interesting opportunities to play things the other way with episodes like Boast Busters where Spike was at fault and Twilight was being the more mature one where Celestia would have to read between the lines and tell Spike to step back. It also has some interesting possibilities in a few of the messes of episodes like Mare Do Well where Celestia could be a hidden player during the episode or running damage control after the fact, and it could open up some interesting opportunities to explore how Spike and possibly Celestia interact with the rest of the girls since there really isn't much there in the show.

I liked the angle, but Celestia as "mom" i didn't like much. Twilight hatched him. If anything she is his mom. That may be just me.

Cute fic with good feels. I’m still not sure about the mom thing, but it works for the story.

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